M a k la s T h e T r a il o f th e D e a d : THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE OF DR. ROBERT HARLAND fLETCH fR ROBINSON and J. MALCOLM ERASER (Copyright. I90S, by Joseph B. Bowles) 11 1 M I ■ ■ C H A P T F .R V I.— (Continued.) It snowed that night, and to some ef- feet, ss the morning light showed me. The broad, slovenly street beneath my windows was thickly coated; and though the fall bad ceased, a dull sky, streaked ss with muddy whitewash, threatened a further downfall. It was bitterly cold and I flung on my clothes in a rile tem­ per. Graden was meditating before the stove when I entered our breakfast-room, with the strange book he had shown me during the journey In his hands. “ You look pale as a ghost. A re you quite lit?” he asked kindly. "O b , yes; though my night was not particularly peaceful.” “ W h at do you mean?” I told him briefly of my unknown vis 't a a i Itor. H e seemed greaty Interested, ques fr/ !,’ tlonlng me minutely on various points. "Y o u r theory may be correct,” he con- eluded. “ Borne guest may have mistaken • Iflll hi* chamber, and hurried off on dlscov ering his mistake. Yet, if he had a light with him, how came he to make such an n obvious error; whereas, if It was the striking of a match that roused you. what was the man doing wandering in the dark?” " T o tell the truth, when I first woke, I Imagined It was Marnac himself.” “ I have considered that point. I do Dot think It could have been he.” “And why?” “ Before you were down this morning I had a talk with our landlord. The guests at his house are of two classes IS commercial travelers and those haring business at the dye-works. They do not stay long— usually a week at most. O f the nine which he now has, none has ex reeded that limit. H e knows them all personally— si* commercials, two dye- works mm, and a rich Englishman, one George Wakefield, who has been staying with some magnate In the neighborhood, B ut here is H err Reakt himself.” “ Gentlemen,” said the landlord, bow­ ing low, "your sleigh Is at the door.” "H o w far it It, then, to Castle Oster?' I asked him. “Close on twenty mites; and with this fresh snow it will be hepvy going Ten minutes later we slid on our silent ruDners, to the tinkle of the bells, out through the squalid, sprawling town, out _ ciws through the wooden hovels of the sub- a )j| urbs, out past the dye-works, with their fr O W I tall, melancholy chimneys, out Into the ■now-clad levels beyond, and there from 1 | H out of the east there sprang upon us a great and bitter wind, chilled by its long Journey over the boundless steppes of . M n frozen Russia. Here and there, across the plains, a whiff of powdry snow, like £ ■ 1 the smoke of heavy guns, would leap up before the fiercer blasts, only to burst fas nd fall as they lulled once more. To the I I south and east the pine woods ranged M f , their formal ranks, black against the dazzling carpet at their feet. It was a ■cene of utter desolation. I W s drove in silence. Graden sat in a huddled mass, his chin burled In the great woolen comforter he wore, staring FcV /, out over th$ plain with fixed, Introspect­ ive eyes. Kor myself, I sat ainougst I the rugs beside him in vague speculation. [ W h a t could be this danger that threat- ! oned the scientist from Bt. Petersburg In I hi* home nt Castle Oster? A fter all, | might not our whole journey be a folly I born of Graden'* imaginings, a blind I guess that had dragged us half across I Europe? I shivered, and shivering, mut- I tered anathemas on the climate. ■ jr * p jlii; V % : S th£r means. W h y does he allow this disre­ pair?” • “ I do not think the professor cares. H e shuts himself up with his experiments when he is here— which is not often now. H is rooms look to the south on the other side. For the rest, the house is not furnished.” “ W ell, I suppose there Is a servant who will------- Heavens! what is that?" From somewhere within the house there came a shriek, a cry of supreme terror. A gain and yet again It was re­ peated before it shrank away into si­ lence. Graden ran across the court to the main door, and I was hard upon his heels. H e pulled the bell and hammered fiercely upon the heavy oak panels; but no one answered. " I don't believe the thing Is bolted,” said he. “ Keep the handle turned, and let me try what I can do.” H e stepped back a dozen paces, and then came running