Mr. LOCAL HAPPENINGS — C*J1 at T h e Book Store. — Victor flour can.t be beat. George Littlehale started this morn­ ing for Newport. --Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it. H ugh Sparks spent Sunday in Port­ land. Subscribe for The News. 81 year. Mrs. Geo. Sloan was a Portland vis­ itor over Sunday. Old newspapers for sale at this office. Ed. Luce visited the hom e folks Sunday. President Ferrin was in Portland M' — Try G oldenrod y Flour. Y ou’ ll like it. Mrs. Jack Latta was a Hillsboro vis­ itor Monday. Dr. Pollock and family will leave Saturday to visit friends in Astoria. Mrs. Amos Mead of Greenmountain was a visitor in this city, Saturday. Miss Emma B. Penfield was the guest of Portland friends over Sunday. Daniel Baker was at the county seat transacting business on Thursday last. — Use s* Crescent Mill feed. “ The best is the cheapest.” It i Ira Purdin and family are recuper­ ating at Long Beach. Banker Haines returns today from his San Francisco trip. banker, was in town Sunday G. W. Bacon returned Mrs. Lee Sparks, who was operated was in town this upon at the St. Vincent Hospital b y , Carl Christian, Sam T odd and Frank morning. Dr. Pampton. was brought back home Principal Bates leaves tomorrow for Fletcher left this morning for Newport. on Monday. the Inland Em pire where he will lec­ — The Palace Meat Market co m ­ Bryce Wilson, who has been serving ture in the interests of the college. petes with all prices for choice meats. on the grand jury in Portland, was in Miss Ada Ranes returned Sunday town today on his way home over on . Mrs. Dr. Berry of Los Angeles, Cal., from a pleasant two weeks spent with is visiting Mr. and Mrs Levi Smith. ; the Nehalem. relatives and friends, in the country. The Epworth League of the M. E. Newell Macrum of Portland, made Harry Davis has been offered a posi- Church> held a business meeting at a business trip to this city on Saturday tion by the college as advertising man Lane>. west of town, Saturday last. and will soon leave to make a canvass I Lunch was wrv(id and an Frank Fletcher was up Gales Creek for new students. spent an enjoyable time. for several days last week wielding the A. B. Caples, an enterprising mer­ — Dr. Pollock wishes it to be stated rod and reel. chant of Forest Grove, was a visitor in that from August 6 to August 26, he The Union Services next Sunday Portland, calling on the trade during will be away on his vacation, but after j evening will be held at the Christian the w eek.— Oregon Tradesman. that date will be in his office ready forj Church. — Dr. E. H . Brown, Physician and appointments. 2t Miss Wilda Crosley of Whatcom, Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap­ Mr. and Mrs. Volney Hickox of Wash., is visiting at the home of pliances in office. Calls answered Hood River, are visiting relatives and H ugh Smith. night or day. friends here, they will attend t h e ! Mr. Bogan and family started last Miss Nona Miller expects to leave Gtange picnic, next Saturday, at the Monday for a camping trip through in a few days for Portland where she Watt school house and visit their old the Tillamook country. has been offered a position in a large neighbors there. Mrs. Dr. Via and daughter Stella millinery establishment. The Epworth League and Ladies’ Prof. George E. Coghlll Leaves for are visiting Mr. and Mrs. L ee Via in Toll Gate Now Torn Down. W . A. D im m ick and bride returned Aid Society of the Methodist Church Willamette. Portland this week. home Friday last and will be at home T h e toll gate propostion will give a lawn social at the residence Prof. G. E. Coghill and family left Mrs. Neil McGilvery and Mrs. Belle to theii friends after August 8th in Wilson River road has been cauS;t,| of Mrs. I. K. Weitzel on Tuesday, yesterday for their future home in Lilly of Gales Creek, were shopping Oregon City.