Washington tenti dews PLUNGE TO DEATH. JAPANESE PROBLEM SERIOUS. I . Three Loaded Trolley Cars Leave Track and Go Through Trestle. Atlantic City, N. X, Oct. 30.—By the wrecking of a three coach train on the West Jersey & Seashore Railroad Sun­ day afternoon at least 50 passengers FOR LONGER TERMS. NEW LINES IN CLACKAMAS. perished and the list may reach the Ackerman Favors total of 75 when all is known. While Capital Seeks Investment in Electric Superintendent Change in Present Law. crossing the drawbridge spanning the Railways. Salem— That the apportionment of waterway known as the “ Thorough­ Oregon City—Consequent upon an c...wu ----- —- fare,” which separates Atlantic City Increase in population from 23.000 in ; j J “ Cth o w l 's oTthe number o‘f tea. ta­ from the mainland, the train left the l*le Spring of 1905, as shown by the erg empioyed, and not upon the r.um- tracks and plunged into the water. The passengers in the first two l e s s o r 's census, to 3 .000, which Is ,jer of children in the dis.rkL Is one Great Rush Occurs Into Walker L considered a reliable estimate of the or ihe most mportant “ suner- coaches, with one or two exceptions, were drowned. Twenty-five bodies Reserve, but All Claims Are .....nty’a population at the ■ time, Clackamas county is experiene- i&tendent , u : . .... have been recovered, and It is expect­ Found Taken. which was made public to ed that at least 25 and possibly 50 ing a new era in its growth and devel- Ackerman, ‘ ' more bodies still are in the submerged day. This very radical change in the opment. Several agencies ore contributing to plan o f distribution is suggested as a coaches, The accident was witnessed by HAWTHORNE. Nev., Oct. set- this material development of the means mean. o < f i enabling ii . e the sparsely i .. I many persons on shore, and assistance Walker Luke Indian reservation ( county and its resources, foremost tied district to employ . » . was nm m ntlv sent from Atlantic City. promptly opened at noon yesterday and hal' The Pansmi Cant 1 commission is mity of the people of the West that is among which is the building of elec- teacher and have as many months or largely responsible for the present del- trie railway systems. Idle capital ree- school during the year as the larger Little could be done, however, toward hour after the signal admitting i having a hard time to hud laborers. the lives of those imprisoned in and* of prospectors had been sour icate ognizes as are situation. summon. »= a a. desirable ucsuuuie investment iiucsnnrui the | v This nriv’ nnv- - saving o „ ......l , ..1 Tine the submerged coaches. The water at countless mining claims had bee« An independent telephone company The Japanese have come to the con- building of transportation lints into and more anored ■ ' elusion that their people are not more Clackamas county, where the various ¡lege, Superintendent A c m - run >* . • the point where the train plunged in cated, townsites established and has gained a right of way in Chicago. welcome in the United States than are resources are still undeveloped and ¡s one to which the smaller district was not deep enough to cover the room cities are now springing J A German steamer collided with a the Chinese, and while no bar has yet merely awaiting the encouragement js entitled. California has such a law. coaches at first, hut as they settled in the mouths of Dutchman and Co* four invited ship and sunk, 23 of her been raised against them, they fully that will follow direct communication Among other recommendations the mud and as the tide rose they wood Creeks, In the vicinity of v were soon gone from sight. crew being drowned. the richest mining territory |g expect that in the near future the Chi- with a market. made in the report are: That the Late in the evening a wrecking crew posed to He. The interests back of the Oregon minimum length o f the school year be A Gerrnsn prircess of rryal blood has nese exclusion act will be extended to arrived, and with their aid and with Although many preferred to Ir teen inves igatitg alums ol Chicago un­ cover all subjects of the Mikado. If " ater Power & Railway Company, increased from three to tive months, the use of a derrick, a dozen or more such a move is made by the American which has already done a great deal claims according to the law sum der an ausumed name. congress, it will certainly give affront ip building up this county, are recog- that the levy for school purposes be bodies were taken out and brought to ing the opening of