at the door like a bull. The giant caught It squarely with the point of his shoulder; there was a sharp crack; the next instant we were both sprawling on the floor within. W e found ourselves in a great and dusty hall, Indifferently lighted. Against the wall on my right I could dimly dis­ cern the figure of s woman crouched on the floor, sobbing bitterly, her face burled In her hands. Bhe did not move, despite our violent entrance. At the foot of the main staircase an old man was bending over something that lay motionless. H e looked up at us with a white, pitiful face. “ H e fs dead— the master is deadl” he whimpered. Graden strode up to him, and I fol­ lowed at his heels. Professor Peter Mechersky— for such I knew It must be— lay huddled under an old grey cloak that spread wing-wise from his neck, a blot upon the polished oak of the floor. From his face, thin though it was and wasted with disease, he must have been a middle-aged man who had preserved a singular beauty. H e had died as a child might fall asleep. Yet the horror that he had escaped he had left to the living; for his attitude was abnormal. Impossible, aud ghastly to behold. It was not right that a body should resemble an egg that Is broken. M y cousin swept aside the cloak for a moment, and replaced It reverently, though with a hand that trembled. “H e has not a sound bone in his body,” he muttered, and then, turning to the old servant, “ H o w did this happen?” said he. “ H e had been III for some weeks, mein Herr, and we begged him not to leave his room. But to-day he declared himself better. H e insisted that he should de­ scend to the library. H a lf way down the stairs he tripped and fell. I ran to his side and found him, as you see him, crouched— like— like------ ” •Like a toad?” “ Yes, mein Herr, like a toad.” The mau broke into hysterical weep­ ing. “The Englishman, H err Wakefield, was most anxious about my master's health,” he stammered out. “The H err professor became indisposed some ten days after his arrival; since then he has been most kind, most considerate, sittiug by the master's bed for hours. H e would allow no other doctor to visit the master. H e is a kind, good man, this doctor, the Herr Wakefield.” “ Bo I believe. H ow came he to know your master?” “ 1 aui not sure; but I think he brought a letter of introduction from a Professor Marnac, of Heidelberg, a gentleman of whom my master disapproved, yet ad mired for his learning.” "A n d this Englishman, did he prescribe for your master??1 " O f course. They loved each other, and sat late Into the night in their dis missions. When my poor master was taken III, H err Wakefield took complete charge of him. Ach! I f he did but know what had happened!” “Then he I* not here?' “ No; he drove to I.etnsdorf yesterday afternoon. H e had to return to his own country. Ach! I f he did but know!” It was plain enough— Marnac. the lin­ guist, was Wakefield, the Englishman It was.he, new from this thing that he had done, who had come creeping to my room in the night, being suspicious of the strangers from the south. It was he that had brought about this mysteri­ ous horror. I turned from the poor monstrosity upon the floor and leaned, shuddering, against th* wall. As I did so. Graden strode past me to ths open door. 1 and cheese, flanking a great ham. I turned from the food with disgust; but my cousin fell to diligently, complaining the w hile at my fully iu not eating wbeu 1 had the chance. | “ You must pull yourself to together,” he protested, with his mouth full. “Try this ham now. It isn’t half bad.” More to humor him than with any in­ tention of following his advice, I drew my seat to the table. “Come, now; that's better,” he cried, carving away. “To tell the truth, I haven’t the slightest idea what that villain Marnac has been up to. But what 1 do know is that we’ve got to catch him — dead or alive. Therefore I recommend you to stoke up your body with this ex­ cellent-------hallo!” “ W h at’s the matter now?” I asked Ir­ ritably; for, indeed, his hearty appetite annoyed me. For answer he rose and pealed the bell. The old manservant, with the brandy flushing his white cheeks, tot­ tered into the room. ” 1 am sorry to trouble you,” said Gra den courteously, “but we both set such store by your hams that we wish to know where they can be obtained. Do you cure them yourself?” “ No, mein Herr, but It is