— Courier. good deal August 7th. Ice cream, lemonade and Salem. The professor will take up his ^ ^ 7 , ” of trouble of late. n J in our city, Saturday. Wilbur M cEldownev, the efficient home-made candies will be sold. work at Willamette University this fall the Kates broke ^ ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. G eo. Rastell of Port­ assistant postmaster of this city, was in J. N. Hoffman has written home as head of the Biological department land, were Sunday visitors, the guests Portland Saturday hearing the H en­ eastern end of the road and it that he has sailed from Europe on the and goes early to enable him to get of Mr. and Mrs. Graham. dricks Land Fraud case. to be up to the county court as to Majestic, leaving the 25th and will settled in his new home and becom e shall be done in the way of an Chas. Burr of Greenville, was trans­ Master “ Bob” Montague returned arrive in New York either today or acquainted with the new surroundings. ment, for the court has given the rj acting business in town yesterday and to his hom e in Portland after spending tomorrow H e will reach home about H e will be greatly missed here, by to charge toll on that road. several days in this city with his aunt, Saturday. paid The News office a visit. the business men as well as his own Miss Eva Curtis has returned from Miss Nona Miller. — A woman worries until she gets students at the college. H e goes after, LOST purse containing a her vacation at Newport and is again at Mrs. LaCourse, accompanied by wrinkles, then worries because she has a stay of about three years. During of money, one week ago last Why buy Summer Suits or wait, for Winter Suits when by going to John Anderson y0u can buy a swell F all Suit..., He has just received the swellest line of Fall Clothing now in th e city. her work in Hoffman & Allen’ s. little Levi | Smith left Monday for a short visit with Mrs. White at Newport. the forepart of the week to visit his family Mgljj for the seaside in a few days. Mrs. H . B. Johnson and Mrs. T . H . Adams, the Vancouver, Wash, ifl'jl the enterprising m er- J O H N A N D E R S O N ’S, T h e Tailor Saturday. ! 1 * D oc. Parker, chant of Greenville, Horace Thomas came up from Port­ land Monday, leaving the next morn­ Oren LaCourse j and Gussie them. If she takes Hollister’ s Rocky this time his department has been day, between Forest Grove and Q Hartrampf, have returned from a week s Mountain Tea she would have neither. brought up to a high standard, and Canyon. Please leave at this ol stay at Banks, the guests of the Bright, smiling face follows its use. ranks among the best in the West, j and receive reward. Mizner’ s. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets.— Dr. Hines’ Prof. Coghill, before leaving, gave as W A N TE D — Five or Six young, J. E. Loomis and family, in com ­ Drug Store. his main reason for making the change cows. Inquire Dr. M. H. Parks! pany with the Taplin’ s and Starkweath­ Washington county cows lead in that, Willamette University having a ( 7 e env ille^ 0 re on" er’ s, left last week for Netarts near .quantity of milk. Joseph Mann of College of M edicine and his real work Tillamook for several week’ s cam ping. Hillsboro, is the proud owner of a — The Nervous System— led him in Old maids would be scarce and basil Rev. Belknap left on M onday last to 7-year-old cow which gave, during the that department, he thought he could j to find, in i, Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding are home ing for his vacation at Newport. th!