the resemtlor Ki gtit person, charged with com­ to Japan, and serious consequences nized in the proposed building of an increased from $0 to $8 per capita; this city. Of the 25 bodies about 20 waited at the boundary lines, ni electric line from Canemah to Salem. that the inheritance taxes he turned have been identified and it is brlleved ous men had rushed into the’ coi plicity in a recent daring robbery in would most certainly follow. The people of the East do not look ai>d this enterprise is assured, rights- into the irreducible school fund, and that no difficulty will be experienced land the night previous. As a r. St. Petir burg were executed. upon the Japanese with that same of way having been secured and sur- that a part nr the whole of the cor- in establishing the identity of the the race from the boundary w i Ten anarchist s e a er* and leaders contempt that is shown west of the veys made over the entire route. The jMiration tax be turned into the com­ others. The trestle is about a mile long and farce. J. P. Miller, who started , we-e arrested in N«# York -harged Rooky Mountains. In this part of the sa“ e interests, it has lately dev, loped, mon school fund to he expended eacli 15 feet above the water, and the drop Hawthorne with about 500 men , , n „ w th inciting to liot and is rderly country the Japanese are viewed sen- caused the mysterious survey to be | In connee- to the water required several seconds, the dynamite signal was fired, bet, tlmentally; they are known principally nia'le l hls, clty aml Molaha; year for schoo1 p t i^ s w . c o id u . t tomobiles and vehicles with his 1 T , , , * , u F * I for their deeds in war and for their ani* ^ ilhoii Springs some ir jtion \wi 1 the , eco * ‘ ‘ rnn regartl- giving time for the passengers to see horse, covering the distance of J It ha. developed-hat San Fra ciac . i ,.ecent dpfeat of the great Russ|an months ago. This will be a branch1 imr the length o f the school year, and calculate their fate. The accident was due to a rail miles In 29 minutes. He i eal ) •ns which b eight lucir supples army and navy. In the W ist the linp operated by the same company Superintendent Ackerman says there from o is certain firm got the r licenses Japanese are viewed from a practical and will penetrate one of the ruhest are too many districts satisfied to “turning in." It appears that the rail locations valuable mining prop standpoint, for there they are known potions of the valley Assurance is maintain school only the minimum which was an outside one on the right George Green, with A. Nye ani easier than others. hand side coming down, must have O'Brien, of Tonopah, in the race ; The difference Is that the Siven that this line will be bul.t. been out of plumb about an eighth of Walker Mountain from the Yei A W .C . T. U. speaker says » ^ W e ^ U flooded wit'h'Japa^ese'labor- The survey Is now being made for number o f months required by law, “ There is no reason why' a child an inch. The sharp flange of the elec­ ton side, covered four miles of are 10 0J3 women and girls in Cl* ca on the rifle Coast and the Rocky Mountain ‘ ? te,Tst' I t s . rou*e. if, Holders of claims Immediate! a child is entitled.” The euggeetion ment, hung there for a short time and war path. region knows l i t t l e c u l t u r a l s T X n V n d t h e promoters of that the rate o f levy he increased is then slid into the water. This brief trolled them with Winchester,! as nobody cared to dispute their! A crisis is approaheing in the Nor­ founded upon the need o f more funds stop saved several lives. A number of tion, there was no bloodshed, wegian court. , .......... f ’ structlon work within a few weeks. in order that longer terms o f school men and women leaped out of win- feared, however, that when su| dowa and the rear door either into the are commenced tomorrow there) The" East knowing nothing'of the* ° r< city is becoming metropoli may be maintained. Vice President Fairbanks is drawing tan. A free mall delivery service for water or caught hold of a post and ho disputes which may cause great crowds in Kentucky. Japanese labor problem, is at a loss ordered established were rescued. Half a dozen participated in the ; to understand the unfriendly at Itude DecemJer An .mpr0ved telephone B:g Timber Deal Is On. It was stated that fully 80 to 100 gle for mining land, and in so Standard Oil company is fined $5,000 taken bv tile people of the West, and par.