Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 22, 1906, Image 5

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S I '" .'- " '* '“ '• » - « . « . 5
L ,ntin ly free from it
.develop so
8 8 t o cau8e
The lady tn the seat dlreetlv so*
¡cloak about her
o' c
?‘ - p produce
roou w “ dyspepeia,
|»^“ ¿isrktd tendency to con- !
‘ bgfore causing eruptions,
“ 1’orter, If that w M o w I, opened"
sh et.nanpedt testily, - , 8hall
ta'*et of * Canadian of-
uc-er Lieutenant Colonel G. A. Peter«.
Ï Â S V a * bullet - proof
- — plate ~ o f
K r ¿ ¿ r . í» . r
^entirely"rid o f it take the great
’s S a r s a p a r i l l a
„ „U tonn or In chocolated tablets
t w o 'L r "
‘‘j tarsatabs. 100 doses $1.
*• « «b. z&xsriz\s:
traveler"«,ou“ dït^ ** C°mmerelal S t o « t£e
. elderly ; r , r " " t“w hat f l o a t e d
fljppad “n obe8e man ou a crow (i '
It make any differen ce," she
, ^bich of these cars 1 take to
« « fr e e l^ U ^
T h e ^ o s e It aud suffocate the o t ^
““ “ '“dl™‘^
¡“ T * 8 * « m r .c y“ ‘g a C m u c I hUme8I ' ^
ueeda no attendant.
asSnUl«hUr| 1S
trled ln Ger®«'>y
* " uod Preservative.
It 1 * a l l i e d
N est Sum m er.
A million or
two of people who have in molten form and as It hardens it
spent this summer at the seashore are completely Oils the pores. At moder-
strongiy disposed to spend neit , llm. nte temperatures it Is unaffected by
, B ffle, madam.” answ ered the
^jry welght, as he lifted his
acids, or a.*u-
U ^ a . If *fh k C0Un,ry ° r the moun- line s, 1 w.!ak or stron*
jpiiaed on.__________
m ruOInnVh ? PTrWVeri 10 tills deter- I“ 6
A disadvantage 1» that
ck » « « .
“ ' “ n tbe|r Places will be filled by ^ 8ull,llur nielt8 at 115 degrees F „ aud
, invention o f clock s Is by
no h T !h e „
. ,aV* ' Pent thl8 ,uuimer ^ ‘ 8 tuake8 the treated wood unfit for
, modern one. C locks which
ry and don’t ? * A ni1 the back « “ »- t h ™
? lP ° ° " d t0 ™n,lderable heat,
Lrun ty weights w ere used by the
b ^ n a vrr“ r ! t0 80 back- 11 has I T 6 T ' wood to r “ ** w ith this pro-
it the time o f the Crusades,
foggy •skee^rvtrJHng *Ummer>
ls poplur’ the trials of oak and
r ® # luthorltle* state that they n X eM n n
?• d? U,p' molrt- hot and plne having been much less s a tls fa -
Li,tented by Pacillcus as early as miscellaneously plaintive, hut It has to>T.
teen about as bad In one plac. as In
jiitb century.
A large steamship has recently been
Lthe works of Dante are references another.— Harper’s Weekly.
constructed on the Tyne having no
•tine* which struck the hours,
masts at all. Instead o f masts rlle
[docks must have been used In
vessel Is furnished with four large pil­
Hbout the end o f the thirteenth
lars placed on each side o f the ship,
The oldest clock o f which
two forward and two aft, which serve
Ciiny certain record w as erected
x> p ___i p.
iat* derrick posts. The two forward nl J.
User 1“ ,lle palace o f Charles V.
* ank DoMHnus, veteran, of Rooee- lars are connected by a bridge 50 tee t
ice In 1301.
vel^ Ave.. Indi.napo.ls, Ind.. says: ¡above the water, which may b T ^ d
‘ I had been showing symptoms of kid­
for lookouts. The vessel ls 482 foot
Idircb recently dedicated in St. Paul
ney trouble from the
(tcifd at a cost of $7,000, raised by
long and 54 feet broad, and Is to he
tcontributions of 70 cents each.
used In the far East to carry bulky car­
out of the army, but
in all my life I nevei goes. Accommodations are, however,
suffered as in 1897. provided for 350 emigrants. Another
Headaches, dizziness vessel o f the same type ls building.
