MAY HAVE PERSONAL AND SOCiETY NEWS ♦ • »»»*♦ SO LD A GOLD ------------ M IN E An Open Letter to the Citizens of Forest Grove. Piano Tuner Parts With Specimen Rock to Stranger for Sm all Sum. i Mr. Editor: A petition signed by -Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it. A peculiar incident happened last one hundred voters is in the hands of Saturday when A . P. Venen, a piano the City Council. I write to ask the Miss Lota Laughlin of Forest Grove is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Pr0. tuner, was en route from this place to bigners t0 set forth their case in the Senator E . W . Haines was a Port­ — See Dr. Eaton about that Goitre and Rheumatism . land visitor Saturday. teet, in this c it y — North Yamhill R ec- You’ ll ord. — Ask to see our $ 2 0.00 suits, T . Littlehales was a Portland visitor Quality and Tailoring cannot be ex­ celled. J. E. B a i l e y . lart week. Miss Maverne and Florence T em ­ — Low prices every day at Levy’ s pleton of this city are visiting their Market. sister, Miss Clara, who is at the home FOUND— Purse containing money— of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jackson of Inquire of B. H . Laughlin. Hillsboro. Mr. Roy C. Long of Port­ J. S. Seed was registered at a Port land is also a guest at the Loren Jack- land hotel last week. son home this week. L. A. Twing was in the “ Rose City’ ’ — The Ladies Working Society of the the first of the week on business. Congregational church is preparing to — M oney to loan on farm security. give a Christmas sale of fancy and ser­ viceable articles, needlework, aprons, W . H . Hollis, Forest Grove, Oregon. laundry bags, etc., also plum puddings, Bom to the wife of Guy Via on Sat­ pies, cake, fruit and jellies. T h e sale urday, N ov. 10, a daughter. will be held in the church parlors on — M oney to loan on farm security. the afternoon of the 14 of D ecem ber, beginning at 2 o ’ clock . W . H . Hollis, Forest Grove. — Try like it. Goldenrod Flour. Miss Frances Orr of Forest Grove was in Dilley last Saturday. — If you are in need of a suit examine the line we carry at $1 6.00 J. E. Bailey. FOR SALE.— Thoroughbred Hamburg chickens. Silver Inquire of E. Squires, Forest Grove, R. F. D ., No. 2. Phone Bell 58. I Mrs. Beauchamp and her daughter Mrs. Bessie Johnson and family, for- ' mer residents of this city, but now of Washington, visited with friends in this city yesterday and today. — Our $1 8.00 suits are the best we have carried. W e will be glad to show you. J. E. Bailey. There will be a called meeting the W om an’ s Club at the residence Mrs. A. W . Johnson, Friday at o ’ clock. All m em beis requested attend. In a recent letter from J. F. Woods “ We have sold our paper here and in all probability I will return to Oregon. — D on’ t A. B. list your property with Thomas— unless you want it sold or rented. d d |i H John Price and family left Tuesday afternoon for Southern California for the benefit of their little daughter. Th ey intend making Los Angeles their future home if Mr. Price secures em­ ployment there. — A. B. Thomas sells.— Sells what? Sells all kinds of Real Estate, either Forest Grove or Washington County property. Mrs. E. Leipold has returned from an extended visit with relatives in Huron, South Dakota and is now o c ­ cupying the Dr Rentz cottage on 5th street. Mrs. Leipold says it seems good to get back to Oregon as the old home gets rather cold at this time of the year. Thos. Reycraft of Scoggins Valley, was in town Monday transacting busi­ ness and preparing for the auction sale JJ i: which he will hold at his place on Saturday. — In every clim e its colors are unfurled Its fame has spread from sea to sea; Be not surprised if in the other world, You hear of R ocky Mountain Tea. Dr. H ines’ Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leipold been the guests of Mrs. ing the past week. have Leipold dur­ Th ey have Just returned from Idaho and intend locat­ ing in Portland during the winter. and to secure the hundred to act intelligently. s ig n e r s present the call. and prices as low as worthy goods can be sold for. JOHN ANDERSON’S, The Tailor are the ones to Will they please, through a com m ittee or spokesman, tell us these things for our enlighten­ ment: 1. Why they wish this Notice. Notice. Fall delivery of nursery stock is nl Sealed bids will be received by the’ at hand and this is to inform our Forest County Court of Washington county, tomers to have ground prepared Oregon, on Thursday, D ecem ber 6, | Grove voters to revise the charter? ready to receive same upon not] 1906, at 2 o ’ clock p. m. for the ex­ 2. What arguments they wish us from me. to consider in behalf of the measuse. tension of the tax roll of said county N. L. ATKINS, Of course our friends having this cause for the year 1906. Agent, Oregon Nursery Co., S«l( at heart want us all to know fully the The person extending said tax roll grounds for the change. will not be required to take off the val­ and Albany Nursery Co., Albany. change? Why