Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, December 13, 1906, Image 2

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    Washington County News
n m .r r o
I 111 I I
to a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
b ig
d e f ic it
U im
p o sta l D epartm ent R u n s B e h in d * 1 0 , -
President Makes a Strong Plea for U / l l l l i l U L U
_ _ _ _ _
616.995 94 in Year.
Porto Rican People.
Dec. 11. — The annual
Washington, Dec. 12.— In a special
message sent to congress yesterday,
report of Postmaster General Cortelyou
President Roosevelt strongly advocates
shows receipts for the past year were
Tuesday, Dec II.
state of prison-made goods of rfJ
granting citizenship to the people of
$167,932,782.96, while expenditures
Washington, Dec. 11.— The question states.
Porto Rico, and recommends other re­
The deficit is of Senator Reed Smoot's right to a seat
were $178,449,778.89.
The sovereignity of the state was l
forms. He begins by reviewing his
as United States eenitor from Utah subject of earnest debate in the i, ,
recent tour of the island and declares
we have cause to be proud of our rep­
Th postmaster geheral discusses the was discussed fey Senator Burrows in t.xiay growing out of the considerate
the senate today for more than three of a bill to establish a game preservJ
resentatives there, adding:
deficit but says he is less concerned hours. The senator hail carefully pre-
nearly 700,000 acres in the o S S
“ It would be impossible to wish a
about that than about the efficiency of Iuired his speech, which received the forest reserve in the state of WashC
more faithful, a more efficient and a
He attributes the closest attention throughout by a large ton. The bill was passed without di1
more disinterested public service than T e m p o ra ry S tru c tu re s D em olish e d, the department.
failure to show a profit to the growing attendance of senators and crowded gal- flion.
R e su m e o f the Less Important but that now being rendered in the island
S c h o o lh o u se s and D w e llin gs U n ­
public demand for increased postal fa- j ^ ¡« s - Smoot occupied his place in the
N o t Less Interesting Events
of Porto Rico by those in control of the
Thursday, December 6.
chamber. No interruptions were made
roofed and G o o d s D a m a g e d .
insular government.”
of the Past Week.
cilities. The deficit is not charged to during the entire speech, which was an
Washington, Dec. 6— The senate 1
He speaks in terms of high praise of
anv one branch of the service.
arraignment of Monnanism and the day adopted the Penrose resolution «-
the schools and the devotion of the
responsibility which attached to Smoot ing the president for information 1
Senator Brown is at the point of teachers, both native and American.
San Francisco, Dec. 11.— The fiercest
garding the discharge of the nett
He compliments the insular police and storm ’ that this city lias experienced in 1 departments is commented upon, par-1 for M in ion
“ member of
troops of the Twenty-fifth infant’
the apostolic body in the church.
many years swept over
■Democrats in the house oppose
and also the Foraker resolution dir
yesterday, causing the death of one half a century all causes of loss, in­
Moody's confirmation as supreme judge.
Washington, Dec. 11.— This was a ing the secretary of War to trang,
permanent. He comments on the rapid man, injuring a score of others and do­
cluding burglary, theft and fire, have field d"y for oratory in the house. The information on the same subject.
Mexico liad a net surplus of $20,000,- growth of sugar and tobacco culture, ing damage estimated at $500,000.
Senator Beveridge introduced a 1
000 for the year ending June 30, 1900. and says the imports and exports last | Sections of ruined walls were leveled, shown a loss of only three one-thou­ executive, legislative and judicial ap­
propriation bill afforded an opportuni­ today to amend the meat inspection
Three women are implicated in the!year were $45,000,000, against $18,- temporary structures blown down, sandths of 1 per cent.
Mr. Cortelyou
ty for general debate covering a wide by requiring that the cost of inspect!
