p n lit RUNS « W ile a t V a l p a r a i s o , C h il e , It F o llo w e d b y F ir e . V A L P A R A IS O A W R E C K . L o t s o f Life and Property Are Heavy T h o u gh Statem ents Conflict. There continues to be confusio* of statements as to the magnitude of tbe disaster at Valparaiso caueed by the earthquake sliocks which began Thurs­ day, August 16, and continued at quent intervals throughout ppndreds cru sh ed to d ea th fre­ SLAUGHTER POLICE Reds Throughout Poland Start Attack on Enemies. that and the next two days. Dispatches from Valparaiso to the A s ^ i. t e d Press dat- WARSAW IS CENTER OF TROUBLE ed August 19 state that a moderate es­ port *nd Surrounding Country finit Stricken- Throngs o f H om eless Grazed by Calam ity. timate of the fatalities is 2,000, and that the property loss may be as high Slaughter in Polish Capital Calls Forth Effective Volleys— Police M eet as $250,000,000, which latter is as Simultaneous Assaults. great as the loss sustained by San Fraa- cisco in consequence of the earthquake and fire which devastated that city last S(, York, Ang. 18.— T h e H erald to- April. St. Petersburg, Aug. 16.— Acting print* the follo w in g: A refugee who has arrived at Santia­ apparently with a definite plan and a. Vilpsraiio, Chili, F rid ay.— W ithout go places the known dead at 100 and a eignal the terre nets and revolution­ slightest tremor of warning an other messages indicate that the first ists today inaugurated a carnival of reports of damage and casualties were rtbqaako visited this city at 8 o ’ clock greatly exaggerated. murderous attacks with bombs and re­ Btght, bringing death to hundreds - ^',9P*^.c^ e8 ‘ ° ‘ be State department volvers on the police and tioops in va­ -room and leaving many hundreds at Washington place the fatalities at rious cities in Poland, echoes of which F imprison ad in the ruins, many about 500. These conflicting state­ ,bom were burned to death before ments cannot at this tim e be adjusted. are heard from Samara, Ufa, Y alta, ijcoold reach them. F ire Btarted im- It is evident that even yet confusion K iev and even far away C h iu , where ¡»tsly after tbe firBt 8,lock » » d and panic prevail at Valparaiso and the acting chief of police was slain al­ branch of the c ity ’ s service was until order is restored it w ill be impos­ most on hie own doorstep. «lysed. Panic and consternation in- sible to ascertain with accuracy the lose The revolutionist campaign flamed ecribable followed, and thosa who of life and property. med death and injury became fren- The dwellings in the city have been out with special virulence at Warsaw, with fear and could render little practically abandoned bv the inhab­ where over a score were killed in the "jtwce to the victim s. itants, who are existing as beet they stieete, and many more weie wounded. Ibe business section of the city is al- can in the plazas and streets of the city Among the killed, according to the lat­ ytentirely destroyed, and flree are and in the bills adjacent to it, without 1 raging. We are suffering here a shelter from storm and sun, and fam­ est official advices, were two sergeants etition of the horrors of San Fran- ine confronting them. Food is already of police, eight patrolmen, three gen­ scarce and high. Water for drinking darmes, five soldiers, a Hebrew merch­ ii tight comes on, the city is every- purposes is lacking and disease is ant and a woman. The returns are not btre aglow with unobstructed tires, feared all in. b clouds of choking smoke and vapor The government is doing all it can to Policemen and soldiers were shot ;;le into the streets and houses, where bring in relief. The crippling of the jngs of homeless ones are wander- railroads into Valparaiso constitutes a down like rabbits in the streets. Their ibout, craaed by the aw ful calam ity. serious factor in the situation, as for an assailants, who traveled in small bands, It ii almost impossible to ascertain indefinite period relief supplies can almost all escaped among the terrorized ywide an area of country the visita­ only be ordered through other means of but sympathetic populace. The only nt has laid waste. N oth in g has been traneportation, the seaboard affording considerable capture was a band of three men who bad invaded a grog 1 from Santiago, the capital city the beet of these. Chile, and it is feared th at the fate A t Santiago many of the best public shop and killed a soldier. These were that city is as bad or worse than that and private buildings were wrecked. taken by a passing patrol. Bombs were employed in an atUck Valparaiso. The loss of life there is augmented by Telegraphic communication is cut off the panic which seized the people, on the police station at Warsaw, where ill directions, and every one here is many of whom threw themselves from a sergeant, two patrolmen and a sol­ much depressed by the calam ity at balconies of their hornee. The destruc­ dier were wounded. Other Polish cities singled out by the me to seek inform ation of other tive force of the earthquake was exper­ ices. No trains have arrived or left ienced over a large extent of the coun­ terrorists were i.odz, where six bo I- mince the first shock came, as all try, many towns sustaining serious dieie, three patrolmen and the wife of a police captain were wounded by the 'therailroad tunnels are filled and damage. explosion of bombs in the police station ilee of track on the surface are twiet- and two soldiers and two terrorists ,and rendened useless. I t is only E X TE N D A L A S K A C ABLE . killed in the streets; Radom, where a „own from general accounts that depth bomb was thrown in the police station, ddestruction are on a ll sides. There were two distinct and terriffic Government Requires Duplex System killing the wife and child of the police captain; Votslavsk, where a captain and Branch South. bcks. the second one follow in g almost was slain, and Plock, where at a given ctautly after the first and com pleting Washington, Aug. 20.