Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 01, 1906, Image 5

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    L _ l l i _ S MEET1
T hom e,
* ****
lj„D on Pu blic M a lie rs.
the f
= = :
£ W anls to Know Cause ol J ap an ­
W alker Lake Indian Reservation is the
charge made by Frank J. parks, spe-
ese Boycott in T risco .
C 8
«* '»>e United States Gen-
e:al Laud Office at Carson, Nev who
- r i v e d at Thorne Saturday
San Francisco, Oct. 26.— Acting
M ayor Gallagher Thursday afternoon
suspended District Attorney Langdon
from office and the Board o f Super­
visors approved his action. Langdon
was notified to appear before the
iParksteiegraphed to the General Land
Office at Washington that hundred!
yfiih ngton's Jute M il and O re- j
h a v e broken through the UnTsVll
through the territory and that the In­ Japanese Ambassador Calls 'on Uncle
¡on State N orm al S ch ool
dian police are unable to cope with
Sam to Explain — President
at W eston.
he situation. He is in favor of hav-
Orders Investigation.
tng the opening postponed 30 days.
W E L L KT/RE is "E X H IB IT A ."
Acting Mayor of San Francisco Re­
moves Accusers From Office.
“ *l ° -
should not be removed from
Then Gallagher announced that he
had asked his friend, Abraham Ruef,
to accept the office of District Attorney
and that Ruef had consented to do so.
T h e suspension o f Langdon follows
his appointment o f Francis J. Honey
as assistant District Attorney for the
purpose o f securing Indictments of
officials alleged to be guilty o f graft­
ing and malfeasance.
It has been
openly announced that Heney and
Secret Service Agent Burns have been
investigating matters
Maqrog Schmiti, Acting M ayor Galla­
gher, Abraham Ruef and the Board of
Supervisors were connected. Langdon
is at present a candidate for Governor
on the Independence League ticket.
The suspension o f Langdon was done
for the purpose of securing the dis­
missal o f Heney a§ Assistant D istrict
Gallagher gave 12 reasons for su s­
pending Lapgdon, the chief o f which
was neglecting his duties in absenting
him self for more than thirty days
rrom the county to go on a campaign
tour-, while the city was suffering from
fin Invasion o f and depredations in­
^dleton, Or., Oct.
30.— W hether
‘ I f ' 0“
b6 I,roperly
27 — President
u should supplant its stove foun- 'eminent
eminent troops. 6 superuslon 04 gov-
l^the Salmi prison w ith a jute
\ le t e a p 'V aSt ,n' ght dlrecte,t Victor H.
nf n f - Secretary of the Department
r o studied today in the W alla
Thorne, Nev., Oct. 29— The eve of S j : ™ >mer,ce ail‘> I-ahor, to proceed to
k jute plant o f the Washington . the opening of the W alker Lake Indian l ! “ ? 1' ran<;i8ro and make a thorough
r risoli by G overnor Chamberlain, reservation finds all ready to rush. All ‘,i d c° mpl,ete Inquiry into the sitna-
iln‘,ctmi t,le e* clu8i,,n of Japan-
.gon, 33 members o f Ilio Oregon day long intense excitement prevailed I
the schools provided
c. W. James, superintend- ; the village but last night nearly
y thè Oregon penitentiary, and ¡11 the searchers for mining claims ' ntl ,h“ e, chlldrel> a,ld the determlna-
bad taken their departure to set up
lo plaf,e Japanese pupils in sep-
^ While the lawm akers have not camp along the boundary of the reser- f rate schools. The President, is an*-
^ the ir opinions on the sub­ v“ tlon.
t ous to obtain at first hand, from n
t l y , it is evident that many of
««Its mark the miles and !,abl,net 0.®ier who ls acquainted with
-do not favor the change.
miles of lines which the eager hunters m »3 conditions in San Francisco, full
crossing u n til: aformau°n affecting every phase of
Lgisthe attitude also o f Governor are prohibited from
Supi rintendent noon today. Indian police and deputy ,nPH„8“ b] eCt,’ 4o ,he end that whatever
traversed the
f i 'J ls taken by this government
„ They urgue that the stove ! sheriffs
a‘r‘ y‘ \u^n'Y
V0, trave,rsetl
lhe hound-
bounti' may
be after an accurate understand-
« » r i n g s to the state a revenue L ieast 10,000 men “ a ? ‘ to « m n b t o ,u* of the situation. The President
tu big as a jute m ill would do, for favored positions on the reaerva feels that every effort within
,, jute mill would launch the stale ¡tion. Hawthorne contributed
about power should be exerted to see that
(business which is in large mens- ,3.000, while more than that number all the treaty rights claimed by the
" F i v e hundred E n g lis h school teachers w ill come to A m e ric a to In­
(speculative and risky and liable I went out from Yfrington. Hundreds Japanese for their people residing in
spect the h ig h e r branches o f Y a n k ee schools.’ ’— N ew s Item .
