W ashington C ounty îM w new s ,IY OREST GRQ\ e , WASHINGTON CO., O RE., Statement o f the Condition of OREGON VERSUS CALIFORNIA. OF F O R E S T G R O V E , OREGON NOVEMBER 29, MANUAL TRAININO IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Golden State Experiences Cold Weather and Oregon Is Still Reliable. | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THURSDAY, The Southern California country is At C a ll of the Comptroller, November 12, 1906 experiencing an entirely novel change of weather and it seems that after all the land of sunshine is not as reliable RESOURSES LIABILITIES I United States B o n d s .. 2S000 as it might be. Capital paid in............ 25,000.00 Surplus and profits_____ I Loans and discounts . 107673.26 3041 32 I Stocks and Bonds . . . . 22152.15 Premiums on B on ds..........825. I Cash on hand due from The orange groves years. When the editor was two years ago. he was greeted by the | Banks and U. S. T re a su re r..................... delightful 47 72 0.28 sunshine, the beautiful attest: |li( Thanksgiving exercises were L n the Methodist 1 0 :3 0 church this o ’ clock . Rev. Ltbep»itor of the Christian church Lebed the sermon and spoke in a Log manner of the blessings of the llle following were the order of ex- 11. Organ Voluntary. I. Hymn. !. Player— Rev. r 1 . Herbert W. Anthem. i. The President’ s Proclamation kbyPrin. James B. Wilkerson. 1. Scripture Reading. Pres. Wil- ■ N. Ferrin. ! Offering. 1 Sermon.— Rev. Chas. A. Sias. whelmed While at Work broglio. Near Buxton— Mountain Gives Way i r when Tougue accused Bump of m- dulging in “ shyster” tactics. Bump * ! ! lost his temper, called Tongue a liar Two Japanese laborers were killed Manual training in our schools was an(t struck at him with his fist. what he thought paradise should be. and seven injured in a landslide which the subject brought before a large aud­ Tongue dodged the blow by good foot- The southern people spoke of clim- occurred Saturday morning near Bux­ ience last evening at Verts Hall, and work and seized a chair. With this he e and— everything was climate. But ton on the new line of the Pacific the programme of the evening was in­ walloped Bump, flooring him, and COUNTY COURT NEWS since this sudden change we wonder Railway & Navigation Company. S. terspersed with a large number of well then jum ped onto his prostrate foe and they would have to talk about. Kermatsuka died soon after receiving PR O BATE COURT rendered recitations and musical selec­ was decorating his features with Mar­ Yea! verily, the good old state of Ore­ injuries and F. Otta died while on the tions by the school children ar.d some quis of Queensbury frescoes, when Estate of Thomas M Hines. In- gon seems to be the only reliable road in a special train for Portland, of the local talent of this city. The court attaches and witnesses separated ventory and appraisement filed and ap- lace to live in after all. which arrived there at 2 o ’ clock Sun­ proved. concert was given to swell the fund the belligerents. day morning bearing his dead body. which will be used by the school The Good Roads Problem Justice Bagley sent Bump to jail for Estate of Nathaniel P. Nye. J. E Two wounded Japanese, S. Terger The Pacific Northwest of November board in the purchase of tools and ap­ three days for contempt, on the ground Bailey appointed administrator. C. 0 . and I. Kuse, arrived on the special Roe, S. G. Hughes and A. R. Leabo Dntains some valuable information on paratus for the department. Prof. W. that he was the aggressor. Tongue train and were taken immediately to íe problem of good roads. It dis- J. Standley, who has charge of the escaped with a reprimand.— Telegram. appointed appraisers. St. Vincent’ s Hospital. They are in a lissps hntxr tn KniM I Manual Training ‘ department of the Estate of Henrietta Holtz. Final serious condition, but it is believed of all city schoofs of Portland, spoke on that RAISES WHEAT NEAR receipts filed. Administrator dis- that they will recover. subject, giving a clear idea of the work ARCTIC CIRCLE charged and bondsmen released. The whole side of a mountain slid being done and the good derived from down upon the portion of the track Estate of Ludwig Holtz, adminis- Experiment Station Man Will Exhibit wing different sections of road the work. where a large gang of laborers were at trator discharged. Bondsmen re- j Agricultural Products at Alaska- id how the roads are drained, work. They were taken unawares and leased and estate closed of record. An Open Letter Yukon-Pacific Exposition. different views of drags are nearly every one of them was more or Estate of Mary L. and Sophia J “ The true value of a system j In answer to the open letter of last Mrs. F. E. Rader, whose husband less injured. The wounded men week’ s issue— Nuriman minors. Sale of real estate is in charge of the United States ex­ were given every possible attention, In regard to the present administra­ approved. two fnnctional principles; proper periment station at Rampart, Alaska, and as soon as an engine could be M A R R IA G E L IC E N S E S . construction and continual mainte- tion of the city, in the matter of tem ­ just one degree