Welcome the many visitors tomor­ row by decorating your place of busi­ ness and your residence. PERSONAL AND SOCIETY NEWS Get your flags and bunting and decorate today, welcome the visitor*. Miss Bertha Noland of Los Angeles, — Call at The Book Store. R e tirin g f r o m — You can get as good work at Dr. is a guest at the home of H ugh Smith. Eaton’ s as you can in New York, Chi- Merle Markee returns from Newport today, — Get your eyes examined before Cago and Portland. school by Dr. Eaton. WOOD taken on subscription. Monday. Archie Clark, now of Portland, visit- His home is now at Monmouth. Mrs. A. B. Caples was the guest of ed with his mother in town last Sunday. friends in Portland, yesterday. — At Bailey’ s, Duchess — Why use poor flour when you can Trousers, get ^ rescent just as cheap, : Miss Easter of Tillamook, is visiting every pair warranted. T h e Oregon Nursery C o., of Salem, Miss Mamie Bozley for a few days. Annie Johnson is the guest of Miss | has about 700 acres near Hillsboro and will remove its plant to that point. — Special attentiou paid to children Edna Hamilton. — At — M oney to loan on farm security at Dr. Eaton’ s. Portland W. H . Hollis, Forest Grove, Oregon. Harvey Baldwin Bailey’ s, 82 to $6. Duchess goods. county. Largest stock in Washington See for yourself. night or day. Miss Bella Benson of North Yamhill and Miss Laura Foster of Cornelius, were Grove visitors, Tuesday. THAT 86 . IS NEITHER A Mr. L. S. Foster of Cornelius, form- j It simply means nothing more or less than I am retiring from ness and must close out this entire stock of about $6,00d~w^^ Nobby, Up-to-date Clothing, etc., within the next 30 daysTre of Cost. Also the Store Fixtures ancfFurniture of three rooms ' ing a very fine Kitchen Range. Everything must be soldT~ The Stock consists of erly of this place, is very mueh better ] j this week. Mr. Foster has been quite j MEN’S and BOYS’ sick all winter — Opening of Fall Millinery for the Trade THIS Every pair guaranteed. J. C. Latta and wife leave in a few Miss Gladys Spaulding has been spending a few days over on her — Money to loan on farm security. days to take in the State Fair. — Dr. Pollock, the dentist, has re- j father’ s farm in Cedar Canyon. W . H . Hollis, Forest Grove. turned from his vacation and ready for — Buy a pair of Duchess Trousers at J Miss Frances Myers is recuperating appointments. Bailey’ s; 10c a button, #1 a rip; 82 to on the White Salmon, near H ood River. — Bailey’ s Big Store to buy your : FIRE, SALVAGE, o r HOT-AIR SAL Trousers visitor, Saturday. C. N. Johnson and wife have re­ Mrs. Anna Parker and son from turned last Saturday from their outing Southern Oregon, are visiting the Catch- at Stephenson, Wash. ings, near here. — Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and Howard M. Brownell, formerly of Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ the college, is now a prominent attorn­ pliances in office. Calls answered ey in Astoria. B u s in e s s ! j To the People of Forest Grove and surrounding country, I would call your attention to the Fact All work first-class, ^.iont Stewart was in town O u t S a le C lo s in g — T h e Book Store for Postal Cards. Top prices are paid for Mohair ^ ¡ ss j osep ^ ne Baber was a Portland and sheeps w ool by John E. Bailey. vjsitor) yesterday. on display Dixon’ s Millinery at Mrs. Parlors, A. E. Sept. and 12, Main Street. 