AFTER HARRIMAN! Commission Scents An­ other Big Trust. EXPECT ROOSEVELT'S AID. Leaders Confident That com ing Message , 0 c * ™ ldent’8 „ t0 Cor»ireas Will Contam Redical Demand, for Labor. O F F FOR T H E ISTH M U S. ' President Roosevelt and Party Em ­ bark on Yacht Mayflower. Washington, Nov. 9 — 'Goodbye. I am going down to see how the ditch is getting along,” shouted President Roosev-lt, who stood on tb« after starboard deck of the yacht May­ eity this morning, wllf gT o “ n r e c ^ flower at the Washington navy yard tey . I ° L ° f 80 a*Sressive political poj as the vessel was leaving the dock for cy seems assured. From all parts of his Panama trip. he country del,gates are bringing in Accompanying the President were o o o o o o o < x x > c < î <> c o o o o <> o o o o o c c , o ô Mrs. Roosevelt and her maid; Sur- reports of success at the polls at the geon-Generai Rixey, o f the Navy, and “ You look uncommonly cheerful," re­ enough to make me feel like saying the e Was Like Old Northern Se- recent election. , C. Latta, one of the assistant secre- ...... marked the Junior partner to the se­ things best left unsaid. I Just caught So far these reports show that at Main Line o f Southern Pacific Block- taries at the White House. The May- nlor as writi«» Company— Fieh Gives ttle latter threw back the a glimpse o f the coin and I took it for flower will take the party to W olf . *------ “ T , T Commission the Tip. ! a8t fiVe trade u“ “ >a‘ 8‘ 8 will sit in aded-Santiam and Clackama. Trap Light, at the mouth of the Rappa-' t'OV,er “ f h‘ 8 de8k and prepared to at’ a $5 gold piece. I had a couple o f tack the mall. her h i C° ngress' whlle a great num- them ln my pocket and I’d only picked hannock river In Chesapeake Bay, Raging Torrents. “ Do I?" asked the senior, smiling. “ I up one, so I crawled under the bed where a transfer will be made to the .tarte iLegib.uetnu r t Cted l° the differe“ t battleship Louisiana, which is to con­ didn’t know i t ” after It I'm a pretty tight fit for the JUS HARRIMAN s y s t e m . vey the President to and from the “ You look as if somebody had left space, by the way.” Hsrrimaii system hag three main isthmus. “ You're not as slim ns you used to you money,” pursued the Junior. “ You Ixtgeea the Missouri River and The Louisiana will be convoyed to washed away want to take care how you come Into be,” said the Junior. “ Go on ; my heart and from the isthmus by the armored •t Coast, which under separate Of Pennsylvania Pac,fl5 bridges and ren- the office beaming like that or the o f­ aches for you.” ip are natural competitors for ^ P en n sylv an ia have elected W R deredanotherunsaTe. The main il e cruisers Tennessee and Washington “ I got a lock of hair tangled In the Lieutenant fice boy will be asking you for a aml^'lO D Nlcho18 Congress ‘ he Southern Pacific is effectually Aboard the Louisiana originating cast o f their eastern wire springs. You needn't laugh. I Frank Evans, who will utilize the raise.” i^ is la t u r e #‘ r members t0 the 8ta‘ a ,W ha" 8 for " - " « The wireless telegraph apparatus, with i or destined to points east of The senior composed his features to haven’t much hair, but I had enough which the ship is equipped, for com­ an expression o f gravity for a moment, for that. I promptly extracted part o f termini- t0 CongreS8 ln different !ng the main line. The South Santiam municating with the White House at bat tbe smile came out again, broad­ it aud part of it I left there. Then , main line of the Union Pacific nans , ,bv, Washington whenever the President ened and broke Into a laugh. “That's I got my penny and backed out, knock­ desires. i from Omaha to Ogden, where The President will spend four days not so bad either, considering,” he said. ing my head ugalnst the side rail as I ect« with ‘ ho Central Pacific, 'S A J S V K the state E f t M t e f c The on the Isthmus. He will arrive at “ But I give you my word I never did so. As I rose to my feet I saw the from Ogden to San Fran- $6 gold piece nestling coyly against the Legislature and county officers have brlJg« of the O. W P acro83 The Colon Thursday. November 15, where thought of It before.” foot o f the bureau. So it’s no wonder ” e1e£ ted' These successes have Clackamas near Oregon City is unsafe he is to be greeted aboard ship by “Of the boy?” Oregon Short Line extends from , l , vappetltes of ‘ he labor men ° ‘,h8r damage has been caused and at President Amador, of Panama, and “ Of— ha. ha I Say, do you know I cut myself wheu I shaved or that I Mrs. Amador, Chairman Shonts and „ , 0 Pocatello and the O. H. A N. delegates w hl 1 2 *™ ' ° f ,he u i i ? ™ " , 1“ 1 aigh‘ ‘ he streams con- other officials of the Canal Commis­ things have been going wrong with me wns not exactly pleasant to my w ife at ■ „ . T. . 