g ASYLUM FIRE .¡t ught Wire Starts Flame lD Oregon Institution. utile damage is done Aid the F orce o f I Em ployes ( I t Patients W ere C ared fo r yyithout Excitement. - em, Or., July 28.— Fire, which * biy’ origiated from an electric ifire, bured the woodwork out of tic of one of the central wards of lute insane asylum yesterday just >r( tbe noon hour. The fire was ined to tbe one ward, and was at uuj, in danger of getting beyond the ^ , 0 , the fire fighters. ionpanie», composed T h e two of asylum Tploye*. »id»*1 by tlie 8alem fire de' imWt and by convictB and guards - the penitentiary, saved the build- The loss is due chiefly to damage n wtter Beeping through the floors «d ceilings. Superintendent Cal- thinks the damage can be re- jitei for $2,500, though it may cost Owing to tbe fact that the patients dbeafylma are given a w eekly fire _jH they were quickly marched out of w building and were at no tim e in jy danger. One attendant, G . V . ¿oms, fainted from exhaustion after an tour’s hard work in the smoke and hit. Ibe fire originated in the attic over tbs first tier of wards north of the cen­ tral section of the b u ilding. These wards are occupied by new patients and by patients who are convalescing. The patients had been out in the yard exer­ cising, and bad just marched in to pre- pur, for the noon meal when the auto­ matic alarm gave warning of a fire in the attic. The patients, numbering (boat 120 in the three wards in this tier, were quickly marched out, and the ire companies hurriedly stretched hose. Eleven convicts who were excavating in the basement hastened to assist, and rendered service in handling the lines f hoee up on the roof, a task both la­ borious and dangerous, for tbe men bad to work at times on coping in order to drag the hose around corners. In a few minutes after the alarm was sound­ ed six lines of hose under 100 pounds pressure were playing on the fire, and soon the Salem fire departm ent arrived and turned on two streams more. The patients were en tirely calm and showed no excitement whatever. Those patients who were in the wards distant from the part of the building in which the fire origiuated were not taken oat o( the bailding, but were kept in readi­ ness to go out at any tim e. The asylum has its own water sys­ tem, receiving its water from wells at the prison, a quarter of a m ile distant. Tbs state carries no insurance on the building. T IE -U P IS N O W C O M P L E T E . Kruttachnitt Forbids M ore Freight Jury Passes on Case o f T w o M ore C ars in San Francisco. Land Fraud Operators. San Francisco, July 31.— The embar­ Portland, July 27.— A t 12:17 o ’ clock go of tho Southern Pacific on lumber this morning the jury in the Federal lune and bay has been increased, and court returned a verdict of guilty now includes all articles from the north. against Martin G. Hoge and Charles Not a pound of freight can be shipped Nickell, both of Medford. They were into San Francisco from Portland or recommended to the clemency of the adjacent territory until the freight tie- court. up at San Francisco has been loosened. iu e two men were charged, along This is the latest edict of Julius with Henry W. M iller and Frank E. Kruttschnitt, who has been threatening Kiucart, also of Medford, of with the to do this for some time unless the sit­ crime of having conspired to defraud uation Bpeedily cleared. I t has been the United States out of portions of decided by the local authorities to take already pleaded guilty, and their testi­ no further chances but to stop at cnce mony was used to convict the other all shipments from the north. two defendants. The indictment against For the embargo there is only one the four men had been returned Janu­ rem edy--to clear up the congestion in ary 1, 1905. the freight yards. Kfforts in this d i­ M iller and Kincart had previously rection are being made by all the pleaded guilty. freight agents, and the missionary The maximum punishment under tbe work among the consignees is having a section of the revised statutes applying salutary effect. The unloading in the in their case is two years’ imprison­ yards is going on at a faster rate, hot ment and a fine of $10,000, or both fine not fast enough to suit Kruttschnitt, and imprisonment, while the minimum who has taken the precaution to see is 30 days’ imprisonment and a fine of that no more cars are added to tbe glut $100, at tbe discretion of the court. that is already crowding the tracks. At 9:30 this morning the case of the The tie-up is working to the detri­ United States vs. Hamilton H . Hen­ ment of the city, as many merchants dricks w ill be called in the Federal throughout the state are sending East coort. I t involves an indictment re­ for th eir goods instead of patronizing turned February 8, 1905, charging the the w h olesaler of San Francisco, be­ defendant with a violation of section lieving that they can secure their stocks <-393, revised statutes, in suborning just as quickly under present conditions. George W. Hawk to commit perjury in giving testimony before the Federal grand jury in connection with eaid A R R E S T C A U S E S M U T IN Y . George W. Hawk’ s homestead entry. Battalion o f Russian T roop s Attempts to Rescue Prisoners. Poltava, July 31.— A grave outbreak occurred yesterday in the Beveky regi­ ment owing to the arrest of a private of the First battalion, who was discovered with some other soldiers in a shed where tbe revolutionists are in the habit of holding meetings. After the arrest the entire First battalion, accom­ panied by a large crowd, paraded tbe streets in defiance of the military au­ thorities. The soldiers proceeded to the artil­ lery barracks, where they seized several guus and marched with them to tbe prisfD, where the oolitical prisoners are confined. At this stage all the re­ mainder of the Poltava grarison was called out. The loyal troops fired on the muti­ neers with machine guns as they were engaged in breaking nown the gate of the prison. Several men were killed or wounded. The outbreak was not euppreised until 2 o’ clock this morning. A D U L T E R A T IO N IN G E R M ANY. F ew Articles o f Food That Have Not Been Tam pered With. Washington, July 26.— German food adulteration is the subject of a report received by the bureau of manufactures from Consul General Brittain, of Kehl. Dr. Jackenack, of Berlin, I states that there were in Germany in 1888 1,400 prosecutions for adulterating food products: in 1898 the number had in­ creased to 3,000; in’ 1901 to 3,585, and in 1903 to 6,000. Thirty Berlin but­ ter manufacturers were summoned be­ fore the courts for almost incredible adulteration of their wares. Wines, chocolate, cocoa, brandies and medicines have been discovered to contain absolutely injurious and dan­ BYERLY M A K E S P R O F IT . gerous subdances used for adultera­ tion. In fact, according to a Straesburg Express Clerk Sells Canal Bonds and paper, there seems to have been very few articles of manufactured food and Realizes $ 2 7 ,0 2 4 on N erve. drink products which have not been New York, July 28.— J. 8. Pache & the subject of adulteration on the part Co., hankers, have purchased the $5,- of the German manufacturer. 300.000 of Panama canal bonds which were recently allotted by the Treasury Patent Office Behind. department to Samuel B yerly, an ex­ Washington, July 31.— Patent attor­ press company clerk in this city. Bache A Co. have in turn disposed of neys throughout the country are arrang­ the bonds to Fisk & Robinson, the suc­ ing to send a delegation to see Presi­ cessful bidders fur the greater part of dent Roosevelt at Oyster Bay and re­ quest him to either remove Commis­ tbs issue. The price of the bonds already has sioner Allen or cause such change in advanced to $104 40, which means a methods as w ill place the patent office on a satisfactory basis. Tbe work of profit ol $27,024 for the clerk. In conversation w ith Secretary Sbaw the patent office, attorneys declare, ever the long distance telephone, Mr. has been running behind since the ap­ B.verly asked i f he was to receive his pointment of Mr. Allen, five years ago. allotment of the bonds. H e was told There are now 23,000 applications for htat he would if he deposited the $5,- patents unacted upon, besides numer­ 300.000 by August 1. T h e clerk eaid ous, copyrights, trade tna*ks, etc. be would. Thanks to R oosevelt and Diaz. Washington, July 28.