Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 21, 1906, Image 2

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    WasfeftM County lews
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P O R JB T G R O V E ........... OREGON
I .
I d a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of »he Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
o f the Past Week.
TLe Corean revolt is spreading.
Japan plans to monopoluze the trade
gjj of the Orient.
Fire at Los Angeles destroyed a bloc k
> in the wholesale district.
A number of Russian newspapers
have been suppressed for printing news
of the Bialystok massacre.
The bouse has passed a hill granting
- California 5 per cent of the net pro-
ceeds of the sale of public lands.
It is expected that the Italian gov­
ernment will soon issue an order for
the complete exclusion of American
I canned meats.
Count W itte expresses the opinion
that ths Russian douma is becoming
revolutionary in its character.
I also says the Jews have brought their
[troubles on themselves.
A submarine eruption recently threw
| up a small island near Boroslov, an is-
! land in Alaskan waters.
Boroslov was
jiH upheaved in the same way 100 years
jfSago and another small island in 1882.
Dr. W. T . Marric, commissioner of
jieducation, has tendered his resignation
>‘jto the president and the latter has an-
nonneed the appointment of Dr. Elmer
'iiE . Brown, profisior of education at
the California university, as his suc­
Revolutionary feeling is spreading in
Tobacco trust officials have been in-
idicted for conspiracy.
Evidence is being found that Dreyfus
¡¡¡was convicted by forgery.
California is pushing the fight on
“ six-bit” insurance companies.
The president and house committee
have agreed on a meat inspection bill.
The Hermann land case trial at Port­
land is expected to take place the first
>' July.
The Russian nobility w ill refuse to
iiv id e »heir estates with the peasants
p n order to prevent a revolution.
The 131st anniversary of the battle
jfaf Bunker hill was celebrated at Bos-
|ton, where the day is always regarded
|is a holiday.
Unemployed Men fo r Kansas Grain
Fields Hard to Find.
Topeka, Kan., June 19.— Kansas is
sending out the strongeat appeal of her
history for men to work in the harvest
fields. The difficulties of the last few
years getting help to gather the wheat
before it becomes dead ripe and scatters
in the gathering w ill be intensified this
year if the advance signs are token of
what is to come.
A t least 25,000 more men than are in
sight now w ill be needed, and deeperate
measures w ill be adopted to draft men
into the service behind the self-binders.
Competition for labor is stronger this
year than ever before. There seems to
be no idle men anywhere.
Appeals have been addressed to the
employment agencies in Chicago, St.
Louis and other large industrial cen­
ters. The inswer has come hack in al­
most every nstance that it is impossi­
ble to fill the orders.
Factories are running at full capacity
all over the country. Building opera­
tions are going on'on a scale exceeding
anything of the kind in past years.
These activities, in addition to the
many public improvements that are in
progress, have absorbed the bulk of the
labor of the country, skilled and un­
State F'ree Employment Agent Gerow
holds that a number of railroads are
largely to blame for the shortage of
harvest hands. He says the railroads
need every man they can get to com­
plete their own work, and for this rea­
son have refused to grant the 1 cent a
mile passenger rate that is usually made
for the harvest bands. They fear, it is
said, that the call from the wheat
fields, with the attractive wages, w ill
draw away their laborers, who get only
$1.25 for working on tracks.
The Rock Island and Union Pacific
have given the harvesters’ rate, but
the other lines are obdurate.
There w ill be no room for complaint
on account of compensation. The farm­
ers, if need be, w ill pay as high as $3
a day for good men.
The ordinary
wage w ill be $2 to $2.50. Board and
lodging are also given. Farmers w ill
co-operate with each other, and there
will be less "stealing” of the hands of
others than in past years.
The fiat has gone out unofficially that
there must be no able bodied men in
Kansas at harvest time.
The loafer
who mn work will be obliged to toil or
leave the state.
Local authorities in
cities and towns hitherto have co-oper­
ated with the agriculturists in enlisting
the whole available force for field work.
