Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, November 01, 1906, Image 1

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W ashington
sual Pranks of
üooe Through
Tillamook Citizens Gather to Witness
Youngsters First Answer to Their Many Prayers
With— No
Tillamook County in construction work
of the Pacific Railway & Navigation Co.
jlrd Anniversary— College
lor.rspeople Hold High Jinks
One of the largest crowds seen in
Tillamook assembled last Saturday to
witness the turning of the first sod in
gafnage Done
^onor fell upon Mayor H. T.
| Botts, and as he turned the first sod in
Items o f Interest* from Many Parts
o f the County Show A ctivity
and Prosperity.
this company, and which is to give
business paired’ repapered and a g!ass [ront wl” spent a few days here last week.
replace the present one, thus the \
Mark Noble’ s real estate sign had headquarters ol the new bank will be
Sam Short has been d‘S8inK a well
-td under the T im es Office, and | centrally located on a comer in the the last few days which proves to be
Noble says the prank were played business portion of the town.
| quite a curiosity after digging a little
Fred Epler will act as cashier, as­ ; over 35 [feet they came to a vain of
Alberta men. A p'ow was also
sisted by Mrs Epler, his wife, the
«1 on top of the postoffice building,
i air, there is now about a foot of water
latter having had practical banking ex­
jj. H. Hartley is doing business perience of some 15 years prior to and it bubbles like a fountain and can
: top cl LaCourse’ s Store.
removing here. A beard of directors be heard quite a distance away.
---------------------- *
«e young people seem ed to have and president have been selected from I
among the stockholders, and the doors
busy in social circles too, their
of the new bank will be open for busi­
ness, probably within the coming week.
Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Mrs. R. C.
Continued on last page
Vaught of Hillsboro, were visiting Mrs.
Consisting of
th e
Great Malleable,
I5e Beach Bridge
Line, also o t h e r s
price. We can satis­
fy you. Our line o f HEATERS
is the largest we ever carried.
C o m p le t e
cheaper in
Daughter W ill be Cared for by Hus­
band— Was Under Hypnotic Influ­
ence of her Mother
Doings of Gang Much as Studied Out
Mrs. Anna Mack, and her daughter,
Mary Ann Mooring,
examined as
by Officials of This County— Perry
were Thursday
and Rogers Probable Murderers.
to their sanity before
County Judge J. W. Goodin
by Drs.
Bailey and W ood, at the county seat.
VanMeter, Thursday of
Glad to Get Back to Oregon
Edwin Lee of Greenville was in the
his way
home from a month’ s visit with rela­
tives in Kansas.
While in the east
Mr. Lee visited his brothers and broth-
ers-in-law, who are prominent business
men and farmers at Moreland, Ausburn
and Portis, Kansas.) H e
has been
resident of this county for the last
Carried Out— Mrs. Snyder Is Now
her husband, who will
immediately take her to the home of
Continued on Page 4
Grove Saturday afternoon on
More Robberies Were Intended to be
years, and had not seen som e of his
last relatives for over 17 years.
Mr. Lee experienced some very cold
1 Preston Richardson formerly of Dilley and disagreeable weather on the way
but now of Independence spent the home. He left Moreland on October
latter part of last week visiting friends 22nd and on arriving in Denver ran
into the fierce storm that has been rag­
Miss Bessie Larr.ont. her brother, ing in Colorado.
They were four
and Miss Elsie Maury, spent a few hours late and also had to wait eight
days in Portland.
hours for a change of train at Chey­
Miss Viola Price of Hillsboro, was enne. H e said that it snowed ail the
the guest of Miss Emma Briggs over way from Moreland to Cheyenne and
that it seemed good to get back to old
S. F. VanMeter was a Portland Washington county where he knew he
visitor Sunday.
was safe. Mr. Lee is getting along in
A number from this place attended years and is one of the noble soldiers
services in the Christian church at of the Grand Army. Between Denver
Forest Grove, Sunday.
and Cheyenne he had a novel exper­
N. C. Peterson, bridge foreman, ience as their train ran through the
visited with his family over Sunday.
tail end of a fierce blizzard and upon
Prof. Allen’ s wife returned Sunday their arrival at the latter city they
evening from a three months’ visit in found the snow 22 inches deep. Their
Indiana with kindred and friends. She train arrived in Portland 36 hours late
Being Watched by Enemies.
her sister, Mrs. Michael Ryan, at South
Prairie, Washington.
