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About Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1906)
NIGHT CHANGED TO DAY rial P a g e -W a s h in g to n Co. New s. t e s s i:, tîd lto r ^ Mply Publishing Co. Incorporated 1 it Forest Grove, Oregon good of the community— improving at Forest Led r&ove, Oregon as second class mail matter. ^ r° i j re I *» 5 I,he NEWS fails to reach its subscrib e s late, we request that im m edi- * mention may be called to the same. l8> b j ftis' bet 8Q®»blf '•'«bte, •fMb. P«troj. all communications to W ash ington County Pub. C o ., Forest Grove, Ore. Ue «icit*. I L s DAY, A U G U ST 9. 1906. Facts on Denaturized Alcohol. 3nee the passage of the bill allow- the production and utilization of rep. jcohol lor industrial purposes, without °f toil * i» it. [pjnne tax, many people have looked si nijjtl hopijj *> who y id hid »to the commercial value of denatur- jicohol. Some think it will revo lutionize the world while others con- y n it, but e‘y i« 1 hia«J “h be. r» had D'cide. *o«oie :*saoci 9 offi. aod being in the experts have November SOME SUMMER SPEC IA LS! on which last “ kill ing” frost occurred in spring, March 17; latest date on which last "k illin g ” TA LCUM PO W D ER S LIQUID F A C E PO W D E R S COLD CREAM S F IN E T O IL E T SO APS CA M ERA S U P P L IE S the town, enlarging its population and Poking their long fingers of light into frost occurred in spring, May 9th. lastly you will finally derive the bene- every corner of Hampton Roads, and fits. All roads lead to the store of the illuminating every detail of cloudland, good advertiser. searchlights will make night as bright i Free Methodist T h e following article^by H . W Scott i “ ^ the post-office 16; average date AT THE CHURCHES Year in Advance. -T,*o frost occurred in autumn, Wonderful Searchlight Drills to be Seen at the Jamestown Expo sition Next Year. A . E . N O L R S E , M *r. r ^ r y Thursday by the W ashing- average date on which first "k illin g ” I already Toven that this alcohol may be manu- tetured at a very low cost and that it l u l c ? X ' P t' “ *1 J * mestown Exp0si' i S w d l '. M m . . « Norfolk, V ln m ii. j U » t l ,v 2 “ l * P tC i,C ; J « ™ Hampton R o ,d , to n , University, and is worth the careful Sewrell1 s Point is Fortress Monroe, perusal of everyone. Mr. Scott’s which is equipped with powerful search- article on the card is placed opposite lights, by means of which a newspaper his portrait, and is headed, “ The can be read five miles away. Every Small College is B est.” It reads: warship at the Naval Rendezvous next “ Pacific University is one of the year will also have searchlights, some comparatively small colleges of the of which are so powerful as to require country; but to these small colleges a special engine to generate electricity. the country owes a great debt. Out Among the largest of these is that just of these small colleges have come the supplied to the new battleship, Con majority of distinguished Americans necticut. The lens of this searchlight who have received, what is termed, a is more than five feet across. When higher education than that of the com maximum power is being used the mon schools. It was Daniel Webster lights have an intensity of sixty thous who in 1818, speaking of his own alma and candle power, and its rays can be mater, Dartmouth, said to Chief Justice thrown several miles. Marshall: “ Sir, it is but a small Searchlights were originally adopted college but there are those of it that to find torpedo boats at night. They love it” * * The chances are are no$ used for signaling, to discover j j There will be preaching services in 1 1 a . m ., also 8 p. m ., by R ev . H . K. Bowman, Pastor. Christian Church. fte tc h in g at n a. m . ^ 8 p. To Our Correspondents m I on t(le fiist and thir(j s undays 0 f each E. W . Haines Bank W e would ask our correspondents to (E S T A B L IS K K D 1898.) month- Sunday school at 10 a. m . l send us their copy so it will reach us Forest Grove, Oregon Tuesday of each week where possible; every Sunday. R ev. Sias, pastor. also to sign their nam es to same— not A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on tim e deposits. for publication but that we may know Accounts invited. to whom we are under obligations for same. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a. m. M. E. Church and 8 :0 0 p. m ., Sunday school at a. m ., Epworth League 7 :0 0 p. MARTIN & CO. 10 m .. Prayer M eeting, Thursday 3 :0 0 p. m. Everybody welcome. L . F . BELKNAP. German Lutheran Church There will be no German Lutheran services held in Forest Grove until the 4th Sunday in July after which tim e better for a boy in a small college than a man overboard, to aid navigation, and they will be held continuously at the usual tim e, 2 :3 0 p. m ., on the 2nd in a great university, because the at for many other purposes. W hen a and 4th Sundays of each month. mosphere of a small college is more man falls overboard from one of the H . C. E beling. bracing and healthful than the atmos gTeat ships at sea, the searchlight is at phere of a great college, which includes once trained upon him, and the ray is Reduced Rates »ill open up large possibilities Dr. Hines’ Drug S to re the Free M ethodist church Sunday at i F o r D o a ln ig O n m e lf. A physician recommends rochelle M AN U FA CTU RERS OF salts for amateur doctoring. He says H A R M E S S that It is an excellent thing, several And dealers in all kinds of Horse tlmea a day, to take as much of the salts as may be put on a cent In a little wa Goods. Repairing Promptly Done ter. That will sweeten the stomach Prices Reasonable. Drop in. and act as a very desirable spring SH0F NEAR medicine. He also speaks highly of NAYLOR'S C O IIE I FOREST 6R0VE, ORE soda, having no patience with those timid people who have an Idea that It | Is a dangerous dose, doing some vague R. MIXOM, Dentist harm to the coating of the Intestines. “Why, everything we eat. almost, has Forest Grove, Oregon soda In It.” he cried in disdain. “It Is an admirable thing to take half ro T h r e e doors north o f B a ile y ’s sto re, chelle salts and half bicarbonate of hours frosr 9 A . M . to 4 P . M. soda, as directed, several times a day. I know of few gentler and still more beneficent general medicines.” in the manufacturing world and form a low a good many well-to-do young fellows held there until he is picked uy by the During the Sum m er Season of 1906 who imagine that they can afford to be i boats. costing substitute for the higher priced A P o la o n o u a F r o g , reduced round trip excursion rates will social rebels, can afford to be lazy and j n signaling a shutter is attached to motive power. T h e departm ent of People in geuerul look upon all spe be in effect from the East to all North LAWYER cies of the frog us being perfectly Agriculture has decided to publish a can afford to become the slaves of the searchlght. This alternately inter- Pacific Coast Points, such as Portland, harmless. Should you be traveling In unworthy habits and of a luxurious life, nipts and prolongs or sho.tens the per- bulletin on Jan. 1, 1907 when the law Tacom a, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, New Granada (United States of t'olom- Real E state and Corpo- [ goes into effect, placing before the On the whole for mere academic train- i j0(i during which the light is visible, blai, however, you would do well to I ratio Law a Specialty. e tc .; also to Spokane and San Francisco, let a certain little tree croaker severe- people of this country a summ ary of ing, the small college has always had By this means the operator is able to I o s Angeles and San D iego. ly alone. He secretes a poison equally 1 F o r e s t G r o v e , the best obtainable results on the use its best records in results, and it is j telegraph forty miles, using any tele- Rates from Chicago via direct lines as deadly as that of the rattlesnake. : likely to in the future unless the great graph code. In Manilla harbor, dur It