T o combat tbe fraud of selling sheep­ Inclination to dwell on that journey. It skin fo r real kid a demonstration waa jfe & was very late when we rolled into the receutly made In Wilmington, Del., station of the good town of Leipsic, with a view to educating purchasers to ■ where we spent the night at a convenient buy nothing hut the real article. hotel. Y’ et it was at an early hour that As a rule It requires quite a change , Oraden roused me from a tired sleep to j catch the Posen express. The country o f the program to induce a man to a THE STRANGE EXPERIENCE * thro u*h which we now’ journeyed was of leave the cornfield to engage lu other a melancholy similitude, and the broad OF DR. ROBERT HARLAND pursuits when there are so many weeds plains, though reasonably cultivated, af­ that need killing, but it Is all right fected me with a meutal depression By B. FLETCHER ROBINSON and J. MALCOLM fR A S E R to stop to haul off a lot o f hogs that which the cheery efforts of my companion have been finished for the market when could not conquer. The day was draw­ (Copyright ISOS, by Jweph B Bowie») prices are right. ing to its close as we reache*] Posen and passed through ¿hat fortress city into I m p r o v i n g L i v e S tock. In a ro ta o n G raaa. a land of desolation. Gloomy pine woods, The beat families o f horses, whether Numerous inquiries have come Into great lakes on which the dying sun threw thoroughbred runners or trotters, were patches of ruddy gold, forlorn heaths produced from a few selected ancestors. the office o f the Rhode Island E xperi­ C H A P T E R V. to Danker and the Huren, a wild and ment Station regarding the cause o f and swamps that, as I imagined, could I I . — T H E M Y S T K H Y OK T H E LEM S- desolate diatrlct with several large lakes, Inbreeding being largely practiced. •carcely be equaled for sheer dismalness the frothy masses on grass aud other DORK HAM . on the Russian frontier.' Not altogather Breeding close to the Messenger blood, H ow Rudolf Maniac, the venerable an Inviting prospect at the latter end of ©f aspect, slid by us in a never-ending thtough Hambletoulan, has certainly herbaceous plants and on shrubs and chain. Save for the eastern sky, glori­ trees. I ’ opularly this has been ascrib­ Savant, brought about the death of hia October, eh, Couain Robert?" fied by the fiery sunset, the heavens were Increased the speed o f our trotters, and, rival and critic, Profea»or Von Stock- " I did not imagine we were going there ed to frogs and snakes aud named ei­ obscured by ponderous clouds of muddy admitting that the instinct o f trotting mar, of Heidelberg University, 1 have for pleasure.” grey that foretell the first snow of win­ has been more firmly Impressed, yet ther frog or snake spittle, as the case I • already explained. I have, moreover, re- "PeaHimiat! Do neither the ‘ Prin* von ter. Darkness had fallen when we there Is a much larger proportion of might be. In fact, It Is due to a small M lated the accident bjr which m.v couain. Preusaen' nor the 'Lioldner Adler,’ ‘ well r ( It Bir Henry Oraden, tho famous explorer apoken of,’ as Baedeker describes these changed carriages at a junction; but it failures, compared with the success at­ Insect belonging to the llem lptera or was close upon midnight before my true hugs, which live Inside the frothy H and acientiat, chanced to be visiting me. hostclries. attract you? Then the dye- cousin, who had been sitting with a Con­ tained, if the fact Is considered that mass. Commonly these Insects are call­ I! a atudent of medicine at the Herman uni works, they are sure to be interesting.” the number o f the whole is many times tinental Bradshaw' on his knees, thrust ed spittle Insects fo r obvious reasons, 1347—Calais, France, taken by ■ weraity; and I have endeavored to outline “ Henry Oraden,” cried I with deter­ his head out of the window' and cried greater than that of half a centuuy || the atepa by which the baronet arrived mination, "you try me too far! 1 am as aud also frog hoppers, becaue o f their that the lights of Lemsdorf were in ago. The form of the trotter, as well 1423— English victorious R at the diacovery of the crime that hail eager as yourself that this criminal sight. Our luggage was piled upon an as that of the thoroughbred, shows connection with the frothy mass which Crevant, in France. I been committed. 