they would persuade the Yours truly, N. L. At­ B u s i n e s s L o c a l] LAUNDRY Mr. Luelling is interested in business. I claim that the butter tat would have to be increased to 10 per cent to reach Leipschat-Garrigus. the required proportion of solids and At the home of Mr. and Mr. F. W. that it would mean a loss of 20 cents pschat four miles north of Hillsboro, I per 100 pounds. The loss would drive on Nov. 14 at high noon occurred the - the manufacturers of condensed milk wedding of Mr. R. F. Lepschat and ' out of business, the dairymen allege, Miss Mary r ’. Garrigus. About — Journal. twenty-five guests witnessed the cere­ — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and mony which was performed by Rev. L. F. Belknap, of Hillsboro. A number Surgeon, X-Ray and all electrical ap- Calls answered of valuable presents was presented to Pbances in office. the bride and groom. After the cere- ! night or day. U Hamblin-McCoy. for — Low prices every day at Levy’ s County Market. end of the Wilson River toll road, and Washington Notice the court ordered the advertisement of Having same asking for bids. —T h e Ladies Aid Society of the M. E . church will give a church sociable and fair on the 7th of D ec. been able to secure the agency for the best laundry in Portland we desire to do your laundry work. Society Event at Buxton. A pleasing social give up her school work on account of i serious illness W e will all be glad when she is able to return. Tuesday afternoon the County Super­ intendent visited the various grades o f the public school, and spoke a few words of encouragem ent before de­ parting. Rev. Gould of the Methodist church, visited us Tuesday morning and talked to us for a short time. and useful gifts. was greatly em ploy of the S. P. bridge gang. by Mrs. ent including two young ladies North Yamhill, the Misses from Scena and Sealed bids will be received b y ! Albert Dethlefs at Seghers, Ore., post- j | office, for ditch 3 j feet deep, 3000 ft., more or less, in length, for a J inch water pipe. Bids to be opened on N ovem ber 19th at 1 | The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Mond»y. The Forest Grove M oney by buying reliable, honej high grade i ing machine. ST R O N G E ST GUARANTEE, j National Sewing SAN Machine TRANC1SCO. CAI F A CTO RY A T BELVIDER& ILL birthday The New Confectionery on Pacific Avenue M O T T & SON Choice Cigars and Tobacco Candies , Nuts and Soda Water W e have just started in our bulling, east of H ancock 3t Gordon s Livery Stable. W e invite you to visit our store. Notice of Sealed Bids About seventy-five friends of the young ladies were pres­ 'tired. Pacific Avenue S îv ve event was the Ella Staehr is absent on account of C. L. sicktiess. i Brown and Mrs. Charles Lazatt in the W e regret that Miss Susie Jackson ) Grange hall at Buxton on Thursday, accidentally burned up a new pair of Nov 8. The occasion being in honor sboes this week. She got them wet of the 16th birthdiy oi their daughter*. fon t school one evening ers, whj le M ... . ..... , and put them in the oven to drv i Nellie and M.ldred. T h e two young where they met their u d (ate j I ladies were prettily gowned for the Miss Vivian Brown of Hillsboro, a in turquoise blue crepe de sister of our “ W innie” visited us I chine with trimmings of cream lace Thursday afternoon. and were the recipients of many dainty , dancing party given FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — PRICES White shirt - - - 10c Drawers - - 8 to 15c Soft “ 8c White Waists - 10 to 20c White Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirts - 15 to 25c Undershirts - - - Pc Stockings - - - lM tc Handkerchiefs - - 2c C o l l a r s ..........................2c Men’s White Vests 10 15c Pants - - - - - 25c Coats - - - - 10 20c Dusters - - 15 20c Towels - - - 20c Dos. Napkins - - 20c Do*. The following articles 50 c per do*. Pillow Cases, Bed Shee*s, Table Cloths, Night Gowns, Women’ s Drawers, Underwear, Aprons and Corset Covers. Lizzie W eitzel of the ninth grade, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her mother, who is in a Portland hospital. Call and get terms— Moultons Barber Leta Russell. The hall was beautifully Shop. decorated with evergreens while in the Further particulars will b e given later. dinning room above, autumnal tint? DILLEY. Miss Hollinger and Harry Weitzel predominated. Mrs. Henry' Wolf visited Portland (S ig n e d ) ALBERT DETHLEFS. went down to Portland Sunday to see After an enjoyable three hours of one day last week. Mrs. I. K. W eitzel who is still in the • » « . . . . _ .. , dancing, the guests formed in couples Poultry House. J. B. Kuhns left last Friday for Rose- ininin. in . . . hospital. This is the first time Harry * W . v . , . , . . . , . * joining in a grand march around the T o Poultry Raisers— I wil! nn. , - has seen his mother since the under burg to be gone several weeks in the h.n , 1#d by Mlss Nellic afld MlJJ MiJ. poultry h()use J ‘p orest Grove W operation and to Qsong