.¡ary losses because the raw pro- 0 , peop' e 4e44 from various stations the United States shall be respected
and protectfd.
,troni India is manipulated by a I
had bt'en camped al°ng
The determination to send Mr, M et­
the railroad.
; that the finished bags would be
^ * » * * * * < * * * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 « - « i>e a tower Instead o f a mere circular
Tlie race to points where the rich­ calf to San Francisco was one of the
i to consume! s near the factory,
itase o f stones for the earthen cone o f
est mineral land is supposed to lie requests made by Viscount Aoki, the
¡by discriminating against others proves to be popular in the extreme. Japanese Ambassador, who, at a con­ W R E C K E D N E A R ï»O IN T AD AM S, i jj
the original sepulchre. The stone roof
hrored by proxim ity to the plant; Automobiles, horses and all manner ference with Secretary Root yester-
which probably surmounted the tower
lOrcguns participation in the bus- of conveyances will be used in making d?yc a» » ed ' hal ‘ he Japautae subjects FOur-Masted British Bark Ashore and
Quaint and Curious.
was a mere reproduction o f the orig­
j would not regulate prices, be­
Going to Pieces.
inal earthen cone.
rlgb s under the treaty o f 1894 . In­
fit could make only 12 per cent
Astoria, Or., Oct. 26 — W ith three 0f j ' » * * * * * * * * * * * * « * « * « * « * * « «
cluding that of the children to attend
! bags used, and the Washington cast side of the body of water will use the public Schools of San Francisco.
her masts gone and lying broadside
launches brought here from San Fran­
(doubled in size could make only
cisco. A ferry system will also he 1 ms request was the subject o f very high on the beach, the big four-masted
n m e n t to He C r e e le d Soon to
M a r t i n I.utlit-r'n T a n tc n r d .
Iper cent of the bags used in that established.
long and earnest discussion at th e 1
C lrxt tlre n t A m e r lc n n W o m a n .
British hark Peter Iredale is wrecked
This interesting relic o f the great Re­
and that the change to a Juto
At a mass meeting of miners held in
The first great American woman la
; would entail upon thr state an ex the courthouse Friday night, it was ehtlfi f i a Wi*8 Teached that 4he be8t in the breakers about three-quarters former ls of Ivory, very richly carved,
soon to have a handsome monument
liure of perhaps $125,000.
reported that a number of launches I tn r.n iiJ n h ,5
personally all lighthouse, south o f the Columbia
medallions on erected In her honor.
(Oregonians exam ined the jute were being placed in the water on the (¡I L ,'inta which secure
cm hTV
daughter o f the mighty Indian chief­
»hie ni
i . l . „ „ „ ........ - I ™ . I “ ' “ which could have any pos
Its surface, which
; with keen interest. It -,vas not eastern side of the lake, contrary t o i l m m T f , Wtllch c?!lld haTe any pos- River jetty, with every indication that
tain, Powhattan, she who saved the
consist, however, of
wing, because the day was one oi
her bones w ill bleach in the sands,
life o f John Smith, surely deserves the
alternate idle ones, the idleness
although there is a bare possibility
title o f first o f tlie new world’s women
iiug from shot t jute supply. But
that she may be saved.
to achieve for the good o f humanity
one represents the
krai of the 70 looms w ere put in
and to take a place In history ns the
trer n ?
a n d » . d «.in
agony In the garden,
for exhibition.
