HENRY WATTERSON SAYS HE KNOWS A DEMOCRAT WHO CAN WIN. f LAME EVERY MORNING Ender- by’s Caller i j A Bad Back Is Always Worss ' 1.1 ths MornlnQ. Forest Grove People are Finding Relief. D A back that ache» all day and causes | discomfort at night is usually worse in | L -he morning Makes you leel as il j i (!) * j-ou hadn't slept at all Can’t cure a bad back until you - cure the kidneys. Doan’s Kidney ft Pills cure sick kidneys— make you leel - better, work better, rest better and In Tb.-re was a ring nt the bell of Mr». I 'em nr mnKinff a living." nn ««"J « Enderby's aobooL The pupil* had gene last. “prove* Uiat the fault was In borne fur the .lay. and Mr*. Enderby “On the contrary, he was very ener­ L' sleep better went to the door. A man whose fea­ getic and very bright. He received an . I. N. Ridgeway, with the Oregon Nursery Com­ pany and living at 205 Commercial St . Salem. Or.. ture* denoted that he might be from excellent salary, but we spent It all lays " I knew I had k id n e y trouble »cau ae there forty live to fifty, but whose hair was and more. I managed our household were pains in the small of my back and twinges when I stooped or lifted. Even at night the pain? quite white, »food before her. lie had affair* and should have managed them 2 were still theie and mornings I arose lame and sore I »»red easily and felt languid and was sometimes a white beard and wore colored glasses. more economically.” drcjdfu'lv nervous. Occaatonally I had headaches "I* this Mrs. Enderby’s school'/'’ "How long ago did your husband go and at such times my Sigh» would be blurred. There bo was also a sediment In the secretions My exper “It Is." she replied. away?" lence proved that Doan's Kidney Pills have no su­ “It Is now about fifteen years.” "Is Mr*. Emlerby at home?” perior for curing kidney complaint and backache They a»r )u$t the thing every suffeiei from these One word more on this subject. Mrs. "I am Mr*. Emlerby." troubles should use. Nothing could have suited my I desire to speak with you with ref- pnderby. and 1 will not presume fur- case better They went right to the seat of the trouble and completely relieved me. Doan's Kidney •rence to putting my little niece un- thpr Fifteen years’ absence Is quite ! Pills have my endorsement.” der your care." enough to get a divorce for desertion. Foi sale by all dealers. Price 5C The gentleman was Invited In and p ,, not waste your life from a relnc- Foster-Milburn Co., Buflalo, made many inquiries hfL cents. regarding the tanoe to break bonds that have decay- j New York, sole agents lor the United terms of tuition and other mutters per- P(j j pt the law make you a single wo j talnlug to the school. Then he asked: man. Marry again and bo happy.” States. "Are you married. Mrs. Enderby?” “sir, by what right do you offer this Remember the name— Doans— an.' Mrs. Enderby looked pained. "I can t y(mr unasked advice?” take no other. answer that question," she said. “I “The right any man has to endeavor ! don't know whether my husband is liv- to makP an injured woman see the Ing or dead.” true path before her. And I am ready The Story o f a Medicine. The gentleman looked sympathetic, to make good my words. I.et me lie Its name—"Golden Medical Discovery1 sub- ymlr protector. Give up this school. I WM suggested by one of Its most Import , and Mrs. Enderby changed , the , , uni and uluable Ingredients — Gulden ' Ject. But It was not long before her hnve plenty for us both visitor made an excuse to return to It. “jj0w dare you?” Seal root. AT THE CHURCHES Nearly forty years ago, I)r. I’lcrce dis­ “It seems a pity.” he said, “thnt so >.| a(]nltt your right to be offended— GOLF DINNER. covered that lie could, by the use of pure, young a woman should be prevented ( g Rtranger to come Into your house triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cer­ from marrying by nn uncertainty ns nn(j make you such an offer upon our lecture hour. The totaf is little less A M#nu and Decorations suggestive of M. E. Church tain degree of constantly maintained to the fate of an unworthy man .” first meeting. But I am alone In the than amazing. Take the New Uarnp- the Gr.me. beat and with the aid of apparatus and "I hog your pardon, sir; I did not n-(>r|,i unj crave sympathy. After all, shire report, for instance, which Is for _____ R e g u la r p re a c h in g se rv ic e s at th e M ethodist church 1 appliances designed for that purpose, ex­ At a dinner where the guest of honor tyrry „ „ , m and „ 8:00 p m Slmil | are I1(,t surb unions In a sense expe.