Conservator Nites (Weekly Index.) ny of in Forest Grove, Saturday Two new teachers are added to the Musical Faculty for next year. Miss Ethel Moseley and Miss Frances Clapp will act as assistant piano teachers. Their pupils will be under the super­ vision of the Director and will also be restricted to those in the beginning parts of the world, sailed from this port - H a v e you weakness of any k in d - Inklings From San Francisco grades. ;..L i hours c stomach, fftm a p n h a r ic . nr nv n r a a n c of ni. Miss Wilhelmina Heidel visited in days ago w . i t . h . i n . forty-eight back, or a any organs the : a few Miss Cadwell will not return next Portland, Friday. yourself with ordi­ an E a stern er ’ s view • - fleet within ten years body? Don’t dope yo ! — the largest year and will be missed as she has nary medicine. Hollister’s Rocky It is reported that Mr. Bump en­ The President of one of the largest past done good and conscientious work in joys his Salem trips. Mountain Tea is the supreme curative advertising concerns in the East a Forbes of Montana, arrived in her teaching. How much she has power. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Prof. Robertson’s collection of roses man whose business it is to keep his gey, Tuesday evening, the family progressed in her own study was ap­ Dr. Hines’ Drug Store, took the first prize at the Rose Show. finger on the public pulse, and whose ¡Lining in Portland for a short time. parent in her graduating recital. Prof. Seley of Salem was the guest training has developed keen instinct f,lr Vannoy was quite sick last week Miss Waggener has had two years \ Notice for Publication of H. H. Markel, the latter part of last for the “ pointing of straws,” writes t i tonsilitis. Dr Hines was called of Post Graduate work and how greatly By EV E United States Land Office. Portland. Oregon. significantly concerning the growth of the patient is much improved at she has advanced in tecnique and week. April 27, San Francisco: “ I hear many shrewd Clarence Whealdon of Albany, a writing. more particularly in her interpretative Notice is hereby given that in com pliant with the business men in the East talking of provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 , \%ti power was also evident the Thursday former student, visited friends at School let out in the dead of winter ; entitled “ An act lot the Mie of Umber land. |„ Us' GALES CREEK ! going to the Coast, believing that now night of her recital, Miss Waggener Pacific last week. States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Waihmgtco Mrs. Addie Clapshaw just returned and Miss Cadwell are the only ones this year. Territory,’- as extended to all the Public Land State« by Miss Carrie Fitch and Prin. Bates is a * * * lime t0 *et when act of August 4, 1891, Albert H. Lerte, uf jj oi[S a trip to Hood River. And Bryan will be the next | Branch, county of Lapeer, State of Michigan, has U.j who have finished the piano course as attended the Sunday School Conven- Francisco is rebuilding. This confirms 1 my conviction that San Francisco, nve day filed in this office his sworn statement No. a,., Dallas visited with relatives m yet but Miss Moseley and Miss Clapp : tion at Bethany, Thursday. for the purchase of the NWV, of Section No. 10. m ' years hence, will have a much larger Grove over Sunday. have advanced very much both in their Township No. 1 North, Range No. 6 West, and a 11 Miss Corwin and Miss Greear of Hills­ How would you like to be a beef population than it had before the fire.’ offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuab , U. H . Adkins and A. Dilley spent technique and power of expression. boro, attended the recital given by ' packer? Its much more congenial for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, HOTELS days last week on Wilson River, It is the intention of the Director to ■ Miss Waggener, Thursday evening. being the beef trust than the man and to establish his claim to laid land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Portland. Otegno, Business interests of non-resident iss Desdemona Moore attended fill all vacancies as far as it seems wise It is reported that P. U. had four who ate the beef. on Monday, the 23rd day of July, 1906. He names as witnesses: Archie Greenman of Pon. dance in Forest Grove Saturday with competent and advanced students places at the track meet. Bump and property owners, together with the The Hood River Glacier says “ And land, Oregon; F. C. Whitten of Portland, Oregon; ,v This gives