Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 11, 1906, Image 1

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Ijlt fuman
s Club uf this City Start
NO. 2 H
Planning to Make Change in Charter.
petition was presented to
c ^ n c ,.T u e s d a y night, drafted by At*
torney W. M. Langley, which was cir­
culated a few days ago for the purpose
of obtaining the expression ol the
v o te « as to having the charter of For-
est Grove amended so the Council, it
Kp Taiinht •h,ey choose’ can «rant a license to sell
intoxicating liquors as a beverage
lavement- ruplis tone laugni
(Ml Trades.
grove ,
fc r
k o »
a saloon license. Under the local opt­
ion law a petition must be circulated
90 days prior to the annual city elec-
------------- —
n .
Saturday a Big Day
H .
• S tO rV
The question of organizing met the
approval of the patrons present and a
meeting will no doubt be called in the
near future to perfect an organization.
Such a movement would be a great
J benefit to the dairy men of this county
O l “ d >s worthy of their consideration.
Forest Grove~Five Hundred Patrons
o f Condenser Meet— Interesting
Speakers Discuss Dairying.
L m e o t ol Public School to be Used*
John W. Wilcox
John W . W ilcox, aged 76 years,
died at the home of his son, Fred S.
W ilcox near Banks, Tuesday, after an
extended illness. H e was a native of
New York, and at an early age moved
to Indiana. In 1854 he was wedded
to Miss Susana Gill, of Fort Wayne,
They crossed the plains by ox
team in 1861, and fi-st settled in
Nevada, moving to Washington County
in 1880, settling near Greenville. Mrs.
W ilcox died in 1889. The following
children survive: Miss Rose W ilcox,
a teacher in the Hillsboro schools;
George J. W ilcox, Banks; Mrs. Ruth
A. Tamiesie, wife of Dr. Tamiesie,
Hillsboro; Fred S. W ilcox, Banks; and
Richard J. W ilcox, a locomotive engi­
neer, with headquarters at Ixtlahusca,
M exico.
o : : : : session
Regular Routine of Work— Streets!
Ordered Improved— Many Side­
walks and Crossings Put In.
Van’i o i i Ch- Wlll.be held here on Jan-
That Washington County is to be it came that the company had selected
14, 1907, in order to get this matter! the leading dairy county in Oregon in this point for the plant.
Transportion Company Will Be?
How he had
lany Tools Already Bought— Com­ legally before the people. If a major- a few years, was well demonstrated on visited California in 1901, but had
Forced to Finish Roadbed— Elec-,
tty ol the voters of the city vote for j Saturday at the meeting of the Datrons soon found out that that state was
Architect Will Teach.
the amendment, then the charter is | of the local plant of the Pacific Coast not adapted to dairying and on
trie Lights Must Be Improved
amended by the Council, and if they Condensed Milk Company. The far- returning was made a proposition by
see proper to grant a saloon license the mers for miles around in the vicinity ■ the farmers near Portland and in Nov-
Louncil can gram or not grant a 11- answered the invitation of the company ember came to Hillsboro.
About that
The president of the W om an’ s Club, cense, as it sees fit. If 10 per cent of i requesting their presence as well as time he received a letter from Sen.
The city fathers met Tuesday even­
h. Johnson, has been advocating the voters of this city sign the petition that of their families on that day, that Haines, stating advantages here. In
ing for the regular monthly meeting
lining the summer months the import- which will be about 35 voters, then it ] all might get acquainted together. 1904 he came lor several weeks and
with all present except Councilmen
|B« of teaching manual training and forces the Council to put this question
meet personally the officers and if | saw that Washington county was the
Hollinger and Laughlin. The regular
isical culture in the public school of to a direct vote of the people at the possible to organize into a movement i natural spot for the dairying business,
routine of business was gone through
st Grove She m it with a great coming city election, as the limit of 90 for the benefit of all interested in the and in a few years would be the dairy
after which new business was taken up.
Jof encouragement and therefore days previous to the election will ex­ dairy business.
j county of Oregon. “ Everything look-
A warrant of 8812.03 was ordered paid
ned it advisable that som e organ- pire on January 14, hence the import­
The patrons— men, women and | ing favorable we located here, Feb. 9 ,
for six month’ s interest on bond of
Mrs. William Lee Dead.
i should take up the work. It ance of the petition being circulateo children, as well as a large number of 1903, nearly four years ago.
At the
827,500 held in New York.
j proposed and discussed at the then.
