Washington County News Even Safety Deposit Boxes o f Chica­ g o Institution Were Rifled. Issued Each Week FOREST GROVE OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK M AN Y T O M EET A T BOISE. BANK U T T E R L Y GUTTED. Chicago, Aug. 8. — Theodore -Stene- land. vice president of the Milwaukee Avenue Stale bank, was arrested late yesterday afternoon on a charge of vio­ lating tbe banking laws of the state. Earlier in the day the institution was placed in the har ds of a receiver and Paul O. Stensiand, president of the bank, and father of the vice president, aiao Cashier Hening, were officially declared fugitives from justice and their personal descriptions placed in the hands of the police throughout the country. This action was taken by the authorities after developments had shown that the finances of tbe failed institution were in a deplorable condi­ tion and had been for a number of years. Even the safety boxes, owned and rented by the bank, bad been tampered with and rifled. The day’s developments were pro­ ductive of the first ray of hope for the depositors, who believed their savings of years swept away in the wreck. David R. Forgan, vice president of the First National bank, and one of those to whom the state of the defunct bank’s affairs had been laid bare, declared that probably 70 cents on the dollar would be paid in the final adjustment. M U STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST R E PO R T ON OREGON. Irrigation Expert Investigates State and Issues Circular. Interest High in Coming Session Irrigation Congress. of CHiCUO M I I# North Yakima, Wash, Aug. 7. — | During the first week of September tbe National Irrigation congress will be in MORE JUDGES NEEDED. session at Boise Idaho, with an attend­ Supreme Court Badly Behind With ance of several thousand delegates. Exhibits of fruit and honey are being Its Appeal Docket. Salem— The fact that tbe Oregon 8u- prepared by different localities and ! pietne court is about a year behind in states. Tbe premiums are liberal. It its work and has been losing ground in is expected that tbe governor of Wash­ tbe last few months has revived the ington will appoint 25 delegates, that suggestion that the number of judges W a t Largely Patronized by For«|, each commercial club will appoint ten, be increased from three to five. There era and Working People—Two and that each board of county commis­ are now on tbe docket ready fur trial It is believ­ Men Die From Shock. 67 cases appealed from Western Oregon sioners will appoint five. counties. There are also some on the ed that if a full delegation attends tbe Eastern Oregon docket at Pendleton, convention it will be able to secure tbe Chicago, Aug. 7.—The but the exact number is not known. next national congress at some point in Miiw«m„ The cases now ready for trial extend this state. It is hoped that the vari­ Avenue State bank, a a co..vcrll concern Bitk back as far as December, 1905. There ous fruitgrowers’ associations and the more than $4,000,000 in deposits, * are also on tbe preliminary docket 84 8tate Beekeepers’ association w ill have closed yesterday by the state bank cases which w ill be ready for trial in on exhibition products of the orchard aminer. Out ol the tremendous excita^ the next lew months, bo that there ir and apiary which will take silver cups ment which followed there are The Yakima charges that the institution has best every prospect that the supply of cases and other premiums. County Horticultural union is arrang­ systematically looted since 1901 to be heard w ill not diminish. Tbe causes of the court getting be­ ing to send elegant exhibits of fruits there are hints that some ol tbe state hind in its work are several. The and honey. The delegation frem that officers knew of the shaky condition ol number of appealed cases has been un­ county will ask the convention to pass tbe institution two months ago, but usually large and several cases of extra­ a resolution memorializing congress to permitted it to continue, presumably ordinary magnitude have occupied an appropriate $300,000,000 for reclama­ in the hope that it would straighten unusual amount of attention. Then tion of arid lands in the West. ont its difficulties and avoid a crash. The State Beekeepers’ association has there has been a change on the bench, The bank, which was largely patron, which always causes some delay. Judge secured a Bigelow observatory hive, ized by foreigners of moderate meani Hailey was appointed to the supreme stocked with