Washington County Hews Issued Cack Week a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. n «V . ' 08 r| $ j Jill “iii % Dll i 'll Ht (• ! t A% Would Increase T ra d e Between North and South America. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, Also Has Meat Inspectiod Measure. STORMS IN SO' Richmond, Ind., Nov. 20. — At a- Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 21.— Before meeting here tixlay of representatives FOREST GROVE. ........OREGON the Trans-Mississippi Commercial con­ of tlie Young Men’s Christian ae*uhi re­ acres with an average yield of 60 sacks The hill, he said, would provide that Memphis, Nov. 20.— As more deft opment have lieen found in the pros- sult in the peaceful pnnpenty of a to the acre. This has been the yield Trains are snowbound in Kansas. every carrier of interstate commerce ed reports ure received from those ^ He declared that (»ectiiig heretofore. Some lim e ago the on unirrigated lands on the “ Sand- should require an affidavit from every E l Paso, Texas, is expreioncing.the '1»1Khty commerce, a u D m M tk a tietween ridge" section, and the estimate is con­ company that is opening the Blue Lead factory or mineowner shipping its pro­ tions of Alabama, North and Cent coldest weather in 26 years. I | n‘ e4M| ,,f Mississippi and Western TemW these countries must tie imps ved and servative. More than half of the entire copper mines in this section, after se­ ducts that it did not employ children swept by tlie wind and rain storms, General Rhafter left no w ill, llis increased and said the “ woeful deficien­ potatoe acreage of the valley is in the under 14 years of age, the form of the curing leases on a considerable area of situation increases in seriousn property is valued at $15,000. cy in the means to carry on and enlarge I vicinity of Imblen and Alioel. land, began prospecting on the Furrey affidavit to W prescrilied by the depart­ Following the wind storm rain has (« our South American trade is trot a j« r t Fields that have produced 60 sacks to The crown prince of Hervia is en­ place on the east side of Bear creek, ment of Commerce and LaWr or the en almost continuously throughout ti of the general decline and feebleness of the acre— and very many tracts have Interstate Commerce commission, with raged at the charges of insanity. about seven miles from Ashland. territory and practically the entire »y the government and by individuals that of A. J. Surhy, of Cove, who has 75 feet, for ventilation and to extract tlie states. That is the province of the ation, the weather is lx*coming bitte cold and much suffering is anticipa’ •gainst Morocco. before the peaceful prosperity of the secured 300 sacks from an acre. At the the coal. They extend into the moun­ states. But congress has absolute From Winona, Malien and MathisT new commerce can lie secured. I nder- present market price, Mr. Surby’ s in­ power over the railroads, Wats, ships Miss., more complete reports have ti The recent Hoods have caused a loss jy jng a(( other considerations, however, come for an acre is $195, of which tain from the west to the east on a 7 and other agencies of interstate com­ received, a conservative estimate o f nearly a million dollars in the vicin- Haj,( the aecretaiy, was tlie need for im- about $183.50 is net. A six-acre field per cent incline. About 25 men are lieing employed merce, and unlimited power under the ing the total damage to tin* three to? ity of Castle Risk. provement of the means of communica­ on tlie Oregon Red Apple company’ s and the work is being pushed night and constitution to provide that they shall at $300,000. tion between the two countries. This, ground, north of La Grande, gives a i day. France has barred American pork. Other crews are employed in not carry t lie products of factories and The rain continues with no signf The new meat inspection rules violate he said, affects the mail, passenger and yield of 200 sacks per acre. These po­ building coal bins, scales, grizzlies and mines that employ children. abatement. In Memphis the prec freight service alike. Tlie one and only tatoes are grown entirely without irri­ screens for sorting tlie coal. tlie old agreement. tat ion has reached a maximum of ( remedy for the woeful deficiency exist­ The president has refused to rescind ing in present trade conditions is tlie gation, and on account of their superior inches, and tlie continued rainfall j B O M B IN S T . P E T E R S . quality are rated 10 cents