Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, October 04, 1906, Image 1

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Newberg; R ev. Gould of Newberg, to
Forest Grove.
I Gould of Newberg, Appointed to
% i Church of This
City —
R. B. Wilkins, who was the M. E.
minister of the Cornelius charge a few
years ago, but lately of North Yamhill,
has been transferred to Sheridan
J J- Patton, well knnorn L avs
¿d to he a Great Tempera
Itet Belknap
! ?™?ng,ih e.peoPle of ‘ he little town of
j Viola, Clackamas county.
D. L. Shrode of Cornelius, has been
| sent to Tillamook, his place is to be
fil'ed by j .
Exon. m i e y and
Will Occupy the Pulpit
1 the Hillsboro Church— New K « J f mhiu 116 filled
preachers lor Nearby Churches
Busy Session Held at Cornelius—
Large Number Attend From Other
Towns and Cities in the State.
Will Build Church at Cornelius— Lu­
by c - A -
therans to Erect University— Cor­
nelius Looked Upon Favorably.
Xhe Methodist Conference which
I Btt last week at Sunnyside, Portland. President of Nelson-Wilcox Lumber
L , finished its labors for this year and
Company of Scappocse Passes
lbs appointed the different ministers
Away at Cornelius.
| to their new field of work for the com ­
Rev. L. F. Belknap, who |, . G.e org« Wi.lcox died a‘ ‘ he home of
ing y « 1
I Its been a faithful worker in this c it y ,; b's^aughter-m-lawjind granddaughter,
7 n \s having the best interests of the i *n Cornelius, last Thursday, aged 70
^ as president of the Nelson-
|cty at heart has been given the charge i y®a,rs'
lof the Methodist Episcopal Church in ' Wilcox Lumber Company, of Scappoose,
IflikbM- We are glad to hear that Ore. H e was bom in Canada, May 9,
elknap and his family have not 1836, and came to Washington County
[k n sent far from us, even if we have from Clinton, Wis., three years ago.
fken forced to lose them from our Four brothers, Nelson Wilcox, Cornel­
Life. It will be hard for the people |,U
!>’ Harmon
on Wilcox,
” llcox\ Vinton,
vtnton, la.;
*« y
Condenser Will Treat Patrons.
The Pacific Condensed Milk Com­
pany will hold a meeting of all her
patrons in this region on Saturday, Oct,
6th. The company intends to treat
her patrons in a royal manner and will
serve dinner to all presant at noon.
Many prominent sneakers will be pres­
ent during the day to speak on the im­
portant subject, which is now confront­
ing the people of this and adjoining
counties. J. W . Bailey. State Food
and Dairy Commissioner, has been se­
cured to speak on the dairy business
o f this state. E. A. Stewart, president
of the company, and H . E. Barber,
vice- president, will also be here and
will have valuable information to give
to their patrons.
The Reunion of the German Luther­
ans, which was held in Cornelius on
Sunday, was a great success and much
A. T. Buxton, Master of the Oregon
benefit was derived from the session. State Grange, will not go to the Nat­
The meetings were held in the city ional Farmers’ Congress to be held at
park as the weather was all that could Rock Island, 111., on O ctobes 9 to 13.
be expected and everything seemed to
Mr. Buxton was appointed by the
be favorable for this reunion of church governor, but finds that it will be im­
workers. Fully one hundred and fifty possible for him to attend that meeting
people arrived Monday morning on the as he and his wife will go to Denver
extra train out of Portland, bringing next month to attend the meeting of
delegates from many different towns j the National Grange.
and cities of the state.
Mr. Buxton leaves Saturday for
During the session an effort w as. Eugene and vicinity where he will
Id Forest Grove to acknowledge that
ilcox. Mountain Home, Ida.;
made to raise money for the erection I sp e d many of the granges,
| Per. Belknap has been given a good
Halnes* 0re ’ and an of a Lutheran church at Cornelius and
The local grange will meet
survive him.
[place to work in, considering the exist- onIy son’ A ‘ B- Wllcox-
the move was so successful that the ; urday.
H e was married at Sharon, Wis., in
Le rivalry of the two towns. Neverthe-1
little city will soon be able to boast of
1862. Interment occurred in the Cor-
I ¡a, we hope that the good people o f ,
another meeting house.
Heavy Crop of Onions in this County.
Hillsboro will be good to him and his nel,us cemetery, Saturday.
The Lutherans of this state are also
The onion-growers of this county
| contemplating the establishment of a
Iliniily. Rev. Belknap will preach j
Town of Buxton Growing,
have finished harvesting their crop,
iinday morning and in the evening |
I “ J1'! * ” **!’ Where especially members wh]ch
| mil give his farewell sermon.
