T h e T r a il of the D ead : THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE Of DR. ROBERT HARLAND H IT C H E R ROBINSON and J. MALCOLM (C o p y r llH IM S . by Joseph B. Bowles) FW ERASER A t nine-forty on the following morn­ ing, we were gathered In a little group on the departure platform. Graden, who had talked with Reskl fa r Into the night, repeated his orders. To preserve the secret of Dr. Weston's resldenct was of first Importance. H e would register him­ self and his daughter In the name of Jackson. A ll letters, whether from or to the travelers, were to be forwarded under cover to Graden'a chambers, where a servant in whom ha had absolute trust would despatch them to their respective addresses. On th; slightest suspicion of danger, a telegram would bring onr as- eiatance from whatever spot our quest had drawn us. Neither Dr. Weston nor his daughter were to leave their hotel at Frontreelna, even for a walk, without the escort of the Pole. “ I do not wish to alarm you with ab- •urd rules, Mine M ary,” concluded my cousin; “bat It la well to be cautious. Beeldea, It should be only for a few days. I have found means of awakening the continental police to interest In his cap­ ture, and we may hear of hla arrest at any moment. A h ! there goes the whistle. Good-bye, Dr. Weston. Good-bye, my dear girl. God keep you!" He w a» old enough to be her father; T h e T r a il of th e D ead : S B. THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE OE DR. ROBERT HARLAND H IT C H E R ROBINSON and J. MALCOLM (Copyright IM S. by Joeeph B. Bowles) * FRASER la under Immense pressure up Into «hi, den l L W8ter "r, hose. Ran, man, run!” “ I staggered across the , I to the door and dropped up„n * 7 hammering with my irou, “J f.°r * id; U » « m e d to m e that t :rv v h,e ,torm " t a w i as If Nature was cousplrin. tnl me down. Once I looked r. „ * ,,'1 “ r t * «boat the trap ■ raden had smothered the >n*A blanket«. Present I v f e j * H mu. raising his voice in hoarL mgs. I J] And then it happened. There came an acrid, piercln» crew. A fter a moment’ s thought, he drew my nostrils, that grew and gri hia pocket a handful of rubbish from my lungs seemed to contract which he extracted a large nail. Graden'a I fought for very breath. V boot served as a hammer, and W ith this ceased. I struggled to my head raised like a bird shot thr* he drove it into the keyhole. Brilliant light, Hashed “ 'T w ill hould it foine!" cried he, re­ lungs. eyes; there were hollow drummi garding his work with exultation. And so, with fresh assurances of my ears. And theu it seemed“ ftir left me in a vacuum, watchfulness, he left us. I f i forgot it all. C H A P T E R X X II. C H A P T E R XX.— (Continued.) | us all, and heaven knowa what devlliah In my narrative, now drawing to 1m work going forw ard! Whom can we The Irishman vanished and again came conclusion, I have endeavored to avoid send? That we muat flrat decide.” the murmur o f voices. Theu he reap­ •motion or exaggeration. Yet aa I glance peared, unlocking the gratiug and de­ “There la Moasel i ‘ I suggested, recall­ Over ita page«, I cannot proclaim myaelf ing the aid that atubborn German police­ scending the ladder. At the edge of the •a satisfied. On auch an evening aa this, man had already rendered us. hole I could see the faces of several With the summer woodlands beneath the members of the crew and caught the “H e would come gladly enough. But cottage baaklng In the tender glory of I do not think the Heidelberg authorities gleam of drawn knives. Evidently they the aun’a farewell, with the alienee of would sanction hia departure on so vague did not trust us. the day that Is ending holding the quiet a journey. When it was over, we followed Blake Not I am afraid Mossei field a— on auch an evening, I say, my la out of the question.” up the ladder and waited quietly while C H A P T E R X X I. It was daylight when I rwj •tory, even to myself, appears Impossible, he laid out Graden’s revolver and our “ W h at of Keskl? I saw him find the The wind rose again that afternoon, • nightmare born In the land of evil body of hla son; he would travel to the few belongings on the flap of a central and by four o’clock it was blowing very facts again. The motiou of the sd dreams. Yet I have but to turn my eyes world's end if It brought a chance to meet table behind which the captain was hard. The seas drove against the sides ceased, and there was an English 7 yet I did not consider his age was suffi­ standing. A short speech by the worthy, of the old ship in thunderous murmurs; er by my side. My ehest felt to where my dearest wife alts at her the murderer.” work, to know that It la true; for It was “T h e very man. I thank yoa, Cousin cient excuse for the kiss that he touched and the Irishman began again: now aud again they sprang the bulwarks, and battered, aud my eyes still v, on her forehead. In that time of danger that Providence Robert.” “The skipper wud have ye know,” he crashing down upon the deck above us freely. Also I was very weak aa] W e la w her handkerchief fluttering said, addressing Graden with a growin “ My cousin?” I fnltered. ] gave me the moat generous of the gifts A nd so It was settled.’ W e were to und shaking the irou fabric in convulsive that can be bestowed upon man. “ W e have got your friend round send a telegram to the Polish inn-keeper from the carriage window as the train dignity that would have been comic tremors. In the confined cabin my nau­ I watched it ¿nuugh at a less unfortunate moment, T w o days after Marnac escaped from next morning. I f he agreed to our re­ drew out of the station. sea visited me again. Euough that I the doctor— for so I felt that he rna “ also the other man.” our pursuit at Southampton, a little coun­ quest, money could be forwarded In time fade Into the muddy grey of the morn­ “ that ye stand accused iv carrying off the was supremely miserable. "W h a t man?” cil was gathered In the parlor of Dr. for him to meet us In London, where he ing; and us It disappeared, the love I ouid giut yonder aud commutin' burg­ A t six, Blake had brought us a sup Weston’s cottage at Cornish I’olleven. would take up hia duty as escort to D r. had bidden from myself rushed over me, lary on his person. “ The man who pulled you ouJ Fwhat do ye say per. His presence irritated me; und so that I stood with staring eyes, per­ to that, sorr?" In his great arm-chair by the fire sat tile Weston and his daughter. ,V rwl-f when he pressed food upon me, 1 spoke the cylinder exploded. haps as foolish aud woe-begone a figure old scholar, with the lamplight exposing "Remember, please, that your destlna “ It is absolutely untrue.' my mind strongly on the lamentable fellow— Blake, I think his name i the delicate fragility of a face whereon tion Is a secret,” said Gradon, aa we as humanity has ever smiled to witness. “ Wan for bias, thin. But Oi'm to ask want of tact general amougst sailors. He o w e your lives to him. You had consumption bad set Its warning. In odd made our adieus. “There muat be no And for this I shall always thank my ye how ye account fer th' possession gave us the comfortable news, however, fainted when he opened the door contrast was my cousin. Sir Henry G ra- leaving of Indiscreet addressee, Dr. W ee- cousin, H arry Graden, that he slipped hia iv that pocket-book the skipper is holding “ Then he heard us, after all! that we were expected to reach South­ den, who confronted him. Great-atat- ton; no explanatory letters to old friends. arm In mine, leading me down the plat to loving in his hand, — what became of Marnac?” l i e says that ampton by three next morning. form aa if he had noticed nothing out of there’s close on five hundred pounds in ored, stern, keen-eyed, he was of that Miss M ary .” “ I really don’t know about h| The night crawled on. Blake had the ordinary In my manner. type that can fearlessly execute, as well “ M y father and I — we understand,' don't think he was injured. Oh! t ut. Is ut yours?” helped us into bunks and covered us with (T o be continued.) •a intelligently conceive, a plan. Mary she said, looking him gravely In the eyes. “ No— it belongs to the old gentleman rugs. I found the handcuffs of small you mean the old geutlemaa Weston was on a cushion at her father's And so w * passed oat Into the starlight. ‘ The mischief it does.' Then how did ye inconvenience. I could hear Graden snor­ ed?” They were pleasant days that followed knee, hla hand In hers; and It was more "Bolted?” come by ut?” L I N C O L N ’S F A IR N E S S . ing. For myself, I could not go to sleep, often to that noble girl that my glance — days that seemed to me the happiest “ Y e s , o f cou rse th ere was great J I feel certain that if my cousin but lay in the lowest misery, staring at W a s It the oontrast with I t W a s O n e o f H i s a t r o n a r e s t T r a i t s , could have told his story directly to the wandered than to my cousin, though, In­ In my life. ment over the accident. The the opposite partition, that rose and fell U o v e m lii a E v e r y A c t io n o f L ife . deed It was he who now set before us the events of that terrible pursuit which was dreadfully cut up over the de] captain, the honesty of his manner and gave them their perfection? So I argued