or Thin, }oor Blood y0a can t r u s t a m e d i c i n e tested 60 years ! S i x t y y e a rs „/experience, th in k o f th a t! w ith A y e r ’s S a r - ¡jpirilia; the o r ig in a l S a r s a - pirilla; the stro ngest S a r s a p a - Jjjji; the S a rs a p a rilla the d o c ­ tors endorse fo r th in b lo o d , veak nerves, g e n e ra l d e b ility . Experience . t l-en this gran«! old medicine cannot do hLt work if the liver 1» inactive and the constipated. For the best possible re- Touihouid take laxative ri'Maa o f A v e r’s 5*« while taking the Sarsaparilla. Th e liver 2iqsikly respond, aud so w ill the bowels. .tiers I Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Low ell, Maee. 1 Also manufacturers o f ) The Orinfln of Mrs. Charles ^1. Preston of Elkland, pays: “ Three years ago I found •I my housework was becoming a burden. I tired easi­ ly, had no ambition and was fading fast. M y com plexion got yellow , and I lost over 50 pounds. My thirst was terrible, and there was sugar in the kidney secre­ tions. M y doctor kept i • strict diet, but as his medicine i not helping me I began using bn’s Kidney Pills. T h ey helped me once, and soon all traces of sugar ppeared. I have regained my ui« weight and am p erfectly w e ll.” 1 by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Jo-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N . Y . X Usnc-e ana all N ervou s Dls-ase* Vpermanently cured by Dr. K lin e ’ s (treat a ,7r- **" » funeral.” Tli»t> so," replied the bookkeeper. 1 m pretty near a prophet, ain’t IT Jou ever see a slower game in your r~ Th e Catholic Standard and 90. ’"C m Q*t Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. ¿ u ï r j Olm.tvd, Le Roy. N. Y., tor a A U a n 1« When your little brother or *l*t„ ha« a birthday party and you «a m a unelty as a centerpitH-e for the tea- , tt.b e try the "Enchanted Pumpkin.” « " d see «h a t fun It will make for the A. I Jt ought to he a prize pumpkin and * * T , 8<‘'>,’I, 0Ut al1 tl“‘ in|lrn In 1881. Ills accession to the throne proper was delayed be­ cause of his youth and until bis edu­ cation was concluded. Now he has been Installed amid the pomp and mag- niflcance o f the East and In full power over his multitudinous subjects by the Lieutenant Governor o f Bengal, and Hlch ItitllHn*. I f It tie iiermltted to call an Indian tribe a “ people.” us that term Is used in statistical matters, some of them. It Is said, are the richest In the world. According to figures that the editor saw recently, the English are the rich est civilized people iu the world, with an average. |>er capita, of $l,2tlti. France comes next, with an average of $1,102, and the t’ nlted States third, « it b an average of $1,029; but some of the Indian tribes out west, by rea­ son o f the sale of their lands to the government, are worth. It Is said, from $5,000 to $10,000 per capita. C h li- L e o « f/' S n r r z ln f. Grot public Intereat Is being mnnl- ,-Ktd in the case o f a man who has i prosecuted for sneezing In a pub- itreet. The hero o f the Incident is 1 Johann Furtmann, a resident of ^lliauien, a small town In Prussian tony. Furtmann, who Is highly re- Ird by his fellow citizens, sneezed what loudly In the main street of «ihausen. a policomean arrested 1 on a charge o f creating a disturb- The local police authorities rtwnited Furtmann on a charge of misdemeanor and rendering hlm- “ a public nuisance. A fte r a lengthy T Furtmann was acquitted. The * authorities appealed against the -fion, and a new trial Is necessary, «tmann announces that he w ill call !'l evidence to prove that a poly- ! n the nose prevented him sneezing ■loudly than was the case when the ■ occurred. . -ce© F o r ■ P a rty . S a lm o n . Wonderful Restoration Caused a Seniation in a Pennsylvania Tow n ... Ja. CHERRY PECTORAL. WORN T O A S K E L E T O N . I R u l e r O v e r 2 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 P e o p l e le O n ly 2 7 Y e a r « O ld . HAIR VIOOS. AQ11E CURE. | The name salmon Is given In Eng- ¡and all western states to a large ■t-like fish which lives In the sea, sidy about the mouths o f rivers, and ict enters the streams to spawn, ling for a considerable distance up j stream and returning to the sea .w the act of spawning Is acconi- isied, says a w riter in tl.e Pacific ¡¡¡tbly. The old males become some- gt distorted, especially through the Jgthening of the Jaws, but the -bnges with age and season are not Kb greater