The Snyder case has progressed
It developed at the examination
somewhat lately since the com plete
that the unfortunate women were, until
explanation she has given the officials
two weeks ago, apparently sound men­
of Washington County. The details
tally and while members of the M etho­
of the work of the gang seemed to
dist church were conservative in their
have been about as worked out by
the officials, only Mrs. Snyder has ex­
On October 12, Mrs. Mack attended
plained the details of other robberies
a camp meeting at Mt. Tabor and
and escapades that were intended to
after returning home claimed to have
have been carried out. The man with
a message that she and her daughter
Perry she claims was P.odgers, an ex­
were to be annointed.
pert safe cracker, but his identity is
Accordingly a few days later they
unknown. Mrs. Snyder is now stop­
visited Portland together and were, as
ping in Portland and it is said that all
they claim, anointed.
Mrs. Mack,
her steps are watched by some un­
however, has been unbalanced since
known agent who seem ed to be inter­
attending the camp meeting and the
ested in the case and who is working
daughter’ s dilemma was brought about
against the prosecution of the perpe­
by her delicate condition and as the
trators of the murder and of the bank
doctors say, by religious fervor and
environments, the mother’ s insanity
Perry who is now said to be one of
and influence. The physians believe
the mysterious men who took part in
that with the mother removed, and a
the murder of Carey Snyder, is now at
change of environment, the daughter
Independence, Missouri.
H e often
will improve.
has interviews with persons of that city
Mr. Mack, husband and father, has
and denies all charges that have been
not been living with his wife for some
placed against him. Perry stays right
years and is supposed to be in Tacoma.
in Independence and shows no alarm
H e is a carpenter by trade and was an
in being publicly accused. It is said
inmate of the Washington asylum for
that he has related his side as freely as
six months, several years ago.
:. T
. .. .
Mrs. Snyder has recited hers, and to
i, .
It is probable in the light of all the
many officials his story carried as much
circumstances that Mrs. Mack would
conviction as that of the woman.
sooner or later have lost her mind even
I While the officials profess to believe
though she had not attended the camp
in the guilt of Perry and to have al­
meetings in Portland. She recently
most conclusive evidence of his guilt,
suffered a severe sick spell which left
they refuse to cause his arrest. Th ey
her physically weak and the daughter’ s
say the reason they do not issue a war­
condition is due to the mother’ s condi­
rant is that they think it unwise to rely
tion and influence.
solely on the testimony of Mrs. Snyder.
While suffering from religious fervor
Now Attorney General Crawford
and indulging in many peculiar antics,
com es out and says that unless Wash­
they cannot be said to be allied with
ington county officials hurry the case
the H oly Rollers.
The mother is
along it will be brought up before him.
simply demented and her actions more
H e said in part:
extreme than the average cases. The
“ I know Harrison Allen to be a
most singular feature, however, is the
good prosecutor, and I believe that he
influence exerted over the daughter.
would prosecute for any crime brought
It is purely hypnotic and when her
to his attention when there was suffi-
control is lost she acts on every sugges­ I .
cient testimony to warrant an arrest.
tion coming from the mother. It is
“ If anyone, either officially, or in a
the most pitiful case brought to the
private capacity, brings to my attention
attention of the authorities in years.—
sufficient evidence to warrant an arrest,
and the District Attorney refuses to
Lizard Found in Solid Earth 55 Feet
i act, I will at once prosecute the case.
