M a k e an B ed. [THCWEEKLY The T ra il of the D ead: * THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE OF DR. ROBERT HARLAND ft* ' * By B. m A sp a ragu s anee? Nona, so far as I could see. H ere Is a reminder from one who “ So I imagine,” I replied. evidently appreciates the good things “ You relieve me of a load of expla­ every farm er may have In his garden. nations. There is, however, one point H e advises everyoue to make an as­ on which I myself desire information. Through the courtesy of the editor— or paragus bed, and says very truly it 1» assistant editor— of that admirable peri­ easily and quickly done. Asparagus odical, the University Review, I was al­ needs a rich, mellow, warm soil. M a ­ lowed a glimpse of the manuscript of an nure the grouud thoroughly with well article signed ‘Cantab.’ It was a scur­ rotted stable manure. Plow eight to rilous effort, dictated by the meanest FLETCHER ROBINSON and J. MALCOLM FRASER ten Inches deep or deeper. P lan t In a jealousy. It was designed to destroy my long row. Pulverize thoroughly with book— my book which is my life's work F* - ^ J*. (Copyright, 1903, by Joseph B. Bowles) disk and barrow. Secure a hundred 2 — do you understand?— my whole life’s work." year-old plants at a cost of from 50 H is voice rose to his last words till it cents to $1- Open a row with plow or P erm an en t T r e ll l» o f W ir e . ended In a shriek of passion. Th e scarcity o f bean poles forces me a cultivator. Set plants two feet apart “ W ell, and what of that article?” I ence, and, telling him curtly enough that C H A P T K R X I I I .— (Continued.) to resort to other means of giving sup- in row with crown three Inches below answered boldly. Friday, Nor. 27.— I have quite an 1m- the writing was mine, went out to get M y question calmed him in an instant ' Port to my lima beans, says a gardener surface. Press soli firmly about plants, portaut piece oi new* to-day, Mr. Diary. the tea. A t the kitchen door was the There was a crafty leer in his eyes as he In Farm and Fireside. At one time I fill up the row and cultivate same as ; Bo no more grumbles, please, about your small boy who brought us our letters and spoke again. | thought w e could get around the dif- corn or beaus, and next year you will papers from I’olleven. There was only I having sunk into a weather report. Yes, “O f course, it was your father’s. N o < ficulty by planting the newer bush have an abundance o f delicious and ? blr, I hare met a stranger— fancy that— one letter that afternoon, which I placed sentence It contained was unworthy of llu ia i The ,atter however have never healthful food, and the same w ill con­ amongst the teacups on the tray which , a Tis.tor, in the winter, at Polleven! so scholarly a pen. Hut why. dear lady. g ,ven me more thgn a fractlon of the tinue for years if you keep free from Mr. Hermann— for that is his name I was carrying to the sitting room. A s I why was the original M SS. in your ■ f X — has been a dabbler in science, he tells entered Mr. Hermann stepped forward crop that I can and do get from my weeds and add each year a fresh sup­ hand?” yjj * me, all his life. I shall snare him be- to help me. “pole” limas, and now I plant the lat­ ply o f farm fertilizer. "M y father had nothing whatever to M H j! fore long and lay my spoil in triumph “ I fear I am giving you a great deal of ter exclusively. They are trained to a do with it,” I said, speaking very slow- V a lu e o f a Silo. jj at father’s feet. Since the weather has trouble,” said he. 1418— John, Duke of Burgundy, muJ post, wire and string trellis. ly and distinctly. “ I wrote It myself.” It Is very Important to provide some | been so bad, it has been very lonely for “ Please don’t apologize,” I answered, dered. ^ “ You!” he cried, staring at me. “ You Posts should be set firmly, and not I him indoors, poor dear, with only ignor- laughing. “ I always do it when our ser­ means by which the dairy cow can be wrote It?" 1402— Columbus sailed from tbe CanaJ too fa r a p a r t I use galvanized wire * ant me for company. I am certain Mr. vant is out.” “Certainly. Do you think me Incapa­ of fa ir strength and find It good for a supplied with good food at all seasons Islands on voyage of discovery. “ A s she is now?” ■ Hermann will be just the man for him. A o f the year In order that she