______________________ B o r. A Bostonian was talking about the late H enry Harland. A Mittie H u f f a k c r . U m iia n t "H a rla n d was a graceful, gallant •oul,” he said. “ Even In his boyhood he turned the prettiest compliment. “ In his boyhood ho studied Latin under a charming young woman. •"Xnu young ludy, calling him up In class one morning, said: " ‘ Henry, name some o f beauties o f education.’ the chief “ T h e boy, smiling into his teacher's p retty eyes, answered: “ ‘Schoolmistresses.’ Bulletin. > ■ mr F IK Philadelphia “ od 111 n > t v o u , DtS,««M F I ■ 0 permanently cured by Dr. K t o .’, ' ; , ' ! Nerve Restorer. Kend r.ir F R E E SXtrlalbottle L.o treatise. L)r. 11. I L K lint*, Ld.,VSl ArchHt., Phll*,,pib % K u r l a n d '. O ld e s t P e e r. T h e only living peer who was a mem­ ber o f the house o f lords at the time o f Queen Victoria’s accession is Lord Nelson. H e succeeded to the earldom In 1833. Lord Nelson Is not a direct descendant o f the hero o f Trafalgar, but Is only collaterally descended from H oratio Nelson’s sister, Mrs. Bolton. H e enjoys a good estate and a pension o f f 5.000 granted to the first Lord Nel­ son and his heir*. id g iv e n u p a l l hope . CONFINED TO HER BED DYSPEPSIA. [ Owe My Life to P e-ru -n a,” Says Mrs. M a k e r . Bow’s This? Ws offer One Hundred Dollsrs Reward for any c u e of Catarrh that cannot ba cured br Hall's Catarrh Cure. F . J. CHKNKY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the u n d erlin ed , hare kaown F J Cheney for the lu t 1& year», and believe him perfectly honorable In all buaiueu tram a» tlons and financially able to carry out aay ob­ ligations mada by their firm. W xbt A Tauax, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, Q W . l o i n s , K is n as A M saris, Wholesale Drug­ gists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­ ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system. Price lie . per bottle, gold by all Druggists. Testimonials fra*. Hall's Family Pills ere the best. C o s y iit g th e H u m a n a . F a m ily Cat— I'm not goin g to eat L „ jfjttie Iluffaker, B . K . N o. 3, out o f the sam e dish with y o u ! C fe ,T e n n ., write*: Dog— W h y n o t ! Lota o f people that It.as afflicted with dyspepsia fo r sev- and at last was confined to my •crap w o rs e than w e do eat a t the L unable to ait up. sam e ta b le ! pVe tried several differen t doctors Mothers will find Mr«. Winslow's Soothing Mcgt relief. Syrup the best remedy to use for their children | l had liven up all hope o f any relief during the teething period. L .is almost dead when my husband F r ie n d s h ip 's T rib u te. E{M me a bottle of Peruna. Mrs. Wellon (trying on her gorgeous K t first 1 could not notice any bene- I but after taking several bottles I bonnet)— How do you like the effect? Mrs. Chlllleon-Kearney— Why, it's won­ Kcured sound and w ell, derful. Tou have the right idea. There's f i t a to Peruna I owe my life today. I “I cheerfully recommend it to a ll nothing like contrasts, is there? Keren." Scrofula 7 R e vis e d F o r m u l a . “For a number of years requests have natomelroma m ultitude o f grate- J friends, urging that Perun a be L a night laxative qu a lity. I have U experimenting w ith a la x a tiv e ad- JjioD for quite a length o f tim e, and I t leel gratified to announce to the Jinds oi Peruna that I have incorpor- ■rd each a quality in the m edicine Ibicfi, in my opinion, can o n ly en- nce its well-known beneficial charac- “ S. B. H A R T M A N , M . D .” w w r A.j. Few are entirely free from it. It may develop so slowly u to cause little If any disturbance during the whole period of childhood. It may then produce dyspepsia, eatairh, and marked tendency to consumption, before manifesting Itself In much cutaneous erup­ tion or glandular swelling. It Is beat to be sure that you are quite free from It. and you can rely on Hood’s Sarsaparilla to rid you o f it radically and permanently. Accept no substitute, but insist on haring Hood's. Liquid or tablets, 100 Doses SI. GASOLENE ENGINES • to i hor« fco* ffSHm si? / | W AIERPROOf OILED CL0TB1HG? 5U(S£R5.POMMEL SLICKBS AMD m b .} power fully warranted. $128. All sires and styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog. FOLLOWING OUB S U C C tS S E S AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER EXPO AITION A “ What is the meaning of ‘alter ego’ ?” asked the teacher of the beginners' class in Latin. “The other I ," said th* boy with the curly hair. ‘‘d ire a sentence containing the phrase." “ ‘ He winked hie other I.’ ” ______ . REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY M U U S OS Wfc W O N T H E [ highest p o s s ib l e aw ard , \ tfT lti 51. LOUIS WORLDSfAIR i A J TOWER CO j tlTAUIlMP MM BOATON CHICAC~ X -NtWYORA I T ower canadian N CO LIMrtO. Portland. Oregon. No CBAND: fe p R IZ M T W IC E -T O L D T E S T IM O N Y . A [if. C, Gee W o HOME TREATMENT IQIDERFUL This wonderful Ctal- Doctor Is called P*t because ho cures P^plf without opera- *1v« 11 up « • cures with 'ao* wonderful Uhi- herbs, roots, buds, vegetables v# entirely un- w^W |.v Troubls. »Cl- —TAtBrnTTMiTT 11 E £ £ ^ 2 i trjr‘ TI,rou« h ,h° ° f iho#* im J ? . W nedleg this famous doctor knows ^•accessififV* r 500 dlffer‘*nt remedies which r ^ S lT !* 9 QSM ,n d iffer»«. diseases. He I ^ tn a t? i^n ~*ca,* rT,,‘ lung, ibroat, I ht * Vou#nes"’ »tomach, liver; k d* I t h a n * m L * h u n d r e d s of testimonials. I w K . s c o ! ^ ; c’* u and see him. Patients I hpodnamn^r^M1* ,or blankr and circulars. ■ "wditamp. c o n s u l t a t i o n f r e e . "W THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO ' « S r«-« SL. S. f. Cor. Morrison I ««os p.p,r PORTLAND. OREGON. W o m a n W h o H a s S u ffe re d T e ll s H o w to F in d R e lie f. The thousand* oi women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorder* and other kidney ill*, w ill find comfort in the word* of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of 606 Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N . J., who .ay*: “I reiterate all I have said before in praise of Doan’ s Kidney P ill*. I _________________ been having heavy backache and my general health was I affected when I began using them. My I feet were swollen, my eyes puffed, and dixzy spells were frequent. Kidney action was irregular and the secretions h igh ly colored. Today, however I am 1 a well woman, and I am confident that Doan’ s K idney P ills bav6( made me so, and are keeping me w ell.’ ’ Sold by all dealere. 50 cent* a box. Foeter-M ilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y . f l ie s Ta s ta c ar r y •f B A K IN G POWDER V coats one-third the Pn S?r o f powder anywhere near K. quality, and makes better, purer, more k healthful baking. ounces for 25c 25 Bead postal fo r “ Book o f Presents." J A Q U E S M F G . CO. C h ic a g o , m . Don’t Poison Baby. p'ORTT YEAES AGO almost every mother thought her child must havo * PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce sleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many aro the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them “ poison.” The definition of “ narcotio ” is: “A m edicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul­ sions a n d death. " The taste and smell of modicines containing opium are disguised, and sold under the names of “ Drops,” “ Cordials,” “ Soothing Syrups,” eto. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON­ TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas 0 H. Fletcher. AYege table Preparation for As- stmila ling the Food and Reg ula ting the Stomachs and B ow els o f I M A N r s / ( H IL D K E N Promotes Digestion-Cheerful- ness arel Rest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral N o t N . a r c o t i c ■1» a/cud BrSAKVnPtTCBLS SmJ- MxJmyeme JteAelLSJ*- Aperfect Remedy fo r Constipa­ tion. S o u r Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish­ ness and L o s s O F S L E E K Dr. J. W . Dlnsdale, of Chicago, 111., says: "I use your Castorta and advise Its use In all families where there are children." Dr. Alexander E. Mintle, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: " I have frequently prescribed your Castoria and have found It a reliable and pleasant rem­ edy for children.” Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: " A medicine so valuable and beneficial for children as your Castoria Is, deserves the highest praise. { had It In use everywhere.” Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: " I have frequently prescribed your Castoria for children and always got good results. In fact I uso Castoria for my own children." Dr. J. W . Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., say?' " I heartily endorse your Cas­ toria. I have frequently prescribed It In my medical practice, and have always found It to do all that Is claimed for i t ” Dr. C. H. GUdden, of SL Paul, Minn., says: "M y experience as a prac­ titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it an excellent remedy for the young.” Dr. H. D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: “ I have used your Cas­ toria as a purgative In the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse It as a safe remedy.” Dr. J. A. Boarman. of Kansas City, Mo., says: “Your Castoria Is a splen­ did remedy for children, known the world over. I use It in my practice and have no hesitancy In recommending it for the complaints of Infanta and children.” Dr. J. J. Mackey, o f Brooklyn, N. Y., says: ”1 consider your Castoria aa excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. ▲ good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs.” GENUINE CASTORIA Bear« the Signature of <• l ALWAYS Fas Simile Signature o i C & tffZ S fc FTEW Y O R K . TH E PROTO DUKE. /VI U ,m u n i t i ** » l i t )5 D The author of a book on