_________ Page-Washington Co. News. AT THE CHURCHES LONG EN G A G E M E N TS. A Christian Church A . E . N O U R 8 E, M an u rer I Sunday School, 1 a. m .; Y. P. S. ry Thursday by the Washing- ¡San Francisco did a few short weeks C E’ ’ 7 p’ m : Pr« c h in g , 8 p. m ; 1 ago!— George C. Pardee, Governor of Thursday evening 8 p. m ., prayer »jCwnlJ p“blisl,ingC0, lncorpofa,el, m at Forest Grove. Oregon $ 1.00 California, June. Year in Advance. San si in The Pacific Monthly for meeting’ ------ Free Methodist Public Libraries Francisco was proud of T. ... . ,. . there will be preaching services in j the Free Methodist church Sunday at her 11 a. m ., also 8 p. m by Rev H K at the post-office at Forest libraries and in this evidence oC Bowman, Pastor. strength stood forth in rank among the Oregon, as secon d class Grove mail matter. cities of the land. The Pacific Library I estimates that it has left ’ M. E. Church 23,000 Preaching every Sabbath at 1 1 a. m. volumes, a building site in the West , , r-T all communications to Wash­ and 8 : p. m ., Sunday school at 10 End; two branch libraries but little i n g t o n County Pub. C o . , ' p. m .. injured; a balance in the treasury of a. m ., Epworth League 7: Forest Grove, Ore. p. m. $1 19,800; insurance, $41,150; bonds Prayer Meeting, Thursday 3: unsold, $907,200, ___________ ■ and cash in Pacific Everybody welcom e. L. F. BELKNAP. W o m a n ’s P l a n b y W h i c h t o B r i n g A l> ,.u t H a p p y M n r r l n u f N . Marriage Is an Institution o f the state; therefore she should put it out o f the bonds o f possibility that people can marry each other in tw o days or u week. How many marriages would be brokeu off If the state required a three years' engagement before people are married? After all, If a woman wuuU to become a nun In tw o mouths, no conveut In the world will accept *"*• sl,‘* mU8t lK> a novice for tw o or bag j ,h rw r ™ n D,,rlu* tl,ut tlm* to make an examination o f her con science every day and to tiud out if ; she bag a vocation for a nun. Hut women and men marry without the slightest preparation, without the slightest thought o f the future, while j Dame Nature laughs at her most odd pairings. She wants her world peopled, j That is her part. The men and women | who are 111 suited to each other are not her affair. Girls and boys at school should he taught to look upon marriage as the most lieautiful, the happiest, the most desirable ai d the most possible thing in the world. Boys should tie taught to keep their minds and their bodies pure for the state which they will probably enter und to have a sense of protection uud loyalty to girls, aud girls should be taught Industry, self sacritlce uud responsibility for the mar­ ried state.—Mrs. T. I*. O'Connor In Black and \\ bite. DRUGS! DRUGS!! DRUGS!!! C A M E R A SUPPLIES AR SEN A TE OF LEAD SH EEP A N D G O A T DIP GUARANTEED RAZORS P U R E ST D R U G S Dr. Hines’ Drug Store F. S Q H U L T Z Successor to JOHNSON k JOHNSON Dealer in F R E S H M E A T S O F A L L KINDI f. ,he NEWS fails to reach it: subscrib- ’ ¡5 late, we request that im m edi- Library fund $1,094,135, This makes German Lutheran Church J attention may be called to the same. a good showing and the restoration of Hams, Bacon and other Salt Meats always on hand There will be no German Lutheran this feature of the new city’ s life will services held in Forest Grove until the 1906. com e quickly. THURSDAY, JU N E 28, 4th Sunday in July after which time The M echanics’ Library, with which Everything fresh in the Grocery Line to be found here they will be held continuously at the the Mercantile was consolidated, has W ill B m u l i t » U ’ W e n . Free Delivery to all parts of the City. Both Phones usual time, 2:30 p. m ., on the 2nd Mr. Brownell doesn ’ t grieve. A ordered new books for a nucleus, and and 4th Sundays of each month. will have a temporary building on the law-giver need not go to the Legisla- H. C. Ebeling. as Clackamas has abundantly site of the Mechanics’ Pavilion. The Evening Telegram and The New To Our Subscribers value of the realty held by the M ech­ Congregational Church proved. —Oregonian._________ One Year, $ 5 .0 0 ; Six Months, $2.5C anics will enable this popular library In casting about for means to meet j PASTOR, REV. HERBERT W. BOYD. T h e News and Semi-weekly Jour T H E FOUR AGES. The I n e v i t a b l e R e s u l t . to rebuild, and