tS X R S íS B S X S * S * S J B ® ^ ¡g B u s in e s s ! ! t Call and your in Forest Grove Lo Buy New, Nobby, Up-to-date Clothing a t Your Own Price Provided You are within the Limit of Reason white silk, and carried a bouquet of cream roses. The procession was only more noticable by the beautiful dresses of the little ring girl and the maids of honor. The bride’s bouquet was caught by Miss Gladys Spaulding. After congratulating the young couple, supper was served to the guests. ,w, The bride and groom were then ^ escorted to their new home and place j jT| of business on Pacific Avenue, which i l l had keen purchased and arranged by LS Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen as a gift to 1 the young people. Those present ¿ j were: Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Allen, Mr. ¡ 0 and Mrs. A. G. Hoffman, Misses Reba ; Hoffman, Aileen Hoffman, Gertrude and Martha Allen and Glayds Spauld- V ing, Messrs. Archie Clark and Everett10 Hall. _______ |W Tregoning-Thompson R ain! Rain! ! $&ravenette Makes us a ll th in k o f b uying an up-to-date W e have them now a t prices ranging from $ 1 0 to $ 18 JOHN ANDERSON’S,TheTailor sxg A pretty wedding occurred Seattle on Wednesday, October 17th, when Miss Lucretia Thompson was KA __ united in marriage to Mr. Frank *' ----------------- — - ------- -------- Tregoning. The young people spent I taeir honeymoon in this city, the ! guests of Mrs. Tregoning’s grand- PACIFIC LZZZS VO C3LU,7!3i.\. B u s i n e s s ¡ L - o c e ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson, A ls o W a n t e d ■ o r s and with Portland friends. Mrs. Tre- Place Kit.. anti TtnchcJcwn Wen tor a n d L o st. goning is well known here, having the Ca'.holic Lads. lived in this city for several years Sc per line each insertion. ( A good i.r.rre of football under the | before going to Seattle. rew rules was played on the local grid­ WANTED—Girl fer general home Mr. Tregoning is a prominent busi- Saturday which resulted in Colum­ —Inquire at this office. j ness man of Seattle, a sheet-metal iron bia winning f;om Pacific University 10 and contractor. Mr. and K b I boat D O a i builder D u iiu c r d nu L U in r e iL iu r . i* -u . a uu P Mrs. Tregoning left for home Tuesday. ! “> .V Tne visitors showed much sup- — C o o k W a n t e d : inquire « R I ______ i enonty in handling the ball, especially Laughlin. ni___n___ 1 i in forward nasses Gheen-Bear passes and in Duntinar. punting. Pa- . .. . _, , | cific kicked off to Columbia, and held —Dr. Eaton, headquarters far A quiet wedding occurred urs a> h c ath0lics for downs, but several; best glasses in Washington county evenmg at the residence of Mr. Bear| ^ bucks forced the pigskin (Q Col. --------------- m North Forest Grove, which^ brought | 30_yard Une The CathoLcs — Man, or Man and wife. Wants together in wedlock Miss Grace A. then made a stand, took the ball and To do chores for winter. Must I Bear and Mr. Fred E. Gheen of Hills- punted it into Pacific’s territory. Pac­ able to milk. Good wages. W I boro. The wedding was a quiet home ific was penalized IS yards for a substi­ at this office. I affair, yet impressive and witnessed tute getting on the field. | only by a few immediate friends. The —Money to loan on farm secun Columbia then took the ball on happy couple left the same evening downs and forced it over the line for a W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. ! for Astoria, their future home, where touchdown. Columbia kicked to Paci­ -Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it. | Mr. Gheen is employed. Yours truly, fic in the second half, and kept the ball in their territory throughout the —If you are in need of a s Will Banquet Neighboring Rehekahs. remainder of the game. Pacific was The social event of the year among again penalized for cutting in on a examine the line we carry at $ 16 . lodges will occur on October 31st, quarterback run. Captain Smith then J. E. Bailey. when the Forest Rebekah lodge of made a place kick, and saved four — WANTED: Traveler for establish« Forest Grove will serve a banquet to points for Columbia. Porterfield, house. $ 12.00 per week. Expcnr Miss Pearl Chandler was shopping the Rebekah lodges of Hillsboro and , Grussi, and Captain Smith made sever- advanced. References. Address, i * Gaston and also to the Odd Fellows ' al good plays for Columbia, gaining 35, stamp, Jos. A, Alexander, Forest Grit in Portland Saturday. and their wives of this city and in cel- j 2S and 20 yards< respectively. Abra- Oregon. A. B. Caples was a business visitor ebration of the 63rd anmversary of the ham, Logan and Denny made , to the