Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 16, 1906, Image 2

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igton County News
b a u d Each Wach
Russian Terrorists Wreak Vengeance
on Hated Police.
Bt. Petersborg, Aug. 16. — Advices
1 received from Liban state that the riot­
ous demonstrations that began there
Saturday night still continue and that
the Hooligan element absolutely holds
sway in the city, the police being pow­
erless to check it. Law abiding citizens
are unable to traverse the streets *Dd a
reign of robbery and rapine is in pro­
gress that « i l l not be checked until
o f th* L a ti Important but troop* are cent to aid the police.
Los* Intarosting Events
Bo far all appeals to the government
at St. Petersburg have fallen appar­
o f th* Past Weak.
ently upon deaf ears and this fact has
emboldened tbs disturbing element to
I .ary Boot has arrived at Buenas add murder to its other crimes. Five
storekeepers have been murdered dur­
Mullah has received a disastrous ing the past 12 hours and hundreds of
shops have been looted. The rloteis
raided the alcohol depot, and after
rations looking to a Russo Jap- filling themselves up on the fiery fluid,
stiing treaty have been com- paraded the streets, shouting threats
against the Jews and factory owners
[lik ely that the War department and storekeepers.
Three police officers have been mur­
entrate all col ired troops at
dered since Tuesday morning, the Ter­
rorists apparently having seized upon
I 'l y Republican state conventions the confusion as offering a magnificent
tW arin g in favor of Roosevelt for opportunity to eliminate the hated
A; Ì term.
members of the police who have been
ante in Bouthern Russia are rav­ active in working against them.
There is one regiment of infantry in
v o lt e country and the troops refuse
the local barracks at Libau, but it is
Son them
mutinous and the officers some days
ot to assassinate the president of ago took from the men all their am­
Was discovered just In time to munition, as It was feared that they in­
,te the plans.
tended to mutiny.
powers are expected to make
|1 representations to Greece.
i !e is over the barbarous acts of
r marauders in Macedona.
Test Cate Upon Earthquake Clause
'ernment inquiry into the rela-
Set for Trial.
1 between the railroads entering
Ban Francisco, Aug. 15.— The first of
Ohio, and the ice trust show
the insurance cases involving the earth
o to be working band in hand.
quake clause was set for trial today by
arrant has been is med for the ar- Superior Judge Hebbard. The case is
W. R. Vice, formerly coast pas- that of the Rosenthal Shoe company
agent of the Union Pacific. Vice against tho Williamsburg City Fire In-
>*r 1
arged with embezzling (10,000 suratet company.
The attorney fir
11« had been in hid- the insurance people asked that the
in i y< «ara aK°-
. lentil the Ban Frarclico disaster of case be not set for trial until opportu­
18, when he reappeared, believ- ne'./ could be given the judges mutual­
tajfihe papers incriminating him had
ly to arrange with the insurance com­
l i f " destroyed.
panies lor a test case.
He said that
le/te National G. A R. is in conveo- the insurance companies would demand
a jury trial in each case, and unless
t Minneapolis.
proper arrangements were made for a
ps have been damaged by unpre-
teat case the courts would be occupied
ted rains in Virginia.
for years in hearing insurance litiga­
m e sultan of Turkey has rewarded tion.
exihyeician by elevating him to the
The attorney for the plaintiff declar­
of general.
ed that there were points of fact in this
llth the exception of Bt. Petersburg, connection that could not be settled by
da, and Rome, Italy, Chicago leads a test case. The court then asked the
insurance attorney if he waived a jury
'(world in crime.
trial, and was answered, “ No.”
sZ Birmingham, Alabama, bank teller judge then asked, “ Do you demand a
l| confederates have been arrested for jury trial?” but could not get a direct
de:,1 lerale stealing,
i Jj
The attorney for the shoe company
lenffhe banks of the Chicago Clearing
fase'ise association have offered a re- then announced that to save time he
• l,(“ «l of (6,000 for the capture of Btens- would formally demand a jury trial.
