Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, July 11, 1907, Image 8

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    1 .
Forest Grove, Oregon
Surplus & Profits
25.000. 00
10 . 000 . 00
General Banking Business Transacted
R. M. Dooly, J. E. Loomis, H. C. Wortman,
Frank E. Dooly, R. M. Dooly, Jr.
Miss Liberia Brown, who is professor
of languages at Whitworth College.
Tacoma, is here visiting her father,
H. w. sparks , local editor .
Alvin Brown, one of the old pioneers
of Oregon.
J. H. Devlin of Portland, was out to
Edgar Meresse of the Salem States­
a ir e Grove July 4.
man. was in the city Sunday visiting
Bud White was in from his ranch his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Meresse,
and while here made this office a
bo ■ar Gales City Tuesday.
pleasant call.
Mrs. Jack Latta spent last Friday at
Mrs. Harry Stuart and little son,
celebration at Carlton.
Douglas, returned from Minneapolis
I Misses Theresa Stribich and Mabel last week, where they have been
: rjrtz spent the Fourth in Portland.
vis’ting Mrs. Stuart’s parents for some
Miss Kate Reuter of Portland, spent two or three months.
co inday with her parents on Davids
This year is the fiftieth anniversary
> 1UI.
of the game of basebail. Many kinds
Andy Shock who graduated from the
Jim Thompson of Tualatin and Al­
Medical Department of Northwestern
fred Gilbert of Portland, were guests at
the Shannon home last week. Both of University. Chicago, with this year s
the boys formerly atteuded college class, has been visiting his brother in
here and “ Gillie” has been a student the WaU District for several days last
at Yale for the past two years where (week. Andy used to be one of the
he won the world’s championship for boys here and always in for one of the i
light weight wrestling and the nation’s ; best times available, but since he left ?
here he has settled down to be a pro- j
crown in the pole vault.
fessional. H e graduated a few years
(rQm the NorthwesteTO Dental Col-
Mr. and Mrs Whited left the other
. I .
I— I
day for Forest Grove,
Oregon, t to A VKlf
visit lege
and was demonstrator in that in-
at the home of J. H . Hartley, Mrs. stitution for a year before going to
Whired and Mrs. Hartley being sisters. medical college. He left yesterday;
Mrs. W. L. Cady, mother of the two for Chicago and will enter a hospital in
ladies named above, accompanied Mr. | that city for several months work when
and Mrs. Whited to P'orest Grove, i he will launch out upon the career of
where she will visit until about Sep-
Alfred D. Shock, his brother,
tember 1.— Madison City (N e b .) Star, j who graduated
from P. U. and who
Mr. and Mrs. Whited will locate in studied philology in the leading uni­
this city.
versities of Europe as well as in Amer­
Miss Gladys Hartley, who has been ica, has just returned from a trip into i
absent at Forest Grove, attending the j Mexico. He is now locate dout of St. 1
commencement exercises of the Pacific, Louis a few miles.
University, of which she was a former!
student, returned home dudng the
week. While in that city Miss Gladys
At a meeting of the city council
j had the honor of serving as bride’s held Tuesday evening in the city hall
„ maid at the
, , wedding
. . . which
n made
, D . W. the resignation of marshal U. G.
V. Shively, Jr., and Miss Pearl Peter- Hanna was ^
and accepled> and lhe
son man and wife. She stated that her municipal fathers will fill the vacancy
visit to the college town had been a at a special meeting called for next
most delightful one.— Hood River Gla­
! Friday evening.
The Finance committee and Treas-1
TV re you looking
lor a
Comfortable Suit
tor the
'V O L . V
If you are you can get them,
Good enough tor anybody,
Cheap enough for everybody
Arthur Mills has been engaged by of ball were played before that time,
P*"' le college to work all summer on the but the association drafting rules was j
1 1 ampus.
Harvey Baldwin went to Portland urer’s reports were read and accepted
organ zed SO years ago.
flf 1
Tuesday and brought a "scoot” wagon and sight warrants ordered drawn.
~ j Miss Flossie Moye of Gaston v
Amity, Yamhill county, is to have a
Upon motion of S B. Stanett the
b* ¡siting friends in this city the first of milk condenser. A meeting was held ! out with him—went on the train and
returned via the gasoline consumer. library bill of 852.50 was ordered paid
;j he week.
Tuesday and a joint stock company
A chauffeur drove Harvey out to Hills­ out of the Library Fund.