Mrs. William Lee, of Patton Valley,
business men— showed their interest end of the 1st vear we already had a
Action was taken on electric railways
«lies’ Club Monday afternoon, O ct.9.
by invading the spacious grounds of good business but although now double died last Thursday of peritonitis aged road bed and committee was ordered
Hey readily agreed to assume the Lytle Accepts Right of
that we are not satisfied.
The Pacific 25 years. A husband and two child­ to see that the company be forced to
Way From the plant early in the morning.
nsibility of raising the funds, and
The forenoon was spent in greeting Coast Condensed Milk Company does ren survive her. The funeral services fix the track so that wagons can here­
1 $25 of the club funds to start
each other, and meeting the officials, not stand still, it is not its p o l i c y - took place Saturday at 1 o ’ clock from after be able to cross the track at a n y -
The Club is arranging for an
E A. Stuart, president of the Pacific something must be don e.” The main the Christian Church of this city, with point.
E. E. Lytle, as president of the
ainment to be given soon, and
Coast Condensed Milk Co., H. E. trouble is that each patron does not burial >n tlle Naylor Cemetery,
Pacific Railway & Navigation Company,
tlully ask each and every indi-
Barber, the vice president, who have supply us with enough milk, the cans
of lights and a com m ittee will see that
1*11 to consider this movement has accepted the agreement of the their offices in Seattle, and who came are not half filled while the cost of j Thrown From Wagon and Injured in better service is given hereafter and
Tillamook business men for furnishing
ich is of so much consequ ence from
down to participate in the days’ meet- hauling is very high. We must now 1
the contract lived up to. The use of
P ^ l s t ^ i n t . T h e Manual » right
. r .- of , way
, the , road k ° m Tilla- j ¡ng
The patrons were all given a bring milk 20 miles. Our milk costs i A team belonging to Henry Jerrold, j ,he old machinery and generator by E.
Ilsining pertains to learning the use mook City to where the survey crosses red ribbon bi£ ge and over S00 badges us too much.
The climate h ire is , became frightened while crossing the W. Haines at a ridiculously low price
They were shown all
fenpenter tools and the making of the Nehalem. and notices of accept- w„ e iven
very favorable to the industry but the Gales Creek bridge at this place Mon- will also be looked after and the city
h the p!ant, and courte0usly farmer does not ma<e as much money
1 articles. Physical Culture, and lance have been forwarded. Right of th
| day afternoon from the noise made by fathers will do all they can to get som e­
Ipnbably military drill may be given so way has a ready been secured for * trea,ed while inspecting the process in as he ought to out of his cows.
| loose boards on the bridge and ran thing like a reasonable rent from the
brought to the
“ We have paid you higher prices in away, throwing Mr. Jerrold out and machinery now in use.
liras it meets the needs of the school. considerable distance, and it is st.pu- which the milk th
iated m the agreement that 810,000 f
wa5 Snall changed int0 the order to increase the supply,” and in
The Pacific States Telephone com ­
We also wish the girls to be taught
injuring him severely about the chest
rudiments of
sewing. These will be set aside by the residents for product “ Carnation Cream.’ ’ From 11 comparison gave the statement show­ and head. H e was unconscious for pany will be ordered to place two
the purchase of land through a timber tQ , 0.clock the patIons and their ing differences in prices here and at
«hod: are carried on in most schools.
half an hour. Mr. Jerrold lives about phone free of charge to the city as
families were shown to the new wing Elgin, 111., where dairymen also make
stated in franchise— one at the council
The Directors and Prof. Wilkerson tract of about 20 miles.
Orders have gone forth to organize a of the building which had been pre. money. “ We paid you per hundred, two miles southwest of this place, and room and the other at Marshal Lenne-
ire given their consent to the plan
is about 40 years of age.
ville’ s residence.
i assure that the northwest end of construction party to Degin work on , pared and ran ged as an assembly and in June last. 81.10, in July 81.10, and i
the coast, and 40 head of horses w ill; )uncb roon3 for the occasion and there in Aug. 81*. 15 to 81.25, while the j
Several applications for lights were
Annual Teachers Institute.
e basement is an appropriate place |
| be sent o\ erland at once. Equipment j aj| were r 0 y a | ] y banqueted. All the dairymen in Elgin received in June 85c,
handed in and same granted. Marshal
(conduct the manual training class. ¡
The Annual Institute of the Teach­
will follow immediately, and work will ! good things that go to make a lunch- July 90c and in Aug. 85c. You can j
Lenneville was told to see that Doctor
ers of Washington county will take
be carried on during the Winter. Steel eon wbat ¡t ought to be. were passed see that our milk costs us very much.