-i- nine months only, ending Oct. 1, 1900. tract from our most valuable native me­ say m.v husband was unworthy.” was H famous goll l*la>el tile ora- , school at 10 a. m.; F.pworthLtaKue7;00p. m.; MW -wefk * "You do not need to say so. The mental? In your former union you During the nine months there were giv­ dicinal roots their curativo properties tlons and menu were suggestive of the S e rv ic e , T h u rsd ay , 8:30 p. m . much better than by the use of alcohol, very fact that he Is not living with W(.re duly courted, but the courtsh'p en In various granges of the state the game. The centerpiece w as n minia­ REV. H . GO ULD. Pastor. so generally employed. So the now world- yon Indicates It.” ,lld not prevent the parting XTli* following: ture golf link cleverly made of tiny famed "Golden Medical Discovery,” for l don't see, sir, what my husband |in(v.TS but that In the present case > Selections of vocal music, 4.292: se­ German Lutheran Church °J ha* to do with your sending your n niece long continued happiness may result?' lections of instrumental music, 3,154; ferns and the pretty creeping Selaginel- dyspepsia, torpid liver, er biliousness and . . „ la mecurata. with its dainty leaves in "You are a singular man,” said th* readings and recitations, 7.21X1: essays, T h e G erm an L u th eran s hold s e rv ic es on the 2n All ‘ “ these ln- fault It Is your duty to undo what you hope that my husband would com* grammes, 134,784. scarlet silk flags indicated hazards. At gredients have re 3L &3Eif a.- have done to bring about a separation. hack to me. I admit that that hop* Three questions were assigned for si­ either end the smllax en wreathed can­ Bible School, S u n d a y ............................................ 10:00 a. m,,| ahWcmenrirom>e leading me multaneous discussion. In February it<. Xcilcliers and yTrli-irZ R„t i have assumed thnt It Is not your grows slighter every day. Neverthe­ 217 granges considered the teaching of dlesticks shed a cheerful glow through C om m union and p r e a c h in g ................................... 11:00 a. m, J . Ju n io r M ission B a n d ................................................ 3:00 p. m. a lien w h y r e e n m n e n d I h r m a . t h » less I cannot turn from my early love. nature studies In our common schools shades of scarlet. -CIlH^jics fop diseases for Wl):cn' fnuir.’ On the face of the large white cards C hristian E n d e a v o r.................................................. 6:30 p. m. The man's tone was so firm and 1 shnll die waiting for him." and 803 persons spoke upon this sub­ P re a c h in g .................................................................... 7:30 p. m. M W ies6°cn5orsemeni!i Tlal withal so kindly thnt the lady's man- If the stranger had been a hurried ject before 5,421 people. In May the was written the date with nn attrac­ P ir y e r m eeting on T hursday n ig h t. tive outdoor sketch in water colors, been compiled by Dr. R. V. Bierce, of | ner reward him changed wooer, he was now a demonstrative REV. S IA S , Pastor, j question whether the state should T>ay Buffalo, N. Y., and will be mailed Jrte to while on the back was the menu, the “It was my fault." she said. “I mar­ one. He threw his arms about the for the damage done by game animals any one asking same by postal card, or heading of which read: ried a man and sought to change hl,n letter addressed to the lloctor as above. lady and covered her face with kisses. protected by law was raised. Nine Congregational Church From these endorsements, copied from , to meet my views. He said that he Disengaging herself from him. she " G o lf a n d th e m a n I s in g hundred and two speakers addressed standard medical Ixxiks of all the differ­ was perfectly satisfied with me as l,e Sunday School at 10 a . m . M orning P re a c h in g Ser- W h o e m u lo u s p ile s stood crimson with indignation. ent schisila of practice, It will bn found 4,929 people on this matter. T h e p o in te d clu b , w h o se balls j v 'c e at 11 o ’clock. E v e n in g s e rv ic e at 7:30 p. m, that the Ingredient* composing the "Gold­ found me. while I must need ‘make ' “Mary.” he said. I n v a d e th e s k ie s ." i V tu ig P eople’s M eeting h e 'd a t 6:30 p. m. Mid-week en Medical Discovery" are ailvist« not hint over.’ Another trouble between T h e d riv e off. She startrG. The word was spok“e ! serv ic e on T hursdays at 7:30 p . m. C o -o p e r a tio n In N e w J e rs e y . only for the cure of the above mentioned us was that neither of us had I ks n as she had often heard it spoken be­ (O y s te rs h a lv e d in tw o .) REV. H . W . BOYD. Pastor. \ diseases, but also for the cure of all va- 1 brought up to know the value of mon­ We shall have to look to New Jersey 1 A spoon s h o t. fore. The stranger pulled off his glass tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections, (C o n so m m e .) accompalned with catarrhal discharges, ey, and we were living beyond our In- es. Their absence made a great change to find grange co-operation jn purchas- | O u t o f th e w a te r . Free Methodist lug farm supplies most generally prac- 1 hoarseness, sore throat, lingering, or eome. I tried to lessen our expendi­ In him. (B ro ile d s m e lts, t a r t a r s a u c e .) hang-on-coughs, and all those wasting tures, but failed. Finally a crash canve, ticed. Here are a few figures showing T h e la s t hole. j T h ere will be p rea c h in g se rv ic es in the F ree Mefhc- “Tom!" she gasped. “Are you Tom?" affections which. If not promptly and (G obble o f a n c h o v ie s .) the value of such purchases ior twelve I dist C hurch e v e ry Sunday at 11 a. m . and 7:30 p. m. properly treated are liable to terminate snd 1 went to live with my mother. “Yes; I am Tom.” T h e a p p ro a c h . REV. H . K. BOW M AN. Pastor, jfl In consumption. Take Dr Pierce's Dis- My husband went away, saying that If She flew to his arms, and they were months In several granges: Vineland. 1 ( F ile ts o f fow l w ith p e a s.) covery In time and persevere in Its use he ever made enough money to keep $48,000; Friesburg, $.3,200; Somerset. G ra ss e d . clasped In a silent embrace. Then he until yoii give It a fair trial and It Is not $5,000; Medford. $7.000 or $8,000; (M a sh e d p o ta to e s .) Christian Science. likely to disappoint. Too much must not me In comfort he would come hack to told her that when he went away h* A fo u l s h o t. be cxtsvted of It. It will not perform me. He has never come, so I suppose had resolved to work and save till he Hope, $2,700; Morristown, $43,000; (W o o d c o ck .) , Services ev e ry Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m . * miracles. It will not cure consumption he has remained poor. Perhaps he 1« bad grown rich. ITe had done both and Riverside, $14.335; Columbia«, $4,500; O n th e g re e n . 1 it the C hristian Science H all, 115 South F ifth Street || In Its advanced stages. No medicine will. dead." Mulllca Hill, $7,000; Pioneer, $3.500: (C re ss.) I had come back to claim her. It trill cure the affii-tlun* that lead up ta A d a n g e r o u s h a z a rd . Mercer. $0,000. While financial bene­ Tears started Into the lady’s eyes as consumption, U taken in time. Fifteen years of comfort had been (M a y o n n a is e o f lo b s te r.) she finished what she was saying. Th* lost to them because they had been fits accruing from grange membership D o rm ie tw o. are perfectly legitimate, yet it is not gentleman respected her grief and said (P in e a p p le b o m b g la c e .) brought up without any knowledge sa Notice for Publication. (C offee.) nothing for a few moments. grange practice to emphasis e these to the value of money. U n it'd States Land Office at Portland, Oregon, A ll dow n. . ...