higher than the order discharging negro troops establishment of American lines of wrought great havoc in this city T o Improve Federal Property. the open murket. without new evidence. steamships between the Uniteti States The returns from the six acres will Salem— Francis W . Grant, superin­ Cro w d in Cathedral in Rome Rush in the immedite vicinity. W o lf river is out of its hanks, The downpour of rain continues in and the great ports of South America, be $900. The patch was planted as a tendent of construction of public build­ Panic for Outlets overflow carrying away over 10,000 I the South. Much property has been adequate to render fully as good service matter of getting the ground in suitable ings of the United States Treasury de­ Rome, Nov. 20. — A bomb was ex­ valued at $100,000. From present us is now afforded by t lit» European condition for cultivation. wrecked and railroad trallic blocked. partment, has been in the city to in­ ploded in St. Peter’s Sunday. The dications it is believed that fully $ 1! lines between there and the ports of spect the plans, look over tlie grounds I)r. Devine, who had charge of tlie edifice was crowded, and an Indescrib­ 000 damage has been done to the Europe. and draft prospective plans, specifica­ Red Cross relief work in Sun Francisco, able scene of confusion followed. There and turnpike system of this county> Col. Hofer Tells His Hopes. tions and make estimates upon tlie says he does not believe there was any were no fatalities. Probably never before has traffic? University of Oregon, Eugene— Col­ proposed improvement of the grounds REBATES TA K EN . graft. As soon as the echoes of the tremen­ the railroads centering in Me onel Hofer, of Salem, addressed the as­ surrounding the Federal building in Threatening letters have been sent to sembly at the university. He was full this city, which have remained in an dous roar had ceased a canon sought by suffered such complete demoralizuti Verdict of Guilty Found in Federal words to quiet tlie people, the pope. >i enthusiasm over the development of j unflnished condition ever since tlie reassuring Court In New York City. hut in vain. They tied in all direc­ El Paso, Tex., Nov. 20.— AtOo’q the Mate of Oregon, and predicted that | erection of the building, three years The king and queen of Denmark ure New York, Nov. 21.— The American the growth would be marvelous if there ago> a„d for which improvement con- tions. Women and children screamed last night 8.4 inches of snow had visiting tlie kaiser. Sugar Refining company was found were two competing railroads in the y^ess has appropriated a fund of $10,- and tried to protect their families in en, breaking by three inches rec the crush. Tlie church is so large, since tlie establishment of the Utj Jerome w ill Ask for a special jury to guilty by a jury in the United States state. He was of the opinion if these ppp, however, that there was ample room States weather bureau nearly 30 jj licar the case of 11. K. Thaw. Circuit court today of accepting rebates two railroads enter the state, that Coos for the crowd to scatter, and no one ago. Pin Faith to Cherries. French military officers are giving amounting to $26,000 from tlie New hay would see the terminus on one and was injured. No trace of the perpe­ Reports from several points on| that country would shortly develop a York Central railroad. The New York autos rigid tests for use in war. La Grande— Cherries, of the sliip- Mexican Central indicate that Central was recently found guilty of city of 150,000, and Portland would be ping varieties, have proven one of the trator of the det*d has lx*en found. Root says Roosevelt w ill not run giving rebates to the American.Sugar the other center for the end of the rail­ Since Saint Anacleutus, who was or­ storm extends well down into Me! most profitable products of the Grand again and lie himself is not a candidate Refining company and fined $108,000. road system. Two such thriving cities dained by Peter himself, erected an In New Mexico and throughout tha Ronde valley, and for that reason there fo r president. oratory in 90 A. D. on the site of the ley* of El Paso there is great suffc Joseph H. Choate, formerly ambassa­ would be of great benefit to the state. w ill la* many new cherry orchards put present basilica to mark the spot where and w ill he heavy losses in cattlef The discharge of colored troops lias dor to Great Britain, in his argument out in the spring. George Thomas, of the remains