W a tc h fo r S eed A d u lte r a tio n «. The work o f different experim ent sta­ be supplied. , I will see your lawyers some day. and settle It.” tions has shown that a large number o f "See them at once, Richard: see them foreign seeds are contained in clover at once. I am no man o f business, you and a lfalfa seed, iududiug the dod­ know, but I think you will find all ders. which are so destructive to alfal- right.” fu, and a large number o f had weod Richard, however, put off the visit pests like the narrow plantain, wild B y M A R C U S C L A R K B from day to day. H e desired to have as mustard and a host o f new weeds. little to do with lawyers as possible. Oue Impure sample o f last year's sup­ H e had resolved upon his course of ac- | tion. H e would get money from his ply contained thirty-two species o f fo r­ mother for Immediate needs, and w*hen eign seeds, including both »peclea of C H A P T E R X X IV .—*Continued.) escaped— the bondage of enforced eoin- t that mother died he would assert his dodder, the plantains, many common £ 0 ; rights. "M y rough life has unfitted me Between Eaglehawk mnl Signal Hill panionahip with an unloved woman. The weeds, three species o f Western wteils G r a n a r y a l l b E le v a to r . were, for the abscooders, other danger*. opportune death of one of her assigned for drawing rooms, dear mother.” he that are new in Ohio and as many said. “ Do not let there be a display Here’s a plan of granary to hold 3.0W Along the indented coast of Port Buuehe servants enabled Sarah Purfoy to in­ European weeds that have been here­ ■were conatables' stations, and to avoid stall the escaped convict in hia room. In i about my return. Give me a corner to bushels o f g ra in ; the walls are of stone, tofore unknown lu this State. A t least | smoke my pipe and I am happy.” Lady them it would be necessary to make a the strange state of society which pre­ and an elevator U arranged to work circuit into the scrub. Unwilling as he vailed of necesaity in New South Wales Devine, with a loving, tender pity, for by horse power. A granary to hold a dozen new weeds have been Intro­ duced Into Ohio In a lfa lfa seed during was to lose time, John Hex saw that to at that period, it was not unusual for which John Rex could not altogether S.OOO bushels will require to be 22 attempt to run the gauntlet of these assigned servants to marry among the account, consented, and “ Mr. Rictuird" half as many years. by ¡18 feet Inside. This will give six soon came to be regarded as a martyr four stations would be destruction. He free settlers, and when it was heard W hile this Is unacceptable It Is still to circumstances, a man conscious of his bins, size 15 feet by 7 feet, and 0 feet ranged his men in single file; and, quit­ that Mrs. Purfoy, the widow of a whal­ more so to get only black medlck (y e l­ own imperfections, and one whose imper­ high. This w ill also allow for a pas­ ting the road near Norfolk Hay. made ing captain, had married John Carr, her low tre fo il) plants ns many have dene, •traight for the Neck. A fter nearly two storekeeper, transported for embezzle­ fections were, therefore, to be lightly sage across the middle of the building 8 where supposed ulfalfn seed was sown. dwelt upon. So the returned prodigal hours of painful progress. Jemmy Vetch ment, and with two years of his sen­ feet wide, which w ill give access to all seeds •topped and whispered them to approach« tence yet to run, no one expressed sur­ had his own suite of rooms, his ow-n of the bins and can be used for cleaning In these times o f high-priced They were ou a sandy rise. T o the le£* prise. Indeed, when, the year after, servants, his own bank account, and was giain, as well as storing small Imple­ there is temptation to adulterate with was a black object— a constable’s hin­ John Carr blossomed as an “ expiree,” merry. cheap seeds like the black medlck, etc., Thus taken upon trust,-Mr. Richard ments. The floor should be raised four to the right waa a dim white line— the master of a fine wife and a fine fortune, which have very slight value as forage Devine mixed in the very best of bad so­ feet from the. ground to make It dry ocean; in front was a row of lamps there were many about him who would plants with us; there Is like disposi­ ciety, and had no lack of agreeable and convenient for loading grain, as and between every two lamps leaped have made his existence in Australia tion to offer seeds with many weed friends to help him to spend his money. well as to provide