Lee’s week asking that bids be accepted the trying S a e l e n s & Co. Geo. Hamblin, well known in this city, but whose father lives over in the Nehalem country, was married last John McClaran and John Heisler of week to Miss Cora M cCoy of Dallas. Gales Creek, presented a petition be­ Mr. and Mrs Hamblin were in town fore the County court a» Hillsboro last the first of the week. went aie Quality, Prices, Treatment Dr. Hines’ 8th trade, we sale of liquors; and we need a desire to understand The hundred of who appreciate honest values, courteous treatment, a‘ m’ grounds upon which the j appeal is made to us voters. It has to j the proposal and particular class and motive, ! i a de*'n*le do with licensing the no that’ « We are 5ell Good Clothing to Everybody names. J effort, and of course there is a to believe business. MEATS Mountain Tea. and catering interested I This means thought and tim e everybody the same stuff because we OREGON L A N D <£. Drug Store. the lease of the The citizens have been W e charge the only way to build a permanent, lucrative 3. What they expect us to gain. uation of road and school districts, but We want our town to prosper and have will be required to have same fully all things good. What good things A ls o W a n t e d , P o r Se com pleted by February 1, 1907. Oregon, on Tuesday, Novem ber 20th. — Try a pair of those famous glasses do they have in view? a r id L o s t . Further information as to manner of \ H e will sell his entire stock and farm at Dr. Eaton’ s. The affirmative have the floor. Love 5c per line each insertion. for the welfare of the town will prompt making extensions and amount of labor ! implements and all should attend. Mr. Grocers Form Society. a ready and candid and full presenta­ required may be had by applying at Logsdon will remove to Southern WANTED— Men to clear land Grocers of Oregon are preparing to tion of their cause. the office of the County Clerk of said miles from the Grove.— J. C. California. organize a state association for their mu­ One more suggestion— It will help The Laughlin. Will Rasmussen of this city has al­ tual benefit, and it is expected that to a clear understanding, if the peti­ county. the organization will be com pleted by The County Court reserves the right ready been heard from and is doing tioners will print for distribution a leaf­ “ WANTED— Salesmen. Many mJ January. A m ong the purposes will be let or copy of this petition and the to reject any and all bids. By order $100 to $150 per month, some el good work at the University of Wash­ to secure food laws and protection from names of the signers. T o this may be of the Commissioners’ Court. ington law school. The following is bad debts. more. Stock clean; grown on reseq added any explanation they may wish I. G o o d w in , tion, far from old orchards, written by the Seattle correspondent of — The $ 1 2.00 values that Bailey | us to have. The answer to my three advanced weekly. Choice of territd County Judge. the Oregonian- “ Washington has just offers in clothing cannot be dupli- questions I hope to see next week in Address Washington Nursery Comp submitted the ship subsidy question as the local papers. W e want to avoid cated. Call in and be shown. Toppenish, Washington.” misjudging our fellow citizens. We her choice of subjects for the three- E. Seymour J. H. Hartley cornered league debate between Ore­ Pacific University Sues for Endow­ want to know all sides of this question. WANTED— Good man in e| W e want to do what is right. ment Portion. gon, Washington and Idaho. Idaho county to represent and advertise In behalf of all the citizens who did has submitted Federal Control of A bequest made to Pac fic Univer­ not have the opportunity to sign the operative department, putoutsampl Marriage and D ivorce,” while the Ore­ sity, in 1892, by William M cCullough, petition, but yet have a sincere inter­ etc. Old established business ho;T gon question has not yet been made formed the basis of legal argument al­ est in its bearing upon our welfare. Cash salary $21 weekly expel most all day Tuesday, before Judge public. The outlook for debate here ! H e r b e r t w . B o y d . money advanced; permanent positij Galloway, in the State Circuit Court at Successors to J. H. HARTLEY Forest Grove 1906-11-14 is especially promising. About thirty | Albany. The institution is suing sev- Our reference, Bankers National men will try out for the debates, j eral of M cCullough’ s heirs for an ac- of C hicago, Capital $2,000,000. PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. There are also nine intercollegiate de- counting and partition of the property, Will do a general Real Estate and dresss Manager, The Columbia Hot| Rev. Boyd made us a pleasant visit Insurance business. We solicit baters in college this year, including M cCullough having bequeathed half of Chicago, 111., Desk No. 1. his estate to the Forest Grove school. Wednesday morning, and talked a short your patronage. Ray Goodrich, of the University of T