I will not act on newspaper reports ol
Hunt, an old experienced testimony.
There must be duly au-
wetldigger, who is engaged in that o c - thenticated copies of the evidence be-
brought a brother back with her.
on Thursday, October 25. Mr. Lee
Miss Canger had a short visit with took the train the next morning for the cupation for a rancher near H ood l°re the Coroner or other official, or
Rive r, discovered a lizard at a depth o f ! affidavits, showing the probable com
home folks Saturday and Sunday.
Grove where he once more saw familiar
mission of a crime, before I would be
Saturday afternoon he was 55 feet yesterday. Hunt says that the I
in interfering.”
taken out to his home near Greenville reptile was uncovered by his s h o v e l,s
and that it did not com e from the sur­
Mrs. Elsie Hankin cf Patton Valley, on one of the milk wagons and now he
— Black serge suits,
wool, will
face. The animal, he says, came out j
has been spending the week with her
not fade, wear shiny
gon is the best place after all and the
mother, Mrs. A. J. Hamrick.
81 4.*k) at Bailey’ s.
pieces. At first it did not exhibit any
Chas. Hudson and wife, after spend­ place for m e,” he said on leaving our ,
sign of life but after a few moments
ing a few weeks in Southern Oregon office.
— M oney to loan on farm security.
com m enced to wriggle and started to
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
W. H . Hollis, Forest Grove, Oregon.
returned to Work Discontinued on Road at Buxton crawl away. Its color is said to be i
Addison Russell. They
different from that of lizards found I
their home at St. Johns last week.
A Urge crew of Japanese came
Bert Best and father, Ed Best, left through Forest Grove, Monday, from aoove ground.
, c„„
last Thursday for
they expect to spend the Winter.
J. D. Hibbs and family spent Sunday
with C. V. B. Russell at Forest Grove,
Mrs. M. E. Rolston was a Hillsboro
visitor Sunday.
Miss Pearl
* can fit you out in a real good
1 good cheap stove. We sell
i n s t a l l m e n t PLAN
those wanting to b u yjhat
f ° R E S T G R O V E ,
cared for by
Peter Jacobsen of Portiand. was at
I the citizens shouted for joy. The
weather was fine and everybody was in Gales Creek one day last week doing
Estate of Geo Alexander,
alloween, the night of the hob-
good humor, as they listened to speech­ business.
receipts filed. Bonds men released.
and ghosts has com e and gone,
es by Mayor Botts, Professor Ruther­
Miss Katie Lilly spent Sunday here
Executor discharged. Estate closed
many a place of business or private ford, Engineer Geurge Davis and Wal­
with her sister, Mrs Loving.
of record.
lence can testify to the same. The lace McCamant. The pupils of the
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coffman have
and High
Estate of Constantine Miller, insane.
folks were out in large num bers, public
, Schools marched
----------- t - o !
been spending a few days with his
John Kamna, C. Rehse and Dick
l the streets with their jack-c-
P" t “ ,he P^ eed‘
. 1
lnBs and bustness was suspended for | grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee.
Kamna appointed appraisers.
id «, many of them garbed in white two hours.
j They returned to Beaverton, Mondav. ]
Estate of Sarah Jane Waters ap­
& along in the still moonlight and j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bernard were on
report filed and approved.
no wonder that many a passerby New Bank Will Soon Open at the Creek Sunday.
rent to his emotions. Nevertheless
Chas. Adkins and wife returned to
Estate Sina L. Lilly. Inventory filed
Tcong folks were good last evening
Articles of incorporation were filed Wilson River Monday with a large
and approved. Valuation 8906.25.
did not do much damage. The t at the county seat— Hillsboro— recent­ drove of goats.
