Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 20, 1906, Image 7

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▼▼ ▼ TTY’n r T
Proposed Oregon Tax Law
^AA í A A A a a ^
(Continued from last w eek)
I " n r ^ T t o give notice o f m eeting of
board of equalization.)
Section 36.
That section 3060 of the
Rial Statutes o f Oregon, com piled
Lljnnototed by H on . Charles B. Bel-
riweran<i W illia m W . Cotton, be and
thesauic hereby is amended to rea«l as
kgicli assessor shall g ive three weeks’
nablif notice in some newspaper prlnt-
r , his respective cou n ty; if there be
¡osuch newspaper, then by posting up
not’i* in six conspicuous places in his
county, setting forth th at on the first
jlowiuy in October the board o f equall-
Btion will attend, a t th e court house
tohia county, ami pu b licly exam ine the
i resilient rolls, and correct a ll errors
valuation, description, or qualities
¿inils, lots, or other property assessed
sguch assessor; and it shall be the
Luty of persons interested to appear at
I the time and place appointed.
I n/guch notice, if published in a news-
Imper, shall be made by affidavit as pro-
tilled by law, filed w ith the clerk of the
I county w here the new spaper is printed,
I on or before the first M onday in Octo-
Iherin the year when such notice is
■printed; if such notice be posted, proof
■¡hereof shull be made by the affidavit
L j the assessor or his deputy, setting
[ i t tlie time, manner, am i place of post-
Ingguch notices, tiled w ith the clerk of
the county on or before the first Mon-
tay in October in the year when such
Ipostin^r is made
é i
national bank stock
anil truat comp.nic, ■*ly L Pnv•<* hank«, loan
11*03; to rciH-al
*PPr®v»J February 2 ,
30#5, 30(17
3, m «‘ t* i.3043’ 3lm3. 3««4
ute. of Oreion col?l
Sod'* »»<« Sue
T !’ e ,amount ° f money on hand and
amount of money in transit.
, , r ie aniount of funds in the hands
of other banks, bankers, brokers,
others subject to draft.
3 T h. .im o u n ttof checks o r oth er
iter, i not included in an y o f the
preceding terns.
d i ^ Th.e .a,“ 0Unt of bilU receivable,
Hon. CharlJ B '¡uor ed *nd »nmi'ated by ?
° f Pur,ha8ed, and other
credits due or to become due, including
aevounts rweivable, interest due and
unpaid ; also the value of such bills re­
< *» ceivable, notes, and credits.
Itek >nJ
ike on Portland S treet C ar
President Sends Special Message
to Congress.
5. The amounts o f stocks and bonds
r*'n in national and state bunks.) of every kind, and shares of every kind,
and siiares of the capital Btoek or
hokte«°nf1' THe 8tot‘kho|J ‘“ra or share- joint stock or other companies or Health on Isthmus G ood and Much
«d 1
1 5 7 ^Hioration batik local- corporations held as an investment,
Headway Haa Been Made
t paily
i l l v in
nh the
h ^ business
m ,tate- of ent''age<1
lM i- or in any way representing assets,
on Canal.
banking, W lend­
show ing and deducting therefrom se­
ing money, receiving money on deposit
curities o f the United States and other
buying or sellin g bullion, b ills of^ exl
such stocks, bonds, and shares which
change, notes, bonds, stocks, or other
Washington, Dee. 18. — President
are exem p t from taxation, if any, and
evidences of indebtedness, a view to
also show ing those subject to taxation, Roosevelt yesterday sent a special mes­
profit, whether such bank be organized
and the amount o f each; also show ing sage to congress on the Panama canal
for banking purposes under the laws of
the value o f such bonds, stocks, and
in which he reviewed his trip across
his state or of the United States, shall shares.
he assessed and taxed on the value of
their shares of stock therein.
shares »hull be assessed only with re­
gard to the ownership and value thereof
on the first day of March, at the hour
ot 1 o clock a. m., in each year, at the
place required by law.
the isthmus and made many im portant
°fh e r property pertaining to
it* business other than real estate recommendations: Among other things
he said
(w h ich real estate shall be assessed and
“ An inspection on the ground at the
taxed as other real estate is assessed
and taxed).