than In any large trout. « true salmon, like the true trout, black spotted. It Is called in science bo salar, and along with the true ¿at it belongs to the genus Snlmo. «re la only one species o f Atlantic •Jwn; It Is found on both sides of ocean, and on both sides It be- Dfs sometimes land-locked and Virflsh when it Is shut up in a lake when it cannot or does not go i the aea. C r im in a l B E N G A L '8 P R E M IE R P R IN C E . at Sunday What is C A STO R IA CAstoria is a h arm less substitute fo r C astor O il, I ’a r e - i gorie. D ro p s a n d ttootliing Syrups. I t is P leasan t. It contains n eith er O piu m , M o rp h in e lio r o th e r N a rc o tic substance. Its a g e is its gu aran tee. I t destroys W o r m s an d allays Feverishness. I t cures D ia r r ln c a a n d W i m l Colic. I t relieves T e e th in g T ro u b le s, cures C onstipation an d Flatulen cy. I t assim ilates the F o o d , regu lates th e Ntonuu-h a n d D o w e ls, g iv in g healthy am i n atu ral sleep. T h e C h ild re n 's P a n a c e a —T h e M o th e r’s F rien d . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of * r Use For Over 3 0 Years. THC CINT.UN eOMMNV, T? M UM M UTMIIT. NCW VOM« CITY. S c h o o l. A bright and winsome little girl daughter of one of the editor’s friends, was sent out to the hen-house one day recently, to gather and bring in the fresh eggs, but she came hack almost Immediately w’ltbout any eggs, and when her mother asked about them, the little one answered: "W ell, mother, the chickens were holding Sunday school, and I would not disturb them.” U A H A B A J A il OE BUKDWAN. The mother afterward found out that the hens were all cackling at the his sway exteuds over a territory of top of their lungs, and this made the 4,194 square mlies. Sunday school. Mahtab I I I is the only Krhattrlya prince in India, and Is the head o f that T h e L o b s te r* « C olor. community. His fortune Is vast, even Did you ever bear of the young for an Indian prince, and be supports housekeeper who refused to buy a at his own cost a college at Burdwan, fresh lobster at the market because It where free education Is Imparted to was not bright red In color? And of the youth o f his realm up to the first the poet’s bad blunder, who called it arts standard; a high school at Kalna "the cardinal of the sea?” The point and a free Sanskrit college and a girl's of the Joke is that the young house­ school at Burdwan. keeper and the poet both though that The prince also maintains at a great red was the lobster's natural color. As cost annually many temples at Burd­ most of you know, perhaps, the natu­ wan and Kalna. A t these the poor are ral color of the shell la a mixture of fed dally. He also supports alms­ two pigments, red and blue. When It houses, where rice and flour are dis­ Is boiled, the blue "washes out,” and tributed dally to all who apply. the red remains. The I*re«l«lent*n Fin«:. The President of the I ’ nlted States has a sisvlal Hag. It was designed and first used by President Arthur, In 1.883. It has a blue ground, with the arms of the United States In the cen­ ter. Whenever the President Is on board a government vessel, it Is hoist­ ed at the main. C H IN E S E AND T H E COM PAS9. V fr y P r o b tib le th a t T h e y o r S o m e O th e r A n lu tle . D I.r u v r r e d It . Rome Aslan people, perhaps the Chi­ nese, discovered, many centuries ago, that a kind of iron ore possessed a very peculiar quality, says a writer In H ar­ ter's Magazine. W e call this ore mag­ netic or, In more common language, lodestone, and lt Is very widely distrib­ uted, especially ln the older crystalline rocks. It was found thnt If a bit o f lodestone were placed ln water upon a piece of cork or straw braid it would turn till the axis o f the stone assumed a north and south position. A phe­ nomenon o f magnetism had been dis­ covered by means o f an ore that is peculiarly susceptible to magnetic Influ ence- It Is an open question whether the Chinese utilized the directive power of the lodestone, but It is certain that the first rude compass was not used on European vessels before the twelfth century o f our era. By that time the true magnetic compass had been evolved through the discovery that If an Iron or steel needle were stroked on lodestone it would receive the attrac­ tive and directive power o f thlg ore. With thlg wonderful appliance placed at the service o f navigation, the vessels that had hugged the coasts soon dared to venture even out o f sight o f land. A new Impetus was gradually given to cartography, for now the true directions of the coast lines might be chartered with some approach to accuracy. It was the happy fortune o f Italian sail­ ors to make the surprisingly excellent surveys o f directions and lengths of the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts and along the Atlantic to British waters that have come down to us ln the so-called Portulan maps. “ I Just grabbed at those reins. 