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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1906)
W ashing ™ C ounty new : i? i» VOL. IV FOREST GROVE, W ASHINGTON CO ., O R E ., AU G U ST 16, 1906. ! 1 j ! Takes a Hike. COUNCILMEN OET BUSY ^ The J h "Hoosier" o J — ., c„p,d LEAGUE TO MEET HERE “ Aaron Smith and family 2 ? « » Q- Jackson and family, the ; first of the week. ______________| dents They are traveling I o ! the college will be very sorry T H U R SD A Y , Henry D. Smith, Drowned. The residents of this city and stu- Y. M. C. A. BOYS RETURN! OREGON HOPS THE BEST Banqueted by Cttizens on c | ‘ Campus. Cltv Fathers Take Steps to Remedy and fn?mJ Forest Grove- ^ t0 Th„ m i .. „ „ t0 hear oi the Md d« th of H enryD- 111 „ , r 3 ^ #rsaw* Ind • ‘heir former home. The Willamette Valley Development smith „ who was drowned in Lake J. N. Hoffman Suggests How Oregon Sprinkling Abuse and Excessive I j ; L C:!?Ied.wagon bore many sug- League — Slated for Forest Grove ; Geneva- New York> Thursday last, | (festive inscriptions among others be May Lead the World — Oregon while making a futile attempt to rescue Water Consumption with Meters. ing, Eastbound Limited. Left Ore-1 the first Week of September. Growers Are Too Careless. gon March 20. Indiana or Bust.” j Miss Ruth Macumber H e was well Mr. Smith lived in Oregon 9 years, | and is thorouuhly disgusted with that country.” S id ew alk Problem Perplexing— Rebate This is a clipping from the Beaver j City Times-Tribune. to Be Made on Lights—Usual Rout ine of Work Is Transacted. We understand Mr. Smith is travel known in Oregon Representatives from all Valley Towns will be Our Visitors. Great The perplexing sidewalk problem ; council Tuesday evening. The com - mittee on streets reported that new crossings had been constructed, side walks repaired but that was necessary. The more work building of the walk from Pacific Avenue along College Way by the college authorities came up for consideration. It seems that the walk is actually on the college property and has been for Durst Consignment Sold But Profits hearted reception and banqueti debating/for the two school years clos Are Sm all-Hops Should Reach ing England Early After Picking. pleasure” for the Portlanders. in the Spring of 1904. Mr. in making the event a “ sweet rot T h e boys were under the chi took a prominent part in W. S. Hale, secretary of the Bo; The WiUamette Valley Develop- forensics during his undergraduate days J. N. Hoffman, who returned recent League will meet in this city and served for one year as instructor. ly from a trip to England, as the repre* manner but then— like all good people with us the first week in September During his stay at Pacific University sentative of the Northwest H op Dealers — Mr. Smith in a few years may wan* and those who remember the Coos our institution won every debate in Association, is of the opinion that the der back this way with his wagon cover Bay convention will no doubt feel that which it participated due, in a large Oregon growers are more favored by painted with these words: “ Back to our city has been greatly honored to measure, to the com petent instruction climatic and soil conditions than any Oregon —G od’ s country. The prodigal After his return to other grower of hops. be chosen as the meeting place of of Mr. Smith. son returns.” that body. Our reputation has always Beloit College, Mr. Smith acted as In England the growers must fertil Envious of Forest Grove's Good Name preceded us and the Salem Journal a general secretary and greatly increased ize each year at an expense of $50 per the enrollment of that institution. Last acre. The best growers spray from Physicians report a number of few days ago had the following to say year he took special work at Yale and 10 to 12 times at an approximate cost concerning the coming meeting: typhoid cases developing at Gaston partment of the Portland Y. M. J H a j ment and the camping equipment a n d ^ H visions were hauled by John M c N jH ^ the stage driver. The leaders of the camp were: S. Hale, Fred Thomas, Harlow, J. C. Clark, You The WINCHESTER AND SAVAGE GENS Address of welcome, by the Mayor. Response, by one of the officers of the League. Papers, from “ “ “ Savage Model 30-30 or 303, Rd Bbt “ « “ “ Oct. “ the different local