them the necessary normal Markel each had two on the grand- facination to travelers presented by the next day it rained.” It has been A. Wheeler of Portland, Oregon; U. S. Bryan! of i the Phoenix-like growth of the new Portland, Oregon. The last day of school exercises will training which professional students stand. , . , . . . . t rainincf ever since in Forest Grove and Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- city, is bringing an increasing travel, «ro“1 * e ^ must largely gain by experience. held at the School house Ftiday Prof. Bach has been engaged to described lands are requested to tile their claims in this to San Francisco. Every effort is being for sometime beiore. A vocal teacher has not yet been office on or before said 23rd day of July, 1906. ening at 8 o’clock. teach at the Monmouth Summer N or-, , . , At its present rate the Oregonian engaged to take Mrs. Chapman’s I , _ , . . , . . . ... made to provide accommodations tor ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. 'Q iite a number of young people mal School for about ten weeks this | * „ „ ___ ._ (First Pub May 3.) advanced students. transient guests. The St. Francis will have William Jennings Bryan, jtended the circus at Forest Grove | summer. Grill Room will be able to feed the ! president of the United States before Miss Maude Shannon has b e e n 1 at Wednesnay evening. Notice for Publication retained as first assistant. The past | Among the chapel visitors who heard j [ guests who will temporarily abide in a Roosevelt has finished his term. Chas. Wilson, who has been at Spring- yeai she has done careful conscientious Dr. Smith were: Miss Penfield, Rev. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, picturesque wooden annex njw being The only way that Chamberlain was Id, Ore. for sometime, returned work with her students. Herbert Boyd, Rev. Cephas Clapp, erected in Union Square, and which March 19, 1906. elected, as near as we can tell—for the Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the me one day last week. Miss Moseley will also act as an Rev. J. M. Barber and Dr. Bishop. will be ready for occupancy by the first bfcnefi( q{ ^ who don-t “ under. provisions of the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled Miss Iva McCoy, who has been stay assistant in the Vocal Department and j Miss Mabel Bryant, a former student of July. The completion of the Fair- stand it” — must have been from the “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of with Mrs. R. Dunsmoor of Hillside receive a few beginning vocal pupils. is spending several weeks with relatives mount will be rushed and is promised California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory fact that he got the most votes. as extended to all the Public Land States by act of 'r a few weeks is home again. in Forest Grove and renewing old for January. August 4, 1892, Grace J Tuttle, of Por 1 ,nd, county of In Walla Walla County by an agree- Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this | Mr. and Mrs. Jake Shearer and This concert will be given by Mrs. acquaintances among students and The pioneer down town hotel will ment, the Democrats made their nomi- [ Office his sworn statement No. 6835. for the purchase of Lighter, Miss Carrie, spent Sunday Pauline Miller-Chapman, mezzo- friends. probably Oaks Hotel, a ten' the e S w w v* 1/4 o Ot t S Section No. in Tow Township p r u u a u i y be u c the u ic . , th ectio n N o . 8 8 in nship No. 1. S. st with Ernest Olsen and family. soprano, Mr. F. Conrad, cellist, and Prof. Henry B. Ward of the Univer­ story class A building, proposed for »ons the other day by direc primary. Rani[e No. 5 We*. and wlll offer proo( t0 Ihowthl| more valuable for its timber or stone Over 1100 votes were cast and the the land ’ sought — *■* is *-------------------------------- Mrs. William Coruthers, who has F. T. Chapman, violinist. Miss Wag­ sity of Nebraska, who is on his way to \ immediate erection on the site of the than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his county thinks that the Primary Law is claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Port­ Alaska to study the salmon industry for old hotel on Third Street. een spending a few weeks with rela- gener will act as accompanist. a great success. It is quite likely that land, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 19th day of June, 19(6. The celebrated trio in D Minor by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, spent a fives in Dilley and Forest