------ -- Editorial Page-W ashington Co. News. A> M E R E S S E i E d ito r A . E . N O U R 8 E , M g r . Brilliant aud Busy ii Norfolk Prepar- ~ in0 Por the Jamestown Celebration. The Latest in none of the children in­ When Thomas Stationery, Tooth Brushes Cloth and Hair Brushes Rubber Goods, Toilet Articles Campbell Prices Right j 1.00 Year in Advance. Never in the his- that he can’ t easily read. tory of the old city at the head of And don’ t fill out legal papers or card m em os-cr make out accounts or hotel Hampton Roads were so many visitors menus in your own handwriting. seen> crowding through the streets, It looks bad, reflects on your standing filling hotel lobbies and contributing makes people think you can’ t afford a their mite to the prosperity, comfort stenographer and is sometime ambi­ guous. and ease of the descendents of the You can write out your letters, make Cavaliers. out an abstract, fill in an insurance pol­ The cause of all this rush, hustle icy, enter your card memos, make out and turmoil is known to every resident your accounts, or a hotel menu, or do any kind of writing you need, on any of Norfolk, and there is not the shadow kind, size or thickness of paper, and of possibility that the correct cause has space any way you want on eluded the perception of observers. Dr. The protection of game in the State 'he Old Dominion. of Oregon is costing the people in t e neighborhood of $30,000 a year. n.ered at the post-office at Forest This is probably many times the value Grove, Oregon, as second class of the game the people enjoy as a pos­ mail matter. sible result of the system of protection which has proven so costly. Up to September 30 of the present year expenditures from the special Address all communications to Wash­ game fund for the protection of game ington County Pub. C o., aggregated *21,000. At the same Forest Grove, Ore. rate for the remainder of the year the total of claims paid from that fund will ,, tj,e NEWS fails to reach its subserib- m or ¡5 late, we request that immedi- be *28,000, to which must be added The Jamestown Exposition which will ne attention may be called to the same. *1700 as salary and expenses of the open its gates to visitors from every THURSDAY. N O V E M B E R 1, 1906 The greater part of the expense is about the forthcoming event, include for the per diem and traveling expenses Norfolk in their itinerary so as to have of deputies, of whom there are about a preliminary peep at the surroundings. This month is known to all of us as SO, devoting their time and skill to the Among those who are flocking to the month of thanksgiving, the time protection of wild game from the dep­ the Exposition grounds a short distance ;0; the year when we all meet together redations of pot hunters. The depu­ away on the historic shore of Hampton render thanks for the prosperity ties recieve * 2 per day and their actual Roads, there is to be found represent­ »liich has com e to us during the past expenses while on duty. The expen­ atives of every class of our diversified lyar. This year has been a prosperous ses usually run from * 1 to 82 a day. c tizenship. Laboring men who are Ld o.e lor all of us, and we shall all give Some of the deputies put in their aggregated together in social or civic Lot to our feelings on the day ap­ entire time searching for violators of associations, merchants, railroad men pointed by President Roosevelt, Thurs­ the game laws. Others have employ- manufacturers, professional men from day, November 29, the general day of ment in private business and devote the several learned walks in life, and thanksgiving all over this land. their spare time to the service of the I their ladies in full number are treading state, charging in their accounts only the streets of Norfolk in the “Have patience” has been crisp the for such time as they spend in protect- atmosphere of these days and embark­ j editor of ing game. Practically all of the *28, ing on trolley cars bound for the Expo- the Times against certain remarks we 0 0 0 will go to the payment of deputies | sition grounds, whence, after a cursory : survey of the preparatory work being have been making for the last few and their expenses. The special game fund is derived done, they return to Norfolk and pass •eks. Why is it that the editor has ntchword taken up by the j ust his wonderful trait of patience and from the hunters’ license fees and fines ! on to their respective homes. j This influx is a genuine discipline igot to practice the very thing he is collected from violaters of the game It seems that the laws. The license fees last year aggre­ for the peotjle of the city in accosting Ly things which we have been trying gated * 1 1 ,0 0 0 and are expected this and treating the stranger within the advocate have struck the right chord year to amount to *20,000. The re­ gate and it must be said that this duty ying to preach. iter all and what we have said has mainder of the fund is derived from is being complied with in the true All fines. The game law provides that spirit of knightly courtesy. It is a 1 our readers know and have known the deputies and their expenses shall splendid thing for the people of Nor­ 3 tThe News stands for the city’ s be