organizations. “ Higher Education as a means Winchester Model 1894, 30-30 Nickel Steel Bbl $14.75 it Successful Applicants. outlined will be as follows: Permanent 25-35 “ 1892, 25-20 “ « “ 22 Cal “ “ T ake Down 12 and 16 Gauge Shot Gun program as i à 1 C 14.75 12.50 10.26 19.44 18.00 19.50 Get Portland Prices and com pare them with the above. Development.” of Pacific University. “ Advantages of Civic Improvement Societies as Means of Development” — Forest Grove Civic Improvement Soci ety “ Agriculture as one of the Greatest Valley Local Or g . ’ ’ Horticulture as an Instrument in Development” — Local Horticultural Society. Senator Fulton, Congressman W .C. H *»ley u td m .n , » M — -P— will appear on the program. The following applicants received certificates at the semi-annual examina- tion, held in Hillsboro, A ug., 8. 9. 10. First grade— Clara Loynes, Frank Fletcher, Forest Grove; Martha Gal- breath, Tualatin; Maisie O ’ Donnell, Buxton; Bertha Fowles, M ounuindsle; Mary E Thom pson, Victor M Vose, Hillsboro; Mamie E Ayres, Beaverton; Anha Thom pson, Sherwood; Marie Hostetler, Minnie Pound, Portland. Second grade— Laura M Thomas, Rutherford H Vose, Irma M Vose, B A Vose. J D Moffitt, Hillsboro; Bessie Sturdevant, Nettie Thomas, Margaret Asbahr, Ida E Stewart, Cor- in Hillsboro last OREGON Forest Grove. W. S. Hale to a l n | | a j|j representative said: “ Oh, we have a fine tim e and we’ ve enjoyed our m immensely. W e had a good tim d j the beach, and by the wav th a tw grpat country out there. It’ s a cou|I ry with a future as soon as it is t a p f l by a railroad. Netarts !- « a * —■ pr , place but the accommodations tions are 1, : I ited. They need a hotel there, v l j the boys got on splendidly and our M as a whole has been a huge s u c c e f l The hero of the bunch was R a n fl Bartlett, a bright eyed, vivacious tS year-old little chap, who sold Saturtl Posts to get sufficient money to tffl the trip. H e walked every bit of t|l way and doesn’ t think he did much 8 ther. H e is a typical westerner. ■ The citizens of Forest Grove <H themselves credit by serving a lund| eon which the boys enjoyed immens ; The boys gathered under the oaks the University campus and feasted rej ally. “ U m ;” Mid a bright urchl ... “ did we have plenty? I guess yi U m !” The feast was followed bv so: : after-dinner speechmaking and so: cheering by the happy Portlanders. The party viewed the sights of city and left for Portland on the aft noon train. ___ The trip was not marred by any se iflj ous accidents. Unfortunately one fig the boys wrenched his wrist, anothM j burned his feet playing around t h l l camp fire and another was b o th e r e H with the asthma. ! Trouble Over Cows. Ernest Howard was arrested and ar raigned before Justice H. T. Bagleyts of Hillsboro, Monday, on a charge o i l wantonly and maliciously injuring tw dl cows, the property of E. A. T hom asJi Howard and Thomas are neighbors and?1 sufficient good hop lands in the state t0 pr<xiuce au the hops required in the ,. . . . . World’ •nd w,th the advanta« e ovtr a11 other locations of superior quality and low cost of production, have only to wait such time as will see England as well „ Ncw y ork and out . . . . . of the hoP-Producing sections. DURST LOT SOLD. reside about eight miles south of here.AI It is alleged by Thomas that How ards threw vitriol watar, lye or some other 1 strong solution on his cows, burning - out the eyes, destroying the nddenffl and otherwise injuring them. Howard! r will be given an examination in a few days. Mr. Hoffman concluded: “ The consignment of hops sent from j J U S T RIGHT! the Coast through Mr. Durst, of Alame da, California, being som e 7000 bales 1 (O regon and California), left Galveston ably hardly net the grower the price Married paid for hops on the Coast after 7000 bales were shipped out. Eugene, who is visiting relatives in will make their home at the the It was mar expected that the shipment would They cause a rise in the home market, as it Half-Way was the proposition that growers should M r» Walt Smith of W ilson, were from the pocket of James McClaran of ried in Vancouver last w eek. Gaston. • to”i i à with “ three cheers and a have Willsonville. I i bulk of the consignm ent was sold be Examining Board— Supt. M. C. Case, fore our leaving at 60 shillings