Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 11, 1906, Image 3

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    Page-W ashington Co. News.
m E
Agree oj
R I ^ S » ; , E d i t o r _________________ A . E . N O L R S E . M g r .
feel the least bit of alarm over anything ty as computed by Mr. Hoff, based on
I may say.”
Puter ¡s right and no the census of 1905 is 1 6 ,6 7 3 and the
honest person ought to fear what he total for the state of Oregon is 4 6 3 ,5 3 8
has to say, for who could believe what against 4 1 3 ,0 0 0 in 1 9 0 0 showing a
were paid. It was said salaries in the king of land fraud operators” has gain of 5 0 ,0 0 0 .
| Oregon were lower than in any other to say. Will there be any truth in the
| state ou the Pacific Coast,
work of one who made his living in
Don’t list your property with
Enn Thursday by the Washing-
wCo«,ty Publishing Co. Incorporated
! " ji Forest Grove. Oregon
It was recommended that the State the way this man has.
A. B. Thomas— unless
sold or rented.
I Legislature amend the school laws by
such a plan would increase the
gen |rade and Pro(ession have friendly pro-1 of Roman architecture and
eral tax levy for school purposes
and tectlon: wh>' not the newspaper pub- tian religion.
Mr. Kori lived
T h e Beauty M akar
mendation was adopted to change the
I ..(1,5 NEWS fails to reach its subscrib­ tim e of taking the school census from
es or is late, we request that im m edi- February to November, and the time
j at attention may be called to the same. for adopting school textbooks be
F A S H fO V S T A B L E S
Pacific Ave.
Forest Grove
Neat Turnouts
Dr. H in es’
Vrug Store.
Miss Emma S ta e h r. was a
visitor, Monday.
Figures Given py Commissioner of
Labor and Statistics Shows
Many Different Products.
D e s ig n s
C o pyrig h ts A c .
A nwone send ing a sk etch and d escription n
qtiiciiiy asce rta in o u r opinion fre e w h eth e r an
invention is probab ly p aten tab le. Com m unica­
tion s stric tly confid ential. HANDBOOK on P aten ta
sunt free. O ldest nueucy fo r secu rin g p ate n ts.
P a te n ts ta k e n th rou gh Minin A Co. receiv e
tp ec ia l n otice, w ith o u t ch arg e. In th e
Local Time fable
. .
. . .
dairy cows. All good ju d g es agree that
there is no better dairy region in the
United States than
W illam ette
Fverything requisite for ideal
there— soil,
vater and products.
clim ate,
good dairy,
. »ell conducted, and with such a
ket as is now and will henceforth be
•Horded, is always a
though it takes hard work and careful
management to make it su cceed
The dairy stock of the
W illam ette
wlley and other sections of the state is
in n e d
Iking imnrnveH
improved, but needs t continued
improvement for years to com e.
^ best breeds ol sto ck ,
and those
Dr0bably preferring to defer the not explain. He says his yield in
1Atuv'J V
J r
on L..«L J r
Va c* rxrrt*
1893 was _ 20
bushels to f the
announcement in detail until the re­
One who deals extensively in pota
turn home of United States District
toes places the acreage for 1905 at
Attorney W. C. Bristol, v.ho is in San
3 6 .0 0 0 acres with 3 yield of 3 ,7 0 0 ,0 0 0
Francisco arguing cases before the
bushels, the price of which varies from
United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
36 to 70 cents a bushel. He claims
The continuation of the Oregon trials
that potatoes are a safe and sure crop,
undoubtedly means that the Federal
the grower having his own time in
Grand Jury will be convened almost
which to harvest them.
immediately ur on the return of Mr.
Estimates made by 17 men who
grow over 100 acres of hay each annu­
In the absence of definite infor­
ally, place Oregon’s hay acreage at
mation as to the cause of the delay, it
3 8 0 .0 0 0 acres, the average yield of
is regarded as highly probable that not
which is two tons per acre. In 1904
oniv will the Federal Grand Jury again whic is w
the farm
r w n n . but that the average price was £ 1 0 .1 8 , the farm
begin its grind in Oregon. b" ’ —
ol . t a b » » » 2 0 .7 7 .
H e r n » ., o , .he H ,d e -B e n » .
>»” J "
„„ d lm „ , ¡, ld ip ted „
bine . i l l be b ro .g h . . o n » » W . h
„ „ edi,
Trains on the Southern Pacific arrive
and deoart on the following schedule: :
purpose in ington between now and
_ ^
^ with 2,231 acres, producing 2 6 ,-
should be k ep t.