its equipments will our obligations we noticed a good Sunday, July 1, 1906, 10 a. m. for $ 1 .7 5 . Sample copies may be haj^ If Oregon had a few more W . S. proceed with much rapidity. many of our subscibers were in arrears S o L i f e G o e s , A I u h y n H ast G o n e a n d at this office. Sunday School; 11 , preaching by the A lw n jn W ill U o. on their subscriptions. T h e subscrip­ It is hoped that the insurance c o m -, U’Rens, and give them the free and pastor and communion service. Here are man's four views o f time: tion price for T h e News is but $1 .00 „„limited use of the initiative and panies will announce their plans for “ You still have forty years to live,” In the evening the church will join per year in advance. This is a small referendum law, there would be n o , adjustment at an early date. Such said the guardian spirit to the youth. with the other churches of the town in (ESTABLISHED 189«.) “ It Is a long, long time." the youth sum for each subscriber but in the state legislature— unless it action will stimulate and bring to con- needof a j a Union Service on the grounds of the replied, “and I will do n great deal aggregate it means much to us. Now Forest Grove, Oregon „ould be. in the end, to swoop the elusion many projtcts of vital interest before It Is past.” Grand Army Encampment. A general banking business transacted 1 whole conglomeration of statutes into to the rapid development of Greater! “ You have thirty years yet to live,” we are going to ask each one of our Interest paid on tim e deposits. the guardian spirit said to the still subscribers, who are in arrears, to pay the Willamette.— Lake View Examiner. San Francisco. DIED. Accounts invited. young man. up thereby helping us to meet our Mr. Bowles, who has been ill for “ Well, that is quite awhile," was the obligations for which we thank you in The election has left a g ood many Reduced Rates sometime and who is the father of Mrs. reply. ‘T'rohubly I cannot do all I hud intended, but I will make quite a »bow ­ advance. T h e date to which your things for Oregon as well as many other During the Summer Season of 1906 IC. N. Johnson of this place, died at ing." subscription is paid follows the name states to think about. A m on g them is reduced round trip excursion rates will the Good Samariti.n Hospital in Port- "You have twenty years to live,” the j on the address. Out of town subscri­ tie defeat of Brownell, which however, be in effect from the East to all North land, Wednesday, June 20 1906, and spirit said to the middle aged man. bers may remit by mail for which a "Only twenty! Well, I suppose I receipt will be immediately returned. bothers few; the contest of W ord and Pacific Coast Points, such as Portland, was buried on the following Thursday. win have to do the best I can In that VERY BEST Stevens; and the local option fight left Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, length of time.” at Eugene, which will not bother them etc.; also to Spokane and San Francisco, Walter J. Smith, who for years has For the last time the guardian spirit A W o n d e rfu l R e co rd . QUALITY, PRICES, TREATMENT long as the next election usually Los Angeles and San Diego. been identified with the Wilson River, appeared. "You yet have ten years As made up by improved and exact left," lie said to the rapidly uglng man. rooosses Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- settles all difficulties oi this nature in Rates from Chicago via direct lines aQd wbo was known by everyone who Ion Is a m u s t ancient remedy for regu­ The man sighed. "B ut ten years,” SAELENS ft CO., Main St., to the North Pacific Coast and Califor- ever traversed this famous road into he whispered In reply. "And what can lating all the womanly functions, correct­ rather short order. FOREST «ROVE, 0RE00R ing displacements, as prolapsus, antever- nia will be $75 and from Missouri the Tillamook country, quietly passed one do In those few d a y s ? ’ sion ami retroversion, overcoming painful Oregon S u p p o r t » t h e N o r m a l And when the end had come the mnu periods, toiling up the nerves and bring­ River points, namely: Council Bluffs, away Friday evening on the hom e- S c h o o ls . looked backward and moaned, “ I am ing about a perfect state of health. It cures the backache, periodical headaches, Omaha, Atchison, St. Joseph, Kansas stead by the Wilson that has been his leaving It nearly all undone!" the dragglng-down distress In the pelvic One of the surprises is that the And so life goes, although youth will region, the pain and tenderness over City, also St. Paul and Minneapolis, home ,or the lasl 20 ^'ears' Walt general appropriation bill, referred to not believe It, and only old age fully lower abdominal region, dries up the pelvic catarrhal drain, so disagreeable MANUFACTURERS OF the people, carried. This is good rates will be $60. Rates to Spokane Smith- a? he was known in manv Parts realizes that It is so.