How a Veteran Was Saved the Am-
putation of a Limb.
and sleeplessness first,
and then dropsy.
0 ind Addresses in Portland o f Repre-
was weak and help-
NBusiness firms.
less, having run down
I8KPAHA7 0HH—W o guarantee the U. 8.
f r o m 180 t o
ir to bo (ho host. W rits lor free catalog.
I was hav-
ilCo.. Hfth <tud Oak.
ing terrible pain in the kidneys and the
JSA OROANH— Many tine Instrum ents re-
lecretions passed almost involuntarily.
iKuitct’uuiu sickness or rem ova l o f buyer
l for desor ption of p anos now on hand.
My left leg swelled until it was 34
Write today. G ilbert Co., Portland
inches around, and the doctor tapped it
■HIDE. BURTON.—A ssayer ar-1 Chemist, night and morning until I could no
kir .ie, Colorado. S p en m en p r ice s : Ooiii,
(inId, S ilver,7 »« ; (¿old, 60c; Z ln
c o r l° nker stand it, and then he advised
Lji. Cysnlde tests. M ailin g en velop es and amputation.
I refused, and began
C illst sent on ftupllcatlon. C on trol and I'm -
itnlkluiL ltwference: C arbonate N » using Doan’ s Kidney Pills. The swell­
ing subsided gradually, the urine be­
came natural and all my pains and
aches disappeared. I have been well
now for nine years since using Doan’ s
Kidney P ills.”
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-Milburn C o., Buffalo, N. Y .
e x t r a c t io n
5 0 *
Portland Trade Directory
«curt afford
f a n t s
V’ C h
E n
il d k
Promotes Di§estion.Checrful-
ness and Rcsi.Contains neither
What is C A S T O R IA
Opium.Morphine n or M ineral.
N o t N a r c o t i c .
C astorla Is a harm less substitute fo r Castor Oil, P are­
g o ric, D ro p s and S ooth in g Syrups. I t Is Pleasant. I t
contulns n eith er O pium , M orphine n o r oth er N ureotle
»ubstanee. Its a ge is its gu arantee. I t destroys W orm s
and allays Feverishness. I t cu res D inrrluea and W in d
Colic. I t relievos T eeth in g T rou bles, cures Constipation
a n d Flatuleucy. I t assim ilates th e F o o d , regulates th e
Stom ach and B ow cl3, g i v i n g healthy a n d natural sleep.
T h e C hildren’ s P unacea—Th e M oth er’ s Friend.
/ t^ a fo u a -S M L U P m m a
Avnpln M -
sHx Stana *■
suûtr Send *
ifirm Sêtd-
a T
R e a lis e d
lor free booklet showing analysis
»ater in 100 cities in the United
**hthe amount o f 20-Mule-Team
“ necessary to use in each case
the water end produce clean,
rMies without injury
P” most delicate hands.
to the
t " 1 sis* package R orax A Ilorax
rJH* DOtiklet ar.w souvenir p ictu re 7x14 in.
X b I od I,10 <‘e,lN ,ll"l 'leftlei-’s nam e. 1*A-
Ujm i B o n AX < ' , O u ila n d l at.
^0 <§c * 3 .0 0 S h o e s
• *ST IN T H E W O R L D
s$4 Gill Edge line,
Ll^for Cataiá
facsimile Signature o f
iii(in * S M d ll!
J5 Rosi s - | y t i
1 s
The Kind You Have Always Bought
copy o r w r a p p e r .
Byrup th e b est re m e d y to u se fo r th e ir o h ild r e n
d u r in g th e te e th in g p er io d .
In Use For Over 3 0 Years
T H * C E N T A U R C O M P A N Y , T V M U R R A V S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K C IT Y .
**I see they’ ve discharged that clerk who
saved so much money out of his small
•alary. Didn't they know he was grafting
«11 the time?”