of St. Peter ure buried, no snowfall being unprecedented. I>eeii suspended and white officers may for tlie defense in today’s trial, declared Cove, w ill plant 1,000 trees. Mr. Benson Announces Changes. such dastardly occurrence is noted in that there was no precedent in Amer­ get into trouble. Salem— In addition to the appoint­ Thomas is one of the most extensive ican law for such an enormous penalty ment of Walter Drennan, to succeed F. | cherry growers in the valley, and now- the history of the church. S H O N T S T H E BOSS. Church inventories have lieen re­ Sunday was tlie anniversary of the as the statute against rebating provid­ has about 20 acres of cherry orchard in T. Wrightman as head of the corpora­ el lined in France without disturbance, ed. It was necessary, he added, to go tion department, Secretary of State- full Waring. During the past season dedication of flit* basilica to St. Peter, Roosevelt Reorganizes the Ado although troops are held in readinesss. and it was beautifully decorated for the hack several centuries in English law tration of Canal Affairs. elect F. W . Benson has announced that these trees yielded at the rate of $325 occasion. The Federal court at Denver declares to find an instance in which the a pen­ S. A. Kozer will la* promoted to chief per acre. Washington, Nov. 20.—An (Governor Peabody hail tlie power to alty amounting to more than $100,000 clerk to succeed F. K. Lovell, and that signed on the isthmus of Panam S T O R M IN S O U T H . suppress the Telluride riots and lias had been imposed. Crawford for Judge. Kozer w ill be succeeded by H. H. Cor­ President Roosevelt, making rat dismissed the Moyer suit for damages The defense offered no testimony. Salem— Governor ChatnWrlain has ey, of Baker City. Kozer is now audit­ changes in the organization of f fo r imprisonment. After Judge Holt’s charge the jury took ing clerk. announced that he w ill appoint T. II. Five Lives Lost and Much Damage lo The remainder of the office in the government of the canal Property by Wind. President Roosevelt has been called tlie case and in accordance with tlie in- force of Secretary of State Dunbar w ill Crawford, of lui Grande, to succeed was made public today at the otii Robert Eakin as circuit judge in the tipon to order a searching inquiry in to, 8'tuetio„ of the court rendered a ver- la* regained until after the session of tlie Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 20.— Eight the commission. The effect of thy ' ..................... • lie collision of the Jeanie and Dix ¡d'ct of guilty. The jury was out an legislature. There will la* no change Tenth judicial district, when Judge Ea­ persons are known to have lost their ; tier is to place the canal work in tlie force of janitors until after the kin goes to the Supreme bench in Jan­ lives, scores of others are injured and government of the zone under thf w ithin sight of Seattle. The number of hour and a half. uary. Other men who were in consid­ missing is given as 49. legislature. property and crops suffered great dam­ rection of Chairman Shunts, aide eration for the circuit judgeship were O L D - A G E P E N S I O N S N E X T . age, the extent of which, because of the chiefs of bureaus, who will repnrj H ill is now in full control of the litir- Turner Oliver and AV. M. Riamsey, of Eager tor a New County. meager reports yet obtainable, cannot rectly to the commission, thus eh lington and will merge the manage­ II*ssi River— At a big mass meeting La Grande, and D. W . Sheahan, of he estimated at this time, as a result ating the office of governor. ment of the road with that of the Great British Premier Promises Adoption held here for the purpose of ascertain­ , Enterprise. Crawford will serve under of a terrific wind and rain storm Sun­ Northern. This will allow him to run of German Idea. The order gives to Chairman ing public feeling in regard to the this appointment until July, 1908. day. Tin* storm, which originated on supreme authority over all d< through trains from Chicago to the London, Nov. 21.