—Philadelphia In­ und weakening, and overcomes every quirer. H A R IN E S 60 > ’ ears ° ‘ will be $5 less than to the Coast or ° f th' state- was about form of weakness incident to the organs news for the normal schools. Those distinctly feminine. And dealers in all kinds of Hi $70 from Chicago and $55 from the he was of native 0 r e *on birth' havlnK "Favorite Prescription” Is the only who held claims must have worked FID D LE R S AND D R U M M E R S . G oods. Repairing Promptly D o n i medicine for women, tho makers of Missouri River and St. Paul. been born near Reedville in th.s county hard and gained through the ignorance which are not afraid to print their Prices Reasonable. Drop Rates one way via the Shasta Route * here he lived until he took up hu | T h e T w o ( ‘ l a a a e « o f I n Meet*, T h a t P r o - formula on the bottle wrapper, thus of a large number of voters. T h e d n e e A u d llile S o o n , I n . taking their patrons Into their full con­ SHOP PIE»« FOREST 6R0VE, and California will be $13.50 higher duties as timber locator on the Wilson, NAYLOR'S CORRER Insects that produce sounds audible fidence. It is the only medicine for normal school push is not yet dead. than those above mentioned. Deceased has been in a serious condi- to human ears hare l>een roughly divid­ women, every ingredient of which has the strongest possible endorsement of ed Into two classes—fiddlers aud drum­ the most eminent medical practitioners R . I N I X O I N , D e n t L L et th e B a ^ le S c r e a m . These tickets will be on sale daily. tion a11 winter: ln the latter stages of mers. The grasshopper Is a fiddler and and w rite» of our day, recommending From Tillamook to Ontario the eagle commencing June 1st and continuing consumption to which he was finally makes music by scraping Its fore wings it for the diseases for which "Favorite Forest Grove, Oregon compelled to succumb. Mr. Smith against the rows o f splnelike teeth that Prescription ” Is used. It Is the only put - up medicine for women, sold will chortle and the people again until September 15, with final return through druggists, which does not con­ leaves a wife and four children, of ornament Its thighs. The katydid also rejoice that we threw off the hated tax limit of October 31st. tain a large percentage of alcohol, so OFFICE: Three doors north of Bailey’s store, which Samuel is at home; Mrs. Maggie plays an entomological fiddle. It pro­ harmful in the long run, especially to hours from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. A. L. C r a ig , on tea and so forth t hat K ing George duces its notes by rubbing the Inner delicate women. It has moie g-nulno Ellingsworth, in Tillam ook; and side o f the hind legs over the front cures to Its credit than all other medi­ General Passenger Agent. would impose. Yet Portland and cines for women combined, having two younger children, Tobias and wings. saved thousands of sufferers from the some other small Oregon towns will do The locust, on the other band. Is a operating table and the surgeon’s knife. Stella, who are at home. Walt Smith Muir Glacier nothing. It is a question whether drummer, and a loud one too. His It has restored delicate, weak women to will be missed not only by the hosts of drum Is formed by a membrane situ­ strong and vigorous health and virility, LAWYER sanity increases or decreases with the The end and aim of most tourists to summer pleasure seekers that were ated at the base o f the fore wing, and making motherhood possible, where there was barrenness before, thereby brighten­ advent of Summer.