^ from their Cedar Canyon ranch. Mrs. M cK enzie is confined to her Hute Johnson and Bedford Laughlin room with nervous prostration and is join his family in Yamhill county, from month of May, 1195 pounds of milk, are serving on the Hendricks jury, under the care of a Portland nurse. lef which place they will go to the parson’ s and during the time from July 1 to Mrs. Iva Hartrampf left yesterday St Frank Myers of Portland, made the boyhood home where the big game 23d gave 980 pounds. for her vacation and will visit friends Jc home folks a visit over Sunday. •>nd speckled beauties are numerous. Starlight Lodge, of Greenville, of p1 — W hy use poor flour when you can at Eufaula, Wash, and other points. j j j do research work to a better advantage | in that institution. The Could they be made to see, professor is | H ow grace and beauty is combiced| an authority on the nervous system and I By using Rocky Mountain Tea.—| has been one of the editors of a promi- Dr H ines’ Drug Store. Miss May Hinman has been forced Maisie O’ Donnell of Buxton and The Fraternal Union of America, met nent magazine of Neurology, published - G oldenrod Flour, guaranteed. to give up her work at Caples C onfec­ Miss Bertha Fowles of Mountaindale, last Thursday evening and was de­ in the east. Arj * Evening Telegram and The News, tionery store on account of illness. have been nominated by Superin­ lightfully surprised to have with them SALE— Single harness. ¡f^ One year, $ 5 .0 0 ; Six months, $2.50. Leipold-Sappington. Miss Pearl Smith of Hillsboro, is tendent M . C. Case to take part in the that evening their new State Manager, L o w e l l M arkee . — M oney to loan on farm security On July 30, at highnoon, the country spending her vacation with her parents, Oregon Journal’ s Scholarship contest. Mr. Darwin Bradley, who gave an in­ /• W . H . Hollis, Forest Grove, Oregon, — M oney to loan on farm I residence of Mrs. E. Leipold of Mr. and Mrs. H ugh Smith of this city. Ray Giltner, Otto Wilson, Millard teresting talk. ¿jjj Will Shively of Portland, was a W . H . H ollis, Forest Grove. Thatcher, was the scene of one of the The Misses Fannie and Maud CawTse Morley and “ Chick” Garrison returned Harvest is several days earlier this guest at the Mayor’ s residence, of Greenville, were the guests of Miss prettiest weddings of the season, when last Friday from a short fishing trip year than last. Dr. Parker of Greenville, Wanted! le e r Sunday. Millie Thornburg the first of the week. on the Wilson. They report a small being the first to bring in wheat to the Miss Birdie M. Sappington was married One hundred farms to sell—see J. I faSjj — T 0p prices are paid for Mohair Mrs. Buxton, after spending a few catch of the beauties of that mountain Crescent Mill and this was brought to Mr. Carl H. Leipold, Rev L. F. H . H A R T L E Y , the up-to-date Rea: I t h ^ a n d sheeps wcol by John E. Bailey. days at home, has returned to the stream. Belknap performing the ceremony three days earlier than last year’ s crop. Estate man. Forest Grove, Oregon. under a beautiful arch of Oregon Grape. m ,l* Mr. Chesmore of Rhoderick Falls, M cNamer Camp over on the Wilson. The Free Methodist Church of the The new wheat sells the same as the Wanted L. C. Caples. formerly of the Port Portland district will hold their annual old— 65c and will no doubt be much The wedding was a quiet home affair, ^ «was in town Saturday transacting busi- ® get Crescent just as cheap. I j land Flouring Mills at Oregon City, is camp meeting in Naylor’ s Grove, Au­ Mrs. John Bellingher of this city, the new foreman of the Crescent Mills. gust 8 — 19. District Elder W. N. Fo e The M. E. church is putting in a Coffee of Portland will be in charge. . ». was the guest of Mrs. W . R. Barrett Royal Hot Air Furnace, the contract 10 l l o i Hillsboro last week, Dr. G eiger brought up town a few s u it being given to the Weitzel Bros. days ago a fine specim en of alfalfa -M Justice W . H . Wirtz was down to Mrs. Bosley and daughter Miss which he had grown on his place. he metropolis visiting his family over Minnie, arrived from Tillamook last 2|t” ounday. This was the second crop and was week and will make Forest Grove their about three feet high. >/' Ba ' Miss Alma Clark is spending her va­ home. H . T . Bagley, secretary of the Hills­ il1 anr 1cation on the Johnson