done near by,” answered the mun, with a look of blank surprise. “ Indeed. The Lemsdorf ham is a dis covery; it should make a stir. I wonder I had not heard of its merits before. “ You see, mein Herr, the big curing station has not long been established. " A new enterprise?” “ Yes, mein Herr. It belongs to Herr Drobin, a South German. T w o years ago he took the big farm at Gran, which you passed on your way here. It is this side of the dye-works. H e has many pigs in the forest. H is hams are becom­ ing famous from W a rsa w to Königsberg. It is said he has some secret in the feed ing or curing— no one knows which.” “Thank you— that is all.” The door was scarcely shut when 1 turned hotly upon Graden. "H o w dare you git here in this bouse of murder and talk of the excellence of the food?” cried furiously. “ It is shameful, inde­ cent!” “ Yet we will visit the farm of Gran on our way back. I have some little Inquiries to make." “ W e shall do nothing of the sort,” snarled. “ I f you were a soldier or an explorer. Cousin Robert,” he said, leaning across and tapping me kindly on the arm, “you would know that In any expedition one alone can be responsible. The rest obey whether they be few or many. As it Is, I beg you to recognize that fact aud to obey.” H e was right, and I knew it. But to save appearances I walked to the win­ dow and stood drumming upon it with my fingers for a while before I answered him. “ W ell, do as you please,” I said at length. “ I think the sleigh may be ready by now,” he said. “Come, let us go out aud Inquire.” There Is no need to dwell on this mis­ erable drive. The tired horses dragged slowly forward, the driver, sullen and frightened, urging them on with blows and curses. Mile after mile of pine woods marched past us, but we did not apeak, crouching iu the furs. A t last, ns night was falling, we reached the edge of the forest, and swung aside from the main road Into a track that skirted the edge of the pines. The ground sank away into a hollow like the palm of the hand. At the lowest point I could see a square, wooden building flanked by rows of out­ buildings. It was, as I imagined, the farm of Gran. But before we reached it, our driver suddenly drew up his horses. A man was advancing toward us through the trees. Our driver tamed, and with a wave of the whip explained the situation. “ It is H err Drobin,” said he. (T o be continued.) O F C H IN E S E BOYCOTT. M o v e m e n t D ec la re d to B e W h o lly D u e t o I n d i v i d u a l s , .\ot N a t i o n . The M oth Pest. Westward the gypsy moth takes Its way. It has caused millions of dollars worth of d a m a g e in M a ssach u setts, has escaped to New Hampshire and Con­ necticut, and now the Invasion Is turn­ ing toward New York State. This in­ teresting information Is c o n v e y e d In a letter of warning Just Issued by E. P. Felt, State Entomologist. The brown tail moth Is u more recent Introduction, and, unlike the g.v|»sy moth, tiles readily. It Is not only a very destructive leaf feeder, but the barbed hairs of the caterpillars cause a very severe irritation upon the un­ protected skin. Tw o rows o f warts down the back of the gypsy moth caterpillar make It easily distinguishable. It Is about two inches long and the ten anterior warts are blue, the twelve posterior red. The gypsy moth will eat anything In the tree or shrub line, and on the slightest disturbance leap on passersby and cling to clothing. Brown tail moths have white spots on each side and a single pair of red spots near the tail. They prefer wild cherry. i>ear, apple, maple, elm and white oak leaves, and have barbed horns, which, breaking off or blowing from the cocoon, produce an Intolerable Irritation, the “brown tall itch.” Caterpillars of both siiecles, says Mr. Felt, may be destroyed by spraying with an arsenical poisoning, preferably five pounds of arsenate of lead to fifty gallons of water,though the gypsy uoth caterpillars, especially when nearly full grown, are quite resistant to pois­ on. Eggs of the gypsy moth may be de­ stroyed by treating the egg masses with Í! (1 I Moke H ood Corn D roit. F ile * and the M ilk Y ie ld NESTS o r TH E MOTHS. a preparation composed of 50 per cent creosote oil, 20 per cent carbolic acid, 20 per cent spirits o f turpentine and 10 per cent of coal tar. to D estroy Buga. The recognized formula for bordeaux mixture for use on potatoes