7. The amount o f deposit*.
8. The aggregate amount of the above
T ie s Up T ra ffic .
height of the rainy season served to
convince me of tlie wisdom of congress
in refusing to adopt either a higli level
«ir a sea level canal. There seems to
be a universal agreement among all
people competent to judge that the
Panama route, the one actually chosen,
is much superior to both the Nicaragua
and Darien routes.
1 ‘Tlie wisdom o f the canal manage­
ment has b«>en shown in nothing more
clearly than in the way in which the
foundations of the work have tutui laid.
“ The first great problem to be solved,
upon the solution of which tlie success
of the rest of the work depended, was
the problem of sanitation.
This was
from tlie outset under the direct ion of
Dr. W . C. Gorgas, who is to be made a
full member of tlie commission, if the
law ns to the composition of the com­
mission remains unchanged. The isth­
mus had been a byword for deadly un-
healthfulness. N ow, after two years
of our occupation, the conditions as
regards sickness and the death rote
compare favorably with
healthy localities in the United States.
“ It is curious to note the fact that
many of the most severe critics o f the
commission criticise them for precisely
opposite reasons, some complaining b it­
terly that the work is not in a more ad­
vanced condition, w h ile the others
complain that it has been rushed with
such haste that there has been insuffi­
cient preparation for the hygiene and
comfort of the employes. As a matter
of fact, neither criticism is just. It
would have been impossible to go
quicker than the commission has gone,
for such quickness would have meant
insufficient preparation. On the other
hand, to refuse to do anything until
every possible future contingency had
been met would have «»used w h olly
unwarranted delay. Tlie right course
to follow was exactly the course which
has lieen followed.”
Tlie president goes into details on
the work of exterminating mosquitoes
and then tells of the improvement*
made in Colon.
The city lias been
drained, a r«>servoir to supply water
has iieen built with a capacity of 50,-
000,000 gallons.
Portland, Dec. 17.— Portland’s street
car system was almost com pletely tied
up Saturday night at 8 o ’clock by a
strike, called by local union 181, A m al­
gamated Association of Street and Elec­
tric Railway employed o f Am ereia. A
few minutes before that hour cars were
stopped on Washington street at the
I corner of Third by the strikers, and
motormen and conductors were per-
isuaded to leave their posts.
M o l»
collected and a riot followed which W at Passed fo r Benefit o f Individual,
continued until early Sunday morning.
Who i* Unable to W ork Land
The success of the strikers was due a l­
A fte r Taking It.
most w holly to the strong sympathy
with them of a ll union men in the city,
represented by the Federated T rad«»
council, and to the support of the mob
Washington, Dec. 15. — Strenuoua
which gathered
Washington efforts w ill be made at the present ses­
street. Numbers gave courage to those sion of congress to secure the repeal or
who led the demonstrations against the modification of the coal land law along
company and the mob urged the leailers the lines recommended by President
[ on to constantly greater acts of lawless Roosevelt in his m t»sage. That some­
thing w iil be aciumplished seems quite
The company use«! every effort for a probable, but what form of law w ill be
tim e to continue the op«'ration o f cars, j substituted for that under which g i­
but gave it up at about 9 o ’clock, and gantic frauds have b«»en perpetrated has
concentrated its effort* on getting tlie I not yet biH'n made apparent. The in-
stalled cars bock to the barns.
| fluence of tlie adm inistration w ill be
A fte r mainttiining a partial service , b«“liind a b ill proposing to cut off fur-
between 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. Sunday, | ther sales of government coal land,
the « ir s were sent to the barns and no j though perm itting them to be worked
attem pt was made to operate after : by individuals or companies on a royal­
nightfall, as it was fe a m l the scene« of ty plan.
violence of Satunlay night would lie re­
The president, like every other prac­
peated. A ll probably w ill resume their tical western man, knows that the ex­
runs this morning at dayligh t. Wh«>th- isting coal land law is not sensibly
er they w ill be operated tonight w ill framed. That law was b u ilt on the
depend upon whether or not the police theory that the individual could take
prove themselves able to control the up and «levelop a quarter siH'tion of coal
crow «Is. The strikers have hail the land, just as the homestead law gives
better of it during the past 24 hours.