exudes from his skin in the shape of o( alcohol in small engin es. Prof. i colleges raise their standard and make ing the insurrection, messages were to the North Pacific Coast and Califor a milky liquid and Is used by the na Charles E. Lucke of Colum bia Univers nia will be $ 7 5 and from Missouri tives us a poison for their arrows. their pupils work or go.” frequently sent more than forty The ity, has been secured by the depart River points, nam ely: Council Bluffs, miles, by using the clouds as reflectors. W r i t e n m Y o u F e e l . ment to conduct these tests and inves Omaha, A tchison, St. Joseph , Kansas If you would write to any purpose, Do This system can be used on cloudless of tigations in the laboratories. Distil City, also St. Paul and Minneapolis, you must be perfectly free from with I 'o r o a t d r o v e nights, but the signals cannot be seen leries are to be installed in many places, in. Give yourself the natural rein; rates will be $ 6 0 . R ates to Spokane What proves to be a rather serious so far. The searchlight is also used think on no pattern, no patron, no pa especially by large sugar com panies will be $5 less than to the Coast or per. no press, no public: think on noth pest to fruit trees has been found in in signaling on the same principle as who will use their waste products for $ 7 0 from C hicago and $ 5 5 from the ing. but follow your impulses. Give this city and vicinity. In another col wig-wag flags. yourself us you are—whut you are aud tie manufacture of denaturized alcohol. ■ Missouri River and St. Paul. umn a cure for this intruder is printed Searchlight drills take place when bow you see It. Every inau sees with # -¡* .< 100.00 ‘ (I P a id u p C a p it a There is now a plan on foot at Garfield, Rates one way via the Shasta Route bis own eyes or docs not see at alL— from the letter of Mr. Cordley of the ever a squadron lies in harbor. Steam Wash., to construct a plant for this i and California will be $ 1 3 .5 0 higher Emerson. CORRESPONDENTS: experiment station at Corvallis and al launches, to represent attacking torpedo purpose, as so m uch of their fruit and than those above mentioned. National City Bank, New York though he does not seem to be very boats, are sent out from the vessels. potatoes go to waste every year. Utah These tick ets will be on sale daily, T h e News and Semi-weekly Journal Wells Fargo & Co’s Bank, New Y c g certain whether it is to be considered ^ wjth instructions to return under full and Idaho will also have several plants com m encing Ju n e 1st and continuing for $ 1 .7 5 . Sample copies may be had U nited States National Bank. Portia I j' a serious pest, we should do all we can speed, each launch striving to get as within the next six months. Many i until Septem ber 15, with final return | at ,h js office. to exterminate it from our orchards, close as possible without being dis companies have been formed every limit of O ctober 31st. | __ It seems to be a rather new specie, covered. Meantime the searchlights A. L . C r a i g , where and people are beginning to . . . W . H. HOLLIS. od OFFICE ovei Hines' Store k hie 0 , 000 . I have ed ai fonnd reeled O rt'g o i ( | | | S . A . M o u lto n IL. Leading Tonsorialls Away with that Pest Xyleborus Dispar. ■'# on ' FIRST NATIONAL BANS City Shaving Parlors see the value of alcohol in the manu- havin* been found firSt 0n the COaSt are 50 directed as ,0 have thelr rayS factoring industries, especially now in ' less than foUr years a* ° buj . 18 n° * ! skim every square yard of water wtthm General Passenger Agent Dr. Pierce’s Favcrite Prescription For the B est. U p-to date W ork. £ Is a powerful. Invigorating tonic. Impart Baths. Pacific Ave, Forest G r o v e ,* ing health and strength In particular to the organs distinctly feminine. Tke many places where the transforming of sPreadin* ' Let the ^ : the li«'ht’s ran* e ’ even A. T. Wirtz, Proprietor local, womanly health la so Intimately the — Xyle-| under this severe glare of light, the T h . Ant'» c.