It costs no set for the resumption of the trials here
772 bushels or an average of 12 bush-
The next case set for trial is that
more to keep a first-class anim al than
els to the acre. The farm value of
oni that is not worth one third as charging ex-Senator Winlock W Stei-
this crop is estimated to be 8 3 2 ,6 6 2 .
ranch in a dairy. Dairym en and farm- wer, Hamilton H . Hendricks. John H .
Diversified farming is becoming the
Edwin Mays.
Clarence - B. Zach‘
m »e realizing this, and acting ac- H all, Edwin
Mr”* ■
order of the day in Oregon, for it has
Watson, Franklin P.
ary, Charles A
been found that the variety of product
and Edward
The dairy industry in the W illam ette Mays, Clarke E. Loomis
that can be raised is unlimited. Wheat
| n®e7i though already of no mean pro- D. Stratford with conspiracy to defraud is the great staple, but barley, hops, oats,
the Government by fencing up a u
PWions, is literally “ in its infancy.
flax and all kir.db of vegetables are
Driri. large and sm all, and cream- jg^OO acres of Government »rnd in grown. Butter and eggs have put
No. 3 Departs
- -
- - -
. . .
6 :5 7
9 :0 0
1 :30
4 :1 6
A handsom ely Illu strated w eekly. I.Hrsrest cir­
cu lation o f any scie n tific Journal. T e rm s, $3 a
year ; fou r m o n th s, f 1. Sold by all new sdealers.
wil1 w heeler County. It is familiar:) known many a bay window on the farm houses
multiply, i t is a g00<i thing for farm- as tbe “ fencing case,” and many acts of Oregon. The horses and cattle
05 who keep some dairy cows to get bearing on it were brought out in t
raised on the native grasses bring top
together as they did at Forest Grove trjal 0t Hendricks, Zachary,
was prices.
talk the business over and arouse and Barnard. Senator Mays, wbo
For many years strawberries, rasp-
tBe “ other’ s interest in it. Every recently convicted will
m berries, blackberries, gooseberries, ap-
..... not be trie d t0
“ “ 'y in the W illam ette
valley— not this case, Mr. Heney having *6
^.*ptak of others— is naturally a great try him but once this year, w
da: ountv, and years h en ce we ex-
ex* case was before the court on a
»kvt to s«e this valley fam ed
through- jor a continuance.
pean> ploras and pruues have
3een , nceessfully grown.
T e a c h e rs.
does, however, he will like y
School teachers in Oregon do not re- - U
. —
. . I - » I *
witness for
w «e enough salaries.
* as
. the Hendricks,
* * * tbe decision of the County eminent
J * * Soperintendants of the state Zachary and Barnard------__
the teaching
raised unless larger
14, 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 pounds of wool.
unw„ h ■ e . d j , or 4 ,4 j n 9 5 : ,0 r»rvn
dj ^ ^
wool, while in 1906
< *« < ■ — > —
Wa’son, put is 18.000,000 pounds. T h e aver­
age price paid for wool to the growers
; jg c , r ; ; per • ,rund, although prices
hook while , varied from H i cents for cc*rse sandy
met at Salem in annual convention
* *
2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 head of sheep with an arer-
ight of fleece or
of 71
pounds u.
or . a
(lli.| aee weight
/ j pounux
" “ tie world as the finest dairy region
j t is understood that
•*« _ 1
W11UTV. 411HVMI»" ------|
021W h .
r Loomis
~ ,mi, will Plead guilty. 1'th0U(ghT, ‘S
il« triven
has not been officially
given OOt.
°ui- II
Better Salaries For
F o r e s t
ae is .
honest man need |
The p P
d r o v e
Bran ch Office. 026 V 8 t.. W ash in g ton . 1). C.
W. R. H i e K S
Milburn Wagons, Scotch flip p e r
Plows and other Farm Implements
Flour, Feed, and Grass Seeds
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
Is what Cooks say of Our Universal Ranges and Stoves.
T hey give Satisfaction.
W e are the Sole Agents for the
J U S T R IG H T for JU S T N OW , your house painted right now wil*
Provided iri’s —
M. PETERSON ft SON, Forest Grove
Located at Forest Grove, Oregon, 26 miles west from
Has largest endowment; is best
of any of the private in­
stitutions of the state. Tuition lo w .
For catalogue and attractive
Non-Sectarian literature address
Forest Grove, Oreg.
No. 2 Departs
- -
“ 4
. . .
9 :0 0 a. m.
- 6 :2 0 p. m.
No. 8 Arrives
“ 10
- -
1 2 :2 0 p. m.
