Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 09, 1906, Image 7

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lo Russian Capital Re-
to Call.
Italian Imm igrant Ship Strikes
O f f C oast o f Spain.
R eef
Cartagena, 8oain, Aug. 6.— A terri-
ble marine disaster occurred Saturday
evening off Cape Paloa.
The Italian
steamship Sirio, from Genoa for Barce­
lona, Cadis, Montevideo and Buenos
Ayres with about 800 persons on board,
Duk. Nicholas
most of
Fight drowned. The captain of the steamer
com mitted suicide.
_ Dislurbances and
The bishop ol San Pedro, Brazil, also
was lost and another bisbop waa for a
tim e among the missing. The remain­
der of the passengeis and the officers
petereborg, Aug. 4.- S t . Peters- and crew got away in the ship’ s boats
or were rescued by means of boats eent
j. jn jjiknesa tonight.
The em- to them from the shore. A number of
"oltbe «l«ctrie li* htiD* plantl!’ fishermen who made attempts at rescue
’ .he earliest barometric record of were drowned.
Those rescued from the vessel are
hi conditions, ceased work during
now at Cape Palos, in a pitiable condi­
moon in obedience to th e call
tion, being without food or clothing.
«serai strike.
This call already
The Sirio struck a reef of rocks
obeyed by 20.000 factory known aB Bajos Hormigas, and sank
,s the capital. I t w ill be im- sjon afterward, stern first.
island lies about two and a half miles
jMe, however, to predict the euc-
to the eastward of Cape Palos.
". (his universal political strike
The Sirio, owned by the Navigaziono
■’Monday, as the workmen in St. Italiana, left Genoa August 2. A ll the
«ban! and the provinces have two ship’ s books were lost.
It is impossi­
^8-Saturday, which is the fete ble at present to ascertain the full ex­
lihe dowager empress and a great tent of the disaster.
Nine-tenths of
, feast, and their regular holi- the passengers were Italians, and the
ol Sunday
. . .
remainder Spaniards. A h the surviv­
rie pickets of cavalry and infan try
ors have been landed at Cape Palos.
«lb* most conspicuous features on The inhabitants provided them with
-streets of 8t. Petersburg last night. clothing and nourishment.
iije!8 bouses generally have boarded we:e landed at Hirmagas island, abont
Q jr windows as they did in the one m ile from the tragedy. Fishermen
L 0f the great October strike. Prac- brought in the first news of the foun­
sllygll of the street cars in tl e city dering of the Sirio, and it created con­
itopped running, and the cab driv- sternation here.
Boatloads of the
,re threatening to cease work.
shipwrecked passengers and crew began
Ii the meantime the fate o f the reaching shore ehortly after the news
Jrpin cabinet sways in the balance became known.
,d Russia in upon the verge c f disor-
A ll the stokers went down with the
^ which may lead to the reign of ship. They were unable to reach the
ither the military or the proletariat, deck in tim e to save
an be stated definitely that the steps Among the survivors at Cape Paios are
iwanla dictatorship may be taken many mothers who weep and wring
joday or Monday by the nomination their hands for lost children, while
'Grand Duke Nicholas to the chief there are also a number of children
imand of all the troops in Russia, who are unable to find their parents.
fhia would virtually place him in con- These have been admitted to the city
,jlof all the disturbed d ilt'ic ts of the foundling asylum.
expire where m artial law has been
Artillery in Open R evolt.
Warsaw, Poland, Aug. 4.— A portion
One Year and $ 2 ,0 0 0 , Six Months
jolthe troops in the Summer Rembert-
and $ 6 0 0 Respectively.
¡cl, near here, mutinied yeeterday and
Portland, Ang. 6.— W illard N. Jones
¡are in open revolt today.
T h e artil
larymen have driven th eir officers out and Thaddeus 8. Potter, convicted at
ivl their quarters. A squadron of Cos­ midnight October 15, 1906, under an
sets eent to overpower the mutineers indictment returned by the Federal
was received with grapeshot.
Details grand jury charging them jointly with
are lacking, as extraordinary precau­ conspiring to defraud the government
tions are being taken to prevent the of its public lands, were given their
sentences by Judge Hunt in the United
facts becoming public.
States District court Saturday.
Jones receired a fine of $2,000, in
Rebels Fire Big W ood yard s.
Harkov, Aug. 4— F ire broke out in addition to a term of one year at the
government prisen on M cNeill’ s island.
several large woodyards in the vicin ity
of the prison today.