¡fG system is being installed by the Pacific GOLD IIII.I*— The four thousand- passengers were aboard, mostly all by Ohio judge, when law permitted a |f the Western contingent In congress stances succeeded in securlo States Company, while the Home Tele­ fi is of millions. I attempts to extend the Chinese exclu- phone Company will begin installing acre timber tract, situated at the crowded Into the first and second cars properties. These are engulfed. Among the pas­ head o f F oot’s Creek, is now being I sion law to embrace the Japanese, the As a rule the people who Wealthy widows of Chicago iiave I Issue will meet with determined oppo­ its system soon, having completed the cruised in the interests o f Idaho and sengers were 20 members of the Royal until the regular time before i Ite m robbed of $1U0,0U0 or mor» by a sition from this end of the country. construction of Its line to the Clacka Artillery band, who were on their way Ashland., Or., capitalists. The sale of into the territory did not secun mas river, just north of this city. pretended broker. 'The further fact that the adminlstra- I The great increase In sales of realty this property would mean much to here from Philadelphia. One or two thing for their efforts, and man bodies of the band were recovered tlon Is anxious to preserve friendly re- , . . . __, ,____ M mey transnorts in Russia are now , ... , m i » Is added evidence or the growtn or Gold llill and vicinity, ns it would in­ early in the afternoon. est prospectors who had spec ____... , Large ____ #„___ g ar.bd by strung forces of Cossacks iu- a ons w th Japan will be another IZ the county. farms ?...„ are i,,,«» bring volve a large expenditure o f money their savings to participate 1’ great obstacle In the way of the ad- . ,-ui uunia^iv ¡u “ iu " *V ‘" subdivided and disposed of in smaller e ead of gendarmes. opening turned back defeated. v ocates of Japanese exclusion, and the |rac, w|th the regult that a larger in building o f a logging road to con­ CLOSING IN ON THE UTES. So great was the rush acres Demands f ir s shorter work day and fight, once begun, will be vigorous and acreage Is being placed under eultiva nect with the S. P. Railroad at the d sert from the line nearest mouth o f Foot’s Creek. new wage scale have been made on all protracted. tion. Wyoming Militia May Be First In that a number of persons nat The bulk of Japanese In this country lines of the Penntylvania railroad. Touch and Battle May Be Fought. escaped being trampled over, being confined to the Western states. PORTLAND MARKETS. A second ••'wsignment of 100 labor- It Is natural that the current opinion RAILROAD PETITION DENIED Butte, Mont., Oct. 30.—A special to numerous instances injuries w c s from Vigo, Hpain, hss arrived at in Japan should reflect the sentiment ported. Horses were ridden unt; WHEAT—Club, C4c; bluestem COc; the Miner from Sheridan, Wyo., says: dropped, and men recounted t! of the Japanese hordes in this country. No Reduction ot Assessment o f Prop C dnn fur wo. k on the Panaui i canal. Soldiers are now approaching the Valley, 07c; red, Clc. The Japanese laborers, being made fortune when their automobil^ erty in Linn County. OATS—No. 1 white, $24.50@25.50; hand of renegade Utes from five diff­ came stalled in the deep sand. Widow of Russell Sage gives $50,000 aware o f the unfriendliness of the erent points, and it is only a question grnv. $22 50(3 24. to build a schoolhouee at Sag Harbor, white laborers In the West, as well as Jaded and overcome by tblrstj BARLEY—Feed, $21.50 per ton; of time until the redskins are either bers of prospectors barely sumj A LB AN Y-— Before (lie Equalization L. (., in memoiy of her grand parents. the unfriendliness of the employers of forced to surrender or are annihilated labor, very naturally conclude that Board o f I,inn County adjourned its brewing, $22; rolled, $23. enough strength to make thel; by the cavalry from Fort Keogh, c Fifty-thrpe bodies have been taken this sentiment is general throughout RYE—$1.35© 1.40 per cwt. sessions the Oregon & California Rail-, tions. Those who had waited ; proachlng from the north, two more from the wrecked strte cirs a Atlan­ the United States, and having reached CORN— Whole, $25.50; cracked, troops from Fort Meade from the signal from the top of Mount road Company appeared bv its agent tic City. It ie believed this is all. this conclusion. It is to be expected George Seriber, and requested a re­ $20.50 per ton. northwest, two from Fort Robinson, before rushing into the resi MILLSTUFFS—Bran, city, $14.50'; out of Gillette, closing In from the The English