T h e visitors,
earliest example o f the aborigine who
X rilL
f h 7 n c r v let which
M f, h 80»M,
ul *?"■*“» T haT eveTy"effort ‘is beTng
“ bout 7:30 o’clock ye!ter-
and the Savior pray-
ktd by G overnor Chamberlain, !h
will PaJ
not be
made to get at the facts.
day morning. H*er masts went over­
mastered tlie ways ol civilisation. The
(conducted through the plant b>
Ipg that the cup
Incidental to the inquiry into the board soon afterwards. A ll on board
story o f enrly Virgin a is one of the
A half-hundred deputies also report school question. Mr, M rtcalf will pay
“'or Mead and M. F. Kincaid, the
were rescued by the life-saving crew.
world's classics. Artists hnve pictured
ed at the meeting that in scouring the ¡„ ome at.«iU o n to the charges made by Captain Lawrence, m aster o f the
. superintendent.
Him ; tlie base repre-
that dramatic scene when tlie 12-year-
i chief argument fo r the jute mill m « a l'a i 0ca.lnne. y hb^ h ,0Uml V“ ' 1 “ ^
Aoki ">at Japanese restaurant
Supper, tho center
|ht manufacture o f grain sacks, un
,ba', bCe.D nlade’ and k',pfiprs in Ran Francisco have suf- vessel all day. Tonight most o f them
that they had lies royecl monum. nts f(.red indignities. These reports, the are at the Point Adams life-saving sta­
dish being the inenr-
ihst of stoves, does not compete
h r®ver thf y bad been erected. The Ambassador says, come from consular tion. Tw enty members o f the crew ! nation o f the bread,
On the lid. in old
h ftee labor and that it g ives farm- papers or location notices were re- officers of ths Japanese government
were brought to this city all safe and 1
characters. Is the following inscription:
tacks cheaper than the market moved, and when these were read it jn San Francisco. Seven or eight re- sound.
“ C. M. L., M D X .X IIII.” This drinking
Mas found that the names of a num- ports have bren made concerning a
vessel, which, Independent o f its ar­
Itr viewing the W a lla W a lla plant, her of prominent people were attach* boycott inaugurated against these res-
tistic merit, was no doubt highly valued
visitors went to W eston to view ed lo them. No arrest will be made taurants, stating that agents have
of the people who had Illegally secured been posted to prevent patrons from
as a mere household jxvssesslon, brings
IXormal School at that »la c e and
locations, unless the offense is re­ entering the restaurants and in several Five Survivors of Florida Hurricane
to mind many recollections o f tlie life
! came to Pendleton, where they peated.
instances stones have been thrown
o f him who raised himself from n very
>d a dinner and sm oker tonight,
and windows broken.
Norfolk. Va., Oct. 26.— Counting the lowly position to one o f great power
Creek Beds Show Gold.
In by the Com mercial Association.
. . ,
. . .
, . . ..
The Japanese officials In WTashing-
The Principal points to which the
reaIiz)> that thfge ,,Pm. minutes, which seemed hut few be­ and usefulness.
|t the Weston N orm al School the
Mnrtln Luther, who wns the son o f
was greeted by
R obert
C. rush will be made are Dutchman, Wil- ongtral)ons anil the exCuslon o f the tween them and death, five men were
ow. Rose and Cat Creeks, either dry gchooI chiidren, are acts local in char- adrift on a bit o f w reckage off the John Lotter or Latither (which name
, Jrt, president o f that institution. beds or flowing streams, running into
Florida coast, when one o f their com ­ our Reformer afterwards changed to
i was led to the assem bly hall ° f | the southwestern part 0f tlie lake Spe
panions, whose sufferings had driven I,other) and Margaret Lindenen, wns
(thool where som e 240 students , clmens from claims adjoining these
him mad, threw him self into the sea horn In the little town o f Islebern, In
gathered. P resident French, to creeks show gold.
' that the institution was not a | A number of shooting affrays have
to death. N ot long afterward a ship Saxony, on November 10th, 1483. His
father was n miner. Luther died In
fc high school fo r W eston, asked been reported. The most trouble was Carries Portable Wireless Plant and saved their lives.
Wins Expert's Praise.
iRpils residing in W eston to .irise, caused on account o f drunkenness,
The five survivors were landed here UVKt, and princes, earls, nobles, and
Changtufu. Oct. 27.— A notable fea­ by the British ship Heatherpool, which students without number, attended the
f those whose homes w ere beyond ^ , 1“ s,ome ' f ' I J J
J T .v c J l num
in. .n—
11“ disputes over horses. Several men
funeral o f the miner’s son In the church
The latter niin ilu r visibly j trlfd t0 rlde ofr wli h others' horses. ture o f the Autumn maneuvers o f the arrived from Liverpool.