Th is eviden tly Potter fared somewhat better, as Judge
Hunt took several points into consider­
was a device on the part c f revolution­
ists, who hoped to free political leaders ation, which, coupled with the fact
daring the confusion.
T h e authorities that Francis J. Heney made a strong
plea for leniency in his case, prompted
ire apprehensive of a renewed effo it to
his sentence of six months in the Mult­
the same end.
nomah county jail and a fine of $600.
Tnhe attorneys for both were given ten
days to perfect any legal action looking
to an appeal, and in the meantime
Iniurance C om m issioner Gives Body Jones was required to give $8,000 bail,
double the amount of his former bond,
Blow to T w o Com panies.
Snn Francisco, A u g. 4.— Insurance while Potter was permitted to go upon
Commissioner W olf sent notice tid ay hie original security.
The particular offense for which the
to the president and directors of the
Fireman’s Fund Insurance company two men were convicted consisted in
snd the Home Fire A M arine Insurance inducing a large number of Grand
company, both of San Francisco, that Army men to file soldier homesteads
nnless they made good th eir deficiency in the Siletz Indian reservation, under
agreement to transfer title to Jones.
in capital stock in four weeks be w ill
request Attorney General Webb tc pro­ Ira Wade, county cleik of Lincoln
ceed to ascertain why th eir licenses to county, was tried under the same in­
dictment, but in his case the jury re­
do business in C aliforn ia revoked.
turned a verdict of acquittal, the e v i­
Both companies have been known to
dence not being considered sufficient to
be in financial trouble since the fire.
convict. John L. Wells, adjutant gen­
The Home Fire A M arine has announc­
eral of the G. A R., was also involved
ed that it w ill do no more businees.
in the scheme of conspiracy, his influ­
The Fireman’ s Fund has reinsured its
ence being exercised in the direction of
r sks to the amount of $372,684 750,
securing locators among the old sol­
carrying premiums am ounting to $4,-
Wells confessed his share of
471,117 with the new Foreman’ s Fund
complicity in the fraudulent undertak­
corporation, which has been organized
ing before the grand jury and was made
since the fire.
Roth companies have
a w itnesi for the government
A gene­
thns confessed failure.
ral shake-up in the local G. A. K. ’was
W o II’ b order, it is expected, w ill
the result of the exposures, and Wells
permanently close th eir doors.
was compelled to resign.
Japanese P o lic e Send Aid.
Washington, Aug. 4. — On behalf of
the Association of P olice of Japan, K .
Ouraka, its president, has forwarded to
the chief of police of San Francisco 600
yen in aid of the poll -e sufferers from
Ibe earthquake and fire in that city.
The information was conveyed to Major
Richard Sylvester of th is city, presi-
p n °*
International association of
Police Chiefs, in response to a commu­
nication from him to a ll members
°f the association asking for aid for
'he policemen of the stricken city of
“ an Francisco.
Investigation in Philippines.
Washington, A u g. 4. — An investiga­
tion of alleged irregularities in the
Philippine islands is now being con-
doeted by order of M ajor General Wood,
m* *n<l oiry being in charge of Colonel
°°d> inspector general.
A t the re­
quest of General Wood the War depart-
oient has made a special detail of offi-
c*rs fam iliar with the methids of busi-
o*ss and conditions in the Philippines
4o assist. No result has yet been re­
ported to the departm ent.
Hearty Welcom e to Root.
Santos Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 6.— The
American cruiser Charleston, having
on board Secretary of State Root, Mr.
Griscom. the
minieter, and a
i,artv of friends, arrived at Santos
Patiio from Rio de Janeiro today.
After a hearty welcome to Mr. Root in
that city, the party ern e to thisi place
the capital of the elate. The city was
gaily decorated with flags and flowers
fn honor of tbe visitors. Dr Tibm ca,
president of tbe state welcomed Mr.
Root at the station. Salutes were bred
by the artillery here.
Says Trust Contro s Trade.
Chicago, Aug. 6.— John H ill, Jr.,
has reopened his war on tbe owners of
pTblic warehouses in Chicago with the
declaration that tbe grain trade „ ,n
the clntches of a trust. Mr. H ill says
be „ow has evidence of tbe ex.stence of
an illegal combination among the ware­
house men, and that he intends to fight
ft° " U. death. The Interstate Com-
mere* commission w ill meet here next
month, and Mr. H ill say. he expect, to
tee *n investigation started.
Stampede to Windy Arm .
Goe* to Isthmus m Novem ber.