hoes« of lords has ap that their views would reach their duction in the taxation value o f the found that all the most v> home country. Their animosity crops country, $15.50 per ton; middlings, southeast, two from the same fort ad­ claims In the vicinity of th pro-'ed a bill making the teaching of out at frequent Intervals, notwith­ property from $19,000 per mile on $24; shorts, city, $10; country, $17 vancing from Arvada, from the south, Dutchman, Cottonwood and religion compulsory in the English standing Ihe efforts of the Japanese the main line in the county and $ 1 1 . per ton; chop, U. S. Mills. $15.50; lin­ two rompanles of infantry from creeks emptying into the schools. 000 i>er mile on the branch lines, to seed dairy food. $18; acalfa meal, $18 and gov, rnment to keep It down. Fort Mackenzie, from the west. ern jjortion of Walker I-ake hai That the Japanese are In an ugly $10,400 and $5400, respectively. A per ton. It is reported that one of the sccnsed The Utes are traveling northwest, HAY-—Valley timothy. No. 1, $10@ and according to a rfport have not taken, up by men who had rusj b ard of supervisors in Han Francisco mood Is manifest by their readiness to reduction in the assessment on its make much out of little Incidents that timber land from $7 to $3 an acre 11 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, yet passed the Big Powder. The hand the night before. Even men wi ha* made a full confession of the illegal occur ployed launches to take them in the United States. Only a few $l4(fjlG; clover. $0.5007: cheat, $7® making direct for the Cheyenne Walker Lake from the ea “ acts of the grafters. days ago Asahi Kitagaki, the only was also asked. The company lias 7.50; grain hay. $7; alfalfa, $11.50; Is ager.cy. aeross the river. It now looks 06,054 acres o f the finest timber land found that their efforts were Thrpe more bodies were found in the Japanese midshipman at the Annapo­ vetch hay, $7@7.50. as though the several bodies of Wy­ avail, as they were much tooj ruins of the burned tent me t house in lis Naval Academy, voluntarily resign­ in Linn County. A fter hearing the DOMESTIC F’RITTS—Apples, com­ oming militia will he able to arrive In Kansas City. This matkea 13 dead and ed because he was deficient In his claims o f the company, the hoard de­ mon to choice. 25(H'75c per box; choice the vicinity of Ashland, 00 miles north be on an equal footing with tf studies and unable to keep up with his cided to let the assessment stand as to fancy, 75e(ii$L50; grapes, $1@1.60 of here, by Monday at least. In which who had disregarded all law. three are still missing. elass. H, took this action on the n,l- fixed by the Assessor. The total as per crate; peaches, 75c(fr$l; pears, Special I .and Agent Frank event a battle will probably be fought A band of 100 Crow Indians is on vlce of the Japanese Enilmssy In this sessment o f the railroad company is 75c®$1.25; cranberries, $:*"ir 9.50 per In the valley of Tongue River, near has received no reply from \\ ton to his recommendations tl the trail of the runaway Ute* in W y - city. Any other midshipman would $1,732,148, o f which $1,209,700 is on barrel; quinces, $lffil.25 per box; per­ that place. oming. They Crows are pcaie'nl and ,iave been dropped without the prlvi its roadbed nml rolling stock and simmons, $L25@1.50 per box. present opening be annulled j Ashland Is 12 miles from the Chrv- count of irregularity. He as: will try to persuade the Utes to return lege of resigning. It was promptly $402,248 on timber land. enne reservation, and the Utes have FRESH VEGETABLES — Cabbage announced that no other Japanese to their reBerval'on. 1 @ 1 1 .s pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per already sent couriers to the Cheyennes today’s jtroceedings are an if would he appointed to the vacancy, dozen; celery, 76@85c per dozen; egg for help in case they decide on resist­ to those who sought to obey t Taft epeeks plainly for tariff revision. and Immediately the report was spread plant, $1.50 per crate; lettuce, head, ance to the regulars. Squads of infan­ regarding the opening and wt GIVEN BETTER FACILITIES. that the United States government 2 . . _in . . i , , . . i the Japanese In the United States and boieot will he tolerated agawist Japan- icllllgpi| nnothor ripple at home. I are to be shipped direct over the new sack; beets, $1.25® 1.50 per sack; gar Tuesday there will be elections In 42 ese in this country. In like manner the Japanese took railroad. A t several points along the Ho. 7tj®10c per pound; horseradish. |slates and three territories. Oregon judge Lynch Again- / Three Chilean engineers are en rental 'offense because John D. Rockefeller road where there are large orchards 9® 10c per pound; sweet potatoes, Malne and Vermont have already MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Oct 30.