paid from this fund and that the folk to have this preliminary training, uterprises, for the city’ s welfare and expenditures shall not exceed in this gradual leading up to the heavy ’one what it was intended to do. j »11 the undertakings that will be for ] amount the total of the fund. best interest of our com m unity.! t have spoken of small OLIVER press of tourists that will com e to their The fees charged for licenses are *1 city during seven months of the year changes in I for residents of the state and 810 for: 1907 when the Exposition is in full Hines’ Drug Store Main St. Forest Grove w. e K hi Mllburn Wagons, Scotch Clipper Plows and other Farm Implements T T je . Game and Forestry Warden, making a part of the world on April 26th, 1907, total of *29,700 of visable expenses of is responsible for the inflow. People game protection. who are taking a vacation, having read Flour, Feed, and Grass Seeds Pacific Avenue Forest Grove T y p e W r l-tc r The Standard Visible Writer You can write any of these things yourself if you do not happen to have a stenographer. For you can easily learn, with a little practice, to write just as rapidly, and ! as perfectly, as an expert operator on the OLIVER. Because the OLIVER is the simplified typewriter. And you can see every word you write. About 80 per cent more durable than any other typewriter, because it has about 80 per cent less wearing points than 1 most other typewriters. 80 per cent easier to write with than \ these other complicated, intricate J machines that require "hum oring” — techinical knowledge— long practice j and special skill to operate. Than machines which cannot be adjusted to any special space— with which it is impossible to write abstracts, insurance policies, or odd-sized docu­ ments except you buy expensive special attachments requiring experts to operate. You can adjust the OLIVER to any reasonable space— you can write on any reasonable size and thickness of paper, right out to the very edge, without the aid of an expensive attach­ ment or special skill, and voui work will be neat appearing, legible and clear. For the OLIVER is the typewriter for the doctor, the lawyer, the insur­ ance agent, the merchant, the hotel proprietor— or any man who does his own writing. Write us now for our booklet on the simplified features of the OLIVER. The HOUSEWIFE^ DELIGHT Is what Cooks say of Our Universal Ranges and Stoves. They give Satisfaction. W e are the Sole Agents for the U N IVER SAL RANGE, $ 2 5 up JUST R IG H T for JUST NOW , your house painted right now will LOOK CHEERFUL Provided A LL it/s — sder good for evil b y ‘ ‘having pa- night train leaving Portland at 8 p .m . bent on them during the coming year. The visitors can see on every side iace” with those who are here to see Fare *1 05. Round trip tickets sold any day in the most convincing proofs that the certain ones are dubbed with if they Vs welfare at heart. We have been thinking of another PAINT M. PETERSON & SON, Forest Grove P A C IF IC U N IVER S IT Y Located at Forest Grove, Oregon, 26 miles west from Portland. - Has largest endowment; is best equipped of any of the private in­ Christian stitutions of the state. Tuition low. Co-educational For catalogue and attractive literature address Non-Sectarian that perhaps would prove a great Portland to purchase j of kindness on the part of the lo- *1,60. tailway company, but we have been ¡taring whether it would really be tickets. N. L. ATKINS, Ag’ t. --------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,, Report of Thatcher school for mont good of all the citizens of this city. number luj Mra« to our notice days absence, be suggested to the com pany ance< 184. Branch Office. 636 F BU W ashington, D. C. YLznty here? The company : to take for granted that the pas- Names of those neither _ Don>t 1Ut your R«v. H. GOCLD. P**tor. " i PORTLAND BOUND j & !! ¡^»ration was made for the open- The the new siest paper W e will give the News . teacher to all new subscribers lor the price of $1.00, thus giving you T he News from now until Jan. 1907 neeUug he*» at A:», 9- People'« I service on ThurwKr« « ^ bright and early on the begin- 7 » *• a*v. H. w. «ovo. '^1 ^ ‘ ted and waited and -coking at the time was surprised , '*te°«*s of the hour, but still no Free Methodiet »• j About noon she decided roH S T e i°r the day and went home. JU-. f morning she appeared at the boilding and waited again for to come. Again she was Upon investigation she - S ,.o n -• „n . A »«, w et - - spco ^ s _ hW n There w ill be FREE! ^ - —___ unday »< 11 «. • « * 7 30 ¿¿«t Church every Ç g«Y. H. a. aowMAR. p JJ. L. ATKINS. Agent „ Service« eve«T s o « Chr>«U«o (oe»c* i m i rink sum . I Ili* (Pacific Avenue) Meats, Lard and Fish Tty our ch oice M E A TS and be convinced by ance and fresh taste. the inviting appear Always have on hand the best Hughes Phone 591 Prompt Delivery to all parts of the city. P orea t Q rova, • O regon x x x iK C -s x x x ; JAMES RASMUSEN Dealer in FLOUR and FEED F ore st G rove, O re ., Christian Science. H *. i. — m. awd . j — 7:JB — p. - » — P a la c e M a rk e t F ro m n o w to Ja n . ’08 (unde. School et 10 e. Morulng f t - c h l a . Evening «e eervtce o ’clock. S»eu>°« r ,’ «* « '>■*> »■ »• „ „ „ I Young B . M all W. M c N a m e r F R E S H FR .O M T H E FARM 07 ~ Conqreo*tion«l Church ■b* directors of the district and all NEWS in the county. «ervice on the Hr* *»• <“ «* s “ od*»’ Trains on the Southern Pacific «nve | J “ „ „ ,... ,n*P a few days ago but did not on the following schedule, » « i a u a . . and denari * 'be school term. THE German Lutheran Church Christian Church. tchool teacher near Portland had She had been employed You w ill fin d H. C. EBBUNG. P* Local Time Table «*** C Service, Tburtday, 7:30 P* «• Drug Store. , e . r n ., 1 2 2 T h ird SI.. P o r t l a n d , Ora. M onths e re r. Sabbath at 11a.m . •»“ •* 7J0 ■>-»■■ t n a + T school at 10 a. Epworth U agut » JO p . » . ; Mkl-w«ek « « Of going half way as they were 3S cen„ , Tea or Tablets. Dr. Hines’ , L im it« « ! Copies can be had by sending us your address. Regular preaching n r .ic c . «■ U.« lle .h o * .- church — Your stomach churns and digests U u u t a o f tl-iu f i i m u u a O r l o n t t t l F o r Three M. E. Church pe: sack. RAILWAY F o i « u l M in io rm atJo a, » 1 « . e tc ., c all on o , «ddreM m . h . D ic k s o n T o all STRANGERS coming to this city or locating in this county— The News AT THE CHURCHES NORTHERN • THE COMFORTABLE WAY” FREE! with you want it _________________ ° se, many strange« have been fers from blood poison. Hollister’s - to the end of the line when only " ' i ttnrkv Mountaio Tea ke<*ps you well. -*f for the man in charge to call VIA THE GREAT property g Thom 4 S_ ttniess ^ and Mildred Raymond.— Viola where the food you eat and if ton', or torpid, This has not been or out of order, your whole system suf­ Tfcets. SEATTLE MD CHICAGO ‘ _________________ iJi even strange«, know ■ Iu»t get off. EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BETWEEN h o( sheer prop 0 rti0ns the Norfolk ■ ^ be Qne of the finest q{ ^ unjverse in which t0 pass "'approaching destination. This g .F ields, Teacher. in all cities and towns that have — Goldenrod Flour now 95 cents tl car system. W hy should it be done MUNN & Co.38,Bf#,,lw,’ New York 28; num ber^ “ rec>uire its conductor to call absent n0r tardy: Josephine Thatcher, ^ Merent streets before reaching Keneth and Philip French, Fred ^ - w as to warn the passengers as SLEEPERS Scientific A m erican. the old city is taking on the form of j modemity) A |ready a metropolitan j 7 ; average daily attend -1 that it (ardy TOURIST tnmuKii w « n u * «pretal notice, w llh oa t chum e. In the Patriotic‘ It ¡s remarkable with what rapidity j ^ THROUGH --■*,r"*' -* putente w taken A handsom ely lllnntrated weekly, J«anreet otr- irnai. Term *. 99 a culation o f any erjentlttc^ournal. a ll i n e w e d e a le ra . year : four m onth«, IL ou»« b o y j w 1» The News to dare mention any ending Oct. 26, 1906: Number o . * m ,he run of thln* s or even days taught. 17; number pupils enroll- :«< any ideas which would be for ^ 23; number days attendance, 310; % \ T raoc M ark « Fare tion that the people of Norfolk are, i m l Forest Grove, Oreg. D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s 4 c . A n .o n . «.Tiding a «katrh und dn»crlMlnn m ar q u ick ), aacertntn on r opinion free whet liar an apprecia- ff T H E P R E S ID E N T Above all they will gain the do not wish to be kept waiting in | impression, valuable beyond PATTON’S BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 have the the week, limit 30 days or less and residents of the old city are active, good on any train. This ticket is for | energetic, intelligent, discreet and the accommodation of our patons who ; practical. W IN T E R SUNPROOF iia»nces, of persons living up to cer- nonresidents. The fines vary from *5 command. These visits have a retroactive ben- T h e O l i v e r T y p e w r i t e r G o . ¡contracts, e tc .,— all for the good to 850. The license law was enacted | efit on the city of Norfolk. The hotels : the city and its citizens, and be- in 1905.— Oregonian. Wabbath Av>. and Monro« St. C h ic a g o ■ lllln o l» in course of construction and the vari- jase of this we have been dubbed as Round Trip Ticnets. 0, J S otber improvements under wav, ickers.” W e wonder how the 60 Y E A R . T o Portland and and return sold impress the visitors with the fact that Jern Job has fallen in the way of E X P E R IE N C E transgressors? Nevertheless we Saturdiys and Sundays commencing at the people of Norfolk are very much ! do the Good Samaritan act and 1 p. m. each day, limited to Monday alive to the duties that will be incum- er titles— even — N e w G o o d s, N e w G o o d s Don’ t worry your correspondent. penned tended to enter school as they were Don’ t write him either too old or too young. The the line, "Com ing events cast their anything by hand young teacher has been given a posi 5*u ^ows b ef°re” he framed a truth, in that takes time becom ing diction, which is receiving I to make out— tion in another district. p . — verification for, perhaps, an infinity of that may leave expensive Game ■ times, during these days in Norfolk of him in doubt— that found oydüshed Every Thursday by the Washing ' toil County Publishing Co. Incorporated at Forest 6rove, Oregon $ You Con Cosily Operote This Typewiter Yourself. IN AN EXPOSITION CITY S K E -3 K