Nebraska land frauds now on trial at 000,000 in 1901, and $2.1,000,000
schools and houses unroofed, cellars and recommends that a deputy postmaster range of subjects, front a dissertation shall be paid by the packers. Anot)
basements Hooded, streetcar service in­ general be appointed, who shall relieve on Alfred Nobel, the founder of the No- amendment requires that the dati
annexation. In conclusion he says:
terrupted for several hours and all ac­
inspection and packing or canninggp
Representative Kahn, of California,
“ All the insular governments should tivity on the water front suspended. ! the burden borne by the postmaster bel prize, to the raising of salaries of
general and his four assistants. The members of tongress and including a be placed on each package.
is very bitter against Japanese immi­ lie placed in one bureau, either in the
Forecaster McAilie, of the Weather bu­
has 320,000 persons in its discussion of simplified spelling.
department of War or the department reau, said that it was the severest storm I ■ department
Washington, Dec. 6 4 .— The ho
- , and it ig recommended that the
Boutell, of Illinois, in speaking of
Fra ice has expelled the pope's agents of State. It is a mistake not so to ar- experienced on this part of the coast for depUty’g position be made permanent
by a vote of 110 to 164 today defei
tlie bestowal of the Noliel prize upon
the bill of Littlefield of Maine ren
and is otherwise pushing the war on ! range our handling of these islands at 14 years
and that.he shall be general manager of President Rixisevelt, praised the presi­
Washington as to be able to take ad­
the church.
At 11:30 the wind reached a velocity the postal service. Greater accuracy in dent’s decision to use this money in es­ ing discriminations against Amerii?
vantage of the experience gained in
Rockefeller has offered $100,000 to­ one, when dealing with the problems of 52 miles an hour, while off the statistics is recommended and Mr. Cor­ tablishing a fund for bringing about a sailing vessels in the coasting tra?
l ' UIlCj it ll “ li
ward missionary work in r.gypt anu tbat from t,me p, time arise in another. Heads it was blowing 60 miles an hour. telyou asks that provision be made for friendly understanding between capital­ The debate raged for four hours ami
half and the result of the vote we
During the ilay 2.6 inches of rain
the Soudan.
“ In conclusion, let me express my fell. The storm abated in the after­ expert statisticians anil accountants. ists and laborers as “ noble, humani­ surprise to the friends of the meaerj
The Spanish government is consider- admiration for the work done by the noon, but the rain is still continuing. The congestion of mail in New York tarian and characteristic.”
who openly charged its defeat to
City is indicated and attention called
Gaines, of Tennessee, urged incerases
ing the question of placing an impoit congress when it enacted the law under
Aside from the dead and injured and to the new postoffice building, a site for of salaries for members of congress be­ American Federation of Labor.
which the island is now being adminis­ the pecuniary loss sustained by many,
duty on wheat.
tered. After seeing the island person­ the worst sufferers were the inmates of which has been acquired at the pro­ ginning with the Sixty-first congress.
Wednesday, December 5.
Ice blocks the “ Hoo” canal and there
and after five years’ experience in
where misery and posed terminal station of the Pennsyl­ Murdock, of Kansas, sjioke on railway
Washington, Dec. 5.— The brief
is a great fleet of vessels at each end
mail pay.
connection with the administration, it wretchedness reigned. Tents were car­ vania railroad.
sion of the senate today resulted in?
waiting to get through.
The house at 5:05 adjourned until introduction of many bills, resolutid
is but fair to those who devised this ried away, flimsy temporary cabins
noon tomorrow, no action looking to petitions and memorials, and the
Roosevelt will drop Bristol if the law to say that it would be well nigh blown down, w hile many of those which
F R O M P R E S I D E N T ’S V IE W .
the close of general debate on the bill ceipt of a number of communicati;
senate refuses to confirm him as United impossible to have devised any othei withstood the wind leaked badly. Hun­
having been taken.
States attorney for Oregon.
which in the actual working would have dreds of refugees who were burned out
from the executive department. Se
G iv e s R e a so n s fo r D is m is s in g F o rm e r
Foraker’ s insistence that immedij
in the big fire hail their few belongings,
The Russian minister of
foreign accomplished better results.”
A m b a ss a d o r S to r r r .
M o nday, Dec. 10.
action be taken on the pending resc
saved from the disaster, or since acquir­
affairs declares it will not be necessary
Washington, Dec. 10. — The senate . tions asking for information regard
ed, utterly ruined or Ixuily damaged.
. to borrow money again in the near
N E W P L A N T O B U Y S U P P L IE S .
All streetcar traffic was suspended in Roosevelt tonight made public a long committee on judiciary today author- the digcharge of negro B()ldisrs ~ f
ized a favorable report on the nom Twenty-fifth infantry developed dii
forenoon by masses of brick and letter addressed to Secretary Root, giv­
Commissioner Garfield says Federal Keep C o m m is sio n P r o p o s e s to Put It
¡nation of William H. Moody, the pres­ sion, but resulted in postponing affi
steel which had fallen into the streets, ing correspondence between the presi­
license is the method which will con­
on B u sin e ss B a sis.
ent attorney general, to be an associate until tomorrow.
trol the trusts and corporations in the
Washington, Dec. 12.—The commit­ the danger from the tottering walls dent and ex-Ambassador Bellamy Stor­ justice of the Supreme court of the
Washington, Dec. 5.—The house
future and is the only solution.