may yield ble? If so. I direct your attention to the 1532— Pizarro landed in Peru. “ Yes.” m good stiff talk will brighten him up won- number of years. It has to stand quite milk most economically. Such medium record of the honors that I took at Cam­ I derfully. “Then you have no one In the house?' a strain, as the load of thrifty vines Is may be found lu the silo which fu r­ 1G30— First church founded at Charlel bridge.” , I chanced upon him this afternoon. He “ No one— save my father.” town and Boston. very heavy, and I, therefore, give as I f ever a lie be pardoned, may I not nishes a place fo r the storing o f food “ Indeed! Is that so?” 1 w as struggling along the cliff edge in 1630— Harvard College founded. much support, by supplementary stakes claim mercy for this of mine? In the form of silage. It Is a well- ■ the teeth of the wind. His age should H e dropped Into a chair by the fire and “ W ill you swear this to me?” (between the posts), as Is convenient 1 be about sixty, but he is very well pre- sat staring into the coals, his chin rest known fact that the nearest an Ideal 1042— British defeated the Irish at tU “ W hy not? I am not ashamed of my The wires are made to rest In a crotch battle of Lisoarrol. I served. H e is clean-shaven and close- ing on his hand. Certainly his behavior food that can be obtained fo r the dairy at the upper end of the pole or stake. I cropped and is altogether very neat in was extremely odd that afternoon. As work. 1045— New Netherland colony observJ cow Is good p a stu re; but for several H e stood staring at the table in front I his appearance. H is eyes behind his he did not speak, I opened the envelope To make the trellis still stronger, I thanksgiving for restoration of pea] months In the year green pasture Is glasses are absurdly young, if 1 can bo which was addressed to my father. It of him fur some moments, his hands with the Indians. not available. At such times the best ¿1 .1 describe them. They are so active and contained a second letter, and a short pressed to his head. 1054— Cromwell’s first parliament “ She must suffer, then,” he muttered. substitute are corn silage and such ■ M clear that if it were not for the wrin- note from the editor of the University gambled at Westminster. ■ I kies above them, I shouhl have knocked stating that a person of the name of “ Rut if I had known! A girl— it was roots as mangels and turnips. Corn 1760— Montreal surrendered to the E hardly worth the trouble.1 ten years off his age. H e asked me the Sir Henry Gradeu had called for “Can yields an average o f twice as much lish. “ Don’t you think you had better go jgu rtll w ay to Polleven, and as 1 was nouad tab’s” address, and inquiring whether he dry matter per acre as root cro p s; and iübut 1774— First Continental Congress asse fo r the village, I took him in charge. might have permission to disclose it. He back to your inn?” I suggested. lUitwl since the latter Involve much more la­ “ Not until we have settled our little On the way he told me that he hail just forwarded, he added, a letter from Sir hied In Carpenter’s Hall, I’hiladi bor, and greater expense, silage Is fa r You are phla. . taken a room at the inn there. H e is Henry, which, as he believed, contained account together, dear lady. young, yet young vipers can sting. Is it more economical. writing a book, it seems, and wanted a an explanation of this request. 1776— Nathan Hale executed as a spy. * quiet corner. H e will find it at I’olleven! I have the original letter before me not better at once to put an end to their 1777— British marched upon Philadelphi powers of mischief?' H o w 1o G ro w K h n b arb . LIM A BEAN TRELLIS. l i e speaks with but a slight accent, hav­ now. This is how It runs; and Americans retreated ai “ Yet the young can run where the old H ave the ground on which rhubarb ing lived much In England, though his “Jerrold’s Hotel, Brandywine. cannot follow. I a m nearer the «loor than now put several rows side by side, and Is grown very rich, it requires well- father was a Herman, as his name de- “ Strand, Loudon, W . C. you. At your first movement 1 shall be connect the posts and stakes across the Benedict Arnold's treason disc M n notes. This was his first walk, anil he "T o •Cantab.’ rotted manure. D ivide the roots, a l­ 1780— ered. 11 seemed much impressed with the wild- row s by cross strips fastened high lowing one tuber to the “ My D ear Sir— As Mr. Rolles, the clear of the house. bill. This “ And leave your father as a hostage.” Naval engagement off the V B ness of the scenery. editor of the University Review, has not enough to allow the horse In cultivat­ should be done every other year. Keep 1781— H is words struck me like a blow. I told father about him at supper. He seen fit to Inform me of your name and ginia capes between the British s ing to pass under i t the dirt hoed up loosely around them said he would be very pleased to meet present address, I have written this let­ 1 swuyed forward, gripping the table with French fleets.. . .Fort Griswold ts F or each row I stretch two wires, and as soon as the first leaves come H e could heve seized me him. ter on the understanding that it will be both hands. en by the British unaer Arnold. one about six iuches above the ground then If he had wished; but he knew I El and begin to droop over on the ground, forwarded to you immediately. I should Saturday, Nov. 28.— I am filled with was in bis power, and held away, surface, the other about five feet from cut them o ff; this w ill start the stalks 1783— -Treaty of peace, acknowledgij the triumph of success. Mr. Hermann much have preferred to explain the mat independence of the United Stall “ Do not forget that, ilear lady,” he the ground. Common binder twine is turn to to grow ing the taller and strnlghter. and father are hard at It over their pipes ter personally, but as I may not receive continued; “it must be either you or him. signed with Great Britain. lain In the study. They do not seem to be your answer for several days, I dare not There is no way of escape for both, I wound zigzag around the two wires. It A ll stalks should be cut when they be­ 1804— Storm resulted in great loss delay. It is my duty to inform you that makes a useful and quite ornamental gin to droop toward the ground. Never opposed on any big question, which is i but se life and property at Savannah, Ga am afraid.” l ’rof. Rudolf Mnruac, of the University most lucky, for some very learned men |nt my I am writing down the facts as they support for tbe limas, and tbe vines pull them, fo r If you do, you take with 1813— United States brig Enterprise get Into dreadful tempers with each oth­ of Heidelberg, is now a fugitivo from the occurred. I desire no creilit for follow­ take readily, particularly and rem ark­ he twin them the shoots for the next stalks and tured brig Boxer off Seguin. B i police. The charge against him is one er when contradicted. \» hat I did then, many ably so, to the strings, even without also break the small roots that help retur commanders killed... .Perry’s vict I know that the man Is ing my duty. It is the butcher’s day at I’olleven, so of murder. thousands of girls woulil do to-day. For much assistance or coaxing on the part nourish the plant. Cut them one Inch on Lake Erie. |itay rig! I walked there this morning to give the guilty; I believe him to be the victim of there remained no way out of the pit of the grower. ’at’* above the ground. A lw ay s cover with 181 a — A merican and British land orders. I met Mr. Hermann coming up a homicidal mania. "H is mania is of an unusual type, be­ into which we had fallen— my father water forces engaged in battle lie’ tin from the quay. H e Is very fond of sail­ about three Inches of straw In the fall. and I— save one, and that I accepted S u p erio rity o f the M a le . ing directed solely against his scien­ Lake Champlain. ing, he said, and had engaged a small Kd. whi The mule Is less nervous than tbe Follow these rules nnd your pieplant In the University Re­ gladly, readily. trawler and two men, so that he can tific opponents. KoMo w ill yield abundantly till frost kills It. 1816— Kia King. Emperor of China, “Then take me,” I said to him. horse and therefore loses less energy in view of August last you criticised his have a good blow when the weather per­ t h r o n e d ..A lg ie r s surrendered “ You have sadly upset my little ar­ book with extreme severity. H e saw useless fretting. In fact, one o f the ■*. vt-.