Th ey with about 150 others were o f Islebern. On this oecatFin. Malanc-
Wed the former.
they were promptly brought to ¡Chinese imperial army, which ended
Thursday, has been a portable wire­ constructing a concrete viaduct for thon delivered tlie funeral oration.
Mident FTench said afterward ; i,ait under cover of a revolver.
Fast Coast
less telegraphy apparatus, carried up­ the Florida
-of the 138 pupils in the normal
on light wagons and so adjusted that through the Florida Keys, and w ere
T o m b o f C n ecllln M vtc lla ,
o f 1’uwLatt-in placed he*
Wheat, only 22 are residents of
It can be erected in less than 30 aboard honschont No. 4, which lay an ­
O f the tombs o f Consular Rome noth­
minutes. The stations were operateli chored off the coast when the great ing remains except perhaps tlie sarco­ own body between that o f Kmitii and
*M. In addition are 102 young
New Engines for Northern Pacific.
(I* in the training departm ent, all
Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 29— Northern bv Chinese officers of the telegraph hurricane struck. About 1 o’clock in phagus o f Selplo; and It Is only on the the w ar club thnt hung over him ready
the morning o f October 18 boat No
to deal the death (»low. That waa only
their studies ranging Pacific officials state that the railroad corps.
u Weston,
.m ,
eve o f the Empire that we meet with
a little short o f 3UO years ago, and Po-
* kindergarten to eighth grade The'com pany is doing all in its power to ! The maneuvers ended wi h ▼ lory 4 broke adrift and was dashed t'
pieces by the waves. Six men lashed the well-known one o f Ciecllln Metella,
. «normal puplla ranges from IS to rellove lire oar ahottaeo, ihouyh ,h« r if 0’ 'm llliT ’ Emith o T Chanaiaf.V tlila together two timbers. T hey lived on the w ife o f Crassus, which Is not only cahoiitna, who did much fo r the set­
tlers o f the new world, hna waited
¡am ofih, m lielng ,7. IS „ „ „ ,0.
.fe ll % ■ * < « * * £
.’ £
« S S S 2 . ^
this raft until rescued.
the best specimen o f a Roman tomb
301 - same
same as
as it
___*_ o m f 4l__
____ army.
long for her memorlul o f atone, hut
■ernor Chamberlain spoke com-
u- was
was several
»ever“ . monins “ Y i i ! vanee
the Southern
now remaining to us, hut the oldest
ram b an wlth cavalry opera-
Justice w ill finally he done her In a
"S'y of the school, saying 5 it Superintendent Alb* f « tated that 12
building o f the lni|»eriul cty o f which
r !,5
n ^ w " il' ' fl" be
.drled to^
h .! t Hons,
P|nng. followed Wednesday by artll-
aiqierb nrt work.
always have a place in hi*
his j ° or
15 new
new^ enK
' .itvil'ir'n
u ith
Greely’s Report on Earthquake.
wp have an authentic date.
It con­
equipment o f the Pacific division witn
prar,|Ce. All arms displayed ex-
T h e Pocahontas Memorial Associa­
Washington, Oct. 26— The W a r De­ sists o f n bold square basement about
Representative D a ie y , o f Ma-
in the next 30 dajs.
ceiient discipline.
tion, o f Washington, lias tlie movement
lencouraged the frien ds o f 4
t h ® e |
j ‘“ “ ..^'g
As is known, the enBla®8..
Experienced military observers are
In charge, nnd tlie dlatlngulslied Am er­
101 by " declaring
that 1
it 4 18
is one o
f 1 been ordered for some time,”
Mr ^ ^
eclar,nK ttlat
time, m
d Mr.
op|n)f)n that wlth thr exception special report o f Major-General Oreeiy
ican sculptor, W illiam Ordwny P art­
tulispensalile educational instltu-1 Albre, "but we cannot 4e|l J’j8t b o » o f CPrtain m|nor defects ard making on the relie f operations conducted by
ridge who lias to Ida credit a number
lofOregon. R epresen tative V aw -1 much longer we will have
» uw
for tlie fact that the opera- the m ilitary authorities o f the Ur'*®'*
o f KU|NWl> pieces, lias been selected to
°f Jackson, spoke the same sent!-.for them. \%e expect
or J
tlons were an experiment, the mnneti States at San Francisco and other
make the monument!. '
»and jocularly said that G overnor 4' me durln8 ' he " " L i n t evc.vthing vers were almost equal to those con- points at the tim e o f the earthquake
' thermore, we are doing eveiyu.iux ducted In Europe.