metropolis yesterday. “ WANTED —Salesmen. Many mi? Rebekah lodges The committee on ' (or Pacific. Lawrence was laid J. C. Clark trasacted business in arrangements for the banquet and out< and his place was filled by Captain $100 to 8150 per month, some ev - Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed. —Look for the ‘ ‘Sign of the Red Portland Monday. Father Verhaag of Verboort was Specs.” evenings program are sparing no pains Wald> who was injured in last 3^ , . more. Stock clean; grown on men­ —Low prices every day at Levy’s to make this anniversary one long to j day-s game. The line. up was as fol. tion, far from old orchards. Ca Miss Florence Harness was in the town Tuesday. be remembered. They expect the lows: —For houses to rent, call on O. Market. advanced weekly. Choice of territor city from Banks, yesterday. ledges both from Hillsboro and Gaston Miss Bertha Williams has been on Baldwin. Address Washington Nursery Compan Mr. and Mrs. Shipley of this city, COLUMBIA PACIFIC to come down in force. The local Toppenish. Washington.” Daniel Bump was a Portland visitor the sick list this week. were Portland visitors Saturday. ......... c . . ...... C Ward Mrs. Levy and little daughtet were lodge is in a very prosperous condition D avey.. Saelens, the butcher, was a business the first of the week. Duley. . . . . L G . . ............Denny W ood taken on subscription. with over one hundred members. Mrs. Chas. Adkins of Wilson River, in Portland Saturday. transactor in Portland Monday. ... LT.. Professor Marsh attended the Insti­ Professor J. C. Bridwell was regis­ was in town yesterday. —A. B. Thomas sells.—Sells what ....LE.. One of the leading social events Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baldwin spent tute in Hillsboro yesterday, tered at a Portland hotel Saturday. Sells all kinds of Real Estate, eith the season was the Five Hundred Ninemier. , . . . R G . . . i Mayor M. Peterson and wife, and party given in honor of the Fleur de Becker. —Try Goldenrod Flour. You’ll Saturday in the metropolis. Forest Grove or Washington Coun-; ___ R T ... like it. property. Mrs. Ivy Hartrampf was the guest of Miss Peterson were Portland visitors Lis Club Thursday evening at the Em is.......... .........R E . . . .. . . L H . . . . Humphreys Bl /' A. G. Hoffman and wife were in Portland friends Sunday and Monday. Saturday. beautiful residence of Mrs. L. L. Watt —If you have a farm to sell list it by Mesdames John Wilson Macrum ........R H ... Portland Monday. Mrs. C. B. Campbell and Mrs. Jane S . A . M o u lt o n Mr. D. C. Richardson of Portland Smith spent Friday in the metropolis. with M. L. Noble the man who sells and L. Tindal Robinson. The parlors Walker...................F ...............Lawrence The J Ward, Capt. were beautifully decorated for the oc- visited Sunday with the Newman’s. The Misses Hibbs of Gaston were Farms. Tonsorialis Porterfield.............. Q .....................Ferrin L e a d in g . casion as well as the dining room Frank Oscar Browne has returned Crum Haines wasa a business visitor guests of Miss Edna Jenson over Sun­ of from Hood River where he has been j where the banquet was served. The Umpire and Referee were: Coons and day. in Portland Saturday. table decorations consisted of an im­ Lonergan; Headlinesman, Miller. Forest Grove Dr. Katherine Rueter of Portland, working during the summer. —Low prices every day at Levy’s —The $12.00 values that Bailey mense center-piece of Papa Gontier paid the home folks a visit over Sun­ Market. —Black serge suits, all wool, will offers in clothing cannot be dupli­ roses. During the evening Miss Mar­ day. John Brooks was out from Portland not fade, wear shiny or threadbare; R . I N I X O I N , D e n t i s garet Hinman and Mrs. Arthur Caples Master Raleigh Stott Myers of Port­ cated. Call in and be shown. Sunday, the guest of friends. $14.00 at Bailev’s. the reclplems recipients 01 of natmsome handsome gifts, Mr. and Mrs. Rastall of Portland, were u,c Forest Grove, Oregon —R. H. Kaltz, the piano tuner will land is visiting his grandfather, W. H. spent Sunday here, the guests of Mrs. , ose Prese(lt ^ rs" 2obn ^ a‘ A. P. Veneti. Piano Tuner, be in this city October 24th to 27th. H. Myers. parents Mr. and Mrs. Graham. ” um’ R°blnson’ Mlss Maude Three doors north of Bailey’s store. OB' Montgomery Turner of Banks was in Rastell’s Leave orders at The Bazaar. T, , , , i -shannon, Mrs. Mayne Abbott, Miss v.ill be here again one week from this hours iron’ 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. town Monday on his way to Portland ! ________________ .. ^ nuiwus date. Tunes pianos