Estate of Geo. A. Gore. Adminis-
parks— tearing down a bad ly by well-known citizens of Sherwood
John Erickson has been buying
i tratrix required to file additional bond
silk or fence, and carrying away for the institution of a banking busi­ , some fine beel cattle this week.
ness, to be located in that city and I
] of 828160.
s were again in voge.
known as the Bank of Sherwood. Th* I Ida Clapshaw and little daughter,
Wm. Zeigler Incompetent. Bonds
tjpon coming to town early this capital stock was fixed at 825,000, and ! j Eva, came out from Portland one day
filed and approved. J. M. Schafer and
Wiry, the restaurant sign was seen stock subscription towards the same last week.
G. B. Wood sureties.
has resulted in paid-in capital enough
•he ton of a telegraph
pole on
Edd Lee left for Beaverton Mondav.
. .
. , . , to fully warrant opening up for busi-
A little son arrived at the home of
**** snd p01n,lng upward ,n the j ness soon. A suitable safe has been
Frank L. Watrous to Ollie Huber.
Johnson & Johnson dealt in purchased, furniture secured and the Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Hines Satur­
Elmer E. Lyda and Eva Mabel
dhand goods and also ran an | Leo building, opposite the depot on day.
Carl Iller and family of Nehalem
House, while Dr. Hines had Main street is t0 be overhauled, re­
Line of Ranges
Mrs. Mack was ordered com m itted to
the asylum and the daughter will be
and what will be the terminal grounds of
I Tillamook County railroad connection,
ing to i indicate his line
Kopplin and Walter
Hoffman were mamed at the bride’ s
home, in East Gaston, last Wednesday.
They left on the afternoon train amid
the shower of rice and good wishes of
their friends. They will be *’ home
to their friends after Nov. 1st, at the
Hoffman farm.
Mr. Thomas and Miss Bear were
attending institute at
latter part of week.
H W. Wescott has returned home
from Southern Oregon where he repo.ti
having had lot of hunting and a fine
' time.
the scene of work Dear Bux,on. on tb«
Pacific Railway and Navigation Com-
pany. It is said that there has been
qUjte a bit of dissatisfaction at the
camp lately on the part of the Japanese
on account of the wet weather. No
more work will be done on the railroad
this winter^ as the work cannot be done
to advantage while it rains.
a gang will remain to continue the im­
proving of the road-bed from Hillsboro
to Buxton, a distance of over 20 milts.
Traffic will be kept open from now on
and the farmers along the road will now
be able to move out of the timber
belt during the long winter months.
Fieight is also being hauled at regular
intervals and much lumber is being
taken out of the hills along the track
and hauled to the county seat. The
different little communities that have
started along the route are all thriving
and the northwest end of Washington
Qounty ¡, looking its best and the
pM {||e ¡„ that section are jubilant over
the cutlook.
The only way Hunt can account for
its presence so many feet below ground
is that it may have followed
a water
vein from the surface many years ago.
Finishing Prune Drying
Postmaster H om er C. Atwell, who is
one of the most extensive prunegrowers
of this county, has about finished the
drying of his prune crop. Mr. Atwell
estimates his output at something over
20 tons.,) H e will ship the entire crop
to Massachusetts in a few days, or as
soon as a car can be secured.
H e has
an agent in the New England state,
who will attend to the sale of the car­
load upon its arrival.
f Dark Days are Coming"
You will need to have your eyes in
perfect condition.
C A LL at our
STO R E and have them examined by
an Expert Optician who has had six
years of practical experience.
H e gives careful attention to each
case and gives lenses SPECIALLY
G R O U N D to meet your require­
ments. W e can supply you with
any style of glasses, from wire frame
to solid gold or the more elegant
Rim less Glasses
0o«r ) u # o "
The Astoria it Columbia River Rail­
road Company filed supplementary ar­
ticles of incorporation at Salem author­
izing the construction of a line from
Seaside to Nehalem, another from Ne­
halem to Tillamook, and a third from J
Tillamook to Yaquira.
Abbott & Son
J e w e le r s
V._____________ J