The maneuver* and fire at San Francisco. T h e report
Most o f the women who are promi­
"W ain s rem arks had put him on ( ¡ { ¡ J 1lran 'be done t0 handle the busi-
cost $500.000.
is accompanied by many documents,
nent in the movement are descendant*
111 ai,d that they would he remem- nesg -
including the report o f General Funs-
o f Pocahontas, for the Indian princes*
^ *hen he should pars upon the
ton. tolling o f the steps takpn. T h e re­
became tlie ancestor o f some o f th*
California Again Falla.
JWation bill o f the Republican
port is very profusely illustrated, con­
Election Law for Philippines.
best fam ilies In the South. B u t Poca­
San Francisco. Oct. 27— The cruiser taining photographs o f the relief work
Manila, Oct. 29 .—Among the recom­ California again failed yesterday In
hontas' descendants are not confined
•Sm ith, o f U m atilla, and J. H.
In progress.
mendations to the proposed election the endurance test, which Is all that
to Virginia. Pennsylvania lias one In
'• °f Pf ndieton.
•own of W eston took an after- iaw~"by the assembly of Provincial ’ „tands between her and
and acceptance
acceptance by
the person o f Miss lla rrle tte de Benne-
fith the naval trial
Machinery for Cold Springs Dam.
ville Helm, o f Reading. Hhe Is on of
“ ■‘day to rec e iv e the visitors. Governors is one that the Governors the governnu n
Washingeon, Oct. 2 6 — T h e Secretary
the vice presidents for the Pennsylva­
•to'ion. a m ile distant from the UI . lilt;
(h ¡tl
provinces and delegates
to . the f
_ .
‘ . V v ^ ----
i i_ -
nia division o f the Pocahontas Society,
numerous conveyances were assembly be elected by direct vote or went outside the heads for her third of the Interior has authorized the pur-
nnd la lending effective aid toward th*
their arrival, to con vey them.
people; that the suffrage be i p trial at the endurance run. A fte r a hase o f four 10xl6-inch locom otives
run o f an hour and a half, during o f 36-inch gauge, at $3,000 e*ach from
tn The keen interest o f W eston ly extended; that the a^ OUIlt ^
which she exceeded the contract speed
•normal school was evidenced by be reduced; that qua * ca o o
the American lo c o m o tiv e Company:
row a or c ae c im a m e t e ix a .
W e a l t h y t i l r l This.
appreciation its citizens showed o f voter shall be h s abil t> ^ r e a d ard
also 44 yard dump cars at $168.75
return to port on account o f over­ each; 65 tons o f rails at $34 per ton, 100 feet square, which v a t originally
Patience— She has a dandy colleo
■' .1 lh. Guvcrnor . „ d I h . «
^ 1 ’ » “ ' 'p. “ . 'i »
t V » -
heating o f the journals on the port and 125 tons o f rails at $33 per ton.
ornamented In some manner not now tion o f love letters from the first man
and also has purchased from the Ernst intelligible. From thla rose a circular she ever loved.
G overnor C b .m -'
£ % ». * “
W einer Company, ten switches at $35 tower about !M feet In diameter, o f very
Patrice— Did she marry the manJ
I* urged co-operation o f Oregon
------------ ---------------
Sea to Be Storehouse.
“ N o."
•hington fo r im provem ent o f
j ananese.
This equipment is to be used In the bold maaonry. aurmounted by a brace
Havana. Oct 27— Carrying out fur­
“ Then why does she keep the letter«
0|imbia river and the protection Presidential Ac i n
construction o f the Cold Springs dam, o f ox-skulla with wreatha Joining them,
ther the policy under which arms sur- Umatilla irrigation project.
and a well-profiled cornice;
two or 1 understand she's been married tc
-®on Governor Mead responded! Tokio, Oct. 29.—
_______ ___
. H U tion
M ) pursued
______ I by the l nited S i "
rendered by the insurgents have been
three course« o f maaonry above thla four other men?”
ent o f
that . river
aeem to have belonged to the original
“T h a t’* right, and divorced all four.