— ’— tg'jcn hold of the proU- i benefits or hold them out as induce­ April 2V. 1V07. AMY 3 . KENNED»* Notice ib hereby given that in compliance with the ments to prospective members* provisions of the act of congreas of June .1, 1878, en G E T T H E BEST In the County Court of the State o f O regon for W ash ­ ington County. In the m atter of the estate of Persis W. C handler, d e ­ ceased. Notlee is hereby g iv en that we, th e un d ersig n ed , e x ­ ecutors of the estate of Persia W. C hand er, deceased, h av r filed in the County Court of th e State of O regon, for W ashington County, our final acco u n t as such e x ­ ecutors, and that said court has set F riday, the 2nd day of Aug. Id07, at the h our Of 10 o ’clock in the forenoon as the tim e, and the court room in th e C ourt House at Hillsboro, O regon, as the place fer h e a rin g objections to said Anal account and final settlem ent of said estate. Dated June 20. 1407. S4R A H A. ROBERTS. ARTHUR C. CH AN DLER. Executors of th e estate of Persis W. C handler, d e­ ceased. W H. HOLLIS. Attorney for th e Executors. Executor's Notice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States I-and Office, Portland. O reg., Mav 24, 1007 vNo c t is hereby given that in com pliance with the P m V u i ons of the act of C ongress of June J, 1878. en ti 1«( 'A n act for the sale of tim ber lands in the states ©: C a lifo rn ia , Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Terri to r y ," as extended to all the Public I.and States by act of A ugust 4. 18 V 2 , H arry K. Meserve of R ainier, county of Colum bia. State of O regon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statem ent No. 7435, for the p u rch ase ot the sw*4 of section No. 10 in township No 1 north, ran g e No. 5 west, snd will offer proof to show th at the land so ught I» more valuable for its timber or stone than for a g ric u ltu re! purposes, and to estibl sh his claim to said land before th s register and receiver at Po.tland, O re g o n , on W ednesday, the 11th day of September. 1SI07, H e nam es as w itnesses Angus M aclellsn of Portland. O regon, H arry W. Rand of Portland, Oregon, Kwh Ad kins of Gales C ity, O regon. Guss A. Lovegren of Port ! land, Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above i described lands are requested to file their claim s lu thta I oittce on or before said llth day of Septem ber, Idt)?. ALGERNON t . D R K SK R . Register | First Publication June 27. Notice is hereby g iv en th at the u ndersigned has been lawfully appointed executor of th e last w ill and testa ment of Klirabeth R. F u q u a, deceased, by the County Court of W ashington County, state of O regon, and a! chums against said estate must be p resen ted to him for payment at the office of I-angley Ar Son in the city of Forest Grove duly verified as by law req u ired on or be­ fore six months after the publication of this notice, which publication is made on the 23d day of May. Id07 WALTER N. SEARS, Executor of the estate of E lisab eth E. F u q u a, de ceased By Langley It Son, Attorneys. j 9 9 1 } p o p lin «aidoo « jd n n g * ■ « j)|« J s q io p n v .C o n t« u s * lin is s jo ju i i n » tti POIO’.OJ 'u » ip [ ( t p la s n n n c U p » jo ; a o tq rt; • t n » * * » t * l « d J tm o j p s j o j o j r »’4 p t n t a f « d g j o ; g j ; o s j s is u o j u o j| -tp » U nited State« Land Office. Portland, Oregon, May 11, 1(07 N otice ta hereby g iv en that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of C ongress of June 3, 1S7S, enti tied " A n act for the sale of tim ber landa in the states of C alifornia, Oregon, N evada, and W ashington Terri to re , as extended to ail the public land states by act of Aug « , IS V . Ceo. B Cooper of Portland. county of M ultnoenah. state of O regon, has this day filed m th is office his swoen statem ent No. 741 J, for the purchase of the N H of the N of Sec. 10, in Township No J N , k a n g e 4 W and will offer proof to show that the land sought is m ore valuable foe its tim ber or stone than for a g ric u ltu ral purposes, and to sotabi sh h u claim to ■id land before the Register and Receiver at Portland. , on Thursday, the 12th day of Septem ber, 1407 I as w itnesses W arren J Lockwood of Port land, $ * * * « •; Chan. M. Oabnrn of Portland. Oreg««. A. O. N dfchhtss o* Aarcons. Oregon. Janies Flipping of Rnrcondx Oregon Any and all persons ¡aiming adversely the above de scribed lands are requested to file their claims in this •tT re on or before aatd 1 th day of feptembrr. 