tlie individual a like area of agricultur­
The objects sought by the strikers al land. But no indivi« kialcan develop
are practically the same as th<»e the a quart«>r sii'tion or a w «ole section o f
union was demanding at the tim e 4of coal land, l i e could not afford to in­
the last trouble, namely, recognition of stall the necessary machinery, or if he
the union, the abolition of the photo­ could, his profit* on a quarter section
graph system for identification of em ­ would not reeompense him for the out­
ployes anil more pay.
lay. Moreover, no railroad would think
As a result 600 men are idle and of building a spur onto an isolated
about 200 <»rs are out of commission. quarter section of lanil and the owner
Thousands of people who remaine«! of tlie land could not affon l to assume
down town Saturday ¡night to see the that expense. 8o the individual w ith
excitem ent had to walk home, some of a quarter section of coal land in his
them having to go m il«» to the outly­ possession would have a white, or rath­
ing districts.
er a black, elephant on his lutmls. T h e
(Statement to be furnished assessor by first, second and third items shall be
listed, and the aggregate amount of the
cashier or accounting officer.)
taxable property embraced in the fourth,
Section 2. To aid the assessor in de-
fifth and sixth items above shall be
terming the value of such shares of
listed, and from the aggregate sum of
stock, tlie cashier or other accounting
said first, second and third items, and
officer of every such bank mentioned in the aggregate sum of the taxable prop­
tile first section of this act is hereby re­
erty embraced in the fourth, fifth and
quired to furnish a statement to the as­ sixth items, there shall be deducted the
sessor of the county where the same is amount of the above seventh item, and
T(Changes the date o f m eeting of the board of located, between the first day of April the amount remaining shall be assessed
equalization as specified in the notice, from the and the fifteenth day of May in each
to each company, association, or person
Mt Monday in August to the first Monday in
lober; provides for perpetuatin g the fact of year, verified by oath, showing the at its full amount as money and credit«,
.Jsdictlou of the board by req u irin g proof to amount and number of such shares of
the same as other property is assessed,
¿ tiled on the g ivin g of notice, and prescrib-
g the form. Section 3060 contains language the capital stock of such bank, the at the place required by law.
citing the duty of the board to m ake corree- amount of its surplus or reserve funds,
18 ,etc..which is alm ost a literal duplicate of
(Taxes to be a ciiarge on dividends,
.Jon 3080, B. & C. Com p.
T h is has been and the amount of its undivided profits
stock and hanking capital— Sale for
fitted as not properly belon gin g in a section at the hour of 1 o’clock a. m. of the
rhich merely prescribes w h at notice sh all be
fciveu of the m eeting.)
Section 7. To secure the payment of
and cash value of all real estate owned
¡(Word “ assessor” shall include his by it in this state, or elsewhere, and taxes on bank stocks or shares, or upon
the location of the same; also the cash banking capital, such taxes are hereby
Section 37. The word “ assessor,” as value of the securities of the United made a charge upon said shares of stock
or banking capital or interest against
losed in this act, shall be taken to in States owned by it.
which the said taxes are assessed and
]«lude his deputy.
(Ascertainment of value of stock— De­ levied, and upon any dividend or d ivi­
ductions for real estate and exempt dends thereon. I t shall be the duty of
[(County court m ay appoin t special as­
every bank, or the maraging officer or
sessor in event of failu re of assessor
Section 3.
Real estate owned by officers thereof, to retain so much of
such bank and situate in this state
Section 38. In even t of the fail-
Shonta Will Bar F oreig n er* From All
shall be assessed and taxed as other such stockholders, shareholders, or
lire of the assessor to commence or con- real estate is assessed and taxed.
Canal Con ract*.
The owners as shall be necessary to pay any
fcwHisly and vigorously prosecute the assessor shall deduct the amount of all tax assessed and levied upon their
Wsahintgon, Dec. 17.— Foreign con­
king of the assessment in the manner investments in real estate from the ag­ shares of stock or interest respectively
tractors are to be barred from com peti­
kwvided by law, the county court may gregate amount of such capital stock, until it shall have been made to appear
tion for the contracts for the Vanama
imarily appoint a special assessor, surplus fund, and undivided profit, and to such bank or its officers that such
canal. Chairman Shonts of the canal
) shall qualify in the same manner the remainder shall be taken as a basis taxes have been paid.