pure bred Italian bees, for and working people, had 22,000 depot, bench last winter. He had extensive the purpose of giving object lessons in itors, mainly with small accounts rep. business interests at his home in Pen­ the apiary. It will be used at the resenting the savings of years oi toil, dleton and could not at i nee adjust his monthly meetings ol the association to and the excitement among them is it. private business so as to give bis whole teach the farmers and high school class­ tense. A ll of yesterday and last night time to bis judicial duties. Then the es. It will be one of the interesting they besieged the closed bank, hoping political campaign came on and took features of the display at the Washing­ for a word of cheer. One man, who ton State fair. The secretary of the was tbe treasurer of a society and had considerable time for two months. fair has agreed to set apart one of the Another change will be made the first deposited tbe funds of the society in of the year, when Judge Eakin goes on prominent conrners in the main pavil the bank, dropped dead when he heard ion for the apiary exhibit, and $200 of the failure. Another depositor, be­ the bench. has been appropriated for premiums in lieving that his savings of years had that division. Clover Huiler in Linn County. been Bwatlowed up, committed suicide. The three days’ midwinter conven It is said tbe bank was closed hecune Albany — For tbe first time in the tion of the State Beekeepers’ associa of the discovery of gross malfeasants history of Linn county a clover huiler has begun a se .son’s threshing. Frank tion will be held at the Agricultural on tbe part of at least two of its offi­ Rotii and Ernest Howard, proprietors college at Pullman next January, and cers. President Paul O. Stenslnnd and of the huiler, have already listed about the observatory hive will be in full Cashier W . H . Herring are being 1,000 scree of clover to hull which operation to instruct tbe students of Bought to explain their share in the The students of the Ida­ affaire. It is said that the bank hn assures a 40 day’ s run and success for that college. the venture. In the past three years ho Agricultural college, which is only been looted of $700,000 to $1,000,000. the riee of the clover industry in this nine miles from Pullman, are also in­ Fictitious notes to this amount bars county has been remarkable and even vited to be present at that meeting. been found. Numerous notes listed as Tbe business of beekeepiDg is an ad­ assets, it is asserted, have been found if the present pbenominal increase in junct of tbe orchard, bees being the acreage does not continue, clover hui­ to have been taken np, but not canceled lera running tbe season will be an es­ beet friend of tbe fruitgrower, for tbe by their makers. tablished feature of Linn county’s an­ reason that these insects cross pollenize the blossoms and increase the yield. nual harvest. T H IR T E E N M O N T H S IN JAIL. President and Cashier \re Be Sought by Oltlcers. SHORTAGE MAY REACH MllUl, Washington—Oregon farmers who re­ sort to irrigation, will be deeply inter­ ested in a 30-page circnlar just issued by the department of Agriculture, en­ titled “ Investigations of Irrigation A Resume o f the Le** Important but Practice in Oregon.” The book is Not Lesa Interesting Events written by A. P. Stover, irrigation en­ o f the Past Week. gineer, who spent last season in Oregon making a study of irrigation as it is practiced, so as to find out the errots The Russian general strike has prov* that have been made and gather data en a complete failure. which would be helpful in instructing Iowa Democrats have selected Claude the irrigators bow to avoid mistakes of R. Porter as their candidate for gover­ tbe past. The report is not as compre­ nor. hensive as might be desired, but con­ tains a great many valuable sugges­ The government wants 600 skilled tions, and is worth the persual of every pm mechanics for work on the Panama farmer who is obliged to artificially canal. water his lands. Five Japanese fishermen have been Mr. Stover made a study of the pre- killed by Americans lor poaching in cipation in various parts of the state, Alaska. and to a limited extent gathered data on the discharge o! the principal Unemployed negroes at Cape Town, streams that ran be utilized for irriga­ ^ u t h Africa, have been rioting and tion. He states, in opening his report, looting stores. FLOOD IN TEXAS. that the greater part of the arable land The enlisted men of the navy