Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, August 09, 1906, Image 5

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I’m Falling
S v fô V ! V:
The great Rock of Olb.altar, on Eu-
ro|»a point, looks lion-llke in Its soli
tary majesty. The town proper climbs
the mountain's lower 3lope. AH about
It are turbuned Moors, who walk along
proudly, with the slow, but swinging,
kingly tread of desert tribes. There
Is ttie sound of bagpipes, and the fatu­
ous Black Watch march by. They are
tall, handsome Highlanders, and Im­
pressive because of the plaid.
ui<wt formidable parts of the defenses
of Gibraltar are Invisible. There are
Pe-ru-na Strengthens the
Entire System
Mr. Chss. L. Sauer, G rin d Scribe,
Gnat) Encampment I . O. O. F. of Tex-
„ iod Assistant C ity Auditor, writes
too tbs City H all, San Antonio, T e x . :
"Nearly two years ago I accepted a
position as secretary and tresaurer with
on* of the leading dry goods establish­
ments of Galveston, Tex.
"The sudden change from a high and
dry altitade to sea level proved too
much for me and I became afflicted
with catarrh and cold in the head, and
peneral debility to such an extent as to
ilmoet iscapaciate me for attending to
my dotier.
“I was induced to try Peruna, and after
Ming several bottles in small doses I am
pleased to say that 1 was entirely restored
to my normal condition and have ever since
recommended the use o f Peruna to my
S om e
F a rte
B o s to n .
Boston Is the second largest port in
the United States.
I t Is the largest
market for boots and shoes In the
world. It Is the largest market for
hides and leather in the world. I t is
the largest market fo r wool in the
United States.
I t Is historically the
most Interesting city In the country.
It Is the great market o f the country
for domestic dry goods. It Is the rich-
fit city In the United States in point of
wealth per capita.
Its annual output
of rubber boots and slioea Is 32,000,000
pairs, the largest In the United States.
It has more people within a radius of
fifty miles than any other city In the
United States, excepting N ew York. It
manufactures over 511,000,000 worth of
clothing per annum.
Bun or O hio , C i t t
T oledo , I
L u ca C o u n t y ,
F rank J c h u n k y m a k e s o a th th a t h e Is
w iior partner o t th e firm o f F. J. C h e n e y A
Co.,doing huxinettsln th e C it y o f T o led o , Conn*
ty and state a fo resa id , a n d th a t sa id firm w ill
f*y the sum o f O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S for
tacit and ev e ry cane o f C a t a k k i i t h a t ca n n o t be
lured by the use o f H a l l ’ s C a t a k k h C c b e .
F R A N K J. C H E N E Y .
Sworn to b efore m e a n d su bscribed in m y
presence, this 6th d a y o f D ecem b er, A. D., 1886.
A . W . G LEASO N,
j seal j
N o ta ry Pu b lic.
H r II’ a Catarrh C u re Is ta k en In te rn a lly , and
•rts directly on tho b lo o d and m u cou s surfaces
•f the system. Send fo r te s tim o n ia ls , free.
„ ,
F. J. C H E N E Y dt CO ., T o le d o , O.
Bold by D ru ggists, 75c.
- -f
f. •
i ■ f~
many places where strangers may not
go, marked by patches o f light green at
regular Intervals upon the outside of
the rock, which, though apparently
mosa, are actually the covering o f bat­
teries that command the harbor.
Gibraltar marks a definite point In
the progress of the tourist It Is the
big mountain (log o f the British, which
guards the entrance to the Mediterran­
ean Sea, with a fortress and a tower
that hugs the rock below. Traversing
the neutral ground along the sandy
Isthmus beyond I t the traveler has a
view of the outskirts of Algeciras,
where the Franco-German conference
over reforms In Morocco was recently
held. It is here that the traveler has
his first glimpse o f the far-famed Med­
iterranean sunsets, with Algiers the
next stopping point o f the steamer, 410
miles away.