Aitictles of incorporation were filed j of their denomination may receive an which is large in quantity and excel-
Rev. H. Gould of Newberg, has i with County Clerk Godman Wednes- education, although the college w.ll ! lent in quality.
One of the growers between here
been sent by the conference to fill the day by Allen Brown, % Franklin T. ! be open to all. The visitors had been
and Hillsboro produced 536 sacks of
.. I
vacancy here. H e is spoken of very Griffith and C. H. Warner for the
studying the subject of a location of
j onions on a single acre of land. One
highly as a worker for the best inrerest : P°se of forming a private corporation to their new school and it IS
j hundred of the onions raised by the
of every community he has had to be known as the Buxton Lumber Co., Cornelius has made a very favorable
having the heaviest yield
. . .
i grower .........
labor in. Rev. Gould has been doing ‘ he capital stock being given at 825, impression on them and people of that weighed 10i pounds.
some good work in the tem perance! 000- The office and principal place town are looking forward to the mo­
! is at " Buxton, The purpose ment when they can boast of a uni­
I fee where he has been located and the of * business
I lemperance people of this city will no of the incorporation is to engage in versity.
of Mr. and Mrs.
I doubt be pleased to hear of his appoint­
1C. L. Walton of Cornelius, died on
tracting and building business.
ment here.
Thursday and was buried on Friday
It will be seen that the former
— Have Dr. Lowe cure your head Chastised by StePso" Hiram Naylor afternoon in the Cornelius Cemetery.
I ministers of this citv, Hillsboro and
NO. 20
Carey D. Snyder’s
Skeleton Found
near Cedar Mills— Identtfed by
Many Different Marks.
Coroner’s Jury Reconvened T o d a y -
Render Verdict of Murder— New
Stories of Robbery.
found on Monday the bullet hole in
the head was the first tangible clue
as to the cause of death, and the idea
of suicide was formed at on ce. A
verdict to that effect was returned by
the jury.
Sheriff Connell, who has clung tena­
ciously to the murder theory since the
mysterious disappearance of Snyder
ten months ago, has renewed his efforts
to apprehend the slayers of the prodi­
gal son of the wealthy Kansas City
!*y j ,
father, though gTeatly handicapped
the lapse of time since he was p ra c tt-f!
cally forced to abandon the case by j
other work. H e believes that the
murderers will b « run down.
i # ;
The robbing of the Merchants
& Farmers Bank, which is now known
as the First National of Forest Grove,
has once more been brought to front
by the discovery of the skeleton of
Carey D. Snyder, the reckless and
daring youth who was sent out west to
reform, by his millionaire parent.
Snyder’ s past history is one of bad
habits from the beginning, he having
lead a wayward life for years. While
at his father’ s home in Kansas City, he
was implicated in several robberies and
it was in the hope that the son might
get away from the wild ways of the
world that the father sent his son out
to Oregon and purchased for him a
mountain ranch north of
G lencoe.
I While living there, Snyder and his
wife, whom he had met while he was
in jail in Kansas City, she visiting her
brother in that jail, held high “ jinks”
and revelry and it is said that friends
were entertained often and that cham­
pagne flowed freely as long as the
checks cam e from the east. After he
had lived there a year,
Snyder’ s
cousin, George Perry, cam e west a
week before the robbery and has not
been seen since. With him came a
stianger, supposed to be Mrs. Snyder’ s
brother, who has also gone to unknown
Although the jury’ s work had not
yet been com plete before going to ■
press this afternoon, on good authority Vj
from them county seat, the jury will SB
render a verdict of murder.
It is expected that the evening
papers will have some startling news
on the Snyder case, as it is rumored J
that his wife has revealed a good deal|
of valuable information.
Able Corps of Teachers— Hbout 2 8 5
Pupils Are Now Enrolled— Latin
and Book Keeping Added.
(By Mac Peterson.)
Under the direction of nine com - „ I
petent teachers, which are Mr. Wilker-
son, Miss Jackson, Miss Foster, M i s s y !
Sorenson, Miss Jenson, Miss Baker, B
Miss Shanahan, Miss Matteson, and, g
Miss Simonson, the school is progress-J
ing nicely.
There are about 285 pupils enrolled^
at present and there will no doubt be|
at least 300 by the end of the week.
Hazel Aldrich, Carrie Mills, Wanda?
Todd, Yetta Fowler and Mae Peterson I
com pose the tenth grade, while in the!
ninth grade, Eva Bacon, Orval Hutch-1
ins, Robert Loomis, Clell Carstons,
Elizabeth Weitzel, Margaret Little-
hales, Emma Morgan, Orvil Mann,
Sheriff Connell has always claimed Lela Teegarden and Roy Knox make
that he had clues which would prove up an industrious class.