< t, . . 7 The aphis, one of the most widely related to the general health that wheD power has depended on the fast disap- no pa' “ s t0 do away Wlt borus Dispai— as it is called and not boats succeed in reaching their ships, djgtributed species of Insects known to diseases of the delicate womanly organs ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- sro cured the whole body gains In health pearing tim ber and in the irrigated let it gain upon them as did the San i n actual war this would, of course, re- ! the entomologists. Is sometimes re- and strength. For weuk and sickly districts where water power is costly. ferred to as the “ant's cow." The aphis women who are "worn-out," "run-down" Jose scale. ______ suit in the annihilation of the war actually give* milk, although the ere® or debilitated, etDocinlly for women who Here, where we have so m uch fruit IA.1J# iD if iu s.uti work In store, office or achooiroom, w ho ture it SC. 1 f is S O small it is esti . - olf, 4 ‘U.'incr iii ia inn = i,. I vessel. sit at the t.vru'writnr typewriter nr or U «-w ing machine, going to waste every year and potatoes i The State Fair Proposition. Visitors to the Jamestown Exposition mated to weigh but the one one-thou- or bear heavy household burdens, »n<l for sandtb of a grain. Out of the back of nursing mothers, Dr. Pierce's Favorite and other starchy products grow in T h e State Fair is drawing nearer, wil] have an opportunity to see search- ihc aphis project two hollow tubes. t t f e j T o f P. S T . * l t V & f f i THE VERY BEST abundance and only part of the crop and the opening day is not far away, j light drills on a scale never before These connect with ducts In the body. an(i strength-giving powers, each year is bein g used, it would no which secrete a sweet liquid. When As a soothing ai:<T strengthening nerv- Many counties are putting every effort t e m p t e d , the tubes are touched the liquid exudes *no' ^ avo,r!^e. Prescription " Is un- doubt prove a great industry. At least possible to make a creditable showing. „ ___ * .___ . . . equaled and Is Invaluable in allaying and In small drops. The ants know this, subduing nervous excitability, frrltabll- it is worth looking into. I t would help Among those who have already secured w e a THER RECORD OF and they make n regular business of Ity, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostra- Forest Grove and surrounding country. spaces for their exhibits are— Linn, the tubes of the little aphis to tlon. neuralgia, hysteria, snasms. chorea, THIRTY-FIVE AUGUST tickllng __ . 7 ___ u__, •• Vi„. or St. Vitus s dance, and other distressing . Main St., Forest Grove 3 make her glee down b< r milk. Tilt nervous symptoms commonly attendant Jackson, Lane, Marion and Benton. J Is very fond of tills saccharine food upon functional and organic disease of For the Ad ancement of Forest Grove. ^ ^ ^ Qther #ttraction5 already Data Compiled at Government Bureau nut and will “milk" a hundred aphides in the womanly organs, it Induces refresh- in Portland for Many Years. Every man has a right to run his secured give pr0niise of making a the course of an hour. d e ^ 'S n c"/ . ^ ^ m’‘nl“ 1 anllel> ‘ nd Cures obstinute oases. "Favorite Pro- own business his own way, this is beUer showing than in previous years, T h e following data, covering a period W h y H e lle a lir n e d . scrl ptlon Is a positive cure for the most especially true with the business men j ^ up tQ Washington County! The French Baron Rothschild once complicated (I ana obstinate cases of "fo- Rocky Mountain Tea Nugf of 35 years, have been compiled from A Busy Medicine for B usy People. had In his service a valet named Al- j male weakness." painful pcrhsK Irregtl- \ of Forest Grove. Of course, depend- j - - - - - - - - ~~ Brings Golden Health and Renewed V ig o ^ jlf the Weather Bureau records at Portland. phonse. first class, but nil acknowl laxities, prolapsus or fulling of the pelvic j organs, weak back. Is1!!ring-down sensa A upecific fo r