- mits. lie kept on rubbing his hands British and Dutch fleets. H o m e - M a d e C o rn Sheller. rangements. I had not thought of so Bprmanenth and beaming upon me, ns if he had that number, for I have In my posses poorer. Se fair an offender. Let me see.” H e paus­ chief characteristics of the mule Is his This Is a cheap w ay to make a good 1831— W arsaw captured by the Uusei sion a copy of the article covered with Iflr R IL K struck upon some new idea which pleas­ ubility to take care of himself under ed, softly rubbing liis chin. corn sheller. Get a poplar plank six 1837— Congress convened In extra the most dangerous threats against you ed him. I told him I thought he had There was a cat-like gratification nil circumstances, says Farm ing. Much Inches wide, one Inch thick and three In his own handwriting. T w o distiu Jfever sion to devise measures to relieve done a very sensible thing, and that in about the creature as he stood glancing o f the uppnrent shirking which Is financial embarrassments of the c * snai my opinion a great many clefui men guished scientists. Von Stockmar of H ei­ at me from time to time, with a smile charged against the mule is an Inborn try. would write the better for a dose of fresh delberg and Mechersky of St. Petersburg, dickering on his thin lips; anil all the }cas office V air taken daily. H e laughed a good deal who similarly attncked him In the papers, while my soul was searching, searching tendency to husband his strength and 1840— First safety beacon fixed on Gc lotbered The result at this and complimented me on my wit. have already fallen victims to his ex­ for the way of escape that I could not make every effort count win Sands, off mouth of Tha I no! nc traordinary cunning. You will observe, M y wit! Think of that! As I knew o f this Instinctive care on the part o f river. | nan. find. sir, the logical conclusion. Until he Is there were plenty of chops In the house, 1844— -Two hundred lives lost in hui ‘On the whole. It Is the happiest plan,“ the mule is that he is able to turn out Us I su 1 asked him to lunch, saying that my captured you will be in danger. he said suddenly, with a little sigh of re­ more work than would be possible for cane at Me-tamoras. |then at ’F or your personal information I may father, who was an invalid and could not lief. “ Let us make a move to the frout a horse of the same weight under the 1847— Battle of E l Molino Del M nly a ft go out much, would be delighted to make tell you that he is a man of over sixty door.” same conditions. The mule instlnctlve- Mexico. his acquaintance. H e accepted at once years of age. When last seen he had a The sun was dropping to the western lly avoids holes, sharp obstacles, barbed long beard which was of a silky white. 1850— House passed bill admitting Q auil we walked back together. sea in angry banks of cloud. His rays w ire fences and various other forms of fornia to statehood. Later.— Father says that Mr. H er­ H e wears glasses, but his eyes are un­ shone so strougly In our faces that I had usually keen and intelligent. His I# nils danger which are not so successfully mann is uuusually well read, and that 1853— Religious liberty adopted in I to shade my eyes as he pointed out the are small and beautifully made, his fin­ he had had a most Interesting talk with land. manner in which death should come to avoided by horses. It Is a matter of ger nails being apparently manicured. In him. Yet ho did not seem very en­ common observation that In Instances 1854— Great loss of life and property| me. thusiastic about him. I hope they did whatever disguise he may assume, he will ‘You are a strong, brave girl," he said where mules run aw ay they seldom In­ tornado at Louisville, Ky. probably continue to keep them in good not quarrel. It rather spoiled my tri­ with a little bow, “or I would not sug­ ju re themselves to any serious extent 1857— Loss of the ship Central Amei THE HOMEMADE CORN SHELLER. umph. Father did not seem to have condition. H e may change his appeur- gest so novel a scheme. 1 shall sit here and 451 lives off Cape May. anything ilefiuite against him— only a ance in many ways; but if you are in Fnmfgratlon to Protect O rch ard*. In the porch and watch you as you walk feet long. Dress the plank sm ooth; 1861— general Impression that he wns a queer doubt of auy pleasant stranger, I beg Gen. Grant took possesi over the moor, down into the little vaV In Germany some Interesting experi­ drive some 8-penny nails into the plank you to note his hands. fellow. 