United States.
tee on department methods, popularly
in the high wind.
“ i swaying ------------------------
------ -----
---- er, in which he says that Mr. Storer’s
A favorable report was ordered also day, awaiting the report of the apr
Reliigotis strife is assured in France. known as the Keep commission, has <qeS) however, were not as great as at refusal to answer his letters and the
on the nomination of Charles J. Bona­ priat-ion bills, began its legislaij
Mayor Schmitz wants the time of his submitted to the president its report on ( (¡rat thought,
publication of various private letters parte, the present secretary of the ’ grind by passing three measures:
trial extended.
Incorporating the National Germ
justified the ambassador’s removal; Navy, to lie attorney general, and Al­
chase of department supplies. The re­
Canada is also liuving trouble with port reviews at some length the present
that Mr. Storer’s publication of private ford W. Cooley to lie assistant attorney American alliance; authorizing the
Japanese coolies.
Many other
nominations retary of the treasury to duplicate .
unbusinesslike and needlessly expen­ R adical C h a n g e in W isc o n sin ’s In su r­ correspondence was peculiarly ungentle- general.
certificates in lieu of ones lost or]
were reported favorably.
The pope declares nothing will stop sive method of purchasing supplies, by
ance M e a su re Likely.
The nomination of Leffeus R. W il- stroyed; and amending the naticj
stated with absolute clearness his posi­
the struggle in France except victory for which each of the several departments
Madison, Wis., Dec. 11.— Many far tion, the reason why it was out of the fley to be judge of the United States banking laws, permitting natid
in Washington has its own standards of
the church.
quality and makes its own purchases reaching reforms in the management of question for him as president to try to Circuit court for China was referred to bunking associations to make liana
John Barrett is almost certain to lie
the life insurance business are recom­ get any archbishop made cardinal, a committee of Senators Spixiner and real estate as security and limtiing {
entirely independent of others.
chosen director of the bureau of Ameri­
Briefly, the report is as follows: Pro­ mended in the report of the Wisconsin though expressing bis admiration for Bacon, who are members of the foreign amount of such loans.
can republics.
vision is m adeby which the prepara-1 investigating committee to the legisla- Archbishop Ireland as well as leaders relations committee.
The nomination of George B. Cortel­
Andrew Carnegie has given $32,000 tion of the schedules, advertising for ture, which was filed with Governor of other denomination.
towards rebuilding the college recently proposals and making the contracts fo r ! Davidson today. Its work was thor-
The president's action follows the
the purchase of department supplies; «»ugh, and, unlike the Armstrong com­ publication of a "confidential pamph­ James R. Garfield to be secretary of Railw ay C h a r g e s A lw ay s Low Wh
burned at Kankakee, 111.
N a v igatio n is Available.
are placed in the hands of aboard to be m it tee in New York, the report deals let” which Mr) Storer last week sent to the Interior, will be taken up tomor­
Mrs. Storer says she is the one who
known as the general supply com m it-. more particularly with the cost of in- the president, the cabinet and the sen­ row at a special meeting of the senate
are a few things they do
brought Roosevelt to the front ami he teq, such Imard to lie under the super-
committee on finance.
' surance in general than it does with the ate and foreign relations committee.
ter abroad,” said Congressman R]
owes everything he is to her.
The senate committee on commerce dell in a recent speech on river'
vision and control of the secretarv of manner of management of the invest-
has been polled and will report favor­ harbor improvement, delivered in P'
Lands around the Salton sink, Cal., eommerce and labor. The head of each \ ments or features of particular com-
ably the nomination of Oscar Straus to land, “ and among these things is \
will lie Hooded for a year as the result lepartment or independent bureau to panics.
be secretary of Commerce and Labor.
of the recent break in the dam.
serve as a member. The lxiard thus | The conclusion of the committee is
foreign way of handling water!