■tagton “ ought to co-operate with been somewhat effect.ve In soo’ l. g destroyed, orders have been g iien
Morgan Outbid, King Edward.
w o rk ; and above this, almost certain­ She used the letters In all o f her di­
•tote" But he pointed out that lhe feelings of the Japanese peon-- that a KrPat quantity o f arTn!'. f b -
N ew York, Oct. 2«.— In competition ly, In the original design rote a conical
controlled a g J a t p a r t ^ f the ffiu/ed by the San R a n c l.ro school
vorce proceedings.'” — Yonkers S ta te »
with K ing Edward, o f England, who roof, which has perished. T h e tower
power o f W ash ington , r (Incident^ and
eop|P |n President a g M Tbla work lg being done by the
&8 not DA nmll I n #<M.»1 / 1 <I n f fVlO (i PTICC
1 _>/>x.(/ian
f t PR f a r a
* W »*
not so w ell Inform ed o f the de" c% OI I ^ bo„'- r fairness
Is neniepH
P’! ^ ' 1, P r i s o n u n d . e r . American
officers. the late Queen V ictoria, J. Plerpont having been used as a fortress In the
rn o lle h M a e .
middle age«, battlement« have been
* of the Columbia riv e r an U on all sides. It la altogether unlikely Vogt o f thP gun* a / e o f obaolctc pa^t- Morgan has secured
“ Man la an illogical animaL"
and ‘ here is as yet no a
bjnese |f_ tern. About 1,000 standa o f arms are Cluny Bible, In Illuminated text on
“ How aoT"
to be rendered uaeleaa.
Japanese will Imitate the Chinese
parchment, the work o f the Cluny and It has been otherwise disfigured,
“ He leave* hla home for a vacation
... b*4* ' Still T ra velin g,
monks in France, and more than 200 ■o as to detract much from Its beauty and pays twice as much aa hla houa»
boycotting American goods.
W yo”
° c t- 3 1 .— Luther
Great Milk Supply Concern.
years old. H e also obtained an Illum­ as now seen. Still we have no tomb
hold expen*## to get all the comforts
k., 1 man livin g on O tter Creek,
New Tork, Oct. 27 — What promises inated copy o f the original order o f o f the same Importance ao perfect, nor
arrived from the Indian camp.
W ith ou t the F ed era l o* c0 ^ '
to be the biggest milk concern In the arrest for John Bunyan on a charge one which enable# us to connect the o f home at a country boteL“ — Houston
; mft and talked w ith Chief
Md., Oct. 29— Senator United States has Just been organlied of heresy.
P o s t ____
_ _ _ _ _
Roman tomb« ao nearly with the Etrus­
b o says
his people —
* * _—
, . .im
- -
D . . . seen Sunday in r
W alter M Hodge ia promoting the fi­
W o rrlm s n l,
can. The only addition in thla Instance
- to ngrht b efore they w ill be laador R *T »or'■ Ing|on o f Japaneae
nancial end and James L. Bennett r e *
“ You say that wealth brings yon
p Utah to starve. W hen erence to J h e
bll,hed for white
is that o f the square basement or
Hurrlcan Sweeps Japan.
resents the farmers Mr. Bennett has
JJ ¿ * ,4f<1 the camp the Indiana from achoola » » m n flg c o . expreased
Tokio. Oct. 26. A hurricane swept podium, though even this was not no- only w o r r y r
B-ar Creek.
(children in S a n » " fed ir, j govern- for years been the counsel for the Five
“ Yee,” answered Mr. Bullions.
W e s Milk Producers’ Association, Southwestern Japan Wednesday. S ev­ known at a much earlier period, a* for
w * * lateat relia b lle Informa- th « °P lnlon 4h , h, t0 interfere, the which ha, a membership o f 10.000 eral hundred coral fishing boats are re
“ W hat kind o f w o rry 7”
Instance in the tomb o f Arana The
ng the location o f the Utea ment had n °
f0T the atate r .m e r s who contribute to ths milk ported missing. Each boat Is manned
“ W orry for fear some o f It w ill get
exaggerated height a f the circular base
avba* Hme they w ere 70 mliea nw ttrr beln* ^ r; , th. , nd ouUlde of
by at least two sailors.
supply o f New York City.
la also rem arkable
Here It rlaaa to away.” — Washington Star.
and m aking weatward and city \o d e a i ^ affair*-
I the acope of N ation»