for the elevator, and | and ran a dusky, indistinct body. Jem­ pleasant enough. But John Hex had no seeds, at low prices. Both these dan­ my Vetch pointed with his lean fore­ notion of remaining longer than he could So admirably did he spend it, that Fran­ belting below the floor. The walls be­ gers are real. Intending purchasers o f cis W ade became at last alarmed at the finger. help, and ceaselessly sought means of frequent drafts, and urged his nephew to ing of stone, should be 13 feet high, such seeds w ill do well to be assured of I “ The dogs!” escape from his second prison house. For this will provide for 4 feet below the their quality. Instinctively they crouch down, lest a long time his search was unsuccess­ bring M b affairs to a final settlement. floor, one foot for floor, then 8 feet to even at that distance the two sentries, ful. Much as she loved the scoundrel, Richard Devine— in Paris, or Hamburg, Shlpplnix l i n y t o D e a le r s . the plates; this will give one foot clear or London, or elsewhere— could never be so plainly visible in the red light of the Sarah Purfoy did not scruple to tell him During the last two years a number got to attack business, and Mr. Francis over the bins. There should be a. stone guard house fire, should see them. that she had bought him, and regarded W ade grew more and more anxious. The center wall lengthwise under the floor or rogues In different sections o f the “ W ell,” said Gabbett, “ what’s to be him as her property. H e knew that if poor gentleman positively became 111 to carry the floor Joists, which will ho country have been offering a considera­ done now?“ he made any attempt to escape from his through the anxiety consequent upon his As he spoke, a long, low howl broke marriage bonds, the woman who had 12 feet long and match on middle wall. ble advance on the market price o f hay nephew's dissipations. “ I wish, my dear from one of the chained hounds, and the risked so much to save him would not and thousands of tons have been ship­ whole kennel burst into hideous outcry. hesitate to deliver him over to the au­ Richard, that you would let me know ped to these people for which the pro­ what to do,” he wrote, “ t wish, my John Hex, who perhaps was the brav­ thorities. ducer received little or no return. With dear uncle, that you would do what you est of the party, shuddered. “ They have hay, as with other articles o f farm I know you don’ t care for me now, amelled us,” he said. “ W e must go John, she said, with grim complacen­ think best,” was the nephew’s reply. produce. It Is usually best to sell it as Mr. Wade began to repent of his too on. Make for the right-hand side of cy; ‘ but your life is in my hands, and uear home as possible. In every farm ­ easy tsking of matters In the beginning the jetty. I think I see a boat there. It if you desert me I will bring you to the BS Not that he had a suspicion of Rex, but ing center there are reliable dealers F Is our only chance now. W e can never gallows.” that he remembered that Dick waa al­ who w ill pay a fair price for such pro­ break through the station. Are we ways a looae fish. H e grew pale and In vain. In hit secret eagerness to be ready? Now! All together.” ducts and pay spot cash for them. True, He hollow eyed. Hia digestion was impair­ Gabbett was fast outstripping the oth- rid of her. he raged and chafed. they sell them ut an advance, hut It Is ed. H e ceased to take the Intereet in J iers by some three feet of distance, waa tied hand and foot. She held big almost Impossible for the grower to china which the Importance of that arti­ money and her shrewd wit had more j j There were eleven dogs, two of which GRANARY W ITH POWER ELEVATOR. reach these outside sources o f demand, cle demanded. In a word, he grew de­ I were placed on stages set out in the than doubled it. She waa all-powerful, hence he can better afford to let the spondent as to bis fitness for his mission and he could but wait until her death To give head room over the top Joists water, and they were so chained that local dealer make a dollar or two than f Jtheir muzzles nearly touched. The giant or some lucky accident should rid him In life. Lady Ellinor saw a change In the roof should be a third pitch. lie can to take any chances In shipping l*l)eaped into the line, and with a blow of of her and leave him free to follow out her brother. She wrote a long letter to Following Is the required material: the scheme he had matured. “ Once rid Mr. Richard, who was at Paris, and himself, nnd especially to people af jsi*Chis ax split the skull of the beast on his 1,250 feet rooting, one inch. of her,” he thought. In hia solitary rides begged him to come over at once. Mr. m right. This action unluckily took him 1,670 feet flooring, inch, to be laid whom he knows nothing. The writer over the station of which he was the Richard replied that some horse racing Iw ith in reach of the other dog, which yearly sells his surplus hay to a local nominal owner, “ the reat is easy. I shall matter of great Importance occupied his double. ^seized him by the thigh. 