Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 21, 1906, Image 7

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    d r iv e
Tuesday. J“ " e l9 ’
June 19- — K n °* ad-
W*00’ ,t* at length today in
‘nbe lock type for the Pan-
0 contending that in point of
'»H economy it i" I « Burer-
ity! “ level plan. Ha took di-
tBie with Kittredge aa to the
iS h u m T a p F o p ria tio n b ill.
lhe meat inspection provis-
“ ntfeived frcm the house and
L wibstitute ordered printed
ordered another confer-
.^naval^ppropnation bill.
l . „tnn
June 19.— W ith practi-
"^"mitv the house today adopted
imitate for the Beveridge amend-
.„¡cultural appropriation
to meat inspection, the ob-
Ki. features of the
S i , being eliminated and the
i o, perfected
to meet the
Ttbe president. An effort was
fn°‘ tend the time of debate, but
, j . h chairman of the commit-
: agriculture, desiring to get the
-m conference as soon as possible,
4(ter the adoption of the
tint the bill was sent to confer-
conferees being Wadsworth,
m M .) and Lamb (V a .)
l e number of bills were passed
^pension of rules
X t t of Champ Clark, of Mis-
d Williams, of Mississippi, the
L ry silver coinage bill failed to
„ enough votes to pass it under the
Monday, June 18.
ngton, June 18.— After another
ited largely to the Lake Erie &
,er canal bill, the senate today
Hat measure with only 11 votes
Dicative. In addition, several
Aich there was no objection
1 favorable action. There also
¡her discussion between Tillm an
pkins over the resolution of the
for an investigation of the ques-
national bank contributions to
1 campaigns, which involved a
I reference to the failure of the
national bank.
ession adjourned upon the offi-
louncement of the death of Les-
ieorgia. _____
Friday, June 15.
Washington, June 15. — When the
senate took up the Kittredge eea level
canal bill today, Senator Teller spoke
in support of that plan. He argued
that as this government had practically
prohibited the French government, and
later had declined to albw private cor­
porations to embaik in the canal enter­
prise, the United States can not afford
to hesitate on account of the cost in
money or time
The fact that a sea
level canal would cost more than a
lock canal should not deter this country
from giving to the world the best pos­
sible waterway between the oceans,
which must necessarily be on the tide
level. He expressed the opinion that if
a sea level canal could be built for the
same price as a lock canal, ail the en­
g in e s would favor it as the best possi­
ble canal. Hence he contended that in
standing for a lock canal Chief Engi-
neer Stevens discredits himself sb an
Washington, June 15.— The house to­
day by a vote of 110 to 36 voted in
favor of a lock canal across the Isthmus
of Panama, the amendment to the sun­
dry civil bill ro this effect being pre­
sented by Littauer, of New York.
W ith members of congress sitting on
the short steps in the aisles of the
house, around the space in groups, the
galleries filled, and with Burton, of
Ohio, pointer in hand, discussing charts
to Bhow the difference between the eea
level and lock canal, the house present­
ed every appearance of a class room.
Thursday, June 14.
Washington, June 14.— The senate to­
day decided to vote next Thursday on
the Panama sea-level canal bill; ac­
cepted the conference reports on the
diplomatic and naval appropriation
bills, the former complete and the
latter partial; passed a bill limtiing
the liability that may be assumed by
individuals to national banks; adopted
Morgan’ s resolution relative to the con­
trol of the Panama railroad; admitted
A . W. Benson as the successor of Bur­
ton, of Kansas; received the credentials
of Senator-elect Dupont, of Delaware;
listened to a speech by Dryden in sup­
port of a lock canal across the Isthmus
iashington, June 18. — A black- of Panama, and also passed several
id desk in the ball of the house semi-private bills.
cpresentativee today told the story
Washington, June 14.— After elim i­
the passing of Rufus Lester, late a
tentative in congress from the nating the appropriation of $100,000
:i Georgia district.