Seattle, Aug. 4. — R ich strikes report-
6.— General Magoon
*n in Southeastern Alaska have at- th iW tern oon informed PreaidentAm *-
racted the longshoremen of Bkagway, j
president Roosevelt w ill viei.
oneau and other towns.
The men A2
ll ^ e
.n November.
*no work along the front have stam­
p s * ! to Windy Arm in such numbers
*n»t the eailora on the coastwise fleet
to visit the eity of Panama.
h»ve to an load th eir own boat*.
S rE w t a w re s s
P o p u la r T h eo ries
F la m e . A re
A bou t Sm oke
N o t C orrect.
.a d
The eruption o f a volcano la an oc­
casion fo r the reiteration o f funda­
. . 1
mental errors concerning volcanic phe­
The official despatches aud the most
serious reports say that the crater
‘‘vomits flame," that “ black auioke" es­
capes from tbe mountain, and that
“ showers o f cinders” are thrown out
by the subterranean flres, says a writer
lu H arper’s Weekly. There are as
many errors as there are words lu these
The United States Already Dominates statements. The fact Is— and savants
North Am erica and May Se-
know It— that there Is no combustion In
volcanic phenomena; there Is no erui>-
cure South America.
tlon of fire or flame; a volcano never
dischargee either smoke or ashes.
Liquid lava Is a noncombustion rock
Paris, Aug. 2.— The Liberte of W ed­
which melts at a high temperature.
nesday night, under the caption of
Thus boated, when, red-hot, lava burus
“ Victims of the Monroe Doctrine,”
printed a long and vigorous article on tilings, but It never Is consumed.
This statement may raise an outcry,
Secretary of State Root and the Pan-
American congress.
I t taunts the because every one who hae seen a vol­
French press for grudgingly printing a cano In action has seen tbe flery light
paragraph about Mr. Root’s toasting trom the crater. But flames never Is­
South America between a list of con­ sue from the crater. What looks llko
testants in a recent swimming match fire is lurid light reflected on
and the names of meritorious agricul­ clouds; the reflection o f Incandescent
It ironically quotes an editor, lava. Lava la often seen through the
who said that foreign politics are not lateral Assures In tbe flanks of the vol­
sufficiently Parisian to interest the elite canic mountains, but It seldom over­
The famous Dells o f Wisconsin ex­ flans— dazzle the eye and outstrip the
public and then twits the leaders of the flows.
tend from three miles below to five
republic with making the question of
The false Idea that lava overflows a
A fantasy In rock and foliage unfold*
miles above Kllbourn City, and there
conferring the decoration of the Legion crater. Just as water escapes from an
Us splendid surprises as each turn o f
of Honor on Sarah Bernhardt the prin­ overful pitcher. Is firmly fixed In the ' s nothing between Niagara and the tbe turbulent stream brings a new pros­
cipal affair of state and tacitly asking human mind. Tbe newspai<ers recent- ; Yellowstone to compare with this mya pect In view. Singly aud alone, almost
why they should worry over South l.v stated to the world that “ a new cm- ! terious and majestic short passage of any o f the Individual features o f T h *
Americans, who interest Parisians only lev had formed at the base of Veau
' | the Wisconsin river, that
begins In I*ells Is enough to make the fame o f a
in vaudei iile.
vi us,
E rror! there Is no new cra ter;
. ,
resort. The Navy Y’ ard, with Its long
. . . . . . .
. Star Lake on the bonier nue anil ser
A ll this time, says the Liberte, Mr. tlie simple
fact Is th is : Lava has found
row of stern-llke rocks vivid ly sug­
Root was preparing, if he had not al­ Its way out of one o f the fissures on ^ ntlue8 everal hundred miles to Pral
gesting a line of battleships; the tow­
ready made effective, the most redoubt­ the slope o f the volcano. The lava He du Chlen, where It empties Into the
ering. pine-plumed Chimney and High
able operation in political economics,
xvas lu the mountain, and the Assure Mississippi.