in the new tem- Maude Shannon was the guest of t S ? i M » c h . U » l W , . M n . N . I . A dkins, on business. I wel1- . have . . no T appetite. Try Dr. ^ ° r" Miss Alice Cronin, Miss Margaret Hin- Perament as taught and used at the Hillsboro friends Saturday evening. row s Anti Lean at Dr. Hines Drug mani Mrs. Anhur Caples, Mrs. Wilbur conserva(ory of music at Boston. Ad- Mrs. D. W. Ke«sey of Vernonia. I Will Schultz and Art Caples have 2t ! McEldowney and Miss Minnie Myers. \ i u?tin£ and voicing done free of cost gone beyond Banks on a hunting trip visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. j i,tore" Edgar Me-esse of Salem spent Sun- j ----------- when tuning is done. Leave orders C. S McNutt. after the big game. day with the home folks. Edgar has I <( Miss Minnie Myers entertained the at Dr. Hines Drug Store, at the Mich- BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Archie Senator and Mrs. E. W. Haines been reporting for the Capital Journal ! “ Fleur de Lis” club last evening with ‘Kan House or drop card in Post office, spent several days in Portland last Walker of Scoggins Valley, on Oct. 20, but Monday began THE VERY BEST his reportorial a Cosmos party. Alter a- pleasant Tuning S2.50 to $5.00 per year, an 11 pound boy. week. i evening of Five Hundred, each guest ! A. P. VENEN. —Ask to see our $20.(X) suits. duties on the Salem Statesman. Change of time in arrival and depar- was Presented with a flower pot of ice 1 Mrs. Joseph Smith of Kalama, Wash, Quality and Tailoring cannot be ex­ Died. ture of ........................... mail: Morning mail “ for ~ Port­ cream in which was planted a spray of visited with her brother, Mr. Newton celled. J. E. B ailey . cosmos. Miss Alice Cronen received land will close at 6 a. m.; evening and his family. J. B. Smith, who has been suffering Me. F. S Barnes received a tele­ Miss Lyda Thompson and Miss the last few days from another serious mail from Portland will arrive at 6 p. the first prize and Miss Josephine gram from Will H. Thompson, the Main St., Forest Crcvs ¿ Baber, the second. Each recieved a archer, poet, lecturer and orator of m. and office will close at 7 p. m. Mary Weitzel are spending a few days attack, is much better today. --------- large bouquet of cosmos. —Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and Seattle, teliing of the death of his wife! Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Brown of Green­ in Portland. this morning. —Our $18.00 suits are the best we ville, are the happy parents of a ten Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ Eva Stewart ot Forest Grove, who in pliances in office. Calls answered he- own right owns about 360 acres have carried. We will be glad to pound girl born Oct. 21st. of The body of Florence Beamis, who Mrs. N. J. Walker returned Friday night or day. show you. J. E. Bailey. land as well as some money, was from a visit with her son, Mr. Brock of Miss Katherine "Myers, accompanied A Sunday School has been organized brou ght down to Hillsboro last Monday simiJtnn 2,°’ at the 000(1 by her little nephew of Portland, Pendleton. at the Watt church with the following for examination of her mental powers ‘ J “ l°Dg Siege ^ Misses Hattie Schofield and Hender­ officers: S. Show, superintendent; Mrs. 'She is not exactly demented, but for I ' J L ^ spent Sunday in this city. ^ br0,ught .t0 this Stuart Hoonan is visiting his parents son of Cornelius were Forest Grove A. T. Buxton, assistant; Miss McCoy, I years has been uncontrollable, and had ^ n 0” "?'Uesday morninK s tra>n. and FINE WORK DONE CHEAP — FRIC to the family residence this week. Mr. Hoonan is now loca visitors on Tuesday. secretary; and Miss Stevenson, treas- [ a guardian in .he person of her brother^ near Greenville. The funeral took I While shirt - - - 10c Drawers - ted in Aberdeen, but recently arrived Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and family of urer. Everybody is cordially invited j the late Dave Stewart, After the place at 10,30 a. m. Tuesday with in­ Soft " - - - - Sc White Waists - 10 to IK there from the Blast. Yakima, Wash., are the guests of Mrs. to attend every Sunday at 3 o’clock, brother’s death Geo. Bacon has been 15 to IK | White Skirts - 10 to 50 Underskirts Mrs. W. N. Ferrin and her mother, Wheeler’s sister. Miss Myrtle Butler., A few M L. Noble has! ?Ctil?R as the e uardian- Of late she terment in the family plat in the Undershirts . . . 8c Stockings - . - iHc Wilkes cemetery. Florence was 8 Mrs. Haskell, visited in Portland last Mrs. L. Tyndall Robinson returned made of late. Mr. Ballard house and as . ? violent occasionally, and she Handkerchiefs - - 2c Collars - . . »1 week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Has­ to her home in Eight Mile, Eastern lot to Mrs. Miles $550. 