WASHINGTON Uiw FORES'! l i l E TRAINING ' SCHOOLS Ijlt fuman s Club uf this City Start nt p.ln||„ WASHINGTON CO., O RE., TH URSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1906. NO. 2 H Planning to Make Change in Charter. A A petition was presented to th. c ^ n c ,.T u e s d a y night, drafted by At* torney W. M. Langley, which was cir­ culated a few days ago for the purpose of obtaining the expression ol the v o te « as to having the charter of For- est Grove amended so the Council, it Kp Taiinht •h,ey choose’ can «rant a license to sell intoxicating liquors as a beverage As lavement- ruplis tone laugni (Ml Trades. grove , COUNTY NEWS fc r W k o » grant a saloon license. Under the local opt­ ion law a petition must be circulated 90 days prior to the annual city elec- WASHINGTON COU N TY T O BE DAIRY COUNTY OF OREGON ------------- — j n . Saturday a Big Day —■ m H . • S tO rV The question of organizing met the approval of the patrons present and a meeting will no doubt be called in the near future to perfect an organization. Such a movement would be a great J benefit to the dairy men of this county O l “ d >s worthy of their consideration. — Forest Grove~Five Hundred Patrons o f Condenser Meet— Interesting Speakers Discuss Dairying. L m e o t ol Public School to be Used* John W. Wilcox John W . W ilcox, aged 76 years, died at the home of his son, Fred S. W ilcox near Banks, Tuesday, after an extended illness. H e was a native of New York, and at an early age moved to Indiana. In 1854 he was wedded to Miss Susana Gill, of Fort Wayne, Ind. They crossed the plains by ox team in 1861, and fi-st settled in Nevada, moving to Washington County in 1880, settling near Greenville. Mrs. W ilcox died in 1889. The following children survive: Miss Rose W ilcox, a teacher in the Hillsboro schools; George J. W ilcox, Banks; Mrs. Ruth A. Tamiesie, wife of Dr. Tamiesie, Hillsboro; Fred S. W ilcox, Banks; and Richard J. W ilcox, a locomotive engi­ neer, with headquarters at Ixtlahusca, M exico. CITY FATHERS HOLD 11122416 o : : : : session Regular Routine of Work— Streets! Ordered Improved— Many Side­ walks and Crossings Put In. Van’i o i i Ch- Wlll.be held here on Jan- That Washington County is to be it came that the company had selected 14, 1907, in order to get this matter! the leading dairy county in Oregon in this point for the plant. Transportion Company Will Be? How he had lany Tools Already Bought— Com­ legally before the people. If a major- a few years, was well demonstrated on visited California in 1901, but had Forced to Finish Roadbed— Elec-, tty ol the voters of the city vote for j Saturday at the meeting of the Datrons soon found out that that state was Architect Will Teach. the amendment, then the charter is | of the local plant of the Pacific Coast not adapted to dairying and on trie Lights Must Be Improved amended by the Council, and if they Condensed Milk Company. The far- returning was made a proposition by see proper to grant a saloon license the mers for miles around in the vicinity ■ the farmers near Portland and in Nov- Louncil can gram or not grant a 11- answered the invitation of the company ember came to Hillsboro. About that The president of the W om an’ s Club, cense, as it sees fit. If 10 per cent of i requesting their presence as well as time he received a letter from Sen. The city fathers met Tuesday even­ h. Johnson, has been advocating the voters of this city sign the petition that of their families on that day, that Haines, stating advantages here. In ing for the regular monthly meeting lining the summer months the import- which will be about 35 voters, then it ] all might get acquainted together. 1904 he came lor several weeks and with all present except Councilmen |B« of teaching manual training and forces the Council to put this question meet personally the officers and if | saw that Washington county was the Hollinger and Laughlin. The regular isical culture in the public school of to a direct vote of the people at the possible to organize into a movement i natural spot for the dairying business, routine of business was gone through st Grove She m it with a great coming city election, as the limit of 90 for the benefit of all interested in the and in a few years would be the dairy after which new business was taken up. Jof encouragement and therefore days previous to the election will ex­ dairy business. j county of Oregon. “ Everything look- A warrant of 8812.03 was ordered paid ned it advisable that som e organ- pire on January 14, hence the import­ The patrons— men, women and | ing favorable we located here, Feb. 9 , for six month’ s interest on