H ock; the graceful Romance C liff ; the
of which tbe French w ill be dupes and
was there, but until recently the lava | The Dells of the Wisconsin are a grotesque Rattlesnnke R o c k ; unique
with them all other Latin people, who,
had not reached the Assure. “ But the splendid barbaric beauty robed In the Chapel Gorge, an Imposing sanctuary
imitating them, try to be Parisians.
sm oke!" How do we account for that? richest colors with which Nature decks scooped by tbe hand o f Nature from the
Tbe results of ten years of intrigue in
Pan-America are likely to be effective No one can deny that Etna's summit Is j her favorites. I f any spot In the great front of a huge c liff: the raging Nar­
soon. Europe has already been expell­ always plumed with block smoke, even j North Country deserves the bestowal rows, with savage eddies, shifting cur­
ed from North America, and she w ill when the volcano sleeps, and did not o f a name that has been borne by an rents. and pools that rise and fall like
be expelled from South America in lees PHny the Younger compare the smoko j i „ (|lan maiden to whom tradition at the breast o f a sleeping monster; Stand
than six years unless there is energetic o f \ esuvlus to a gigantic pine cone on tributes the soul o f romance, tbe spirit Rock, a rectangular platform o f stone
held high above the water on the tip i t
of heroism, tbe fierce charms o f a wll
resistance immediately.
Well, yes; It looks like It I Appear-j demess Venus, that spot Is The I>ells. a slender p illar; the beetling breast o f
Continuing tbe paper says that a few
but "appear - 1 The passing of the Narrows Is an ex- old Steamboat Rock ; the oddly-fashion­
facte today
clear. ances are against me.
Among them is the fact that Europe ances” (In this case particularly) “ are perience never to be forgotten, always ed Ink Stand and Sugar B ow l— all
has no right to defend her financial and deceitful” — there is no smoke In a vol- to bc r<K.alled with a thrill. T o make tlieae are enough of scenic greatness to
commercial interests in South Am e'ica, enno, because there Is no combustion 1 this trip on tbe deck o f a stanch steain- satisfy the most exacting, without th*
tbe United Statee saying in effect that In progress, and there cannot be smoke boat, guided by n pilot who has known addition o f tbe wonderful caves, grot­
each nation is master of its own home where there Is no fire. When the ill- ^ the river from boyhood, Is sufficiently toes and gulclies which are the chief
with the United States at home every­ Informed take fo r volumes o f smoke exciting to make the passenger marvel glory o f The Dells. In Witches’ Gulch,
where. Against 78,000,000 Latin peo­ Is cloud formed by ^ vapor steam es- at j be fortitude of those who “ followed Coklwater Canyon and Artists’ Glen
ple stood Secretary Root and to that enped from the volcano.
es- thp r |ver- in call0e and skiff and on one may wander literally through m ile*
Yankee intruder went favors and bene­ cepes from the croter, ami when It eu- ; „„-k w ard timber raft.
o f caves, crevasses, Chaim* and grottoe*
fits because he alone spoke, flattered trrs the cold air It condenses and forms
Throughout The Dells the riot of cushioned with inultl-oolored mosses,
and menaod. He alone acted, while minute drops which mass aud look like color displayed by the rocks and cliffs festooned with ferns, vines and venture­
Latin Europe abstained.
Already dis­ clouds of smoke.
and tbelr delicate draperies o f ferus some little silver birches, nnd made
tant lands have slipped into Yankee
and vines would alone charm and en musical with the splashing o f wnter-
bands, while at Constantinople, St.
chant the spectator, but tbe ever-chang fnlls, tbe song o f half-hidden cascade*,
Petersburg, Tokio and Algeciras tbe
lug panorama o f rocky shapes— o f sleu- and the merry ripple o f tiny stream*
same Root intervened at hia conven­ V i b r a t i o n s o l H n r m o n r M a d e P o s ­
der towers and stately monoliths, of bridged with the massive bodies o f
ience and Europe stupidly respected the
sib le O ver W i r e h r In v e n tio n
massive buttresses and frowning has fallen trees.
Monroe doctrine.
Before the conclu­
Although electricity has produced
sion of the third Pan American congress many wonders, they have been mainly
it will have cost the Latin peoples a o f the workaday kind, says the World's
week. He Is 10 years old, and ha* tl>*
continent they peopled and financed.
Work. Now an Invention has been
seeing eyes that belong to the mascu­
wrought out that proves that electricity
line nature o f that age.
Is capable o f producing—not reproduc­
M U T IN Y S P R E A D S T O F L E E T .
In the Urst ten minutes he waa ther*
ing. but producing— music o f rare
he discovered a garter snake leisurely
crawling Into Its home bealde the big i
Ships Go to Aid o f Forts, Which May beauty and purity. A visit to a shop
In Holyoke. Mass., shows a machine
brick bouse chimney.
Have Given Up.
that Is really manufacturing music.