1 think this rather absurd. Paducah, Ky. ley, up again, and so to the cliff edge. ments have recently been made In the “On receipt of your answer I am pre­ to within one Inch of the heads; put 1862— Confederate army crossed Pi Sunday, Nov. 21).— Mr. Hermann sat A fter a time for Buitable meilltation— protection of orchard trees against them one-half Inch apart In rows in a behind me at church this morning. He pared to come to you at once. I shall mac river and entered Maryland. let us say two minutes— you will step off then be able to give you further particu­ night frosts by means of fumigation.' A sang the hymns In a high voice that square six Inches each way. Into eternity. Do not fear, it Is an easy 1863— Gen. Burnside occupied Knoxv| lars. would have been amusing under ordinary p art of an orchard In bloom w as thus “ I beg you not to disregard this warn­ method of putting an end to an infinity 1864— The Confederate Gen. Mori R ce a a n d S m o k in g . circumstances. A lter church he walked of troubles. • • • Keep back! keep successfully guarded against an April ing, and until you see me to be most forces routed at Greenville, Tern with me some distance up the hill. He M any times bees are smoked more frost by tbe dense smoke o f naptha- condoled with me on my lonely life, and careful in your movements. O f course, back, I say!" 1871— The mare Goldsmith Maid ti than Is necessary; perhaps, because not lene. Rut the experiment w as very ex­ (T o be continued.) that always annoys me. Indeed, I am if your pseudonym is an absolute secret, mile in 2:17 at Milwaukee. pensive, fifty kilogram s of napththalene every one knows that during a nectar you will be safe enough. But there are afraid I was rather rude to him about being consumed by seven flames In one flow some honey is lost every time a 1803— Irish Home Rule bill rejected X f w A rt. It. To make amends, I Invited him to always chances. British House of Lords. W hen "Sincerely yours, hour. Later a new preparation o f chem­ hive Is opened, says Farm ing. ‘I tell you,” said the tall man with tea on Tuesday. 1806— W illiam J. Bryan notified of " H E N R Y G R A D E N (R art).” bees are smoked they fill themselves the carroty whiskers, "th e Chinese are icals w as tried, producing a compara­ Monday, Nov. 80.— Father Is not so nomination for the presidency. I glanced up cautiously. Mr. H er­ well to-day. H e has had more trouble tively large volume of smoke with the with honey and If so much smoke Is getting w iser every day.” First National bank of Hell with his cough, I fear, though he tries mann still sat huddled in his seat by the I should say they are,” replied the exiienditure o f only two kilogram s of used that most o f the bees In the hive Mont., closed. to make light of It. I wish I had not fire. One of hia hands I could see clear­ at that time take honey. It w ill be the material per hour. These trials are short man In the green suspenders. 1808— British troops entered Kharti asked Mr. Hermann. I must take care ly, for it lay upon the arm of his chair. W h y, my laundrym au has actually ta­ under the direction o f an experimental more than an hour before it is redepos- ....E m p r e s s Elizabeth of Aui that he does not see father to-morrow. It was small as a woman’s, and the nails Ited Into the cells and the regular work gardening association. had received so fine a polish that they ken up pyrography.” assassinated... .French occupied T h e doctors were most particular in their resumed. Bees sometimes gather nec­ shone pinkly in the firelight! “You don’t mean It?” sh o da... .Czar unveiled monumeni Instructions that nothing should over-ex- Pnllfnor Old Fence Posts. A wild terror clutched at my throat, so tar enough to make a pound o f honey ctte him; I fear that the two might get “ Yes, his specalty now Is burning de­ Alexander II. at Moscow. Fasten chain to post close to the that for a space I sat dumb and motion­ an hour, so one can see that It would 1005— New York legislative investi Into some silly argument. signs on shirts.” ground, pass It over the wheel o f an less, gasping for breath. Rut then there be quite a loss If every colony In ing committee began examinatio came to me the realization of the purpose C H A P T K R X IV . life insurance companies.. ..Ja] fa ir sized apiary were smoked enough S o H o m e lik e ! for which this man had come, and at the Tuesday. Dec. 1.