— The State de­ partment received a dispatch today from the chairman of the American delegation to R io Jaueiro, W illiam I. Buchanan, announcing that on Monday the Pan-American conference, on mo­ tion of the Argentine delegation, adopt­ ed resolutions expressing thanks to President Roosevelt and President Diaz for their good offices in restoring peace >n Central Am erica. Th e president, through the State department and Mr. Buchanau, responded tonight with an expression of his appreciation. V E R D IC T IS G U IL T Y . Pardo in Favor o f Peace. Lima. Peru. July 31.- T h e menage of President Pardo to congress calls at- tention to the progrecs of the republic and to the policy of the nation, which he says is inspired bv a desire to settle international differences on a basis of friendship and equity. The presiden declare, forther that a discoseinn of the»e principles, which Peru and a ma­ jority of tbe South American s'a.es up­ hold, w ill take place at the Pan-Ameri­ can congrees at Rio de Janeiro. C onfer on Standard Oil Case. Chicago. July 26. - Five of the men who are expected to be prominent in the government proceedings against the standard Oil company were in confer­ ence here today. The men were: As­ sistant Attorney General Pagin. Special Counsel C. B. Slorrison, Special Agent T f M Schindler, of the department I , Commerce and Lsbor: District At- tomev Sullivan, of Cleveland, O., an | AMi-tant District Attorney Francs Battleships Out in Gale. Ruckport, Mess., July 28 .— A stiff northeaster gave the battleships of the Atlantic fleet an excellent opportunity for itorm y weather maneuvers today, *ud for six hours the entire fleet was °ut of sight of land, rolling about in *he heavy seas. T h e officers reported that the conditions 20 m iles off shore H*ncbett.___________________ were worse than nearer the land, aud that there wee every indication of a i Viborg Manifesto Seized. h*“*vy gale oif the coast. Th e fleet w ill Kharkov. July 31 . - T h e authorities n°t go out again u n tiT it sails east. . „ „ ¡ . g j copies of the \ iborg mam- b . : „ n(Kt by the nntlawed parliament Meetings o f D em ocrats Forbidden. L T t b e w e i g h t of 400 pounds which have Paris, July 28.— T h e Temps corre­ í ^ n snrreptitonely shipped into Khar- spondent at St. Petersburg telegraphs _ _____________ ( hat the provincial governors have been kOT. ordered xy prevent a ll meetings of Big Firs in Leeds. England. members of the Constitutional Demo­ L ^ l, England. July 2«- - cratic party and of members of the . in the heart of this city late Group of T o il who belonged to the ont- i ‘ M was still burning f l e r c '»wed parliam ent, em ploying the m ili- r L T \ b “ morning. The damage *4r7 in cane of necessity to disperse th at far is srfimated at »600.000. •och meetings. THE WEEKLY :< j G> d , v a1 J M 5 T 0 R IA H C ' u r i o u n tlHhttn o f S h e e p . TTT To compile all the |>ecutlar habits of sheep would require a great deal of space. I t Is quite generally known that where ou f sheep o f a flock goes the whole flock Is sure to fdllow. One sheep finds a breach in the fence and soou the whole flock is out and some : of them may not even wait to And th e! breach, hut will go out lu any way pos- | sible, even If they are compelled to Jump. Sheep do not like to get their feet muddy and they are averse to H o m e - M a d e M i l k C o o le r . putting their feet lu the water, and It Is not an easy task for those who they w ill permit themselves to be sub­ 1644— Batle of Marston. 