bond of Mrs. William Lee Dead. i should take up the work. It ance of the petition being circulateo children, as well as a large number of 1903, nearly four years ago. At the 827,500 held in New York. j proposed and discussed at the then. Mrs. William Lee, of Patton Valley, business men— showed their interest end of the 1st vear we already had a Action was taken on electric railways «lies’ Club Monday afternoon, O ct.9. by invading the spacious grounds of good business but although now double died last Thursday of peritonitis aged road bed and committee was ordered Hey readily agreed to assume the Lytle Accepts Right of that we are not satisfied. The Pacific 25 years. A husband and two child­ to see that the company be forced to Way From the plant early in the morning. nsibility of raising the funds, and The forenoon was spent in greeting Coast Condensed Milk Company does ren survive her. The funeral services fix the track so that wagons can here­ Tillamook. 1 $25 of the club funds to start each other, and meeting the officials, not stand still, it is not its p o l i c y - took place Saturday at 1 o ’ clock from after be able to cross the track at a n y - The Club is arranging for an E A. Stuart, president of the Pacific something must be don e.” The main the Christian Church of this city, with point. It! E. E. Lytle, as president of the ainment to be given soon, and Coast Condensed Milk Co., H. E. trouble is that each patron does not burial >n tlle Naylor Cemetery, The mayor brought up the question | Pacific Railway & Navigation Company, tlully ask each and every indi- Barber, the vice president, who have supply us with enough milk, the cans ~ ~~ of lights and a com m ittee will see that 1*11 to consider this movement has accepted the agreement of the their offices in Seattle, and who came are not half filled while the cost of j Thrown From Wagon and Injured in better service is given hereafter and Tillamook business men for furnishing ich is of so much consequ ence from Runaway down to participate in the days’ meet- hauling is very high. We must now 1 the contract lived up to. The use of P ^ l s t ^ i n t . T h e Manual » right for . r .- of , way . , the , road k ° m Tilla- j ¡ng The patrons were all given a bring milk 20 miles. Our milk costs i A team belonging to Henry Jerrold, j ,he old machinery and generator by E. Ilsining pertains to learning the use mook City to where the survey crosses red ribbon bi£ ge and over S00 badges us too much. The climate h ire is , became frightened while crossing the W. Haines at a ridiculously low price They were shown all fenpenter tools and the making of the Nehalem. and notices of accept- w„ e iven very favorable to the industry but the Gales Creek bridge at this place Mon- will also be looked after and the city h the p!ant, and courte0usly farmer does not mao give Satifiactiion and carry t>he & Sanders OR Double Disk GOFF BROS. fo r e s t g r o v e . orego .\ » Stuart “>■ * was <—«* heartilv received. r i ' lir eft? u? 2 n °"r sight <-+ to - see the bear take after - the ■ «■« boys, H e said Kent, who had 60 cows which pro­ in part: “ To be present here on this duced in a year 461,817 lbs of milk, occasion and seeing so large a gather­ and at the price there paid of 81.25 ing, although we expected quite a per hundred, he received about 85,809- number, gives me great p l< * » u r r - .05. After paying out different ex­ especially in meeting you all. We penses, he figured that Mr. Olsen was expected a large number would be 83,543.84 to the good, each cow had He present but this is far more than we netted him about 860 a year. anticipated. The object of this meet­ concluded in saying: “ W e want you ing is to influence the growth of dairy­ to organize for your mu'ual benefit in ing in Oregon. There is no rearon the dairy business, and we will send why we cannot double our product with you magazines and pamhlets which this plant We have the capucit». but will tell you bow to improve and in- H e related h o w crease your business.” j it remains with you and especially to see Ora Fields and Dr. Borders slip out of the brush after the fray.” __________________ Your attention is called to our Ad to subscribers on another page. This is intended to apply to old as well as new subscribers— all old subscribers paying up arrears and t l will receive The News to Jan. 1 1908. In other words you will receive The News the remain­ der of this year Free. Pay up now and take the advantage of this offer. O u r B roo ch es are perfect beauties, 2 0 dollars. from 2 5 c to Call and examine our stock of Jewelry. Abbott & Son J e w e le rs V .______________ J