•A Mrs. Zoa Hartrampf has moved t0 organized with a ccpital of 842.500. boro and there turned the machine
The committee on streets and pub­
J r ler residence on Third street near
! over to him. After stopping awhile at lic property spoke of the condition of
I milk.
Jacific avenue.
the county seat, Harvey climed into sidewalk on Second street, between
Mrs. F. Clark returned last week his new acquisition and tried to start Pacific and First avenues and were in- -
v Mrs. Fannie Clark has moved to
^ Thatcher where she will remain for a horn a visit with her daughter in Port­ for home but sdmehow it would not structed to give owners notice of same.
land. Miss Alma Clark accompanied budge.
He phoned up to Grant Special committee on the Rogers’ Li
rouple of months.
her mother to the Rose City and re­ Hughes who went down and drove the brary property reported. Councilman
7 1 Charlie Stevens who is in the barber mained several days after her return to wagon to the Grove.
Walker thought from what he h eard ;
fc business at Buxton was in town the this city.
that it would be best to leave the su b -!
- calore part of the week.
Banks defeated the Dutch in a hard
ject to a vote of the people.
Episcopal services will be held in
•. Ex Editor Hoge. wife and daughter, Christian Science hall on Filth street, fought and exciting game last Sunday
Councilman Starrett said that Mrs.
, Mabel, left Monday evening for a two Sunday evening at 8 o’clock, by Rev. on the formers’ grounds, score 5 to 6. Rogers had assured him that there i
The score stood 5 to 4 in favor of the
• weeks sojourn at Seattle.
W. A. M. Break of Portland. All are Dutch until the last half of the ninth should be no legal catch in such deed .
Bert Pomeroy of Rainier came up cordially invited, especially the Epis­ when Banks took a brace and shot a but everything satisfactory to the
P • last week and spent several days visit- copalians.
couple of men over the rubber for two
Draft of an ordinance am endingj
ing the Wagner families.
The Forest Grove Colts were defeat­ scores. At this juncture pandemonium street ordinance was read and referred
The First National Bank has added ed by the Chemawa Indians at Dallas broke loose in the Banks camp and
for additions.
•5000 as surplus which makes their July 4th by a score of 7 to 4. It was reigned for some time. Young Cars-
capital and surplus f35,ooo.
a good game from start to finish, al­ tens pitched and Saunders caught for
the victors and Hiram Davis twirled for Balance on hand June 1 ....8 2 7 7 9 69
George Wilcox was in from Green­ though the Colts were considerably
Received for lights................ 247 27
ville the first of the week and renewed handicapped.
“ water.................. 210 31
Haven Belknap, the genial apothe­
his subscription to the News.
John E Bailey has a standing offer
S E Todd sto c k . . .
cary who formerly waited upon Dr. of 8100 for a man who will start np a
L ,r
Mrs. Janey Cheney Keuney of
W Hoge, impounded
Hines’ customers, has purchased a laundry in this city, and there are no
Seattle, is visiting with her mother,
sto c k ............................
drug store at Junction City, and Dame conditions to this offer other than that
Mrs Elbridge Cheney in this city.
W Hoge, dog ta x . . . .
rumor has it that Dan Cupid is work­ the man run a first-class laundry.
Mrs. Maud St. Clair of Portland ing on him too.
This is a good offer especially since a
spent Sunday at the home of her par­
Will Hatfield arrived here last week laundry ought to be a paying proposi­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Almoran Porter.
from Nebraska via Silver Bell, Arizona,
A Mr. McKane of
W. R. Willis, the genial hardware where he has been visiting his brother the business.
Bal. Gen. fund ..................... 81338 24
merchant of Banks, passed through and Mrs. Susie Jackson Hatfield. Mr. Portland was out here last Friday be­
this city Monday, on his way to Port­ Hatfield is the guest of Mrs. A. Jack-
over the ground for a laundry and he Bal. on hand June 1 ............. 37
son of this city.
may start up one here. He is a man Collected in J u n e ...
R. C. Ratcliffe of Scholls was found of experience.
Don Giltner who is working in a har­
Transferred from Gen. f u n d .. 660 05
ness shop in Portland visited with dead in his woodshed, Monday, by his
In this week’s paper appears an ad.
friends in the Grove several days last wife. He had been spl tting wood and
890 89
| was overcome by the heat which brought of Goff Bros., offering a high class sew­
on an attack of paralysis it is thought ing machine at a remarkably low figure, Paid o u t................................
