Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, September 20, 1906, Image 7

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Hat is Finished T u rn A t­
to Deep R iver.
C on g ress Not Likely ,0 Make Appro-
priation at Next Session.
on I xt
Portland, Sept. 17._T n at the $2 -
500,000 needed for completion of the
Colum bia bar jetty cannot be secured
next year from congress is the opinion
of Congressman Ransdell, of Louisiana,
iotekv M
G overnm ent Is Fully P rep ared to
T ake Such Steps.
and Jones, of Washington, members of
the rivers and harbors committee, who
have just inspected the jetty, escorted
P ro tect Am erican Interests
Island o f Cuba.
on 1
Havana, Sept. 14. — One hundred !
armed sailors from the United States
protected cruiser Denver,
evening and camped in front of the
president’ s palace, in anticipation of
possible uprising within or attacks
upon Havana.
Tampa, Fla., Sept. 14. — A
by members of the chambers of com-
cablegram received here from Cienfue-
,„t Engi"«er M akes A d d ress
goe, Cuba, statee that marines from the
hers of the Oregon delegation in con­
ra Meeting o f P ortlan d
United States gunboat Marietta were
gress, Governor Chamberlain, Lieuten-
landed at that place yesterday to pro­
Op4n River Enthusiasts.
turned From Philippines.
tect American interests.
ant Colonel Roessler, who is United
merce of Portland and Astoria, mem-
States engineer of
, gopt. 15.— Conditions are others.
¡¿lbs national appropriations
That it is inadvisable to resume work
.¡uprovemeut of the Colum bia on the jetty until this sum shall be
iioolJ be concentrated and di- available, either as an appropriation or
ijpoa the work at the mouth of under continuing contract, if very
w^and that the other projects, wasteful construction is to be avoided,
-for their purpose the opening was the opinion ol the two committee
¿„great waterway, should wait members, who accorded with the view
ted slowly until the biggest and of Colonel Roessler announced before a
rital undertaking of them all is meeting of the Chamber oi Commerce of
-j, This is the opinion of Portland Friday night. Colonel Rc
dStates engineers, voiced by him
Leeting of the river and harbor
lent enthusiasts, held
'«the Chamber of Com merce,
handled or
more of the most
[#nt and earnest citizens of Port-
Inhered at the chamber to be en-
ini as to the most effective meth-
Lporsoe in securing the ultim ate
mment of the Colum bia rive r as
nld be improved.
Jll, chairman of the rivers and
«congress and member of the
^committee on rivers and harbors,
¿ n a n Jones, of Washington,
rs, addressed the m eeting, but
irks of the prominent engineer
W the greatest interest because of
iting the “ mouth of the Co-
^ia river first; then the other pro-
sing as they did from a man pos-
I ol the expert knowledge as is
m ! Roessler, and one sc thorough-
miliar with every phase and detail
evarious works of im provem ent,
^address last night carried great
^tandmade a deep and lasting
«lion upon the representative as­
st me impress upon von the one
;bt which has been uppermost in
mind in making these remarks,
Wly, that it is good from an engi-
'i standpoint, from a commercial
dpoint and from all points of view
lirb the great work at the mouth
ic river before asking large sums
¡works farther up the r iv e r ,” eaid
d that in tny judgment it would
ary to the best interests of all
improvements, taken as a connect-
shole, to advocate the policy of di-
np any sum that congress may
t to appropriate foi the Columbia
: valley in such a way as to prevent
irly fulfillment of the commercial
rations which are centered in a
channel at the mouth of the
ler advised further that money should
not be diverted from the bar project,
by insistence on sums of money for
other improvements on the river, lar
ger than are necessary for maintenance
of present work and slow construction.
This plan is opposed by Represents
tive Jones, who rather considers the
Celilo project more important than the
bar project, at least to the upper Co­
lumbia river region, which wants lower
transportation rales to and from tide­
water. He takes the view that the Ce­
lilo barrier, which now prevents navi­
gation up and down the river, should
be opened as soon as possible, and that
the bar improvement is not as urgent
as is alleged, because ships of 23 and
more feet draft can already pass in and
This opinion is shared by Mr. Rans
dell, and he urges that the two projects
be striven for together, saying that
otherwise, there will be a divided
effort, which w ill react against the in­
terests of the entire river.