General T a y lor was triumphantly the simplicity of his narration would at the ship’s rollings with a sickening his servant. H e could not iniagir the position of affairs. regularity. Just before midnight, the It was right, he said, that Dr. Weston at the time. Yet each hour I knew more •Jected, and It then became Lincoln's have had effect. it cante about When the ship t But this pleading at •hould know, even aa hla daughter knew, clearly that It was M ary's bright eyes duty, aa W h ig member o f Congress from second-hand was a sorry business. From lamp— that had probably been injured here, Mr. Marnac, or whatever his when Graden fell iu the lazarette— tile danger that hung over ua. And so, that warmed the winter sunshine, and Illinois, to recommend certain persons his long pauses and facial contortions was, slipped away by a shore-boat smoked, flared, and expired. I wag too from ita commencement, he told that ter­ M ary’s presence that gave the beauty to everyone was fussing over you. I soon gathered that Blake was not the unwell to care, except for the smell. to fill government offices In that State. rible story; how Marnac, the celebrated that wild. Inhospitable cr«at. O f morn friend hns gone to Inquire about 1 He did this after he returned to Spring- linguist that he claimed to be. Indeed, Yet it wus the darkness which saved Heidelberg professor, had been seized Ings we walked together on the cliffs fancy. The old man had ao: the version which the captain received our lives. with a partial mania born of heredity, and as night drew in, blotting out the field, fo r his term In Congress ended on from him must have been something against you both, hudn’t he? Or j It was about half an hour later that nurtured by overwork, brought suddenly grey waetes of the Channel seas, we March 4, 1849, the day that General astounding. The tale was scarcely con­ you against bin.?’’ to the light of the violent attacks deliv­ joined Graden and her father In the lit­ T a y lor became President. .The letters cluded when the captain raised his hand, I first noticed it— a faint ray of illum­ “Both, doctor, both,” I whisj ination wiukiug iu the center of the cabin ered against a book on which he had tle parlor, listening to the talk of those that he sent to Washington when fo r­ and the Uounderings of the Interpreter shuttiug my eyes. floor. At first I imagined that the nau­ ■pent half hla life; how he had planned two great-hearted, simple men. On the warding the papers and applications o f censed abruptly. (T o be continued.) sea had affected my eyes, aud so peered to destroy hia more bitter adversaries, second day Reski’s answer came, accept­ Thus was his decision translated. He people who wished appointment were into the black of the night, rubbing them Then for and how, by his insane cunning, he had ing the trust we offered. H O W IT W OR KED . both characteristic aud amusing; for would touch at Southampton, where the impatiently. But the rays steadied and, brought about the deaths of Von Stock- week there was no news from the out­ case could be fought out in the English if anything, increased in volume. It was mar and Mechersky; how, In his des­ side world to trouble ns, and no Inci­ In his desire not to mislead or to do courts. In the meanwhile, as the evi­ W lfe y ’ i Scheme to Cure Her I perate flight from our pursuit, he had dent at Polleven to remind us of our dan­ Injustice to any man, they were very dence was overwhelmingly against ua, a ghostly thing to witness, this white liuntl of Excessive smoking from killed the son of Keskl, the Polish Inn­ ger save one, which, insignificant though apt to sny more In favor o f the men we should be placed in irons and con­ knife-edge of light stabbing up She read about It In the bacld keeper; how he had come to England It seemed, I do right to set It before you. he did not wish to see appointed than fined in the cabin where we then were. the solid planking without cause or ex­ magazine. The advertisement salfi A s I hnve mentioned, a narrow dell or In recommendation o f his own partic­ planation. I wus about to shout to to end his vengeance upon Dr. Weston; H e was a just man. Angry though I Gradeu when 1 remembered the trap­ it was tasteless, that it could and how he had been led to believe that “goyle,” as the West-country folk would ular candidates. was at tile time, I have come to think door, Bouteone wus below in the lazar­ ministered In the breakfast coffet M ary was the writer of the attack which have It, rau between the cottage and the This absolute and Impartial fairness he did the right thing. The harmless ette! bad Incensed