— Under this head my ese and Russian envoys signed ti to Interrupt the work for one hour. Some one said to Brother W illia m s: diary Is a blank. I will try to set out thought of it my blood came surging back of peace at Portsmouth, N. H. “They have a balloon fa d now, anil you into alert activity. There may be many the events of that day as calmly as I T o R ip e n Cream . can go up and cool off In the clouds." an English girl who loves her father as can. May Hod In Ills mercy help me, C ro ss-C on tin en t Anto Record. I Cream left to itself will become sour dearly as I do mine, but there is D ever "Yes. suh,” lie replied. “ Eu d a r’s so in H is good time, to forget them! spontaneously. This is the result of The recent automobile trip made b] one of them that loves him more. I M y father seemed uo worse in the much thunder eii llgbtnln up dar, I the growth o f lactic acid bacteria, L . Whitman from San Francisco to . morning, though by my persuasion he can say honestly that after that first reckon lota er 'um a l l feel lak’ dey 'r r T : T j r ..... which feed upon the milk sugar, and York, over a 4,200-mile route, was kept to his bed. Ills own room was on great shock of fear my mind was swept wuz right at home— 'specially de mar- P O S T-PU LLIN O DEVICE. the ground floor— for he had been for­ clean of my own danger. For my father as a final process convert It Into a lac­ pleted in fifteen days, twelve hoursj two minutes, at an expense to the bidden to climb stairs— and lked out I w a s 'W s d y to" m »t'deatÍi'oD ~hte~ów n l rled folks ¡"— Atlanta Constitution, tic a d d . Other form s of bacteria are -^hat If pany of $8,000. During the journey I ordinary corn planter, hitch team to upon the little garden at the back of the ground, at his own terms, and try the alw ay s present In cream ; some have P o e l t l v e l y B ru tal. r loor salí lays of men kept pace with the carj issue. ,, .. . .... . chain and go ahead. It don’t damage cottage. little or no effect in the ripening proc­ rail, but they were not needed: alsT Mrs. Youngw ed— The other day you .___, • 3-Well, And yet my first set was one of such M arjory had begged off for the after­ i . , ’ , ,____ . , the wheel and the broad tire keeps It ess, while others. If allowed to de­ complete outfit for repair was sent al clnred 1 talkcil talkeil almost continuously. continuously. . . . . .. ___ . noon, and I agreed, though this would folly that I can hardly bring myself to declared t »hen I from sinking Into tbe ground. velop, produce undesirable and often by rail from point to point, inclodij Y'oungwed— Yea, so I did. leave me alone to serve my visitor. H ow ­ set it down, l ’erhaps It was that the ?— Tole words of the letter were rioting in my obnoxious flavors. T o cultivate and de­ complete running gear and daplicatrt ever, tea-making la no very difficult mat­ Mrs. Youngwed— Ami last night you S e t t i n g F e n c e P o a ta . head; perhaps that my whole will was ter, and to pacify me Marjory had cook- la called every part. But no part of that gear ] told the friend you brought home to .Some farm ers argue that It Is best to velop these “w ild” germs tired ad one of her best cakes. She left short centered in an effort to coutrol the tones dinner that I seldom said anything. required, as it was out of reach «1 set posts early in the fall, when the "spontaneous” ripening, and is often at­ of my voice. ly after two; M r. Hermauu arrived half the »mash-up occurreil at ConneantJ *?• h»v tended with uncertainty. Good butter ground Is solid. O f course, a post care­ “ Do you take sugar In your tea. Prof. Now, which statement Is correct? the Ohio border. The gasoline nsed^aj an hour later. I •!