Other nations, noti
Young Teddy Rixisevelt is having constituted is hereafter to purchase the that the present cost of insurance is too C h ie f Executive o f Venezuela Rem oved
Washington, Dec. 10. — The house Germany, Holland and England are
to S e a c o a st T o w n on a Bed.
hard work these days being initiated department supplies heretofore acted! high; that there should be a reduction
today began consideration of the legis- j ,)ending annuai|y upon canals and
upon by the Ixwrd qf awanl. The com -: in the premiums; that the expense
into one of Harvard’s secret societies.
Fort de France, Martinique, Dec. 11. lative, executive and judicial appropri- >
8um8 by the side of which our
mittee, however, makes exceptions in | charges of insurance managements
Nearly 5,000 employes oi the Wash­ the case of the military and scientific excessive and are apportioned unjustly — Reliable advices here from Venezuela nttion bill.
No effort was made to :
diture8 are but tri(les. A stud
ington navy yard will receivo an in­ departments o f the government.
among different classes of policies; that set forth that President Castro was limit the time for general ileliate, the , fore;
L.otlditiong deve,op8 a few
crease in wages of 10 per cent Janu­
there is discrimination in the appor­ moved down to the little seacoast vil­ desire of the Republican leaders being controvertible faCt8.
Am ong th
ary 1.
tionment of dividends lietween annual
to keep the bill before the house until Whenever canals, rivers, lakes
and deferred policies; tligt the compan­
adjournment for the Christmas holi­ other waterways are properly dei
President Risisevelt lias expressed the
week. The'president is described as days.
oped, so that navigation is first cl;
hope that a treaty can lie negotiated C la im s o f C h in e se and R u ssian F a m ­ ies make excessive charges for the sur­
render of policies and that unreasona­ being very ill. He made the trip from
Simplified spelling held the atten­ freights are cheap and there is no;
which will exclude Japanese coolies
ine S u ffe r e rs C onflict.
Caracas in a bed. When he arrived at
mand for rate regulation. This
from the United States.
the paragraph in the bill fixing the or­
Washington, Deo. 12.— For the pres­ ed during the first three years; that the
There is little hope of ex-Senator ent at least no governmental appeal policies and loan agreements of the Macuto, he appeared to be absolutely thographic standard as some recognize«! mand comes entirely from communi!
which have no waterways.
unconscious. It is generally believed
Brown, of Utah, surviving the wound will lie made to the people of the Unit­ companies are harsh.
authority furnishing Clark, of Mis­
“ Showing the comparative cost [
that he has no chance of recovery.
indicted with a levolver in the hands ed States for aid for the famine suffer­
souri, Gillette, of Massachusetts, and railroad and water transport our
Violently worded posters have been
o a woman he had wronged.
ers of China. This decision was reach­
lake traffic is a gixxi illustration,
circulated in Caracas declaring that no
to express themselves on the merits of cost 90c a ton to transport iron ore f-
School teachers of San Francisco have ed after the State department had com­
one is today deceived regarding the
municated with louis Klopsch, of the P residen t S ta r t s M o ve to S t o p V il­ gravity of President Castro’s illness, the president’s order to the public Ashtabula to Pittsburg by rail, a
formed a union.
printer relative to the modifietl spelling tance of 135 miles.
Christian Herald, who raised $200,OIK)
lainies in C o n g o State.
It costs 80c
and insisting that the exercise of the
New York bank reserves are far lie-
of 300 words in common use.
for the Japanese sufferers, and who re­
ton to carry the same ore by water fi
Washington, Dec. 11. — President executive power be assured through a
low the legal limit.
Macon, of Arkansas, delivered a Duluth to Ashtabula, a distance of
gards the Russian famine as infinitely Roosevelt’s next role in the field of vice president, which is provided fur in
Ilarriman plans to secure control of worse, 30,000,000 people or twice the
speech on “ bucket shops,” and in favor 000 miles. Imagine, you people of
world politics will be as champion of the constitution.
For a long time
Chicago’ s electrical appliances.
number suffering in China lieing affect­ reform in the Congo Free State. The past the poster continued, only routine of his bill prohibiting gambling in Northwest, what the development
The house your own magnificent natural wsl
The Ht. Paul railroad has made offi­ ed.
United States is about to assume an ac­ government matters have been attended agricultural commoditie'.