Mr. Jones and Mr.Ransdell said that
it is extemely unlikely that the jetty
can obtain $2 500,000, or that even the
whole Columbia river can secure such
a sum.
Both were even fearful that
there w ill be no river and harbor bill
at all next year.
I t w ill be impossible, they Baid, to
put through an emergemy appropria
tion, as was done at the last session of
congress for $400,000, because that sum
was allowed simply in order that the
government might not lose several hum
dred thousand dollars’ worth of con
struction works at the jetty, for want
of money to finish the 6tone deposits
under the tramway then in place.
I t was not the most cheerful outlook
for the river interests that were repre­
sented in the party. Its members be­
gan busying their heads with devices
for obtaining the required $2,500,000
right away, because, in their minds,
completion of the jetty is extremely
Tiburon is F ire -S w ep t.
> '“Pfon, Cal., 8 “pt. 15.— F ire which
°ut shout 4 o’ cock this afternoon
w , Wui
• 'iestroyed the hnsinees district of
own. Only the utmost efforts of
c°nd In fa n try and the
"in s ,n* ’ ® overnor Msrkharo, sent
«n Francisco, saved the reeidence
i°n. Two hundred people were
bouielseee and the loee is eeti-
¿ r “ »100,000, w ith little lnsur-
*V Build Fouth Sh am rock .
Sept. 15. — John Ward,
d '^ o to r of Denny Broe.,
of the laet tw o Shamrocks, has
n ( 0T Yew Y o rk . I t ia understood
have submitted proposals to
iS k 18** kiptoo for the construction
r“ *®yoc* IV , they to be given •
' » designing and building.
would not be “ holiday” matter, but
that an army would be necessary and,
in case of intervention every available
man of the regular army w ill be used
and w ill be sent to Cuba as fast as por-
eible. Although no regular transports
are available on the Atlantic coast, it
ie known where the transports can be
obtained as soon as needed.
Some weeks ago the Sixth and
Twenty-first regiments of infantry were
ordered home from the Philippines, it
being stated that their term of service
in the islands was completed. The
transports which sailed last winter for
the Philippines will bring available
troops to the Atlantic coast and also
the transports, which wonld he very
necessary if the Platt amendment is
Federal Grand Jury Returns Verdict
in Land Fraud Case.
Portland, Sept. 13.— 8tate Senator
Franklin Pierce Mays, ex Representa­
tive Willard N. Jones and George Sor­
enson stand in the shadow of the peni­
tentiary now.
A t 9:45 a. m. today the sealed ver­
dict returned by the jury at 1:45 this
morning was read in the Federal court,
finding all three defendants gnilty of
conspiracy to defraud the government
out of lands in connection with the cre­
ation of the Blue mountain forest re­
serve. A breathless Bilence reigned in
the courtroom when the clerk read the
words that branded the defendants on
the catalogue of land fraud convicts.
Counsel for the defendants gave
notice of intention to move for a new
trial and were allowed time to do so.
The verdict, while probably not unex­
pected, was a severe blow to the accus­
ed men, but there was no scene.
Although the hour was early the
courtroom was crowded with people in­
Tyrant of Russian People Succumbs terested in the outcome of the long
to Heart Disease.
8t. Petersburg, SeDt. 17.— General
lie Suffrage, Says Austrian Min­
Dm itri Feodorovitch Trepoff, command­
uter, is Failure on Continent.
ant of the Imperial palace, died at 6
Vienna, Sept. 15. — Onder the new o’clock Saturday evening in his villa at
oral reform b ill the p riv ile g e here- Peterhof of angina pectoris.
General Trepoff, whose name ie in­
s accorded women who are landed
delibly linked with reactionary repres­
rietors of voting at parliam entary sion in Russia, was a remarkable man.
ions is abolished. A t a m eeting of H e was a natural despot, a Iryant by
* (lectorsI reform com m ittee today inclination, education and conviction.