1407 A L O tBhO N S. DRKSSKR. Nsgnter 4 First Pbpltc'tioo July 4j CROCHET BRIDGE PURSE. Notice ol Final Settlement. titled “ An act for the aale of tim ber landa in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Terri lory,*’ as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 18V2. Mrs. Lulu I. Pfr.fT of Anacortes, county of Skagit, atate of W ashington, has this day filed in this office his sworn statem ent No. 73‘>3 for the pur chase of the southwest V| of Section No. 15. in Town ship No. 1 N Range No. 5 W, and will offer proof to ■how that the land sought is m ore valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim lo s..td land before th e reg ister and receiver at Portland, O regon, on W ednesday, the 17th day of July, 1*407. He names as witnesses: Hiram W. Scott, of G aitnn. O regon, H erbert M atteson, of Gaston, O regon, Henry W. Scott, of G aston, O regon, Alex. H oodrpylr, of Gas ton, Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above drsciibcd lands are requested to file their claim s in this office on or before said 17th dav of July 1007. ALGERNON S DRESSER R egister. t , ¿ s p itin g SJSJI.US p u * ¿ w o o « 'D f n n r t ip p u » » j » u o <>! » q j [J» >•> 0 | j» p 4 o a j j « d « 'l «tnoq »|q J°; « q u o s q r.» p jn o q s « u o X i« A g C o -o p e r a tiv e In s u ra n c e. THE GRANGE C o n d u c te d by J. W. DARROW. C h a t h a m , N. Y„ l*rcM Correspondent New York State Grange ■■■■■ 111 'n ■ RITUALISTIC WORK. T i m * D e v o te d to Its P ro p e r R e n d e rin g 1« T im e W e lt S p e n t. To one who has studied the ritual of our Order It almost seems a sacri­ lege to have the beautiful lessons of life nud farm work murdered as they are nt times, says a writer in the Michigan Farmer. No expression whatever Is put Into the rendering of the lectures. Notwithstanding one of our mnlu teachings Is. “Whatever Is worth doing at all is worth doing well." Officers should not only commit their parts to memory, but should study the expression so they mnj render them In a manner that will bring out In an Im­ pressive way the lessons they are de­ signed to teach. I.et ottr Initiates euter the grange for the flrst time to find everything lu perfect order, officers snd members |>erformlng their parts In an earnest, faithful manner, as good laborers on onr grange farm, and we are assured of members who will take hold of the work in the same spirit. If. on the other hand, the new mem her enters to find the hall In confusion, whispered conversation, going on here and there, officers mumbling over some thing which he. they or nobody else understands. In the same way will his grange career be carried on. And another thing, the chief lesson wo all have to learn In life Is that of discipline Slight the work or the laws which govern our Order and this les­ son Is thrown away Impress npou our younger mew lie rs that there Is n rtgbt and a wrong way to do things and you are maklug better men and better wo­ men. for they will lie at all times ready to work together as one whole for the good of all. THE REPORT SYSTEM. Enables S ta ts L s c tu r a r to L o c a te W e a k S pots a n d R e n d a r A id . New Hampshire Massachusetts and this year New York are conduci ng a system of quarterly rejiorts from sub­ ordinate grange lecturers to the state lecturer relatt~e_ pi t i ; » --4 W. H. Vary of Watertown, N. president of the Central Organization of Co-operutive Fire Insurance in that state and which is largely composed of grange fire insurance associations, reports for the year 11)00 123 compa nles carrying 251.217 policies and risks of Jshi7.274.418. Losses last year anuiunted to $799,990; «".penses, jr,i82.