I. Mr,. Mary Austin left Monday for' Mrs. P. W. Cronin returns this Dr. Leonard and Judge Hollis have her daughter, evening from a visit with her daughter, | joined the merry crowd on the Neha- Denver, Col., to visit and will not return until some time in Mrs. Brenner of Portland. lem. Miss Pearl McGill is now a daify vis-. R. J. Hutchcroft of North Yamhill, October. itor in Portland where she is taking came down Tuesday, to enlist hop The Misses Shogreri are tenting on —Call at The Book Store. the Wilson, near the Wilson View Tav- notes on fall millinery at the large mil- I pickers. — Victor flour can,t be beat. Will Kertson and family, returned em, better known as McNamer’s linery establishment of Lowengart &, An apprentice wanted at The News. Co. yesterday from a pleasant outing at Camp. -Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it. Lute Pease, the well known cartoon- Newport. O. B. Malmsten and wife, of Ver- tjje;r ist of Portland, spent Tuesday in the Hany Giltner returned today from Mrs. O. Edson and son of Cornelius, monia, spent Tuesday in town on Grove, gathering data for an article on Sea View, Wash. were the guests of her daughter, Mrs. way home from their recreation at archery, which he is compiling for the fl Subscribe for The News. $1 year. Robt. Bellinger. Newport. Pacific Monthly. Mrs. A. W. Johnson was a Portland Mrs. C. V. B. Russell, Mrs. Mc- Loren Watkins and wife are back visitor Monday. Eldowney and Little Helen, were Port­ from their vacation. Mr. Watkins says, Harry Kreider of Clackamas, pastor of the Free Methodist church of that Miss Nellie stevens made a visit to land visitors Saturday. the ocean breezes at Newport are cer­ place, arrived in this city to help in the Portland on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles B. Stokes and children tainly bracers. camp meeting which begun its session John Boeker of Greenville, was in left Monday to spend several weeks in Miss Katherine Myers is spending in Naylor’s Grove last evening. Tillamook with relatives. town the first of the week. her vacation at Seaside, the guest of Frank Fletcher returned from New- John Brooks, now of the Portland Mr. and Mrs. Kenworthy of Portland, her brother and family, who have a were the guests of the Sloans and cottage there. Journal, was in town Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Abbott, accompanied by C. N. Johnson of Springhill, was in Naylors over Sunday. reports all Forest Grove people there Rev. Boyd and family are recuperat­ her guest, Mrs. James Shepard of Port­ town yesterday on business. having a good time. J. A. Abbott transacted business in ing on the banks of the Wilson, near land, are at present enjoying the J. S. Buxton, who is one of the i ocean breeze at Newport. the “ White House.” Portland, Monday and Tuesday. directors of the Funeral Director s j Carl Wirtz of Gresham, returned Miss Bertie and Annie Johnson and Mrs. Thrasher of Grants Passf is the Association of the Northwest, was in j home last week. While here he visit­ Harriet Wiley of the Springhill Farm, guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mertz. Portland, Monday, arranging for the ed at Met Wagners’. His sister Dotty —The Palace Meat Market com­ were in town Monday. session to be held by that body on | will remain for some time. Prin. Bates preached the sermon petes with all prices for choice meats September 11, 12 and 13 in Portland. — Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and A. S. Venen went to the city on the Union Services held in the Ch(S|- Mrs. Huckabay of Portland, is en­ Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ tian Church, last Sunday. Saturday last on a business trip. joying a few day’s visit at her father’s Calls answered Mrs. J. T. Buxton and Mrs. A. B. pliances in office. Mr. John Garrison. She arrived Sun­ — Why use poor flour when you can night or day. Caples visited with Miss Maud Buxton day, accompanied by Mr. Huckabay, get Crescent just as cheap. A. P. Venen and family have pur­ who had to return the same day to his in Portland yesterday. Willis Goff is again with us after sev­ Mrs. Erickson and daughter. Miss chased the C. M. Henry property in duties as assistant claim agent of the eral weeks recreation at Newport. Effie, of Gales Creek, were shopping Moors’ Valley, near North Yamhill and O. W. & P. Ry. Co. Evening Telegram and The News. intend to make that