Grove, came He names as witnesses: Henry G. Tut'ld, Oi PortlaLO, The Toy Hotel, to be constructed Mendelsshon for violin, cello and piano few days with Prof. Coghill, last week. on the site of the former Union Square Washington will adopt a primary law as Oregon; Hiram W. Scott of Gaston, Oregon- Olive M. |ome last Saturday. soon as they can. : Scott of Gaston, Oregon; George Tuttle of Poniard will be given. The Q. T. Society gave another Market, Powell and O’Farrel, is Oregon. GASTON Mrs. Chapman will give an Oratorio enjoyable party Friday evening at the planned to have all modern, fire-proof And still some people cannot un d er j Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- described lands are requested to file their claims in ‘his 'v- Mr. Tom Storey visited in Gaston, Aria, a group of ballads, and one home of Miss Goldie Peterson. Those devices— including metal doors and stand why Gov. Chamberlain was re­ office on or befofe said 19th day of June, 1906. • ' une 8. number by request. present were: Misses Edith Jaye, window casings. Structure will con­ elected and maintain that it was a ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. Mr. Konrad presents some of the Helen Bishop, Florence Templeton, (First Pub March 29.) ] Neal Brown attended the races in tain 450 rooms and is estimated to cost surprise. Those people however are most effective cello numbers. [(Portland last week. about 2500 less than those who do Cora Brobst, Helen Drake and Holman about half million dollars. F. T . Chapman will appear with a Fen-in, Robert Loomis, Dwinell Clapp, Miss Edna Hibbs is visiting in Cor- Notice for Publication The demand for high class apart­ understand and we are still puzzling Polonaise of Wieniawsky—one of the Sabert Whalley, Leslie Hope. llis for a few days. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon. ments will be met by the early con- over the estimation of how many brilliant examples of that Polish Dance. May 7th, 1906. The Juniors will not give a play at struction of a number of commodious people have to be surprised before it Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Newell visited One other artist will also likely appear i Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the can be called a “ surprise.” Commencement time as was previously buildings, the plans for which are at n Corvallis, Thursday. provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, en- on the program. An announcement j titled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States decided. The play had been chosen tracting attention through their many Miss Martha Blum visited in Beaver- will appear later. of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter- i Murphy Has Runaway and the parts given out when it was unique features combined with abso- ¡ H'ton, Saturday and Sunday. ! ritory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act j r given up as the time was considered lute security from fire. I Prominent ; On last Monday, early in the after­ | of August 4, 1892, MacRae Vert of Portland, Couth/of <1 , Mr. Latourette of McMinnville, Miss Wagner Gives Recital too short for thorough preparation. will be the Denicke Anartments on noon, the team belonging to the well- M“"“ s'*" of """ tJjj "iballed on Mr. Fred Everest, Saturday. ■ office his sworn statement No. 6916, for the purchase of Last Thursday evening Miss Wilma There will be no Junior Exhibition Mason and Sacramento, to contain 800 known delivery man, Mr. Murphy, b e -! the n . w . v , of section n o . 34, in Town,hi, no . i i . P *.< j. A. M. Porter has purchased the No. 5 W. and will offer proof to show that the j Waggener, assistant teacher in the this year. expenditure came frightened on Main Street and Range i rooms, and involving land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone jiiarm s of Tom Gerrish and Chas. Seth, Conservatory of Music, gave a piano­ Nothing than for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi The track team met in the gymna­ of nearly 81,000,000. If these plans made a break for liberty. jij- •- Miss Grace Harding and mother, forte recital in Marsh Hall. Miss sium Monday night and chose Mr. are carried out, the building will make was badly damaged, however, and the claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Port* j land, Oregon, on Friday, the 27th day of July, 1906. ii li J1-: attended the O. A. C. Commencement Waggener’s programme was one of the Lawrence to captain the team next a most harmonious neighbor for