per Prof. Marsh, Mrs. M . C. Case. hundredweight. This figure will prob Thuisday. /'^Charles Adkins, of Gales Creek, and Daniel was charged with stealing $15 FO R EST GROVE , We Amity; L a k T. L riravM Graves, Newberg; ,n lw o »*«•'»>*«. one arm ing about ____ ^ Lula Winfield C Em m el, Sherwood. June 18, the last carrying some 1300 Third grade— Nettie Booth, Emily bales, not having arrived at the time E Young, Hillsboro; Bella S C halm ers,1 of our leaving London, July 25, the Coral Baker, C leo C M ilne, Forest steamer having put in at the Azores, ^ delaying its arrival. However, the The case of the state of Oregon against Samuel Daniels of Gaston, was heard lead the world. | IS | Cornelius; Ellen Brobst, Daniels Acquitted of Picking Pocket. GOFF BROS help but marched through its “ yell” with the accustomed j The boys of a full fledged sophomore, and c l| Hunting Season Opens Wednesday August 15th 1906 are to be elected. Ef street, halted, and each company G o in g ? It is Time You were g e t ting your Things Ready cook, Dr. H . A. : ■, F. E. Guild and L. M. Myers. and Forest Grove and among those "T h e Willamette Valley Develop led the debating team of that univer of $5 per acre and thorough spraying years. This was done in order to who are using Gales Creek water. As ment League is slated to hold a con sity against Harvard. Mr. Smith was is a necessity. The hoplouse and the make College Way broader in front of yet Hillsboro has no case. The water vention at Forest Grove the first week a son of Dr. Arthur Smith, Congrega- mould are the two principal pests the the college premises and thus add to supply is supposed to be the cause of in September. tional missionary to China, who has English grower must contend with. the malady.” the appearance of things. T h e college "T H A T BE A U TIFU L L IT T L E becom e well known in this country as The product is marketed about the Just what may have inspired this authorities now wishe to build anew COLLEGE CITY OF T H E W EST a lecturer and writer on Chinese affairs. same as in our own country, and the malicious little story to be written by ISO feet of that walk but as the said SIDE will put on its best bib and grower when realizing 17 cents a pound the Argus reporter, we cannot find out. walk comes under the cem ent walk tucker and greet the rest of Western Dairying to Receive New Impetus. is in luck if he realized cost of produc It cannot be that the steady growth and district recently established by ordin Oregon. tion. Average yield an acre last year the metropolitan spirit which permeates The dairy industry of Washington ance, some of the councilm en believed “ There are to be representatives our thrifty and thriving city has caused county which in the last few years his was a little more than 1500 pounds. in the strict enforcement of the ordin from the other development leagues1 grown to immense proportions, will .e- The present estimate of the growing “ Our Lucius” to become jealous. ance. Others held that the city had and from the other college towns and crop, which will be harvested early in There is no typhoid in Forest Grove ceive another impetus during the com no jurisdiction over the present side commercial clubs in attendance. September, will not reach to exceed ing months. The large crop of hay and expert chemists have testified as walk but that the college authorities “ The future of these western Ore 750 pounds an acre, which will mean which the country yielded and which to the purity and wholesomness of our could be made to build a cem ent walk gon towns can be wonderfully accel an outlay of at least 25 cents a pound. is now selling at a very low price will water supply. It is a matter of regret where it really belongs. erated by attendance upon these devel Storage houses and warerooms in Lon- enable the farmers to keep more cows that our worthy contemporary has to opment conventions. The council does not wish to be on their farms during the com in g win- don ful1 of old hoPs’ and il is the resort to the publishing of such “ The conventions held at North come entangled in a legal way with the ter and receive a better profit there- ! Reneral irnPression thal there « suffi* “ stories.” Gaston did have a slight Bend, Coos Bay, last May was doubt-1 cient hops now in storage to supply college authorities and to prevent any from than by selling it and hauling it case of fever but it was not typhoid. less the greatest advertisement of the 1 the brewing trade of England for 17 to friction, the ordinance com m ittee was to town. As to the large crop and Neighbor, put your hammer on the Coos Bay country ever given that 120 months. Cold-storage houses are instructed to confer with President I present low prices in the Willamette shelf, boost your own town some other region. 