The case was set for August 27.
m (]
'.ns Rhine A Moselle Inaurance com-
thi "y, of Germany, has announced that
f . t icd > ill not pay its (2,000,000 liabilities
Stensland Took House Furnishings
I "Ian Francisco.
and a Woman With Him.
Fo'^>he saltan o! Morocco is considering
Chicago, Aug. 15.— Testimony indi
i . » j question of moving the capital from
to Morocco City in order to be more ating that extensive preparations for
flight were made by Paul Btensland,
®ufJB ure Irom bandits.
president of the Milwaukee Avenue
ni*Uefew York is waging a war againBt State bank, and that a woman entered
Coney Island street car lines. A
into these preparations, were secured
El/ V® of 10 cents is charged, which the by Assistant State's Attorney Olsen to
*■) irts hold is not legal and the people day, through the cross examination of
fighting to keep from paying more
Miss Allen McCracken, housekeeper for
> "an 6 cents.
Thousands are being
Stensland. It was learned that Stens
Mnaulted by the company’ s employes
land took with him in trunks and boxes
jo! d are thrown from the carson refusal
sheets and other bedding, towels, win
pay the additional fare.
dow curtains, carpets, rugs and a silver
The LoDKWorths have returned from dinner set. Some of this is said to
a l - f tsrope.
have been trac»d to Hiraboo, Wisconsin.
Tbe large trunk that is being traced
*'*,ere lias been a wholesale slaughter
is said to be three feet high and bound
police spies in Poland.
with iron.
The box traced to Wiscon­
The Russian War department is sin weighed 375 pounds when it was
nlngg to rebuild the navy.
placed on an express wagon at the
There is a scandal in Great Britain Stensland home on the day of the
flight. Telegrams have been sent all
»$ ver army supplies in South Africa.
over the world to trainmen to look for
f f Kansas City, KBn., has become more the big trunk.
ITOSperoua since the closing of saloons.
Another warrant charging Cashier
Soldiers of the Russian royal guard Hering with forging a note for (10,000
(hot at Grand Duke Nicholas during in the name of Marius S. Kirby was is­
sued today.
naneuvera he was watching.
idensed Form for Oor
Busy Readers.
Slipn I
I The csar is taking extraordinary'pre-
cautiuns to protect the members of^ the
iroyal family from assassination.
A new directory just issued by Chi-
go ehowce it* poplation to Ire 2,300,-
500. The name of Johnson leads with
6,362 names.
Gshier Hering, of the
Avuene State bank has again treen ar­
rested and other Chicago bank lsooters
are to be arrested.
Portland's bank clearings for the
first aepven months of 1906 are (145,-
149,707, an increase of (21,768,827
over the total for the same months in
The sultan of Turkey is seriously ill.
The shah of Persia ha* cal led a na­
tional assembly.
A new revolution in Venezuela is
being organised against Castro.
The ringleader in a North Carolina
lynching has been ;found guilty by a
court Jury, the first conviction of a
lyncher in the state.
The paying teller of the
Car Service Stopped,
New York, Aug. 16.— Following the
arrest tonight of three division inspec
tors of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
company on charges of assault, the
company shut off entirely all of its
surface lines leading to Cnnev island,
taking the position that this was the
only way to stop the rioting which has
been in progress since Sunday morning
at tbe points where a recond fare was
demanded by the company’* employes
Tbe elevated and express trains to the
seashore were augmented.
The in
spectors were released on bail.
Rebel Headquarters Broken Up.
Ht. Petersburg, Aug. 15.— The au­
thorities attach great importance to the
capture of revolutionists at Moscow and
vicinity. They believe they have brok­
en up the headquarters of the military
fighting organisation and arrested the
leaders. In addition to seising their
clandestine printing establishment and
a large supply of bombs and explosives,
including Sbimiee powder, the author­
ities secured elaborate plane to be used
in the event of an uprising.
Avenue BUte bank, of Chicago,
committed suicide.