“ Y es. bin they suspect now th«t he got
some of the graft th»t rightfully belonged
to tbs bigger officers of the company.”
r i v f t St. V tins’ D ance , n a all N ervous Disease*
perm anently cured by Dr. K line’ s Great
N erve Restorer. Send fur F R K K fa trial bottle and
treatise. Dr. It It. K iln ,, I d . Ittl A rch s t „ l'bila.,1’ ».
ill U
B0- B n ys’ Shoes. $3
w a 7 h’ ? r c ’ 8 h .* s , 1 « OO to 8 1 .8 0 .
«. i * ? 111" » ! Shoes, * 2 .3 8 to fl.O O .
hr«7’. , n* la* W o m e n ’ s , M !s » v s a n d
*'""■>- fo r sty le, Ht a n d w ear
I tnulJ
0 ,b e r m ake*.
[ u|a take y o u In to m y large
«Brockton, Mass..and s h o w
«•«fully W ,L . D o u g la s s h oes
"• y ou w ou ld then understand
¿ ■ o ld their shape, fit better,
and are of greater value
f "Ner make.
J ? 9 J i v e , y o u ca n ••Main W . L-
* n* m r s o d p rice Is stam ped
r^ s lot—
h rtviecttt y o u a g a in s t High
( H r i *h '*»*. T a b # n o eiifcsvl*
,o »r
r W
D o u g la s shoes
V* . . L. L
The angry waves broke upon the «late­
ly vessel.
“ Isn’t the commotion terrible?” ex­ D e a t h o f M a n W h o W a n T w i c e G o v ­
claimed the young man with the steamer
e r n o r o f M lc h liin n .
cap and the camera.
Aaron T. mi»«, twfee Governor of
“ 0 , yes!” moaned the pale young wom­
Michigan, died recently at Saginaw, of
an In the steamer chair. “ You feel it,
which city he was the most distinguish­
too, do y o u ? " ___________
ed resident Aaron
W o u l d Suit H im B e tte r.
T. Bliss was born
The Judge—Mr. Twiggies, do you wish
In Smltlifleld, Mad­
ison County, New
t0 ^ l ¿^ y erT w h o had lost his oa se)-
y a J.our ],n n o r ; but it would afford me
1837, and spent
! infinite satisfaction if I could club the
his boyhood on a
_________ _________
farm there. At 17
P robably W ent A ll Rlsrht.
be left home and
“ J . Smith, Famished Geological Struc­
was employed In a
ture, 111.”
store In a neighbor­
This was the address on the letter
ing village. At the
postmarked Boston, Aug. 27, 190(1."
breaking out o f the
•Try Starved Rook.” wrote the edu­ AABOX T. B U SS.
cated railway postal clerk just below ths C|Vu w a r lie was one o f the first to
address.—Chicago T ribu n e.^
'enlist In the Tenth New York Heavy
ArMfldal rubies are now successfully
A, Jn
twelve or fifteen carats by
M Verneul » scientist of Pari*.
Took • 9b me
b°n|)1"nkkM*-Yes: Heath lov«« a «hinini
If you are su fferin g from
impure blood, thin blood, de­
bility, nervousness, exhaus­
tion y-ou should begin at once
w id i A y e r 's S a r s tp u r il
you 1>*V' ‘ ”own
T oo
Svsorp.*s. n f J ’ ” ,
k .^ «h s v|nï , hfn).
■hr f c ü ' * » " ' they will I not
m wear bratsf.
Catalogo« Fan Stylo*.
s, Dept. , 3 > Brockton, M*
N o. 4 2
to a d v e r tís
1 , l ’ '« p a p o r .
¡h «
,M V„ur life. Your docior
knows it.too-
liS o r'('>*•
, , n T O
C o r r e c t io n .
Mr. Stoplate— I believe I must say
j g o o d -n ig h t,
In cutting « canal at Kordesux a burlati
statue has been discovered of Anne o f
Austria, queen of Louis X I I I ., w h o died
st l'uria lu 1 OGü.
$100 R ew ard, *100.
