Jt T ttT T T T T T B y t h e “ D e v il ’* Haines, Misses Maisie O’Dor.nel and Lizzie Swanson. Kennard Dixon returned to school after a week’s absence on account of illness. Earl Loomis is absent on account of illness. Amy Sappington entered the Seventh grade this week and Bessie Sappington and Nellie Jackson, the Eight grade. F Goldenrod flour ^ The city of Forest Grove is getting rich every day & fit— It is receiv­ ing about 50c a day for the old elec­ tric light plant, including engine, boil­ er, generator, etc. Have you anything Friday, Oct 19, will be Parent’s to say? Day. All parents and friends of the school are cordially invited to visit the •) 9 (• It is said that under the new football school at some time during the day. j rules, "there will be more kicking in Light refreshments will be served in the game than ever.” Every one of the afternoon. us can now attend the games even if we do not understand the new rules, for we are guaranteed a good lime and lots of ‘kicking,’ in other words, they will make it pleasant for the grand- m sund- oj * iW AT THE CHURCHES M. E. Church Regular preaching services at the Methodist church every Sabbath *t 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p m . Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Epwortfc League 6:30 p. m.; Mid-week Service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. REV. L. F. BELKNAP, Pastor. _ , . . HOLLISTER’S Rocky A Mountain Tea Nur? Busy Medicine tor But* Peo„ B r in * . Golden Health and A specific for Constipation. I n d ie J , ami Kidney troubles. 1 Maudes Li Ulood, Bud Itreuth. Sluggish and Backache. U s Kock^Moun le t form. 35 cen ts a box. i e S in ,? * 1“ H ollis i III imuo Cosn-ANT GOLDEN NUGGETS TOR SAUOVM^- German Lutheran Church I r ■ , AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS The German Lutherans held services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 2:30 p. m. H. C. EBELING, Pastor. V ▼Www ▼wwW T w w w w w w w ▼WwWwWwwv Christian Church. HILLSBORO Preaching service on the first and third Sundays of each month at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p.m . Sunday School at 10 a. m. REV. SIAS, Pastor. The News and Se. .i-weekly jouril for $1.75. Sample copies may be at this office. Eczema and Pile Cur The Southern Pacific has employed FREE a force of men to lay out the grounds live cure for Ecrnr.a, Salt Kheun. CrvsiM't! f* and Skin Diseases. Instant relict Lvn't.M» . Congregational Church for a new union depot. The main line Write F. W. Williams. 100 M .nhau,. York. Enclose Stamp. he Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Preaching Ser­ and sidetracks will be moved from S c e n e f r o m t h e R a i l r o a d J a c k C o., V e r t s Mall I u e d a y O c t. 16 vice at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. their present location and the office Young People’s Meeting he’d at 6:30 p. ra. Mid-week will be attached to the Climax flour service on Thursdays at 7:30 p. m. Railroad Jack Coming. a portion of it is an aggravation. This S . A . M o u lto n REV. H. W. BOYD, Pastor. mill. The new station will stand di­ season, Manager Christ has selected The The new “ Railroad Jack” company rectly north of the Climax flour mill which is to appear at the Forest Grove the Thespian favorites for Railroad Jack Free Methodist L e a d in g Tonsorlalisi and the Southern Pacific track will with utmost care. Each artist has been There will i e preaching services in the Free Metho­ Of pass on the south and the P. R. & N. Opera House, Tuesday evening, Oct. engaged for his or her well known dist Church every Sun lav at 11 a. m. and 7: JO p. m. F o r e s t G ro v e 16, augurs well for the management of REV. H. K. BOWMAN, Pastor. on the north side of the new depot. the fortunate house which secured this ability and each one selected to por­ The Hillsboro Lumber company attraction. All the eastern cities have tray the various characters allotted to : Christian Science. R . INIXOrV, D en tist has commenced work on the new saw­ laughed themselves sick over the ad­ them. The story is unfolded bit by ^ Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. mill which is to be erected near ihe The at the Christian Science Hall, 115 South Fifth Street. Forest Grove, Oregon ventures of Jack Raggles, the humor­ bit until the denouncement. new union depot in this city. It is ous tramp. It has been well tried and climax of every act is a side splitter expected that the structure will be Three doors north of Bailey’s store. Office! —Goldenrod Flour now 95 cents proven a successful vehicle to enrich j and the roars of laughter are spontan­ hours fron> 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ' 1 completed within six months. per sack. eous and full of comic situations. | the author, and at the same time give j • “ An old pioneer of Hood River is