Indictments have been re'.orned sin
New York against six railroads for re­
bating to the sugar trust.
Freight Tunnels Under Chicago.
Chicago, Aug. 15.— The freight bores
of the Illinois Tunnel company will
carry merchandise of all kinds in car­
load lots for the first time today. This
movement will mark th* practical com­
pletion of the Illinois Tnnnel company’ s
system of underground freight railroads,
construction of which was begun five
years ago, and which baa coat its own-
Evidence now poinU to Cashier Her­
ing as being an accomplice in the loot­
ing of the Milwaukee Avenue bank, of
Chicago. Inquiries have shown th*
wrecked bank to be in worse condition
a n about ( 30 , 000 . 000 .
(ban at first believed.
Rebuilding Operations in Sar Fran­
cisco Begin With Vigor.
Ban Francisco. Aug. 14. — The re­
building of Ban Francisco has begun in
There is little talk, there is
little boasting, but there ie a vast
amount of work. It may be observed
on every hand. It has suddenly grown
to large proportions, due to increased
payments by the insurance companies.
These payments now total (50,000,000
— enough to warrant a decided step in
advance in reconstruction. But still
the (50,000,000 represents only 20
cents on the dollar of the amount due
the policy holders of the city. The
thirty days’ grace allowed by law, alter
the three months allotted for the filing
of proofs of loss, have elapsed and the
insurance corporations must now pay
or flatly refuse.
The (60,000,000 has not been paid
with the same cheerfulness with which
the premiums were collected, in fact
it ie not an exaggeration to say that i
very large part of the amount has been
“ wrung” from the companies. It is
still a question as to the sum which
the policy holders will collect in the
end. It ie organization that has car­
ried them to the point already attained,
and it will be organization that will
carry them further. There ie very lit­
tle single handed fighting against the
Most of the individual
suite filed are test cases to determine
the validity of certain doubtful clauses
and to decide how far the "earthquake
clause” will prevail. The policy hold
era have been merged into a gigantic
organization, whicu has employed
corps of lawyers and will either force
the companies to do the “ square thing’
or else announce their perfidity to the
Drouth and Poor Cultivation Will Put Extensive System Planned for Grand
Ronde and Indian Valley*.
Yield Below 120,000 Bales.
Two big irrigation eys-
Tbe long continued drouth and the
poor cultivation in mary sections are terns, which will cover the entire Grand
beginning to tell on tbe Oregon hop Ronde and Indian valleys and a portion
crop. Last year tbe state produced of land in Wallowa county, are being
about 112,000 bales.. It is beginning projected by local companies.
The organization to be known as the
to took now as if this figure would not
be exceeded this year, notwithstanding Grand Ronde Water company, is a cor-
an increase in acreage of abont 10 per poration which will promote a $2,000,-
Estimates made by reliable 000 iirigation project and besides furn
dealers of the coming crop range all tbe iabing water for irrigation on a large
way from 100,000 to 120,000 balee. At scale, the company expects to provide
one time in the spring it was thought power for lighting where it is wanted.
about 140,000 bales would be produced, The water will be taken from the Big
but two months with practically no Miwam, which forms the boundary be­
rainfall anywhere in the bop belt has tween Union and Wallowa counties.
bad a telling effect on the vines. Scan­ The preliminary surveys for the big
ty cultivation in many of the yarde hae canal were made last year, and at the
caused even more damage than the dry present time the engineers are engaged
spell. Prices were so low last year that in making the final surveys and doing
some of the growers lost heart and neg­ the cross sectioning.
The canal will take the water through
lected \to cultivate their properties.
They w ill be rewarded this year with a deep canyon. Its head is in eection
less than half the production of their 35, township 3 south, range 42 east.
neighbors who attended to this import After cutting through the high divide
ant matter.
An immense quantity of in township 1 north, range 41 east, it
hope was sold on contract in the spring will be an easy matter to cover the In
at the hare coet of production, and dian valley country aud swing into the
these sellers, almost without exception, Grand Ronde. The main canal to the
divide will be 34 miles long.
failed to cultivate their yards.