1 have but a small quantity o f milk to jected to almost auy punishment rather 1685— Archibald Campbell, Earl of A r­ care for to do It with economy. The than step In water. In defense of lambs if v 1 c, beheaded at Edinburgh. large cooling tauks or refrigerators ewes w ill put up a peculiar tight, de­ 1720—The “ Mississippi bubble" burst. which dairymen on a large scale can pending on the use o f the fore feet In­ afford are not for the man with the stead o f the bead as is usual In other 1745— Captura of Cape Hreton by tha English. * single can. hence he must resort to instances. In eatlug they are fastidious 1776— Battle of Fort Moultrie, Charles­ some plan on the home-made Idea. aud w ill not eat out o f an unclean ton, 8 . C ....B a t t le of Ixing Island. Take a box. which may be bought at trough, even though hunger drives them 1777— Dr. William Todd executed at T y ­ any store for a low price, high enough to make the attempt. When tn all burn. to contain a barrel of good dimen­ health they w ill not hesitate to eat a l­ 1778— Battle of Monmouth........Turkish sions. F ill In the bottom of the box most anything, such as dirt, pieces o f fleet defeated and destroyed. several inches deep with sawdust, and metal and other foreign substances. 1797— Richard Parker, head of the naval on tills set a barrel cut down so that mutiny at the Nore, hanged. when a milk can ts set Into tt it w ill M a n u re A id to F r u it T reed . 1800— Act passed for legislative union o l A Pennsylvanian states that he has Great Britain and Ireland. M U S T SH O W B O O K S . never used commercial fertilizers In an 1815— U. S. brig Peacock captured Brit­ apple orchard. I f the ground Is too ish cruiser Nautilus in Straita of Sugar Trust Official Is Hauled B efore poor to produce apples, nothing Is bet­ Blinda. New Y ork Court. ter than barnyard manure, which an­ 1817— Pina V II. condemned Bible socie­ swers every purjiose, both for a mulch New York, July 27.— That tne New ties by bull. or for enriching the ground. In plant­ York grand jury is investigating west­ 1831— United State* treaty wirh Black ing an apple orchard the grouud should ern trank railroad lines suspected of Hawk, chief of Sacs and Foxes. having granted rebates to the American he farmed every year for about ten 1832— Cholera appeared iu New York. Sugar Refining company was made years, growing such crops as potatoes, 1837— Act of British Parliament to día- known today, when VV. E . Foster, gen­ truck, etc., so that the ground w ill get continué use of pillory for punish­ eral auditor of that company, was taken manure as often as the crops w ill re­ ment. before Judge Hough, in the United quire It, and that will lie sufficient for 1838— Coronation of Queen Victoria. States Circnit court, as a recalcitrant the growth of the apple trees aud fruit. 1840— Blockade of Canton by the English. witness before the grand jury. A fter that time the land may ^ie seeded The foreman reported that Mr. Foster down aud occasionally farmed and 1844— Joseph Smith, founder of Mormon- ism, killed by mob at Carthage, III. had declined to produca before the OOOD MILK COOLKR. manured sufficiently to keep the land 1S46— Riqienl of English corn laws. grand jury certain books and docu­ In u fertile condition. ments demanded of him. Mr. Foster come Just below the level o f the top 1848 Archbishop " f Parla shot white Around this barrel, I l o r n e - l l o o f ('u t t e r . said that he had not refused to produce of the barrel. acting as mediator. b eight Inches deep, park sawdust. Set I f in reshoeing n horse the horse- the data. He eaid that he had cot tbe 1857- Ship Montreal lost near Quebec» | the can o f milk In the barrel and pour shoer does not trim the hoof smooth­ physical possession of all the books 250 peraont perished. and papers in question, except as gen­ In cold water and. If possible. adit sev­ ly, and the shoe consequently does not 1861— Battle of Falling Waters, Va. Arrange a lit the foot perfectly, the horse there­ eral auditor of the corporatio i. A por­ eral large pieces of Ice. 1862— Lee defeated McClellan at battte faucet which shall run through the by feels uncomfortable, would be a tion of them, he said, were in the Bale of Gaines' Mill, Va. barrel and the box so that the water question very difficult to answer. It of the company’s president. 