1 have now to tell of should he brought to justice. For this antiquated cab and in ten minutes more plainly the work o f inbreeding, for was form erly known as frog spittle, or the pursuit of Marnar, the murderer; a reason alone 1 have every right to know the host of the ‘Goldner Adler,’ u thin, while the spirit and will force have because In their broad, squatty np- 14K0 -Institution of the Order of K- pursuit as atrange in ita outset us it wns the why and wherefore of an expedition Michael in France, handsome Pole, was bowing a stately pearance when mature, they resemble terrible in ita coucluaion. For this, the which will entail upon me. as I see clear­ been increased. It lias required an oc­ 1*77 Jacques d’Armagnac, welcome to his guests. Supper— and then frogs to some exleiit. It Is not known first adventure in the chase of this in­ ly, the moat extraordinary discomforts.” casional Infusion o f now blood (not, to bed. Nemours, tietiended by I » uj, xi “ It seems a pity, my dear cousin, that human monster, it may he said that I however, altogether foreign) to retulu exactly how the frothy mass Is pro­ The room assigned to me was an oak- 1402—Columbus embarked on hia J-« hav# choaen a fanciful title. Yet "The Nature, which endowed you with so many the stamina so essential to roadsters. duced, but It Is supposed that the In­ Vage of disem-erv voyage discovery. Mystery o f the Lemsdorf 'H am " is too admirable qualities, should have omitted paneled apartment of considerable size, sect pumps tbe sap out o f the plants, The thoroughbred runner o f to-duy Is appropriate to be neglected fur that rea­ the saving grace of humor," he rejoined. and the single candle with which I was 1498— Columbus discovered the iako and in passing It through the alimen­ Ami then changing hia tone to a greater provided seemed only to deepen the lurk­ largely Indebted to Dlomed, Sir Archy, son. of Trinidad. tary canal mixes air with It to form A t the first the Heidelberg police met sobriety: "Y ou shall hear all that I know ing shadows round the walls. The huge Gleneoe and Lexington for Improve­ 1580— Assassination of Henry m small air bubbles. There are quite a china stove failed to warm a place so ment In endurance and speed. our theory of Von Btorkmar’a death with or conjecture. It will, at least, help us France by Jacques Clement. thoroughly ventilated by draughts. At Incredulity. When they moved in earn on our journey. The mutton breeds o f sheep are now number o f s]>eeies found at the present 1502— Sir Walter Raleigh disgraced another time the cause of our journey, time, some living on grass, others on "F irst, as to the facts at my disposal. eat It waa too late; all trace of Professor capable of producing specimens exceed­ sent to the Tower. Marnac had been lost. It was diacov For myself, I had heard much of Rudolf combined with the uncanny nature of ing 400 |K)unds live weight, with also shrubs, and also on trees, both ever­ EH: ered that he had taken from his rooms Marnac, but only as a Heidelberg pro­ these surrouudings. might have acted on an increase In length of wool and green and deciduous. Most o f the spe­ 1002— Treaty between Plymouth colon, and King Philip. • amall traveling valise and a consid­ fessor of distinction, whose stupendous my nerves. But I was too weary, too cies have their early or nymph stage erable stun In ready money; but beyond effort, ‘Science and Belief,' had act edu­ angry with my present discomfort, to weight of fleece, while the best meri­ entirely within the protection o f the 1075— Brookfield, Mass., burned by | Ï! these facta nothing was known; even his cated Europe by the ears. From you I give opportunity to fanciful terrors. The nos can shear over thirty pounds. dians. When adult, however, Every decade has witnessed the frothy mass. manner of leaving Heidelberg was a learned of hia quarrel with Von Stock- bed was small, and in all probability 1084— Treaty of peace concluded at Al they are found outside in the opeu ulr. damp. I took off my coat, rolled my­ mar. a quarrel originating in the latter's mystery. breaking of “ records" among all classes bany between the colonists and tin For myself, the weeks that followed attack on the work in question, of which