have of Oregon lies in the arid section and Started a movement to do away with Deluge o f Rain Drowns Stock and ran be bronght under intensive culti­ fr tattoo marking. vation only by irrigation. He found Crops and Blocks Railroads. A> The Russian government will hurry that tbe low water flow of most of the Fort Worth, Texae, Ang. 8. — Ac 31 tt land reform policy to win the sup cording to advices received here, West streams of Eastern Oregon lias already ^ >ort of the peasants. Central Texae has been visited by tor been appropriated for private irriga­ There seems a possibility that Roose- rential rains, considerable damage be­ tion, but as yet practically no steps 'elt may be nominated for a third ing done to growing crops and railroad have been taken to conserve the winter *U erm despite his refusal. traffic is badly crippled. However, no floods. He finds that little of tbe water now casualties, so far as known, have oc­ I Facts gathered b- the census bureau being diverted is used economically, so curred. -Miow that the per capita cost of run Traffic on the Lampasas branch of that there is a large supply for future ing New York is greater than that of the Santa Fe railroad is suspended be­ development. ny other American city. Because of its comparatively low ele­ cause of washouts. vation and consequent mild climate, f A Philadelphia broker, supposed to At Brownwood, Pecan bayou, which ave been a millionaire, proves to have flows into the Colorado river, rose so Mr. Stover says that Northeastern Ore­ hileen a mere bluffer. His estate will rapidly that many people living in tbe gon has advantages over the southeast. The practice of wintei irrigation, js^'ot appraise over $3,000. lowlands had to fire tor Bafety. About now practiced along the Umatilla river, six miles of the track of the Santa Fe I Russian Radicals have issued a new has been washed ont. Five hundred is described, and the value of this prac­ aJprike manifesto. It is shown that people are homeless. Last night the tice is indicated. 'T h e Iowa Democratic convention will water was standing within three feet of these Umatilla lands, under the Max­ rielare for Bryan. the high water mark of 1900. A strip well flcod water cauals, yields a net profit of $24 an acre, when planted in . ' Many deaths from heat acre reported of country 30 miles long by two to four alfalfa. It seems that the Umatilla miles wide is covered with three to >n|l the Atlantic coast. valley, however, is exceptionally well ten feet of water. Railway tracks have 'iT b re e negroes have been lynched by adapted for this sort of irrigation, be­ been washed ont for miles, and a pile nob at Salisbury, N. C. cause of tbe unusual formation oi the driver sent out with 200 laborers was These two industries go hand in hand, Few L An outbreak of Pulajanes and Igor- unable to proceed further than here soil arid the underlying bedr ck. and are rapidly becoming valuable localities w ill be found where winter Farmers Robbed o f Water. ftes has occurred in the Philippines. At Ballinger some damage waB done, Judge Hunt Pronounces Sentence on sources of income. irrigation will be as successful. On Salem — Twenty farmers residing ¡ d and tbe Concbo river rose to a higher The general strike in Russia will be Charles Nickell. Butter creek, where winter irrigation the vicinity of Wamic, Wasco county, As an exampls of what organization fiasco uniese the railroad men join it. stage than for years. has reached the highest Btage of perfec­ have complained to Governor Chamber- does, a few years ago the Yakima Coun­ Portland, Atig. 7.— Charles Nicbell, At San Antonio it was said that a r The Pan-American congress, in see family of five had perished, but this tion, fruits [are snceesfuliy grown by lain that an irrigation company, tbe ty Horticultural union incorporated and of Medford, Or., publisher oi the In at Rio de Janeiro, voted for uni- was an error. The family escaped dur­ combining the principlee of winter irri­ name of which is not given, has taken sold its shares of stock at $10; tbe past Southern Oreognian, a tri-weekly news­ gation and dry farming. irsal arbitration. paper, and formerly a United States all of the water out of Three-Mile, year the dividends were 70 per cent, ing the night in advance of the flood, Several pages are devoted to a detail and reached safety. Gate and Rock creeks, thus shutting warehouse 50x180 feet has just been commissioner there, who was found be crew of a Russian training ship description of irrigation