1 1 rrh . ueiegdies who have arrived here that,tlnued ‘ o rise. tbe breakfast table when I blistered Pocatello to I ortland. These t w o , he convention will devote at least1 Passenger trains to California and sion. A considerable part of that day tills morning? I don’t know when I my throat with the coffee aud she told fombined are natural competitors |two days to discussing a political pro-|the u PP«r Willamette valley are being will be »pent at La Boca and Ancon, ever got up feeling uglier. See my me I usually mude such a fuss if It the train making a slow run across the chin?” Union Pacific and Central Pa- gr?,“ ' M t _ I !? Utod °,Yer the West side division of wnsn’t hot 1 resident Gompers feels greatly en- the Southern Pacific to Corvallis and isthmus in order to give an opportun­ 'Cut yourself, didn't you?” “ I don’ t blame you," said the Junior. couraged over the situation. He says over ‘ he Corvallis & Eastern tracks ity to see the sights and make an ex­ “Yes, I cut myself, but that wasn’t But that hardly explains your pleasant Kansas Pacific extends from he has received scores of letters from 1° Albl>ny, beyond which place the amination o f the work. At La Boca the only tiling. I got up late to begin humor now.” Ci‘y to Denver and is a natural men outside of the labor movement h°uthern Pacific's line is reported there is to be an inspection of the present terminals o f the old French with and that nearly always makes me "W ell,” said the senior partner, " I itor of the Union Pacific main 1 »™lk,h ,ihey declare ‘ hat they never clear Freight is refused at Portland before fully understood what the trade *?Pr P°ln‘ s north of Albany on the East canal and the Panama railroad, follow­ mad when I want to get up early for started for the train full o f gall nnd unionists of the country stood for in side- Local passengers and freigh- ing which there will be a trip to near­ any reason. I figured on finishing rak­ bitterness, nnd with four minutes to i Southern Pacific extends from a political way, and expressing sym-i 8®rvice w111 be maintained between by islands, where the President is to ing up the leaves on the lawn and make It. Winner was ahead o f me. be shown the proposed actual Pacific I‘ ho wrecked bridges. Orleans to Los Angeles, and thence pathy with their aims and objects. end of the canal in deep water and its burning them in the back lot before You know Winner, don't you? That “ It has been the greatest education-1 The Overland leaving Portland yes- breakfast I worked like a nailer Inst pursy, dignified chump we met In the l Francisco and north to Port- al campaign that organized labor has ' terday morning had a narrow escape approaches. In the afternoon there is evening on the Job and I had quite a drug store last time you were down. to be a sightseeing trip around Ancon 1 forming a natural competing lino ever conducted,” he said tonight." |from a disastrous wreck. A scant pile raked up. Well, when I looked Well, here enine the trnln In and I wns “ The subject is fully covered ln the bad hour after the train crossed the the other lines described, out o f the window I saw that the wind still 200 yards from the station nnd report which I will submit to the brldge 100 feet of the falsework sup- M ORE F O R E S T R E S E R V E . .acquisition of control o f the Illi- had come up nnd scattered them all Winner was a hundred yards ahead o f convention tomorrow, but I have no P°r‘ ing the structure was swept away, Ctntral by Harriman gives him a hesitation in saying that the political The river continued to rise rapidly and Proclamation Signed By President for over where I'd raked. That was me. when he stuhlied his toe and went from Omaha to Chicago and thence program of the Executive Council will *a‘ e *as‘ n'ght the remaining false- enough to make a man mad, wasn't »oiling nnd sprawling right Into tho New Area of 7,406,556 Acres. Orleans, thus connecting the be indorsed by the convention. It is work went out, allowing the 205-foot itr middle of the worst puddle o f mud you Washington, Nov. 9. — President steel span of the new bridge in process but the beginning of organized labor’s mi termini of his several lines and Certainly,” said the Junior sympa­ ever snw, his hat under him. Roosevelt, before leaving for Panama, of erection to fall into the raging river. efforts in the political arena.” jag him to route traffic from and “ I didn't stop. I made a spurt nnd