1 of the deputies urged the reteii- He was one of those men who have con­
sof the prvivilege and its extension stantly appeared in Russian history,
•omen earning 1200 yearly or inde­ just at the time when conditions were
cently carrying on business or ad- most promising for putting an end to
despotism, to turn the Russian rulers
ing estate.
Biron von Blenerth, the m inister of from liberalism to reaction.
It was he who became the guiding
Interoir, pointed out that a ll at-
'Pts to extend female suffrage on the spirit of the reaction after Nicholas II
l!ment had failed, especially where had issued his manifesto in the fall of
versal suffrage had been introduced, 1905, promising the people a share in
Jbedoubted the a d visab ility of the the government. Holding the position
fP Victor Adler, the Socialist lead- of master of the palace, in league with
• though an advocate of fem ale suf- the court intriguers who were deter-
ft also considered the present un- mined to restore the old regime, be
P'tious for an extension of the right. constantly had the emperor s ear.
Postal Extension to Cuba.
i j '* York, Sept. 15.— T h e Commer-
4 Cablegram company, o f Cuba,
yesterday filed incorporation pa-
1 ** Albany, announces that its plan
- toi lay two cables from Havana to
»nd thence from K ey West
ofidt, and to provide special wires
f 6 Florida to New Y o rk city, so as
fP ’ e rapid and reliable service. It
1 wpected that the eystem w ill be
® ^or business December 17, 1906.
J ' tw Hne w ill be operated in con-
,n with the Postal Telegraph A
®*rcial Cable company.
Washington, Sept. 14.— 8o far as can
13.— President be ascertained no official word has been
Roosevelt is keenly alive to the revolu­ received regarding the repotted landing
tionary movement in Cuba and the re­ of marines a*, Cienfnegos, Cuba. The
M arietta’ s commander had special in­
sponsibility of the United States in structions
case the conditions grow worse and in­
Havana, Sept. 14.— A dispatch from
tervention becomes necessary.
I t ie
known that the president w ill not in­ Cienfuegos says that the United States
tervene until it appeals absolutely ne­ gunboat Marietta has debarked a de­
cessary, yet steps have been taken tachment there. Cienfuegus is besieged
which wonld make such intervention by insurgents and some of the fortifica­
The ships that have been tions have been damaged.
sent to Cuba are there for the purpose
only of protectiag American interests
Washington, Sept. 14.— I t was o ff •
and furnishing asyinm for Americans ciaiiy announced here that the sailors
who m ty be in danger from the war­
who were landed at Havana from the
ring factions.
It is recognized that intervention American cruiser Denver have been or­
Dawson City is Excited.
Winnipeg, Sept. 1 7 - Advices from
Dawson City say there is more excite­
ment over the dredging h e «»a t pre^n
than there has been since the earl.eeet
The whole population is mad
over dredging, and »tampedes have oc-
curred every day ■nd1D1* h* '° . r. “ * *
Phenominal success hss been
attained by the Be.r creek dredge and
at the month of the Yukon river
arrival of the Guggenhimee, of New
York, as well as other capita hits whose
names ire household words Las in-
fused new life into Dawson City.
E X P O S E S A G R A F TE R .
Russian Paper Says General Rennen-
kam pff Robbed Army.
8t. Petersburg, Sept. 13.— The Perle,
an organ of the moderate Liberal party,
has been suspended on account of its
publication of an article by M . Demi-
cheneky, a well known writer, attack-
the bureaucratic a,stem, in tbe
course of which General Rennenkampff
was flatly charged with thievery and
defied to bring an action for libel. The
article alleged that General Rennen­
kampff had filled his pockets from the
m ilitary fund and with tribute levied
upon his subordinates dnnng
Rueso-Jaapneee war, and he was a«ked
to explain why the invectigation start­
ed bv General Dobermuechnitzy, which
was interrupted by the battle of M uk­
den, was never resumed.
Tunnel Under Hudson.