self in a thick traveling rug, heaped the of animals, which Is the liest evidence Five Nations. li? 10 ^ i were S ta ck in g; A r r a n a r m r n l . clothes upon me, and blowing out the Then in every respect intolerable From Marnac was inordinately vain. that Improvement Is rapid, much of The two pole stacking arrangement 1701— Duke of Marlborough vtntariax h i . l l f * peaceful student I found myself trnns- came the chain of facts that proved— to candle I had placed on a table at my el­ the success being due to inbreeding, a over French forces at battle 0; b ¡(, here shown can lie readily constructed. formed into a secret ally of the police. our mind at least— that Marnac had mur­ bow, lay down to sleep. heim. How long I may have slept I cannot system that Is unsafe unless practiced The poles are leaning against the two £ f an unhappy being whose privacy was dered bis colleague with a diabolical in­ liable to be disturbed at all hours by genuity. Could such a crime be inspired say, but I was awakened by a sudden by one who fully understands the se­ taut guy wires so the fork hangs di­ 1714— Accession of the Elector of na» some inquisitive ottlcial. Even worse, by a quarrel go trifling? It was almost flash of light that struck like a blow lection o f the choicest individuals, their rectly over the load. As the horse pulls over as George I. of Great Britain. For a score of adaptation to circumstances and the ob­ the authorities had detained nty cousin, past belief. Further evidence was nec­ through the darkness. 1732— First stone laid of the Bank of on the rope with pulley attached a essary; and this evidence the Investiga­ seconds, it may have been, I lay mo­ jects sought to he accomplished. and those who are intimates of Sir England. short distance from the ground the load m tionless. The room wras in utter dark­ Henry (iraden will understand that I tions of the police have supplied. 1750— Battle of .Montmorenci, Canada. of hay on the fork Is drawn up to the "W hen I learned that his father, Jean ness and silence. Then I heard a foot­ suffered at his hands. In the capture of F e < - « ll n f( ( s l u t e n M e n l . the murderer— as we knew Marnac to be Marnac, had died in a Paris asylum, I fall, a creaking of a door. I sprang Gluten feed Is very valuable In the pu!ley and the pulling draws the poles 1777— Lafayette made Major General hj vote of American Congress__ Fort B — he took a passionate interest. He was began to see my way. But it was the from my bed, only to trip and fall heavily d airy: rich In protein and something of forever in my rooms, denouncing the statements of his servants that cleared over the rug which I had carried with which the stock are very fond, It can me. I groped for the table, found it, and authorities for their delay, advancing up my last donbt. An eccentricity which be profitably used if handled righ tly; theories, or cursing his own inaction. at one time amused them had of late lit tbe candle, crouching, half expectant T h e lieutenant in charge of the Heidel­ been changed to a violence that filled of some attack w’hen I should reveal my­ on the other hand there Is opportunity He had presented self. I looked keenly about me— the room to feed It extravagantly as well as berg police went in absolute terror of them with terror. to feed so much of It that the cows the Englishman, and, Indeed, refused all them with copies of the book, elaborately was empty. But I had had a visitor, for the door will lie Injured. It should be Invaria­ Interviews in which he wan not adequate­ bound. A housekeeper who bad served him for twenty years was loaded with was still ajar. I ran to It, shading the bly fed with some other grain, and If ly protected by his satellites. On a calm October morning I wns sit­ abuse and discharged because ths old light with my hand, peered down the other concentrated foods are used It 1804— U. S. squadron under Cummodos ting reading by my window, thankful of creature admitted that aha could not fol­ passage. There was no one visible. I Treble attacked Tripoli. Is better not to fe e l the gluten dully. low his arguments. H e was the victim returned to the room, this time locking the momentary quiet I enjoyed, when the If. however, bran Is used to a consid­ 1813— Platitsburgh( taken by the Britii of