— Replying to the movement to create a new county, to the gulf, swept northwestward through ments. It reorganizes the entire * Coast. deputation of members of the house of la* known as Cascade county, the senti­ PO R TLAND MARKETS. portions of Alabama, Central and ings of the commission in conni^ commons from tlie Litierul and Labor President Roosevelt hails started for ment was unanimous ami committees Western with the president’s views of coi^ parties. Premier Campliell-Biinnerman will l>e appointed to circulate petitions Wheat — Club, 64c; bluestem, 67c Northern Mississippi and l ’ orto Rieo. Tennessee, in iff* onward course razed ing the situation under his pi«, said the matter of old age pensions to be presented to the next legislature I alley, 66o; red, 61c. Jerome says insurance grafters cannot scores of sulistantial buildings, partial­ press the excavation as rapidly asf would lie taken up as soon as time and with that object in view. A number of | Oats — No. 1 white, $24.50(825.50; lie prosecuted. ly demolished hundred* of others, sible. The executive committ money permitted. Old age pensions, prominent men here spoke on the ques- )$ray, $23.50(3!24. The loss In the Yuklm i valley is es­ the premier said, instead^ of sapping tion, ami statistics were presented Barley— Feed. $21.50 per ton; brew­ caused complete demoralization of rail­ three members, each the head of ; road traffic and cut off telegraphic com­ partment, has lieen almlishedandj the independence and undermining which show that the new county can la*, ing, $22.60; rolled, $23. timated at $400,000. munication with many points in tin* stead seven departments are -.Rye— $1.40@1.45 per cwt. governed more economically than the America and Britain may unite to thrift, do just the opposite. affected territory. and the chief of each w ill repor^ Corn — Whole, $25.50; S|H‘aking to the same delegation, same treritorv is under present condi- cracked, t*top Congo atrocities. Cotton in the fields blown down by receive instructions from the cha, $¿6.50 per ton. Chancellor of the Exchequer Asquith tions. I These depart^ Hank rnhliers secured $1,700 from the said then* was nothing nearer his heart Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $11(3 the wind was beaten into the ground of the committee. Resides the loss will lie under the direction of J°j Ini ik at Loluimla, Okla. than to lie able to submit a financial 12 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, and badly damaged. Halsey Real Fs'ate Higher. of life and property damage which is Stevens, chief engineer; Rich®. He favored Halsey— Halsey has slept long and $ 14(3) 16; clover, $7(38; cheat, $7.50(3 Tliris* jiersons were cremated in a ho­ plan for such pensions. one altogether disassociated from the well while*the great, busy world about 8.50; grain hay, $7.60(38.50; alfalfa, known to have occurred, a number of Rodgers, general counsel; Williaj te l tire at Goldfield, Nev. points directly in the pathway of tlie Gorgas, chief sanitary officer; 1, poor-law, and assunsI the deputation it has la-en making rapid strides, halv­ $11.50; vetch hay, $7(3)7.50. storm cannot lx* communicated with, Ross, chief purchasing 'officer: j Refugees In the flood<t f rich valley w ill reach $250,000. earthquake and tin* in San Francisco Atsoria— An option covering the sale 30@50c per box; parsley, 10(315c; not only windows, but entire rooms for ploitation, about 2 , 600,000 acresj The Hawaiian sugar crop for 1906 and other places in California. George of 9,040 acres of timber lands, 3,200 squash, 1@1 ' 4c per pound; turnips, the day when the king of Greece ar­ Congo state for 60 years. The iirondses to lie the biggest in the histo­ E. Butler, of Ross, Cal., has lieen np- acres being located in the northern 90c(3$1 per sack: carrots, 90c(3$1 j„.r rives here. Tlie police lielleve this is sion includes a strip of more t ' r y of the territory. It will probably |siiittcd special agent to conduct this part of Tillamook county and 5,840 sack; Wets, $1.25(31.50 per sack: evidence of an anarchist plot, like miles on the left bank of the investigation in California. Mr. But­ acres in the southern part of Clatsop*, Hinount to more than 450,000 tons. ’ V aginst King tlie Youinbi river, a strip south r sweet the one at Madrid ler, it was stated, has had an experience county, at $26 per acre, has been filed T P A Black llam l society in New York Victor Emmanuel and the King of sai to the •on&MBM "t the lone !l "*1*’ ^ ' P*r D ’_U,I1J- of 38 years in the fire insurance business. for record in tlie countv clerk’s office. ¡ lias exploded several houitis in the Onions — Oregon, 75c(3$l per hun­ Greece. King George of Greece is ex­ Kasai rivers and a ten-yeatr "p • The lands Wlong to A. W . Priest and Italian tenement district, shattering pected here govern her 23. dred. 1,250,000 acres. Tin» press tfetr the option for 30 days was given to R. Narrow Escape From Rocks. w indows and blowing doors from thier regard* the concession as a eleven Potatoes — Oregon Burbanks, fancy, V. Jones and R. F. Fox, of Portland, St.Johns, N. F., Nov. 21.