Any officer of
commission today made the announce­
»the assessor, and who shall have all for the valuation of such shares of stock any bank who shall pay over, or autho­
ment. Many changes have been agreed
(duties, rights, privilgees, and emol- in the hands of the stockholders sub­ rize the paying over, of any such divi­
to in the form o f contract, but tlie most
ents of the assessor in making the ject to the provisions of law requiring dend or dividends, or any portion there­
important is tlie lim itin g of p ro [s»als
Itessment for the current year, and all property to be assessed and taxed at of, contrary to the provision* of this
American firms. The right w ill be re­
hose acts shall have the same effect as its full and actual cash value.
section, shall thereby become liable for
served by the commission to reject all
¡¡thesame had been done by the as-
such taxes. I f such taxes shall not be
bids, the commission w ill then either
(Shares of national banks not located paid before the same become delin­
throw the competition open to foreign
within state exempt.)
Iftntendcd to provide a way to escape from
quent, on or immediately after the first
bidders or proceed with the work w ith ­
5« sitw&t i< >n in w h ich one county of tin- ,-tate
Section 4.
The shares of capital Monday in May in each year, the tax
out contract. January 12 is the date
pud itself in 1905, w h en the assessor did not
ke the assessment, and the county court stock of national banks not located in collector of the county where such bank
set for opening proposals.
lertook to appoint a deputy w h o actually
is located shall proceed to sell such
io «
Idetheaascssnient. The
dity of the assess- this state, held in this state, shall not
share or shares, stock, or interest to
Rit was assailed by heavy taxpayers, but has be required to be assessed or taxed.
|Kyet been determ ined. This contingency may
pay the same, together w ith interest,
mrinany of the counties of the state, and the
itic should not be prejudiced by the failure (Bank to keep and furnish list of stock­ accruing interest, penalties, and other
Dewey Saya Present Policy o f C on ­
«assessor to act as neither m andam us nor
lawful charges, in the same manner
loval from office w o u ld give speedy and ade-
g re s s is R etrograde M ove.
[werelief as against a recalcitrant assessor.)
Section 5. In every bank and bank­ other personal property is sold for de­
Washington, Dec. 17. — Adm iral
ing office mentioned in section 1 of this linquent taxes, and in case of such sale
pealing section.)
act there shall be kept at all times a the provisions of law in regard to the P R E S ID E N T ’S E YE O N R A IL R O A D . Dewey b e lie v «» that the authorization
by e o n g m » of at toast three large bat­
ition 39.
T h at sections 2709, full and correct list of the names and transfer of stock when sold on execution
tleships a year is essential for keeping
[10, 3041,3042, 3044, and 3059 of residences of stockholders, owners, and shall apply to such sale.
Suggestion That Governm ent O perate the Am erican navy in a state of effi­
■ Codes and Statutes of Oregon, com­ parties interested therein, showing the
(Penalty for neglect or refusal to furn­
ciency and that tlie p«ilicy of one bat-
Railroad* in Em ergencies.
pel anti annotated by Hon. Charles number of shares and the amount held,
ish statement required.)
lellinger and W illia m W . Cotton, owned, or controlled by each party in
Washington, Dec. 18. — President tteship a year now being urged by a
Section 8. The cashier, managing or
iid the same hereby are repealed, interest, which list shall be subject to
Roosevelt is taking a deep interest in certain element, would be a positive
t all acts and parts of acts in con- the inspection of the officers authorized other accounting officer of any company, the situation as to ear shortage, com­ retrograde movement.
association, copartnership, or person
l i e was aske«l if tlie policy suggested
l herewith be and the same hereby to assess propelty for taxation.
plaint* regarding which have come
who shall neglect or refuse to make and from many sections of the United by some persons of only providing one
shall be the duty of the cashier or other
furnish any statement required by this
States. Some tim e ago a partial state­ battleship during an entire congress
L Sections 2700 and 2710 have long been accounting officer of each bank or bank­
act of such person or such company, as­ ment hearing on the car shortage was would result in an actual increase in
they provide for the assessment and
» of taxes, and equalization by the
sociation, copartnership, or persons,
submitted to the president by the In ­ the navy or in a virtual decrease in
Land its officers. Compare section 3098. with a copy of such list annually, be­
within the tim e and in the manner by terstate Commerce commission, and, fighting strength.