Large has his wood taken off the
—Black serge suits, all wool, will j
and other heavy material will be trans- to everyone and the feasting multitude We only want you so help us by in­
as same had been obstructing
fade, wear shiny or threadbare;
i and it is expected that all employed street
i ported by water.
for over 30 days.
111 00 at Bailey’ s.
teachers of this county will be present
Petition for sidewalk on part of 3rd
Boxes after boxes of choice cigars were thus save on the cost of hauling. The as the law requires. Teachers are sup­
passed among the men who spent a wagons now are not hauling 50 per posed to dismiss school to attend insti­ street and 6th Avenue placed in hands
of street committee.
| few moments of contentment till the cent of what they ought to.”
tute but will receive pav during the
J. W. Bailey, state food and dairy
Petition to make change in charter
I calling to order of the assembled for
time they are in attendance. Superin­
more i
by 101 petitioners to change section 6,
the afternoon’ s program.
A more commissioner,
tendent Case has secured a number of
genial and contented aggregation was about cows than anyone in Oregon, good speakers and the session promises as to licence question was filed— no
action to be taken until next month.
never seen anywhere.
to be an interesting one. The speak­
Report of street committee showed
Superintendent Harry Stuart of the of the present dairy business here, how ers are: Dr. Sheldon of the University
hard it was to give up other industry
much work had been done in repairing
local plant, called the meeting to order
of Oregon; I. A. Manning, editor of
although they paid less. “ T h e trouble
street crossings and roads.
and after explaining the object of the
the Silem Statesman; Superintendent
is that dairymen don’ t know good cows
gathering of all their patrons to meet
Ackerman and Preston W . Search of
when they see them, he said, “ Some
the officials, to inspect the plant and
W yoming, Ohio, the latter being pro­
the month of September—
have cows that it will take six of them
that all might become acquainted with
nounced one of the best platform
to make good a one, this doesn’ t pay.
one another for the best work of the
speakers of the country today.
H e Balance on hand. . . . ............81365 34
Pay more for cows, get the best— that,
industry. He introduced Senator E.
will lecture twice— on “ The Greatest Walter H o g e .............. ............
2 60
only will give you results and that is
W. Haines, President of the Forest
Pictures” and “ M usic in the Father- S E T o d d ................... ............
1 25
what you are looking for. Any busi-
: Grove Board of Trade, who was one of
Walter H oge, fines. . ............
i ess will keep you tied up 7 days in
the factors in locating the plant at this
skating licence
the week if you wish to make a success
New Bear Stories.
point. Mr. Haines revieved the facts
L a m p s ........................ ............
the'beginning oMhe tocäl 0 ^
! of «*• Go home tonight and see that
Dr. E. N. Crocket of Portland, and Light fund .............. ............
283 81
—-------, .
. . - ...
u-H ! vrur milk is better tonight and tomor-
the work it had done, the money it naa
H . W. Scott of Gaston, su cceeded in Water fund .............. ............
193 19
ine w u r.
• •
row and from now on increase your
brought to the farmers of this vicinity
... . . .
~ _ killing a huge bear in Patton Valley,
. . . „ .
number of cows and with little effort
and wished that a should co-operate i
... .
Washington county, yesterday, after a
Total 81859 19
anu which
Washington County will be a great
chase of several hours’ duration. The
for the increase of the herds of cows d?iry c *unty_
the country.
now in the
H E . Barber; vice president of the bear refused to take to a tree, but tried A B T o d d . ............................... 8
Judge W. H. Hollis, also of the company, in introducing himself ad- to elude the hunters by a circuitous
1 Walter H o g e .............................
Board of Trade, was next introduced. dressed the gentlemen and then the
Finally however, it was brought to W S H u dson .............................
Judge Hollis was also instrumental in ; ladies as he supposed that the men
E W H aines.............................
the locating of the plant here. He had to do all the milking, which created
S E T o d d .................................
15 50
spoke at some length, refreshing the quite an uproar and com m ents. “ We and k lied. The mimal weighed 300
M M unkers...............................
raiuds of all with the good points of are here to create enthusiasm,” he
David K e e n ...............................