11 2t Miss Clara Hiatt of Portland, arrived C. E. Loss of the United Railways, The people of Thatcher had an en­ last Thursday to spend a week in the says his company will get to work right joyable time Saturday evening. Many city with relatives and friends. away. There is no telling when that Joseph Jennings of Hayward, fell people turned out to the ice cream is, for it always has been right away. from a house at Banks last Thursday social. — G ood seven room house in fine Hugh Smith took up a crowd of 20 and is injured internally. condition, with barn, large lot, etc., K. N. STAEHR, Chas. Skidmore of Portland, was a hop-pickers to the Hutchcroft hop for rent cheap. The Bazaar, Forest Grove. Grove visitor on Labor Day, the guest yard in Yamhill county on Sunday. Frank and Chester Fletcher went of Haskell Ferrin. Both young men The picking started in that yard last Monday. out hunting in the mountains day be- 1 are employed in Gill’ s book store in Mont Stewart of Monmouth, has fore yesterday and brought hom e three ! Portland. decided to make his hom e in the big deer. Miss Gladys Hartley, who has been Suits, Shoes, Underwear, Neckties, Raincoats, Overcoats, Hats and Dress and W ork Shirts, Umbrellas, Gloves, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Notions etc, et Mackintoshes Rubber Gooc Don! Miss this Opportunity to get More than Your Money is Wot studying at the college for the past vicinity of Forest Grove again. H e The W om en’ s Club will branch out | four years, making music her major will rent the Spaulding ranch in Cedar for the com ing year, into two divisions — Shakespeare Club and the Musical study, has opened a studio in H ood Canyon. Club. River, her home town, and will teach Nathan Fullerton, a former college Geo. V. James, better known to all both vocal and instrumental music. student at Pacific University, who now of us as “ D eac” James, was in town -—B r e a d will be supplied in any has a drug store in Roseburg, we learn Dr. S. H . Sheldon, of Portland, Tuesday morning on his way to Tilla­ quantity during hop season by the was called here Friday by Drs. D. W. from the Roseburg paper, is just re­ mook. Mr. James is now vice presi­ Forest Grove Bakery. 4t Ward, of this place, and S. T. Link- covering from bad injuries. dent of the Portland Machinery C o., later of Hillsboro, to perform a delicate George Neal returned from Albany Chester Fletcher returned a few days and went across the mountains in the surgical operation on Mrs. Felix Ver- interest of his company. Sunday, where he has been employed ago from the Tillamook country where hoven, near here. Persons who are prepared to furnish by a Portland roofing firm. George an(j | he has been working with a surveying Messrs. Shultz, Levi Smith rooms or board to students are request­ Armentrout have returned from their crew. They were selecting a right-of- ed to notify the college authorities. intends staying around here for some hunting and fishing trip in the C a s-! way for one of the many railroads Tilla- Applications are being received daily, time as he has a job in the McPherson cades nsar Fish Lake, about 80 miles mook is to have in a short time. and it is desirable to have all available hop yard. * from Albauy. They report good fish­ places listed. Wm. Shulmerich, of Farmington, H . G. K ing reports that one of his ing and killed one deer. Miss Anna Cornelius, daughter of has returned from the Tillamook Street cows has more than paid for herself John Cornelius, is now assistant instruc­ A merry party consisting of Messrs. , Fair, where he addressed a meeting of Haskell Ferrin, Bump, Skidmore, and and feed durlnS the last four months. tor of typewriting and shorthand at Tillamook dairymen on the subject of Mr. Markell and Misses Ferrin, H off- During April, May, June and July she Dallas C ollege. Prof. G. B. Hardin is dairy farming. professor of that department there and man, Boldrick and Tem dleton, ch a p er gave 4,385 lbs. of milk, really a rec­ gave her the position. oned by Miss Fannie Sorenson, spent ord breaker, — Fifteen hundred pair of Duchess an enjoyable evening, Monday, in th at' Miss Ivy Smith returned Tuesday Trousers sold last year at Bailey’ s. Irving S. Bath, who was em ployed famous spot, better known as ‘ Lovers’ s evening from an extended visit in Cali­ by the Seaside Signal for a few weeks, fornia. The rest of the party have al­ Buy a pair; 10c a button off, 81 a rip. Lane.” M uch complaint has lately been Mrs. J. M . Garrison has returned has returned to Hillsboro to take