A panoramic view o f France's North
African possessions as they look from
half a mile or less at sea Is something
to remember. Algiers itself Is beauti­
ful, rising to the old fortress on the
height above It In an unbroken mass
o f minarets and cupolas and white
houses, on whose terraced roofs the
flowers bloom. Westward the hills de­
cline to a promontory, Sldl Ferrueh,
nineteen miles away, and eastward to
Cape Matifon, so that the land where
Algiers Is built Is crescent-shaped. Far
away to the south the Atlas mountains
rise. Nearer this side of the fertile
plain of the Metjeda are the pictur­
esque and fertile highlands o f the
Sahel, Just behind the city, where are
palm trees and eucalyptus, cypress and
olive, where fruits grow In abundance.
The entrance to the city Is decidedly
pleasing, for the fine esplanade of the
lower French quarter faces the sea.
Immaculate French officers and officials
fill the foreground, and pretty women
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
R ig h t
D a te .
"Beg pardon, sir,” said the peddler
of supplies, "but have you got a type­
“Yes,” replied the m erchant
“ May I ask what style?”
"Oh. out o f s ig h t! A regular peach!
A new gutta percha, that o f Herr
Come In and I 'll Introduce you to her.”
Gentsch o f Vienna, Is obtained from a
—Philadelphia Ledger.
mixture o f caoutchouc and palm resin.
C|T0 st- V tus’ Dance and all Nervous Diseases It Is claimed to have an elastic resist­
I 110 permanently cured b y Dr. K lin e’ s Orcat
Nerve Restorer. Send fo r F R E E » 2 trial bottle and ance superior to the natural product
beatlse. Dr. It. 1LK lin e, Ld..S31 A rch 8t., P b lla .P a
and to cost only two-thirds as much.
“ Hydrolltbe” Is a new compound of
't illin g “ W o r k e r ."
He was an “ Industrial promoter” calcium and hydrogen. It gives off Its
hydrogen when Immersed In water, as
seeking a location for a prospective
calcium carbide evolves acetylene and
"About how many men do you pro­ M. George Jaubert, a French
urges that the new material be adopted
pose to work?" asked the skeptical per­
BS a convenient means for carrying gas
"Every man In town who has money, to Inflate military balloons.
Inventive effort should beturned Into
If I can,” answered the truthful L p.
a new path by the » 20.000 prize of
French manufacturers for a new applh
B L O A T E D W IT H D R O P S Y .
cation of sugar In the ^ - t r ie e ^ o t h e r
fhe Heart W as Badly A ffected When than the food ^
the Patient Began Using
Uon ofmsugar 1. Increased at least one
Doan's Kidney Pills.
Elizabeth M axw ell,
of 415
&e«t Fourth St., O lym pia, Wash., says:
“ For over three
years I suffered
w ith a dropsical
condition with­
out being aware
that it was dne
to kidney trou­
ble. The early
stages wefe
backache a n d
beariDg d o w n
pain,but I went
ong without w orryin g much until
ropsy set in.
M y feet and ankles
relied up, my hands puffed and be-
tme so tense ^ could hardly close
'em. I had great difficulty in breath-
>g, and my heart would flutter with
'# least exertion. I could not walk
r without stopping again and again
1 rest.
Since using four boxes of
nan's K idney P ills the bloating has
>ne down and the feelings of distrsss
»ve disappeared.”
Sold by a ll dealers.
60 cents a box.
Nter-M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y .
^ . ‘ uTthnt it can be projected for-
m° ‘e. ‘* eA , times Its own diameter
3 the orbit and retracted in like
^nn er
Dr. Lindsay Johnson noles
making of an opening 1. the
° t ; ; ; * b « w
1» ™ ™ . * «■ * +
* * } " h . t la aald to be the first sue
Tl^ H r Dp.™tua With Which, by the
but one furnace and one
ul ° ( . “ ntlnuou. chain may be mad.
chine. • co
finished. The iron 1*
In Parisian toilettes, and handsome car.
riages and automobiles whizz by. Om­
nibuses are labeled with the names of
various hotels, such as “ The Lion of
the Desert," "The Panther,” “ The
Beautiful Englishwoman.”
ladies of high degree, faces half cover­
ed, shrouded In white, ride on donkeys
led by coal black Nubians. A slave girl
swings along, poising a water Jar upon
her head.