- -
9 :2 0 p. m.
B E G IN N IN G F E B . 15, 1906
A gent
The Washington
County News
B t ! W EEN
G IV E S the News, Stands I ot
the City’s Enterprises, the
H om e Producer, the H om e
Market and H om e Patronage.
k o u t c o f t h « fftm o u M O r i e n t a l
For detailed information,
A D ’ S
l .l n 'l t w l
rates, etc.* call on or address
H . H . D I C K S O N , C. T A . ,
1 2 2 T h ir d S I., f o r u m n d , u r t .
Are those you place in the
columns of T h e News.
will reach the largest number
of readers in this county, peo­
ple who are eager to read it.
H E R E ’S
Appearances make a mighty
big impression nowadays. If
your ads and stationery print­
ing is neat, attractive and up-
to-date, it will tell that you
are progressive.
W e can hit
the mark for yon if good work­
manship can accom plish it.
Irdepesdsnt Phon« — City 724
W . M cN a m er
B . H a ll
Palace Market
(ta clfic Avenue)
Meats, Lard and Fish
Try our ch o ice M E A T S and be convinced by the inviting appear
ance and fresh taste.
Always have on hand the best
Prompt Delivery to all parts ol the city.
P o re a t O rove,
salaries' reporters, saA
S t-
MUNN&Co.36,B">*d- ’ New York
especially adapted to the
tries and perhaps
M a in
Scientific American.
Has many aches and pains caused by
weaknesses and falling, or other displace­
The following editorial in the Journal change the law so that a teacher could vance sheets prepared for the press ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp­
toms of female weakness are frequent
: ns written on the strength of a report secure a first-grade certificate in as contain the following estimates:
headache, dizziness, imaginary specks or
! of Saturday’ s m eeting of the farmers at many counties as desired, but that a
Oregon produces annually about dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw­
ing sensation In stomach, dragging or
j he Condenser.
teacher can get but one third and one 63.000 bushels of barley, the average bearing down in lower alxlominal or pelvic
The meeting of 5 0 0 farmer-dairy- second-grade certificate in the state.
farm price of which is from 35 to SO | region, disagreeable drains from pelvic
organs, faint spells with general weakness.
seE, with their fam ilies, in Forest
I t was recommended that algebra cents per bushel.
If any considerable number of the above
Rye is grown to the extent of about symptoms are present there is no remedy
: Grave, last Saturday, is a significant and physical geography be added to
thqt wTS^ive quicker relief or a more per­
j fWnt. In that college town is located the subjects in which a teacher must 12.000 acres, yielding 150,000 bush. manent
than Dr. Tierce's Favorite
Those in a position to judge of the PreV>A>Mbi^Jt has a record of over forty
I j milk condensing establishm ent that be examined to obtain a first-grade
years of curNik It is the most potent
U a short time has built up a very certificate, and that mental arithmetic crop place the average of corn in Ore­ Invigorating tunic an -1 - t r e i i g t h : cer­
large business, shipping its products as a seperate subject be eliminated. gon as 17,100 acres, with a production vine known ii> medical science It is made »1
of the glyceric extracts of native mcdlci- j ¡Q
U around the world, and it buys the It was further recommended that the of 400,000 bushels valued at £264,- nal roots found in our forests and con- : -]
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
[ milk of hundreds of the surrounding art of questioning be omitted as a le- 000.
habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are
Several grain dealers estimate that all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at- |
! dairymen and farmers. I t wants more quirement for a primary teacher and
Zested under oatl. us correct.
milk and from nearer farms than som e that geography and language be added. Oregon has about 80 0 ,0 0 0 acres in
Every ingredient entering into "Fa- j
wheat producing about 16,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 vorite Prescription” has the written cn- j
dits supply com es from now. I t de-
dorsement of the most eminent medical }
bushels of which 1 4,500,000 bushels writers of all the several schools of prac- j
i sires farmers im m ediately around that
Land Frauds Trials Postponed.
are shipped out of the country in which tice— more valuable than any amount of i
| town to keep more cows, and more im-
The Oregon land fraud trials will not
non-professional testimonials—though the
i portant than the num ber, b etter cows, be resumed before D ecem ber 1. it is grown. They estimate that the latter are not lacking, having been con­
: and this will be done. T h e y are find- W hen Mr. H eney and Judge Hunt average yield per acre is 20 bushels. tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In numbers to exceed the endorsements j
' ing that it pays to do so.