Is six pounds of copper sulphate, blue vitriol, four jiounds unslacked quicklime and fifty gallons of water. The copper sul­ phate Is dissolved in one barrel and the lime In another. Add to each twenty- five gallons of water and then mix thoroughly. When to be used strain through a w ire strainer, preferably one of brass. "* Jtr*i j Any farmer handy with the ordinary tools on a farm can make a corn drag attachment for his cultivator that w ill pay for Itself many times In one sea­ son, if properly used, says an experi­ enced agriculturist The common farm harrow Is too heBvy and unwieldy for harrowing corn after It Is up, except under the most favorable conditions of soli and weather. To make, get oak one and one-half Inches by three. Make in two sections of th.ee bars each. Let each section be long enough to cover all of space between two rows. Brace same as other harrows. No. 00 w lr » spikes make very good teeth. Set teeth a little slanting and as close as will work In your soil without clogging. A t­ tach to beams of corn plow. Arrange so that the drag will cover all the ground when you wish by connecting the two parts. You can, with this nr rangemeut, adjust the drag to suit. 1 y i 1314— Peace concluded among Enz] M u le « In S t r o n g D e m a n d . France and Scotland. ‘ * As indicating the steady growth In 1540— Henry V I I I . of England mar,« public favor which the mule Is enjoy­ Catherine Howard. "" ing, we are glad to note that the pro­ 1073— New York surrendered I prietor o f a M is­ Dutch. souri Jack farm has 11575— Greenwich Observatory Just sold some fine lished. animals at high prices— $3,000, $2,- 1757— Fort William Henry surrendered I Montcalm. 1 000, $1,500, $1,250, 1702— The Swiss Guard killed in an | five fo r $1,000 each, tack on th Tuilleries in Paris. I $900, $800, $700, H is s 1809— Non-importation act proclaimed I three Jacks and one President Madison. [m East Mo jennet, $3,000. A 1813— Battle of Stonington, Conn. jliï FEV letter from Austin, j i cansei Tex., says there Is 1815— Napoleon embarked for St. HeleJ WELL BRED JACK »in th* a great shortage of 1821— Missouri admitted as a State. L mmmer mules In that State. They are In strong 1827— George Canning, English staid gibt that man, died. demand by farmers and ranchers, and íl)« e r » i( the supply Is Inadequate. As a result, 1830— Louis Philippe proclaimed King jange of France. the prices of good mules have gone up Iptational to the highest figures ever known in 1841 Steamer Erie burned on LaJ tur, stia E rie ; 175 lives lost. the State. It w ill tie but a few years o reeiet until this mule shortage, which Is said 1846 David Wilmot introduced his pra Lananatio viso in Congress. . . .Smithsonian if to exist throughout the country, will Liictim th stitution at Washington founded, be relieved, as much attention Is now- i sitfiout t being given to breeding the animals.— f'5 2 — Permission granted to M. Thiel I Urge mm I and other political exiles to retui Country Gentleman. i fot th to France. To N o doubt the boycott w ag wholly due to the stringency of the exclusion law, C H A P T E R V II. W e entered the forest. On every hand but the paramount object of the move­ Stood the pines, stretching away In long, ment is to raise the Chinese (idiple to Dielancholy avenues floored with drifted eu equal footing with any other people •now. The laden branches bowed before in relation with the United States and us, now and again, at the whirl of a pass­ not for securing the actual economic ing gust, flinging their burdens from advantage o f exporting laborers to jiltttb e m . Once a willow grouse, whits as Spraying should be started when the the snow beneath It, swept on steady America, says T. Y. Chang In the Re­ potato plunts are six inches high and «3 w ing through the trees. Once from the view o f Reviews. It Is fo r national he repeated every ten days or two 1 f« r , far distance, borne upon the eastern right and dignity rather than for any­ weeks, according to the weather, 1 breeze, there came a cry, a weird, hope thing else. There are, however, more throughout the growing season. I f bugs less echo In th* air, that set the horses Important points regarding this ques­ are to be destroyed, add one pound of •nortlng. I kuew what it must b e —a tion that should be carefully exam ­ parls green to each fifty gallons of w o lf who felt the first pangs of