According to letters received by Mr. tive part in putting a stop to the almost to, and important questions are being at 3:05 adjourned until noon tomorrow. wavs would mean to every farri
cial announcement of its route to the
Klopsch, 40,000 square miles in China, incredible horrors practiced in this ter­ hel in abeyance.
merchant and manufacturer,
Pacific coast.
supporting a population of 15,000,000, ritorial division of Darkest Africa by
Friday, D e ce m b e r 7.
farmer would adil to his profit set
General Parades, an ex-revolution­
Bellamy Stfirer has written an angry have lieen flooded and so great is the
Washington, Dec. 7. — By a practi­
letter to President Risisevelt alamt his j destitution that many parents are giving moral support to any world pow­ ists, now in exile, is organizing a seri cally unanimous vote the house today- tenths of the sums now paid the
er signatory to the treaty of Berlin that ous insurrectionary movement, and de­
roads for the carrying of his grain
dismissal as ambassador to Austria.
drowning their children rather than desires to act. It is believed that Great clares that lie will soon take the field. passed the bill limiting the regulation fruit; each merchant would effect a \
Many rich men of San Francisco are j see them starve, and are themselves Britain, lieing one of the powers signa­ He claims to have 15,000 rifles at his of interstate commerce between the sev­ ing in the cost of his merchandise
coming to the front with money to committing suicide.
eral states in articles manufactured by each manufacturer in the cost of his
tory to the treaty in question, is about disposition.
help Mayor Schmitz out of his trou­
convict labor or in any prison or re­ prexluot. I believe, and we can dec
ready to make a move.
formatory. The hill was introduced strate it by unassailable statistics,
J ap an e se V eterans C o m in g .
S h in a m u ra in C om m an d .
by Hunt, of Missouri, a practical stone were the national government to re»
The attorney g»>neral of Texas has
Honolulu, Dec. 12.— Many Japanese
C a s t r o on Deathbed.
Victoria, B. C., Dec. 11.—The steam­
produced proof that Senator Bailey was j laborers wearing war medals arrived
Fort de France, Island of Martinique, er KaguMuru brought news that Ad­ mason. Under the Wilson bill, which appropriations for rivers and harbor,
here today, on the steamer Nippon Dec. 11.—The French line steamer miral Shinnnmura will probably com­ became a law in 1890, convict labor- would be the most profitable of inv
hired by the oil trust.
made goods may enter into active com-
Many of the losers In the San Fran­ I Mara, from Yokohama. Tabor Com- Normandie, which touched at Is» Guay- mand the Japanese squadron, consisting l>etition with the grxxls manufactured ments for you of the Northwest to K
of the cruisers Matsushima, Itsuku- by “ free labor” and under this Federal your magnificent country for any st
cisco fire and earthquake are receiving
their money ami present indications are Washington recently. in connection today and report«! that in view of the shima and Hashidare, which will leave law a state could not pass a law that however great, that your unparall
that 80 i>er cent of the loasea will lie with lalmr matters, said today that the apparently approaching end of Presi­ Japan next month for Honolulu, San would prevent the shipping into the natural waterways be developed to
plantations should pay hotter wages, dent Castro revolutionary events are Francisco and the Puget sound. The
highest point of efficiency.
and that he disapproved of Filipino likely to occur soon.
Government vessels will be commanded respectively
The house committee on appropria­ immigration. General Harrison Gray troops left Caracas December 6 for the
E d g a r ana E a rl Both Fined. -
In ve stigate H ill Lin es in Jamjar;
by Captains Nawa, Nomaguichi and
tions has given Riswevelt's simplified Otis, of Isis Angeles, was a passenger western part of the republic, where a
York, Dec. 12.—C. Goodloe
Washington, Deo. 12.—Chain«
Reports are current that
spelling a slap by ordering all govern­ on the Nippon Mara. He expressed serious revolutionary movement has oc­
Rear Admiral Tomerka, president of Edgar and Edwin Karl, members of the Knapp, of the Interstate CoWp
ment printing to lie spelled according himself as Wing opposed to Japanese curred.
The Venezuelan insurgents, the Yetajima naval college, may also firm of William Edgar & Sons, sugar commission, said toilav that it had
to Webster.
dealers of Detroit, today in the United Eteen decided where or when the ui‘
naturalization and immigration.
commanded by General Montilta, have accompany the fleet.
Mates court pleaded guilty to accepting tigation of the Hill lines will
The National Rivers and llarlxirs
. .
, .
rebates on sugar shipments. Thev­ place. It-is known, however, that
S a le o f M e x ica n Mine.
congress ha. Mk«d the president to
• heir Sin.