Previous to for the further gauging of the waters of
announcement Wadsworth, of New the United States under the direction
, asked unanimous consent, which of the geological survey, the house to­
panted, that the agricultural bill, day grew weary of economy and in­
senate amendments, be recom- creased the appropriations for further
Aed to the committee on agriculture. tests of structural materials, lignites
«, of New York, by unanimous and other coals, although the appropri­
sent, then fixed Tuesday and Wed- ations committee labored zealously to
' ] as suspension days, instead of retain them at their original figure.
The conference report on the omni­
:j, in view of the early adjourn-
bus lighthouse bill was adopted.
jt of the house.
The report of the conferees of the
nrtlett, of Georgia, announced the
tb of his lata colleague, stating that agricultural appropriation bill was
had been a member of the house foT submitted.
:»lj 18 years. He offered the usual
Wednesday, June 13.
nlntions, which were agreed to. As
June 13.— The senate
further mark of respect, the house
adopted without division the conference
-adjourned until tomorrow.
report on the statehood bill at 6:20
o’ clock this evening.
Saturday, June 16.
The report was debated by Foraker,
Washington, June 16. — The senate
at the entire day debating the bill Bailey, Patterson, Money, Dubois,
incorporate a ship canal connecting Morgan, Stone, McCumber and otners.
Dubois announced his intention to
c Erie with the Onio river, and
‘inadjourned without action on it. vote against the acceptance of the re­
s bill was savagely attacked by Pat­ port, because of the omission of the
ten as in the interest of speculation, anti-polygamy provision inserted by
- was as warmly defended by Knox the senate, and in doing eo be took oc­
¡Nelson. LaFollette offered a num- casion to review his own political ex­
amendments, which were laid perience in dealing with the Mormons,
saying that he knew h>s stand on the
the table.
Daring a lull in the proceedings the question would result in his enforced
«cent pro tem announced his signa­ retirement from the senate. The sen­
ate also Listened '’ uring the day to an
ls to the statehood bill,
jibe senate adjourned at 4:30 p. m. argument by Millard in opposition to
tqe sea level Panama canal bilsl.
Mot of a quorum.
Washington, June 16. — After 40
nates debate today the house by the
,e of 129 to 82 adopted the senate
elation providing for the purchase
material and equipment for use in
«instruction of the Panama canal of
"testic manufacturers and of the low-
responsible bidder, unless the preei-
• shall in any cafe
the bids or
■ere therefor to be extortionate or
reasonable. The adoption of the
- ution came after a long discussion
purchasing canal material in open
J eta, while the sundry c iv il bill
‘ Under consideration.
r,e sundry civil bill also was passed.
appropriation of $94,-
W *. nearly $26,000.000 of which
r “e e°ntinuation of work on the
Resident an<* Committee A gree.
Mhiagtnn Jane 19.— The basis of
,P«s agreement on the meat in-
Jtin!! tv I ^ tween President Roose-
ice hoase committee on agri-
i,,[e„ wa8 drived at today at the
°ose. Speaker Cannon repre-
nj, K 8 committee in this instance
spent some time ex
the situation to the committee
00tn at ^ e eapitol. It w ill au-
X!iinn",D annaa* “ Ppropriation of *3,-
<t tout ° **** t*le C08t ° I inspection
l * * " 00 provision for court re-
s suggestion of the president.
Wuft,,U* ° f ^PProPriations.
'n* * n;tJ° n8 19.— Of the 14 ap-
‘ the n
which are required to
>« i J T S ™
but four have be-
Inese are the urgent defi­
* pension, the diplomatic and
n,, *"d the »rm y b ill. The In-
. u-
«sfi L ’¡riation bill ha* been ^
•dent s" ” lne approval of the
• bth h__ 11 °*hers have been passed
wees and are now in confer-
th em
sta te
California Declares War on Dishonest
Insurance Companies.
San Francisco, June 15.— The official
of California are agreed, it is said, that
•he insurance companies which refuse
to meet their obligations and pay their
losses in full w ill not only he driven
from the state, but ruined before the
world, if the widest publication of their
methods can accomplish that end. In­
surance Commissioner E. Marion Wolf
is backed by Attorney General Webb.