farm near H . G. King, our former real estate boro Amusement Company, is now T b ^ ’aston- man, and wife of Thatcher, visited at m L * ui corresponding with several valley George G. Paterson and bride re- Mr. Corl’ s and other friends on last towns, that better attractions may be * A i jpw turned from their bridal tour on Friday. secured for all during the winter J J * «T u esd a y. Miss Mabelle Russell with her guest, months. e *»J — The Palace Market has just Miss Carlo Hiatt of Vancouver, Wash., Wm. Shulmerick, Dan Burkhalter ^ A wj^ > ou gh t 14 nice, prime steers and are spent Sunday with Scoggin Valley ^ n ess. on,u ^ friends. en#1pow selling the choicest meats. avr, - ------------- -------------------------------------------------- a t . H a ll W . M cS m m tr (Pacific Avcnuc> Fresh and Salt Meats — Lard and Fish— sic \Sf. Prompt Delivery to all parts of the city. I 'o r t m t d r o v e , ■ H ughes Phone 591 — GORDON Special Attention to Commercial Travelers' .Patronage. G ood Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates. F a s h io n L iv e r y , Feed an d S a le Stable. W agonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times loREGON AND COLUMBIA PHONES. RA Dealer in FLOUK and R E E D Forest drove. Ore., - M inced Ham , 3 lbs. gor 25c. S c h u l t z M e a t M arket , H e reports fully decorated with white roses and j Pacific A ve., Forest Grove. all of them well. H e was accompanied ferns, and the dining room, where a ] — W A N TE D : b y Chicago wholesale on the way over by his brother George bounteous repast was served after the | assistai: mail order house, of Portland, and H . H. Markel, who ceremony, with Oregon grape and red and woman) for this rode their wheels along the coast as | roses. The bride looked beautiful in ! mana&er ( man ° T an Alice blue silk gown in the county and adjoining territory. Salary ^ar as Newport $20 and expenses paid weekly; ei- — Scrub yourself daily, you’ re not midst of this array of decorations. pense money advanced. Work pleas­ The couple left on the afternoon clean inside. Clean insides means Idaho, where ant; position permanent. No invest­ clean stomach, bowels, blood, liver, I train for Mohler, ment or experience required. Spare they will reside in the future. clean, healthy tissue in every organ. I sister of v*luab le . W rite at once for full MORAL: Take Hollister’ s Rocky Miss Mabelle Leipold, camped for the summer. and W m . Stevens and families of groom, accompanied them as Particulars and en close self-addressed Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or the Farmington, who have been on the far as Portland. en v e lo p e , A ddress, GENERAL M a NAG- Tablets.— Dr. Hines’ Drug Store. Tillamook coast recuperating, passed The bride is the daughter of E. B. ER> 134 E - Lake St., Chicago. Rollo Peterson left last Friday morn- ‘ through this city last week on their Sappington of this city, and is well- j ing for Newport where he will join the way home. “ H oly Roller Camp” of this city. I known here, while Mr. Leipold is Carnation cream, from Forest Grove, W e itz e l Bros, “ Pete” expects to have the time of known to many, having made Forest! is shipped to almost every state and Grove his home for some time. TINNERS AND PLUMBERS^j his life for his friends had already se- territory in the Union. R ecently an | cured an option on the territory ad­ French-Raper order was filled for Vladivoitock, and Are n ow m aking a Specialty of joining the lighthouse and surrounding on the same day another order was The many friends of Mr. William , nooks. H e will take Hop Kiln and three week’ s French will be pleased to learn of his filled for Havana.