The Santiam bridge has been under­ signed a proclamation creating four thetically. One of the effects of the labor politi­ «era points by any o f them. It ‘Then, when I took up my trousers I Just got on as the trnln pulled out. I new forest reserves in Idaho, and en­ going reconstruction for some time cal program will be seen in the corn- ieally makes him supreme in the larging two others, adding to the re­ the change fell out o f my pockets and looked back then aud saw Wlsner i territery west o f the Missouri ing message of President Roosevelt to and falsework had been built to sup- serve area of the state 7.406,556 acres. one coin rolled under the bed. I scramble up, covered with mud. port the weight of trains while the old Ho tad south of the Columbia river Congress. According to same labor wooden structure was being replaced He created every reserve recommend­ k West and of Omaha in the East. officials who have recently talked with with a new steel bridge. Had the new ed by the Forest Service, including struck a match to see where it was grabbed his hat, made a short run the President on the subject, the com­ and the flame caught the fringe o f the nnd then, seeing It was no good, stop­ ing message will contain some of the bridge been in or the old one left in­ the Shoshone reserve in Northern counterpane nnd It got scorched pretty ped nnd shook his fist nt the train. If Idaho, which was so vigorously fought tact no damage would probably have ihisgton, Nov. 10.— A general in- most radical demands for labor that occurred. The Overland train, due in by Senator Heyburn. Creation of badly. It was a counterpane that my you could have seen him ! ation of What is known as the have ever been made by a President Portland last night, was diverted from these reserves exemplifies the admin­ wife thought a great deal of. too. I " I ’d been having hard luck myself, of the United States. ■an system of railroads, under the the main line at Albany and this ar­ istration’s disregard o f Heyburn’s pro­ burned my hand a little beating It out hut— well. I’ve been feeling happy ever irity conferred by law, is one of test and leaves Heyburn nothing more —not enough to hurt n 'great deal, but since.”—Chicago Dally News. rangement will be continued until » *ts which have been discussed damage is repaired. Passenger trains to fight for. NEGRO TR O O P S SH ED T E A R S . « time by tho Interstate Com- Great Coeur d'Alene Reserve. will be operated locally between Port­ The Shoshone reserve is created In . Commission, and that body, it is land and Jefferson. NEW MARISCHAL COLLEGE AT ABERDEEN. Rally stands committed to an in- Veterans of Twenty-Fifth Deeply Af­ A wrecking crew was put to work at conjunction with the Coeur d’Alene the bridge yesterday and an attempt reserve, adjoining it on the north, and ssss fected by Disgrace. (have been inform ed,” a mem- made to save it from going out, b -' two others to be known as the Coeur d'Alene reserve. Their aggregate area El Reno ,Okla.. Nov. 12.—The mem- the Santiam, swollen by the heavy ' tbs Commission said recently, i this system in some o f its fe à - j hers of Companies B, C and D, of the rains of the past few days, continued Is 2.250,000 acres. They lie In Sho­ » not unliko the Northern Securi- ¡Twenty-fifth Infantry (colored), re- to rise rapidly. At a late hour last shone and Kootenai counties, extend­ . . , which was dissolved gently ordered dismissed by President night it was reported as rising six ing northward to the middle of Lake Bend d'Oretlle. ¡lithe interposition o f tho Attor - 1 Roosevelt as a Jesuit o f the riotous inches an hour. In creating these various reserves ______________ disturbances at Brownsville, Texas, on The flood also disabled the Southern irai of the United States.” steps which may 'b e taken by August 13, were formally discharged Pacific bridge on the Woodburn- Nat­ It is stated that all their natural re­ ron line, and caused heavy damage to sources will be available for use and emission along the lines referred ‘ oday- development, but they will be admin­ .be, it is said, in accordance with I Many of the men, some of whom sawmill men by the breaking of istered by the Forest Service, placed irai powers o f the Commission have been in the service more than 20 booms. Quantities of cord wood be­ under the protective system and tim­ ted by law, and not because o f shed %aTS when Jey gaVjL “ P longing to the Lebanon paper mills ber cutting will be restricted to ma­ ediate specific complaint of a ,heir guns- Tomorrow the disarmed were also washed away. Reports from ture timber. The Coeur d'Alene re­ d of the statute« * i troops will have battalion drill without Jefferson Indicate that much more serve is the largest of the lot. «the Fish-Harri'man contest for «rm8. and they will he discharged im-1 damage will be done before the flood Lemhi and Kootenai. mediately upon receipt of official or­ subsides. The I,emhi reserve, next in size em­ itrol of the Illinois Central Rail- ders from Washington. braces 1.346,460 acres in Lemhi and t was hinted that data would be The second battalion of the Twenty- T H E N E X T CONGHESS. Custer counties. This reserve con­ i the hands of the. Government sixth Infantry, under command of Chicago, Nov. 8.