- / to Han Francisco to study the rceou- nla,'e some caustic remarks on the the railroad company has built sid­ 2;..c per pound. elected state officers and members of / el ruction in progress treachery of the Japanese in business. ings so that growers can load almost ONIONS— Oregon, 90cft$l per hun­ the Sixtieth Congress. In 23 of the Estes, who last night shot a progrese there. direct from their orchards. This is dred. states a governor and other state offi­ Deputy Sherifr Sasely and V Cnaregie says Rosotvelt lias done FOTATOES—Buying prices: Ore- cers (in 20 of them also a legislature): Constable John Bowers when Entire Town In Pursuit. proving a great lieln to fruit growers fleers at Hale's Point, Tenrnj i more to accomplish spelling reform Rapid City, S. D., Oct. 31.—F o u r,on Ihe east side o f the valley as the gon Burbanks, fancy, 90c@$1.05; com -, in ten. minor state officers or justices a crap game in which the ne , than all the philologists in the past 20 • of the supreme court: In two. con- hundred men. armed with rifles ami , apple crop is so large that they are years Extra Igreasman only, are to he elected. Ok- participating, was taken from shotguns, are in pursuit of the slayers experiencing considerable trouble in creamery, 30® 32% c per pound. State ¡ lahoma Is to vote on a state constitu­ Ufa posse by an armed mo®! At two story building in Coffevville, of two men. one of whom is said to-getting their fruit hauled to the rail- ir.' uneries: Fancy creamery, • 25® tlon. and Arizona and New Mexico on place tonight and hanged. Kan., wwas blown np by an explosion he from Chicago. The slayers also r„a,l. was In custody of Sheriff 1 joint statehood. 274c; store butter, 10®17c. o f nstnral gas and two persons killed attempted t,- hum the tow n. Before j and a force of deputies w hen, EGGS — Oregon ranch. 321£®35c fleeing they set Are to the building in Wallowa County’ s Big Fair. and 24 hurt. ken by the mob. The Sher dozen: best Eastern. 2G@27c; ordin­ which the killing occurred and the Clash With Red Men. E N T E R P R IS E — That Wallowa ary Eastern, 24® 25c. posse used every means to pr^ Two women at I.og«nsport, Ind., en- flames spread rapidly. While the Are p. '.'1','. Butte. Mont.. Oct. 30—A Minor spe­ negro, but they were overp CHEESE—Oregon full cream twins. in a I ftirpnliin« while endeawir- tlt'partnu’nt was fighting the flamfs the . • . * e u , ront in aim- ing to get near the Longworths durit g police were organizing posses, which <*'“ tural. an,‘ stock^was shown 14®144c: Young America, 15®15iJo. cial from the north states that meager POULTRY—Average old hens. 12‘4 advices have been received at Fort their visit there. .started In all directions in search of by the exlnhitis at t,lie bounty Fair Bracelets Are the b * at liostine, which in every wav was a ® 1 3 'jc ; mixed chickens. 12®12U.c: Benton of a stabbing and shooting af­ „ I the slayers. The double killing and NEW YORK. Oct. 30.—J*w« Spring. 1 2li® 13c: old roosters. 9® fray in the Sweet Grass Hills, 60 miles The Chicago railroads refuse to grant attempted nrsen aroused public feel- revelation. The 10c; dressed chickens,' 13® 14c; tur­ distant, between Indians and whites, ufacturera are busy trying the switchmen an eight-honr day, but ing to a high pitch. and the exhibits excellent .varied and keys. live. 17®17V4c: turkeys, dressed, as the result of which two men are ders which have rushed upon *t II hold to their offer of an advance represented every part o f the county. choice, 21 ® 2 2 ;jc; geese, live, per dead and two badly wounded. It Is an extent never before ot 2 cents sn hour in wsges. Fine cattle o f several breeds were on pound. 8@ 9c; ducks. 14®15c; pig­ impossible to learn the names of t' < Steal Comrades’ Cash. ■ In the trade. A canvass ot L Mrs. Msry Baker G. Eddy, founder principals in the trouble. A priest shows that with most of t" Havana. Oct. 31—Captain Wltherup exhibiiion; also some verv good sheep eons, $1®1.50; squabs. $2®3. o f the Christian Science chnrrh, is said Narxo, of Ihe American cruiser Brook­ and hogs that probably have no su­ VEAL— Dressed. 