John Devlin and wile of Jacksonville,
80 05
He was 65 years old.
besides giving the purchaser the pri­
Oregon, parents of Mrs. Chas. Hines,
W. P. Spaulding and wife returned
are spending a month in this city as
last week from their trip to Calilornia cents per week. In another oaper j Baiance on hand June 1 ......... 283.05
her guests.
They returned improved in health and an ad. of a similar character is being Paid Library Board..................... 55.83
Mrs. H. C. Lydick and Jake Giltner
greatly delighted with the travel, having run for a cheap Portland Mail Order
of Nebraska, are here visiting their re-
several points of interest in the house that makes the same offer. It I B a la n ce....................................... 228.04
htives, the Giltners, and will remain
j southern state, including Mt. Shasta is obvious why you should patronize
during the summer.
your home merchant. You can’t build 1
Allan Dilley, who was hauling hay up Forest Grove and vicinity by send-1 Total balance on h and......... 81643.34
There will be a social dance at the
on Schofield’s place. Gales Cteek, ing your money to Portland where it
picnic grounds at Hillsboro, Saturday,
Monday, received several cuts and will go into pockets that, by no avenue, J G Lenniville, repairs on gra­
July 13. Music by Walkers orchestra.
bruises caused by the load upsetting. are open to you.
der and watei clam ps........... 3.00 |
Everybody invited.
| His right ankle was ccnsi derabty bruised
J F McGill, blacksmithing. . . .
1.05 |
Mrs. Levy and children, Ben and L J Corl, salary for June ......... 15.00 I
Miss Lorena Gleason, formerly of and his left knee was cut. Dr. Via
Elizabeth, had a mishap on the way
this city and who is teaching in the ! was called and made the patient
commission................ 6.80'
home from Hillsboro which might have
state of Washington, is in the citv as fortable.
freight paid S P C o .. 51.00 I
the guest of friends.
Misses Dora Baker, Merle Shanahan resulted in something more serious H D Ott, hauling pipe................ 6.75 |
than fright and a few bruises. Thev A L Ott,
“ ................ 6.75
Eight Telegram men have fallen | and Elsie Simonson started for a vaca­
were driving their little sorrel horse and O P Eldridge, laving p ip e....... 3.75 !
victims of the marriage germ inside of
“ . . . . 9 87 j
that many months. Moral: Don’t en-I I will attend the N. E. A. at Los Ange tan off the culvert out on the Corne­ Clyde Crossley “
ter the journalistic career.
les and visit various places of interest. lius road opposite the Col.H avnes C Van Dorn, work on ditch___ 1.25 !
ranch. Elizabeth was thrown out head Ward Munkers “
*' .........
J .3 8 1
Geo. R. Bennett and wife and daugh-' 1 They expect to return by the middle first between the shafts and Ben went
of August.
F G Times...................... ............
ter, Mary, of Souix City, Iowa, are
pell-mell over the front wheel. The
visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs. 1 Loren Watkins and Noah Baker re­ little sortel pony trotted on as if noth­ S E T odd....................31.75 I
James Stevens in this city.
ing had happened and Mrs. Levy was
that their uncle. G. M. Watkins, was
Mrs. Ernest Stewart of Reno, Nevada, severely ill and they went over immed­ so excited that she caught hold of the Library ......................................... 5 2.701
and Mrs. Esther Kane of Portland, are iately. Mr. Watkins died Thursday wheel of the buggy and bruised her A E Fardner.................................... 6.50
hand in trying to stop the horse instead
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
evening. He was 62 years old and
of taking hold of the lines.
Wm. Kane, on Filth Street.
: had lived in Tillamook for the past
A D o g 's J s a lo u s y .
Misses Harriet and Louise Wyllie o f! f nine years.
That the sagacity of animals is almo t 1 Dana la a huge St. Bernard who has
Fort land are spending the summer at
Goff Brothers have again shown their equal to that of the genus homo in his own Ideas as to his Importance.
¿pring Hill farm as the guests of Miss public spirit and progress by installing many cases is nicely proved in a bit of Whenever he wishes to attract atten
rie and Miss Anna Johnson.