[ce assessois o f the state in annual conven-
> have twice recommended the abolition of
this act provided, shall forfeit the sum when the more complete report, which
“ Such a policy would be retrograde
I* 1 poll tax, or its transfer to the $3 road teenth day of May in each year, show­
of $1,000 for each offense, to be reeov
Laws o f 1903, page 286, covers ing the facts in this section specified as
the commission lias under way|in the in its cliaraater,” said the adm iral.
■ttme ground as section 3042; and see sec-
ered by indictment, for the use of the
Northwest, lias been prepared, it w ill “ I t would not take up the waste or sup­
l^.of this act. 4. Section 3044 is included of the hour of 1 o ’clock a. m. on the county in which said bank is located.
lie sent to the president for his infor­ ply the plai’es of the shijw that are
t 3056, providing for the assessment of first day of March previous.
which, o f course, includes that of
(Penalty for making or furnishing false mation in the event lie decides to make bound to deteriorate and which should
is. 6. Section 3059 is merged with
any recommendations to congress on be placed out of commission. W e have
or fraudulent list or statement.)
1 3070 in drafting section 23 o f this act.) (Assessment of foreign banks, etc., and
local companies and persons not prin­
H e has not yet taken any thri-e h a ttl«»h i| » which were fine ship*
Section 9. The cashier, managing or the subject.
ng clause as to assessment for cur-
in their day, but they were laid («own
his probable course.
cipally engaged in banking.)
other accounting officer of any company,
in 1891, about 16 years ago.
They are
Section 6. Every company, associa­ association, copartnership, or person
the Indiana, the Oregon and the Massa­
*tion 40.
That, notwithstanding tion, building and loan association,
who shall w illfully present to or furn­
chusetts. They have the defect of not
king to the contrary in this act trust
company, or other corpora­ ish the county assessor with any state­ mend legislation by congress empower-
Nnol, the provisions hereof shall tion, join t stock company, or copart­ ment required by this act, which state­ ing the government to take charge of )>o**<*ning balance turrets, which causes
r o l y either as to the property sub- nership, or person, not incorporat ment shall be false or fraudulent, shall railroads and operate them under cer­ a list when their guns are all trained to
|i» assessment or the mode of assess- ed for banking purposes under tlie be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon tain contingencies, especially in a »»*«• one side, thus exposing the hull fxdow
the water line and laying the shi|»
J thereof, to the assessment which corporation laws of this state or of conviction thereof, shall be punished like the present.
open to danger from the fire of an
fur this act would be made in the the United States, who shall keep hv law as otherwise provided for such
enemy on that side.”
11907 upon the basis of ownership an office or place of business and engage
O il Pipe Filled With Salt
[valuation of property March 1, in the business of banking, lending
Los Angeles, Dec. 18.— Cablegrams
M akes G ood R ecord .
i but the statutes which have here- money, receiving money on deposit, (Repealing clause.)
received at the office o f the Union Oil
Newport News, V a., I>ec. 17.— The
Section 10. That sections 3042, 3063,
! been in force shall continue in buving selling bullion, bills of exchange,
company, in Lo* Angeles, say that their U. 8. armored cruiser Montana was
‘ as to the assessment for that notes, bonds, stocks, or other evidences 3064, 3065, 3067 and 3068 of the new pipe line across the Isthmus of
successful 1( launched at the Newport
ntil all things in and about the of indebtedness, with a view to profit; Codoes and Statutes of Oregon, compil­ Panama was filled with 25,000 laurels
shipyard today in the pr«»ence of a
, necessary to a valid assessment and it is hereby made the duty of the ed and annotated by Hon. Charles B. of salt. W hen ready for use the oil
large number of people.