the team was stopped after turning the cor­ He names as witnesses: George Bigelow of Portland, I exercises. Oregon; Edward Jasper of Portland, Oregon; Henry most interesting ever presented in the year. handsome Fairmount across the street ner west on First Avenue North. Jasper of Portland, Oregon; A1 Davis of Gaston, Oregon, / H I I I I Mr. S. Lenox went to Beaverton, Chapel. Each number was played in Lawrence is an enthusiastic athlete \ Sutter street will have a steel and The wagon was turned over but every- Any and all persons claiming adversely the abore Saturday evening, taking with him the artistic and finished manner so and a great favorite with his fellows, reinforced concrete building designed th*nK was Put into service again short- described lands are requested o file their c!a ms in’.to J office on or before said 27th day of July, 1906. some ancient relics that were dug up characteristic of Miss Waggener and He has been in athletics two years; for bachelor apartments. It is to have *7 a^ter ^ e incident ALGERNON S DRESSER. Reprr. near Harry Ball’s farm on the county called forth in hearty applause the as a member of last year’s track team 200 connecting rooms arranged in (First Pub. May 10) road eight feet under ground— princi­ appreciation which all her audiences “Give me time—only give me he was a good point winner and this suites, each with j' jwn bath. pal articles were a very old style gun are so ready to extend her. Below is time!” Pleaded the man, desperately. ASK T H E AGENT FOR 1 year he won the ’varsity “ P” in the On Mason, between Bush and Pine, barrel, also a peculiar hatchet. the programme presented: I will, said the Judge. “ Five first meet. He also has an enviable TICKETS VIA A party of young people surprised 1. (a ) Fugue D Major - - Bach record on the football field. Under an the Daniels’ Apartments will likely be years.” — Ex. among the first to rise in this popular Mr. and Mrs. Bert Best last Thursday ( b ) Capriccia E Major - -Scarlatti efficient coach Mr. Lawrence residential district. undoubtedly devolpe into one of evening. To say that all enjoyed the 2. ( a ) Romanza F Sharp Major Notice for Publication. best weight men of the state. Old San Francisco, famous the world evening would be putting it mild. - Shu mann United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, over for her hotels and restaurants, June 8th, 1906. | Mr. Best supposed that burglars had ( b ) Spinning Song - Wagner-Liszt Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith have is­ will be surpassed in this respect by Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the 'r, taken possession and gave them a 3. (a ) Nocturne Op. 32, No. 1 Chopin provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1873, sued invitations requesting the pres­ the new city. entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the I dexterous gun play. Games were the ( b ) Nocturne Op. 37, No. 2 ence of friends and relatives at the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington | main feature of the evening. All 4. Scherzo Op. 31 The immediate building of so many Territory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by - - Chopin 50th Anniversary of their wedding, on I got home earlv (next day.) high-class and artistic structures, scat­ act of August 4, 1892, Ottilie Louden, of Portland, To SPOKANE, ST. PAUL, MINNI- — Weekly Index. Saturday, June 16, 1906. Mr. and County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day tered over the entire area of the burned « 1 « , _ k 1 APOLIS, DULUTH, CHICAGO, 1CU fi!ed this office her sworn statement No. 6958, for the ! Mrs. Smith were married June 16, At the College ST. LOUIS. district, will have a most beneficial ef- purchaM of the NWVi of Section No. 25. in Township College Notes 1856, and on tnis Golden Anniversary a n d a l l P o in t s E ast and S outh . (F ro m th e W e ek ly In d ex ) of architecture which T " ° 7 We" ’ *ndwi,,0,T" (W e e k ly l o d e ,l ’ u u .n show that the lm d sought | , more valuable for Its I both are in perfect good health al­ feet on the style President and Mrs. Ferrin enter­ will dominate tne new city. timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to I Miss Ethel Water ’05 visited chapel though not as spry, perhaps, as in for­ ert-blish her claim to said land before the Register and 1 tained the Juniors and Seniors at their m e r c h a n t s ’ E xchange mer years. Receiver of U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, on 1 Monday. home Wednesday