place their future in our city, Tuesday. H IS space has been purchased by Pacific Uni­ Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Holmes of Butte, One year, $5.00; Six months, $2.50. versity. This same matter will appear in eacli Mr. Parkin and son Everet, of Gales home. Montana, came up to the Grove Mon­ L. C. Cooper, a prosperous farmer Miss Nona Miller left Monday, to day for a visit. -They were acquaint­ issue until the expiration of the advertising contract. Creek, were business visitors in our of near Cornelius, was in town Saturday. It is an advertisement that is intended to convey to Wash­ till take up her work with one of the large ances of Miss Farnham in the New city, Tuesday. ington county cit'zens a few facts a' out an educational — Money to loan on farm security millinery establishments in Portland. Walter H. Pichthom, assistant England states and will also visit at institution with which they are not Unfamiliar. That they, W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove, Oregon. agent of Roseburg, was here on busi­ Her father will now make his home the Forbe country residence near as well as others, may become more familiar with Pacific's with his son, Charles F. Miller. —Top prices are paid for Mohair ness, Tuesday. Dilley. present standing, within and without Oregon, 'llustrated and sheeps wool by John E. Bailey. R. M. Brereton and wife of Portland, Thurston Buxton and Bryce Wilson is I literature, fresh from the press, may be had for the asking. Miss Heppy Eaton of Aberdeen, —The Palace Market has just of the Nehalem country, were serv­ have been in town the past week, Wash, left last Thursday. Miss Eaton is This literature is replete with facts that tell and figures looking over the old home and visiting which convince. T he articles are written by alumni and bought 14 nice, prime steers and are ing on the Watson jury. I ac one of the lucky young ladies who students of Pacific. They are all well worth the reading. now selling the choicest meats. John Forbis returned to his country friends. They formerly lived on the went on the Oregonian’s Yellowstone Those contributed by students set forth present conditions L. S. Porter was in from Dilley, look­ residence near Dilley, having made a Col. Haynes farm. Park trip and on her return visited her in the institution, and are convincing because they are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hughes of Cen- friends, the Wagners. short business trip to Montana. ing after business on Tuesday. true. Of special interest are the articles written by tralia, Wash., and Mrs. Eliza Hughes Miss Caroline Pomeroy of Rainier, The Misses Merrill of Cornelius, alumni, Hon. H . W . Scott, Editor-in-Chief of 1 he —Dr. Pollock wishes it to be stated spent a few days at the home of W. L. of North Yakima, who visited here for that from August 6 to August 26, he Oregonian and Rev. Horace M. Ramsey, Rector of were shopping in town on Friday last * t tif some time at the Catching residence, St. Stephen's Church, Portland. Wagner, the first of the week. Helen Hughes of Portland, is visit­ will be away on his vacation, but after Pacific University has the largest endowment of all the left yesterday for their homes. * Il l e | ing relatives here and at Gales Creek. Miss Lorena Gleason, now of Golden- that date will be in his office ready lor K it private colleges in the Northwest. In bullJings, labora­ Dr. Katherine Reuter of Astoria, appointments. 2t Mrs. Con McNamer has returned dale, Wash., visited friends for several m t z tories and library it is the best equipped Christian college was in the Grove the first of the week. days and left for Newport, Tuesday. I d ? from her outing at McNamer camp Andrew Potvin and Tony Korn of in Oregon. Not only does the amount of its productive ( the Wilson. J Leo Morgan, now a conductor on She is at present resting from her Stanley, Wis., were here yesterday I funds very far exceed that of any of these institutions in 9 tí duties, at the family home but will the State, but it is greater than that of all combined. For f spending the day with their old home | Mrs. Henry Wirtz and son Herbert, the O. W. & P. Ry Co.’s line of Port­ return to her work in the fall. this reason Pacific has always be n able to secure superior friend, Jim Davis, our assistant Wells, now of Portland, spent Sunday with the land, is spending a few days at horn