The vessel
k®tion, shall have been done as cashier, managing officer, and account­
w ill he pumped from the Pacific to the was christened by Miss M innie Conrad,
| as if this act had not been enacted. ing officer of every company or associa­ all acts and parts of aid* in conflict Atlantic through this pipe. The open­
i a igliter o f W . G . Conrad, of Montana.
herewith, be and the same hereby are
tion, including building and hen and
ing o f the line is expected to solve Governor Toole, of that state, was rep
trust companies, incorporated under
A B IL L .
largely the fuel problem of the isthmus, resented by Martin M aginniss, form erly
*ct to provide a more efficient and the laws of this state which engages in,
Fourteen thousand tons of coal are now ' territorial delegate in congress. 8enat-
(To be «rontinned next week)
to'* system for the assessment of bank but not as its principal business, the
used there m onthly, but it is anticipate 1 or Carter and Representative Dixon
>. shares and banking capital for taxa-
ed that oil w ill soon be the fuel in were also present. The N avy was not
• to define what hank stocks, shares, and business of banking, lending of money,
S teal I n k a M a rc h .
nnf? capital shall be subject to assessment the receiving of money on deposit, buy-
officially rejuiSM'nted. E veryth in g w ent
to whom assessed and taxed;
ingand selling bullion,bills of exchange, arriving home from the office, ' we II
off smoothly.
duties o f the county assessor
North Dakota Haa N o C oal.
■ffrrrgMCg to the assessment of the same; notes, Isinds, stock, or other evidences have to call on the Dubleys to-night”
^esenbe the manner of determining the
of indebtedness, with a view to profit,
8t. Paul, Dee. 18.— A speeinl to the
Blame on M aster o f the Dix.
“ Why. George, you said you wanted
(L a ue 9^ soch banking stock, shares, and
capital; to prescribe the duties of the between the first day of April and the
Despati’h from Grand Forks, N . I).,
W ash ., Dec. 17.— Inspe«-tor*
•»rues, corporations, associations, copart- fifteenth dav of May in each year, to
says that the fuel situation t<siay pre­ W h itn ey arid Turner, in the Dix-Jean-
and persona subject to the pro-
night” exclaimed hia wife.
loffi f tnis act* ar>d the cashier, manac_
••Tea. but Dubley told Balklotz he and sent* the most critical condition that nie collision, rejsirt the license of Cap­
lancer. or accounting officer of either of statement, setting forth and showing
his w ife meant to call on us to nlc r. | has « f a t e d in the history of tlie state. tain Parker latrmond, master o f the
’ and to provide penalties for the vio-
. ‘ ot 8uch duties; to create a charge for such reference to such in k in g bosine* We can leave their house earlier tha i Careful inquiry in every portion o f the steamboat Dix at the tim e o f the eolli-
[Payment of taxes on dividends, stock. in this state on the first day of Mar, h
atM hanking capital; to provide for
we could make them leave ours.'— northern half of the^ state shows that sion with the steamship .Dannie, is re-
c to pay delinquent taxes thereon of of the current year at the hour
there is not a town in w hieh coal could vok«*l*for ncgligi-ntly fa ilin g to cause
» »tocks. and other interests; to amend
. : ______
be had to snpply im mediate need* and an efficient lookout to be kept on board
^entitled “T o fix the place of assessing o'clock a. m
D e llc n te H in t.
in dozens of places there is not a pound the Dix and for negligently relinqnish-
S n id e L i g h t s on H t s t o r r .
••They say Miss Sharpe can convey to be bonght, the dealers having I con jng bis direction and control of the nav-
T k« « h e e r f o l V i e w .
Caesar had Just crossed the Rubicon a hint with such tact that It 'e Im- ont of fuel for days and weeks.
igation o f his v«»sel to atn officer rho
-Bat, Herbert, dear, do you think
a afford to go to housekeeping on for the second time. “ I may say. he possible to take offense."
was not duly qualified by tlie law.
jotted down, “ that I have given It the
» Y p . she has quite a gift that wray.
Big Tunnel Under Channel.
- A fter we’re married, you
, „ The last time Mr Staylate ralled tbere
I/>ndon. Dec. 18.— A h ill empowering
L s b o r A sks Postal S sviegs Banks
■ I w°n’t lave to buy you any more doable croee.