It is estimated that up to tbe present lateral distributing canals as planned
time about 80,000 balee of the coming will be 60 miles in length.
The promoters estimate that it will
crop are tied up by contracts. A l­
though the crop will fall short of early take four months’ time for the large
expectations, it w ill still furnish em­ force of engineers now at work to com­
ployment for all the pickers that can plete the final survey. Construction
be secured. It will be what the grow­ work will be commenced as soon as the
ers call a “ top crop,” and will be easy survey is finished.
to pick.
Teachers Scarce in Lane.
Nicholas Declines Post o f Command­
Much Hay in Tillamook.
Eugene— The regular quarterly exam­
er o f Russian Army.
Tillamook— Tillamook had another ination for teachers’ certificates was
bumper hay crop this year, and with held in this city last week by County
St. Petersburg, Aug. 14. — Grand
fine weather the past month it has been Superintendent W. B. Dillard, assisted Duke Nicholas Nicholaieyitch, tbe
harvested in good shape.
Moat evsry by Professor M. H. Arnold, Professor Associated Press is informed by a mem­
barn in tbe county iB filled to its full D. C. Baughman and W. G. Martin ber of his entourage, haB declined to
capacity, and there will be an abund­ There were 61 applicants for county accept the post of commander in chief
ance of feed next winter for the dairy certificate and several for elate papers. of all the troops of the empire, “ where
herds, with the probability that it will This is a smaller class than tbe aver­ martial law exists,” which was ten­
not be all used before the next crop is age, and Superintendent Dillard thinks dered to him Augugt 4.
harvested. The dairy business in T ill­ there will be a scarcity of teachers in
Whether this was decided before or
amook is increasing every year, and the the county this fall.
Several outlying after tbe attempt on the life of tbe
dairymen are very prosperous, as they
districts were unable to secure teachers grand duke at Krasnove-Belo on August
do not have to buy mill feed for their
for the spring term, and the outlook 10 is not known, but tbe ostensible
cowe, but grow enough on their farms,
reason is that Grand Duke Nicholas be­
for the fall term seems even worse.
and this with the green pasture keeps
lieves that such a poet should not be
tbe caws in good condition.
given to a grand duke, but morely a
Fortune in Five Years.
Baker City—The largest land deal military man. He advocates the ap­
To Meet at Hood River.
made in Baker county in a quarter of a pointment of General Linievitch, form­
I'endleton— Judge S. A . Lowell, pres­ century was closed a few days ago when erly commadner in chief of the Man­
ident of the Oregon Irrigation associa­ Earl F. Cranston sold 720 acres in churian army, but tbe emperor has not
tion, has set October 11 and 12 as the Powder valley within ten miles of Bak­ finally decided the matter.
date for the holding of this year’ s con­ er City, to Brown, Phillips & Geddes,
The activity of the Terrorists in the
vention of the association.
owners of the Baker Packing company, provinces included, beside the usual
River is to be the place of meeting. for (35,000, reserving this year’ s crop harvest of assassinations in Warsaw,
By holding tbe convention on the above estimated in value at (5,000.
Five an attempt on the life of General Ka-
dates the meeting will take place dur­ years ago this land was bought from ratelieff, chief of the gendarmerie of
ing the biennial fruit fair, which is to tbe government at (2 an acre and was Samara province, and the wounding of
be held at Hood River during October. a sage brush desert.
Captain of Police Ivanoff, of Libau, by
Arrangements for the holding of the
a youth who fired thrice at him on the
convention are now being made by the
Large Deal in Sheep.
people of Hood River, and it is expect­
Pendleton— One of the largest and
ed that a large delegation will he pres­
most important sheep deals that has
ent from Eastern Oregon.
been conenmated in this locality for
some time took place recently when A. Expert Engineers Meet in Conference
Dynamite Makes Hay Grow.
Bmythe A Bone, of Arlington, sold to
at Boise September 3.