him. A ll this he explained; sea. It was a ruinous place in the wln- that It would cure the most ooulj appearance of Marnac. his ability to to friend and foe alike was one o f his and while he spoke, the shadow of the ter-time, sprinkled with trees knotted and For some moments I remained staring smoker otf the tobacco habit w| plead his cause, our obvious endeavor to terror seemed to creep over our very bent under years of conflict with the strongest traits, governing every action keep him from communicating with the at the crevice through which the rays his knowledge. •cuts, ao that we drew together like winds, and floored with dead bracken o f his life. I f It had not been for this, crew, our possession o f so valuable a passed up to me. A fter all, it might be T o be sure, Elmer smoked only| sheep that hear the cry of wolves In the and patches of gorse. In the summer It he might possibly have enjoyed another pocketbook belonging to him— no, we some member of the crew; but if not— or four cigars a day. Still, why i was, doubtless, pleasing euough; but In term In Congress, for there had been •now-clad hills. if it were old Marnac! What then? He cannot blame the captain If ho decided in It was Dr. Weston who first broke the that December weather It seemed shrlv was an old man; he could not force th« he smoke at all? She didn't talk o f re-electing him. In spite of his his favor. Indeed, it was nit a So site w rote for the cure, and ll allenc* that followed Graden'a conclu­ eled aud forlorn. T o attempt resistance would have been grating, even if he had obtained the key. confession to Speed that “ being elected spot ws greatly fnvored. sion. time it arrived, lu a plain, sealedj absurd. Tiie men about us carried W e had seen to that. to Congress, though I am very grateful “ Yon have referred to a certain book I do not pretend to say that I was un­ age, w ith full Instructions inside.! to our friends for having done It. hns knives, and the butt of a heavy revolver C H A PTE R X X III. or diary belonging to this Marnac,” said showed warningly from the captain's afraid. There were devilish possibilities Unfortunately It arrived befort It was about four o’clock on a Satur­ not pleased me as much ns I expected,” pocket. he, for Indeed my cousin had mentioned For the first time in either of in a hatred such as thut in which tut But our lives the handcuffs snupped at our mad professor held us. Yet after a while was up. Elmer opened it, smill that discovery at Heidelberg. “ And I day afternoon, the fifth day of our visit, this must hare been flntterlng. gather that from It yon first learned the that Mlaa Weston and I enters*! It from there were m nnj able young men In wrists. They moved out one by orte; the my curiosity overcame my fear, just as himself, sealed it up again and| names of the scientific enemies against the seaward (Ida. W e had taken a sharp Springfield who coveted the honor, and door was closed and barred upon us. In c y fear had put aside my sickness. I nothing. whom an attack might be directed. Did walk to the Bredalra Strand, where the The next morning she gave hltj they had entered Into an agreement another three minutes we were both rolled from my bunk— noisily euough, 1 this madman Include In his butcher's Hat famous caves are situated, and were re­ asleep. Our ill-fortune, the doings of dare Hay, but till sound was dulled by the first dose. among themselvea that each would be any persona besides Von Stockmar, turning to tea. W e came upon them at our worst enemy, the Irons at onr wrists turmoil without. The pltchlugs of the “ This coffee has a bitter taste, 1 an angle of tne thicket— a man and a content with a single term. Lincoln of Mechersky, and myself T" — we forgot them ail in the dead, still vessel made it Impossible for me to “There were several other names,” re­ woman aeated on a fallen log In eager course remained faithfu l to hla prom­ sleep that Nature grants to the very stand, so I crawled forward to where the it?” he asked. “ Your stomach must be out Miss Weston held up a ise. His strict keeping o f promises weary plied my cousin; “but I do not think their conversation. edge of the trap was outlined. I felt for der,” she answered. “ It tastes all J criticisms were sufficiently severe to warning hand to me, with amusement caused him also to lose nn appointment It was Blake who woke ns with onr and found the ring,* gripped it with my place them In serious danger. I have, twinkling lu her eyes. from President Tnylor as Commissioner midday meal. He was in his most talk­ teeth, ftnd slowly, for the Irons hampered to me.” “Oh, Mr. lla rlau d !” she