The attorney general expressed himself
forcefully today regarding tne proposi­
tion made by 60 companies at a meet­
ing in Oakland Tuesday to pay only 75
per cent of adjusted losses.
“ Under the law of California,” he
said, “ the state insurance commission­
er can rtvoke the license of any insur­
ance company for the state when there
is cause. Certainly the payment o '
only 75 per cent of losses would be
cause. And not only would it be proof
unsoundness and unfitness to do
business, but it will be the plainest
evidence of dishonesty.
It would be
cause for the commissioner to revoke
the state license of any company stand­
ing for such a proposition, and I know
that Mr. Wolf, whose heart is in the
situation, will take such action toward
companies that enter such an agree­
“ This is the lim it of his power of
punishment under the Calfiornia law,
but he can go much further.
The in­
surance commissioners of all the states
stand together. Through them, Com­
missioner Wolf can advertise to all the
world the dishonesty of the companies
•hat refuse to meet their obligations.
I am certain that he will use that pow­
er against those that give him cause.”
There was no change today in the
alignment of insurance companies on
the proposition to make a general 25
per cent cut, but the companies that
voted for full payment still hope to
win over many of those that took the
stand for a percentage settlement.
Aged Prophet Lay Down to Die Once,
But Could Not.
New Meat Inspection Bill Was
Their Suggestion.
Member o f Committee Submitted Sub­
stitute to Packers— Changes A c­
cepted in Full.
Washington, June 16. — President
Roosevelt has’ yet to play his trump
card against the men in congress who
are endeavoring to render ineffective
the Beveridge meat inspection amend­
ment to the agricultural bill.
It be­
came known today that the house com­
mittee substitute for the Beveridge
amendment was actually drawn by the
Chicago packers and was reported by
the committee exactly as requested by
the men whom the president proposes
to place under government inspection.
The house committee last Saturday
morning reached an agreement to re­
port its substitute and immediatly Rep­
resentative Lorimer left for Chicago
with a copy of the committee bill. He
spent half a day Sunday in conference
with the leading packers of bis home
city, submitting to them the substi­
tute drawn by himself and Chairman
Wadsworth and accepted by the major­
ity of the house committee. The pack­
ers went over this proposed legislation
very carefully, wrote in many changes
which they desired, and asked Mr. Lor­
imer to do his best to have their ideas
carried out.
Mr. Lorimer hastened back to Wash­
ington, submitted the packers’ ideas to
the <ommittee, and the majority of the
committee actually adopted every sug­
gestion that was made to Mr. Lorimer,
reporting a substitute for the Beveridge
amendment identical with that which
was endorsed by representatives of the
packers in Chicago on Sunday.
facts are vouched for by two members
of the bouse committee, and they have
reported them to the president.
Such evidence as this is the strongest
kind of a club for the president, and
will do more than anything else to de­
feat the committee proposition and
force the house to accept soraetning
very similar to the original Beveridge
amendment; to do otnerwise, the house
would have to acknowledge that it was
legislating at the direction of the beef
trust and few congressmen care to go
into the campaign this fall with any
such record to their credit.
Matnrt Solved the Problem Which
tins P u isled San Francisco.
For many years the law abiding and
diH-eut element o f San KraDclaoo has
urged the blotting out o f Its Chinatown.
Nature has solved the problem. It was
too Involved for human solution, but
the earthquake and the fire accom­
plished It so thoroughly that no doubt
remains. There may never be another
San Francisco Chinatown on the old
site. When the new city rises out of
the desolation which has fallen upon
the old one there will be little to recall
the alien, albeit alluring glimpse of
Asiatic life that once stood out so viv­
idly amid the rush and Insistence of
Western progress.
The earthquake and the fire revealed
to the shuddering world the depth of
the Infamy that had found lodgment
there. Thirty thousand Chinese Inhab­
ited this unsavory quarter, ten city
blocks, only six squares from what
was known as Newspaper corner. They
had converted the frame buildings
which covered the district Into plague
spots. In which they lived the strange,
discordant llvea o f the Oriental lower |
classes. Their dally walk was fash­
ioned after a pattern quite unknown to
those of the West, and they gave alle­
giance to laws and customs entirely
distinct from those of their near neigh­
so welL returning to their
bors. For years they have been a mys­
tery even to those whose business It cramped and sin Infested quarter at
was to know them Intimately. They nightfall. There the real living day o f
have defied successfully all the efforts Chinatown was Just dawning, and the
of San Francisco’s police force to find narrow lanes were beginning to gleam
them out It has taken nature to pen- alluringly beneath the soft light of col­
ored lanterns, and the shops, theaters.