Pendleton — J. B. McDill. superin­ C. Oxman, tbe well known Chicago
Aug. 14. — The fourth
tendent, of the county poor farm, has buyer, 18,000 head of mutton sheep at
harvested the second crop of alfalfa, (3 50 a head, which is the maximum annual conference of the engineers of
and the yield will amount to about 180 price. The amount involved in tbe the United States Reclamation service
tone. A portion of the land on this transaction is (63,000. Bmvthe A Sons will be held at Boise, Idaho, Septem­
place was underlaid with a limestone will winter over about 25,000 head tbe ber 3 to 8, the fourteenth irrigation
congress also being in session at Boise
crust about a foot beneath the surface, coming winter.
at that time.
which detracted from the strength of
This conference is in continuation of
the soil. Breaking up with dynamite
the general policy of holding annually
was tried as an experiment upon some
a meeting of the principal engineers of
of the land, and has proved successful.
Wheat— Club, 68(g|69c; bluestem,
The limestone cruet beneath the surface 70@71c; valley, 71@72c; red, 66@67c, the Reclamation service for the purpose
of discussing matters of administration
prevents the crops from taking deep
Oats— No. 1 white feed, (26; gray,
aud economics of work. The hringing
root, or the Boil from retaining moist­ (25 per ton; new crop, (22 per ton.
together of these engineers ard prom­
Barley— Feed, (23 per ton; brew­
inent citizens of the West makes possi­
ing, (23.50; roiled, (£4@24 50.
an interchange of views and a dis­
State Aids Pendleton Fair.
Rye— (1.50 per cwt.
cussion of data leading to results of
Pendleton —President Leon Cohen, of
Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1 ,(1 1 0
the District Fair association, has re- j 12.50 per ton; clover, (70)7.50; cheat. very great vaiue in the furtherance of
the purposes of the reclamation act.
ceived word from Salem that the formal | (6.50; grain hay, $7; alfalfa, (10.
Each of the engineers, experts and
application for (1,500 appropriation I Fruits — Apples, common, 50@75c
had been favorably acted upon and the j per box; taney, (1.25@2; apricots, specialists in the various lines will sub­
money was available
The fair ie to be ( 1.25@1.35; grapes, (1.75 0 2 per crate; mit a brief paper embracing some point
held here in September and (1,500: peaches, 7 5 c @ (l; pears, (2 ; plums, of general interest, each as detailed
was appropriated by the legislature for fancy, 50O75c per box; common, 500 methods of cost, keeping, of designing,
cash prizes for educatioual, agricul­ 75c; blackberries, 506c per pound; construction, maintenance, or opera­
tion. Owing to tne advanced condition
tural, horticultural and stock exhibits. crab apples, 76c pet box.
In addition (250 worth of printed matt
Melons — Cantaloupes, (2 0 3 per of many of tbe irrigation projects now
ter for advertising purposes will be crate; watermelons, I t a l i c per pound. under construction it is expected that
turned out by the state printing office.
Vegetables — Beans, 507c; cabbage, this conference will be of more than
l « 2 c per pound; celery, 86cO (l per usual interest and importance.
Coke for Takilma Smelter.
dozen; com, 15 020c per dozen; en­
Grants Pass — The first load of coke cumbers, 40060c per box; egg plant,
Offer for Cunard Liners.
for the Takilma smelter has left here. 10c per pound; lettuce, head, 25c per
London, Aug. 14.— The Standard this
Captain J. M. Mclntire, who has the dozen; onions, 10@12)<c per dozen; morning states that the directors of the
contract for hauling , states that he has peas, *0 5 c; bell peppers, 12 )^0 15c; ( unard line on Saturday received a d i«
been offered more teams than he can radishes 10O15c per dozen; r ubarb,
putation from the Hungarian govern­
use, as the teamsters would rather 2<?2>yC per pound; spinach, 2@3c per ment offering terms to the company for
haul coke and matte than lumber. pound; tomatoes, 60090c per box;
the acquisition of the emigrant trar e
From now on until tbe rains put a stop parsley, 25c; squash, (1.25 per crate-
between Flume and New Yo"k.
to hauling 'he big freight learns will turnips, 9 0 c d (l per eark; carrots,( ¡ 0
proposals involve the purchase of the
be kept busy taking coke to tbe smelter 1.25 per sack; beets, (1.2601.50 per
Canard steamships Slavonia, Ultonia
and returning with matte. It takes five sack.
and Carpathia, for over (250,000, and
days to make a round trip.