The native city Is higher up the hill­
side. It has Moorish cafes where men
sit cross-legged, smoking long pipes o f
kief, little shops where native tailors
work with gold and silver threads on
colored cloth. The streets are so nar­
row that a camel could not enter them,
and arms outstretched touch either
side. The residences bnve no windows,
only peepholes by the door, and but
for the street noises and the people
passing, the place would seem lifeless-—
a prison city o f blank walls. Some of
the roads are paved, but others ar»
nothing more than stairways that lead
up, up,
arches span the way. with rooms above
The whole city has oeen built with a
view to shutting out the heat o f the
African sun. Each successive story o f
a house projects beyond the one below
It, the projection being supported by
Inclined props that rest against the
wall. The sky Is thus pretty well shut
out, and progress resembles Journeying
In a covered passage. The swarthy na­
tives wear white turbans, the Jews aro
brightly garbed, and have sliver but­
tons on their blue gray Jackets. The
Arabs wear burnouses. Boys leave their
shoes la s row outside of the school-
house, and heelless slippers ornament
the entrance to the mosques.
Altogether, Algiers Is an odd city,
full of Interest. In tailor shops, where
V w
it a i
■ H.
Thus cried the hair. And a
kind neighbor came to the res­
cue with a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor. The hair was
saved! In gratitude, it grew
long and heavy, and with all
the deep, rich color of early
life. Sold in all parts of the
world for sixty years.
•• About one year e*o I loet nearly all o f my
tair following an attack o f incaales. I was
advised by a friend to use Ayer's Hair Vigor.
did so. and as a result 1 uow liare a beautiful
head o f h air."— M k s . W. J. B& o w m . Meuoui
one« Falls. Wia.
a by J. C. A y e r Co.. L o w e ll,
A l e o ------
----- ----------*
A fte r
A ll,
T h e r e I t N o O c c a s io n
M a n ’ s C o n c e it .
fo r
I t Is the ¿eueral idea that man Is a
wonderful work— a perfect w ork— but,
as Haeckel and comparative anatomy
point ou t the human body is, as a mat­
ter o f fact, a structure at once Incom­
plete and redundant; a structure lack­
ing many necessaries and crowded
with superfluities, with obsolete mus­
cles and nerves, which have become
shriveled and paralyzed because there
Is no longer any use for them. It is
amusing to think of improvements that
might be made In the human body,
writes a pessimist.
Take the eyes. The two eyes are
very good in their way, but i f there
were three o f them how much better
it would be. I f man nad an eye in the
back o f bis head, as certain Insects
have, he would never be run down,
never be stabbed from behind, pever
be kicked. Man. with three eyes, could
see ami do twice as much as uow.
The hair might well be Improved. It
is poor stuff alongside o f feathers.
Look at the beautiful feather head­
dresses o f tae birds. These are far
richer and brighter in hue than human
hair, aud they last. They don’t dis­
appear. No one ever saw a bald bird.
The ears are not at all p erfect As
the eyes ure provided w ith lids, so that
we can shut them tight when we want
to sleep, so the ears should be provided
with movable flaps or stoppers where­
with to shut out sound.
I f the teeth endured there would be
little fault to find with them. But, like
the hair, they fall man long before the
end o f life. Hence It would be better
If, like some birds, men had Indestruct­
ible teeth In their gizzards, and swal­
lowed their food whole, letting the giz­
zard grind It up gradually. This would
not destroy the pleasure o f eating. On
the contrary, It would increase it. There
would be nerves o f taste lu the gizzard,
and thus the eating pleasure would be
greatly prolonged. The food would be
swallowed In a Jiffy, and afterward,
as man attended to his work, he would
get for many hours pleasant tastes
from the dainties the gizzard would be
slowly and carefully grinding up.
S r r lp ta r a l
B lis s .
P r o o f.
B o t h e r s w ill fin d M r-. W in s lo w 's S o o th in g
Syrup th e best re m ed y to u s e lo r th e ir children
d u rin g th e t e e th in g p eriod .