1863 (kin. Meade succeeded Gen. Hooker Judge Hough gave M r. Foster until may be drawn off when it gets warm. is natural to Infer, nevertheless, that in command of Army of rile Potomac. tomorrow morning at 10 ‘o’ clock to com­ The Illustration shows the Idea plain­ when such Is the case tlie horse Is un­ lSiil Confederates victorious at battte__ ply with the grand jn ry’s instructions. ly. In the small drawings at the bot­ der more or less strain. T o accom­ of Kenesaw mountain, G a. . . . Preal- Unless the papers are forthcoming the tom “ M” represents the box, “ L ” the plish a more uniform and even par­ dent Lincoln signed repeal of fugi- judge informed Mr. Foster that he barrel and “ A ” the can o f milk, and ing o f the hoof a Canadian Inventor five slave law . . . . Invasion of Den­ would consider an application to punish I p the drawing to the left “ G” shows has devised the hoof-cutter shown In mark by the Prusaians. him, both as a recalcitrant witness and how the faucet Is placed near the bot­ the Illustration. In this cutter two 1873— First reeeption of foreign mini»- | for contempt of court. tom o f the box. Any one can readily knives are pivoted to a central bar. ters by Emperor of China at Pekin. make this milk cooler at small ex­ which terminates Into a hook. Tills 1874— Henry Ward Beecher requested^ B LAM E DAM AGE T O Q U A K E . pense.— Indianapolis News. hook Is clamped In position on the Plymouth church to appoint a coan-m mittee to Investigate the T llto a :(; hoof as shown. The operator then charges. G ra in a n d S ilag e. Six Big Insurance Com panies Repud­ grasps the center handle and one of The object o f an experiment at the the knife handles firmly in one band. 1875— Great flood at Budapest. _ iate San Francisco Losses. Ohio station was to determine whether W ith the other hand he swings the 1876— Democratic convention nom inatedft San F'rancisco, July 27.— The sever­ silage might not he subetttuted for a remaining handle bark to the point In­ Samuel J. Tilden for President. ^m est blow dealt the policy-holders of considerable portion o f the grain usual­ dicated by the dotted lines. Thus 1879— Great tornado in Iowa, Minneaotaft San Francisco has come in the form of ly fed to dairy cows. T w o rations were with one stroke he Is able to pare one and Wisconsin. an announcement from six of the larg­ Assassination of President G t r f l est underwriting concern], which prac­ fed carrying practically the same side o f the hoof from heel to toe. The 1881— field. r tically declare that they w ill pay no amount o f dry matter. In one ration other knife Is then swung back In tbe 1882— Charles Guiteau hanged at Wash -5 loeses incurred by the A p ril fire. The over 50 per cent o f this dry matter was lngton for murder of President Gai earthquake clause in tne policies is pnt derived from silage, and less than 18 field. forward and the statement made that tier cent was derived from grain. In 1885— James D. Fish, bank default all the dat age done by the flames is the other ration over 57 per cent of the dry matter was derived from grain, sentenced to prison for ten years attributable to the shock. New York. In this combination of welcbers are no silage being fed. The cow* fed the 1891— Pike’s Peak, Colo., reached by firsfl| two American companies and fonr B rit­ silage ration produced 90.7 pounds of railroad passenger train. . . . X in etee^ H ish companies. The concerns are: milk and 5.08 pounds o f butter fat a victims of the Samoan disaster burte^| Commercial Union Assurance, ltd., of hundred pounds of dry matter. The at Mare Island. England; Commercial Union F'ire In ­ cows fed the grain ration produced 81.3 1893— Gov. A ltg ’ ld of Illinois pardoned 1 surance company, of New Y ork; Pala­ pounds o f milk and 3.9 pounds o f butter the Chicago anarchists... . P e a r y ^ H tine F'ire Insurance company, ltd., of fat a hundred pounds o f dry matter. vessel Falcon sailed from New YorA England; Alliance Assurance company, The cost o f feed a hundred pounds of for tho A rftic region». Ltd., of England; Alliance Assurance milk was $0.087 with the silage ration 1804 -The Tower Hriilge, íxmdon, f o H companv, ltd., of England; Norwich and $1.05 with the grain ration. The mnlly opened by Prince of Wales. j^ H Union F'ire Assurance society, of Eng­ cost o f feed a hundred pounds o f butter 1807 -Toni minors in Ohio, PensylvanfMH land; Indemnity Fire Insurance com ­ fat was 13.1 cents with the silage ration and West Virginia went on strike, f f w pany, of New York. and 22.1 cents with the grain ration. 