r .| _ .r ; i H E Ambassador Bryce IX J F ^ W / ^ I N C » ▼▼ advises every l^e paper and forget all about it man to^have a hobby. Well, there s until you are perhaps, in that one bit'of advice the president seems very store looking for some of to have neglected to give. Milwau- jblished every Thursday by The the same goods— or whatever|kee Sentinel. Washington County Publishing Co might have been advertised—and The weather ¡s so hot that it does Incorporated. actually become astonished when j not as ¡{ the several presidential ( ntered at the post-office at Forest vou learn for the second time that i candidates would be able to even saw Grove, Oregon, as second class the goods are there, and declare j wood with any comfort.-Philadelphia mail matter. •ubscriptlon $1.00 Par ID that you “ didn’t know you had Year 1 them?’ 50c a W EEK BUYS IT T his high class drop head sewing machine bought by us in large quantities, thus enabling us to sell them at a very low $ 6 0 machine for $2 5 ' Press. W e will send this machine to y ou r nearest railroad station with freight prepaid for $ 3 . 0 0 and $ 2 . 0 0 in monthly in­ stallments till $ 2 5 . 0 0 is paid us. W h y send east or to Portland when you can buy at home That sort of thing dis-1 ..¿¡J,“ * £ ck“ es well of employed an lsthmian in courageS the merchant to the ^ " " c ^ n t ^ o n T h a t b asleep on "the Zdvsrtlslng ratas mad» known on application. point of declaring that advertis- bencb while high expenses go on.— fficial Paper of City Of Forest Grove ing don’t pay when in reality it New York World just as cheap. was through your home paper Indiana is still talking about Bev­ It eridge,” says an exchange. How on i. E. NOIIRSE.................... MANAGER you got your information. . F. WOODS............................. EDITOR discourages the publisher, and ! earth did Beveridgi give her a chance O re go n word in?— Atlanta Constitu F orest G rove sometimes causes him to lose t0 *et a tion. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907 Sole Agents for the White Sewing M achine in Washington County. business that was actually prof- j ai Rockefeller may be temporarily ¡table to the merchant. hard up for money, but his cnaffeur u WON’T YOU DO YOUR PART? W ould you encroach upon' was able a day or two ago to pay a fine If the readers of every country your dignity to acknowledge that of 825 for overspeeding.— Chicago GA LES CREEK Newspaper, The News included, you saw it advertised? It would Tribune. They say a woman can’ t keep a se­ cret. Ever try to learn a woman’ s would acknowledge to the mer make the merchant happy and Schmitz begs to be let out of jail on , Robert Lilly returned to Portland ’ or he saw it in simply delight the printer, be­ account of his physical condition. age by direct questioning? I Sunday. :hant that she ---------- , it would do both sides we believe you would feel Naturally his physical condition would John Heisler and daughter went to There are no songs or orations about j not be of the best, poor fellow.— St. Portland or. Monday. : co he merchant and the paper just as good. W e try every her, but the hen has done more for | Louis Republic. ! Keans of good. Advertising is way to please you, why not you Nellie Johnson of Forest Grove is the country than the eagle ever will. President Roosevelt has spent the • . • wine of the hardest problems that reciprocate? W e g o to every visiting friends on Gales Creek. last few days fighting mosquitoes, and You needn’ t take any pains to give Confronts the dealer. H e has nook and corner to gather each Bud Ranes and family are visiting he will fully agree with every harsh positive proofs that his adver­ little item and put it into the thing the nature fakirs say about them. the devil his due, he’ ll get it. friends and relatives at Gales Creek. * * * tisem ent of a certain article is iest language at our command — Philadelphia Telegraph. Miss Eva Fletcher of Forest Grove All that can be said of some people j b*hat actually sells it. Some- —just to please you. W e take visited relatives on Gales Creek last We hasten to announce that James is that they are ‘ ‘ good com pany.” :imes it is the fault .of the paper jvery opportunity offered us— Hamilton Lewis has at last said some­ week. T alcum Powders, Jhnd sometimes the fault of the and some that are not offered thing sensible. He gives it as his Some people seem to want their R. P. Lilly, who has been spending C old Creams Arustomer. In the first place, if —to put your name in print— opinion that what the Democratic party horses to scare at automobiles, so th e y ,. a few days in Portland returned home M assage Creams, Monday. the advertisement fills his store just to please you. W e sit up needs is fewer leaders and more follow­ will have a grievance. # * * ers.— Los Angeles Times. F oot Powders etc. •with people, it is up to him to o nights writing just such stuff Hit John Barleycorn every time you I Miss Mattie Clark who has been William Allen White of Emporia, visiting „ l „ i . .1, d m m l .U lt o . o d o r i , .,1 h . . I t . .o d h ,h t . „ , h l t o i... Will P „ „ , „K . Militât, «t Cobiti h ««l,. Buy Your .id kid . „ d puitt ot tipp.d Country Pr