— Oregonian. Alaska is the Muir Glacier, the birth­ accustomed to make his home their he can make a forest ring with It. The ing and making happy manv ihousunds Real Estate and Corpo- OFFICE M of homes by the advent of little ones to Hines' « « place of icebergs. They do not real­ hostelry on their pilgrimages to the cicada, or seventeen year locust, car­ strengthen the marital bonds and add r a tio n l^ w a S p e c ia lty . L e s t W e F o rg e t. ries a drum at the base o f the altdomen sunshine where gloom and despondency ize until their audacious little boat Tillamook coast, but by many others and makes with it a noise that seems had reigned before. Bryan's current Presidential boom Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, lie will send Forest Grove, stands puny and insignificant beneath W^Q were connected with him in the to he quite ns terrifying in the Insect you good, fatherly, professional advice, brings back to mind the g ood old its splendor how wonderful their ambi- worj[ a]j over tj,e state in locating world ns that produced by the gorilla In a plain, sealed envelope, absolutely Cleveland davs, when w ool was next to pounding Its resounding chest Is among tree. Address him at Buffalo, N. Y. C it y B a r b e r S h o p . . tion was. Muir Glacier arises, not a timber claims. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets do not wild beasts. It Is said that the cicada free (five cents the p o u n d ) and every ripe. They effectually cleans« the sys- sometimes frightens aw ay tts enemies great, tall rock of ice, but a crystal cit- Baths. Laundry A gen cy, sm of accumulated Impurities, man could have a pair of patches on with the rattle o f Its dnim. GASTON The People’s Common Sense Medical ated on Pacific A v e., Forest 1 idel, more beautiful than any city that the bosom of his pants that wanted to. There are other drumming Insects Adviser, by Dr. Pierce, 1008 pages, is sent Mrs. E. J. Ward visited in Portland, which make good music, hut the violin­ /recon receipt of stamps to pay expense fairy-story writers have painted for us. A. I. Wirtz# Let us hope the famous Neb-askan’ s of mailing on/)/. Bend A on, rent stamps ists, after all, carry off the palm, for for the txiok In paper covers, or 3J stamps It has towers, turrets and minarets of Sunday. boom will be like Hearst’ s last boom , the great Insect soloist, the cricket. Is a for the cloth-hound volume. Address dazzling transparency and fearful white­ H O L L IST E R ’ S Miss Alvina Matthews spent Sunday as above. fiddler. characteristically described by ness. It has every shade and tone of in Gaston. Homer Davenport: One m om ent a A Busy Medicine for B u t y People!"" blue, from the deepest purple indigo Mrs, P'nronia Child returned to Bar­ Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vifl 6 0 YEAR« blister on your hand big as a hen egg, EXPERIENCE A specific fo r C onstipation, Indlgestit to a sky tint that was never seen be­ ton, Sunday. Everyone should subscribe for the next but a damp spot on the hoe an«l K idney troubles. P im ples, Eczema, 1 B lood, Had Breath, S lu ggish B ow els, He fore. There are deep crevasses that his home paper, In order to get all Mr. Henry Dolmers was married, and B ackache. Its R o ck y M ountain T ea f! handle.” -—Fossil Journal. let form . SB cen t» a b ox. O e n t M show shimmering lights where the sun­ the local news, but te keep in tonch H o l l i h t i b DuiJu C o m p a n y . Madison, Friday, Juen 22nd. light strikes their ragged edges. with the world’« daily events GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW P t W h ere D o s s B *yan C t a n d ? Dr. and Mrs. Eator. have returned to There are deep blue caverns and iride­ should also read If Bryan has a drop of the same kind their work in Forest Grove. scent grottoes; over the surface pour S E A R S & W A T K IN Í D esign s of blood that courses in the veins of Mr. and Mrs. Fitch returned to "r r v v X C o p y r ig h t s 4 c . rivers that look like streams of milk, -Proprietor of— honest Teddy R oosevelt he will, upon A n y o n e ten d in g a sketch mid d etorln tlon may their home in Cornelius, Monday. • I’ l i e I . c o d i n g B a r b e r (iitlckly M fftrtniii ou r opinion fre e w h eth er an some of them like liquid ambef. This • •ivenrton I* probab ly petentuble. < emniunlcw- his return from abroad, announce to a t Ion« utrlctly confiden tial. HANDBOOK on Paten t« Up-to-date Hair-cutting as' Mrs. Minnie Magoon of Portland, is vast city flows in perpetual motion to­ •«•nt free, oident agency fo r ■•curing p atent«. The leading evening newspaper of baiting public his present views