1 provided, and we are informed that ' Valley, the Rural Spirit of Portland has way. Continued on last page “ The people of the west side will hops so kept will remain in perfect the following to say: vie with the people of the east side condition for many years. “ Perhaps the Willamette Valley in showing that they AR E CAPABLE The Oregon hop has the preference, never harvested so big a crop of hay as OF PROGRESS AND ARE DOING and now sells on the English market , it has just finished taking care of. The THINGS. for better price than any other Coast bulk of this hay is red clover and vetch “ Western Oregon is in the midst hop, and has the past season sold for and of high feeding value, not only for of the most promising era of pros dairy purposes but for growing and fat- raore money a P°und than the En* lish perity and development that any part or New York state, owing to superior tening stock of all kinds com m on to quality. of the state has ever realized.” our valley farms, and for farmers to sell The invitations to attend this ses The greatest fault found to our pro good vetch hay for $1 a load, as word duct is the slovenly and untidy manner sion will be sent out directly to all comes some of them are doing in commercial clubs, boards of trade and of picking and baling. The California places up the valley, seems like poor similar organizations. The general and Washington crops are put on the business policy. There is no kind of market in better condition than ours. conception of the program, although stocl: that will not make a man money Oregon bales being poorly sewed and subject to alteration, has passed the eating good vetch hay at that price often badly shaped, giving them a bad approval of Col. E. Hofer of Salem, and with plenty of good stock to be appearance when lined up in the mar the president of the League, who in a had at reasonable prices it seems ket. If the Oregon grower will but letter to Judge Hollis, secretary of the strange that any sane man would sell | see that his crop is cleanly picked, local board of trade, gives much en hay so cheap. The absolute necessity | prevent his hops while being hauled to couragement for a profitable session, of raising a little cash for immediate I the drier from being bruised, will see the Salem delegates having been al use is the only excuse we can imagine that his bales are well shaped and well ready chosen and there will be a for doing so and if a man has any credit sewed with lock stitch and cloth kept large attendance of representatives and at his local bank he had better pay a clean, not exposed to the light, so as the commercial bodies of valley towns. little interest than fool his crop away to cause discoloration of the cloth, The convention is an important one in this manner.” The Following are O ur Prices on Oregon’ s hopgrowing district cannot as the officers for the com ing year A re On their arri' Tillamook they were given a the citizens of Tillamook city ji where he w e are certainly sorry to have our the city good old state slandered in such The party numbered 60 the beach Friday. Smith was a graduate of Beloit College j No wonder he occupied the attention of here Tuesday noon from Netarts sea. educational circles, at the college, occupying the position of instructor in public speaking and by breezes the members of the Bo; of the Portland Y. M. C. A . especially here, where he had taught Advertisement for Our City. ing and living off of the fat of the land, likes the east. Sunburned and tanned The accused was acquitted. house on the Wilson River toll road. CoatiaaaS aa r ,f. 1 . The Correct Time is something worth knowing and is very important to most people. Our watches d o not vary a second We give a strong guarantee. Abbott & Son Jewelers V a ........................................................ «