70 acres of now claims protection of her brother in years old. Men’s White Vests 10 15c Pants - - - 15 JCo I kell Marsh. Coat» - a - - 10 10c Dusters News has been received here of the Oregon, after a month’s visit with her land to Mr. Ballard from Mrs. Miles, Eastern O-egon. Judge Goodin will Towels T- - - 2Cc Dor. Napkins - . JOcEo« | The Public School pupils are enjoy­ father and relatives. Consideration $1250. W. S. Clark to keep her at the county seat a few days, death of Sam Lee in Chicago who The following articles 50 c per dor. Pillow Cs«**-§ ing a vacation this week during the Mrs. Wilber McEldowny entertained Mr. Sias, house and 6 acres $1050. until he can hear from the brother, formerly lived here and was the faithful Bed Sheets, Table Cloths, Night Gowns. Wetness absence of the teachers who are attend­ Mesdames John Macrum and Tyndall Mr. Oppleger of Greenville to Mr. N. T here is plenty of estate to pay tor her washee of many households of Drawers, Underwear. Aprons and Corset Cowers. this ing the Institute at Hillsboro. Robison and Miss Margaret Hinman at j S. Long of Bridalveil 47 acres. Con- care at a private place and there is city. Sam had made many friends in Pacific Avenue Forest Gw« j Wm. Hoehne of this city, who lives dinner Sunday evening. j hardly sufficient dementia to send her M s city and all will mourn his loss. i sideration $3000. fn the northwest part of town, has sold _ — _ Next Sunday at the Congregational Another former Forest Grove lad is : to the asylum.—Argus. his property to Mr. Gardner of Sheri­ Church the pastor will preach in the working his way to the front in his 1 After a more thorough examination, dan, who will move here in a few days. morning on "The God of Daniel In ! special work. Earl Hamilton, who has . Mrs. Eva Stewart was commited to the —See Dr. Eaton about that head- the evening Mr. Bovd will give the been away for several years, writes to i asylum. The authorities came after • ache and pain in the eye. Try a pair second lecture in the series on “Some the home folks while the steamer Alli­ her and she was placed in the hospital of those famous glasses. Consultation Spiritual Heroes.” The hero this time ance had landed at Marshfield. Earl : department. Mrs. Stewart has been fret. Office over Paris Millinery is John Huss. The topic for the is purser on the steamer's trip to San ( aflicted for many years, and it is doubt- Parlore. Yonng Peoples Meeting is "Missions Francisco. He has been offered a ful if she ever recovers her mental powers. Miss Irene Cadwell, former instruc­ in the Dark Continent.” high and more responsible position tor of piano in the college, who was —Dr. C. L. Large reports a daugh­ with the Pacific ^ S. Co. of San Fran­ Guitar and Mandolin Class here last week, has returned to her ter weighing 7 pounds born to the cisco which has a fleet of 20 ships, Piofessor Edwin A Smith of the home in Lakeport, California. wife of Ora Vanosdol. in South Park, on but as one of his friends at North Bend Columbia University, Portland, will be Qwen Brown of Heisler, Crook Sept. 19. Parties desiring the attend­ had offered him the position of assist­ in Forest Grove on Wednesday, Oct. county was in town Friday. Mr. Brown ance of Dr. Large in this class of cases. ant postmaster of that place, he was at 31, to start a class on the above instru­ All kinds of Fish and Vegetables in Season. Grocer^ wa: a former student at the college will greatly oblige him, if convenient, sea as to which to accept. We are all ments. Those wishing for instruction an 1 is a grandson of Mr. Alvin Brown by engaging his services two or three glad to hear of his rapid advances and will please leave their names at The Pacific Ave. Forest Grove of this city. weeks prior to the expected event. wish Earl success. Bazaar. I have still on hand $3,500 worth of MEN’S and BOYS’ Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Suits, Shoes, Underware, Neckties, Raincoats, Dress and Work Shirts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Mackintoshes Umbrellas, Socks, Notione etc, etc. Rubber Goods. I will refuse no reasonable price for I am making | this offer in preference to packing up the stock, as I 5 must positively leave here on or about the 1st. Odd Fellows Bldg. ! PERSONAL f t . SMYTH FOREST GROVE, ORE. AND SOCIETY NEWS i MEATS Quality, Prices, Treatment Saelens & Co. - Lee’s LAUNDRY Quong ' kl Schultz Meat Market Tender, Juicy Meats—Just Right to tempt the Appetite,