They w ill do so again this year.
Present indications are that Kansas
will harvest 65,000,000 bushels of
wheat. The usu*l migration from the
Texas and Oklahoma fields w ill recur
this year, but this source of aid of
itself w ill not he sufficient.
A I. L. Craig, general passenger agent
rf the O. R A N ., has resigned to take
U better position with the Great North- Surprising Amount o f Business Now
}ir n . W illiam McMurray, of Portland,
in San Francisco Postoffice.
I will likely be Mr. Craig’s successor.
Washington, June 19.— Postmaster
Presbyterian churches throughout the General Cortelyou has received final
iDnited States are raising a fund of reports from the postmaster at San
H300,000 with which to rebuild the Francisco, dealing with detailing the
Jidifices of that denomination destroyed postal conditions during the great dis­
p y the Ban Francisco earthquake and aster there and pointing out that the
lire .
amount of mail lost was comparatively
The postmaster reports that
Japan has suppressed the outbreak small.
May 2 the records of the canceling ma­
i n Corea.
chines at the San F'rancieco postoffice
Castro w ill resume the presidency of showed the collection of mail within
¡Venezuela July 6.
60,000 letters of the heaviest collection
The army w ill soon abandon San on record in the office, while the stamp
sales were within $300 of normal.
1 Francisco relief work.
The postmaster says, however, that
The czar is preparing for an open re- the mails of second-class matter were
olt in Southern Russia.
but a litttle over 20 per cent of the
A Texas negro has been sentenced to amount before the earthquake.
adds that there has been no falling off
¡he penitentiary for 909 years.
in the amount of registered mail re-
I H alf of San Francisco’s present water cei ved.
Jupply is wasted by leaks in the mainB.
There were 20 employee of the post-
The Blackfoot Indian reservation in office whose homes were burned out in
lontana w ill Le opened to settlement. the fire, many of the men being left
destitute,but eu far as known onlv one
Germany is planning to spend $50,-
employe, a carrier, lost his life, while
00,000 in widening and improving the
one other is missing. The postmaster
Ciel canal.
general has written the postmaster,
A pretended president of the Philip­ specially commending the action of
pine republic has si rrendered to the certain employes and has called the at­
tention of the secretary of the treasury
The house committee on agriculture to certain officials in the custodian
as agreed to Roosevelt's demands on service of that department.
Attorney General C raw tord Would Bountiful Yield* From Grand Ronda
Orchards is Assured.
Remedy Many Defects.
La Grande— It is estimated by the
Salem— Attorney General Crawford
has started a movement for the revieion principal fruit growers of Grand Rond*
of the criminal laws of the state by re­ valley that the output for »his section
moving delects and enacting new laws, this year w ill be 400 carloads. The es­
so that the guilty shall not escape upon timate on apples, which are the largest
technicalities. H e has addressed a let­ crop, is 314 cars; prunes, 65 cars;
ter to each of the prosecuting attorneys pears, peaches, plums and cherries, 20
of the state, asking them to submit to cars. These figures are considered reli­
him such recommendations npon the able, as there was but little variance in
need of criminal legislation as they the different estimates given and the
may think beet, and he w ill lay the eetimates on prunes all agreed.
whole matter before the judiciary com­ forecast is made on the expectation of a
continuation of the present favorable
mittee of the next legislature.
In hie letter Mr. Crawford says that conditions, which could hardly be im­
probably every district attorney has in proved upon; the fruit is set on »he
his experience found some laws which trees as full as it can be to give first-
are so defective in their terms that men class quality.
who are guilty cannot be convicted,
In securing the foregoing report it
and have found some offenses for which was also possible to obtain some inter­
no statute whatever is provided. He esting figures relative to the enormous
says that the time to remedy the de­ increase in the apple orchard acreage.
fects in the criminal laws is during a There are now 200,000 apple trees in
session of the legislature, and, in order this valley and of this number 146,000
that this may be done properly, the are in bearing. That is to say, this is
laws should be drafted before the legis­ the number of trees of five years old
lature meets.
and upwards.