on the P a ten t« taken th rough M ann A C o. receiv e Shaving. Laundry agei\W rprclal notice, w ith ou t c harge. In the wards the sea. When it reaches the visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W . Hudson. the Pacific Coast, which has com­ money question. There must be no .V I « I n S t r e e t , l o r m t O f Camp-meeting closed Sunday. It unseen banks, there is a crash, and plete Associated Press .eperts and covardly equivocation. T h e American A handRom ely III u*t ruled weekly. I n rirent dr- special leased - wire service, with thousands of icebergs leap into the is the intention to meet next year at calatim i o f niiy Rotentiflc tournai, T ern i«. $3 • masses have been taught by Roosevelt j our : fou ur r m onths, 91. Bold bjrall new edeelem . then com e North Yamhill. correspondents in important news to expect open and above board action water, sink down in.o t. centers and in all the cities and iDgton, D. C. Mr. Fred A. Everest bought the C. Branch Office. 025 K HU W aahlngton, ami talk from a President or one who bobbing up. If it were uo Trains on the Southern Pac principal towns of the Northwest. and depart on the following scl «Pects to be o n e.— W oodbum awful dignity, it would seem as i . W . Hudson property and will take Portland and suburbs are covered GOING SOUTH Independent. were playing and enjoying themselves, possession, shortly. L a r r ln ,,. by a bright staff of reporters, and No. 2 ___ 9 A . M. N o. 4 ___ 6 :2 Olrls who are fonil o f earrings may -------- -— -------------- plunging about. editorial, dramatic, society and GOING NORTH — Money to loan on farm security. perhaps be Interested In bearing a Will San Francisco Be R eb u ilt? Now this vast frozen c... e. special writers. Saturday's edi­ No. 3. . .6 :5 9 A. M. O. 1 . . . . 4: 1^ W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove. few facts about them. Sad it Is for the ’ bidden city. The tounst is very fortu- tion consists of 26 to 28 pages, and N. L. ATKINS, emancipated woman o f the present Will San Francisco be rebuilt? The — Don’ t forget that a fine watch 1 nate who has caught a glimpse of it in day to learn that these fashionable or­ has colored comic pages, as well as same Question was asked concerning for a recent earth- needs perfect material and perfect naments were originally a murk of a department for children, colored Qdcago, in 1871, and the C hicago of the last fe-v GUcier Bay so workmanship. slavery. In bygone days the slave al­ A. S. VENEN. fashion page an interesting serial ways wore his master’s earrings In today is one of this country’ s greatest Quake “ ^ jegu]u ijnes 0f — I have just returned from South­ story and other attractive features the east they were a sign o f caste and »wees of pride. And when Galveston, dangerous ' it.-E le a - ern Alberta where I have a choice were buried with the dead. Rome an­ in addition to all the news of the 1900, only six years ago, was swept t « ® « 5 will not Push _ cient earrings were vary elaborate, and Pacific sect;on of land located in the center of day. j n0r W. McDonald many statues had their ears bored In ***y and her population decim ated, Subscription Rates: One month. the winter wheat belt. W ould sell readiness for votive offerings o f ear Monthly for June. there were many who freely prophesied 60 cent«; three months. $1.36; six half section and hire the purchaser to rings. In England the earliest earrings months. $2.50; twelve months, $6. dt*t the City of Galveston would be were very cumbrous and. made of fence my half and put it uhder culti- Special Notice. stone or wood. The eighteenth century Sample copies mailsd free. ouly a recorded historical incident in will sell vation and crop it. I can also cite a saw the glorification o f the earring, r „.v e 500 apple boxes I the world s list of disasters. Galveston, 1 n - g pa pe boxes fe w parties to first class homesteads fashionable beauties outvying each oth­ “^withstanding, still survives, a greater for 8 cents a , box- box if taken right right away, away, where „here the the entire entire 160 160 acres acres will make 1 Evening Telegram and T h e N ew ;, er with the rarest and moat beautiful Jewels London Graphic. » better city than ever before, at 4 j cen - moj* a‘ ^’»Portion to her size and wealth, than Lumber Yard. ». ^ E m e r s o n 'S brush and well located. valuable. Will soon A. B. THOMAS be;