canals along off the supply of the settlers for their completed, tne material being stone guilty July 27 by a jury in tbe Cnited Amarillo, Texas, in the Panhandle, mutinied. The trouble has been the Deschutes river, which have been They want and the structure two stories and full States District court of having conspir­ pressed and 36 mutineers delivered reports a severe electrical storm, and in operation for tbe past few years, and household and Btock uee. - - i to know whether the governor can start basement, one front being on the ed with Henry W. Miller, Frank E. has news that Canyon City, a small he authorities. of the Maxwell and Irrigon canals tj,e machinery of the state government Northern Pacific railroad and the other Kincart and Martin G. Hoge to defraud town, was wiped out by a tornado that also fnw in Ihn the TTmafilla Umatilla nAiintwo country. For OArno some The shares tbe government of portions of its lands, ft recommendation w ill be made to killed several pec,pie. Wires are down in in proceedings to protect their rights. on the North Coast road. Agrees to spend $160,000 enlarging in that direction and the report cannot reason there is nothing in the report are now selling at $20, and it is antici­ was yesterday afternoon sentenced to pated that the capital stock will have 13 months’ imprisonment on McNeill's de:l improving Ellis island immigra- he confirmed. At Amarillo tiie family bearing directly on private irrgation Lane County Poultry Show. in the Klamath country. The report, ]erTi station, New York. to be increased in order to accommodate island by Judge Hunt. of a farmer named Riggs, residing four Eugene— At a meeting of the lane however, contains something of interest the demand. Jndge O’ Day, counsel for Nickell, faSiepoHs from Ballonger, 400 miles miles south of town, was killed by to all irrigators, and w ill be furnished County Poultry association it was de­ Fruit Inspector Brown, of Yakima asked for a stay of sentence nntil be .. f of Houston, Texas, are to tbe lightning. cided to hold tbe first annual poultry by tbe department upon application. county, says that in five years from now could prepare a bill of exceptions sod ‘ «hat nine inches of rain fell in show in Eugene from December 12 to he calculates that 12,000 cars per year obtain a writ of error. It is Nickell’* BLAM ES TIM BER O W NERS. _ ours over an area including several 15,1906. There are several bird fan­ will be shipped from the warehouse at intention to take an appeal. Fix Hop Picking Price. idred square miles. Bridges are ciers in and about Eugene and a poul­ North Yakima. wires down and crops badly de- Loa Angel it Lumberman Says There Judge A. S. Bennett, attorney for Salem— One dollar per 100 pounds, try show will be a success here. Secre­ ted. Hamilton H. Hendricks, who was con­ Is No Lumber Trust. or 60 cents per box, w ill doubtless be tary Williams was instructed to arrange Calls for Texas Rangers. victed S'.aurday night of subornation of kg member of the kaiser’ s cabinet is Los Angeles, Ang. 8.— W. F. Wheat- the popular price paid for hop picking for competent judges for the first show. Cold Springs, Tex., Aug. 7.— As a perjury, announced yesterday that he ^d’ tsed of grafting. ley, vice president o( the Consolidatrd in tbe valley this year, since this seem­ County Assessor Keeney was chosen as­ ed to be the predominating sentiment sistant secretary of the association result of yesterday’s election tragedy, would take immediate steps to appeal ¡s reported that Russian bankers Lumber company of this city, which is as expressed at a meeting of about h in which E. B. Adams, a candidate for that caBe also. Hendricks is to appear a distributing branch of tbe St. Paul A | aid the revolutionists. tax assessor, and his brother, Sam Ad­ for sentence next Saturday morning. Tacoma Lumber company, today gave score of members of the Oregon H jp- PO R TLA N D M ARKETS. ams, were killed and several others Bt. Petersburg paper says General out an interview, denying that there is growers’ association, held in this city DEAD W ASH ASHORE. off is to be minister of war. any such organizttion as the "lum ber last week. The prevailing tendency on Wheat— Club, 68@69c; bluestem, 70 wonnded, the sheriff has asked that tbe part ol growers, also, is that hops (371c, valley, 71@72c; red, 65@66c. rangers be sent here to prevent farther trust,” en the Pacific coast. El/> rriman is believed to be secretly Mr. Wheatley is quoted as saying will go to 20 cents by harvest time and Oats— No. 1. white feed, $30; «fay, bloodshed. C. L. Williamson, one of Spanish Coast Strewn With Corpses up 8t. Paul railway stock. the participants, heard that a brother that the timber owners control the all present were in favor of bolding out $29 per ton. From Steamer Sirio. Chicago is oppressive, prices and are in the main responsible for that figure at least. Alt Barley— Feed, $23.50 per ton; brew­ of Robinson was looking for him. am Cartagena, Spain, Ang. 7 .