Five years hence, when
The prosecuting attorneys, he thinks, the whole number of trees are in bear­
are in the best position to learn of the ing, the yield of an average crop year
defects in the laws, and he wants them w ill be a million boxes, or about 1,666
to suggest the changes that should he car loads. It is not too much to say
made. W ith recommendations before that within a short time the apple crop
him from all the prosecuting attorneys, income of this valley w ill be a million
the attorney general w ill be able to lay dollars a year.
before the legislature information that
Even at the cider factory price of $5
w ill enable that body to place the crim­ per ton, ten year-old trees will on aver­
inal laws in a much better condition age years yield at the rate of $442.63
than they have ever been before.
per acre.
A very striking illustration of the
W hile the apple is in the ascendancy
defective condition of the criminal laws
was found when the state land fraud as the commercial fruit oi this valley,
prosecutions were begun in Marion the cherry plays quite a part.
county something over a year ago. nery representatives are here now mak­
There was no law under which men ing contracts for cherries at 4 to
could be convicted after they had sworn cents per pound. The La Grande fruit
falsely in making applications for the growers w ill have about 20 tone to offer,
but this includes only the sweet varie­
purchase of school lands.
There was no statute making it a ties suitable for canning, such as Royal
crime to sign a fictitious name to an ap­ Anns and Centennials.
Old cherry trees in some orchards in
plication for the purchase of school
There was no law to be found the valley have yielded as high as 800
for the punishment of a notarv public pounds to the tree. The price paid is
who affixed his seal to au instrument $80 per ton and at this rate old trees
which he had drawn, and to which be w ill yield $3,200 and upwards per acre.
A ll these figures and estimates are
had signed a ficticious name.
At nearly every term of court men based on as reliable facts as are obtain­
who are placed on trial escape punish able. It is not necessary to exaggerate
ment, although proven guilty, because the fruit industry of Grand Ronde.
the statute does not quite cover the The truth is good enough.
crime committed. It is defects of this
kind that Attorney General Crawford
wishes to remove. He is not Beeking
to make crimes of small offenses which
are of no importance, but merely so to
correct the laws that it w ill be possible
to secure conviction when men are
found guilty of acts which every one
recognizes as criminal in character.
Settlement Named A fter Wagon.
Arlington — Some 30 years ago a few
men settled on a fiat about 12 miles
south of Arlington.
In the crew was
only one wagon— an old Bchutler. In
some way they began calling this neigh­
borhood Schutler, from the old wagon.
A few years later it was, as it ie now,
known as Bchutler Flat.
When the
Condon branch railroad of the O. R. A
N. Co. waB built, a station was estab­
lished near this place, and is named
Bchutler. This is one of the finest
farming sections in Gilliam county, and
thus from an old wagon a name is
found for a fine wheat belt.
Special Prizes at State Fair.
Salem — The state board of agricul­
ture has voted to offer three special
prizes for the best individual farm ex­
hibits to be made at the state fair this
fall. The prizes w ill be $75, $50 and
$25 in cash and in addition the 8tude-
baker company will give a $100 wagon,
the E. S. Lamport company a $40 set
ol harness and F. E. Shaler Saddlery
company a $10 robe.
It is expected
that a large number of farmers will
compete for these prizes.
Durbin w ill supply applicants with all
the necessary information.
President Signs Statehood
Makes It a Law.
Bill and
Washington, June 18 .— Another star
was added to the Union Saturday when
President Roosevelt signed the bill ad­
mitting Oklahoma and Indian Territory
as one state. The measure also pro­
vides that Arizona and New Mexico
mav be admitted to statehood as the
state of Arizona, provided the people of
the territories vote in favor of admis­
sion on the terms submitted by con­
The signing of the measure was made
the occasion of an interesting cere­
mony. Senator Beveridge and Repre­
sentative Hamilton, chairmen of the
senate and house committees on terri­
tories, who have worked long and hard
for the measure, were present, as also
were Delegate McGuire, of Oklahoma,
and a number of residents of Okla­
homa; Delegate Andrews, of New Mex­
ico; Secretary Loeb and others.
before the president signed the bill,
Ambassador Speck von Sternberg, of
Germany, was ushered into the office,
and he, too, witnessed the ceremony.