New York, Sept. 13— Drawn by
workmen, the first car was run through
the Pennsylvania railroad’ s tube under
the Hudson today. The trip was made
in celebration of the accomplishment of
one of the greatest feats in the history
of modern engineering. From start to
finish the work of building the first
tubas has been a series of engineering
triumphs. The tunnel is 6,000 feet in
length, and when tbe ends of tbe tubes
met Monday it was found they were
only one-sixteenth ol an inch out of
the way.
_______ ____
W estern Union Will Extend Lines.
New Y ork, Sept. 13— The directors
of tbe Western Union Telegraph com­
Use Gasoline on Feeders.
pany. at a meeting today, authorized
Omaha, Sept. 1 7 .- W . R. M r K -n President Clowry to call a meeting of
superintendent of motlTV ^ , W
J ° V h _ * stockholders on October 10 to vote on a
proposition to issue $25,000,000 in
gold bonds.
The directors also voted
that $10,900.000 in gold bonds be is-
ears have at last proved
eued immediately for enheciiption by
Mr Keen took a party over tbs dne from stockholders. Tbe money realized from
Columbus, Neb., to Omaha t o d y in tbe bonds is fo be used for new con­
No. g an average speed of
struction and buying new property.
“ L°to sfi miles an boor being main­
The branch line, of tb , system
River Washes Away Tow ns.
wiU be equipped^with^heee “ r1.
E l Paso, Tex., Sept. 13— Correspond­
ence of the Herald reports th a tie e en t
Plotters' Nest in Petarhof.
and Colina»,
a»„* 17.— The p olit« rains between Toxpan^
g t. Petersburg ’
p„ M -x., caused vast earth slides on the
have arrested 1
The Manasnillo extension of the Mexican
Tbe town* of Mexi-
terbof, including *e
, rrw ted was a Central railroad
celtilan and Tnrpan, on the Santiago
river, have been practically washed
away and acota» of person* are home­
less and suffering-
tion to thin and.
s sBsrsaf—
w a S r r
of 300 pounds net each. The firm bad
to buy the seed abroad, h s obstacles
were placed In tbe way o f Its purchase
W om an o f H a rv a rd U n iv e rs ity H as
T h is D istin ction .
In Ceylon by the hlgu price demanded
T o be si-credited ns the discoverer of as soon as It became known what It was
more stars than any other living as­ wanted for. The price In Ceylon has
tronomer must be gratifying. Especial­ been as high as 60 cents per pound,
ly should this be the case when the against 10 cents asked lu Eugland.—
lucky discoverer Is a woman.
Such Philadelphia Record.
distinction belongs to Mrs. W llllnmlna
N E W R U S S IA N L E A D E R .
I’ aton Fleming o f tho Harvard observ­
atory. The results o f her Investiga­
tions have Interested the entire astro­ R e v o l u t i o n i s t » T n r n l n g t o U r e s o r f
M a x l m e , S d w In T h i s C o u n t r y .
nomical world.
One o f tho most prominent o f tho
In addition to her achievements In
Russian revolutionists la Gregory Max-
this fine she Is distinctive In being the
Ime, who Is now In tills country, w ith
only woman occupying an official posi­
a price o f 15,000
tion at H arvard University.
roubles on his head.
Eight hitherto unobserved stars In
Maxline was one o f
the novae have been discovered by her.
the leading citizens
O f fifth-type »tars she lias found eighty-
o f Riga, where he
four. as compared with fifteen located
owned a newspa­
by her compeers In science. Incidental­
per, now suppress­
ly she has fonnd 200 new variables. In
ed by tbe govern­
recognition o f her work Mrs, Fleming
m ent The revolu­
lias Jnst been elected a member o f tbe
Royal Astronomical Society o f I«on-
struck that place In
don. She Is the first American woman
1905 and the B altic
and the third o f her sex to receive such
obegoby MAXIME. republic
was pro­
an honor.
claimed, with Maxlme us Its first pres­
“ More star discoveries are accredited
ident. In December It was suppressed
to Mrs. Fleming than to any other per­
by the government and every effort waa
son In the history of science," Is the
made to apprehend Maxlme. He es­
remarkable assertion recently made
caped, however, milking Ills way from
concerning the work o f this woman.