evening, June 6th. the 27th day of August, 1906. The concentration of business in the Monday, She names as witnesses: A. G. Lefler of Portland A unique entertainment was provided by The Flyer: The Fast Mal Merchants’ Exchange expresses the Oregon; C. E. Shepherd of Portland, Oregon; W. H. S plen d id S ervice , U p to Miss Ferrin and enjoyed by all. As the Patrie of Portland, Oregon; W. Ingalls of Portland. great need for office facilities. Adopt­ Oregon. E q u ipm en t , courteous guests entered the house they were E mployes . ing a broad policy. Secretary Fried- Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- ! attracted by signs, some of which read, described lands are reqnested to file their claims in this j linder has permitted the first floor “ It is unlucky to stumble on the stairs; office on or before said 27th day of August, 1906. BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 Daylight trip through! 1 tk plans of the buildings to be converted ALGERNON S. DRESSER, to overcome this, return and try it Register. j Cascade and Rocky Mounts into temporary offices, and »he ingen­ again,” or “ to avoid ill luck by pass­ (First Pub June 14) uity of the tenants is shown in novel ing under a ladder, whistle.’' Most For tickets, rates, folders ways. The Stock Exchange is operat- astonishing tales were related by the TOURIST Notice for Publication. information, call on or address : ing in full swing, operations being con- guests of the most unlucky circum­ Unite 1 State, Land Office, Portland. Oregon. H. DICKSON. : ! ducted with the old time vim that May 31, 1906. stance of their lives. The prize for City Ticket Agent, 122 ^Tto^ speaks volumes for cofidence in finan- No*lce ii hereby given that in compliance with the the best itory was won bv Mr. D. D. provisions of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878. en­ j rial circles. titled An act for the sale of timber lands In the States ' Bump. Se*“ . of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri S Q YERKES A. G. P - A ' EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR S hipping The guest were next divided in o tory," - ss e a emended Land States States by act ’ A w am “ ■ y . ie n a e n » to all the Public Land ,dColüM*- BETWEEN groups, each group to contribute edi­ Import and export trade have shown * *’ '*” • ,0*eph w *»>• of Portland.; Wash-- ^ °T- 2nd Ave- a torials, ads, society news or locals to a no change from normal condition,. ' ¿ Z Z Z Z i Z X .2 newspaper which was dated eight years The great activity on the water front, purchw ° f *. a. h of section No. is. in Township from that evening. The reading of so characte istic of San Francisco, h « *how that the *“ "°' ‘ is W more " '’ valuable *"i * | land *' sought for its pnx* timber maintained its usual proportions. In or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish j the “ news” proved exceedingly fact the immense frrimh» Mm t h‘*cl,i* » *»•* Mad be*» tb« legist« and Beceiver R o u te yOUT shipm amusing. The guests were then * m 0 th e Wednesday, the ljth day of | G r e a t N o r t h « 1 1 . -THE COMFORTABLE WAT~ August. 1906. trans-Pacific lines are loading and un­ iavited into the dining room where N o u ta o f t h a fn m u u a O r ie n ta l L im it a d He i *: K. G. Staples, V . Inga ils, I Full information from _ they were served with s dainty lunch­ loading an increased tonnage at the ™ l some, . O. Schmidt, all of Pert land, I For detailed Information, rate«, etc., call on ot address W m . H A R P H ^ busy docks. Sixteen hundred and for- 0r^ “‘ eon. At a late hour the guests d t- ___ "• orewso.v. e. r a., r* r M., rem and, ora. Any and all persens clam ing adversely the a llave | General Agent; P o rtla n d .j^ j ty-three tons of silk, tea and rice was described lands are requested to tie their claims in this parted after expressing to President and Mrs. Ferrin appreciation of their the last cargo of the Hongkong Maru. office on or before said 15th day of August. 1906. —Goldenrod Flour no* 95 ALGERNON S. DRESSER. Register. hoapitality. F’fty-three vessels, with cargoes to (Firm Publication June 7th) ■a. pe* sack. Alexander visited friends in last week, returning home, fty evening. Wm. Wilkes, who has been sick with the rheumatism, is tble out again. and Mrs. Herb Hubbert have from a week’s visit with in Portland and Hood River. w SOLILOQUISMS i l J iT H k r 2 Overland Trains Daily THROUGH SLEEPERS SEATTLE CHI CAGO GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY We Give Expedited Service1