the win­ ter's hunger gathering round him. But ined; that Is— first, the boycott has bordeaux mixture, but the bordeaux there was no eign of man nor marks of never been authorized by the govern­ mixture should be used alone until the ■lelgh tracks on th* newly fallen snow. m ent; second, the boycott has never bugs are noticed. W * did not travel fast, though our W hen It is figured that the cost of been carried out with any forcible or driver did hla beat. The anow had not spraying does not exceed $7 an acre, violent means. hardened and settled into that enchant­ The government has done nothing and it is often less, while experiments ing surface on which the runners speed toward promoting the boycott. On the have proved that the value of the crop •o swiftly. Midday was past before we ■aw, through a sudden gap in th* forest, contrary, the Pekin authorities have was Increased three or four times the a rising mound crowned with a low, grey tried hard to advise the merchants to cost for spraying, It certainly pays and building. “Castle Oster!' cried our drlv modify their disposition. But no gov­ pays well. •r, turning In his seat to claim our at­ ernment In the world, however absolute M i l k P r e s e r v a t i v e a n d T n b r r p u l o a l a tention. In ten minutes more we had It may be. has power to compel its sub­ The use of milk preservatives has halted at a gate set in a high stone wall. “ Driver, can your horses take us jects to buy goods from a certain coun­ been rather favorably considered by Before we were clear of the rugs the back?” I heard him say. driver had slipped from his perch and "N o t without rest and feed, mein try unless they are w illin g to do so. the dairy department at the New Jer­ tugged at a rusty iron bell pull. W e Herr. The snow is very bad, and they N o doubt this disagreeable movement sey Experiment Station. Thus the au­ w altsd without an anewer. Again he are tired.” has been started by those who had per­ thor o f a recent bulletin believes that ran g; but Graden did not wait the result. “ Would s hundred marks to ths driver sonally suffered maltreatment under the use o f formaldehyde added to milk, T h e door w ss not bolted; It opened to ■■■1st them?” * the regulations o f the Chinese Immi­ one part In forty thousand, destroys his vigorous arm. and we followed him “ It Is impossible. They could not gration service office. B ut there has the tubercule germs and leaves unin­ Into the broad courtyard of the castle. reach half way. Walt, mein Herr, and been not the least sign o f violence or ju red the bodies found In tuberculous Before us sprawled th* main building it may be done." Banked by little towers, like the pepper- My cousin came up to me and laid his force, as the boycott has spread through milk which tend to protect against the _____ box turret* of an old Scotch mansion. great hand upon my shoulder. several provinces. It Is purely a volun­ disease. The chief danger of Infection Vi l l i 'I II« windows were shuttered; the chim "Pm afraid it's th* truth.” he said. tary action o f Individuals. So long ns of both calves aud children Is thought ^ ' . g i y s were smokeless save for one above And then turning to the dead man's serv­ there Is no disturbance of peace, "boy ­ to occur In early life through drinking the central porch, from which a «lark ant. "Y ou r master— had he horses?” he cott” Is considered a legitimate move­ milk containing germs, although the plume rose and trailed aw ay to the w *«t asked. ment by any civilized country o f the a|>pearance of pronounced symptoms of ward— the solitary sign of habitation. To "Three, mem Ilerr, but they have ea r right and left were ranged outbuild­ not yet returned from Lemsdorf. where world. It Is a commercial design and the disease may not be noted until later Hence the suggested us* of the ings, stables, coach-houses, and the like It Is an Indi­ life. they went this morning with the big not a w arlike scheme. J ^ O b n t all In a condition of ruinous decay. sleigh for provisions.” vidual action and not a national policy. pvf***t-vatlve In the quantities mention- I ^ B P a t c h e s fallen from the roofs laid bare With a sharp order Graden sent onr There la. therefore, no good grouud i ^or mil't Intended for young cbll- ■he rafters; from th* broken gutters driver hurrying to the stables. Then, npon which the recent alarm ing news J rin - trailed long pendants of Ice. Against with his arm linked in mine, we fol­ the old doors the snow had piled Itself in lowed the old servant into a low-roofed could be supposed to have been based. “ N a v e lt le s .” heavy drifts. N o sound broke th* brood­ dining-hall. A s I dropped upon sn oak N e w varieties are often sold because ing stillness. It w as a picture distress settle before the great china stove, he T h e i r G rea t Seheme. they are “novelties,” rather than he tngly forlorn. H ave you and your w ife q u a r­ cause they are better than th* old. thrust his flask Into my hands and, with “ H as Professor Mechersky, then, no a word of encouragement, slipped away. reled tried and standard kinds. It Is better servants?” asked Graden of our driver I knew that he was examining the body, " N o ; why?" to use varieties o f trees and vegeta­ I noticed that he hushed his voice In but, doctor though 1 was. the spirit of I notice that when you take a trip bles that are known to be the best for 'peaking; he. too, felt the uncanny in- investigation had gone out o f me. I you alw ays go on different trains. the section where they have been test uence o f the place. could no more have assisted him Than • "T h at's for the children's sake. I f ed,-Jn preference to using others, until I, “T w o , mein Herr— a man and ■ medics) student can watch, unmoved, his either one o f the train* should be experience gives in opportunity to Oman. I cannot think where they can first operation. more of the newer varieties x 0T. In Bbont twenty minutes he returned. wrecked, th# kids would have at least “ I had understood bs was a mao of bearing a tray upon which was M bread i oua uareut left."- Cleveland Leader. altlss abould bs tasted In a H alted way r P o lp , th ew e M S p ra yin g CAUSE F ru it H a rd fruits, such as apples and pears, are cut Into small pieces w ith­ out being peeled or having the cores or seeds removed, aud placed In cold water containing 1.5 ounces of salt to the gallon to prevent discoloration. The fru it is then boiled to a pulp and strained, a yield o f about one-fifth the original weight being obtained. Blunts and soft fruits are treated In practical­ ly the same manner. W ith plums the strained pulp Is sweetened with about 4.5 pounds of sugar to each hundred­ weight of fruit aud the boiling contin­ ued until the pulp Is thickened suffi­ ciently to hang from the S[>oon without dropping. W ith raspberries and stra w ­ berries the boiling must not be pro­ longed and the pulp need not be strained through so fine a sieve ns In K ib K , the case of plums. The chief points to which care should be devoted are the pris-esses of boiling the fruit. T he first boiling should be continued only so long as the consistency o f the mass Is such as w ill enable the pulp to pass 13.88 -Douglas slain at battle of n j through the sieve for straining. Chase, England. 1 The effect on milk production by the use of fly repellants has been tested at the Missouri Station. Various mixtures were found which would keep off the flies all day If put on in the morning but a measurement of the milk and test of the butter fut for a period o f two weeks Indicated that keeping off the flies did not affect the milk yield. As somewhat similar results were obtained by experiments at the Connecticut Stn tlon. It seems fair to concede that the Injurious effects of the fly pest have been exaggerated. During the fly time the feed In most pastures is growing poorer every day and the cows natu rally shrink then, but It Is probably a mistake to blamq the files for much of the shrinkage. For all that, It worth while to use the mixtures to keep off the files for the peace and quiet obtained In the stable for both the cows and for the milkmen. G ood C r o p * f o r Old G ras* L a n d . 1858— Ottawa made the capital of Caf ada. 18(51— Hampton. Va„ burned___ Batt( Wilson’s Creek, Mo. 18(52— President Lincoln called for 30o| 000 men for nine months. 1870— Paris declared in a state of siega Franco-German war. 1871— Celebration of the Sir Waited Scott centenary at Edinburgh. 1873— Steamer Wawasset burned on Tol I tomac river; thirty-five lives lost. 1878— International monetary conferl ence opened at P a r is .. . . Beginning ol the Austro-Bosian war. 1880— Dr. Tanner successfully complete^ ■Confidential a fast of forty days. ¡dyour life t 1881— Transvaal ceded to the Boors. Ke-| > it differì public proclaimed. 