whispered, however communicated with them all. “ Strange.” of the General Land Offloe. whleh might ative mood. Guilty or innocent, it made my balance, raised the edge. Then with On the least suspicion they will Inform “and at her age, tool T h at night he brought home a 1 my huuds I thrust the edge of the boot, easily hnve been his, but fo r whleh he small difference to him, nfter he had de­ “ W h y, who was It?” I asked, for their the police and also telegraph to me at had agreed to recommend some other cided upon the fact of our gentility which 1 had removed for that purpose, new box o f cigars. Usually afteij my London house. My servant there is backs were turned towards ns. “ Don’t you see? It la Martha, our Illinois man. A few weeks Inter the He was agog with the manner of Mar- into the crack. Flat on my face, I peeped ner he smoke*! once. But that kept Informed of my address from day to below. It« smoked nil the evening. Th| housekeeper. 8ne Is five and forty If President offered to make him Governor nac's escape from us. The lad who was day.” It was indeed Marnac. The light of she 1* a day. Fancy Martha with a young o f the new T erritory o f Oregon. This servant to the captain had been down niosiphere was thick. “ And the police?” a ship’s lantern, jammed between two “ In international matters they move man of her own! I wouder who it cau attracted him much more than the oth­ in the laznrette. and from puro curiosity T h e second morning he co had poked up the trap In the cabin floor. barrels, drew streaks of silver from his •lowly. It has been a chase across be?" er office, hut he declined because his With promises of money, Marnac hnd white hair as he bent to his labor. Seat­ again about the coffee’s bittern*- Europe, remember. Months have often Whereupon she fnirly gave way to her w ife was unwilling to live In a place sc “ W ell, no wonder your taste j persuaded the youngster to guide him to ed astride one of the steel cylinders that •lapsed before very ordinary criminals merriment in a low ripple of laughter. the captain. In their haste they hnd for­ we had noticed, he was unscrewing the of order,” she said reproachfully, have been arrested. Rut this man Is a It was loud enough to reach the ears of far away. Hla career In Congress proved of gotten to close the trap and grating be­ last of the nuts which secured its Iron sitiering how you smoked last niga remarkable linguist; he has some five the pair before us. for they started to " I ’ve hnd the most remarkable J hundred pounds yet In his possession, and their feet, the woman facing round bold­ great advantage to him In nfter life, hind them, though they had secured those cap. What he Intended I hnd no Idea. He was fingering the uut which the ing for tobacco lately.” he mutter] he has the cunning common to the par­ ly with flaming cheeks, while the man, having given him a clo«e knowledge of at the head of the second ladder. Mar­ nac had waited in the captain's room spanner hnd loosened, when I saw a fnce tially insane. The English police have after one swift glsnce, dropped back s the workings o f the Federal Govern­ And at dusk he brought home i full Information, but by this time he step and stood shamefacedly, with down­ ment. and brought him Into contact while the lad went forward to find his creep out of the shadow behind him, ly meerschaum pl[>e and a I*0011 master. It was doubtless their interview It was the enptnin's boy. With infinite may be In France or Helglum.” cast eyes. Miss Weston nodded to Ith political lenders from all parts of that Graden had observed from the caution he moved forward, with a blend­ Cavendish, and shutting himself r1 "W h a t, then, do you propose, Sir Hen­ Martha aud we passed on up the track. the Union.— St. Nicholas. bridge. When the supposed victim of ing of alarm and curiosity in his manner the library, smoked like a for ry T “Oh! I am very, very sorry!” she our plot had told his story, they had and showed he was no party to what was until bed time.” “ For the moment we have no definite cried to me when we were out of ear­ T h a t F in is h e d It. armed themselves and come to arrest us proceeding. Probably the key to the objective. It would be useless for us to shot. “ I am certain that wretched man "H ad n 't w e better change the ( Friend— W as that bullet-proof shirt calling the Irishman and two more of thé lazarette had been purloined from him, ■tart for the continent without further Is only after her savings. W h at a ailly Surely you must have noticed ifi you Invented adopted by the govern­ crew In case o f resistance. They had and he had discovered ita