'Alice.' " I had the most awful scare with one af those wretched automobiles the other I said, ‘you stop this instant.’ “ I Jumped out and made Pearl and day,” said the woman of the house to Alice get out, too. and stand at the the caller. “ Is that so?" said the caller, sym­ horse's head. I held on to one side and Pearl and Alice to the other, and pathetically. “ Yes. Pearl and I. I think It s per­ we stood there, and. my land o' m ercy! fectly shameful the way they’re allowed I thought my heart would stop beat­ to do There are more accidents with ing. with that awful thing coming up them! Why, I was all of a tremble for behind and not knowing what minute three or four days after. I'm only Just the horse would dash away and smash getting over It now. In fact. The l*o- the buggy and us Into splinters. Why, ple who drive them Just think they own it was terrible!” “ It must have been !" the roads, and that nobody else has “ And It came on and on. honking any right on thorn. every minute or two. and at last It •■You didn't get hurt, did you?" ••Vo. luckily. Except the nervous came up to us. It wasn't going very shook it was like this: Pearl and I fast then. I guess they sa«’ me wave went out to River Forest to see Alice, at them and they slowed down.” and Alh-e Insisted after dinner that we "D id the horse scare?" S u m go driving- Well, we drove or "No. but it’s a mercy he didn't. I nulfe a little while, when all of a sud simply don’t know what we would have QU beard that awful 'honk, honk done. But Alice's husband says he den we 'Mother, I won’t scare at a bunch of firecrackers behind ua, and Alice '“ "V L o o k « N o I n n u ld u rt llo B . tied to his tall and set off. because The Spencer Courier makes an Inter­ the boys tried It last Fourth.” I 'm " sure there Isn’t the least danger. “ It must have been a w fu l!” reiter­ esting offer: Z there> P - t y of mom for It to get ated the caller —Chicago Dally News. ’An Interesting old bachelor dropped Into the Courier office one day this p ast’ week and wanted to advertise for a with each letter forwarded to adressee wife. He said all that was necessary D E A D L E T T E R O F F I C E BU3Y. or returned to writer from the dlviaion was that the have a good bank account. of dead letters a card containing a He cared not her age or accomplish­ model form o f address on mall matter ments. and when asked If he wanted as well as brief Instructions in con­ her to be a good cook, be said "b e was For a number of years the Post Office nection with the writing o f addresses. not particular,” Just so her bank ac­ The card bears the suggestions that count was all rig h t Any lady with Ink be used in writing addresses; that matrimonial plans w ill please call at upon e F writing addresses on let- the name o f the addressee as well as the Courier office and we w ill give you rWn* J it t K * t * “ •■>"*' A1- the street number, post office and State the name and address o f this ambitious ,ers. ‘ o, education has though tbls cemp (be fart be written plainly, and that the writer a bachelor.” been effect! ^ of un name and address, with a return re­ quest. be placed in the upper left hand H a d A ll K le r a lt y . th* t e handled In the An old Kansas citizen, who bad been delivered mat the year comer of letters, etc. Mr. De Graw believes that If these henpecked all his life, was about to division of uraior to b»* the hen!. Write tor tree catalog, littie. wood Co.. Fifth and Oak. If K N '8C LO T H IN U — Buff urn .% I’endleion, not* agen s Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s current riothaa. Kvery thing In men’s furnishing*. Morriaou and Six¿li sireeis. Opposite poslottico. PI A NOS OIUJANS—Many tine Ins rum»nts ra- v- r. to un accoum n rkii'-an or removal of buyer Write lor duscr ptiou of p anon now on hand» terms, etc Write toilsv. oilhert Co., Pur. land A t th e ( ’o n v e r a s a lo n e . "S cm that man with the re-enforced forehead and prominent teeth? That’» Mouldy past. He’s more sought after by literary men and critics just now than any other man in the room.” "W hat for?” “ He claim« to have unearthed an orig­ inal manuacript from the pen of Martin Farquhar Tupper, author of ’Proverbial Philosophy.’ ” "1 see. They are trying to get him tn «oppress it.” BROS. DENTISTS, MAIN 2029 3 »D g W A S H T h e F a it h o f th e R o y . STS PORTI.MHO on, The four year-old son o f n certain | western senator had a very high opin­ ion o f the importance o f bis father. The latter tells how, on one occasion H E A V E S C U R E D I *S 2 V ? Z 3 k In their western home, the lad came | troubled. Cura* IIcare*. Cough*. Distemper and across a magazine In which, by some Indigestion. Vetermarl* ana use ami recommend chance, there were engraved side by | P R U S S IA N side portraits o f the President and j HEAVE POW DERS the Senator mentioned. Iirufrirtsta will tret them. Price W>e at dealer, ftOe by When the lad caught sight o f Ills mail. Bend for Free boolu father's features he broke Into a broad PRUSSIAN REMEDY CO.. ST. PAUL, MCNit smile. “ That's a good picture o f you, CHAS. M. LILLY CO.. S c l t l * end Portland daddy,” said ha. "V ery good, my son.” “ Who’s the man next to you, daddy?” asked the youngster. "W hy, my son !" exclaimed the Rea- ator, “ don’t you know? That la one of the greatest men o f the world, a nmn more admirable and more powerful than any king. That, my sou. Is Presi­ dent Roosevelt.” The lad again looked at the picture o f the President, Then, after a thought­ ful pause, he observed: “ Say, daddy, the people In the east w ill he awful proud when they see the Will Sterilize Ait Articles of Clothing, President's picture next to yours, won't Acting as an Antiseptic and Preventing Odor from Prespiration. they?” — American Snectator. m ule T e a m BORAX C a n t ío «* . All 4*>al«rft F me vampi* Horax and I’orax H«ap, booklet a d Souvenir »Me ora In colora, for 10 » ant* “ Is thla car perfectly safe?” queried and !’•* cr'a nanit. I’AClKiC A OASI liOKAJC CO., Oakland, < al. the old lady. "P erfectly,” replied the conductor, reaching to assist her on. “ You are sure they won't no acci­ dent happen to It?” "Absolutely sure, ma'am.” B E ST IN T H E W O R L D "W ell, I'll risk lt ; ye see (confiden­ tia lly ) I'v e got a bole In one o f my stockings an’ I'd bate dreadful for any­ Tu fi Koc b t alert : W. !.. Douirlaa’ Job­ thing to happen."— Houston Post. W. L. DOUGLAS * 3.50 & * 3.00 S h o e s W.LOouglas $4 Gill Edgs line,, cannolbe equalledatanyprioey bing lion«« la ihP moat complet* tn ibis country Fend Jor Catalog E g a n D ra m a tic and O p eratic School Season 1906 and 1907 Opens Sept. 15 Prepares for Dramatic and Operatic Stage and places Graduates in six months- Forty Graduates now with traveling companies, bend (or Cata­ logue. Egan Dramatic and Operatic School Egan Hall, Arcade Building, Seattle. FRANK C. EGAN. Principal. W h e n y o u b uy W ET W EATHER C L O T H IN O you w ont com plete protection and long serv ice. These and many other good points ore combined In T O W E R ’S F IS H BRAND OILED CLOTHING Toy corrt afford You ca to bvçy • n y y « other I* SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PBICXa RTn'B Sho«a, $ft to fl.&O. Boya* Ihom, I t o i l 2ft. Wom an’* Shoa*. $4 0 0 to l l . f Miss s’ êt Children a Shoas. $9 80 to $1.1 [T r y \V. le. D o u g in a W u m p n 'a . M l»»r s a n d C h lld r e n 'a i I i o p s ; f o r atyla, fit rim I w a a r th**T f i r r l o th e r tunic**. II I c o u ld take yo u Into m y la rg« fa cto rie s at B ro c k to n , M a ss.,a n d s h o w yo u ho w c a re fu lly W . L . D o u g la s sho e« are m ade, yo u w ould then u n d e rsta n d w h y th e y hold th e ir sh ap e, fit b e tte r, w ear lo n ge r, and are o l g re a te r v a lu « than a n y o th e r m ake. W haraver you Hv«, yon can obtain W . L , Douglaa ahoaa. Hta name and price la ita m p a l on the bottom, which protect a y o « ag ain «! high price« and Inlerlor ahoaa. T a k s n o tu h s itm for t u t s . — Aek ----- your - ^ dealer , . W m . L . D ou glas ahoaa and Inalai upon having them. f a s t C o lo r f ü l l s t t u te d , they w u ill not w ear brt W rite lor llluvtratrd Catalog ..» Fall 1 all S m t v Catalog of y lea. k .. W . L. DUtWJLAS. Dept. |J, h rock ton, M ae*. P. H. U. rm :x No. 16 06 w r i t i n g t o a d v e r t í a « re p ie m e n tio n t h la p a p a r .