s partial mania. Such cases are not the door securely. Perhaps, after all, I door burst open and my cousin come without opposition. reasoned, there had been no cause for erable extent the gluten feed tuny be over as shown In the dotted lines so room. I admit the ab- uncommon. "W hither bad this dangerous creature my alarm. Some fellow-guest might have safely made a part of the dally ration. the fork hangs over the stuck when 1814— British force repulsed in e; expression when applied It seemed a mystery insoluble. mistaken his chamber, retiring quickly While gluten meal Is frequently fed the strip Is thrown and the loud dis­ giant of sixteen stone; fled? tion against city of Buffalo. He was well provided with money; on on discovering his error. This argument ribes it. Without with ground corn and cob meal, and charged on the stuck. 1815— Treaty of Paris; Napoleon de­ all topics but one be was admirably sens­ heartened me. for, to be honest, I was fed Inexpensively In this way, we pre­ he seized my book, clared prisoner. ible. The police admitted that he had shaken not a little. I examined the room »igestive Organs of Mol R o ots fo r Sheep. fer to use It with corumeal and bran, 1810— Barrow's Straits rediscovered bf| beaten them. But only yesterday I ob­ carefully, without result: and then, after flung it into the fireplace, Turnips and rutabagas ure probably Capt. Parry. tained a clue. It may be valueless; but a composing cigarette, slipped back into about three pounds o f gluten meal to wua too much. the best roots for sheep. Breeding 1824— Bolivia became independent o! two pounds each of the bran and corn for myself I think otherwise. At leaat it bed, leaving the caudle burning in the "H enry (Iraden," snld I. starting up meal, giving, o f course, a liberal quan­ sheep, and especially lambs, should he Peru. Indignantly, “ you are my cousin, but you is worth the journey I am askiug you to ceuter of the room. tity o f roughage. As gluten produces fed largely ui>on them Instead o f grain. 1830— Abdication of Charles X. JTo be continued.) presume on that relationship. These make in my company. “ A t my urgent request the police ad­ school-boy antics are insupportable.' considerable body heat, and more when This Is a view held by the best shep­ France. Hia papers “ Capital, Robert! capital!" he an mitted me to his rooms. fed In conjunction with corumeal. it herds. The view Is probably correct 1831— -New London bridge opened DEED OF A M E R R Y R ASC AL. they had already examined, without re­ swered, regarding me with a comical Is essentially a valuable winter feed, and the practice might well lie Inaugu­ London. expression. “ I say I there's stuff in the sult. I found that he possessed a fine P o . t d a s a D e t e c t i v e I n O r d e r t o G e t but Is best cut out o f the summer ra­ rated by sheepmen. The purple-top­ 1834— Slavery abolished in the British| library. I am a book-lover, and my first boy! You'd like to punch my head, M on ey fro m V ictim . tion. ped, strap-leafed turnips have general­ colonies. step was to examine it. Tucked away In suppose?" One French became acquainted with ly given best results. They should be 1848—-City of Vera Cruz delivered to the a corner of a shelf, yet within easy reach 1 was somewhat ashamed of my out H a m l y S a l t B o x . Gerry Harlow, a leading citizen of sown somewhat thick, and thinned to Mexicans by the United States. burst, and picked up the book, which of hia customary chair, I fouud a vol­ Tills handy salt box can be put up four to six Inches In a row. The thin 1854— Yellow fever became epidemic in was greatly damaged, before I replied ume. It waa typical of the mail that it Dlxfleld, while the two were spendlug should be elegnntly bound. Within were a few days In Portland. The two seem­ against the shed, and cattle can get nlng can best be done when the drills “ It's all very well, Cousin (iraden. New Orleans....... Rossini's I said, sulkily enough. “ But between collected the hostile criticisms with which ed congenial and decided to be com­ salt at will. The salt will bo out o ' are made upon ridges provided for the “ William Tell,” given first produc­ the weather, and there w ill be no trou­ his hook had been loaded. The more you and the police, I am worried to rades on a little