— Oregon Tradesman. vacation. Prune Dryer tr «7 .. .. . , marriage sometime ago to Miss Raper Levys’ Market is still selling his fresh Harry W escott. the hardware man of 0f Topeka, Kansas. Work and ch oice meat at unusually low place ’ * • io “ 7 7 » * » • « * t p i= T t in o prices. On Saturday, August 4th, Sole Agents for the Royal Hot- mg his son s— Prank E. Wescott— • - y ’ at the home of friends, who are promi- he will sell Loin or Round steak, 7c, Air Furnaces. Work guaranteed subscription to The News, crank . . _ . . . nent society people of that city. Mr Roast 5c, and Boiling Beef at 4c. P O R E 8 T D R O V E , C now located a. Roseburg. fir,ng on the French is well known throughout th , Don’ t forget Saturday’ s sale. Southern Pacific Pacific between between •**«» that Southern — ' * out uu* place county, his parents living near Dilley The News office has received a l e t - 1 and Ashland and likes Southern Ore- He W 45 IO rmer,y publisher — formerly publisher of Th S . A . M o u lto n ter from John Brooks, formerly foreman g0D but he cannot afford to miss The News which he established about four of the mechanical department, H Pacific Ave. f j News. Harry says Gaston is a busv ' ears a8°* but is now representing the that he is now employed in the Journal I place these busy, for , l Milk r ‘ “ ' " ' ’ v- days, ' ‘ • J « » » almost m i u o i too i w U U 3 J, lU r » • , Condensed ” v Co. y * office in Portland and that his father is | he has only been fishing twice this far I Pittsfrarg*'1 PrMent headquarters doing well with his new shop at St. I but both times making good catches. Emmett Quick passed through this Portland Y. M. C. A. Out Camping. with city Monday from Tillamook City. Sixty Portland Y. M. C. A. boys the McNamer gang getting the Wilson Mr. Quick is moving his family and I“ “ * Up on th« train yesterday moro- Road into traveling condition, was The boys *n household goods north of town and will 1 ! ^ f l walk waffTafi will all °h the Tlllamook way, camping along Portland last week. While in the city be em ployed at Buxton by the Pacific the Wilson River | he made plans to join a crowd of fnr th« ____ • . u*yS Railroad & Navigation Co. T o see for the trip. On arriving at the'sta'tion beachers at Newport during the com - him drive his heavy load of furni- t*® most of the way through town, j ing week. ture and six horses reminds us of him ,heir yells, so anxious were they to start their march. — A S afe I nvestment . Buy a as the " veteran stage driver” that he ,!Jeir march- II “ ,0 be hoped «» good todaT tuudy. noim an half section Southern Alberta winter wa, a few years — _____ ^ L * * * 1. “ Holman a* °. Many expert Ferrin and Egbert Bishop joined them wheat land; 320 acres at $6 .40 per drivers on the street that day won- acre: pay $448 cash, balance $1 per dered how he had gotten through the Christian Church acre per year until paid for. _________________ ___________ r w i i ticulars uvuH us 1 ÎK X S K S K S K n saying Frank Fletcher, who has been GrOtt, OflgOll. JA M E S visiting Netarts Bay, where a large ville’ played Sheldon’ s wedding march. The parlor was beautifully and taste-1 aggregation of Forest Grove people are j j O regon IANC0CK Five hundred people to eat choice | the families and intimate friends being Nehalem beef from 3c to 7c per lb. Arthur Prideaux returned yesterday present. Miss Elsie Burnett of Green- C hoice Bologna, 4 rings for 25c. from a camping trip to Tillamook, also r Palace Market N yet very impressive, only members of higher later on. m i^ u u c inquire ui of Forest Grove, Oregon A. B. For par­ Preaching at II a. m. and 8 p. m Thomas. very few were willing to make that on the first and third Sundays of each month. Sunday School at 10 a. m. drive with the outfit. every Sunday. Rev Sias, p-stor. mountains in only two days time and The Lead in g Tonsorialist Of F orest G rove [r = McNamer's Gamp the h a l f - w a y house OF THE WILSON Best Rates Feed G ood A ccom m odation s. $1 .00 per Day- for your Horses. Fishing. Hunting. A Beautiful and Ideal Spot Amidst Mammoth Fir» and Picturesque Nooks. — p? E . s t t and Mrs. J. W . Caples leave