south of the arctic cir­ secured three of them were hurried to perance, I wish to ask the fair-minded, John H Fisher and Nettie Collins. e. There are two fundamental _________ _ _ _ in this city, cle, was a ______ recent visitor Portland. J B Fields and Aenie E Perkins. riples in proper construction, observin& Peot)le ° f our citV if theV j and told surprising facts regarding the National Bank at Tillamook. Wm. G Hare and Jennie M. Greer. drainage and a good foundation; and see the dray loads of beer kegs and a({ricultural possibilities of the extreme W. S. Hahn and M. M. Jackson. there are two fundamental principles in \ whiskey barrels that were so frequently j Northland Salem capitalists have organized the ! I 'ft 1 9 f j j. Hymn. j. Benediction. Be News and Semi-weekly Journal 11.75. seen on our streets last year. If Mr. At , he Maska-Yukon-Pacific Expos! Langley is so positive of the illega l; t|on< well rounded, smooth and hard j I tion, which h , 0 be held „ Seattle in dealing in intoxicants, he as a citizen, :e. Unless a road is properly I 1909, there will be a most interesting as a law preserver and the city attorney I exhibit of the results of Mr. Rader’ s :d and the drains kept contin-1 should prosecute the matter. I keep experiments in the far north. The ex­ ually open for the carrying away of j very close watch and fail to see any­ position will show that there is more surplus water we need not expect the thing of the kind at the present time; to Alaska than glaciers and icebergs. surface to remain in such condition as if I should, I would prosecute it at “ We are experimenting principally j to give the best results, and provide ouce. Our city has no money to with grains in an effort to produce easy and economical transportation; spend on hot air, but will prosecute varieties that mature before winter sets and unless a suitable foundation is pro­ lawlessness to the bitter end, when j in,” she said. “ The grain seeds we vided, the surface of the load will soon j positive proof can be established use are hardy varieties from Russia and become rough, irregular and be a con I have visited suspected places, in Finland. tinual source of expense, annoyance some cases in company with the City I “ All hardy vegetables such as car­ and danger. Marshal, but found nothing to warrant I rots, parsnips, rutabagas, potatoes and First Paper Published in Forest Grove prosecution. It is quite probable that j even peas can be raised successfully, the liquor ordinance is violated a t ' i Last year my husband succeeded in The first paper published in Forest times in some places of our city— the j j raising string beans, and many of the Grove may be of interest to many of time will com e when the law will fall pods were seven inches in length. the old settlers of this county and to heavily on the violators. “ Potatoes are among the most suc- many of the new ones as well. It was As to the other interests of the city | cessful crops we have up there. C ip- edited by members of the Gamma over last year, there has been more ! tain Mayo, who lives at Rampart, has Sigma Society of Pacific University in ! street work, more new street crossings been growing potatoes since 1872. 1879. The literary society in those put in, and more new walks of betier “ There are two grains which are be­ days was a strong one and was made quality. Our finances are in much ing grown with much success in our up of college men who have since better shape. W e went into office last locality, a variety of wheat from Kar- gone out into the world and made January with $178.11 in the treasury, j koff, Russia, which is planted in the good. While the editor was in Salem and an attorney’ s fee of S10G.00 ini fall, and Finnish black oats, which are last week visiting, his brother, Edgar the Saloon License case unpaid, leav­ ! planted in the spring. The crops sel­ Meresse, of the Statesman staff, they ing a balance on hand of $18.11. We dom fail.” took a stroll through the capitol build- show a balauce in the treasury, ten [ ing. Of course he took much inter­ months later at the November meeting ; Dormitory Progressing Rapidly. est in the state printing department of $1668.60. The new ladies dormitory is pro­ and in the office of t.*e state printer Thanking you for an unprejudiced j gressing rapidly, the masons having had the pleasure of meeting Albert consideration, I am Yours truly, j gotten well up to the top of the base- Tozier, the president of the State Press M. PE T E R S O N , | ment. The carpenters are also busy A ssociation and who at present is the City Mayor. | and are now placing in the pre- state's expert in the printing depart­ 1 — Low prices every day at Levy’ s Market. — Just Received ! t -1 A big Stock of Tinware and Graniteware from New York Every Piece guaranteed by th e M a n u fa ctu re r and our selves. Workmen on Lytle Road Are Over­ * ï ' _"*h* T " * _________ In match, Washington County between Attorney Thomas R. M . DOOLY, President Many People Give Thanks. Ling at CAUGHT IN A LANDSLIDE truth it seemed like paradise or nearly Correct I golden fruit and white blossoms. gihstic rules, land Schools. orange and lemon groves, with