excursion to Hange- tion. purpose. W ith these crops should lie severe were scribbled over with the vilest ley. death.” They passed a happy week Rt ble o f salting the cattle every few days. drilled either a bit o f turnip or radish 1858— Quppn Victoria sanctioned Em-1 epithets. Von Stockmar was personally “ Hood! Then you can have no oh Maine's lake resort. One morning The box should l>e made IS Inch 's wide. seed. This w ill permit earlier cultiva­ press of Imlia. Jection to leaving Heidelberg this after threatened, as was also a certain Mech- - 1 inches long. 12 Inches deep In front ersky, a professor of the Imperial Uni­ French came hack with the story that and IK Inches In the hack, so that the tion, because these seeds come up 1801— ( ’on gross passed nn act for raii-| nogn.” RII B* versity at Petersburg. I abstracted the he had found a moose in the woods. earlier thnn the mangels or carrots and S “ Leave Heidelberg! W hy should in# $.*>00,000,000 by tax and tariff.. volume. You may like to examine it.” He asked Harlow If he did not want lid will have enough fall to shut Itself thus outline the row. The mammoth leave Heidelberg?" (Vmfpdoratp privatppr Pptrel sunk by| »lie n released. The lid should extend H e drew it from the capacious pocket He strode over to where I stood a ml to help him bring It In In the a fte r­ L\ S. frigate St. Lawrence. Long Ited and Golden Tankard man* laid his great hand on tuy shoulder with of h!s traveling ulster and gave it to me. noon. H arlow assented and the two four inches over the box for a eo«- to gels and the Mastodon carrots are 1802— Confederate ram Arkansas explod*| I wtf* get hold on. A notch should'be cut The cover was of the choicest morocco; a touch that Implied an apology. started off. When they reached a lone­ standard varieties. ed above Baton Rouge, La. upon It, in gold, were emblazoned the “ A schoolboy you called me Just now four Inches deep In front of the box ly spot they left the road and went 1804— Fight between Confederate and| That's Just what I am, a schoolboy letl arms of the university. It was a triumph ( a ) , so that when a co«- smells the T o C o m b a t C a h h oirc M k r x o O . Union troops at New Creek, Md. loose on the playground. The police have of the binder's art, yet I handled it with Into the w oods; French suddenly point­ box she will smell salt and m Ck ber For cabbage maggot use lime or wood 1807— House of Ixmls passed the reform! ed a pistol at Harlow, and told him to raised their embargo. Au address which a singular feeling of disgust. tongue in the notch ( a ) and lick It. By ashes, or both mixed, sprinkling them The interior was oddly divided. The hold up his hands. will bring me when they have need bill. over the soil and plants. But a new 1871— Serious riots between Fenian arm*I my evidence— that is all they ask. Now greater part consisted of clippings from French showed a United States de­ papsrs and magazines, neatly gummed I want a traveling companion— a nit remedy used last year was made from jmthizers and police in Phuiuix Park,| tective’s badge and told H arlow that I can trust. You can guess my errand upon blank pages. But hers and there a very strong soapsuds, to which was Dublin. aw were interpolated pamphlets, held in be wns under arrest on the charge of Cousin Robert.' Before a week is out added one pint o f crude carbolic acid 1873— Ijargp section of Portland, Ore>| shall have my hand on him, I shall, hy their place by elastic bands. In contrast passing counterfeit money. H arlow at­ to n gallon o f the boiling suds, and destroyed by fire. heaven! You will come with me? Hood with this orderly arrangement, scarcely tempted to escape, whereupon French the mixture made into an emulsion by 1874— Gen. Custer’s expedition reached j lad, I knew it. The train leaves at three. a page hut was defaced by penciled re­ shot at him. the bullet striking H ar­ shaking It together In a tightly covered marks. satirical or abusive. I ran through low 's neck, where It Is still embedded. I ’ ll call for you the Black Hills. pail. Take this emulsion and add to 1870— Colorado admitted as a State. “ But where are we going?" I shouted them hastily until I came upon the arti­ th. French told H arlow that tw o other cle which bore Meohersky's name, ex­ running to the door; for already he wa thirty times its hulk o f » ’uter, and use 1883— Southern Exposition at Louisvillf| down a score of stairs. tracted apparently from aonie French re­ officers were in the woods watching his freely around the plants. O f course opened. *8t. Petersburg. You have a pass view. Its severity seemed to have laahed every movement and should he attempt this remedy would not be practical on Maruac to fury. It was covered with to escape would shoot at him. French port ?” 