Conntlpatlon. In d 1 ir e « tlo n 9 ing as we do upon the great surround-1 <phe amount of smoke in the air They are issued to show the conditions | edged “red.” This valet obtained per tions, chronic congestion, Inllammallon an<l Kidrxiy irouhlea. IMnuiles, E czem a, J jR Iiloori, Had H reath. S lu g g ish Howcla. ing trade at this busy time of the year, ]ate|y brings back to memory the law that have prevailed, during the month mission once a week to attend the and ulceration. Dr. Pierce’s medicines are made from and I lack ache. ItH lio ck y M ountain T e a l l it is not any wonder that business is a pertajning the burning of slashings, in question, for the above period of meetings of Ills Socialist lodge. Sud harmless but efficient nmilcal roots le t form , aft c e n t* a box. G en u in e denly the baron noticed that Alphonse found growing in our American forests. H olm - i eh D huo C ompany . MadUon, f from the little quiet. D o not be in such a J ! »a ^ F permit must be years, but not be v construed as a no longer desired this off night and. In- 1 The Indians knew of the marvelous cura GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR 8ALL0W , jf C A lo ) U u t must »»we tive value of some of these roots and Im hurry to hoard up money, let the county clerk before setting fires to the {oiecast of the weather conditions for qulrlng Into the cause, was Informed j parted that knowledge to some of the that the valet's late Socialist colleagues friendlier whites, and gradually some of farmer upon whom you depend, attend brush or a person is liable to a fine of | ^ eoming month. 0 0 YEAR, had worked out a calculation that If the more progressive physicians came to EXPERIEf test and use them, and ever since they to his harvesting, do his work— give $100 to $1000 and imprisonment of Temperature: Mean or normal, all the wealth of France were divided have grown In favor by reason of their him a chance— then when this is done one month to one year in the county 66 d ig .; warmest August was that of equally per capita each Individual superior curative virtues and their safe would lie the possessor of 2.000 francs. and harmless qualities. let them know who you are, what you j a i l . _______________ _ Your druggists sell the " F a vontTR I he - 1897 with an average of 71 d eg .; “Monsieur." «aid Alphonse, with dig scatm o g ” and also that famous »Itera are doing and what you are offering. nity. “I resigned. 1 have fl.O O O francs!” coldest was that of 1899 with an tive, blood purifier and stomach tonic, the Hops are still going up and those "G oi . iskn M kdicai . D iscovkuy .” Write They are always looking for information average of 62 d eg .; highest tempera —Argonaut. to Dr. Pierce about your case, lie Is an I RADI, m * did not sell are feeling good. experienced physician and will treat your and bargains and they depend upon j who Oca.ON ture was 97 deg. in 1891 on the 22d H r n p p c k f d llu n h a n d a . yards run down case as confidential and without charge C opyright * you to let them know. Business is Those who let t e*r Henpecked husbands are found even for correspondence. Address him at the day; lowest. 43 d eg .; in 1 8 7 6 , on the A n v o n « s e n d in g a , k . t r h a n d de were q n lrk ly a e rerln iii on r opinion In India. A writer says: “To live as I Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, stimulated by telling of your wanting this spring when t e ^ ______ iiivfHitlnn le pr<»hnblf im tentab 29th day. lluffalo, N. Y., of which be is chief con care of their yards will have done In a Hindoo house, especial H ome m ridir collidenti«. HANOI sulting physician. •«•nt fr«»«. O ld e e t a ir « n ry fo r - the trade of those who have needs low and took no Precipitation (rain or melted snow) ly when the real house mistress is a Put F u i« t a k e n t h r o u g h M Remem ber the old t p V m I M u », l n ri'M o t i K.I., ce, w — ■ ith ■ o u t c — h --- a r . * « . -— -- Satisfied customers are the best of | lose a good thing goucu C u s to m e rs d ie m e , , • >» j i n cents is — Average for the month .6 4 inches; masterful and deeply religious widow, who Is grandmother to the babies and E ven ing TelegTam and T h e News, advertisements and good advertising1 saying Stay wit l average number of days with .01 of an mother to their parents. Is no longer to A han<1««>mclv U ln « tr» t« d W ««k1?. One Year, $ 5 .0 0 ; Six M onths, $ 2 .5 0 . will bring you the alter a..