— Com­ li luges. to involve the United States in • 70(385e; common, 60(370c. Scholarships for Employes’ Sons. mander Peary’s Arctic steamer Roose­ and sold by them to Godfrey von Platen. Blitter— Fancy creamery, 25(327 l3e New Westminster, B. C., Nov. JO.__ ture international compli*'®'">nS'j Idaho people w ill ask Federal aid to velt, which is still at St. George’s ¡Imy, per pound. The Canadian Pacific Railwav company r e I ¡eve the coal shortage. V F., is reported to have hud a terrible Races for the Land Office. Kggs— Oregon ranch, 35c per dozen has decided to endeavor to advance Heart o f Tow n Burned experience while coming south from North Bond— The announcement hv Poultry — Average old hens, 10(3H e higher education among the sons of Governor Magoon, of Cuba, denies Jackson, Miss., Nov. 20. . Hopedale, Labrador. She had to tie the land department that contest filings per pound; mixed chickens, 10(3l i e ; that he is dissatisfied with his position. up for 11 days in Battle Harbor, Lahni- would W received in a number of In- spring, 10(311c; old roosters, 9<310c; their employes, and is now offering lv the entire business section < j In dian allotment claims has canned many dressed chickens, 13 <3 14c; turkevs, two scholarships to be competed for by ette, Miss., was destroyed hy « Mrs. Maud Cretflcld has lawn found dor, on account of a hurricane. employes’ sons under 21 years of age’. nijtht, entailing a a >n »lead in her cell at Seattle from heart Battle llarlsir the Roosevelt carried horse races from points in Carry county live, 17>*e; turkeys, dressed, choice The scholarships cover four years tui­ partially covered by j away her heaviest anchor and several failute. to the land office in Rosehurg. It is 20(322c; geese, live, 9(3 9 l,c; ducks tion in the faculty of applied science fire originated in McGtnn's • j „ , . . , ! lines had to be run out to keep her off alleged only such Indians and half- 14(<*15c. In McGill university. The examina­ which was destroyed, the . A big d*s*k tire at Nsplse destroyed "J breeds as Wlong to triW s or live on Veal— Dressed, 5 ^ (38v,c per pound. tions will be held under the supervis­ lv spreading to the adjoining j |»ro|n*ity valued at nearly $ 1 , 000 , 018 ). reservations aré entitled to allotment Beef — Dressed bulls, 2(321*0 per ion of the faculty of McGill university. The telephone exchange was Ten Below in Colorado. Statmlard Oil stock has gone down claims. pound; cows, 4(35c; country steers and the grounding of t rapidly on account of the government Denver, Nov. 21.— Temperature* be­ 5(95 V . Kansas in Grip of Blizzard. Union wires makes it imp”*- low sero are nqiortod today in Southern Much Wheat at Weston. inquiry. Mutton — Dressed, fancy, 8<$9c per Topeka, Kan., Nov. 2«. — The bliz­ any d e t a i l s . ______ _ Colorado and in the mountain regions Weston— It is estimated that about a pound; ordinary, 6(37c. The San Francisco grand jury is still zard is general over Kansas late to­ j of the state. One degree alio ve aero is piarter of a million bushels of wheat Pork— Dressed, 6(38c perponnd. stro b in g into the alleged stealing of re­ Receiver for German In* night. According to advices received Ithe weather bureau's record in this are stored in the warehouses in this v i­ Hops— 190«, choice. 14(*i 15c; prime, at the railroad offices here, snow com­ lie f funds. Freeport. 111., N ov.20- I city, w hile Pueblo’s official report is 8 cinity. The local market ha* Wen 12 ** 13c; medium, 1W. 12c per ponnd. menced falling here at a late hour. At Insurance company, wntc The trial of the sngart runt, charged below■ The coldest point in the state dull, awaiting a solution of the car sit­ Wool— Eastern Oregon average lest, many points in the western part of the the Royal of Liverpool w ith accepting reimte*, has begun in was Corona, on the summit of the uation. It is thought that nearly five- l.Vs 18c per pound, according to shrink­ state the cattlemen were caught un­ placed in the hand* of * *** th e United Statt« Circuit court in New front rangt*, where 10 degrees below ze- sixths of the crop is still in tlie hands age; valley, 20f«*21e, according to fine­ prepared. So far railroad traffic in the Chicago Trust A Title Y o rk . * ro is recorded. of the growers. ness; mohair, choice, 26