1884— Reception of Hie survivors of th©I a very large area, but for those who H A X D T S A I T BOX. Greely arctic expedition at Ports*! "Y es— but Cousin Graden, Cousin a maxe of pencilings. But my attention then said ho was going to town after raise only a few cabbages It seems to I Oraden. I any waa soon centered on a portion of tbe a team with which to take the prisoner mouth. N. I I . . . . Henry M. Stanley,| It was no use. I heard the street text which, being underlined in red, atom) to the Farmington Jail. H arlow was pushing a little harder the lid will be tbe best plan there Is. The large recently returned from Africa, raise up and she can get enough salt. growers do not bother much with reme­ J door slam behind him. Nt. Petersburg out from the page with some prominence. ceived by King of Belgium. com­ ami the box w ill dose.— Farm I’ rog' "T b e author of 'Science and B e lie f,” for completely terrorized. French — and the winter coming on. Kugh dies. but rely on using fresh ground 1885— Earth«, ¡lake throughout Central | had always detested cold. But next to thus it ran, "seems to have loat touch pelled him to give up his money, his Teas, about every year to prevent attack by Asia. escaping misfortune It is best to possess with humanity. His deductions might be diamond ring, two signed checks and such pests. si« 1887— Collapse of the wheat syndicate| r H o w to P r o n e t o r s e Trees. ■ philosophic mind. 1 commenced to pack correct if men were bloodiest, merciless then forced him to w rite tw o more in San Francisco; loss $»1.000,000. In changing the top o f large trees, automatons. H e regards them at might checks tq his (F ren ch 's) order. my bag with my warmest underwear. M illio n s o f F r n ie n C arcasses. 188R Pilgrim monument at Plymouth, | A t thirty-five minutes past two (iraden some reptile— let us say, a toad aclentif such branches only should be cut as According to Sir E. Montague Nelson, French then le ft H arlow In the Across this criticism, Bent up word to say that he had a rah ically inclined." Mass., dedicated. w ill Insure a well-balanced top. Two says the Engineer o f London, there are waiting my pleasure, and In three min which seemed to me unneceeeerlly severe, woods and was gone about two hours, or three years w ill be required for 1800— Kemmlur executed by electricity| sixty large meat freezing establish­ "Infamous returning, as he said be would, with utes more my luggage was upon it. H alf was written in (Jarman: at Auburn, N. Y . ; first on record. graftin g a large tree. It w ill not do to ments In the colonies and Argentina; way down the main street we chanced scoundrel! Would (hat I might crush a team. Then came an all-night drive, slaughter all the branches at once. It the carrying trade Is represented by 1.803— Corinth canal opened. upon Moasel. the fat lieutenant of police. you like a toad!" with a brief halt fo r a few hours' sleep, would be liable to g ive a shock from 174 refrigerated steamers, with a ca­ 1804— Trial of Santo Osario for ranr*r| A curious wish," I said, pointing to H e glanced at ua keenly, with, as I and In the morning French reached which the tree would never recover of P m l l m ( ’«m ot begun st L?'”