T h e r e a d e r s o( th is ps|ier w i l l be pleased to
le a i n th a t th e r e ls at lea st o n e d r e a d e d d l s e * » «
th a t s c ie n c e h a s b een a b le t o c u r e ln all Its
s ta g es, a n d t h a t ls C a ta rrh . H a ll’ s Catarrh
C u re is m e o n l y p o s itiv e c u r e k n o w n to ths
m e d ic a l t r a t e r u it y . c a t a r r h b e in g a constitu­
t io n a l d i -c a s e , r e q u ir e s a C o n s titu tio n a l treat­
m e n t. l l a l l ’ s t a tn r r h C ure is ta k e n in t e r n a ll y ,
a c t in g d i r e c t l y u p o n th e tlo O d and mucous
s u r .a e e s o t t h e s y s te m , th e r e b y d 's t r o y ln g t h e
1 fo u n ia U n n o f th e d is e a s e , « m l g iv in g the pa­
tie n t s t r e n g t h b y b u i l d in g u p th e constitution
a n d a s s is tin g n a tu r e In lU-ing its w o r k . The
p r o p r ie to r s h a v e s o m u c h faith ln Its curative
i p o w e r s t h a t t h e y o ile r O n e H u n d r e d Hollars
: lo r a n y ruse th a t it (a ils to c u r e . S e n d (or list
o ( t e s t im o n ia ls .
don’ t 1
should you ?
Mr. Stoplate— W hy, really— ah— It’s i A ddress.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, a
’ Sold hy druggists. ?Sc.
getting rather late. Isn’t It?
H a ll's F a m ily F ills are th e b e s t.
Miss Tersleep— Yes, altogether too
late to say good night. Say good-tnorn-
At Wilkesbnrre. Tn., ln one day recent»
lng.— Cleveland Leader.
ly 425 foreigners were naturalized.
7e (rime
i m
' l S r >»• - »»•
H e r « e lf.
D is m u k e * — Y es
m a r k .— A m e r ic a n S p e c ta to r .
• i
Bears the Signature of
J.- E. Thornyeroft, an English author­
ity ou engineering, In reviewing recent
attempts to adapt the Internal combus-
tlon engine to marine use, says that
| this adaptation may now be regarded
F o r e t b o hr lit.
as an accomplished fa c t Trials made
Grandma— Tommy, is there anything
between Hamburg and Kiel with a mo­
tor of 70 horse-power showed that the you like better than a piece of pie?
Tommy (with
hi« mouth full) —
gas-propelled boat consumed 530 pouuds
Yes’m. Two pieces.
of anthracite, as against 1.820 pounds
M oth ers w ill fin d M r-. W ln ilo w ’ s S o o t h in g
of steam coal consumed by a steamboat
A f n w o n tU o ii.. ♦ !.« ___
o f p r a c t ic a l l y t h e s a m e d i m e n s io n s a n d
Aperteci Remedv forConsHpa-
lion, Sour Stornarti.Diarrhoca
Worms ,C onvulsions .Kcwrish-
ness and L o s s o f S leep .
making the same speed. Gas-engines
O n e o f Ilia G lo o m y M o o d a .
o f from 500 to 1,000 horse-power for
“ H o n e s t y is th e b e s t p o l i c y , t o b e s u r e / ’
marine use are now being constructed m o r a liz e d the p r o f e s s o r , “ b u t in th e c a s e
In England, and Mr. Thornyeroft ox- 0f too many men it is a policy that ha,
pects to see such engines Installed in a surrender value.'
large sea going vessels.
To Break in New Shoes.
Many precious stones are Influenc-d
A lw ays sh ake in A lle n 's F oo t-E «* e , a p ow d er,
. m s n a t l n r It cu res h o t, s w e a tin g , » c h t n g . s w o lle n feet.
by the action o f the rays
" Cures co rn s, in g r o w in g n a ils a n d b u n io n s . At
xposed a
from radium. A scientist e exposed
a all dru ggists an d sh oe stores, 24c D o n ’ t a c c e p t
H o u g h o n IteKKy.
colorless diamond from Borneo to these
U ^ o ” ^N. Y . ' Add” “
Tom m y—What ls the "height o f fol­ rays. The stone was colored a light
ly.” pa?
A song railed the “ Hymn of Apollo,”
yellow after eight days and a decided
Pa— Your sister’s beau, my sou. He lemon yellow after another eight days. written
B. , C., „ has . just been
, 280 years
„ ,
. . . .