— Returns received sists of three narrow strips o f land ,!L 7 ¿ d J aC„k; Major Charles'j. T. Clarke, which ar- up to 1 o ’clock this morning show that running northwest and southeast ad­ -under the Harriman system and rived last night from San Antonio, has "T many interesting things. The gone into camp just outside the gar­ the Republicans have elected 223 Con­ joining the Montana boundary. In­ The new Marlschal College at Aberdeen, Scotland, which has Just lieen ion will begin the task early in rison limits of Fort Reno. The negro gressmen and the Democrats 163, as numerable streams that empty into the completed. Is shown In the Illustration. It was dedicated recently by King follows: Lemhi river head in this territory. ’ year. troops have shown no disposition to State— Rep. Dem. In extreme Northeastern Idaho, on Edwurd during the quarter-centenary celebrations of the University of Aber­ * investigation will be o f as much be ugly, the British Columbia and Montana deen, o f which Marlschal College and King’s College now form a part. Tho Alabama .................................. *"ef. in all probability, as was Arkansas .................................. 7 lines, 165,240 acres have been re­ new Marlachal College Is said to bo one of the most henuilful college buildings Which the Commission made into California ......................... 9 • • • served. forming but a small segment In the world. Practically the whole side o f one street was razed to inako Race Suicide Increasing. ibination of the Northern Pacific of the larger Kootenai reserve in room for It. and among the houses demolished was the once handsome man­ 3 Paris, Nov. 12.—Public attention has Colorado ........................... - Great Northern, which, as the Connecticut ..................... 5 . . . Montana. Like the Lemhi this re­ sion In which I,ord Byron and his mother s;»-nt some years of poverty whllo Securities Company, was dis- again been drawn to the National peril Delaware ........................... serve lies on the west slope o f the the poet was attending the At>erdeen grammar school. Marlschal College was 1 - by order o f the Supreme Court j Involved in the constantly-diminishing Florida ...................................... ® Rocky Mountains. founded In 1503 by George Keith, fifth Earl Marlschal o f Scotland, who was .............. . law, In one way, birthrate by the Publication of * tbn anti trust Great Tra ct on Salmon River. Georgia .................................... H ® of Harriman resembles that vital statistics for 1905. The b r s The Salmon River reserve in Lemhi born In 1553. and who died in Dunottar Castle In lf’,23. Dr. George Campbell, Idaho ................................ 1 ••• Korpont Morgan and James J. France for this year m'rah^Pd SfL.-92 Illinois ............................... 19 and Custer counties embraces 2.201,- the célébra ted author of "The Philosophy of Rhetoric,” wns nt ono time at “ »Hying the Northern Pacific showing a decrease of 10.937 frorri tne Indiana ............................. 120 acres. It comprises a solid block the head o f Marlschal College. As a memento o f Byron's residence on th« 9 > Great Northern. He controls total of 1904. The reason tor thfa de- Iowa .................................. 1® 1 of mountainous country lying between site of the school. It Is suggested that a statue of the poet, preferably In J * Pacific, the Southern Pacific 1 erf ase is not to be found _ a J d , Kansas ............................... 8 ••• the Salmon River find the middle fork granite, be erected at tbe new college. of the Salmon river. Oregon Short Line, which Ition ot the number ® slight in- Kentucky ........................... ♦ In Cassia and Oneida counties 291,- i competing roads, in the judg- I which the *tat’ 8t.ics annarpntly Louisiana ................................. * O R IG IN O F P O S TA G E 8 T A M P . the envelope, upon which In faint char­ Maine ................................ 