5 50
such an industry in a community. He said, “ to increase your business.” Milk inches from tip to tip. In Patton val­
v'It is now bringing to you is the third most com m only used pre- ley ten bears have been killed this
total 8338 35
farmers over 830.000 each month. duct and you need not fear of an over- year.
S I ,520.84
81,000 per day money that is divided | production, This room we have had
While Hal Hibbs, Ora Fields. Dr.
among you and brought from e/ery built to store condensed milk but on
Borders and Harry Best of Gaston were
— Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and
part of the world. Why not increase this occasion it is filled with a good
out hunting a few days ago on the
this amount? Why not enlarge your substitute— people who in the future
Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­
Will Gprrish place beyond Gaston, they
herd? Have you enough money? will keep it filled up with the product
Calls answered
were surprised to see a bear com ing pliances in office.
Double your herds and you will receive “ Carnation Cream.”
You can easily from the brush and making for them. night or day.
twice the amount of money just as regulate the dairy business as from
As the hunters were out pheasant h u n t-!
month to month on receiving your ing, they were not prepared for the big '
President W. N. Ferrin of Pacific checks, you can soon see where the I game, nevertheless persons who were
University, gave some good remarks to trouble 1» and whether you are making Qn , he
My that the ^
the patrons of the condenser. AmOTg money. ’
He spoke of J. D. Ross, collided w|th Mr. Bruin and
other things he said:
Although I have whom the company
had brought to ]{i
away load ^ e r ^
of bjrd
L - T 'M
not considered myself a patron I often „ „ , he dairy farm
the old Hughes , ho, Whi)e
this WM
Qn Qne of
Unless she has a BRACELET. W e
rely on the R a t i o n Cream
and pUce outs.de of town. Mr UR« *
: the boys ran ta ck to Mr. Gerrish’ s
the college president won he h « m of ,upph«d the Kent
region with the bes house and secured , rifle M d Jn , , hon have bracelets at prices to suit all
the dairymen when
he told them it cows for the last 10 years.
H e will
purses. W e also have a great variety
time the big game had crossed the di­
was his duty to milk two cows every i ,j0 tbe same here and thus you will
of gold band rings and set rings,
vide where good bears are supposed to
have a chance to improve your herds,
opals, rubies, garnets, turquoise,
be found. Mrs. Nixon of this city, who
Supt. Stuart next announced that H e will only keep the cows that will was at the house of her son, saw all the
any stone you want we can furnish
President Stuart of the company, wished give the best and most m ilk.”
H e I performance, and ha, had many a good
Our line o f Ranges and Heating
Stoves is Com plete and prices
reaonable. W e are sole agents for
Bridge & Beach
You can do all you r plowing
with a Disk Plow before you
can w ork a moleboard plow and
JVo G ir l Is H a p p y !
We guarantiee Lhem t>o give
Satifiactiion and carry t>he
& Sanders
Double Disk
fo r e s t
g r o v e
» Stuart
“>■ * was <—«*
heartilv received.
r i ' lir eft? u? 2 n °"r sight
<-+ to - see the bear take after
- the ■ «■«
H e said Kent, who had 60 cows which pro­
in part: “ To be present here on this duced in a year 461,817 lbs of milk,
occasion and seeing so large a gather­ and at the price there paid of 81.25
ing, although we expected quite a per hundred, he received about 85,809-
number, gives me great p l< * » u r r - .05. After paying out different ex­
especially in meeting you all. We penses, he figured that Mr. Olsen was
expected a large number would be 83,543.84 to the good, each cow had
present but this is far more than we netted him about 860 a year.
anticipated. The object of this meet­ concluded in saying: “ W e want you
ing is to influence the growth of dairy­ to organize for your mu'ual benefit in
ing in Oregon. There is no rearon the dairy business, and we will send
why we cannot double our product with you magazines and pamhlets which
this plant
We have the capucit». but will tell you bow to improve and in-
H e related h o w crease your business.”
j it remains with you
and especially to see Ora Fields and Dr.
Borders slip out of the brush after the
Your attention is called to our Ad to
subscribers on another page.
This is
intended to apply to old as well as new
subscribers— all old subscribers paying
up arrears and t l will receive The
News to Jan. 1 1908. In other words
you will receive The News the remain­
der of this year Free. Pay up now and
take the advantage of this offer.
O u r B roo ch es
are perfect beauties,
2 0 dollars.
from 2 5 c to
Call and examine our
stock of Jewelry.
Abbott & Son
J e w e le rs
V .______________ J