loss. Wheti Information. Until It reaches ue, we old dear she is!” found ua below— a source of delight to scarcely two yards from Marnac. the taste,” he snid on the third mornll ment? •hall stay In this country.” “H e seemed about the average In bash­ “ No. I haven't noticed It,” » ^ the Portuguese sailors, who had a healthy lurch of the ship threw him from his Inventor— No. They required too se­ “ I quite understand. I trust that for ful rustics,” I answered her. terror of Englishmen; and the rest we balance. As he stumbled forward. Mar­ swered faintly. the ten days that we still have at Poll- “ H e Is one of the worst men In the vere a test. knew. He brought home from the nac spun round with a scream of the even, you will consider yourselves my village — a drunk-t loafer, who never Friend— Did aome o f the bullets go “ Come, my man,” said my cousin after most violent passion. Swinging the the evening a huge box of Eg guests— though I fear that the size of leaves the Inn bar until he is almost through It? he had concluded, “ for yourself, now__ heavy hammer, he brought it down upon c'garottes, a hookah, and a Jar of my cottage forbids me asking you to starving. I wonder at Martha, for, be­ Inventor— No. I t resisted all bullets do you believe us guilty?" the bent head with a scrunching blow. leave your quarters at the Inn.” sides his reputation, she knows— ” and sword thrusts. But they made me “ Faith, sow, 'tis a quare business en- The lad had dropped upon the floor fnce iffb tobacco. “ A re you, then, returning to Cam ­ “ W h at? " I asked, for she had stopped " I never enjoyed smoking «* J send It to a steam laundry.— Cleveland toirely,” he answered, scratching his red downwards; nor did he try to rise again. bridge. Dr. Weston? I thought you had with s little shiver. done lately,” he explained. “I pole indecisively. “ For whether 'tis you Leader. settled here for the winter?” asked my "M urderer!’ I cried down upon him! “They say In the village that Fenrn- or the ouid gintleman that they'll lay in horror at so fearful a spectacle. keep a cigar out o f my mouth. cousin. man— for that is hie name— acted as a V a n n l K ln tl. by the heels in Southampton Water, it's And that night he smoked ' “ It was so Intended, but my doctors •ort of aerTsnt to Professor Marnac Marnac dropped his weapon and Mrs. Hom er— Did your husband make not fer me to be after saying. Sure 'tis started back, his fingers twitching, his and cigarettes, meerschaum and ho have ordered me to the Engadlne. They while he was at Polleven. A t least I any good resolutions the first o f the wan of the two— which is all 01 knows ” eyes searching wildy round for a sight ■ay— It Is my only chance. Sir Henry.” till he saw her rise and hurry. " know that Penruman brought na mes­ “ Now, listen to me. Tim Blake," said of his accuser. Yet when, at last, he M ary W eston’s eyes rose to her fath­ sages from him twice, and once he came year? vindictive look, to the kitchen. my cousin. "M y name is, as I toid you er's face In one brief, pitiful glance, and with a book that had been lent to fath saw my face above him, he drew himself Mrs. Rounder— N o ; but he made a lot Follow ing on tiptoe, he saw herl Sir Henry Graden, and I am a rich man! together without a sign of trepidation then her head dropped forward. Poor er." o f bad ones. lock a drawer, take out a bottle ™ | I am not asking you to neglect your duty! girl! she knew that he had spoken truly. ave that the hand with which he Mrs. Hom er— In d e e d ! “W a * Penruman courting Martha which is to keep us In; but if you will knew, and pour Its contents n | "T h e Engadlne?” then?' Mrs. Rounder— Y e s ; at least they have an eye to the door so as to keep gripped the stairs still shook slightly. Graden roes in hla ponderona fashion sink. H e chuckled. “ Ach! but it is you." he whispered up I don’t know, Mr. Harlnnd; bat this didn't keep. that old gentleman out, there’ll be five and stood with his bark to the fire. I And thereafter he compl»'n«1| For a moment I thought— but it was ■nd twenty pounds in your pocket” eonld see that the Intelligence concerned is the first time I’ve seen them together. the folly of a child. And so, Mr. Har- more about the coffee and Id’ 1 G rM ilIf R n c o a m «fd . Whatever the Irishman may have him— concerned him, Indeed, too nearly Please don't say anything more about It. D r. K allow m ell— Like yonr new lo­ thought o f our characters, there was no land, you come again to trouble me. Well, appetite shrunk back to Its norm* j for Immediate comment. It was soms I will have a talk to Martha privately, and see If I can put some sense into cation. do yon. notwithstanding Its gen­ doubt as to his belief in the genuine na­ it is for the last time— mark you that portions.