>« blot Youngwed— Roth. fully set at any time w ill remain in Its making demands the use o f a ’’starter,’’ aged one gallon to fifteen miles, I had not expected to see him so early Maniac?" Wder i either home-made or a pure culture. place, but the fall season Is really a and was copying out some letters which That was what I said to him. man received $2,500 for his services, j h ( w I I I b h t h e T a r n . The form er should be made o f selected my father had dictated, when he knock It was out, ami I could not recall It. much worse time than In the spring. "Please, m a’am,” said the hobo with ed at the door. A s I showed him into As he rose, I sprang back, placing the Digging the hole makes the soil loose, skim milk. T o B re ed a Have of Bulfsl«* the room, he chance«] to pass the table table between us. A cup, caught by my the smoked glasses, “w ould youse give I M ajor E. F. Merrisy. supervisor and If done In the fall It haa not time K e e p i n g H o g s C le a n . on which they lay. skirt, smashed loudly on the floor. So er dime to a pore man wot Impaired his Wichita. Kan., forest reserve, to become compact again. W a te r fil­ To give the pigs a thorough scrub­ " W h a t a beautiful hand your father we stood watching each other. sight »-lookin' for work?” T ters down through the loose soil, which bing may appear to be labor thrown ing to receive a herd of twenty-* w rite s!" he said politely. H e show-ed no sign of anger. Only " llu h 1” rejoined the fem ale with tbe | falo, a gift from the zoologies- V I I raise the post a little every year away, but If two lots o f pigs are treat­ "T h an k you for the compliment, Mr the expression of his eyes had changtxl to cold-storage heart “ You must have tion of New York, to be used for r ’intll It throws It out altogether. I f ed alike In every respect, except that a cold, sneering insolence that was s H erm ann.” I answered. been looking for a mighty small jo b." gating the species. “ M y dear young lady, I am too old for most dreadful thing to see In so old a 'he soli has time to settle it absorbs one lot receives a thorough scrubbing man. riddles.” llrS s H . less moisture, and after the first year. with soapsuds once In a while, there E f f e c t o f I n d u s t r i a l C o ta » * * « * 1 " I observe, dear lady, that you hold a “T h e writing la mine.” "W h a t la love?" asked the beardless If the heaving out has not already be w ill be a marked difference In favor A new census bulletin *h‘>wV t^ * l " l a that really eoT” he exclaltne«!. with letter in your hand,” said he. without a youth, after the manner of hie kind. Pin, It will rarely begin. of the bogs that are washed when tbe number of manufacturing estahh» a quick, etartled look at me. “ I could harsh note in his musics! voice. “ May I 1 todney •Tx)Te.’’ answered the man with the time fo r slaughter arrives. A clean in this country increased on!? 4 P* have guaranteed that It was a man’s suggest that it contained the discovery Anthem and F o rth W o r m *. absent hair, “Is an obsession that w ill | I had bed o f straw with a dry house, so as band. la there nothing private here— which you so very incautiously have an­ from 1000 to 1904, while the c»F' J _ young per . From recent experiments It Is eer- cause two otherwise __ sane to afTord them comfort at night, will creased 41 per cent. An interesting nounced ?’" m ay I examine?" *>ns to leave their happy Ismies "to'be- ' I " '“ thl,t earth worm * #re s p o n s i b le also promote thrift and growth. “ I shall answer no questions.” The ” Oh, certainly," I said. ‘T h e y are I for conT®?,I>« th« spores and anthrax bog la naturally a cleanly animal and parison is made between the ir,n i*W «] “ I f you will couaiiler, dear lady, yon come flat dwellers.” letters to tradesmen." try In this country and Eng » n ^ ------------------------------------ from various burled carcasses to the merely waste enjoys a bath. I f considered a filthy l i e picked up the sheets, and moving will perceive that you A l l H a d j, h *»«. I aurfsce of the earth and thus bringing animal, that devours filthy food. It la though England has 362 time. Tell me— do you know the object t o the window examine«] them closely. and th« "W h o «cored that new opera me United unueu States 323, ; • 1 ¿¡fl about a reinfection. This process o f re- because o f the treatment given. Hogs ana 1 Kidn* "Y o u are sure this Is your writing— of my v ie itr’ half as much more product » I hesitated a moment. W a s there any­ "About all tlie critics, I be 11«vs.”— | infection was urges! by M. Louis Pas^ there Is no mistake f hr said presently. s lU select clean and wholesome food the American industry. Anotar « ^ ( t*ur. but without success. I waa rather annoyed at hia persist­ thing to be gained by pretending ignur- Baltimore American. de if given tbe opportunity to do so. effect la said to be th« stesdyini •Hilbun I ¡H fcbf y H 5 £ IS r ______