11 -tested P 1883— Dynamite conspirators at Liver-] ■lus. Fin Secondi; pool sentenced to penal servitude (ol I loto my life, 1884— Oklahoma “boomers” ousted from Indian Territory by United Statei troops.. . .Severe earthquake fell along Atlantic coast. Ui Web» utj. 1885— Imposing funeral of Gen. Grant ia| l i o » certa: New York. Lute the lar 1887— H aw aii adopted a new constitution! I hereupon. . — One hundred excursionists killedj I the woi in railroad wreck at Forest, III. He fore 1888— Maxwell, the murderer of Charle»| I overwork A. Preller, hanged in St. Louis. A I Larry Donovan, American bridg* I 1‘Ottr John? jumper, leaped from IIungerford| a,” said 1 bridge, London, and was drowned. i what h 1889— Mrs. Florence May-brick found I ■t him." guilty of murdering her husband in] I "What's th: Liverpool. I'He oet hi 1891— United States vessels ordered t»| a-Phllad China because of disturbance. 1893— Geary act enforced. First China- man deported from San Francisco... Forty-third Congress convened in ei- I traordinary session. Subject, Sher- I man act..........Severe earthquak» | shocks in California. 1894— -The yacht Britannia beat the Y ig- ! Ilnnt at C o w es.. .Earthquake shock» felt in Memphis, Tenn.. . Great Britain declared neutrality in th* | Korean war. 1895— British steamer Chatterthun foun­ dered near Sydney, N. S. W .; B it y I four lives lost. 1899— Retrial of Dreyfus begun »t Rennes.. . .Hurricane in West In­ dies; 2,000 drowned. 1903— Pope Pius X. crowned. . . . Lient- Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A, tired. A New A rtlH rln l R e s p ira to r . The L ib ra ry Digest translates from i Nature the description of a new Invented by Dr. Eisenminger of ■ *■ earos. Hungary, for the ptirpo* *__ . The man who breeds . breed o f Log, during abdominal breathing in the res -seause be likes them Is sure to sue- tation of persons apparently drowne- consists of s cuirass fitted tightly » “ » tèe body, the chamber of which ¡. „ All fenco rows should be set to grass nected by tube with a bellows. T F *1 •hen slternately compressed and ** ■ , weeds, i f weeds a r , allowed to grow *d, thus causing the internal organ* the diaphragm to rise and fall r? n . ' ^ m e ^ n s that the, w ill b a rs to b . An incidental advantage is ’• '“I* »'!/ * tir- at a tuns when the lungs ar* fun krJ r n ■ d"" ■—K I 1874— Marshal Bazaine escaped i from thi I I Isle of Ste. Marguerite. The question of what to do with grass land after haying, where the land Is run out and poor, Is a rather puzzling one, but If we should get rain enough to soften the surface and permit easy plowing. It mny be broken up, enriched with manure or fertilizer and Immedi­ ately seeded with Hungarian. In case the weather should prove too dry for this, barley may be sown either alone or with rye In August fo r fall feeding Off good, strong land, well enriched, a 1904— Seventy-six persons killed I® crop of late cabbage plants may be set wreck on Rio Grande railroad near as late as July 15; the turnip seed Pueblo. C o lo ....B ritis h force, under may be sown even as late ns A ug 1 Col. Younghusband, entered Lass*. though July 20 Is a better time. ' ’ 1905— President Roosevelt addressed lsrg* meeting of miners at Wilkes-Barm» M hat M e r in o B r e e d e r s Did P a ____St. Thomas P. E. (’,'nrc*“ Merino breeders In Vermont took a New York City, destroyed by fire. sheep that sheared nine ponnds, and R o o s e v e lt* B ir d D e fe n d «- * . they developed a sheep that sheared Speaking for Mrs. Roosevelt and Win- forty-four pounds. They took a ear cass that weighed 100 pounds. flnd they self, the President, in * letter to liant Dutcher, head of the Nationt • “ made one that weighed 300 pound; sociation of Audubon Societies, erpre*** They sold rams for $3 per head, and deep sympathy with the efforts to P’’“' ' they aold rams for $3.000 per head the sale and use of white heron pluM . * * * • * " * merlrK” to part of the known in the military trade a* *' world where better sheep were wanted. retfes.” The President says that. If stronfi? thing. Mrs. Roosevelt feels more Recently A c r lr n it o m i A t a n * . than he does in the matter. An early piece of ground sown to la r - Queen Alexandra of England has ®a ley makes the pigs smile. imitar expression. ___ « .S S S S if f l ; find it location H o g it ■ of prii