— Numer­ prostrations are quite nu- for the recent raises. There are other he Carnes stepped into the door of a saloon ous bodies of persons drowned in the ing, $23.50; rolled, $24@24.50. TB*, where Williamson was and was Bhot wreck of the eteamer Sirio off Hermi- Dry Weather Hurting Hops. causes, also, he said, including the Rye— $1.60 per cwt. Salem— The continued dry weather Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $11(3 and seriously wounded by misiake for grs islands were thrown upon the shore j w c i Italian anarchist has been cap- union labor difficulties, at the principal Robineon. j prt H with a quantity of dynamite in- ports. is showing its effect upon tue hop crop, 12.50 per ton; clover, $8 50@9; chest, during the day. Most of them are per­ Mr. Wheatley admitted, according to $6.50(37; grain hay, $7@8; alfalfa, i a for the king. especially in old yards, and those not sons of the better class. Several small Dooms Opium Using. the interview, that tbe 8U Paul A Ta­ cultivated as thoroughly as they should $ 11 . hing smacks have arrived, bringing y.*rah Bernhardt has been refused a il ev« London, Aug. 7.— In a dispatch from survivors of tbe Sirio who were found coma Lumber company was the princi be, and it is declared by many that the Frnits — Apples, common, $50(375c J Ration of tbe Legion of Houor by pal owner of limber lands in the Puget yield will be far under tbe 125,000 per hox; fancy, $1.25(32; apricots, Pekin in which he discusses the opium floating at eea long distances from tbe WV because she does not pay her sound country, but stated that the bales that has been predicted. Yards $ 1.25@ 1 35; peaches, 75c(3$l ; pears. trade the correspondent of the Times scene of tbe disaster. en‘ i. company was cutting very little of its that have been well cared for are stand­ $2; plums, farcy, 50@75c; black­ expresses the belief that China will aek si The first reports of the disaster de­ India to consent to an annual reduction clared without qualification that tbe RW I South America, as represented at timber at this time. It was buying he ing the dry weather in good shape. berries, 6@ 6c per pound. in the import to China which would fnn-Am erican conference, is lined said, from small holders. Melons — Cantaloupes, $1.50(32.25 The potato and corn crops are also keep­ captain of the Sirio had committed ini- -Sr arbitration and the peace of the The present price of 12-inch Oregon ing a good appearance where cultivation per crate; watermelons, lO lj^ c p e r have the effect of extinguishing the cide. Later information, however, trade in ten years. As an evidence of show s that he was on board the steamer Oregon pine boards in this city for the lias been good, and the recond crop of pound. CO Vegetables — Beans, 5(37c; cabbage, good faith China w ill issue an imperial when she sank, and expressed the de­ I ,ny witnesses are being called be- clear is $41 and for the rough $28. In clover is coming on in good shape. l \ 9 2 c per pound; celery, 85c@$l per edict condemning the use of opinm and termination to go down with bis vessel. thr W he grand jury at Chicago to tell October of last year the price was for dozen; corn, 15(320c per dozen; cu­ forbidding the employment in the gov­ •Ie was afterwards rescued, in spite ol Mammoth Crop o f Cherries. i j they know of Standard Oil bnsi- the clear $21 and for the rough $18 50. Eugene— A remarkable yield of Roy cumbers, 40@60c per box; egg plant, ernment service of any opium eater. i methods. his refusal to be saved. Lost Lives in the Panic. ai Ann cherries has just been reported ! 10c per pound; lettuce, head, 25c per The latest figures on the disaiter uto electric cars collided head on Americans Caused Trouble. Barcelona, An*. 8. — The Italian here. M. H. Harlow, who has a farm dozen; onions, 10<312){c per dozen; show that 275 passengers were lost. Verm illion, Ohio. Two persons steamer Umbria has arrived here. Her peas, 4@5c; bell peppers, 12>*(315c; Mexico City, Aug. 7.