Edwin and quiries will be ma«le at Ft. Pi»11*
L a b o r L a w fo r O k la h o m a .
work with them to wcun» an annual ai>- .
V »non n>rirrp>mt-
El Paso, Tex., Pee. 11.— News was a r s fined $6,000 each.
Guthrie, Okla., Dec. 11.— The con­ received today of the consummation of Earl were indicted in connection with Chicago, and it is probable tliat W
propriatinn of $60,000,000 for thsrivere!
*>™,000 were imposed today by
vention which will make the constitu­ the sale of the two most famous gold the New York Central Railroad com- missioners Proutv and fane will
and harbors of the Unite,! States.
M,,lt *n *>"' 1
court upon the American Sugar Refin- tion for the new state of Oklahoma in- and silver mining properties in the .en oiln '1 ' l T,AT ri' T s "*ar Upfinin* duct them. It is not believed tliat
The president and a II officials deny [ ing company and the Brooklyn Cooper-, nugumted its thin! week by unanimous- state of Sonora.
w York Central was work will start much
before J»"E
Lais Chishas, a fam­ S ™ 'T " L The
tli.it a new treaty with Japan
is being age company, after ’ the
‘ * ly adopting its first ordinance, which ous producer, has lieen sold to a New
Clenpanv 15, after the Ilarriman iovestig*«11
through counsel had pleaded guilty to accepts the enabling act.
Peter Han- York and Paris syndicate for 6,000,000 $18,000, after being convicted by jury in which the inquiries will be
of pesos C$3,000,000 gold). The Badican-
probably December 26 or 2 i.
Another small revolution has broken 1
rebates on sugar shipments in violation America, looked after labor’s rights by- ora mines, in the same district, one of
out in F.cuador.
S ay E lk in s L a w is D ead.
Lesson to Free-Traders.
I of the Elkina nnti-rehating act.
The proposing an eight hour law on public the most famous of the Antiguas group,
C iiiia go liec. 2 1 . - ^ 1 0 6 ^ of the
Kx-8enator Brown, of Utah, has sugnr refining Company was fined $80,- works, a fellow servant law, and ordi­ has been sold to D. F. O. Pease, of Chi­
London, Dec. 7.— The
lieen shot and seriously woumied at 000 and the cooperage company $70,000, nances affecting the tailoring man in cago, and his associates.
Ftan.lard Oil company against the ten comments this morning upon the ^
Washington by a woman he wronged
indictment.« against the Stani la nl Oil of American Prosperity” told
and refused to marry.
company of Indiana which were re-1 tarv of the Treasuiv Fh.w’s reixirt.
K in g o f C ig are tte F ie n d*.
S a m p a n s S u n k in Sq u a ll
M a k e S o u th S e a Isla n d s G o o d .
Chicago, Dec. 12.—Julius Perskv, of
t o *»vs the striking fart about this c
Dr. T ipponi, physician to the pope,
Tokio, Pec. 11.— A number of sam­ lav'In t
Hammond, Ind., died last night from
Washington, Dec. 11. — President pans (small harbor boots) belonging to £ J T 2 5 1 m^ 1 f™ * " J « * * * « » r t zling prosperity is that it prev«' * '
is dead.
ecxeeisve smoking of cigarettes.
He Risisevelt today sent to the senate in the Japanese cruiser Cliitose were sunk
A house committee is considering a said tliat he had smoked 500,000 eign- executive session an agreement of th» in a squall here today while she was firth, . am lard Oil company contend j rears ¿go, predicted won Id be rnu,
t:on 10 of the rate law |««sed bv protection. TheDailyMailn-e*
bill which provides for a rate of 2 cents j rettes during his lifetime.
His only powers to prohibit th»' sale or importa­ returning from a trip. A number of
per mile on ail railways of the Unite»! sustenance for three months had been tion o f firearms, opium or intoxicating the Ixmta were overturned and 60 men k w un W
I T u W* E pn,U thp
Mr Shaw’ s currency p r "P ^ * *
liquors to the South Sea islands.
¡diluted alcohol and cigarettes.
h r7 J
«i°h tHe rm ,n m * nt W bold statement, not fessiMe exreP* i
i were drowned.
bringing the action.
j the $80,000,000 duties collected-
Issued [a d ì Week
to I
sh o w s
Heavy Wind Blows Down Tents
and Ruined Walls.
'T V ’; ^