— Commercial signal the policemen on all the poets 4 work of destruction. T h e day had receipts from the Alaskan cable and were simultaneously attacked and sev­ so unusually calm and pleasant. telegraph lines amounted to $24,000 in eral of them wounded. Many landslides have occurred around July, which is $2,000 in excess of the On account of the agrarian disorders, :city and Bcores of lives have beeu amount collected by the United States especially several attacks on post trains, At present it is im possible to in any previous month. The official the railway between Samara and Zla­ tt the number of dead in the entire dispatches sent during the month toust, which was already carrying , but it is believed that there are would have cost $12,000 had they been guards on all its trains, was today »era! hundred, many of whom are paid for at the commercial rates. This placed under martial law. Two of ”1 in the ruins. I t has laid waste rapid increase in the demands upon these attacks occurred today near Ufa, i best part of the city, and has doubt- the Alaekan cable and telegraph system revolutionists in each case flagging the - put Chile back m any years in the w ill be met by the government by the train, bursting open the doors of the '* of civilization. duplexing of the cables. cars with bombs and rifling the reg­ The cableebip Burnside, which is to istered pouches. The booty in one case install the duplexing apparatus at the amounted to $15,000; in the other case NO UNION P A C IF IC D IV ID E N D . Alaskan end of the cable, w ill probably the amount is not known. leave Seattle about September 15. It s Surplus o f O v e r $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , w ill carry 200 miles of new cable, Southern Pacific $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . F IR S T P U R C H A S E O F SILV E R . which has just been shipped from New Sew York, Aug. 18.— A t the conclu- York for the extension of the cable ser­ ol a meeting of the executive com- vice south of Ketchikan. This exten­ Shaw Buys 5 0,000 Ounces at 66.62 h«« of the Union Pacific railroad sion w ill be effected by tapping the line Cents an Ounce. today etatementn was given that from Sitka to Juneau at Cape Fanshaw. Washington, Aug. 16.— Pursuant to announcement would be made re- From that point a branch line w ill be the announcement of the secretary ol I a dividend. T h e com m ittee’ s extended down to W’ rangel, then to the treasurer that he dnired to receive 'at« of the income of the road for Hadley, on Prince of Wales island, tenders of silver yesterday, four bids tear ending June 30 showed gross and then to Ketchikan, which is only were made to Director Roberts of the teipts from transportation $67,281,- about 60 miles from Port Simpson, the mint. ‘ increase $7,856,593 over 1905; English town which is to be the ter­ The bids were opened yesterday after­ is« and taxes, $36,963,773, in- minus of the Grand Trunk Pacific rail­ noon, and after being submitted to 15,101,059; surplus available way. Secretary Shaw, it was announced that I t is believed that this additional Dividend, $2,201,844, increase $6,- the government had purchased 50.000 The balance after payment 200 miles of cable w ill result in a great ounces of silver, 999 fine, at 66.62 ^dividends on the preferred stock was increase in cable receipts, as the Fed­ cents an ounce. ,219,812. The sum for expenses eral system taps a country which is I t is not the custom to announce the ♦2,206,619 for betterments, rich in mines and fisheries and already name of the individual or corporation has many large canning factories, ■■pment and repairs. through whom the silver is obtained. The estimated income o f the South- which stand greatly in need of daily It is expected the government w ill re­ “ Pacific company shows: Gross re- communication with the United States. quire from 50,000 to 100,000 ounces of ‘Pslrom traneportation, $105,619,- In case the cable ship does not encoun­ silver a week for an indefinite tim e. It 9, increase $7,478,531; expenses and ter had weather, the line w ill probably is the purpose, therefore, of Secretary ♦70,586,649, increase $4,993,- be completed before November 1. Cap­ Shaw and Director Robsrts to receive snrplus, $21,560,712, increase tain Henry W . Stamford, of the 8ignal bids Wednesday of each week until >128,740. A fter paym ent of a divi- corps, w ill direct the laying of the new further no ice. °l 7 per cent on the preferred cable. - ‘ he balance was $18,790,833. Bodies Hurled a M ile. Byerly Gets Good Job. of $2,117,286 was credited for E l Paro, Tex.. Aug. 16.