U n s e a t C a ll.
NVurruais; Kecer.tHed So d ler»’ A dditional S crip;
all Kind» ot Land >t rip bough' a d no d.
U . >1. H A M I L T O N .
Th e Loruland. Portland, Or.
In the course of a checkered career,
Wesley Hanson, known as a “ promo­
Portland Trac'e Directory
ter,” bad sojourned tem porarily In
Nam es and A d d resses in P ortla n d o f R ep re­
many places, so it Is not strange that sen tative Business Firms.
hs sometimes forgot a face.
"H a v e you any call for a stirring U A « I C I.A N 'l Klt.NH — W eimer f a , Portland.
Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slide«.
man In the advertising department of
I i i o K s K s o f all kinds for sale a« very reasonable
your business?” be asked one morn­ j prices. Inquire 275 Front st.
ing. when he had gained access to the
j C H K A M 8 K P A HA T O R S —W e gnarante« the U. A.
office o f the Inventor o f some tin spe­
Separator to be the best. W rit« tor tVee catalog.
Haselwood Co.. Filth and Oak.
The man at tne desk looked at him M E N ’ S C L O T H I NO — Buffum »% Pendleton, sole
agents A lfred Benjamin A Co-'s correct clothe«.
and then dropped hie eyes.
K veryth ln * in men's furnishings.
Morrison ar^
street«. Oppoelte posioftice.
"N o,” he said, shortly, "but I can tell
you exactly where tbere’e a call fo r P O U L T R Y FOOD—I f you want your hens to l«JT
more eRKS write us for free particulars about PU-
just such a man as you are.”
l l l N A P O U L T K \ FJtKDS—Acm e Mills Co,
Portland. Oregon.
“ Yes?” said the promoter. “ I should
P IA N O S A O lio A NS — Oldest plaao house on 1
be glad to hear o f I t ”
elite coast. Organs and Pianos on easy paym en t*
"I t 's up In Banktown, Vermont,” said
W rite for list. Let us uuote you a price. A llen A
aker Co., Portland, Oregon.
the Inventor.
“ The call comes from
A N T E D —Men and W om en to learn Barber trad#
the grocer and the provision dealer and
In eight weelcs; graduates earn tront |1A to I2&
the plumber and the livery-stable keep­
weekly ; expert I ds ructors; catalog free; Mole*
System o f Colleges, »6 N. Fourth st., Portland.
er and several others. They've been
calling for you for tan years, ever
No. 2 0 —O#
P. N. U
since----- "
"A h ,” said the promoter, ” 1 fear that
H E N w r it in g * t o a d v e r t i s e r « p i e
call is a trlfls too loud,” and be softly
m e n t io n t h is p a p e r .
and rapidly withdrew.
they embroider clothing, the workman
uses his great toe to hold the thread,
which Is twisted around I t In another
hole In the wall is a shoemaker, seated
on a dirty mat, and stitching away In
leisurely fashion on red and yellow
footgear for Moorish women. Almost
next door, In the tiniest of tiny shops,
is a fruit and flower dealer, who claims
N o t R e d n r e d to T h a t.
to be a descendant o f All, son-in-law of
The traveller through a part o f New
the prophet, while here and there In
coffee houses a chorus o f sad voices Hampshire where the stones seemed to
be especially thick stopped to comment
sing “ The Lament o f Grenada.”
to her driver on a man who was at
work In a field the surface of which
short time. When the heating Is pro­ was little more than a mass o f stoues
longed the alteration In the valuable of all sizes and shapes.
properties o f the milk begins as low
“ Yes. Jake's having a hard time of
as 100 degrees, but with quick heating it,” said the driver, who apparently
It does not begin below 110 degrees. knew every one in that region. "H e ’s
Tuberculosis bacilli are destroyed by been at that field now fo r two years,
heating to 106 degrees for five minutes, off'n’ on. The wall all came out o f
and such heating does not alter the the ground, as you might say, and you
properties o f the milk. Dr. Jensen ad­ see there's still consld’rabls material
vises that the pasteurization o f milk be left to work on.”