A fte r calmly watching the last w rig­
Viborg, Ang. 2.— I t is reported here
I)r. Thaddeus t'ablll, the Inventor,
gle o f Its tall down the hole, the boy
that the Russian fleet, stationed at
declares that It 1* as easy to create
turned around, lifted a bonrd by th*
Hango, Finland, has mutinied, impris­
drain pipe, and brought to light a flour­
oned the officers and sailed to the as­ music at the other end o f fifty miles of
ishing fam ily o f six or eight toads.
sistance of the mutineers at Bveaborg. w ire ns to send n telegraph message.
At a keyboard o f his device a perform ­
L iftin g h lj eyes to tbe vines over i
the summer house, lie Joyously pointed H
Helsingfors, Ang. 2.— At 7 o’ clock er— or there may be two— lightly
< u n <1 > - K n t l n f f .
out an Interesting fam ily o f Infant rob-
last evening the battleship Czarevitch presses down the keys, and at receivers,
I f we lived only on meat, eggs, and Ins, lustily stretching their s c ra w n y ®
and the cruiser Bogatyr opened fire on perhaps many miles distant, music
the mutineers at s distance of 60 cable pours forth. In pressing the keys the the nonstarchy vegetables, such ns nevks for food.
lengths. Tbe mutineers replied, but net-former throws upon a wire a vibra­ peas, beaus, spinach and cabbage, the
Before the day was over the boy l n - l
their shots eeemsd to fall abort.
Tbe tion. or a set o f vibrations, which turns addition of candy and sweets would bs formed the fam ily that they owned e t j 6 j
firing ceased at 9 o’ clock and the boats Into aerial vibrations or audible music, most commendable.
The body must least Inilf a dozen fam ilies o f y o u n g ^ f
were then seen leaving the islands with when they reach tbe dlaphrngm nf a have sugar In some form In order to robins nnd thrushes, eight h e a lth y U ff
telephone receiver. The vibrations stand enable It to do Its work. But It should toads, a snake, a pair o f cotton-taH fl^r
for notes and tones, and they scurry be remembered that sugar is the coal who reside In tbe wild underbrush baelHN
Helsingfors, Ang. 2.— he latest news
o f tbe human machine, and every en­ of the orchard, a nest o f hornets, and*S]
from the fortress lends to confirm a along to do their work the Instant they
gineer knows that too mueh coal w ill an Immense bullfrog In the tub o f w a t e s n
previous report that the mutineers have are released. The performer Is con­
Impair the efficiency o f bis boiler. I f back o f the barn.
tbe engine is working to its utmost ca­
Furthermore, he has looked up goldei^H
The mutineers had the upper hand
until the battleships arrived and began need know nothing o f the mechanical pacity and the drafts are all o|>en, a l­ sunnles" from a muddy little s t r e u ^ |
process he sets In action by -the pres­ most any amount o f fuel w ill be con­ that nobody ever thought contained all
to bombard them with telling effect.
The men were undoubtedly led to sure of his fingers on the keys. Yet sumed, and will give out energy; but llsli; lieen chased through the wood*
surrender because .of their lack of big under Ids fingers the electrical vlbra If only a little work Is required, and a black snake he swears was ten reel!
guns, their need of provisions, which tlons net tractably and Instantaneously. If the damper Is closed, the addition long, and otherwise Invested the p ro !
they had failed to secure, and the ar­ At will he turns an exhaustlesa supply o f coal beyond the normal requirement sale neighborhood w ith Interesting obglj
of different kinds o f vibrations to pro­ Is not only o f no service, but Is an Jccts.
rival of tne warships.
Reinforcements have arrived here and duce at a distance Just the sounds be evil.
It takes the eyes o f a boy to Be«,
It Is the same with tbe human mech­
have been hurried to effective positions. desires.
things.— Philadelphia Bulletin.
anism. An active boy or man engaged
r r e f k a ’ M e d i c i n e .M a n .
Jeers fo r Dr. Devine.
The medicine man o f the Creeks w ill
A Massachusetts gentleman met a e o g fl
8an F ancisco, Aug. 2.— A banquet not eat anything scorched in cooking; limited amount o f sweets and starchy
was g van to Dr. Devine, the national in treating a gun or arrow shot wound foods so long ss he does not restrict ored man who had recently w o r k ^ H
Red Cross representative who had he, ns well as the patient, w ill fast the amount o f proteld food (m eats and fo r him, and Into whose fam ily, snwlfii
leguminous vegetables), not only w ith ­ the Boston Ilernld. a girl baby h a H j
charge of the relief work here after the
four days, only drinking a little gruel.
out harm, but' with benefit. But women come shortly before.
fire and who is abont to return to hie
He w ill not allow a woman to look i
nnd men engaged In sedentary pursuits
home in tbe East. A number of the
“ What have you named her?" asM^H
at Ids patient until be Is well or dead.
discontented persons who are livin g in
w ill eat much candy at their peril.