Joss houses nnd restaurants were mak­
ing ready for the dally harvest
The old Chinatown will never be re­
stored. writes G. IL ricard. The flat
has already gone forth, and hereafter
all i Vlestlals In the vicinity of the Gold­
en Gate will be urged to settle only
at the southern extremity of the county,
on the bay shore, near Fort Mason.
Chicago, June 15.—John Alexander
Dowie, on the witness stand in Judge
Landis’ court today, tremblingly begged
for death to relieve him of his sorrows
and bis defeats. He declared also that
should he die he would come back to
eayth again as Elijah the Restorer.
Dowie, in the course of his testi­
mony, gave the following rules to guide
a man who iB about to die:
“ Do
things in order— even when you go to
die. Don’ t make a splash and mess of
etrate the mask, to tuakt positive the
it. Go to your death couch and await
dreadfus suspicion.
the end in calm.”
When the high winds which came
The occasion for the discussion of
after the fire scattered the piles of
death came when Dowie, fighting for
ashes that covered the surface of Chi­
the ownership of Zion City and re­
natown the mouths of numerous yawu-
claiming possession, which is now in
Ing tunnels were disclosed. The en­
the hands of Wilbur G. Voliva, was
trances to these subterranean passages
telling of his first serious illness as
had been concealed so carefully that
part of the testimony on hiB present
the existence of a Chinatown under­
competency to rule the city which he
world was not known to many San
built, isowie made the amazing asser­
Franciscans. It Is certain that very
tion that after he was first stricken he
few white men have ever explored these
lay down to die, but awoke two hours
Cortelyou Curbed.
underground lanes.
later, alive.
In this underground Chinatown hun­
June 16.— Flffort ir be
“ I was never so disgusted as when I
awoke two hours later alive,” be said, ing made to curb the power exercised dreds of men and women went to their
by the Postoffice department in issuing deaths yearly without an Inkling of the
“ and I am still alive and disgusted.”
fraud orders against mail. The house manner of their taking off being known
committee on judiciary has reported to the police. Some of the tunnels were
MASSACRE a n d p i l l a g e .
favorably a measure granting appeal 100 feet below the surface, and It was
from department fraud orders to the easy to conceal all evidences o f crime
Bomb Flung at Christian Parade in courts, w ’tere the petitioner shall be committed In them. Members of the
Russia Provokes Riot.
insured the right to a full judicial constantly warring tongs, or secret so­
Bialystok, Russia, June 15.— A Jew­ hearing on the facte and judicial judg­ cieties, who were slain left friends who
ish anarchist threw a bomb amen; the ment as to whether the postal laws and sought revenge In these secret and far­
away chambers of horror. Men who
Corpus Christi procession, which was regulations are being violated.
Department rulings on use of the were suave and discreet Chinese mer­
in progress here today, and killed or
wounded hund-eds of persons. In con­ mails, especially on the point whether chants above ground conducted dens of
sequence the Christians attacked and fraud is being committed, have been Infamy and slave markets In the lower
Gambling in Its most de­
massacred the Jews and demolished the subject of many sharp controversies. regions.
The plenary powers of the executive praved forms was the chief occupation.
their shops.
The bomb was thrown from the bal­ officials have been as frequently es­
It will never be known how many
Accumulated disappoint­ human things perished In this under­
cony of a house in Alexandrov street tablished.
A Russian clergyman named Federoff ment of those denied access to the world during the enrthquake upheaval.
mails is offered in explanation of the It Is certain that there were scores of
was among those killed.