" I should think he'd be perfectly dis­
done In the home, and but shortly be­
fore the milk Is used, care being taken couraged, poor man, to own sucli a
not to go above the temperature neces­ piece o f property,” said the traveller.
"Oh. he doesn’t own It, ma'am. Jake
sary to kill the pathogenic germs.
said the driver,
The De Forest Wireless Telegraph doesn't.”
Company, In announcing recent success­ “ Jake Isn't so poor as all that. It be­
ful experiments In sending code words longs to Squire Farnum. and he's hired
across the Atlantic from Coney Island Jake to clear It, that's all.”
to a receiving station In the south o f
H o n a e k e e p ln ir lS > p e s » « r f.
Ireland, calls attention to an Interest­
The roomer in a London lodging
ing peculiarity connected with the vary­ house does not need to number the hairs
ing distances to which wireless signals o f his head as a precaution against
are sent. It seems that every specific theft, but he needs to keep careful ac­
distance has, to use the analogy o f count o f everything else, says a writer
sound, a key, pitch, or tone o f Its own, in I ’ubllc Opinion. An actor who had
which can only be determined by exper­ discovered his landlady's propensity for
iment. Thus, If the operator at Coney taking a portion o f everything bs
Island should send the same message bought numbered and listed his things.
simultaneously to Boston and Philadel­
On« night he roused the household by
phia, using the Philadelphia “ pitch,” shouting dow.-i from his sttlc a demand
the receiver In Boston would get the for "number elglTt”
message In bad shape. Bat If the Bos­
“ Number eight?" shouted the land­
ton “ pitch" were used, Philadelphia lady back. “ What number e ig h t? ’
and all near-by points might Intercept
" I want cube number eight o f my
the message. In the transatlantic sig­ lump sugar,” he replied,
naling a great variety o f pitches were j
Thenceforth the provisions In his cup-
tried in the March for the proper one. I board w ere unmolested.
The signal» could not be returned from
A e ro n n te d F o r.
Ireland because no sending station yet
Mrs. M.'s patience was much tried
exist, there.
by a servant who had a habit o f stand-
1 lug around with her mouth open. O n.
W h e n G l a d s t o n e W as W r s a c .
Mr. Gladstone knew how to admit j day, as the maid waited upon table,
that be wa* in the wrong. On one oc­ j her mouth was open as usual, and her
casion be did eo, candidly and hand­ | mistress, giving her a severs look, said:
"M ary, your mouth Is open.”
somely. as became a gentleman. Bat
"Yeasum,” replied Mary, " I opened
be preferred to keep clear o f the ne-
cesnlty for apologies and had acant be­ I t ”
Im a o ra a e *
A t a colored camp meeting In U a ro­
ll ia a testifyin g penitent referred to
himself and his uucouverted brothers a*
"niggers” In a spirit o f abject humil­
ity which he deemed well pleasing to
bis Maker. T h e presiding elder who
j "amened” his speech at proper Inter­
vals finally threw out a geutle rebuke.
You Can Oct Allan's Foot-Ease FREE.
"C all y o 's e'f a culled pusson, broth­
W r it e A lle n S. O lm sted, Le R o y .N . Y . , lo r a
tree sa m p le o f A lle n 's Foot-E ase.
I t cures er,” he admonished Impressively. “ N ig­
■weatiiifr. h ot sw o llen , a c h in g teet. I t m akes
new o r t ig h t shoes essy.
A c e r ta in cu re lo r gers is a term ob reproach Invented by
corns, in g r o w in g n a ils and bu n ion s. A l l d r u g ­ proud white folks.
Dey ain't no men­
gists s e ll It. 25c. D o n ’t a ccep t a n y substitute.
tion In de Good Book o f niggers."
"Oh, yes. dey Is. parson.” the peni­
N o t h i n * D o i n ',
The hobo approached the pompous tent contradicted solemnly. "D o n ’t you
ree lect de place wbar It tell about nig­
citizen and asked for alms.