instructors and has never had to depend upon the en­ It is said that Will Haines and John Fargo Co.’s agent. They will also! Prof. Marsh and wife returned i Fi Judge. rollment of students for its income. Thornburg, who bought all the wood visit a short time with the William Miss Letha Richardson is visiting in day evening from Woodburn, t Pacific University in the past has been rather con­ North Yamhill with her Aunt, Mrs. J. they visited their son, Dr. Fred Marsh around Dilley, have caused a wood Davis family of Thatcher. servative in the matter of advertising. A nd it makes famine at that place. They bought A. Shepard. public these statements now, only because there are Mr. Spaulding brought to this office E. F. Merrill and family, of Red­ over 500 cords from the Forbis place. Miss Merle Shannahan is spending wood City, Mich , are looking over reasons why its seems advisable. Pacific still adheres to Tuesday morning, a bunch of timothy ■If its policy of desiring students rather than numbers; of Mr. George Kirkwood returned last hay heads from his farm at Cedar her vacation near the old home over this city with a view of locating here. maintaining creditable scholarship rather than crowded on the Nchalem. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rastell of Port­ Friday from St. Martin’s Springs, up Canyon that would surely capture a enrollment. the Columbia River, he had such a prize. Some of the heads were l l j Miss Katherine Scott and brother land were Sunday visitors, the guests teorge, of Portland, spent Sunday with of Mrs. Rastells’ parents, Mr. and Mrs, pleasant time that he went back there inches and would make a good again Tuesday, where he will remain showing at the fair. he home folks. T H E T A L L T E R M O P E N S S E P T E M B E R 19 Graham. some weeks longer. Mesdames William and John Davis The Christian Church has secured Robert Stevenson, of the Portland Levys’ Market is still selling his fresh as pastor, Elder C. A. Sias of Wasco, Thatcher, were shopping in town, Telegram, passed through town from a and choice meat at unusually low Oregon. esday. Arrangements were made Sunday visit with his parents at the prices. On Saturday, August 11th, with the Hillsboro church and the Rev. H. H. Markel of the college, has Gales Creek farm. he will sell Loin or Round steak, 7c, Sias will preach here the first and third 1 «^returned from his tour of the Oregon Mr. Wilcox and family of Greenville, Roast 5c, and Boiling Beef at 4c. Sundays, and there on the second and j hes. Mich., friends of Chas. Mertz in the Don’t forget Saturday’s sale. ourth Sundays. He will reside in I Miss Eddy of Portland, but formerly old home, are looking over the county Ba Mr. Milne and family have left to this city. this city, visited over Sunday at the with a view of locating here. spend the rest of the summer and win- Mrs. L. C. Walker and Miss Elda, I Pacific University, ‘ in an "ad’’ , — Money to loan on farm security, ;t residence. Lote” Langley, accompanied by tci in Tillamook and in the spring he returned last Thursday from Lincoln, printed elsewhere, presents announce- W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. Haskell Marsh came up from the Allen Dale of Baker City, left yester­ intends to move to the Alberta country. Neb. ----------------------- Mrs. Walker went back j ment of some of the advantages it is j etropolis Sunday to visit his mother, day morning to join the Langley-Shan­ See th e ! - Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed. Mr. Milne has left his son Fred in to surprise her daughter, who was! now offering its students. non-Williams camp on the Nehalem. E. H. Marsh. charge of the Rural Route. teaching at the State University, and “ad” for particulars.” C. F. Harris, our former hardware had a delightful trip. In September! —A A ',voman worries until she gets —Scrub yourself daily, you’re not e W. M c N a m e r man, now living in Portland, came up Miss Walker returns to her work vr‘n'c'es’ *hen worries because she has dean inside. E. H all Clean insides means last Frinay to see old acquaintances accompanied by her sister. Miss Leva, -them- H she takes Hollister’s Rocky clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver, and look after his property. Mr. Har­ who will take post graduate work a t 1 Mountain Tea she would have neither, clean, healthy tissue in every organ. (Pacific Avenue) ris has not yet found a place of busi­ that institution. • ! Bright, smiling face follows its use. MORAL: Take Hollister’s Rocky ness where he would like to locate and Mr. N. Graham is another of our 35 CentS’ Tea or Tahlets.