. .
sung for the first time in England.
On heating the diamond to 250 degrees
centigrade (482 degrees Fahrenheit)
U n c le A l l e n .
“ Many a man,” said Uncle Allen the yellow color was diminished, hut it
Sparks, “ dates all his other reverse« from could not be entirely got rid o f even
the evening when his best girl turned him at a red heat A colorless Brazil dia­
mond showed no coloration. A peculiar
behavior was shown by a pale blue
H o p e D e fe r r e d .
Dinguss— Shadbolt, I’ve borrowed a sapphire from Ceylon. After two hours'
good many little sums from you, at one exposure to radium bromide It showed
time and another. Do you know just how a coloration, green at first, then light
much I owe you?
yellow and after a few more hours red­
Shadbolt (with alacrity)—Y es; It’» ex­ dish yellow. After a fortnight It wna a
actly $95.
dark yellow, approaching chestnut.
,8t “ • haT*
The color could be got rid o f by heat-
returned on cooling.
IJ ico
N CO tv».
I n
tony other
T h e K in d Y o u H ave A lw ays B o u g h t, a n d w h ich has been
in use fo r o v e r 3 0 years, has b o rn e th e sfgnatn re o f
and has b een m a de u n d e r h is p er­
sonal supervision sin ce its in fa n cy.
A llo w n o o n e to deceive y o u in this.
A ll C ounterfeits, Im itation s a n d “ J u s t-a s -g o o d ” a re b u t
E xperim en ts that trille w ith a n d endauger th e health o f
In fan ts a n d Children—E xperien ce against E xperim ent,
ÁVcgefable Prcparaüonfor As­
similating iheFoodnndRegula-
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
six feet
»you buy
j want
find long
| service,
e end many
good points
combined ln
« 1
Artillery and after he had rendered
material assistance In recruiting the
regiment to its full strength be was
made first lieutenant Within a year
bravery In action bad gained for him a
commission as captain. At Ream s 8ta-
tioDf jn Virginia, be was captured and
was confined In prison at Salisbury,
Anderaonvllle, Macon. Charleston and
Columbia, escaping from ths latter after
being confined eight months. While ln
prison the presidential election o f 18<M
was held. A black bean meant « vote
for Lincoln, but the prlaonera were as­
sured that If they cast such s vote It
would mean longer Imprisonment for
them and perhaps a grave on the hill­
side. Nevertheless Bliss voted the
black bean. After making his escape
be wandered for eight days before
reaching the Union lines at Savannah
and he was nearly starved.
In 1865 Captain Bliss located In Sag­
inaw Mich., and started a lumber busi­
ness In a «mall way. It grew until he
became the owner o f extensive timber
lands, of salt mines, of a bank, mercau-
tiie establishment and several farms.
He was enormously wealthy. He was
elected to local offices in Saginaw, then
h ^ m e a State Senator, next sat In
C^mgres* and In 1900 was elected Gov-
ernor o f Michigan by the largest n.4-
tortty ever given a candidate there in d
was re-elected In 1901_______
i f m woman wants to alienate a Ran.
, b . sorest way U to And fault w ill,
Load Lighter
An ounce of grease is sometimes the only difference between
profit and loss on a day’s teaming. YOU know you can’t afferd
a dry axle — do you know as well that Mica Axle Grease is the
only lubricant you can a fford? Mica Axle Gfease is the most eco­
nomical lubricant, because it alone possesses high lubricating prop­
erty, great adhesive power, and long-wearing quality. Hence, the
longest profitable use of your outfit is to be had, only when the
lubricant is Mica Axle Grease.
Mica Axle Grease contains powdered mica.
This forms a
smooth, hard surface on the axle, and reduces friction, while a spe­
cially prepared mineral grease forms an effective cushioning body be­
tween axle and box. Mica Axle Grease wears best and longest — one
greasing does for a week’s teaming.
Mica Axle Grease saves horse power
— consequently saves feed. Mica Axle
Grease is the best lubricant in
t h e world — use it and draw a
double load. If your dealer does not
keep Mica Axle Grease we will tell
you one who does.
/ ”