“ "Go to the ant, thou sluggard,’ ” ger Demus ?” — Llppincott’s Magazine.
quoted the p. c.
“ 'Talu 't no use, mister.” answered
the hobo. “ Me aunt's Jlst as tight-
Approved * orest R f M T Y I and R a ’ irciwl Scrip for
fisted as me uncle an' all de rest uv me
Riirveyed, unsurv«*ytd, Uniherrd or prair • land;
approved U nited Htatea M ill ary Bounty Land
W h ere
Rising Young Statesman— But there la
another matter, just as important, that
has bsen overlooked. I am going to in­
troduce a bill for tha rigid inspection of
Constituent— Prodmore, for your own
peace of mind, I advise you not to do it.”
r ? Pt£ machine In the .hape of
ttA, ' “
u, ,nd comet out a complete
■“ ' I f % £ £ of any . 1 « m a r th u .b e lief In their efficacy.
A l- n o c t H a r n e a .
"Y on can’ t unpull a man's noae,” be
from the smallest “ tackles” up
'Why, Antonio,” said the horrified mat­
once »aid to hi» private secretary.— ron. who had toaeed a 5 cent piaos at the
^*the huge chains used In the nary.
monkey, "does ha always pat a coin in
Jensen, chief of the Swiss Do Exchange.
his mouth whan ha picks It op?”
D t J „operintendence over the milk
There are plenty o f good people In
"N ot his mout’ . signora.” corrected the
T j t
i i y . thst It I. • common the world; It ta one o f the mlstakee organ grinder. "H er moat’ .”
o f toe people that they talk too much
Manchuria is Just twlca the ala# o!
J " ! “ J d e ra b le time to t tempera- about the few bed onee and not enough
* °r
f i x degree. F.hrenbelt U better about the many good onea.
tore of 1 »
fh _. notud foe a
The Kind You Have Always Hoiii'lit lias borne the signa­
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, amt lias been mude under his
personal supervision for over HO years. Allow no ono
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
“ Just-as-good’* aro hut Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare­
goric, L>rops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Slorphino nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diurrhtcn and W in d
Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and ilowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 3 0 Years.
The Little Doctor in
your Vest Pocket
,EE the thin, round-cornered little
Enamel Box below I When
carried in your vest pocket it
means Health-Insurance.
It contains S i x C a n d y Tablets of
pleasant taste, almost as pleasant as
Each tablet is a working dose of Cas-
carets, which acts like Exercise on the
Bowels and Uver.
It will not j"*»?!, sicken,
upset the stomach.
Because It Is not a
driver,’ ’ like Salts, So­
dium, Calomel, Jalap,
Senna, nor Aperient
These waste Diges­
tive J u i c e s of the
s y s t e m needed to­
morrow, In merely
flushing out the Bow­
els today.
Neither Is It like
Castor Oil, Glycerine,
or other Oily Laxa­
tives that s i m p l y
lubricate the Intes­
tines for transit of
the food stopped up tn them at that partle-
ular time.
These emergency drugs relieve the
Immediate trouble, but do not relieve its
The same trouble wt'.l therefore recur
again Uli that Cause Is removed per­
The chief cause of Constipation and
Indigestion Is a weakness of the Muscles
that contract the intestines snd Bowels.
Careareis are practically to the Bowel
Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath
•re to the Athletic Muscle*»
They stimulate the Bowel Muscles j
contract, expand, and squeeze the Dig^
Uve Juices out of food eaten.
Cascareis do ¡this naturally, withe,
purging or discomfort.
They don't help the Bowels and L l> tt
In such a way as to make them lean u g f l
similar assistance for the future.
This is why, with Cascareis, the d c®
may be lessened each succe
time instead of Increased,
must be with all succeeding do
of other Cathartics and Laxatlvl
Cascareis act I II
If carried In yá
Vest Pocket, (orc|
rted In My
Purse), a
Just when you
pect you need o'
you will never kno
sick day from
ordinary Ills of U
Because, nearlyB
these Ills begin 0
the B o w e l s , sift
partial Constlpatlfl
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