I their big hardware store on the comer heroism and wisdom shown by a cow tlon he knocks hts water pall over and
then rolls It around, growling at It and
\fc - Wm. Kertson ol this citv re­ of Pacific Avenue and Main Street with in this citv last week. A chicken had making a great fuss. Then he puts
returned from Timber Valley a tank of ice water for the public. tried to fly over a fence and instead hts head In and throws the pail high
ngton where she was the guest Nothing is appreciated more these hot got its head caught between tha pick­ In the air, batting at It with his paws
days than a nice dipper of sparkling ets. The fowl flopped its wings for as It comes down. If this does not
friend. Miss Mabel Bryant.
ice water and it can be had without the dear life and squalled as loud a: it have the desired effect he picks up
and Mrs. Grant Hughes and »»king at Goff’s Store.
could until its wind was almost com­ the pall by the handle and takes it Into
ns Helen Hughes went up the creek
The Chehalis Washington Nugget of pletely shut off, when a cow noticed the barn, w here the noise Is Increased
lart flanriiv in the “ beniine wagon”
date savs, "The many friends of the proceedings and ran with breakneck by far owing to the wooden floor. This
looking for a good pi ice for camping
Miss Maud Maynard and Geo. R. Sib speed to the spot of the hanging. performance la given whenever the
I. W. Baldwin, who lives west of ley are congratulating them on the an­ With rare presence of mind she placed horse Is petted or when strangers come
town is making some improvements on nouncement of their engagement her nose beneath the poor chick and to the house.—Chicago Tribune.
his place and by the time he gets The wedding will occur early in Sep­ raised gently upward with the result
G r e e n w i c h O b s e rv a to r y .
through he will have a splendid home. tember.” Mr. Sibley is well known in that the fowl was dislodged and is alive
year 1675 King Charles II. of
H e has removed all underbrush from this city having been formerly in the to Wy eggs to verify the story. If
England founded the royal observatory
h s acre and a half of prunes and put employ of the Pacific Coast Condensed Roosevelt should see this he might at Greenwich In order that astronom
on some additions to his house.
question the veracity of the tale but it leal observations might be made for
Milk Company here.
was given to us as straight good«.
the assistance of sailors. The history
At th(
.council i
tion of N
T he a
Mayor L
of the rn
tion of I
her beat
public li
were inv
and nav
’ ,* sd.
W e have just received a large stock of the finest
quality of Glassware we have ever received. It
Water Sets, fruit dishes, salad dishes, cream­
ers, vinegar cruets, pickle dishes, salts and
peppers, vases, sauce dishes, etc.
You Will Want Them When You See Them
All pure white glass and they are beauties.
Forest Grove
as it is i
the cat
a park a
'a n d sho
those w.
And the
design e
and ligt
two big
afford ;u
lu Sc
Y ou will never be
you buy a
T a k e n Up.
Iron-Tone is immediately taken up by the blood and thus
begins its good work as soon as taken.
from us.
We give not only the best
goods made but a guarantee.
been in business here long
enough to insure the public of our
reliability and are willing and we
always do, stand back of our repre­
and we_can sell them at right prices.
You will make a mistake if you don’t
see us before you buy
Well we have the largest stock in
Washington county.
of the observatory has been the hts
— Men’s canvas oxfords also canvas tory of chronology and of this praett
shoes the latest styles swing and cal side of astronomy. Its work and
straight lasts, Blucher cut. At Bailey's. Its standards bare tweome distinctly
er. Charlie Jackson.
F o rv ile by all Druggists. Price 50 cents.
Let ns send you our little
S h e H a d a Substitute .
Dick Baker has a new hay press
Influential Member I am g|ad to no
~ ° * . >N; Renew Your Vitality,” which tells you what IRON TONE is and
and is now ready to do hay baling
dee. doctor, that your wife never tnrna
what it win| do. You can have it for the asking.
iriM ■ '
her head to see who .-omen Into churek
«A A
— Dr. F.iton will be in his office un­ late on Sunday morning The Rev nr K
Addres»vGROVER MEDICINE CO., Woodbum, Ore.
Goodman Ntx but she mak<s me
til the 15th Inst.
her all about them after wo go bo;
Dealer in
d I
-- ■ O U R ^ i i i n ■ VI
b u fim i
she wot
why shi
for librs
and bet
park cu
arc. wor
Our floor is covered with
a choice line of vehicles at all times
International. The meridian of Green
wloh now determines the lougtltnd^l
FOR SALE— lood McCormick bind­ the world —Exchange
ny y
Forest Urovc. Ore.,
Pacific A ve. [ j
cities r
park bi
ities ha
heir to