75 to 125 pounds, hag left Fort Benton for the scene. Of- running day an,d . ” dr. to be dying, and an Immense fortune lyn. has requested the police to arrest perior in the state j 7H®8 c ; 125 to 150 pounds, 7c; 150 ficers are also preparing to leave for cannot be supplied. T the hills. supposed to be hers is missing. bracelets is said to be th d two deserters—Charles Fornald. yeo­ to 20(1 pounds, 6c; 200 pounds and up, of the strain upon * he cap % Chinook Becoming Scarce. 5i ,®6c. Many duels are taking plara in Cuba man. of Xtlantic City, N. J.. and David tones. The output of thea*j A Harman, . yoeman, Mutinous Cossacks Sentenced. BEEF—Dressed bulls, 2®2>4c per „ .4 _ of Haielton. Pa. H OO D RIVER,— Employes o f to settle revolutionary grudges. Teketerinoslav, Oct. 29 —The trial said to exceed all the othe*. These men left the Brooklyn In charge Government fish station on the Clack- cow ,’ 4 ® 5c: countrJ «teers. A Philippine supply boat was at- of a mail pouch In which there were . , ___ ' 1 5@5V4c. of the Cossacks who mutinied last g e t h e r . _____________ . ’ u a' p *>pe" *ajtln? MUTTON—1 Dressed, fancy. 7c per winter and withdrew to the mountains, tackad by Pnlajanet and three (route registered letters containing $1.890 - - salmon eggs at the mouth o f the White States Red. Make Another W*» killed. Five of the rebel* were killed for transmission to the United pound; ordinary, 5®0c; lambs, fancy, where they proclaimed a Cossack re­ Salmon River, have completed their The crew o f the Brooklyn had Just 8c. public has come to an end. Some of ST PETERSBURG. and troop* ere in pnreuit of th* orthe*. been paid off. and the men were Bend­ work for this season and report that PORK—Dressed. 100 to 130 pounds. the men have been sentenced to from party of revolution!»'» £ Tf' Han Francieco school authoritle* sav ing *r.uney home. the number o f eggs secured this year *c; 150 to 200 pounds, 7 ® 7 ^ c ; 200 lo to 20 years' Imprisonment at hard held up a convoy ‘J £ * ,- labor. they acted for th* beet intereets of all is the smallest since the work o f en­ pounds and up. 6® S 4c. the way to Kazan an-i ^ Want Dry Elections in Austria. In eeparating the Japan*** school child­ deavoring to preserve the salmon in roubles. The robbers^ HOPS— 1906, choice, 15f? 17c ; prime. Vienna. Oct. 31.—The Austrian temp­ ren from the other*. They say they 13® 17c; medium. 12@ 124c per Fleet of Fithert Destroyed. erance societies united In presenting the Columbia River was taken nn pound; will establish separate schools for the to Cuba Hat Tranquil olds, nominal. the parliamentary committee which j Altoifpther hut n.000,000 eggs were H T ok lo. Oct. 30.—As a result o f the Jepaneee. \\ OOL Eastern Oregon average, HAVANA. Oct 3'1 Is formulating a universal suffrage 1 ,aaen .VP*c a* against 16.000.ii00 recent storm, the Goto Island Ashing Three member* if the Toledo, O., Ice bill an appeal that It embody In the year. The work commenced on best, 11® 18c per pound, according to fleet was practically destroyed. 228 ceived by telegraph tM* p { trust have beau ordered to eerv* their law the American practice o f closing September 19 and was stopped about shrinkage; Valley, 20021c, according vessels having been lost and 822 fish­ the commanders or to fineness. saloon* during polling hours. j the middle o f October. ermen drowned. Of those saved, 100 all parts of Cuba »how a » Jail sentences. MOHAIR—Choice, 26«28c. were injure«!. tranquility prevails Think the United States is Thoroughly Prejudiced Against Them. Washington. Oct. 3t.—While nothing OREGON of an official nature has been allowed FOREST GROVE to leak out, It is nevertheless a fact that President Roosevelt and the State Department are deeply concerned over the growing anti-American sentiment that has apparently taken deep root in Japan. Private advices and confi­ _________________ .. the _____________ dential telegrams to State Depart- rn ent confirm press reports telling of the unfriendly attitude of the Japanese A Resume o f the Less Important but and add to the uma- -- f adminis- Not Lets Interesting Events It can be stated on authority that o f the Past Week. the administration is anxious to avoid a rupture with Japan. The East ap- Morocco is torn by anarchists of dif- pears to be in entire sympathy with this view, but in the West a different er-nt hands and beliefs. sentiment prevails, and it is the en- NEWS OF THE WEEK In a Condensed Forro for Our Busy Readers. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Indian Police Powerless to jf B re a k in g ^! Rules. L W IGNORI D BY PROSPECT^