Immediately a'ter the explosion Jews present movement. Since the removal men overcome by opium, women Incar­
began to fire from the windows of the of Tyner, there have been no charges of cerated in their noisome dungeons nnd
house. Soldiers surrounded it and fired wilful abuse of the powers of the de­ helpless children who were overtaken
partment, but the purity of purpose
Washington, June 13.— There waB a two volleys. Meanwhile the enrage I conceded to officials has not removed
round of applause from both sides of
in Alexandrov and Saraz streets,demol­ the sting entirely for those who have
the chamber when Hamilton, of Michi­
ishing the fixtures and windows, throw­ suffered.
gan, reported to the house today that
There is little prospect that the
ing the goods into the gutters, and
the conferees on statehood had agreed
beating and murdering tue Jews. Many mesanre w ill be passed by the house
reached an agreement and asked that
Jews fled to the railroad station, pur­ this session, but assurance is had that
it be printed in the Record.
sued by the mob, which killed several a serious effort w ill be made to put it
The day was spent on the sundry
on the statute books before the close of
civil appropriation bill, and, 'with the there.
the Fifty-ninth congress.
exception of an hour occupied in con­
Hold-Up Must Stop.
sidering the proposed abolition of re­
Ready to Reduce Navy.
Washington, June 15.— Jndge James
ceivers of land offices, which measure
Rome, June 16. — In the chamber of
Wickersham, of Alaska, will be con­
the house refused to sanction, the en­
firmed by the senate before adjornment. deputies today, Signor Brunialti inter­
tire day was taken up with the consid­
rogated the government relative to the
eration of appropriations for the United Notice was served on Senators Nelson
and McCumber today by the steering proposal of the British government at
States Geological survey, members of
committee that the senate will not per­ The Hague conference for reduction of
the appropriations committee hem« in
Foreign Minister Tittoni
mit them to continue their hold-up of armament.
s e v e r e criticism of the official! of the
this nomination which it is apparent to replied that he was glad of the oppor­ by the sudden tremor and the ahock
________________ practically the entire senate that Wick­ tunity to publicly express Ita ly ’ s ad­ which tumbled the structures overhead
ersham has been unjustly accused and hesion to the humanitarian proposal of Into a shapeless dust heap. No attempt
Lose Unused Rights.
that the fight against him is not being Great Britain, adding that Italy always will be made to Investigate the matter.
Washington, June 19. — The senate made in good faith. It is unusual for was ready to co-operate sincerely with The gaping mouths of the tunnels will
today passed the bouse bill Pre*,d,“ J the senate to take such drastic meas­ initiatives aiming at the simultaneous be filled with earth, and further ex ­
reduction of armament to avert the ploration o f the subterranean plague
that every right of way * " n* *® “ / ures with its own members.
dangers and disasters of war.
railroad under the act of M iichS,
spot will he left to future generations.
1875, where such railroad has not J * «
T ou r» o f Mutinous Garriaona,
But the external Chinatown that has
constructed and shall not
Odessi. June 15.— Generals Kaul-
helped so unmistakably to make Han
Washington, June 16. — The house Francisco one of the places which the
constructed within five
hars, of Odessa, and Houkhomlinoff, of
nite location.sh.il be forfeited to the
Kiev, start tomorrow, accompanied by committee today authorized a favorable traveling American must see will not
United States, all land along the ■ o
large staff*, on tours of inspections of report on the Terrell b ill, prohibiting be forgotten soon. It was one o f the
garrisons in the southern and south­ the sale of alcoholic liquora in build- j most unforgettable spots under the sun.
western provinces, where th* d saffec- ngs or on premises loaned or lea*ed by It wss the very treasure bouse o f color.
tion of numerous regiments is increas­ the United S lat«» government. Besides The tiny shops, both Inside nnd out,
ing in gravity.