prophesying a very hard winter. He *1 based his prediction on the very large f,Ul'j I crop of acorns this season. As a large jT I crop has not yet been reported in this s ir 1 1 section, it will be hard to predict b | ’ , , I whether many people in this part of the J 'V: I country will suffer or not from the con- l i / J t a g i o u s disease of “ cold feet” this I winter. ^ •> 9 <• J i g l An Albany man was so certain of a » felgood day’s sport on starting out Pheas- KJant hunting, that he forgot to take his gun. He took the train and went sev- ral miles to the spot where he was to There was a call meeting of the the public, who have been lucky This year the management promises a unt. He had taken his dog and all school district of this city Saturday for enough to see it, an unlimited value treat. All the sp .'dairies are new You Can Easily Operate necessary ammunition and after the purpose of electing a school direct­ for the money they expend, to sit it j songs, dances, scenery, mechanical This Typewiter LAWYER r i 1 iaving invaded the fields and or his to fill the vacancy caused by S. B. through. The fact is they could not effects and music in every form suffi- j Yourself. kiyf 1 ;rusted dog had scared up a bird, it Huston, who recently moved to Port­ \ be satisfied to see a portion only, for cient in number to please the most Real Estate and Corpo­ O F F IC E over ration Law a Specialty. H i n e s ' Sfere in ¿Ti lawned upon him that he had no fowl- land. There was a great interest shown the play abounds in fun, satire and all fastidious taste, and excellent in quality Don’t worry your correspondent. th ng piece with him. What he thought and 43 ballots were cast. R. H. Green the element» that combine to make an to satisfy the most exacting. . Forest Grove, - - Oregon | Tickets on sale at A. B. Caple’s Don’t write him _ if himself or what was said on that was elected by a large majority. amusing, connected story, that to miss cigar st0re, prices 35 and 50 cents. anything by hanc* R pot has not yet been given out to the Hiram Naylor, who was convicted that takes time le W eporters and thus yet unpublished. — Ask to see our $20.00 suits. to make out— DILLEY. about a month ago of threatening to 1 •) 9 (• 1 kill his step-son, and who has been an Geo. Gray visited his father over Quality and Tailoring cannot be ex­ that may leave For the Best. Up-to-date Work. IT—1 him in doubt— Another transformer has burned out inmate of the county jail ever since, Sunday. H e has left Pendleton and celled. J. E. B ailey . Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest Grove. 1 that he can’t easily read. the power house and as the result of was released last Tuesday upon filing a will work in Portland for a time. And don’t fill out legal papers or card A. I. W irtz, Proprietor his the city is again suffering for the peace bond in the sum of $500, his The North Yamhill hoppicker, who —Many men give lavishly of gold. I memos—or make out accounts or hotel _________ - j H rant of a decent light service. For wife going on the bond, with a Mr. reported getting $1.10 for picking, in To build bridges and castles and towers menus in your own handwriting. , , of old; ,r« 2 he last three or four evenings the Stokes and Banker Dooley, of Forest the Times, is mistaken when he thinks It looks bad, reflects on your standing f [ K V T fa ft | l ¡1 f« T' j makes people think you can’t afford a | ' * ’ * '' * I» “ I I v l i n L Bc'a rt ghts have gone out on a spree— per- Grove as sureties. they were the only ones to receive If you want everlasting fame, a bene* stenographer and is sometime ambi factor be, (HJlTt aps on a tramp to David's hill for P u i l l L ip C a p i t i l i S 2 R .O O O .O O Lovelace, Tongue’s great sire, has such good wages, for Mr. Feuor of ,e& P pm e of the “ Dago Red.” It seems been sold to Eugene parties. ! Give the poor and needy Rocky M oun-: Sv” S' , „ „ . . . . CORRESPONDENTS: near Dilley paid the same and Mrs. r You can write out your letters make tain Tea. “ ^ • ■ l a t they just go out at supper time, out an abstract, fill in an insurance pol­ National City Bank, New York Feuor seryed lovely ice-cream besides. GASTON *e,l |'J |h e n the tired business man is trying to icy, enter your card memos, make out Wells Fargo & Co’s Bank, New York F. Parsons paid $1.25 for one yard. ! — Dr. Hines’ Drug Store. your accounts, or a hotel menu, or do United States National Bank. Portland d(!'lrovide for and sustain the inner body. Monday was a remarkably warm day Mrs. Rounds and Mr. and Mrs. any kind of writing you need, on any for October. t*lere anything more disgusting Notice for Publication Odell were callers at Mr. Gray’s Sun­ kind, size or thickness of paper, and United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, |tan to have the lights go out all of a Some of our buildings are looming space