the British House o f Lords, entitled, “The Person­ al Story o f the Upper House," narrates several anecdotes Illustrative o f the pride of Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset, which exceeded that o f any other hereditary legislator known to history. Seymour not only defied his king on more than one occasion, but originated several eutertaintng meth­ ods o f carrying his hauteur Into the fam ily circle. His second wife, who was Lord Wlnchelsea’s daughter, once playfully tapped him on the shoulder with her fan. His grace drew himself up and looked severe. “ M y first duchess,” he said, “ was a Percy, and she never dreamed o f tak­ ing such a liberty.” A painter named James Seymour, presuming upon the fact that his pa­ tronymic was the same as the duke's, drank his health one day to the words, “ I have the honor o f being o f your grace’s fam ily.” The proud duke rose from the table and summoned his steward. “ Pay Seymour his bill aud send him away,” were the only words this grand gentleman’s rage suffered him to ut­ ter. Occasionally this flower o f ducal chivalry met his match. Several out­ riders preceded his carriage whenever It pleased him to take the air. “ Get out o f the w a y !” said one of these to a countryman who was d riv ­ ing a pig along the road. “ W hy?” was the stolid question. “ Because my lord duke Is coming, and he doesn't like to be looked a t ” “ But I w ill see ’un,” said the coun­ tryman, “ and my pig shall see 'un, o m s - J j C i m The Kind You Have Always Bought s In Use For Over 3 0 Years. t X A C T CO R Y OP W R A P P E R . CLASSIF1EDADVERTISING OR. W. A. WISC SILVER FILINGS Port Kind Tr*ide Dir**c lory O fte n tlm e « ft »liv e r fillin g 1» m ore a d v i-a b le than gold. Blit some den tisti use the m aterial a llo w in g the m< »t profit to th e m re lv e i You have to leave thin to the ju d g m e n t of the dentist. W h y not go to d e n ­ tists w h o have bu ilt and m a in ­ tain a reputation for re lia b ili­ ty? E xam in atio n s free. Nam e» and Addresses in Portland of Repre* tentative Business firm s. WISE BROTHERS UOUHKH of all kinds for sale at very reasonable prices. Inquire 275 Front Ht. _________ DENTISTS W ith th is rem ark he held up the squ allin g an im al by the ears In fu ll v ie w till tha ducal retinue had passed. notice,” said P I»I«. the carping critic, "th a t In th is ode to lib erty you s a y : The message cams to the listening land, Ths winds of heaven bore on each w o rd ; And hill and valley and plain and strand W ere fls d for the marvel o f what they heard. "Yea. sir," replied the hopeful poet “ But bow In the name o f sense can a land hear?" - I —er— I suppose a land frontiers, hasn't It?"-J u d ge- has Unmoved. «W h a t do you think o f these plans fo r exploring the arctic regions with automobiles?" "T h ey’re none o f my trouble,’’ an­ swered Farmer Corntossel. “ I/et the Eskimos worry."— W ashington Star. !fo t R «tl»(le d . “ I see that Charley Johnson got some notoriety for kissing his stenographer. “ Ye*, the girl yelled fo r help.” “ G ee! Wasn't Jobnao. enough?"— American Hpectstor.__________ As molasses »ttracts files ao doe« a busy man attract loafers. P H O TO HUPPL1KH; Kodeli developingM idHTW » in*; writ« fbr prk-t's \V ... lnr«l, Clarke A < M A d le L A N T J C K N 8 — Welster C’o., Portland. Lowest prices on Lantornn anti siidee. E L A S T IC H O n lK K Y ; «importers. Braces; Knit to L it; fr« e nicasvirement blanks; Woodard, < lurke. OR. T. P. WISC. TR U S SES sent f>n approval; we Rimrantee fit la most difficult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. A R T I F I C I A L E Y E S ; eyery shade and s b a p «; as­ sortment sent on npproval : Woodard, Clarke Co C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S —W e Knarantee the U. A. Separator to be the best. Write lor free catalog. Hazel wood Co., Fifth and Oak. For a Good Complexion Clear Eyes — Sweet Breath •Clean Tongue •Calm Nerves — Good Temper and — Poise Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need It. Carry a little 10c Emer­ gency box constantly with you, in your Purse or Pocket. When do you need one? to o !” V .r r Every day in every year that comes, more housewives are giving up their exorbitant priced B a k i n g P o w d e r » « * turning to K C, the honest and reliable, which has stood so well the test of years. They are fin ing out that . The story that files were entirely harmless and were useful In the role o f scavengers was prevalent fo r many years. But w ith the coming o f bac­ teriology. this was exploded and the fly was looked at askance, though the exact amount o f harm which the fa ­ m iliar Insect did was unknown, says the New York Herald. There have been many experiments made to ascertain this fact, but the most recent were carried on at Johns Hopkins University. A box which had been divided Into two parts was pre­ pared. In one side was exposed