The seriousness of the applying to all government soldiers’ i I were fairly ablaze. The decorations
Agrarian situation is enormously en­ homes, thia bill w ill prohibit the sale ; were lavlah and wholly Oriental, and
are being built in good faith-
hanced by this military discontent, of liquors in the hotels on the govern­ the ware» In them were even mor* than
international Crop
_ - which independent testimony avers ia ment reservations at Old Point Com­ th at It was a strange and heathenish
fort, V »., and Hot 8prings, Ark., and aggregation— vases Inwrought with fan­
purely political.
in several hotels In Yellowstone Park. I ciful pictures In gold and silver, carv­
kins and David 8- L a b «.
ing* o f Ivory that rivaled th« delicate
called on the Pre8‘
r n,»ed States
Denied to the Women,
Washington, June 15.— Major Hugh
him to transmit to the
! work of the patient Hindoo, grotesque
senate for ratificat.oo .t r e e ^ W o v
Helena, Mont., June 16. — Holding moldings o f bronze and figures of brass
L Scott, Fourteenth cavalry, now in
that upon constitutional grounds wo­ beaten with the cunning skill known
ing for the I * rt*‘''P ^ ,°an international the Philippines, has been eelected by
State* government in ai
o( the Secretary Taft to auceeed Brigadier men cannot hold notarial commissions only to the Cantonese. There were ar-
arrangement for the
A pro- 1 General A. L. Mills, ** superintendent ( in this state, Governor Toole today re­ gosles o f atlk such aa a queen might
of the military academy, who ie to be voked all outstanding commissions held wear and lace that was fit to garnish It
given charge of an army department,, hv women, seven in all, and danied as
This Han Francisco Chinatown was a
many applications.
probably in the Philippinae.
complete city within Itself. Its Inbab
ate ie neceeaary.
I itan.j acknowledged no allegiance toi
! any other municipality and had no In­
terest In the “ foreign devils” outside
that was not strictly commercial. They
issued from their burrows In the early
morning and went soberly in pursuit
of their various callings o f houses ser­
vants, laundrymen, vegetable and fruit
peddlers and all the other things that
Mrs. jo h n D. R ock efeller W ould
Prefer Thousands to M illion*.
Mrs. John D. Rockefeller shrinks even
more from personal notoriety thar. her
husband. Although she might easily
spend $5,000 a day If she chose, Mrs.
Rockefeller does not spend $50, and
s n j-B that even to do that Is a bur­
den to her, says a Philadelphia news-
pa per.
She can’t understand what In the
world anybody should want with so
much money ns her husband possesses.
"Every wish I have In life could be
gratified with a fortune o f $100,000,“
she once said. “ I don’t care for more
than $100.000.
Anything above thai
amount la merely a trouble and an an­
Mrs. Rockefeller never goes to ■
■ -
-- - —
l <
theater, never rides In an automobile
or plays golf, or cards, or tennis. She
hns given up trying to spend her In­
come, and says, w ea rily: “ Take It
away. Don't bother me with I t ”
W mit Too
Counsel for the defense In a murder
trial In Chicago recently had been try­
ing to bring out testimony along a cer­
tain line to which the Assistant State'»
Attorney, who was conducting the pros­
ecution, had In each Instance objected
and been supported by the ruling o f the
court. Finally nfter an unusually spir­
ited tilt between the opposing lawyer»,
which had been terminated by the
court's ruling In favor o f the position
ttaken by the prosecution, the attorney
for the defense addressed the presiding
Judge with some heat. Intimating that
sufficient leeway In the Introduction of
evidence had not been given him.
“I think you have had a proper de­
gree o f freedom with regard to the In­
troduction of evidence, Mr. Attorney.“
remarked the_court mildly.
“ I have not had too much, certain­
ly.” replied the lawyer, warmly.
For a moment the affair appeared
serious and the courtroom was silent.
Then the Judge said qnletly, “ Do yo«*
want too much?”
The attorney saw the point and pro­
ceeded with bla case without remark.—
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Episcopal Approbation.
Bishop Meade o f Virginia was op­
posed to the adornment of churchee,and
also to the adornment o f the persona
o f hta clergy.
“Good morning. Brother Brown!” be
said to a young deacon. “Who curled
your hair to-day Tf
“The Lord,” replied the young mm,
wth offended dignity.
"Indeed!" said the bishop. “It |g
re-v well done."
Usually about alx months after a
girl marries a man to reform him she
gets disgusted and throws up the Jo Ik