one revolutionary liody to another, un­
And the assertion appears to be true.
til be reached Manchuria. He pushed
For that reason she attracted the at­
on to the Pacific coast and from V ladi­
tention o f the savants of the Koyal A s­
vostok sailed for a Chinese port.
tronomical Society of London.
i'b:nce lie passed over to Japan, from
Members o f that body as a rule are
which country he came to the United
cold blooded. They do not admit any
The untimely end o f the little repub­
lic has anything hut danqieued the
young Russian’s ardor. The exam ple
Commission W o rk s to That End and
he set he believes to have been o f In­
Railroads Help.
calculable value to the whole empire,
Washington, Sept. 14.— Discussing
and he declares that the seed sown on
tbe probable method of proceeding un­
the Baltic w ill spread all the way to
der the new railroad rate law, In ter­
state Commerce Commissioner Cockrell
Unlike Count Witte, Maxlme scoffs at
said the first effort of the commission
the Douma. “ A helpless and uselesa
would be a uniform way of doing busi­
parliament,” he terms It, and when he
stated that "soon It w ill lie smarting
“ We are,” he eaid, “ givin g most of
under rebuffs" his words truly hud the
our attention to aecoring the adoption
ring o f prophecy.
of a general system, believing that by
Although an exile In America, M ax­
pursuing this course we w ill lighten
lme works night and day for his people
oar own labors and render it possible
at home. T h e newspaper he owned at
for the railroads to aid us in carrying
Riga has been suppressed, and while
the law into effect.”
the autocracy reign* he dare not crone
H e then outlined the plans of the
the Russian boundaries, yet he fre ­
commission to be to secure:
quently expresses the belief that It w ill
First— A uniform system of account­
not lie long before l.e can return to
ing by the railroads.
Ills home unmolested.
Second— A unifoVm system of classi­
fication of freight throughout the U n it­
W itte cast aside, G*(>on dead and
one to equality with themselves unless Gorky prnctlcally an Impossibility now,
ed States.
T hird— A uniform schedule of rates, the right to comradeship has been clear­ It Is to Gregory Maxlme that the Rus­
ly established.
fares and charges.
sians o f this country are fast turning
Fourth — The performance by the
Mrs. Flem ing has passed tbe fortieth as the logical lender o f their cause.
roads of the entire transportation from milestone o f life's Journey, but. unlike
H u m m in g I p
the Fact.
the place where freight is received to many persona wbo devote themselves to
“ Sir, what Is this stuff?" Inquired
the point of destination.
scientific ends. Is affable and charming
Mr Cockrell also said that the rail­ o f personality.
the late Senator Vest of a Boniface.
roads are manifesting a dispoaition to
“ (¡offee," meekly replied the proprie­
In ber pronunciation o f words a
aid the commission in the enforcement slight burr reminds the hearer that she tor, somewhat taken aback.
of the law.
"C offee 1" repeated
Vest, In fine
Is a Scot— In fact, she Is a native o f
Dundee, In the land o f oatcakes. She scorn; “ my friend, I could Insert a
Investigate Immigrant Abuses.
was educated there and taught school coffee-bean In my mouth, dive Into the
Missouri River, swim to the town o f
New York, Sept. 14.— James B. Rey­ there fo r five years.
nolds, who was one of the president’ s
H er father, Robert Stevens, was a Alton. 111., and I'll guarantee that one
commissioners to investigate conditicns man whose Inclination leaned to scien­ could ball up much better coffee than
in the peeking houses, in Chicago, is tific research and he was the first In this, sir, over the entire route I” — The
at work on E llis island under personal that section to take an Interest In the Search-Light.
instructions of the president, inquiring then new daguerreotype process o f pho­
Three A r p * of Man.
into c mditions there.