some food material, which was Infected with a species o f harmless bacteria euslly recognized. In the other side was placed a dish containing a sterile nu­ trie n t such as Is used as a culture me­ dium fo r bacteria. Common house files were confined In the first com partment and as soon as they were seen to alight upon or eat o f the food which had been Infected they were allowed to go through a small door Into the other side o f the box so that they might have the opprtunlty to come In contact with the culture medium. The result was that the bacteria which had been deposited upon the sterile nutlrent mul­ tiplied there and produced characteris­ tic colonies. These experiments were further car­ ried out by placing a dish o f molasses with which had been mixed yellow bac­ teria In one side of the box with a dozen files. H a lf an hour later the door connecting the two sides was opened and the files allowed to come In contact with the sterile nutrient As soon ns this was accomplished the dish was covered and put away to develop. A few days later It was examined and over a hundred colonies o f yellow bac­ teria had formed on the sterile nutri­ ent The same experiment was re­ peated with red and violet cultures with the same result It was proved that the germs from which these colo­ nies grew came from the Infected ma­ terial In the first compartment and not from accidental sources. Other groups o f files were allowed to come In con­ tact with the nutrient but with no In­ fected material, and the yellow, red and violet colonies were not produced. Further proof that the files were the only means o f transmitting the bac­ teria was made by placing the Infected material In the first compartment but with no files. The result was that the dishes o f nutrient In this case pro­ duced no colonies. "I More Converts Every Year b a c t e r ia th a t T h e y A r e C a p a b le S p r e a d in g : D te e a e e . Show — WhenyourTonguelscoated | — When you have Heart­ burn, Belching, Acid Risings In Throat. — When Pimples begin to peep out. — When your stomach Gnaws and Burns. Thai’s the time to check coming Con­ stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret. e • • One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, Is war­ ranted to cure the worst case of Consti­ pation or Indigestion that walks the earth. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it will Insure you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these Ills begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutri­ tion. Cascareis don’ t purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. T hey don't act Hke “ P hysic" that flush wit the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Juice needed lor tomorrow's Bowel-work. No. — they act like Exercise, on tha Bowels. Instead. They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles by exercising them. This stronger action, producing greater nutrition from food, brings back to the Bowel-Muscles greater strength for self­ operation. The Bowel-Muscles can thus,In a short time, dispense with any Drug assistance whatever. Cascarets are safe to take as often as you need them, while pleasant to eat as Candy. e e e M E N 'S CLOTH 1 N O — Huff urn Pendleton, solo fluents Allred Benjamin A Co.'» correct clothe». Everything In men’s turnlshlnK». Morrt»on and Sixth street». Opposite post office. | P O U LT R Y ' FOOD—I f you want your ben» to lay more egu* write ns for free particular» about P U ­ R IN A P O U L T R Y * E E lib — Acme M ill» Co., Portland, Oregon. P IA N O S A O R O A N S — oldest piano house on I’a» « ;:.c coast. Organs ami Pianos on easy payments. Write for list. Let ns quote you a price. Allen «T ‘ - ” Oregon. Oil tiert Ramata er t Co., Po Portland, rE L K G K A P H T T A IG IIT F R E E . Com- j»let*’ course ami poeIt on scoured when graduated This offer good only for short time. W rite for par- A U IF IC T E L E G R A P H IN S T I T U T E tlculárs. P ......................... Grand T h ea tre Building, ’ortland, Oregon. W. L. D ouglas f *31? & *3-? S H O E S ™ . W . L . D o u g la s » 4 . 0 0 C llt e d g e L in e c a n n o t be e q u a lle d a t a n y p ric e . I *.vt>ov«u , r Then carry the little ten-cent box coin stanly with you In your purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need II. One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue- 'l l esT*8ÜSMl0 p a y e tar* C at rr*L »2,50(11 W. L O O U O I A S M A K t » A S H I 8 M O K A All druggists tell them— over ten m il­ K tF K 8 » 3 . 5 0 8 M O F 8 T H A N A N Y O T H C ñ M A K U f A O T U R i R IM THE W O RLD. lion boxes a year, lor six years past. ton, wh. can dUfrov* ttM, ■titanwet. Be very careful to get the genuine, made H I could U k , you Into m v three t a r , , f . c t . r t r , only by the Sterling Remedy Company ■t llrn ck ton , M a n ., and «h o w yo u t h . In t ln lt. r , w ith w h i c h . v . r y pair of ,h