— Tbe Impar- north of Engene, has a two-acre cherry killed, another fatally injured captain declare« tiiat he passed the Hor- orchard from which he harvested this radishes, 10(315c per dozen; rhubarb, cial charges that tbe recently circulated Who Watches the Officers? gj^Bores more or less seriously hurt migas islands shortly after the wreck summer 23,700 pounds of cherries. 2(3 2 ) {c per pound; spinach, 2@ 3c per handbills, warning foreigners to leave London, Aug. 7. — According to »» mtiny in all Finnish forts has of the Sirio and remained in the vicin­ The cost of picking and marketing tbe pound; tomatoes, 60(390c per box: the country by September 16, wtie put Odessa dispatch to a local newe agency, ity for four hours without perceiving crop was $236, leaving a net profit of parsley, 25c; squash, $1(31.25 per out by an nnknown American, who » lie d by the Reds. eteamer advices from Sevastopol esy He went on board the $712 or $356 an acre. Mr. Harlow crate; turnips, 90c(3$l per sack; car­ went from station to station distribut­ |A. Gage, a aon of Lyman Gage, any survivors. that fully 20,000 persons have left the rots, $1(31.25 per sack; beets, $1.25(3 wreck and made sketches ol such por­ ing and posting the pretended proclam­ says the crop would have been 20 per itted suicide in Seattle, city, and the exodus is still in pro­ tions of the steamer as were still visi­ cent larger had it not been for the cold 1.60 per rack. ation. The Imparcial also asserts that Gwc; geese, Odessa, Aug. 7. — Sevastopol is still live, 8,99c; docks. the nrice of bread in this city. The ¡.says is being carried by the corn- to the Associated Press *his afternoon is reported more bushels to the acre j 11912 He. telegraphically isolated, but steamer shows that Premier Stolypin at least than in years past, and everywhere the •Touse fly. manner in which it will be done has Hops— Oregon, 1905, nominal, 12(3 not yet been agreed npon, but it is said arrivals from that port rerort ail q»'** intends to pursue and hold an affiirm- crop« are good. The sailors of the fleet and $1 state auditor of Kansas says be ative policy amounting virtually to a 13c; olds, nominal, 10c; 1906 con­ that most of the bakers favor a loaf there. tracts, 15916>*c per pound. Sun-el the polices of all insurance determination on the part of the ad jnst a trifle larger than one-half the soldiers of the fortress are apparently Harvesting in Yamhill County. disheartened by the fiasco resulting ‘'niee who do not pay their Ban miniatration to settle the aerarian Wool — Eastern Oregon average best site of the present louf. McMinnville— Harvest is now in foil 16<320c per pound, according to shrink­ from the northern mutinies. T|>* losses in fall. question a cording to ita own light* and swing in old Yam hill. Most of the age; vallev, 20(g22c, according to fine­ troops at Odessa are showing unmis­ irrespective of parliament. Commerce Outstrips Population. threshing crews began work last week. ness; mohair, choice, 28 @1 80c per rtsion eontiactors on the isthmus takable signs of unrest and the author­ W ashirgton, Ang. 7.— Th e foreign The rone will ptohably extend from 25 ponnd. * | tm d a trust and raised the ities are taking the most strin g«» Whole Ice Trust Indicted. commerce of the United State« has to 30 day«. The harvest this year w ill 00per cent. The canal colu­ Veal— Dressed, 5 >*(380 per ponnd. measures to prevent a mutiny. Se* Philadelphia, Ang. 8. — The grand grown more rapidly during the last de­ he the largest for a number of years. ll as ordered «applies of $600 Beef — Pressed ball«. Sc per pound; meroue patrols snrronnd the camp. jury today found true bills of indict­ Completed Wheat ie yielding 23 bushels to the cows, 4V4# * H c ; country steers. 5®6c. cade than its population. bought under the open bid ment against 14 member« of the Phila­ acre. Oata yield 40 bnthels to the acre Matton— Dressed, fancy, 7(38c per figures for the fiscal year 1906 just pre­ No Wholesale Execution. delphia lea exchange, who are charged and weigh 39 pounds to the hnthel. pound; ordinary, 596c; lamb*, fancy, sented show that while tbe population St. Petersburg, Ang. 7,— The si William Bolton is with conspiracy to incraase tbe price Barley ie yielding from 50 to 60 bushels 8« 8V*e. ier G« has grown since 1896 bat 20 per cent, to the acre. of ice. imports have grown 57 par cent acd men» that 600 of the Oronstadt mutin­ Pork— Dreeeed, 7Q8>*c per pound. eers have been executed is semi-offici*” export* 109 per cent. 1 y denied. In a Condensed Form for Oor Busy Readers. : ! Ï