their 206,33 3.69 A case of barnyard litigation, involv- f ing the ownership of several much ma- Stanley .1 M M Speaks on System of Training in the Port- traveling over that section of country 206,333.69 Bump Strikes at Attorney Tongue, is Floored and Goes to Jail as Well. --------------- stance that has not occurred for over forty LAWYERS HAVE A SET TO and School Board ligned hens’ being tried before Justice Two Japs Killed— Seven Injured of the Peace H . T . Bagley at Hills- tiive Entertainment to Swell Man- boro, Saturday afternoon, wound up in Taken to a Portland H o sp ita l- ual Training Fund-Many Attend. • wrestling and pu- Injured May Recover with several inches of snow, a circum­ D eP°sits..................... 153292.37 Furniture and Fixtures. .2 9 6 3 . NO. 2$ Woman’s Club near San Bernardino are now covered Cumulation Currency. 25,000. 1906. If the T inw are rusts, b r in g it b a c k and get a new p ie c e . W e shall not try to dispute it with you. 1 L ment and who, in other words, keeps tab on the work of the state printer. The Graniteware is the best mide. Every p ece war ^ ted for 10 years. course;” he said, “ in It costs a little more but its cheaper in the end. those cost something to travel back and forth from Hillsboro to the Grove and so we walked both ways.” ‘ Well^ yes, how is the Gamma Sigma society these days? B y the way I must tell Buy good goods you of the first paper we published in Forest Grove. It was in the year 1879 that the society saw the need of ®<1 get something worth having a newspaper. We got together some old type, but then we were up against it for a press. A fellow by the name j will go on W. Hains Monroe, a id both during the winter” V iss of the galley pre»es which are being used some time was published in the inter- 1 for publication but that we may know now. In order to get the weight est of the town as well as for a school to whom we are under obligations for same. t o the roller, a round piece of wood and had good financial support.” i one of the best fields for the banking business in Oregon. A. N. Bush, George G. Bingham, Dr. W . H . Byrd and James Walton, all Salem, are the main stockholders, although several Tillamook business men will take the remaining stock. James W Uon, who has been cashier at the Security Sav­ ings and Trust bank, at Portland, will be the cashier of the new bank. The new corporation will take place of the C. and E. Thayer bank. - ss: Sealed bids will be received by the County Court of Washington county, Oregon, on Thursday, D ecem ber 6 , 1906, at 2 o ’ clock p. m . for the ex­ tension of the tax roll of said county for the year 1906. The person extending said tax roll will not be required to take off the val­ uation of road and school districts, but will be required to have same fully com pleted by February 1, 1907. Further information as to manner of making extensions and amount of labor required may be had by applying at the office of the County Clerk of said county. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order the Commissioners’ Court. J. w. G o o d w i n , County Judge. says ,0 OREGON gin operations in that city immediately. T h e Tillamook country is said to be “ Work To Our Correspondents Another of Long, who was somewhat of a prin­ the rollers soon cracked. W e would ask our correspondents to ter and rather of an inventive turn of experiment was tried and this time the mind, cast aside this difficulty and set roller was filled with sand and about send us their copy so it will reach us T h e Tuesday of each week where possible; work to make a press. It was a every fifth paper could be read. paper was called the Avrora and for also to sign their names to same— not crude one and was much the same as Goff Bros. forest grove , days it work for the ' floor. Net­ ( contractor Bingham. ‘ ‘ We shall place, Portland | canvas over part of the brick work dur­ During the were married November 19 at ing the rainy days.” I spells of good weather work will pro­ the home of John T. Heard, ceed on the uncovered section of the cousin of the bride, near Hillsboro, building.” The work may cover a Oregon. The cerem ony was per­ longer period of tim e than at first esti­ formed bv Dr. J. W hitcom b Brougher. mated on account of the scarcity of Mr. and Mr«. Hains will reside in bricklayers, as it is very difficult to se- ! cure them, so great is the building Portland. activity at present all over the state. The building of the new hall is giving was hollowed out and taken to em ploym ent to many laborers of this the blacksmith shop and melted city and thus much of the money will lead was placed in the space. be kept right at home. This, however, did not las*, long and John Mr. Tozier formerly lived in Hillsboro “ Of tie V. and attended Pacific University. 1 liminary Hains-Yo :oe First National bank, of Tillamook, Or , with a capital of $25,000, and will be­ r (.a ll and E x a m in e m ir Lar<£e A ssortm ent ot WATCHES 21 JEWELtü. We $ive ¡fieli E xce llen t W CHÌ V aines We have some of the LA TE ST DESIGNS in dainty Gold Watches for ladies, also the very PO PULAR dust proof nickel cases. A b b o tt & S o n J e w eler s in