The president uted two pens in Jsign-
ing the measure, writing the first
name, “ Theodore,” with a solid gold
pen presented by the people of A ri­
zona, his family name, “ Roosevelt,”
with an eagle’ s quill taken from an
eagle in Oklahoma.
Afte. signing thq bill, the president
congratulated Mr. Beveridge and Mr.
Hamilton on the completion of their
long and arduous labors in connection
with the measure.
He also expressed
the hope that the people of Arizona and
New Mexico would avail themselves of
the opportunity to come into the Union
as a state. From every view point, he
said, he regarded this as the wise thing
for them to do, as the opportunity
might not come again in a score of
years. The president said that he had
a personal interest in the admission of
Arizona and New Mexico, as many of
the members of his regiment, the
Rough Riders, resided there
Massacte at Bialystok Will Be Imitat­
ed in Other Cities.
Horrible Details of Butchery «
Jews (ilven Out.
Troop s Helped Mobs— Bullet and Bj
onet Wounds Betray Work of
Brutal Soldiers.
St. Petersburg, June 19. — The
hargo on news from Bialystok wasli|t!j
today, and the Associated prei8
correspondent was for the first tizne^f
lowed to telegraph directly fromtk
sacked city a picture of the
ruin and desolation left in the
the mob. According to frequent bo]
letins, order was restored this mornis.
The story told by the Awociated
Press correspondent is a dreadful one
but there are indications that he h«
been prevented by the censorship froo
relating further details about the cot.
dition of corpses, the utter bestiality oi
the mob and the inabil ty of the troops
to cope with the excesses during the
first dayB of the rioting.
It is evident from the dispatches that
the excesses assumed the character o|,
three cornered fight between the mili.
tary, the mob and armed members ol
the Jewish Bund, who, instead of mb.
mitting passively to slaughter, as their
unarmed co-religionists have done hers
tofore, carried the war into the enemti
camp and fought bravely.
“ Merely saying that the corpses were
mutilated,” the correspondent writee,
“ fails to describe the awful e<-enee!
The faces of the dead have lost all hu­
man semblance and the corpses simply
are crushed masses of flesh and bone
soaking in blood. It is impossible to
conceive of Buch bestiality. The corpse
of Teacher Aptstein lay in the grass
with the hands tied. In the face sod
eyes had been hammered three-inch
nails. Rioters entered bis boms and
after fearful outrages killed him and
murdered the rest of his family of
When the corpse arrived at
the hospital, it was also marked witn
bayonet thrusts.
“ Beside the body of Aptstein lay ths
corpse of a child of 10 years, whose
leg had been chopped off with an si.
Here also were the dead from the Acb-
lacter home, where, according to wit­
nesses, soldiers came and plnndersdtbi
house, killed the wife, son and a neigh­
bor’ s daughter and seriously wounded
Achlacter and his two daughters.
“ I am told that soldiers entered the
apartments of the Lapidus brothers,
which were crowded with peoph who
had fled from the streets for safety, and
ordered the Christians to separits
themselves from the Jews.
A Chris­
tian student named Dikar protested and
was killed on the spot.
Then all the
Jews were shot.”
Berlin, June 18.— “ 3Ve have every
reason to believe that the massacre oi
Jews at Bialystok is a rehearsal for a
wholesale repetition of the atrocities of
last October,’ ’ said Dr. Paul Nathan,
president of the Central Jewish R elief
league of Germany. "O ur information
indicates that the Bialystok massacre is
the same sort of officially inspired
counter revolutionary outbreak as was
that at Odessa. We have learned posi­
tively that the government’s allegation
that the trouble began in consequence
of the bombs being thrown at a Chris­
tian religious procession by Jews is a
ridiculous falsehood. Bialystok is still
in the hands of the drunken Cossacks,
who are determined that no Jews shall
be allowed to escape or go unrobbed.