Jnst why Mr. tography. The daughter, however, was
The first age o f man Is when be
Reynolds is sent there is not konown at
not content to remain amid the rigid thinks about all the wicked things he
this tim e, bnt it is known that charges
environments o f the old world. More Is going to do.. This Is called "In n o­
reflecting on the treatineot of im m i­
than twenty years ago »he came to cence." The second age Is when he
grants have reached Washington, and
America and soon obtained a position does all the wicked things he has
complaint also has been made as to the
at H arvard observatory a» computer.
thought o f In childhood. This Is called
manner in which some of the contract*
For some time her work there was o f
have been adm inistered.
“ T h e I’ rlme o f L ife ." The third age la
| the simplest character, hut. as the value
when he repnts o f all the wicked things
o f her service» was recognized, she was
John D. Says N ot Guilty.
he ha* done. T b l* Is called "Dotage.'*
quickly advanced from one post to an­
Findlay, O , Sept. 14.— A plea of not
— New York Prea*.
gnilty has been entered in tbe Probate
W het
the V lllla e
H aig.
coart here by John D. Rockefeller on tor o f the astronomical records o f the
“ Yeh,” said the first gallery god, de­
tbe charge of violating tbe anti-trust university and since then her work lias
law through the Standard O il company. [ been directed to a study o f the heavens. scribing the melodrama, "the hen» done
At present she has In charge more the villain np all right, but the villain
M r. Rf ckefeller was not personally in
court. The defendants in the cases than 150,000 glam platen, each covered wouldn't admit it."
against the pipe lines also pleaded not with almost countless Images o f stars
" C h e «!" exclaimed the other.
guilty in the same way and each de­ and which make a complete record of
“ Xo." the first continued. "D e last
manded a separate trial by ju ry. Judge the heavens since 1886." Every night words he said was, 'I a.n undone.'
Ranker adjourned court un’ il the first when the weather permits the Harvard Philadelphia M p t l
Monday in October.
observatory scans the heavens, both In
What has become o f the old-fashion­
the northern and southern hemisphere*.
ed man who said he could whip bla
Rain o f Liquid Sulphur.
l a l a n d C o tto n In O r i o n .
enemy on a sheep skin?
Buenos Ayrea Sept. 14 — The state
A firm In Colombo offered to give sea
telegraph department today receivad a
I f a gniery store clerk lqtenda to rob
telegram from Jarhate, province of San I Island cotton free to anyone who would you at all. he w ll rob you when he sella
Joan, stating that tbe night of Rep tern- I plant It In Ceylon, and they report that you cantaloupe*.
I be 11 there was a rain of sulphurous seed sufficient to plant 3,000 acre» has
There are men who every time they
liquid and that in conaeqnenee the in­ ¡been applied for. Three thousand acres
I manna 3.UUU balsa of aea laland cotton encounter a sight d raft envy the blind.
habitant» ware greatly alarmed.
dered to return to their vessel immedi­
ately, save for a small guard which w ill
be left at the American legation. This
action followed the receipt of an official
report by Acting Secretary of State Ba­
con from Mr. Sleeper, the American
charge d ’ affiirs at Havana, regarding
the landing.
The report was not made public, but
it was announced offiically shortly a f­
terward that the sailors were landed
from the Denver solely for the protec­
tion of the lives and property of Ameri­
can citizens; that such action was in
purenance of a discussion between Mr.
Sleeper and the naval commander, with
the belief that it was a wise precaution
looking to the protection of the lives
and property of Americans. There was
no intention, it is stated, to do other­
wise than to safeguard American inhab­
itants, and the services of the sailors
were to be utilized only in case of dis­
orders within the city which threat­
ened such inhabitants. That the land
ing in any way contemplated the pro­
tection of either the Cuban government
or tbe insurrectionary
President Palma, or any other persons
than American citizens, was disclaimed
officially and it was pointed out that
this fact could not be emphasized more
Secretary Bonaparte conferred with
officials of the Navy department today.
He declined to say anything about the
conference, but it ie known that Cuba
formed the main topic.
The cruisers
Tacoma and Cleveland, now outfitting
at Norfslk, he said, would be held in
readiness to go to Cuba if needed.