1808 No newsjwipers puhlixhed in Their combined liabilities in the The average net profit a cow a month cago owing to strike of printers. burned area w ill reach $15.000.000. Of (over cost o f labor) wa* $5.804 with this amount they pledge themselves to the silage ration, and $2.405 with the 1 !Hw> Oreat Hoboken flock fire. pay “ for actual loss suffered in every grain ration. r.nrj Itoosovelt signed Isthmian canta* case in whih legal lia b ility is not hill. | TR I M S T i l e 11 ( 101 . d m . anal S a i l K e e p K ic k » . doubtful.” As the companies claim 1004 Prohibitionists nominated I)r. The water-glass method Is not the same manner, trimming the other side that they cannot be held tor losses las C. Swallow for President..^* caused “ directly or indirectly by the oniy one of keeping eggs in fairly good o f the hoof. A quicker or more effi­ Steamer Norge lost off Scottish coa? I earthquake,” this pretty phrasing, condition for quite a long Iieriod. Some cient maner o f trimming a horse's hoof and (>4d persona perished. f | when translated into plain English, years ago the Rhode Island Experiment would be hard to Imagine. 1905— Mutiny broke out on board Rui means absolute repudiation. sian battleship K tiiai Potemkin« ih H Statiou tested a number o f different M on ey fo r E x p erim en t W o rk . Odessa. . . . John D. Rockefeller ga fffi Í methods, and found that salt brine and The Adams bill becomes a law by the $ !, 000 , 00 f) to {STmaiient endowme^Hlj Japan’ s Great Liberality. lime water stood second only to water- fund of Yale Pniversity. .. . W n rs^H Washington, July 27.— Through the glass as a preservative. The eggs were approval of the President. Under Its lx*s;eged by revolutionists; 200 p#|ff State department the Red Cross has held over a year In the pickle, and all provisions the annual Federal appro­ ■ons arrested. t sent a dispatch to the Japanese govern nine out good. The station reported priation for State agricultural experi­ f»ri t ■ “ 1 ment asking that no further contribu- ns follow s: The surface o f the liquid ment stations Is Increased from $15,000 C o b a l t tur a t o m i c e l l a t t e r j r . ^|l tions be made by the Japanese to the I was crusted, and considerable silt had to $20,000 at once, and thereafter by San Francisco relief fund. This action ¡,ettlcd to the bottom o f the Jar. The tlie addition o f $ 2,000 annually until a Thomas A. Kdison. in an Asheville, was taken by the Red Cross officials, j K|)e||, 0f the eggs which were sunken total o f $15,000 is reached. A t the end f\, interview, said he had found in tlflH because they believe all the funds ne- L gm api>eared very fresh. The o f five years each State station will section cobalt that would reduce cessary for the relief of C a lifo rn ia 1 exteriors o f the shell* were clean and receive $30,000 annually from tho gov­ ' weight of f forage batteries in aiitomobí^| ¡ earthquake sufferers can be raised in clear. The air cells » e r e not Increased ernment. which must lie exjiended In one half and the cost of city traffic mcW •! this country among person* better able in size. The whites and yolks were ex|>erlmental work, not Instruction. than half. to g ive than many of the Japanese who normal tn appearance. The whites beat Not to exceed 5 per cent o f the addi­ runs from a point east of Nashvig Tenn., in North Carolina, and traveri contributed to the San Francisco fond. up nicely, but had a slightly saline tional Adams appropriation can be ex­ four counties. He think* if meant ft l A total of $145.000 was sent by Japan. pended for building, repairs, purchase taste. Several used as dropped eggs olution in the elpctrical world. Most | r* n t ,L D m enu more work for the cobalt hitherto known to the v o L appeared to lie nice. but had a slightly ind A a .tr a ft Finding Cause o f Cancer^ sharp taste. T ill* old fashioned metliod stations and this material aid Will he baa been found in Frsi heartily welcomed. j f'obalt Is a hard, white metal, with g r f t the r*unerin- of P " * * " 1» « W thu* a* :" n Proved experiments with mice, tbe supertn ----------- | nlar structure, which is malleable, at k s effective. I. u n r f n a a t f t f t f o r f l o w . A n d capable