50 Joists for floor, 2 Inches by 12 liveryman and gets the cash on d eliv­ attention, but that he would be at his return to England with a plausible story “ F ire !” cried McNab, from the other ery. Opportunities offer to bale It and of shipwreck, and shall doubtless be re­ town house on the 14th, and would "go Inches, 12 feet long. 1,000 feet. pdde of the lamps. ceived with open arms by the dear Into matters." “ I have lost a good deal 19 Joists over head, 2 inches by 2 ship to the city at an advance on the The giant uttered a cry of rage and mother from whom I have been go long of money lately, my dear mother,” said Inches, 24 feet long, 610 feet. local price, but we have figured that ^ ipain, and fell with the dog under him. parted. Richard Devine shall have his Mr. Richard, “ and the present will he a our labor, time and element of risk In |/lt was, however, the dog that had pulled own again.” 650 feet lumber for bins, one Inch. good opportunity to make a final settle­ th in mi down, anil the musket ball intended 26 studs, 4 Inches by 4 Inches, 8 feet the latter proposition Is not warranted The fact was that John Rex, One day the chance came to him. ment.” by the higher price, so we "le t well taiLlor *1*m ,,ru r*t Traver* In the jaw. The now three years in undisturbed posses­ long. Ills wife was 1 1 1 . and the ungrateful linhappy villain fell. enough alone,” and It generally pays to 13 squares shingles. sion, considered that the moment had scoundrel stole five hundred pounds, Gabbett clutohed the mastiff's throat do this.— Indianapolis News. arrived for the carrying off at one swoop 150 feet Inch lumber for doors. rith Iron hand, and foreed him to looae and, taking two horses, reached Sydney, of the whole of the fortune be had gam­ 40 rafters, 2 inches by 6 Inches, 16 H e.it F a r m H a n d * . Li* hold; then bellowing with fury, seiz­ and obtained passage In a vessel bound bled for. for Rio. feet long. ed his ax. and »prang forward, mangled Labor on farms is nearly always The town house of Mr. Richard De- Having escaped from thralldom, John T o arrange an elevator for horse pressing after spring opens, but It is .♦¡a he Tin. upon the neareat «oldier. vine was decorated in conformity with 'Jemmy Vetch had been beforehand with Hex proceeded to play for the great the tastes of its owner. The pictures power, a hopper that will hold at least difficult to secure capable help. There w broken cordon and made headlong by a vessel hound for Rio. Ignorant of Wade, waiting for the coming o f his vator is an ordinary built elevator with wages If they are w illing to serve a the death of Sir Richard, and prompted r the boat. nephew, sighed as he thought of the cul­ buckets standing upright and In the year on farms in the endeavor to learn. B ‘(»"F o o ls !” cried ilex, behind them. "Ton by the pride which was known to he a tured quiet of North End House. It may be mentioned that, while many rear corner of center bin. The box at F ¡A v e wasted a »hot! I.ook to your left!” leading feature of his character, he had suppose that “ anybody can work on Mr. Richard appeared lu his dressing •phUBurgexs hurried down the tram-road determined not to return, until fortune gown. Three yesrs of good living had bottom o f elevator must be close on the a farm,” the fact is that even a large A e k 1 *lis men, had tarried at Signal H ill should have bestowed upon him wealth deprived his figure of its athletic beauty. ground to be connected with the deliv­ j W ly long enough to looae the surprised at least equal to the Inheritance from H e was past forty years of age. and the ery hopper by a spout, with sufficient number o f laborers accustomed to farm ­ lard from their bonds, and taking the which he had been ousted. In Spnnish sudden cessation from severe bodily toil slope that the grain will run freely. ing are undesirable. The best farm lengloody Island boat, was pulling with a America he had striven to accumulate had increased R