charge so returned, Miss Wirtz to Portland from the east, arriving in Portland of the financial side of the Hillsboro where her mother is now living, and heard on the streets about miners Saturday morning and remaining with Independent, which is owned by his Willard Wirtz has gone up to the Mor­ shaking dice in the candy "jo in ts.” ris hop-yard where he will get busy. Of course, it might be said that it was her daughter, Mrs. Huckabay, until father, D. W . Bath. Miss Maud Mills, who has been only done in fun, but we all know it is Sunday evening, when she returned to Chester Fletcher leaves the first of visiting Mrs. Chas. Miller, left last gambling and that minors are not her hom e in this city. Mrs. Garrison spent a delightful summer and is great­ the week for Pendleton, where he has evening for Portland to spend several allowed to play such games of chance. ly benefited by it. a position in the Academ y. Chester days with her parents who are living Keep on the safe side and stop it there. Miss Mills will then return to right away. will teach m odem languages and show her work in Heppner. the lads a few things along in the The Pacific Railway & Navigation — L evy’ s Market is still selling his n , athletic line. possessor of of a a fine fresh and ch oice meat at unusually low ornPa" y 18 ,he possessor On Saturday, he will sell Loin i coac“ » having two compartments, one J. W . Caples and wife returned prices. * M. SMYTH Odd Fellows Bldg. Miss Vera Stewart, formerly of this it a l c o o l Quong Lee’s LAUNDRY V |H » Ll.''r 4ZiTit is used botliTnrj,'"- FINE WORK DONE CHEAP-I , — 1 - ' r cP_r' ? " - . I huT agenT^possesses Intrinsic medicinal properties of Its own. being a most valuable antiseptic and anti- ferment, nutritive and soothing demul­ cent. (ilycorine plays an important part in Dr. Fierce’s Golden Medical Discovery In the cure of indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling In stom- ¿ ch biliousnP3s and i■ ■ di*e***.°f the mucous A mail service will ' I - a - * ? Pclnc for -* 1,1 Spring, Wash. They were accom ­ membranes, as catarrh, whether of the [soon I soon be put on between Hillsboro, nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels panied by their daughter. Mrs. Walter day’ , , a l e - P L A T IN U N , C L O D IO or pelvic organs. Even in its ulcerative Mr. and Mrs. E. Meresse and son Banks and Buxton. stages it will yield to this sovereign rem- Dimmick of Oregon City. Mr. Caples C A R B O N S , S E P I A S , and Edgar returned from Netarts by the i euy edy n if us its use ’ i*® bepersm be persevered in. In Chronic speaks very highly of the Springs and sea, M onday. Mr. and Mrs. Meresse of the Nasal A party consisting of 27 persons Catarrh ?.f, thn F 1»*“ 1,. passages, _ . it is well, ALL H IG H - G R A D E rested very much. Mrs. Caples was have been enjoying the ocean breezes with camping outfit arrived in the city ‘■'»very" for'the necessary"constitutional w o r k m a d e at m o d e ra te p rice s. also very much benefited by the in their cottage by the sea for over two Tuesday and are now engaged in mak­ treatment, to cleanse the passages freely I two or three times a day with Dr. Sage’s months and report Netarts the liveliest change of climate. Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course | place on the Tillamook coast this year. ing the locating survey for the extention ot treatment generally cures the worst i PHOTO POSTAL CARDS » I of the A. & C. railroad between Sea- cases. Fall and Winter Millinery Opening. — Dr. C. L. Large reports a son , . , , . M IN IA T U R E P IC T U R E S A h iiiC? S £ h *. ane e x at Millinery Parlors of Pearl M cGill, Mrs. George W . McGraw, of ------ east of False Tillamook and over the i .rm V T n,unml!',n »dvxnccd Mrs. W hite’ s old stand, South Main St. Greenville, on Sept. 4 . , Buchanan road to the North f ork o f ! the o b t 11 n » roed,c,ne t '«.'a h nVn tc ' c o u ih v *w h Ich1 i^ n .’J ' From what I tr k , We can ' ear!V the Nehalem, striking Upper Town on Hembree, who was convicted of m u r-( . . . , , * town on the Nehalem, dering his daughter, and is now con- j ™e “ a*em ' and and thence thence down down Foley THE PARIS MILLINERY PARLOR ' fined in the county jail, made no move to Garibaldi.