— It is report­ New York, Aug. 20.— 8amuel Pyer- ttffients and equipm ent. ed here that between 30 and 50 Mexican ly, the young clerk employed by the laborers and bystanders were killed this American Expíese company, who re­ Santa Fe Buys T ie Farm . afternoon at 4:30 in Chihuaha, Mexico, cently gained noteriety by his bid for Diego, Cal., A u g. 18.— By a deal by the explosion of a carload of dyna­ ' Way the Santa Fe railroad be- $5,800,000 of the Panama canal bonds, m ite on the M ’ xican Central railroad. * Ihe owner of the famous San has become vice president of a new bond The car was being transferred for trans­ company, under the name of the Abram •*l,° ranch, just north of the city, portation to the Robinson mine at Santa Mr. B yeoy JPneing 8,659 acres of land. The W hite Bond company. Fulalia. Bodies and pieces of human made about $25,000 by disposing of hie £P*id was $100,000. T h e ranch is flesh were hurled into the air and pick­ allotment of Panama bonds. After ed up a m ile distant. Windows we e ¡ used to raise eucalyptus trees for l « or,he future nee the road. I t is closing up the deal, Byerly » M broken in almost every house in town Europe, and is now establishing and m a n y walls were cracked. Several Wod to plant about 600 acres each branches and European connections for > *ud as the trees are quick growers Americans are reported killed. j, “Wr*d that in 20 years the road the new firm. Strikers Charged With Rioting. I i h a r v e s t six to eigh t ties Execute Naval Mutineers. rae and keep up the harvest there- San Francisco. Ang. 16.— A number 8t. Petersburg, Aug. 2 0 . - Seventeen Wntinually. of former tracklajers of the United of the sai loa rs of the cruiser Pamyat R ailway company, who are oo a strike, Azova, who mutinied August 2, and an frauds by C o ffe e Im p orters. after following a number of cars which agitator were executed at Reval today. they supposed were carrying nonunion Aug. 18— C ollector of Twelve other sailors were » » t e o M d to workmen, boarded a car on Devisidaro tio ' e quite so rea d y ; but now ha alderman and was sent to Congress for takes up with all her whims. W hat one term. do you suppose his last gift- was?” In 1857, when 41 years old, he went The listener dared not ventures sup­ to New York, seeking a wider field for position. tils trading activities. He bought the “ I didn’t Imagine you would,” sal# La Crosse road, part o f the Milwaukee Mrs. Ilohbs, with satisfaction. “ Au»> & St. I ’aul system, for $25,000, kept it ladle's always been set on onions eves six months and sold It for $1,000,000. since she was a child, but her pa and From that time forward he was a fac­ I never encouraged her In It, first be­ tor In W all street, always looking for cause they smell so, and then, too, they a sure thing and always getting 1L cost considerable unless you raise them For a tim e he and Jay Gould were yourself. closely associated. He never specu­ “ W ell, Henry found out how fond she lated, as that term Is generally under­ Is o f 'em, and he ordered a half-bushel stood. He preferred to buy etocks out­ to be there when they got back from right, after studying them carefu lly; the trip ; and then when she told him hut he made most o f his enormous for­ my objections, and he knew I was com­ tune by loaning money. A t his death ing, he bought a pint bottle o f that Ills fortune was estimated at $100,000,- new hyacinth perfumery and put It In 000. the guest-room for me. Russell Sage had no hobbles. He “ When I got It on, why, Anabell« cared nothing for the things that might have eaten the whole o’ that wealth could buy. Things that other half-bushel o f onions and I should m illionaires are wont to s|iend their never have known I t Here, you smell money on had no charms for him. He o’ that handkerchief and you'll see I ’m cared nothing fo r art, music, pictures, not speaking a word beyond the truth.’* steam yachts, social eutertainmenta or T h e y ’re E ip r n a lv e . books o f travel. Youth— W hat do I have to pay for • As wealthy as Croesus, his tastes to the last remained as simple as those marriage license! Clerk— Well, yam get It on the 1» o f a $20 a week clerk who strives to live within bis Income. His business stallment plan. Youth— How's thet ? apparently ahaortied his whole life. Ac­ Clerk— One dollar down and you r etv cording to the popular estimate o f him he represented the most perfect devel­ tire salary each month for the rest ol opment o f the money making machine your life.— Cleveland Leader. In human form. Th# greatest evil >ee know anything Russell Sage was twice married, but I shout In connection with canned m eat* he had no children. Ills first w ife was J Is the pile o f tin cans allowed to accu- Miss Marta Wlnne, daughter o f Mows tun late In the alley, and the big packers’ I Wlnne, o f Troy. She died In New trust can't he held responsible fo r that, Y'ork In 1807. T w o years later be mar­ I cau It? __________ ried Miss M argaret O livia Slocum, When two big talkers are alone t » daughter o f Joseph 8 locum, a merchant | gather they don't say much. Keltbel o f Syracuse. Uta frleoda declared that e f all the | v M la looking for a talker but • lis t e n «