Threatened to Shoot.
the bunch were the real perpetrators
I Newberg have been Interchanged— and eye ache with a pair of his superior
Nobody Hurt This Time
Latin and book-keeping have been !
of the bank robbery here. We all
Naylor of Gales Creek, was
libit is, Rev. Belknap, to Hillsboro;
Tuesday released from jail upon filing
Ten-vear-old H om er Purden ac- remember the circumstances of the added to the course of study this year j
I Rev. C. K. Hamilton of Hillsboro, to to noon of the 6.
a peace bond. Young Naylor, who is cidently fired his brother’ s shotgun, robbery as told in the papers at the | and the PuPila are becom ing interested
37 years of age, has had a varied c a - ' barely missing his 18-year-old sister, time, how the trio secured a team and in their new work.
reer. He is the son of the late Dea- Edna, and tearing a great hole in the surry in Portland in order to drive out ; About 75 new books will soon be
con Naylor, a Forest Grove pioneer, kitchen wall, on Tuesday.
Elmer to the G lencoe mountain ranch and added to our library. The library fund
He attended* Pacific University in his Purdin had left his loaded gun leaning how the men disappeared and no traces gave us fifty dollars toward purchasing
youth, and later went to the Sandwich against the wall when the youngster of them could be found.
Andy new books this year.
j Islands, where for many months he took it up to play with.
Vaughn, formerly of this citv, but now
The scbool building presents a newt
i was a Lieutenant in Queen Lai’ s royal
of Portland, was the detective on the and better appearance on the inside
Uuiversity Entertainment Course.
case who claimed he had followed j tbe 0[d
being painted and vam
After years of absence Naylor finally
Last year the athletic committee of Snyder for many months afterwards, ished during vacation, by Mr. Thoi
showed up here a few weeks ago and the college presented a star entertain­ although unable to locate him. Many the janitor.
married a woman 11 years his senior. ment which was much appreciated by are his stories.
The first regular teachers’ meeting
The wife had grown children, and as the townspeople as well as the students
It is also said that Snyder and his
was held Monday afternoon.
Naylor drank freely he soon had trouble of the school. This year another and wife were to have been in the robbery
Rev. Boyd visited the school durin
with a grown stepson, who chastised better course has been engaged and but they had blundered in the date
the young bridegroom. Naylor finally it is hoped will receive liberal support and so were too late, and when he j the past week. W e are always please
threatened to shoot the stepson and by the citizens, for it is the only thing heard that the bank had been robbed. to have our friencs visit the school.?
arrest followed.
of the kind to be in the city this went to Port la nft to get his share of
the stolen money. After this Snyder’ s Biggs Held to Circuit Court Under
For set eral weeks Naylor has lain in season.
jail being unable to file a bond. His
The first number. The Lulu Tyler whereabouts was a puzzle to everyone,
Big Bond.
wife came down today and filed the Gates Company, made up of a reader, until his body was discovered a few
The preliminary examination
necessary piece of paper, and Naylor a woman cellist, a basso cantante, and days ago.
Charles Biggs, who so viciously
went home with her to her Gales Creek an excellent pianist, com es Nov. 15.
saulted and succeeded in slashing theUj
farm, left her by her late husband.—
Reno B. W elboum , “ Tne Wizard of
The gTewsome find was made on
throat of John Roberts in a saloon rowatjrt
Electricity” gives an evening of mar­ Monday by J. T . Croeni, who was
Sherwood on Monday evening last, was I
velous experiments,1 entitled “ In the hunting.
H e shot a grouse and,
Celebrate their Golden Wedding. Year 2000” in which he presents wounded, the bird fell into a heavy called before Justice Buck F r id a y .lr ^
Deputy District Attorny E. B. T o n g u e ,II
Mr and Mrs. James McClaren, two wonderful experiments with electricity copse of fir and underbrush near the
of Hillsboro, appeared for the state. j|
of Gales Creek’ s highly respected pio- and other forces. His date will be body.
Bonds were placed at $4000, and the'!}?,
I neerSi celebrated their golden wedding j D ec. 6.
Coroner Bagley with Dr. A. P. Bailey
defendant, failing to produce th e ia m e J ii '
anniversitv on SeDtember 25, 1906,
Those who were at the term recep- went out on the G lencoe road to a
was assigned head-quarters in t h e lt t jl
amidst a large circle of friends and rei- tion, the first first Friday of the term | point near Cedar M ill, 12 miles from
county jail at Hillsboro until his case ?
stives. Mr and Mrs McClaren have will be glad to know that Prof Orr has Hillsboro,
where a heavy
is called at the next session of th a U
resided on Gales Creek for 40 years, been engaged to give an entire evening stretches almost to the road side.