— Dr. Hines’ Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or is still looking over the state. citizens who believe in civic improve- ^tore’ Tablets.— Dr. Hines’ Drug Store. Alvin Brown, one of the oldest pio­ ment and in beautifying our town He Mrs. Bowman, who lives a few neers of this city, walked to Hillsboro has lately removed his fence and will east of Portland, received some Saturday to see his grandchildren. He improve the general appearance of his lniur' es Tuesday afternoon near the had heard that they were anxious to lawn. The hedge along the sidewalk suram't on the Wilson, caused by her Prompt Delivery to all parts of the city. Hughes Phone 591 see him, and ft being after train time leading to the house will be trimmed 110156 becoming scared at the sight of O re g o n P o re a t Q ru v « , h-0 3 made no hesitation about the distance. and his place amidst those beautiful a cub bear on the grade. The lady thrown out of the buggy over the — Dr. C. L. Large reports a son shade trees will be one of the neatest siti in town. bank and received a few severe bruises born to Mr. and Mrs. Avery Sherrill at but was able to reach this place and Thatcher the 3rd inst. Parties desir- Mrs. L. S. Porter of Dilley, left take the train for her home yestarday. ing the services of Dr. Large in this few dayS ag0 for Rhinelander, Wis., class of cases will greatly oblige him where she will visit her mother whom ! WANTED—Plain sewing by Mrs. by giving him notice three months, if she has not seen for over 34 years. Bozley at Mrs. Blank’s. Prices Special Attention to Commercial Travelers' ratronage. possible, prior to the expected event. G ood Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates. She will make a short stay with reasonable, » •m t LOCAL HAPPENINGS |! Why buy Summer Suits or w* for Winter Suits when b\ going to John Anderson yc can buy a swell F a ll S u it . . ., V He has just received the swellest V line of Fall Clothing now U th e city. V JOHN ANDERSON’S, The Tailor I FACTS THAT TALK % ill ill Palace Market y Fresh and Salt Meats —Lard and Fish— IANC0CK fashion Livery , GORDON Feed and Sale Stable. Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times Forest 6row, Oregon. *EGON AND COLUMBIA PHONES. JAM ES RASMUSEN Dealer in FLOUR «nü REED Forest drove, Ore., - ■ 3 C - O Ï - C Î C - C K X S 3 S Pacific Ave. K K X Prof. Robertson returned from Berke­ ley, Saturday, where he had been doing research work in history and taking lec­ tures from prominent lecturers. The Professor and family will move to Berkeley in about two weeks, where he has accepted a fellowship for the com- tng year. — The Acme Renovator, rhe carpet cleaner of this age «rill be demonstrated by Mr. Rivears who will be here for about 10 days. It restores the color, M removes germs, months and filth, leav- i M ing it in a fresh, sanitary condition, An agency will be opened but orders h News office. i i ¡ ■ now m be ü left M at the relatives in Michigan and return by the -- ----------------- way of California, visiting her daughter, WANTED Five or Six young, fresh 1 r = Mis. Will Buxton at Pomona. COW5' In,’uire ^ M. H. Parker, •i I Greenville, Oregon. John E. Bailey has received a letter ----------------- from his daughter, Mrs. W. D. Garke, Wanted! saying that her husband was now One hundred farms to sell—see J. located at Chilcoot. Plumas Co. Cal., H. H a rtley , the up-to-date Real having been secured by the Western Estate man. Forest Grove, Oregon. Pacific Railway Co., to engineer the — Wanted work near that place, where the com­ pany is now putting a rather lengthy Five hundred people to eat choice tunnel through the mountains. Mrs. Nehalem beef from 3c to 7c per lb. Clarke was still at Eureka, C a l, at the Choice Bologna, 4 rings for 25c. time of writing but would le-'ve thé Minced Ham, 3 lbs. got 25c. next day to join her husband who had S c h u l t z M e a t M a r k e t , gone ahead to look ;ato the new location. Pacific Ave., Forest Grove. 1 Ik McNamei’s Camp THE H ALF-W AY HOUSE OF THE W ILSO N Best Accommodations, Rates $1.00 per Day. Feed for yoor Horses. Good Fishing, Hunting- A Beautiful and Ideal Spot Amidst Mammoth Firs and Picturesque Nooks.