any way you want on day afternoon. September 29th, 1906 Bidden when you are in a hurry to get up in the distance with a new coat of Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the MANUFACTURERS OF Harold Hanson is giving his house a provisions of the act of Congress of Jure 3, 1878, en­ Imouthful to eat? The Board of paint. , titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States H A R IN E S S I coat of paint which is a great improve- Irade is advertising our electric Mrs. F. Y. Rolston and Mabel went of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri­ And dealers in all kinds of Horse FcV /| I rvice and electric railway, etc., on to the metropolis Monday where they i ment. tory,” as extended to ail Public Lands States by act of August 4, 1892, Cynthia A. Scott of Gaston, county of Goods. Repairing Promptly Done Oscar Kuhns and his friend Mr. j cks of all the envelopes that go out met Hazel Rolston of Walla Walla, { Washington, State of Oregon, fas this day filed in this Prices Reasonable. Drop in. I our city, would it not be well for the who has come home to stay a few i ' Simmons, were out from Portland, office his sworn statement No 7077, for purchase the of T V p B t A f r i t f c r SHOP NEAR the SH of the NE1 * » and N’i» of the SEH of Sec. No. 22, [ Sunday. FOREST GROVE, ORE I esident of the Board of Trade, be- weeks. NAYLOR'S CORNER in Township No. 1 North, Range No. 5 West, and will The Standard Visible Writer ! e doing much advertising to see offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable Miss Emma Staehr of Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Craft of Seattle, for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and | J it what he is advertising is worth and Mr. Welch of Sioux City, Iowa, , was calling on friends in Dilley, to You can write any of these things I W K flllk establish his claim to said land before the United CGHK I vertising. States Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the yourself if you do not happen to have spent Sunday with J. D. Hibbs and { Monday, (ESTABLISHED 1898.) I a stenographer. 14th day of December, 19C6. family. Mrs. W. Stephens is visiting in He names as witnesses. H. W. Scott of Gaston, i For you can easily learn, with a little Forest Grove, Oregon PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES. Oregon; Henry W. Scott of Gaston, Oregon; C. L. Miss Webster of Sheridan, was the Amity this week. practice, to write just as rapidly, and A general banking business transacted. Dennis of Gaston. Oregon; Herbert Matteson of Gaston. as perfectly, as an expert operator on I The eighth, ninth and tenth grades guest of Miss Nellie Purdy Friday and Oregon. Interest paid on time deposits. Miss Teressa Smith visited Mrs. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- J the OLIVER. Because the OLIVER is Accounts invited. ■ [anized themselves into a literary Saturday. Thomas Schoolcraft a few days last described lands are requested to file their claims in this j , the simplified typewriter. And you ______ Mrs. Fred Everest and Gladys spent liety, Friday afternoou. The main office on or befere said 14th day of December, 1906. week. can see every word you write. About ‘ ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. nefit the teachers expect the pupils Sunbay with Dr. Everest of Cornelius. 180 per cent more durable than any ASK T H E A G E N T FOR (First Pub Oct. 4 ) R. Orr and daughter. Miss Frances, derive from such a society, is their Han-y Wescott has completed his other typewriter, because it has about I TICKETS VIA | 80 per cent less wearing points than j ining in Parlimentary Law’. The new water tower and has his gasoline returnet^ *rom Portland, Monday, Notice for Publication. | most other typewriters. liety will meet every alternate Fri­ engine in running order. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, 80 per cent easier to write with than ll afternoon. The following officers Mrs. Dr. Baker was a Forest Grove j August 10, 19C6. these other complicated, intricate I « elected: Lloyd Leabo, pres., visitor last Monday night. i j provisions ‘***"bTtlTCn ,ha' ,n -i»’»'« machines that require “ H humorinv” — of the act of Congress of June 3, 1873. en- • __i ■ • , , . u m o r in g Peterson, v-pres.; Robt. Loomis, titled "An act for the sale of timber land» In the States techinical knowledge—long practice j of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri and special skill to operate. Leila Teegarden, treas.; Miss GALES CREEK tory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act Than machines which cannot be kson, critic. Miss Madge Chapman returned home Of August 4, 1892. Chcr’.cs M. Adkins of Gale* Creek. ! adlU S t*rf t n a n r e n fln ;n l to any ^ i f 6 13 ? P aC e W . ith , , county of Washington, State of Oregon, has this day mhioV» veral new