“ The military have deserted the rail­
way station and every passing train is
held up and the passengers plundered.
Panic reigns in the neighboring v il­
lages, which fear they w ill be the next
object of attack.
Numerous German
firms and individuals are among the
sufferers at Bialystok and cause the
suggestion that German intervention be
Bright’s Disease Carries O ff John M.
Pattison Suddenly.
Cincinnati, June 19.— John M. Pat­
tison, governor of Ohio, died of Bright !
Rate Bill Conferees Thrash Over Old disease at 4:20 yesterday afternoon >t
Straw Without Result.
his home in M ilford, 15 miles ezitof
Washington, June 18. — In the ab­ this city.
On a beautiful hillside near
sence of Representative Sherman, of bis home his body will be laid to r«t
New York, who was out of the city, the on Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock alto
conferees on the railroad rate bill were services in the Methodist church.
in session less than an hour today, and
His death came suddenly and wm
reached no decision on any subject. unexpected even by his physicians and
The pipe line amendment was dis­ family.
Flarly Sunday evening tbs
cussed, Senators Elkins and Tillman governor suffered considerable zente
opposing any change in th i provision pain, but later he sank into a quist
making them common carriers and con­ sleep. At 10 o ’clock yesterday morn­
tending that most of the companies ing Dr. Belt made his usual visit and
that have protested the amendment are found hiB patient in a comatose state.
subordinate companies of the Standard The governor never rallied and death
Oil company.
came peacefully at 4:20.
Opponents of the amendment pro­
Andrew H . Harris, lieutenant gov­
posed that the amendment which pro­ ernor, who, under the constitution, be­
hibits a common carrier from carrying comes governor during the rest of the
commodities it produces be changed to term for which Mr. Pattison was elect­
read: “ railroad carrying commodities ed, ie a Republican. He was born ia
it p>-odU(.e (i” ;n order that thig amend.
Butler county, Ohio, November l'i
ment shall not conflict with pipe lines, 1835. He was admitted to the bar ia
which are constructed for the so’e pur­ 1865. H j was elected lieutenant gov­
pose of carrying their productions.
If ernor both times that William McKin­
this were done, they agreed to support ley was chosen governor.
the pipe ilne amendment.
Prunes Promise Great Yield.
Salem— The rains of the past two
weeks have not done as much damage
to berries in this vicinity as expected,
and a good crop ia being gathered.
The wet weather has made pasturage
excellent and an enormous crop is as­
sured. With few exceptions, prune
groweis report bumper crops, and in
some orchards the fruit is so abundant
that weak limbB are already breaking.
Grain Sack Problem Serious.
A few cherries have been cracked by
Pendleton— The grain sack problem the wet weather.
promises to be serious for the farmers
of Um atilla county, who w ill use 2,-
000,000 this year.
A t the present
prices, 10 cents each, this means $200,-
Wheat — Club, 72373c; blueslem,
000 in this county.
Other Eastern 74@75c; red, 70371c; valley, 72c.
Oregon counties, it is estimated, will
Oats— No. 1 white feed, $31.50332;
use at least 2,000.000 more, making a
gray, $31.50 per ton.
total of $4,000,000 for this section.
Barley — Feed, $24324.50 per ton;
This entails the expenditure of nearly
half a million dollars for grain sacks, brewing, nominal; rolled, $25 3 26.
which, together with the expense of
Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1, $12.50
harvesting the crop, represents an <a 13 per ton; clover, $7.50@8; cheat,
enormous expenditure of money before $»’ 3 7 ; grain hay, $7(3)8; alfalfa, $13.
anything is realized from the crop.