Circuit Court. Roberts, his victim, is | I
The husband was bom in Holmes Co .'read in g “ If I were K in g.”
The body lay prone upon its back,
still confined to his bed at the h o t e l , «
Ohio Oct 31, 1835, and the wife,
who did not hear the selection from it with hands outstretched
and head
but is recovering from the frightful l i |i
whose maiden name was Matilda Rey- which he gave at the reception will not thrown partly to one side. On a log
gash, upward of six inches in length, jjfj
nolds, w s bom in Owens Co.. Indiana, miss to take in this number which \ nearby lay a rusty revolver with an
across his throat.
Tune 14. 1835. 'They were married in comes in Feb. 1907.
empty chamber and a short distance
Guthrie County. Iowa, Sept. 25, 1856.
Last year the most pleasing number away lay the dead man’ s
coat, neatly
on subscription.
and after seven years of wedded life,
on the program was the Bell-ringer folded, and also his hat.
departed by ox-team train aceross the ; quartet and this year another and j
rUainc (nr the Pacific Coast, leaving better quartet of the same kind has
the Trav^of a b a b y b o y behind them been secured.
It is the
<™head of ‘ he prostrate
Ì £ e v werJ^ ccomranTed by two son,. Quartet and appears Mar. 9 07.
,hCT' gaP 'd *
b ack hole-
1 hey were accomramc
^ ..
. nK«erintinn^ h*ve plainly visible, though countless rains
N o G ir l
Happy !
John and Henry, John now residing on j Already many subscriptions have ** . . /
s. - .
and the ceaseless work of elements had
Gales Creek, a prosperous and progres- been received and the canvassers will |
cover the business houses and resident obliterated most all other marks. Be-
sive citizen. Henry dying July 23, 1893
Unless she has a BRACE LET. We
i slde lhe body was ,ound the cost,y Bold
at the age of 32 years. Since coming districts as well
Although the price for obtaining ‘ " atch and chain °* ‘ he lorTner d e‘ I have bracelets at prices to suit all
to Oregon the following children were
this course is much greater than last bonaire young man snd a small sum of
purses. W e also have a great variety
bom to them: Nancy Ellen, who died
* , , * *n
of gold band rings and set rings,
at three years; Mary, now Mrs. Louis year it is offered to the public at the
^ole *n the head, with
Peterson of the Dalles; Jane, now Mrs. same price and seats may be reserved
opals, rubies, garnets, turquoise,
Chas Hiatt. South Bend. Wash ? Mar­ at the usual place for the whole series. , the revolver and emp‘ y chamber near-
any stone you want we can furnish
________________ __
byf were features of the examination,
garet. now Mrs. Carl Her. Nehalem.
Fined for Hunting. Sunday.
which *oon led to a verdict by the
and Ida Ann, who died at the age of
coroner’ s jury favoring the theory of
| 11 years.
Game Warden Nichols arrested Jim suicide. T h e remains were brought
Mr. and Mrs. McClaren are splendid
O u r B ro o c h e s
Dilley. west of town Sunday evening to this place and further examinations
types of the ideal American citizenship,
for shooting pheasants before the open- continued.
and by their hospitality, integrity, and
are perfect beauties, from 25 c to
genuine worth of character
have ing of the season. Nichols brought
20 dollars. Call and examine our
As evidence has been continually
gained a wide social esteem. Then- him up and gave him a hearing M on­
stock of jewelry.
lives have been strenoos; they have ex­ day before Justice Wirtz, who fined com ing in since the discovery of the
body, H . T . Bagley, acting coroner,
perienced many changes and vicissi­
him S25 dollars. It is not known how
hai resummoned the jury that returned
tudes, but in the sunset of their days
many birds Jim got, but they no doubt the verdict of suicide.
The d irect!
they are enjoying the competency of a
cause of the resummoning of the jury
beautiful home, the lore of their child­ were very dear ones.
! is the examination of the dead man’ s |
J e w e le r s
ren, -n d the rich esteem of the com ­
— District 76 Shoes for men, women skull by Dr. A . P. Bailey, the coroner's*
munity of which they have been fac­
and children at Bailey’ s.
physician. When the skeleton was
tors for several years. Argus
Our line o f Ranges and H eating
S toves is Com plete and prices
reaonable. W e are sole agents for
Bridge & Beach
Y o u can do all you r plowing
w ith a Disk Plow before you
can w o rk a moleboard plow and
W e guarantiee them t o give
S a tisfa ctio n and
carry th e
& Sanders
Double Disk
A b b o tt <!& S on