— Chicago Chronicle. moments before he spoke again. — for the very last time.” eral healthfulness? “ Forgive me, Dr. Weston,” he said, her silly head." ture of the offer. H e beamed upon us He sat himself across the cylinder. As H a v e Y o o One» Aa I was walking beck to the Inn be­ “ but Is this a sudden resolution?" Dr. Sawbonea— Splendidly. I'v e al­ with a childlike jubilation that was qnite he did so I felt a hand upon my shonlder, fore dinner I caught sight of Penruman ready had six o f the loveliest cases of comic in ita enthusiasm. L ittle W illie — 8ay. pa. what U * ] " W e decided yesterday.” ®n, ‘ |..kn* w th* t Hraden was awake. " I s It common property? D o the vil­ coming out of the village poetofllce. He appendicitis yon ever laid your eyes on. “ Indade, sorr, indade, and I will.”’ he . , “ lo u might have spared the lad,” he tual friend? slouched away up a aide street at light cried. lagers know?” I*a— A mutual friend, my »on. ] said very quietly. — Chicago Tribune. '•Really. Sir Henry, I have no Idea. I of ma. You may think me dull, but I "H a v e yon the key?” who mnkes It his business to _ Marnac looked np with one of the had no euaplclon of the truth. •hould not think they know.” ” 1 have. aow. W u d your honor like ben*t-like glances that showed the dis­ informed o f the mean things you 1 Wot Iff They K n o w Iff. I f I had only known. " I will be quit» plain with yon. D r B a r k e r —I wonder why most married to kape it?^ You can turn the lock whin ordered brain. friends say about you. ________ W a all traveled to I*ondon together, Weston, for that Is alw ays the best. U n­ I knock fower times." " I t was a necessity," he said. “ He til this madman Is secured, yon and your takin rooms for the night at the Char­ women are afraid o f tbelr husbands’ s,in u re w it h the "T h at will hardly do,” said my ronsln. wonld hare prevented my , rt of justice P ark er— I goes* It's because men laughing. “ W e might have the captain daughter go In some danger. Yoa should ing Cross Hotel; for though Graden had •Thank goodness.' said Bunk -J upon yon— upon you who have tried so be aaf* enough In Switzerland, If you chambers In the Albany, he preferred never propoee to the other kind. visiting aa, which would mean a change hard to hinder me in my revenge upon can once more look the wor keep your address a secret But even that we should not be separated. It was of jailers. Now. aa to the trap door— my enemies who are also the enemiee of Infllpteat R then w * must arrange that you hare a here that Beak I joined na. Borrow had Is that also secured ?" science. Do you understand what I am fS Ttecnnse why?” queried Wlnkumj B lo x— W hat la your reason fo r think­ traveling companion that can be trust- burnt Ita mark upon the Polish Inn­ “T he led we spoke of— he hsa the kay about?” “Because the last of my ^ keeper. Hie thin, handsome features ing H aw k er Isn't a gentleman? ad.” •orr. May the mischief eeite him !” Perhaps, answered my eousln grim­ outlawed yesterday.” e x p l a i n “I ahall be vary glad to go,” I Inter were yet more drawn; and though hla K nox— H I* persistency In declaring “W e can't leave it like that See If ly. and at the word he Jerks,! away mv Jected. courtly manner was unchanged, an alien that he la. um. __________________ _ yon can fix it np to better advantage.” boot letting the trap fall into Ita place "N o , Robert, that will never do.” he ferocity lurked In hit dark, reflective Blake raised the outer block of wood H e W e w M 1 ,0 It would not go well with the •aid. “T o divide oar forces would be •yea. experience . „ 7 " ‘ hT do>r- w bispered. Revff.eg to D ate. | which fitted level with the flooring, and “ H a r e you had any T o the door and shout for help or It the worst generalship. Onr duty la plain. murderer of hia only eon If ha ehonld Too may break np the auto, or do aa yoo Inspects*! the grating below. It’ w,. “J " wi,h H e must have no­ chauffeur?" W a mast be prepared to etrlke at the en­ meet him face to face. Bo I thought ae » U I- |»ecur*I by a padlock— a precaution neo- •Well. I can show you the emy wherever he may be found. Other he stood before ua, hla hat railed, bowing But the scent of Ita power will din g to R eeaary enough, for houeety a not the ticed the ammonia cylinder this after tote* there will be weeks of anxiety for BB B , prevailing characteristic of a Portuguese . v h* ,nrn* ,h* th* ‘ »tuff for the fines I have paid- will choke the life out of us. The gas Hoaaa Companies* J