Fruits— Apples, $2 5033.50 per box;
apricots, $1.253$2 per crate; cherries,
75c@$l per brx; strawberries, 5@7c
Resume W ork on Reservoir.
Eugene — W jrk on the big reservoir per pound; gooseberries, 5@7c per
for irrigation purposes started at -Lake pound; Logan berries, $1.76 per crate.
Waldo, in the Cascade mountains, 100
y e^o.»Kiae— Beans, 638c; cabbage,
ha meat inspection b ill.
miles east of Eugene, by A. R. Black 1 ? 4 C per pound; lettuce, head, 16325c;
Foreigners Refuse to Pay Tax.
last fall, will be resumed within t few onions, 8310 c per dozen; peas, 435 c;
Mrs. E. H . Conger, wife of the ex-
Must Clean Up Promptly.
London, June 19.— The correspond­ days. Mr. Black has left here with a radishes, 10320 c per dozen; rhubarb,
minister to China, has sold for $7,000
June 18.— The citv health
good sized force of men to continue the 3c per pound; spinach, 2 3 3 c per
rug which she bought in Pekin for
say* that the deficit in the next budget work. A year ago this summer Black pound; parsley, 25c; turnips, $131.25 department has sent its first official
00 .
is expected to reach $40,000,000. The filed on the waters of the lake and per sack: carrots, 653 75c per sack; written notice to the packing compan­
A movement has started to depose correspondent save that the majority of announced a big irrigation project for beets, 85c3$l per sack.
ies at the Union stockyards to improve
ba insane king of Bavaria.
the foreigners resident at Nagasaki re­ the upper W illam ette valley.
sanitary conditions of their plants. The
Onions— New, l S , 32 c per pound.
packers were intructed that they mnst,
Many Oregon and Washington post- ine* to pay the income tax and that the claims to be backed by Eastern capital­
Potatoes — Fancy graded Burbanks, within three days, discard the filthy
laiters have received an increase in German consul is supporting them. ists, and says he w ill carry his plans to
50360c per hundred; ordinary, nom­ tables and benches, provide cleaner
The dispatch adds that an army reform consummat.on in the not far future.
inal; new California, 2323gc per rooms and tools, and correct some of
commieeion has been appointed, con­
Mayor Bchmita, of Ban Francisco,
sisting of the ministers of War, In­
the present unsanitary
as decided that saloons may open
Potter— Fancy creamery, 17,H320c Structural changes in the buildings, in­
struction and Btats, to remedy defects
Newport— J F. Stewart. William
Bly 6.
in the army disclosed by the war with S.'arth and O. Krogetad, members of per pound.
cluding new toilet rooms and more ven-
Light earthquake shocks are felt fre­ Russia.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 21 322c per tilaUon and light, mast be made within
the Toledo corporation organised for
cently at San Francisco, but no dam-
30 davs.
the pnrpote of securing the rifjht of dozen.
ie is done.
Jewish Appeal fo r Help.
way for the coast railroad, werej in this
Poultry — Average old hens, I 83
Rioting has been returned at Bialy-
British Colonies Guilty, Too.
London, June 19.—The Daily Tele­ city last week agitating the forming of 1^*4 per pound; mixed chickens, 123
ok, Russia, and parliament has sent a graph this morning prints a telegram a company of Newport people to help
London Jane 18.— The report of Dr.
12S,c; broilers. 15316 54 c; roosters,
immittee to investigate.
received in London from Helsingfors, in the endeavor to bring the railroad 9 t * 3 U c ; dressed chickens, 13314c- Thomas, the medical officer of the bor­
Leaders in congress agree to loan Finland. It is dated 8unday after­ through this section. They succeeded tnrkevs, live, 17 3 17><c; turkeys, ough of Stepney, to the local govern-
0,000,000 to San Francisco banks for noon and is signed by M. Vinavsr.
in arousing the citiiens to such an ex­ dressed, choice, 20322 c; geeee, live
; 8h° WS th ,t hi8 department
The telegram says:
"T h e outbreak tent that a company with $5.000 cap­ 81439c; ducks, old, 11 3 12 c; young’
• in rebuilding the city.
arm* the last five years has destroyed
at Bialystok clearly was the beginning italisation is proposed to be formed.