h e case was up Tuesday on three 1 dme 0:1 It s not how much you know, Oregon, and W . B. Rasmussen of Pa­ different demurrers interposed by dif- but what use >’ou make of it.” cific University. The debate season ferent defendants. New pupils this week are Flora Hill, Wilford Tichnor, Cressa Tennis, Maud will be opened Novem ber 23, when — Dr. Geiger cures catarrh, rheu- Hill, Alma Oppliger, and Lloyd Moore the Stevens and Badger Clubs will SEW ING MACHINE. matism and throat troubles and all pre who recently came from Illinois. cross swords on the ship subsidy ques­ ROLLER BEARING, vailing diseases. Mr. Wilkerson and the school board H IG H GRADE. tion. Rasmussen will lead the Badger spent Thursday Ibf last week in Portland. team. Condensed Milk Law Threatens The purpose of their visit was to meet THE VERY BEST Industry. W B R S B the superintendent of Manual Training Luelling-Christian. Protest has been made by the dairy- in the Portland schools, and to get all / A pretty wedding occurred in Mil- men of Oregon and Washington, to the the general information they could ton at the home of the bride’ s sister, agricultural department, through Sena- from him. A portion of the day was Mrs. R ice, when Miss Alice Christian ’ tor Fulton, against the new pure food spent in the shops where the bo^s Main St., Forest Grove was married to Mr. Lawrence Luelling regulation which fixes the require- were being instructed in their work. of Adams. The wedding took place ments of condensed milk. Professor Marsh spent a few min­ on last Sunday. The bride is a daugh­ The regulations requires that con­ utes with the latin class one day last ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Christian of densed milk, to enter interstate com ­ week. this city and well known here. merce, must contain 7A per cent but­ Miss Frances Orr, who entered the For several years past Miss Christian ter fats and solids amounting to 28 ninth grade last Thursday, is absent had been living in Adams and there per cent. Automatic ■ this week. met Mr. Luelling The young couple Lilt. Owing to the richness of the milk in Carrie Mills has been obliged to will make their home in Adams where the protesting state-, the diirymen — W . B. Logsdon will have a Pub­ ing Oct. 19. lic Auction at his farm at Manning, kins, agent. mony a bountiful dinner was served, after which the happy pair departed on greatest curative agent for the relief of the evening train for Portland. suffering humanity ever devised. Such 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. in which theY wish us 10 regard **• As it calls for an amendment to the city charter, we citizens may be called upon to vote for or against the change at our January election. to carefully construct a long petition stranger said: Mister, I will give you $5 for it.” Mr. Venen was not reluc­ tant in accepting it, and as he was driving away he turned, looked back and saw the purchaser of the specim en near where the quartz was found mark­ ing on the bottom board of a fence, locating the place, no doubt. Mr. J Venen is now wondering whether two | tools met, or whether he has sold a N e ig h b o r s A t t e n t io n : Y ou are gold mine for $5. com m anded to report at the cam p of the M. W . of A. in Forest Grove, Fri­ — Low prices every day at Levy’ s day evening, N ov. 16, 1906, there to I Market, assist in surrounding the “ Olympians” Change Time of Train. oysters. Members of other camps cordially invited. No. 10 passenger wili leave Portland W . W . Goff, Ven. Consul, at 5:20 p. m. instead of 6:20 p. m. L. J. Corl, Clerk. arriving here at 6:40 p. m. com m en c­ — Taken as directed, it becomes the is Hollister’ s R ock y , w. — Black serge suits, all wool, will not fade, wear shiny or threadbare; $1 4.00 at Bailey’ s. he says: C, f*h half 1 1 f way, “ Jhlf* distant. When about where at a place on the road it was necessary to excavate for some distance in the sidehill to make the road, Mr. Venen noticed near the bank a peculiar-look- ing piece of rock about five inches square, which he picked up, and, while he was examining it, a stranger rode up and asked to see the speci- men. T h e stranger took from his pocket a small magnifying glass and said: “ Where did you get this quartz.’ Mr. Venen said: " I saw it roll from The the bluff as I was approaching.” We Play No Favorites At this Clothing Store. p. m. cakes da>- N° v - 17 in house north of City surprised to see how m uch improved T h e public school is progressing with their burning candles were 11411 buildin*- W il* P*y the highest she was. Mrs. W eitzel is looking j nicely with Prof Allen as principal and ' an additional feature of beam* lo the In*r)te, priCe P°**ible in for your of b**uty to the poultry and eggs. m uch better and is gaining every day. Miss Cougar, assistant. table decorations. G. w. M o o r e . W . F. S c h u ltz Meat Market Tender* Juicy Meats—Just Right to tempt the Appetite* All kinds of Fish and Vegetables in Season. Groceries Pacific Ava. Forost Grov$_