— Seaside Signal. ! Wednesday to obtain a new trial, which Those who will attend the State Fair Grand Opening Sept. 14, and 15 was to have been argued at Oregon City, and that Judge McBride will be will have a chance to see a model road The latest Styles for Fall and in on the 12th of September to pass ! built by the government. The United W e have just the thing for the Boys in the Clothing Winter. Included are French sentence.— Tillamook Headlight. 5 States gaveroment road experts are at line. Cannot be Beat any place. Pattern Hats and Novelties. George H . Himes of Portland, was *ork upon a mile of experimental road. j Open Sundays Forast Grove, Oregon IKXXSKXSXSXSSKIKXXXKXSXSSU Just Right for the Boy! " Boys’ Knee Pants S U I T S 20 Per Cent O f f Just what you need for the boys when they S T A R T TO SCHOOL. JOHN ANDERSON’S, The Tailor in the Grove, Sunday, after a week’ s stay in Tillamook. Mr. H im es is sec­ retary of the Oregon Pioneer Associa­ tion and assistant secretary of the Oregon Historical Society. This was 5 his first first trip to the Tillamook country and was gTeatly taken up with , it, and spoke very hightly of the re- sourses of the country. With railroad connections, Tillamook will be one of the best and richest spots in Oregon. Mr Himes went over to take in the I kfr* This piece of work is well under way YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED and a quarter of a mile is now ready M r s . M. for use. - - Goldenrod Flour, buy it, t city, has returned to H ood River where Mr. and Mrs. Hollinger leave she has a position in the public schools day on a trip east. They go! of that city, after two months vacation way of the Canadian Pacific, i St. Louis their headquarters i with friends here and at Monmouth. visit in the vicinity. They \ WANTED— T o engage an experienc­ visit Mrs. Hollinger’ s old I ed cook at P. U. cottage. Apply to Kansas for some time. Fron i Miss Haskel, matron, care Pres. Ferrin. they will journey on, stopping j nois and Ohio, then on to 1 j .................. where they will make an extendi ^ Square Deal I< assured you when you buy Dr. Pierce’ s Mr. Hoilinger s brrther. family medicines—for all tho Ingredl- will return by way of California, ent-'' entering into them are printed on c .• t .• . j _ the bottle-wrappers and their formulas Satisfaction guaranteed or are attested under oath as being complete refunded at Bailey’ s, and correct. You know Just what you are paying for and that the ingredients are ! gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American forest .while potent to cure are perfVTrtv han to the most delicate woinN^a ■hile NjjUjdrojj P A C IF IC S TU D IO F . E. MERSEREAU, Proprietor FO REST GROVE, 01 d Pacific Avenue St. Mary’s li near Beaverton, A Boarding and Day school (off ladies, conducted by the Sind St. Mary. Location pie«»»1 convenient; building new acj nished with modem impro« Careful attention to all tha-j tains to good health and£ of the students. : T h e curriculum embraces A cadem ic and Commerc» Special teachers for ’•oice and physical training. B*5* ^. tihn in Music. Elocution guages. Re-opens Monday, StfiJ For Catalogue, address. . B e r d a n . SISTER SUP®1] The plan is first a systematic Hoffman Bldg. Main St., Forest Grove krading and drainage which is thor- j oughly done, then a 5-inch coatin g of j coarse crushed rock thoroughly rolled, when wet and final coating of finer crushed rock sprinkled and rolled until lhe :,rint ol a team and w*lton cannot h* noticed after having passed over the finished surface. Dance at Buxton, Sopt. 8. Man Wanted. There will be a dance in the Grange Hall at Buxton on Saturday, Sept. 8. „ . . J ; Mus