12t, 313c.
' * to" of ro‘ <*" tinned foods daily
Roosevelt condemns the meat inspec- of an organized massacre similar to the
at the Stepney wharvee.
These, he
Hope— Oregon, 1906, 934312c.
>n b ill and threatns to call au extra bloody October days.
Only energetic
Bend Ships Horses.
i o . T * “ 0t Americ* n »oods, a,
■ion if action is not taken on the intervention can prevent a terrible
W ool— Eastern Oregon average best, nrart’
practically no canned goods from Amer-
Bend— Many horses are being ship­
catastrophe. Peri) ie imminent. Ap­ ped from Bend and vicinity to Portland 183231*«; valley, coarse. 2234323 c-
DC®ri " * re ' “ Potted through the
fine, 243 25c; mohair, choice, 28330c
peal to all influences to help ne.”
and other point* in the vslley.
Many per pound.
The naval bill provides $05,000 with
• T frmt.
, " ’- bDt were C0l0“ i»l
***•*•» h and
riders are out on the ranges ronnding
Ich to establish wireless telegraph
'• * 1 — Dreeeed. 437c per pound.
Smoka From Shasta.
tions along the coasts of Oregon,
Redding, Cal., June 19.— Reports are that considerable horse thieving has
— Dreeeed bulla, 3e per ponnd;
Pass Three Big Bill*.
ishington and California.
being received here that smoke is pour­ been going on in this section, as a num­ cow*, 4343SH e; country steers, 536c.
Washington, Jnne 18 — A conclusion
The governor of California and mayor ing from the eon* of Mount Shasta and ber of valuable horse* are misting, and
*• reached late thia afternoon by
Mntton — Dreeeed. fancy, 738c per
tan Francisco have joined in an ap- that daep rumbling* are heard in the aa some suspicion* characters have been pound; ordinary, 5 3 6 c ; lamb*, with
wher*by the meat inspec'-
T b * report*
are not I aeen on the range* of late it ia feared pelt on 8 c.
I to the insurance companies for a mountains.
»on bill, the pure food bill and the im-
are deal to " in Francisco.
that the animal* have been ran off.
Pork— Dreeeed, 739c per pound.
| »ig w tio n bill are all to be pa* ed this
*eek in the order named.
Cannot Enter Conspiracy.
Pueblo, June 19.— Holding that *
corporation cannot enter into a con’pi»-
acy or commit a crim*, District Jodg*
Dixon today sustained a motion toqxadj
the indictment returned by ths g * “1
jury against the Colorado Fuel A
company, and the Colorado Snpplj
pany, charging them with the violatK®
of the law hearing on the “ truck ip"
tem.” Judge Dixon stated that ths in­
dictment was fatally defective in
it failed to state connection Frank •
Hearne, D. C. Mann, J .C Scbenckand
others had with the companies.
. a
Total o f Dead Uncertain-
Bialystok, Jnne 9.— Quiet reigns »*■
dav throughout this devastated 1®*"'
Firing was heard at midnight on
outskirts of Bialystok, near the
tery, bat no further disorders h*v* **
rnrrecf. The total figures of the «•**
alties are not available, but 70 _
were buried today.
This is c1* ’ “1*?,
he less than half the total of the kilJNj
Jewish estimates say that not le* 1 ,
200 were killed.
The nnmb*» 01
wounded ia enormous.
Counted 290 Jewish Dead.
Odessa, Jnne 19.— The
this city published a dispatch '« ■
from its correspondent at Bialf ^
“ I personally conn tad
Jewish corpse*, a great n0“ b#ItalT
which were horribly mutilated, v*
•»* Christiana were killed.”