I f this es- left Portland after the conclusion of the The average value per acre of wheat given to any other mrdicine extant for !
the cure of woman’s ills.
| tablishment is a su ccess, and is so Mays-Jones-Sorenson trial, it was be­ in Oregon is placed at from 87.61 to
You cannot afford to accept any medicine
unknown composition as a substitute j
; conductive to the building up of the lieved that the Government would be to 813 .4 0
for this well proven remedy o f k n o w n
dairy industry in its vicinity, why iu a position to resume the trials the
co m p os it io n , even though the dealer may [
should there not be other establish­ 15th of this month. Since then affairs bu. of oats from 2 8 2 ,0 0 0 acres of land. make a little more profit thereby. F o ur i
interest in regaining health is paramount j
ments of the same kind in the W ill- have taken a turn that determined Mr. This gives an average yield of 29 to any selfish interest o f h l x and it is an j
insult to your intelligence for him to try j
) amette Valley?
H eney to postpone the Oregon cases bushels per acre. . , ,
to palm off upon you a substitute. You !
Figures on the yield of buckwheat jtnow what you want and It is his busi
But while there is a large distant until Winter.
-, ..
„ . .
.... ,
, T>:n_pr are difficult to obtain but a farmer near ness to supply the article called for.
market for condensed m ilk, there is
W hether the case against Binger
j)r, Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the
also a constant good and growing mar­ Hermann at Washington or the trial of j Tualatin who has grown bucxwheat for or,glnal_«Little Liver P ills ” first put up
by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago,
ket (or other dairy products, butter, H yde, Benson and Dimond in the 35 years says that the average and yield much imitated but never equaled. Little
sugar-coated granules—easy to take as
; cheese and cream . T h e num ber of ; Capital City will be taken up before | varies,
H e gives the average yield for candy.
creameries is steadily increasing
but the ioc4i cases is not known, but it is 1903.
there are room and opportunity for evident that there has been a meterial j 1894 at 38 bushels and that for
many more of
them , and for a co n es-
cbange ¡n Mr.
Heney’ s plans. Mr. at 14 bushels, a difference that e can-
of H
Drug S to re
T rade M arks
A Woman’s B ack
ants thought that such an arrangement annual report to be presented to the
had evil effects, and it was proposed to governor and to the legislature. Ad­
The Dairy Industry.
— If you are from Missouri we can
show you the best line ol M en’s suits
O. P. Hoff of the state bureau of
At present teachers can get one
at $ 8 .0 0 and £1(5.00 you have ever
first, one second or one third-grade labor and statistics, has prepared some
seen. J . E . Bailey.
certificate in as many counties of the interesting data concerning Oregon
state as they desire The Superintend- products. These will appear in his
changed from July to May.
in the num ber
U for Men. Women and
It make* a n d
keen* the «kin d eal, fair and
healthy, free from wrinkles,
and blermrhes, youthful in
textu re an d tint.
K O S M E O maker the alun sun proof«
No matter how much you are out of doom,
you need not fear tan. sunburn nor freddas
if you apply Kosmeo before going out.
in Rome
ford to hold school for at least five " ° Urselves’ There is no one class weakend vitality. Nature is b e in g !
months, instead of three, as at present. of business men more imposed upon shorn 0l lts beauty and bloom. If you
T h e Superintendents favored one than the printer of newspapers.— Ger- would retain yours, fortify your system
: Address all com munications to W ash-
ington County P ub. C o .,
board and one policy for all the normal vais Star.
with H ollister’ s Rocky Mountain Tea.
Forest Grove, O re.
schools of the state. Another recom­
35 cents. T ea or T ablets.— Dr. H in es’
ponding increase
O ne Year, 8 5 .0 0 ; Six M onths, 8 2 .5 0 .
L . ered a t the post-office at Forest would tend to reduce the special levies. hsher?
The ^
helPs those who for years and his talk will have the in-
Grove, Oregon, as secon d class
W ith the proposed increase in school help (hemselv« ” and that is just what erest of personal observation,
mail matter.
funds it is said small districts can af- * e cf the press of 0 re HQn intend to do
. . . This is the season o{ decay ^
; THURSDAY, O C T O B E R 1 1 ,
increasing the amount paid to each ^
^tate ^>ress *s 8 ° 'n8 to ask the
Professor Ben Kori will deliver an
district for each person of school
age 'aw makers °f the state to pass a few address at the Congregational church
from 86 to 88 a year. It is said
that *aws *or lbeir benefit. All classes of next Sunday
__ _ evening
on the relation
Year in Advance.
JC term ]
you want it
Evening Telegram and T h e
H ughes Phone 591
O regon
< n ,