Mr. Green, on being told by the fathe-
I f Ids patient dies tbe medicine man I
tbe refuge camps to k advantage of the
There Is no doubt that too much o f it o f the addition to his family.
takes a lot o f medicine blmself In order |
occasion to work np a demonstration
Is eaten. I t Is taken at the end o f a
“ Dat’s what we can't Vide on.” w n ,
to cleanse himself from the fumes or
against the methods of the relief com­
dinner composed largely o f potatoes, the reply. " I wants her name
mission, and as a result a throng of
rice, bread, and other starchy foods and my ole woman wants It Nettle.” ■
people gathered at Union square in we might call those assisting In the which the digestive Juice* turn Into
“ W ell, then," suggested Mr. GreeffjjH
front of the 8t. Francis hotel, where
sugar, or nibbled between meals, and "w h y don't you call her Clarinet?" 1
the banquet was he'd.
In this way altogether too much sugar
“ I declare, M ars* Green," said
And again, when an Indian commit­
Is taken for the needa o f tbe body. The colored man admiringly, “ dat Is purttjjCoj
ted murder, even In self-defense, he
Dentist a Counterfeiter.
result I* a clogged liver, resulting In
Denver, Aug. 2.— Dr. James D. E g­ went to the medicine man and took the biliousness and gall-stones. In gouty dan either o f 'em.”
Meeting his colored friend sevefM*
gleston, Jr., son of an employe of the
symptoms, and even In diabetes; diges­
Pacific Express company here, who has appeased the crime and the trouble to tion Is Impaired, and the nitrogenous weeks later. Mr. Green was amused 9|
hear him say, " W e s named her C lajujji
The medicine man has a j
been practicing ae a dentist in this city, his mind.
elements are not assimilated, so tb-it
was arrested this afternoon by Deputy horror o f women, keeping out o f their |
waste Is not rep« 1 red.
United States Marshal Frank on the company as much as possible. A t the
I t should be remembered that the ce­
charge of counterfeiting. A search of full o f each moon It was the custom o f '
"R eally, you know, 1 don’t think Ml
reals are composed almost entirely of
his office is said to have disclosed sev­ the bucks to drink medicine made by
starch, which 1* transformed In the 8umniergal looks at all athletic.”
eral photographs of bills, a bogus half- tbe medicine man to cleanse their sys­
"W e ll? "
dollar stamped on one side and a con­ tems. In camp tbe Indian killed noth­ body into sugar, and that those who
••Weil, you told me she waa a lard
siderable metal array which could be ing which was not eatable.— Indian live on them, under the mistaken no
engaged In ..... . college sport.”
nsed for making money.
“Stupid! I s a id ‘engaged to.” ’— Plj-
candy a* well without serious risk.—
S eden tary
O ccu p a tio n
M n m n tn.
adelpbla Press.
Youth's Companion.
Rebels Steal Machine Gun.
Dick ( a t c lu b )— Doe* your mother-
Bt. Petersburg, Aug. 2.— A machine
O n e I p n l ' w r I h n t l a N o t M a r ia .
in-law sit up for yon nights?
gun was stolen last night from an arms
When a woman has company, afn
Tom— Ye*. Bnt her daughter, heav­
factory in the Va ail Oetrov district of
en blesa her. stands np fo r me next M » B e e * T h i n « * t h a t K s e a p e t h e A t ­ Major Conway, she w ill apologia* ■
this city. I t is suspected that the rob­
ten tio n o f O ther*.
everything about the table except I
bery was committed w ith cognisance of morning.— Boston T ra n scrip t
| T b e people In the house had lived man she po ked out to sit at Its h»adM
the eent’nels on doty at the factory.
L im it e d Is e o m e s In J a p a n .
there three year* and didn't know they Kansas C ity Journal.
A t a secret meeting last night of tbe
T h * average monthly
ii owned any live stock except the horse
Pntilof works employee, a epy wae dia- Japan a fte r re-ent advance* In w age« in the stable, and tbe dog.
Admirer* of tbe rural maid are I
covered and killed.
to b* In the hoe beau class.
I* officially stated at lea* than $&.
The boy baa been there Just
Paris Paper Fears South Ameri­
can Trade May Be Lost.
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