faces were noticed Saturday Saturday from Cornelius. filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7014, fer the • Cn ** 1S l n )P o s s l b le tO W rite a b s t r a c t s , :ng the pupils, Monday morning, purchase of the EH SW*< i and N W * SWH of Section 1DSUraHCe p o l i c i e s , Or odd-sized docu- To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, MINNE­ Sam Short has had his house moved T o a ll STRANGERS coming No. 32, in Township No. 2 North, Range No. 5 West. nientS e x c e p t yOU APOLIS, DULUTH, CHICAC0, anda Todd of the tenth grade, is out on the road. buy expensive to this city or locating in and will offer proof to shew that the land sought is ST. LOUIS. special attachments requiring experts more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricul- | nt this week on account of illness. Alfred McCoy has been on the sick this county— The News A n d A l l P o i n t s E a s t a n d S o u t h . tural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land to operate. j before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, j You can adjust the OLIVER to any ! vepresentatives of the Woman’s list the last few days. Fo r Three Months on Thursday, the 25th day of October, 1906. Mrs. Joseph Campbell made a busi­ reasonable space—you can write on t;b met with the School Board last He names as witnesses: Allen S. Dilley, Forest Copies can be had b y ness trip to the Grove last Friday. GrtTe, Oregon, James Churchill, Gales Creek, Oregon, ! any reasonable size and thickness of k for the purpose of securing the sending us your address. Charles E. Potts, Gales Creek, Oregon, John W. j paper, right out to the very edge i J. L. Loving spent a few days last sent of the Board to their working O'Brien, Portland, Oregon. without the aid of an expensive attach- The Flyer: The Fast Mail week on the Wilson River with his Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- ! TOCDt or special skill, and youi work the teachers, in an effort to intro- S plendid S ervice , U p to D ate dcscrlbnl land, ara rr jurated to «1. thtir claim, in thi, will be neat uncle, H. T. Shorb. *e Manual Training into the school. appearing, legible and E q uipm ent , C ourteous office on or before said 25th day of October, 1906. You w ill fin d clear. ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register Club has offered to furnish the Carl Hier, whose children had the E mployes . ¡ For the OLIVER 1, the typewriter (First Publication Aug. 16.) The teachers and School Board diptheria, returned to their home on or the doctor, the lawyer, the insur­ anxious to do what they can to the Nehalem, last week. Daylight trip throught the ance agent, the merchant, the hotel Notice for Publication e school attractive, as well as help- the newsiest paper Mrs. Carpenter left Monday, for proprietor—or any man who'doe's'his Cascade and Rocky Mountains, United State, Und Office, Portland. Oraron. own writing. i _______ to the boys and girls. Portland, where she will visit with her Sept. >1 1906. In the county. Wr ! * U S now 'or our booklet on the For tickets, rates, folders and full 'e hope soon to have vocal instruc son and daughter. ,h*> *" ccmpL..ce .„8 simplified features of the OLIVFV «*■-*» information, call on or address rrovistous of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878, en- “ ic U U V t R . given once a week in each room, Some men passed through here last itled An act for the sale of timber lands in the States O l i v e r I 'y p e > v p i t e P C ( ) H. DICKSON. e pupils in Miss Sorensen's room Friday from Tillamook, with a drove o of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terl W e will give the News City Ticket Agent, 122 Third St., Avr *0«™* St. rltorr." as eatewled to all the Public U sd State, bp act very much interested in geography, hogs, which they . were taking to \ Portland, Or. Of August «. ISM. Henry Fuoft of Portland. County of (' h l c n K " - Illin o is From now to Jan. ’OS Multnomah. State of Oragou. has this day filed la this ul Knox was promoted from the Portland. office hi, sworn statement No 7064. foe the purchaie of S. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A., Seattle, to all new subscribers for Cicero Hines is repairing the store grade to the fifth, this week, the S. r H of Section No. J. la Township No. l. N., Wash., Cor. 2nd Ave. and Columbia St. Raaga No. 5 w . and will offer proof to show that the the price of $1.00, thus building and intends to live there this i e following rooms enrolled new land «ought la store valuable foe its timber or atone giving you The News Monday: Eight grade, 3; winter. than foe agricultural purpose*, and to establish hit from now until J a n . 1 9 0 7 cMim to said land tofora Register and Receiver at Son Dr. and Mrs. Geiger of the Grove, feth grade, 2; fourth grade, 2; land. Oregon, oa Tetdey. the 7th