* j thought, a certain suspicion. (iraden the paasage. pacity calculated at no less than 10- ___ LI Hung ( ’hang intrusted » !t»| And from Marnac s most dangerous Farmington with his prisoner and Some o f the small aide branches or 000.000 carcasses ; and In England there saluted him coldly, muttering maledic­ the Chinese war against Japan. tions upon him for a stupid ass. There one," he answered. " I esn only hops we marched him Into jail. limbs grafted should be allowed to re­ are 28 refrigerated stores in Ixmdon French showed his hadge and told main the first year, at least, amj was no great friendship between the two. shall reach Lemsdorf In time." and 100 in provincial towns for the 1808— Spain accepted American condi­ Lemsdorf again! And why I.ems­ the ja ile r that the prisoner waa a des­ pruned off when the grafts have at- I paid the cab while my cousin saw to tions of peace. . . . Martin Thorn storage o f meat on arrival. These dis­ ___ the tickets. F ive marks provided us d orf?" ecuted i at cs: Sing Sing for milrder murder ot I I* i perate man and no one should be al- tainesl considerable size. It must not tribute daliy on the average over 28,- "F o r the excellent reason. Cousin Rob­ with a subservient guard and an empty William Guldensuppe. lowed to see him. French went to the j be Inferred that graftin g Is limited to 000 sheep and lambs and 4.000 quarter* ert, that Mechersky, who comes of land carriage. 1003— Suit brought by State of Min*- I h i "A n d what are your plans for this owning Polish stock, is holiday-making at hank In Farmington and tried to cash | the apple. The pear, plum and cherry beef. The total Importation o f frozen eo(a against Northern 8*our;ii" | Castle Oster. a place he has In that his check and this is where he made j may he worked In the same way. N> 1 - nieats into Great Rrltaln during 1005 Intolerable Petersburg expedition?" Company in United Ststes ( 0,irt asked, as the train thumped its way out neighborhood. And as sure as I ait here, hls mistake. The man from whom he (her la It necessary to wait for the old consisted of 8.277,731 carcasses mutton _:____1 i -.1 ayant missed. . . .Cardinals went into intc C00- where Mechersky is, there will be that rented the team appeared with papers or new moon before cutting your scions. o f the station. and lamb and 1.271.353 quarters beef. clave for election of successor “ IVe are not going to 8f. Petersburg madman, Rudolf Marnac. I f he means for his arrest and then quickly the The precise time for grafting Is not Pope Leo X I I I . to murder the man. he will have had plot was untangled. French was dis­ R ng;n« ( l o v e r S e e d W e are going to I.em sdorf." material. It may be done when apples j " T o Lemsdorf! I have never heard of nigh on a month to hring.it off. Heaven covered to be a bogus detective. H a r­ The clover seed business Is being 1005— Japanese captured the island are on the tree the sire o f hickory nuts, grant that we’re in tim e!" the place.” Saghalin. closely watched by agents o f the De­ low was given his freedom, and after but au earlier time Is preferable. T h e tone in which he epoke thrilled “ No more had I an hour ago. Allow partment o f Agriculture. O f 52 1 sam­ me with a dreadful anxiety. The danger a short trial French was sent down me to discover It." M o n k e g 's Ronge. ples of red clover obtained in the open *H ft C ars T o p ics. Ha pulled a red-bound Baedeker out of waa indefinable; but fear draw* ita dark­ to State prison to serve a long sen­ "K n m a la " Is the vernacular nan* market 116 samples were found to con­ est terrors from the unknown. The farmer who broke his hoe han­ tence.—Lewiston (M e .) Journal. his pocket and fluttered through the e red dye produced frot “ One thing more," I eaid. "H o w did dle leaning on It waa leaning on the tain seed o f the dodder, live samples pages. tree n*i were — adulterated seed o of tlie fru it o - f a wrong thing. “ H ere we have It— 'Lem sdorf: four­ you discover Meohersky's whereabouts?" --------- - with - . 1 .. -ecu oi f yellow -- — mature — - ------ K v e a th e H e s s . ” which Is s ^ I bad thought him at St. Petersburg: trlfoil. a worthless plant, o f which the “ -'in I lot us phillfpinensls, teen to flfteen hours from Berlin. Rising "A hen out In Ohio Is laying eggs F. G. Bartlett, o f Socorro County, N ■ town in West Prussia; 12.0(10 inhabi­ but a wire to a friend there gave me the Inside out.” I resembles the clover. In fact, the "monkey face tree b** M., recently sold 12.000 pound» of information I required." tants L arge dye-works. ’ Ihrlnx von 'So It seems that even the bens are scoured wool, the lis t year's clip of cattle have been made sick by eating m°nkeys paint their faces red r Preusaen,’ Hioldner A d ler’— hotels well I fruit. ***** A getting down to tbe shin gam e."— his own flocks. He claims to hare made clover mixed with tbe trlfo il plant, bin* th