ex’s natural proneness to 1 he elevator w ill discharge well above hands are those who require no super­ h crew to the Neck. The re-enforce- that wealth In vain. As traveler, specu­ vision, thus relieving the employer of fa [•nt was not ten yarda from the jetty. lator, sailor, he had toiled for fourteen fat. and Instead of being portly he had the upper Joists Into u hopper In the the necessity of leaving his personal become gross. His cheeks were Inflamed center of the building, to which a fun­ Worn out and t h i_ e Crow saw the danger, and. flinging years, and had failed. with the frequent application of hot and penitent, he had returned home to find a nel-shaped spout Is attached, that can duties in order to look after the help. _.’“ iself Into the water, desperately seiz- corner of English earth In which to lay rebellious liquors to his blood. His hands lie shifted to deliver Into any of the f McNab’s boat. Ontlet f o r D r a in . were swollen, and not so steady as of L fln with you for your lives!” he cried. his weary bones. The tale was plausible yore. His whiskers were streaked with bins. The horse power should be plac­ One of the most common as well as enough, and In the telling o f It he waa yVnother volley from the guard spnt- unhealthy gray. Ills eyes, bright and ed at the end o f the granary, and driv­ most efficient protections for the outlet »1 the water around the fugitives, but armed at all points. There waa little black as ever, lurked In a thicket of en by a belt or shaft, passing through of a main drain is a plank box with fear that the navigator of the captured “the darkness the ill-aimed bullets fell crow's feet. H e had become premature­ an opening In the wall left for the pur­ wire bars placed vertically across the jhnlesa. Gabbett swung himself over Osprey, the man who had lived in Chili, ly bald. H e spoke with assumed heart­ pose. The details can be all worked and “ cut out" cattle on the Carrum 7 ' ‘ sheets and selxed an oar. iness, In a boisterous tone of affected out by a mechanic, oue essential is to •Ob ( ’ox. Bodenham. Greenhill! Now. Plains, would prove lacking In knowl­ ease. edge of riding, seamanship, or Spnnish have plenty o f slope for the delivery s u m ’1 ll“ r Jump, Tom. Jump!” and "H a . ha! My dear uncle, alt down. ™llurgesa leaped to land, Cornelius was customs. Moreover, he had determined Delighted to see you. Have you break­ hopper to box at foot o f elevator, even upon a course o f action which showed gged over the stern, and the whnle- fasted?— of course you have. I was up if It should be sunk Into the ground a floated Into deep water. McNab, hia knowledge of human nature. rather late last night. Quite sure you little.— Montreal Star. The will under which Richard Devine won't have anything? „.jjfOig thla, ran down to the wnter side No— then ait F e e t o f t h e I lo r w e . Inherited had been made when the tes­ down and tell me all the news o f Hamp­ Id the commnndant. T o get the most from a horse Its feet B a , V.ift her over the bar. men!” he tator was in the first hopeful glow of stead.” By its terms I,ady Devine ^ "■ Ite d . “ With a will— so!" And, rnis- paternity. “ Thank you, Richard." said the old must he kept in proper coudltion; not “ j^ n twelve atrong arms, the pursuing was to receive a life Interest of three gentleman, a little stiffly, "but I want only well aud proi>erly shod, but cared thousand a year in her husband's prop­ some serious talk with you. What do lo r by Che owner in the mutter of clean- T K " ; slid across the isthmus. ¡7 w g)*Sieii. f " r il" 1 i'rsl time, the six pris- erty— which was placed In the hands of you intend to do with the property? liuess. The beginning of such care M ■ J , fairly in the net again, became two trustees until her eldest son died, This indecision worries me. Either re­ DRAIN OUTLET. yl prt Te that John Hex was not among or attained the age o f twenty-five years! lieve me of my trust, or be guided by should be the clean stable; that is, the stable clean o f manure, than which end about two Inches apart Such a When either of these events should oc­ my advice.” ■ a fe r ­ cur. the property was to be realised, wl. 2 • • "W ell, the fact la,” said Richard, with nothing is worse for the horse to stand box should be made of 2-lneh plank. When 12 feet long and large enough to admit H ** o’clock tile next morning the I.ady Devine receiving a sum of a him! a very ugly look on his face. “ I am much tu for any considerable time. H w n K 'y -T Mary Lw M#ry ati stood out to