6 . . . 976 acres have been set apart as the 3 : Raft River reserve, embracing many •oil Central and the Baltimore & acters were notations told all her Maryland .......................... 3 IM ot M ade It« N eed 3 tributaries of Raft River and Deep H a r m a l d ' a l*hich makes him a big factor in Massachusetts ................. 1* brother had to say. Beiore th . I’ U I n l f t o h e S e e n . . . J creek. ■““iog transcontinental rates. Fol- ;! I studying this matter has reached the I Michigan ........................... 12 latter left England, the girl snld. »h . additions are are mane made to to me the Chicago postal officials have officially I H i ' ■'«investigation o f the com -1 s‘ " (ly,I' g Jh-if it |g necessary to in-j Minnesota ......................... » 8 i | Numerous Mimemus anomons I , hat .Mississippi .............................- *0f the Great Northern and th . ' ! CUIlLTUBiuu ^ e lu s io n that • it is 8 , S m o o t h reserve, their » « r e g a t e area announced that the origin o f the post­ nnd he had devised a system to cor- 12|belng 1,371.760 acres. These addi­ age stamp had lieen definitely discov­ resiiond without ex|K>n«e. They agreed 4 1 Pacific, the Commission trans- that when either received a letter, h . tions are made at various points along Montana ............................. 7 ered after much investigation and the present boundary. or she was to handle It fondly, while Nebraska ........................... & ‘ »Inch used it to bring about turning of the leaves o f ancient official protesting Inability to pay the charge, Nevada ..................................... ■ition of the Northern Securi- folios. New Hampshire .............. 2 and after reading the secret notation, The story o f the origin of the mod­ Freight Cars By the Thousand. New J e r s e y ....................... 6 to return the letter to the |>ostmnn. Boys Shot By Courtmartial 26 Chicago, Nov. 9.— Prompted by the ern postnge stamp Is the tale o f a lit­ ’ t o __The Riga New York Rowland Hill went bnck to Nmdon congestion of traffic and the car short­ tle deception practiced by a serving ? PiU“ S” Ugf llng- fo r correspondent" o*f the Bourse Gazette ^ ¡ 'a " 8 .!!! age for this year, the Harriman lines woman In a little Inn In a remote Eng­ and devised tlie scheme to compel th . payment o f the imstnge Itefori- send­ * v. 10— J. A. Bunce, fo r, harrowins: description of the qjj J q ...................................... 17 are making purchases o f freight equip­ lish country many years ago. 1 Deputy Sheriff under Sheriff j send« a harrowing ------ |unio . ing the letter In the mall. Thus from ment for 1907 on a grand scale. It Howland Hill, then postmaster gen­ “ c b l o u y yesterday e s ie ru a y u iu m - i ic t c u « --------- . f *' ” » arrested morn a isior girl’s cheating the government was announced yesterday that they eral o f his majesty King George IV.. now have orders In for $21.000,000 » eomplaint charging him with convicted b y ^ 0" r t."ath The children Rhode Island ................. of England out o f n shilling was bora worth of refrigerator, box, flat and , was doing the Haroun Al Raschld act the modern postage stamp. * » . At the t,me of hl* arre? V nd condemned to deatn ,n thP gou, h Car„Hna ..................... .. gondola cars, all of which It Is e x - 'In rural postofflees. He had stopped »« supposed to have been work-| were placed •*•*“ ■* ® d their South D a k ota ................... 2 ^■merest of m the c0„rtyard ui of ‘ b« b — a i^ k „«n s , erved and^ ......................... 2 Practical Olrlhnoil. — ablest or e United u n u e a o States ra ir» connyaru pected w'll be delivered before the one night at the little. Inn, which. In 2 ‘ ° Bn<;a“ h a band of smug- pltlableappearance son n n ' ^ ^ T„ taa season of heavy traffic next year. The (lie typical manner of English Inns, had "Whntever else may be laid at th . total number of freight cars ordered Its ale served by a pretty barmaid. “ ®*id be had reaaon to be* troops that they before the U> tab door o f the school girl o f to-day, ah. *re operating ¡n the vicinity o f >r*1 volleys were 11 - but not yet delivered is 16,600. Of * wiiied The V« ermont .......... The postman, entering, announced a can’t be said to be Impractical,” said a these 6.600 are refrigerator cars. These the British Columbia line, little fellows were finally ^ . Virginia .......... letter from Australia for the wench, Virginia matron who bas been visiting will be of the most modern type. Washington .. 