This Is the origin o f the expression. ^
>>ked blm t0 have some slight re- an Anglo-French company to c..nstruct
Halt Lake, Dec. 17.— The Utah Fed-
chocolate creams,
Xerxes was holding the pass at Tber- fr^ hment imJ then brought In s plate ! a tunnel under the British channel lisa eration o f la b o r has rewolved to circu­
“ H a !” he muttered, "Just
breakfa*t food.”— Baltimore Amerl- j been deposited w iih parliament:
I t is late a petition to congress« asking the
Lost Much.
like a general passenger a g e n tr
(estimated that this scheme w ill involve rreation o f a postal savings hank. Tlie
do you look *o worriedT*
.-n o n o o m an expenditure o f $80,000,000.
I t is move is tei be under the auspices of th#
Them be withstood another attack.
Bacon to th. v a l», of
«o o T
, r o , . - l to build two parallel tunnels American Federation of lab or, with
I T* ^ a llo w e d a pin.”
v * - . » * « . 1 " . i . • * * . 21 miles long.
which th « Utah federation ia affiliated.
g ric io n s ; they’re two
fifth of all the D*®ol* in the world.
for • nickel !**— Houston Poat.
mineral wealth m ight be there in
abundance, but lie «■oulil not get it out
and could not get it to market.
How to cure this ev il is a question
for congress to decide, and some solu­
tion is lik ely to be forthcoming this
winter. Some favor a change in the
law iniTeasing the area o f coal land
that may be pure has** 1 by individuals
or by com panit» or corporations to such
size that they can profitably invest and
put the coal on the market. These men
would imTease tlie price of coal land so
that tlie government woulii reap a larg­
er benefit from the sales.
Mia* Adams Daclarea Am erica
Class with Russia.
1« in
Cincinnati, Dec. 15.— Before the first
session of the child labor convention
here last night, Dr. F elix Ad ler, chair­
man of the national ch ili! lalior com­
m ittee and professor of political and so-
clal ethics in Columbia university,
s(ioke on “ The Attitude of Society To­
ward the Child as an Index o f C iviliza ­
tio n .”
Professor A dler spoke o f the
inadequate and inefficiency o f state laws
and urg<‘d the necessity for a national
law to furnish a background for effective
state and l«s » l activity and make the
enthusiasm of the people contagious in
its effect on local bodies, thus inducing
greater efforts for the child and a more
glorious future for the n-public.
Addresses by Miss Jane Adams, o f
H ull house, C h iw go, and United States
Senator Beveridge follow «*!.
A resolu­
tion was adopted ««mphasizing the l*e-
lie f that it is the duty o f the several
states to correct evils of child labor in
lisiil manifestations,
“ cordially the prin cip’e o f the Bever-
idge-Parsons b ill for a national child
lalmr law .”
Miss Adams urg«*l the (tosirability o f
uniform legislation against the evils o f
child lubor, and declar«*l that the cen­
sus report* show Am erica behind every
F.urojiettn country except Russia in so
far as child labor and its effect* are con­
F reight C ongestion in L o t A n geles.
Io * Angeles, Dec. 15.— The T im e «
w ill print a story tomorrow mot. m g to
tlfe effert that I o * Angeles is suffering
from the worst freigh t congestion ever
e x p e rie n «*l by the transcontinental
railways running into th e c ity . Acixird-
ing to the T im «» hundreds o f car* con­
sign«*! to local merchants are either
delay«*l or lost in the congestion o f coal
cars in the yards.
R ailw ay officials
deny that the situation is of a s e r i1
ous nature and ascribe the freigh t
c 'jest ion to unprecedented holiday
Fed Through L on g pipa.
Bakersfield, C al., Dec. 16.— Progrès«
in rescuing L . B. Hicks, the man im ­
prisoned in the mountain at the Edison
com pany'* plant, is being made at the
rate o f 20 feet a day. A t noon the d rift
diggers had still 60 feet farther to go
before the m iner can be rel*»*«*L M ilk
is still being fed through the long pijx»
at three-hour intervals, under the d i­
rection o f a physician. He is gaining
in strength and it is lieliev«*l w ill hold
out until reached.
Why is Lumbar Costly?
Washington, Dec. 15.— The house
toilay after some discussion, adopted
a resolution of Mr. M iller, o f Kansas,
authorizing the secretary o f Commerça
and la b or to investigate the ranee o f
the high price of lumber in the vari« ut
stages of manufacture and sale with
the object o f ascertaining whether pres­
ent high prices are the mault o f a truat.