- 408. The average cost of Insuring $1,000 of risk was $2.07 for this year. A H in t to G ra n g e S p e ak e rs . Robert J, Burdette, now pastor of 4 Baptist church In Los Angeles. Citi, ) nud always a humorist. Is opposed to the length of the form of service forj the presentation of children and says that, as a rule, he thinks that the serv­ ice should uot be longer than the baby. Likewise grange speeches should not tie longer than the speaker can make I them Interesting. It M a y Be Achieved b y the S k ille d Worker. With Irish crochet of any and nil types so very modish, this dainty bridge purse becomes interesting. It is made In fine linen thread and shows a ",1,nK of rich silk, from which It can ,>p rpnest Is made In fine purse silk. Ivory or cream shade, lined with lambskin leather and tiny gold chains used Instead of the draw ! it H igh est AwahtJ ! WORLD'S FAIR ST .L O U ngt j ^ W E B S T E R 'S INTERNATIONA! DICTIONARY ! \ ! R e c e n t ly E n la rged WITH 25,000 N e w W o r d s N e w G a zette er o f tho W o r ld with more th an 25.000 title s , based on the latest census returns. N e w B io g ra p h ica l D ictio n a ry c o n tain in g th e nnmes o f o v e r 10,000 n o te d persons, d a te o f birth , d ea th , e tc . T«jtted by 5T. T. IIARttlS,Th.!»..LL.D, L uitedStiitesCominissiouerof Education. 2380 Q u a r t o P a g e » T h e Q u e s tio n B ox. W h a t la tho specific a d v a n ta g e to « g ra n g e In becom ing an In c o rp o ra te d or gan lx a tto n ? The advantage of grange Incorpora­ tion Is thnt It gives the grange a busi­ ness standing, allowing It to buy. sell, contract—In fact, fio business as an j Individual. The acts of Its purchnslng agent nre binding on the grange t reas- nry and not on the members If a purchasing agent of a grange tnaktps a bargain. It may be repudiated bv nn In corporated grange and he held re aponstble, blit If given authority by an Incorporated grange the grunge Is re­ sponsible as far ns Its treasury ge, es ami no further-that ts. thare Is do In­ dividual liability, N at * Flatfs. 6000 Illustrations. Ilieh Binding*. 'N e e d e d in E v e r y H o m e Also W chstcr’o C ollegiate D ic tio n a ry 1M« Pip r-. Ü U Illustration«. R e g u l a r E d i ti o n 7 z I 0 x 2 'i Inches. 81 indlnga D e L u x t E d i t i c n & \ x i a l l - i n . T rlntcd from iiSlc r -fier, g > v -n tr 11 ad I n f . F R E E , “ Diet ionary W rinkles.” Illustrated p a m pbbta G. Ö c . M E R R I A M C O „ > bubllshers. Sprloafleld. Mass. Eczema and Pile Cure FRFF Snowing whsl 1 « I, to luffer, I «»111 gt»* F R K i O F CH AR GE, lo any iffllcttS • po was a riNI t*:N'XN TmtEAb. A Busy H e dicbe fo r Bu?y People. ~ called to seeount by certain Individuals **rlngs. It then looks the very acme of B ' " i l Go den H e jlifi and R rie w rd V ifo r. for sacrlleg.' In "attempting to divert perfection and would form a | A for Constipation. In d u ra tio n . very acceptable present, especially the Almighty's lightning " L i U>1 «DV»iroui,ie8- Fx/.mA. -»rvj II V o iliJClX-», E A W m » . Impure Restaurant proprietors and boarding ' '•? tiiniM.. Ungers ..i ; iàihV’’“» f >-m. ta cents a hox. O eaatna mad* M t house keepers have apparently over ,h<> c,vf,r - 1 ek D u n C c m p a s t . M adltoo. k l i I S looked a valuable hint which l>r Frank- ' w h ,le the separate motifs appear lie OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW P E O P * * ^ tin afforded them, as follows; H e took »vllderlng to the novice, they may all an ancient rooster ami killed it by a ** blended with no great ialior. In powerful shock from one of bis Leyden *"k the •» really beautiful. Jars. Wlien subsequently the bird was i -----------------------— W h ,n you rr» v ,I the W ilson R i , , r Rond *n>R c sereed at hts table "¡rs tlesh was found A u to C h a in S t n p , B oy N a k e d . to l>e at temler as that of a yoim* par- | Little Joseph Church of Rm-hester trtdg" or so he declare* Tins is one of ‘ *,o li * ride on an automobile. He got the discoveries whi -h shr-nM make th* ! rnll«ht In the chain, whl^h stripi>ed ime of Franklin forsy.er honored.— him practically naked, then dumped Success Y'sgailne. i him In the street uninjured. locky Mountain Tea Nuggets Phe W hite \ lo u s e I tbon "I A s was Phe