. Onions— New, 1 U O l ^ c per pound. a payment of an indemnity for the an­
Potatoes— Old Burbanks, nominal; nulment of the contract between the
State Loses SI.OOO.OOO.
new potatoes, Oregon, 75O90c.
Lnnard line and the Hungarian govern­
Salem—That the state school fund
Butter— Fancy creamery, 200 22^0 ment, which still has eeven years.
would t-e (1,000,000 better off if the per pound.
purchasers of school sections in the
Eggs— Oregon ranch, 21022c per
Sultan Not in Danger
Blue mountain forest reserve could be dozen,
Constantinople, Aug. 14 — Officials
induced or compelled to relinquish
Poultry— Average old hens, 13023 j^c inform callers at the palace that the
their claims to the land, is tbe conclu­ per pound; mixed chickens, 12<^Ot3c;
su.tan was snffering from the effects of
sion reached hy State Land Agent Os­ springs, 14c; turkeys, live, 16022c;
a chill during the past week, but that
wald West, alter a careful examination. turkeys, dressed, choice, 200 221<c;
he has now completely recovered. IP s
The land was bought from the state at geese, live, 8O10c; dneki, 11013c.
physicians, however, advised his roajra-
(1.25 per acre. If the state now had
Hope—Oregon, 1906, nominal, 13c; ty not to risk exposore to the open air
it, it could be used as base and would olds, nominal, 10c; 1906 contracts, 16
and hence the abandonment of the sol'
bring (7.50 per acre.
017c per pound.
. » I l k Friday. The local Pi £ to ¡ £
Wool— Eastern Oregon average best, bidden to pnblish anything concernin»
Want« Cement Factory Site.
16O20c per pound, according to shrink­
Oregon City— The Oregon City board age, valley, 20022c, according to flne- I ' k ! 5 “ ® th* BnlUn’» health or of thi
abandonment of the selsmlik.
of trad* is In correspondence with a ce­ neae; mohair, choice, 28O30c per
ment manufacturer of Kansas City, pound.
Are Granted H earinrs.
Mo., who is looking for s location on
Veal— Pressed, 5 S @ 8 r per pound.
^"“ hington, Aug. 14.— I n order that
the Coast with a visw to establishing a
Beef— Dressed bulls, 3c per ponnd,
plant. He represents that the plant cows, 4>%05vkc; country steers, Sigbc! the food manufacturers of tbe country
will employ mor» than 260 men, with
Mutton— Dressed fancy, 703c per m*V have opportunity to make saggee-
a monthly payroll of about (26,000. ponnd; ordinary, 6 0 «c ; lambs, fancy lions concerning regulations for the en-
forcement of the new pare food lew
An tffoit w ill be made to secure the
htarinn will be held e ttb . depsrtmeni
factory for this city.
P°rk-Drau**d, 7 0 8 * c per poond.
I of Agriculture from September 17 to 3}.
Immunity tor Testifying Against
Standard Oil Company.
Have No Hesitancy jn
Uncovering All Transactions
With Oil Octopus.
Chicago, Aug. 14.— Immunity to dif-
ferent railroad officials from prosecu-
tion for violating interstate commerce
laws in giving rebatee to tbe Standard
Oil company ie the price which the
Federal authorities are paying for tes­
timony upon which they will try to se­
cure the conviction of the Standard Oil
company and some of its officials.
was announced today by local railretd
men that they w ill have no hesitancy
in uncovering all the transactions be­
tween the roade and the oil combine to
the local Federal grand jury, because
they are sure that by so doing they will
be themselves exempt from prosecution.