7 J » '• known that Bunce has City of R *s * 7 , gtlre and anld the charge upon It amounted friend« In the city. “ My friend bas a pounds o f opium, and it over the bloodthlr. t y ______ West Virginia to a shilling. The barmaid took It In 17-year-old daughter who has lieen Wisconsin . . . . One Fight Would Finish All. her hands, and eyed both sides of the spending a vacation with her parents. W y om in g ........ Die and Eleven Rescued. New Railroad for China. ------- Washington. Nov. 9.— That the 12- paper, which bad come half around For sophistication she la ahead of any­ ««town, P. E. I., Nov. HL— Hongkong. Nov. » .-C h o w fa . who ..........................., 2 23 163 inch gun now in use at moat o f the ¡the world, most wistfully, Then, wip­ one I know. I felt myself a child In ______— interi Viceroy -------------------------- _ of the ____ full-rigged _ --nn— Finnisn Finnisn .anointed Viceroy of of the tre i Coast fortifications o f the United ing her eyes, she returned It to the worldly wisdom beside her. 1Bto 0» Carew's Reef during w«8 i?wang-Ti:n*. h»8 arrived Saved From Ocean’« Maw. States would not last through an en­ postman with a sigh, saying that she e v i n c e of “ Hbe Is as pretty as a picture, and £ic?n® Tuesday night seven New York. Nor. 8 — Rescued w h'n gagement o f two hours, the period that *-— " " hl* - c h in 'se when she sat on the front step. In th . l_ °®‘ their lives and 11 wer* w at r an ° fa forma* 'm cet i n g of c m » . - ~ -boüt ^ d y to drop irto would elapse from the time the lead­ was too poor to pay the charge. at Ith reference to the Yiie- tney ^ w re from ____ Heckhouse six Rowland Hill pitied her distress and evening admiring glance« were cast In „„•chant, „ with reference-«orae „ the deckhouse, ing vessel of a fleet would come with­ The her direction every time a man pa«a«l the Nova Scotia in range until the last vessel would himself advanced tbe shilling. than Railway- „„ c h a n ts and off!- men. the crew of _ between hetween the m* m erm an_____ - •.„i.cntln, *4, Z T V e ^ i n ^ M o u n t ___ mony ^ ¿ ¡ „ W h i t e Wings, and her cap- pa. . beyond the range o f the guns. i . girl had said: “ It la from my poor the house. V «0 ’ i' ov; with the object of bringing “ „ were brought to this port today th(. statement o f Brigadier-General brother ln Australia, whom I haven't “O n. young fellow was evidently ■i u r i t l i . e 0 f - h m e to a successful Issue. His ‘ aln^ 'o e r m a n tank steamship M ann-, w il,iam Crosier, Chief o f Ordnance. seen for years.” hard h it It got so be would walk . . ia • J - i , . , - w o o i eruption. eruption, Poet- x-osi-, (schem _ „ u « . . v mattere. matters, he nr . / . 7. « whose which orrimH arrived from Shield*. Shield* T b ïfe __ I annual report was I made ____| public When he told her she was free to half the evening and almoat fall off Storz, o f Stonewall, who policy fa by W'stern princl ‘ a.ntsin is M J McLeod, and the mate at tbe War Department today. open the letter, she manifested some the curbstone In his efforts to look at 12 miles o f the peak, has would be dictated Alexander I.uscombe. With bulw.rtc. * reluctance, and no delight Her em­ tbe girl. Finally I asked her If s b . _ «er* that smoke and vapor pies. No More Gambling in Panama —Th National As- barrassed manner aroused tbe suspi­ had noticed blm and If she knew hia Panama. Nov. 9 —The waning from the mountain. sembly today unanimously approved a cions of Mr. HIIL name. biII prohihlting gambllng ln the repub­ "'K n ow hi* name? Well, I should Before leaving the Inn next morn­ lai order has bee» become mem- Still Carey Guns. lie. It will not be sfgned by President ing he questioned tbe barmaid at say,' she replied. ’ I’ve found out hla . « u i o n of all rsnK . _. 1 — . .nv ’«a»». Nov lO ._Dispstches soldiers of all yf°?L ^ i .tion« of any . ^ N o ^ i ' - ^ n i e President j Amador and gambling on the” Isthmua length and finally drew from her tbe name and where be lives and where b . G‘ »nde Ute night say hers of pol ^ „ “ ^ t e n d political which will bring will become .t h in g of the pa.t Gam tv bis money.' "— Washington confidence that she didn’t need to borrows -»«« Morgan'* orders to dis- party what* * J f r'„»rt ln n^LSSw ea of the Internal Revenue ling la already absolutely prohibited . , „ . Heing O beyed?'M ost of th. m eeting. £ Violation. S e r v lc . I fa th* canal son«. open the Inter, ai ice there waa only Port. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. i 2 _ That :irr^ rC hAm erican £ Disastrous Floods In Willamette Valley Streams. TO NEUTRALIZE CANAL RESULT OF CONTINUOUS RAINS m s --- S S E S $ to S r s j --- S treet , r . armed, U fa * | ^ £ 1,‘o f£ tone—leg * * * * S Ä