aea with ev- dred thousand pounds, the remainder go­ pushed for money. The fact is. that— the horse comes in from a day of work of the Insertion o f the tile Into the W Mltltch of canvas act alow and aloft. ing absolutely to the son. If living. The that I am thinking of selling every in the fields, which are soft, or from a upper end. A protection o f this kind Isklpper'a Ashing had come to an trustees appointed were I,ady Devine's thing.” hard drive on muddy roads, look after serves a double purpose. It prevents * grounds until 1 meet my con S: 1009— siege of Jerusalem began h, J Crusaders. y 1465— Henry posed. IV., King of ( U | J ' * 1481— Execution of consprators to a sinate Lorenzo dl Meiliei. 1568— Count d’Egmont end CouDt n j beheaded at Brusse's. 162£— I'etltlon of Right passed. 164o— Christina volunrar'ly throne of Sweden. 1654— Louis • France. X IV . abdiecJ * er>wued Kina 1660— Marriage of Louis XIV, »¡ft .„I Infanta. I 1689— Coronation of William III. „ J Mary I I. of England. | 1742— Peace of Breslau. 1766— James Otis propne-1 an Amerlcul Congress in Massachusetts Aasemblj.l 1776— Richard Henry Lee cSerod hit! famous resolution lu the Continental| Congress declaring :be colonies ft»I and Independent; seconded by John! Adam s... .Committee appointed by I Continental Congress to draw up | Declaration of Independence. 1 1783— First balloon ascvision made with I heated air at Annonay, France. 1795— Luxemburg surrendered to th» I French. 1798— Malta taken by Napoleon....Unit­ ed Irishmen repulsed at New Ron with great loss. 1806— Great Britain declaied war against Prussia. 1808— Joseph Bouapar’ a made King of Spain. 1811— Venezuela procl limed her inde­ pendence. 1815— Germanic confederation constitut­ ed by treaty of Vienna. 1821—-Provisional government establish­ ed in Greece. 1833— B la c k H awk and companions rt- leased. 1840— Accession of Frederick William IV. of Prussia. 1844— Treaty for ann.-xution of Tens rejected by United S'a tea Senate. 1851—-Vigilance committee o'ganiied in San Francisco. 1854— Treaty of Washington signed. 1855— Capture of Mansion earthworks at Sebastopol, by the French.... American (K now Nothing) council met at Philadelphia. 1857— Mutiny at Gawnpote, India. 1862—-Memphis, Tenn., taken by tbs Federals.. . .U. S. Congress recognis­ ed independence of Ilayti and Li­ beria. 1864— Gen. John C. Fremont accepted presidential nomination and resigned from arm y .. . .Morgan, uith 3,000 men, commenced bis doling raid through Kentucky. . . . I ee repulsed Federals at battle of Trevillian Sta­ tion, Va. 1865— Galveston taken by the Federala; last port to surrender. 1866— Proclamation by President John­ son against invasion of Canada by Fenians. 1867— Francis Joseph of Austria crowned King of Hungary. 1869— Col. Crane, U. S. A., killed by Col. Yerker at Jackson, Miss. 1870— Great fire of Constantinople. 1871— Battle between United States squadron under Admiral Rodgers and the Koreans. 1877— Business portion of Galveston, Texas, destroyed by fire. 1878— Colliery explosion in Lancashire, England; 240 persons killed. 1880— Mount Vesuvius railway formal­ ly opened.. . .Steamboats Narragsn- sett and Stonington collided in Long Island sound; thirty lost 1881— Eighteen hundred suild'ngs burn­ ed in city of Quebec. 1884— Samuel J. Tilden declined nomina­ tion for President. 1886— Home Rule bill defeated in Parlia­ ment. 1888— Great fire at Hull, Ontario; 2,500 rendered homeless. 1889— Great fire in Seattle, Wash. 1891— Corner stone of new c'ty hall •« St. Louis laid. 1892— Bob Ford, murderer of Jesse James, shot at Creede, Colo. 1894— U. S. Senate pasied Sugar Trust b ill. . . . President Gonzalei of Para­ guay deposed and barushed. . . ■ Mulal Abdul proclaimed Sn'tan of Morocco- 1897— President visited Nashvilla Cen­ tennial exposition. 1005— Dissolution of union of Sweden and Norway proclaimed by Norwe­ gian Parliament........Russia and Japan agreed to a peace parley, and the President selected Portsmouth* N. H., as the place of meeting. V ein raed (o r A rteries. Dr. Alexis Carrel and Dr. O C. Gnth- f ® l*1“ Chicago university physiolog­ ical laboratory, have completed experi­ ments upon dogs showing the possibility f ' tutin* , *,e veins for srteries as i!C* rTTin* vessels. The question whether similar operations couia be used *UW>M* upon the human body Is «no * , u' v^'ch the prominent physician« who have discussed tha subject during the week differ. The experimenters say th*« dii» “ vthod must be further tasted before being employed on man.