When the oil combine prosecution
was first launched, it wae found by the
Federal authorities that railroad offi.
cials familiar with the facts declined to
come forwaid. An inquiry addressed
to such officials brought forth an an­
nouncement of the railroad men’s posi­
tion by the different general counsel ol
the roads.
Open notice was served
that the officials of the roads would not
give information because in so doing
they would be placing themselves and
their own railroads in danger of indict­
ment and prosecution. After consulta­
tion between counsel for the railroads
aud the government the silence of the
railroad men was broken and proof is
now forthcoming upon which indict­
ments w ill be voted oy the grand jury.
It was explained by one of the lead­
ing local railroad attorneys today tnat
the definite understanding has been
reached between their clients aud the
department of Justice that, in return
for proof upon which to indict and con­
vict the oil combine and its officials,
the railroads w ill not be molested with
aDy prosecution, so iar as the giving of
rebates to the Standard Oil company is
Limit to Stensland's Crimes Not Yet
Found by Inspectors.
Chicago, Aug. 14.— The belief that
large amounts of collateral g'ven as se­
curity for notes in the Milwaukee Ave­
nue bank have been stolen practically
became a certainty last night, wbent
note for $9,000, known to be genuine,
was found in Stensland’ s house at By­
ron street and Lawndale avenue.
Search was made for the collateral se­
curity, but it could not be found.
The discovery opened up a field for
almost unlimited speculation as to ho*
far the looting proceeded before Stens-
land disappeared. I f the real estate
and other ee'urities in the bank have
been stolen or are found to be worth­
less, the amount of money left to pay
the depositors probably will be redaced
as low as 25 per cent.
Aseietant State’s Attornsy Olson wm
informed yesterday afternoon that Pres­
ident Stensland has large land holdings
in Mexico, and that he may be in tbe
Southern republic now. The informa­
tion came in the shape of a letter from
an acquaintance of Stensland. Mr. Ol­
son said that it w ill take only 24 boon
to run down the clew.
Greatest o f Naval Reviews.
Washington, Aug. 14.—Orders for
the formation of the Atlantic fleet w
be reviewed by Presdient Roosevelt a*
Oyster Bay, September 3, were issued
at the Navy department today.
president w ill be aboard tho Mayflo*’
er, and the fleet which be will re^**
will be the strongest, if not the l*rF*J
in numbers, ever assembled under to*
United States flag. It will consist o
43 vessels, eairying 1,178 guns,
manded by 812 officers, with 15>"
men. Rear Admiral Robley 0- 6***
will be commander-in-chief.
More Damage by Texas Flood
Houston, Tex.. Aug. 14.—The *°
of repairing the Southern Pacific trie
at Sanderson ie proceeding r*P' _/
and unless there are further rains
fle w ill be resumed Thursday ,T<0 ’ ,
The cloudburst of
away 6,000 feet of track and l.W» '
of bridges in Meyers and Willo*
Springs canyons, near Langtry, in
dition to the six miles already
One Mexican fell into a swollen
and was drowned yesterday.
Railroads O ffe r Bribe.
Bt. Panl, Aug. 1 4 A meeting o . I
State Warehouse and Railroad
sioners was held today for the P ,tj-
it is stated, of acting on a proF*
from the Great Northern, Nor
cific and 8oo Line r* ilrofr ,’f<w m
agree to reduce the freight
wheat 1 cent a hundred pounds v ^
ed the commission will •*.
present inveetigation and •*'
freight rates on commodit
proposition was rejected.
Custom House* for
Pekin, Ang. 1 « - - J h «
rater has informed China th
ready to establish a custom« * ^ 1
Port Dalny and urges Chin«
similar arrangements *t
. r|
stations in Northern ^ * ” *7 M
to place th* traffic on tbs
Rueeian railway» ° ° * " *<,n*