__________ e o l a tio n «.f a n r ■ r la n tlflc I n tim a i. T a r j j the customers customers you are not so bad _________ _ inch or more, 4; greatest monthly wonder at the absolute terror with y e a r : fo u r m o n t h a , | L B o ld b f to satisfy, very business man has oil its streets, and precipitation, 2 .5 0 inches in 1899; which men speak of the 'strl nchchar.' For the men of India ore. poor souls, B r a n c h O fh c a . ® r been and still wondering how he j ^ near the depot, and leaM was .0 0 inches in 1 8 8 5 ; greatest the most henpecked in the world.” 1 MEATS Quality, Prices, Treat Saelens ft C HOLLISTER'S P atent S c ie n tific H m e r ic i can bring up the standard of the town and make it a busy and prosperous! ^ „ ____ ¡, . ____ ______________ ¡ . a the Southern Pacific to oil amount of precipitation recorded in any ^ sorne distance within the 24 consecutive hours was 1.75 in ch ts MUNII SCo Local Time fable especially Too M u rk Trains on the Southern Pacific arrive H e a rt. “And you reject«! him?” and depart on the following schedule: place where people looking over the ‘tS tr^ i[5 This is * practicable move I 8th and 9th, 1900. " I did.” PORTLAND BOUND “He has the reputation of being a Average 5 a. country with a view of locating will not Qrove cannot afford to be | Relative humidity: large hearted man.” No. 3 Departs - 6 :5 7 a. m. m ., 8 7 ; avetage 5 p . m . , 4 2 . hesitate in com ing to our town. Of - , ^ behind. “Tbat'a the trouble with him. He la “ - - - * 9 :0 0 a. m. course, the first thing these persons --------------------- Clouds and weather: Average num too large hearted. He can love half a | “ 7 “ 9 “ . . . . 1 :3 0 p. m. do it to look over the paper published woman wrote to Preii- ber __ B of E clear days, 17; . partly | cloudy; dozen women at the same time.” in the places they h tv e in view— now, j ent Roosevelt the other day ask.r.g ^ t0 enter the coming Presidential nine chances out of ten , if the home paper is a newsy sheet they becom e rice bot Teddy had said interested, they want to know more ^ »bout the place, they look through it’s business no before w ind: Prevailing winds have been the northwest; was not to be moved by the fairer velocj ty ___________________________ _ “ 8 . ^ „ d y days 6. was 3s a average hourly 5 miie l; highest velocity miles from the southwest on passed a law taking the 16th, 1 8 9 3 , and from south on 31st, schools, Congress has , , aQ7 houses, professional m en, 7 U the issuance of natumlization papers to 1897. c h u rc h e z e tc . This U the point ^ the County ------------------- Courts and ------------- E ariie« date on which first “ killing” your business is on the pages of the aliens . Circuit Courts. < frost occurred in autumn, O ctober 13; 1 . a » « a ! . . I « .w e n t the i l e DU” vI given power local paper you are working for the P*ges for the num ber of 1 “ . . . . A u c tio n ^ House! I NEW and SECONDHAND m 4 :1 6 p. m. Lending House-lUti nisi ting Store Yk' o f Portland. j « i Domestic Pinnace. SOUTH BOUND Mra. Knlcker—Can you get money from your huabnnd? Mra. Rocker—No. No. 2 Departs - - - 9 :0 0 a. m. By the time I've paid the cook for a “ 4 “ . . . . 6:20 p. no. good dinner before I aak him I'm Jnet FORTST GROVE SPECIALS ewen.—Harper's Bazar. No. 8 Arrives Music la the prophecy of what Ufa la “ 10 “ to be. the ralabow of promise translat ed out of seetng Into bearing —Mrs! L M. Child. - . - - . . COME IN AND S E E 1 2 :2 0 p. no. 9 :2 0 p. m. 1 N. L. ATKINS, Agent HAVE W HAT lb*. ’ : V,' YO U L. L. HOLLINO! Noeta neh» S t. 1 rocca» 1 I“ i -