K * p OF T E E BU RN T D IST R IC T IN SAN FRANCISCO, gather, with the butts outward He thus BE A C #, produced a spliced stick about twelve *■ hTC feet long. About two feet from either l, end be notched the young tree until he li! could bend the extremities upward; and ff L A M E S A D D A W F U L H O R R O R i f f r*. having so bent them, he secured the TO D E S T R U C T IO N . bent portions In their places by means iW rt* i of lashing of rawhide. The spliced trees iv y 1 now presented the rude outline of the ¡Vo f a r t o t G l o b e Im m une fr o m V section of a boat, having the stem, keel E a r t h 's S h ock s— S om e P o r tlo u s , and stern all in one piece. This haring H o w e v e r , A r e M o r e I .l a b t e t o S e l s - been placed lengthwise between the Ï S S -. u ilo D i s t u r b a n c e s t h a n O th e r s . / C IIA P T E R X V .—(Continued.) and, paddling with his hands, pushed stakes, four other poles, notched In two Sylvia uttered a little cry. Slit; had off from the shore. The clothes floated places, were lashed from stake to stake, Among the great disasters recorded betouie fond of her dumb companion. high and dry, but the reeds, depressed running crosswire to the keel, and form; "K ill Nanny! Oh. Mr. Dawes! What by the weight of the body, sunk so that Ing the knees. Four saplings were now lu history there have been few in for?” tha head of the convict alona appeared bent from end to end o f the upturned which earthquake and tire have com­ Í J “ I am going to make a boat for you,” above water. In this fashion he gained portions of the keel that represented m bined to destroy life and property as he said, "and I want bides and thread the middle of the current, and the out­ stem and stern. Tw o o f these four were in Sau Francisco. Volcanic eruptions 3 3 £6** end tallow.” going tide swept him down toward tha placed above, as gunwales: two below, as % c iOLO*" A 'few weeka back Maurice Frere mouth o f the harbor. bottom rails. At each Intersection the have been frequent accompaniments of earthquakes, aud, us lu the recent ca­ would have laughed at such a sentence; sticks were lashed firmly with fishing > ¿00cl Itufns Dawes, drifting with the cur­ ÍQCWL- but he had begun now to comprehend rent, had allowed himself to coast along line. The whole framework being com­ tastrophe around Naples, have been Çoaaaooi that this escaped convict was not a man the eastern side of the harbor until the plete, the stakes were drawn out. and responsible for great destruction, but -J r » All J fio ara to be laughed at. and though he detested pilot atation appeared In view on tha op­ there lay upon the ground the skeleton there Is no parallel to be found for the him for his superiority, he could not but posite shore. By this time it was nearly of a boat eight feet long by three broad. calamity which descended ujiou the admit that he was superior. Frere, whose hands were blistered and 7 o’clock He landed at a sandy cove, “ You can’t get more than one hide off and, drawing np his raft, proceeded to sore, would fain have rested: but the city of the Golden Gate. There nature UUOGCQ a goat, man?” he said, with an inquiring unpack from among hla garments a piece convict would not hear of 1L "Let us worked with a vengeance, first over­ Doctoeg f / j T '— iQ tone In bis voice— as tnough It were of damper. Having eaten aparingly, and finish,” he said, regardless of his own throwing the buildings and then mak- i Just possible that such a marvelous being dried himself In the son, he replaced fatigue; “ the skins will be dry If we Ing futile the efforts o f man to rab- j as Dawes could get a second hide by the remains of hie breakfast, and pushed atop.” due the flames which attacked the j virtue of some secret process known only his floats again Into the water. • fit " I can work no more.” said Frere. ruined structures. to himself. Arrived at hla destination about mid­ snlklly: “ I can’t stand. Yon've got mus­ No portion of the g! >be. scientists : "I am going to catch other goats at day, he set to work to lay hla snares. cles of Iron, I suppose. I haven't.” declare. Is absolutely Immune from the pilot station.’* The goats, with whose sides he hoped “They made me work when I couldn’t earthquake«, but there are circum­ “ But how are you going to get there." to cover the coracle, were sufficiently stand, Maurice Frere. It la wonderful “ Float across. Come, there is no time numerous and tame to encourage him to what spirit the cat gives a man. There’s scribed regions In which the surface Is for questioning. Go and cut down some use every exertion. He carefully exam­ nothing like work to get rid of aching liable to be shaken which are de- O yjt saplings, and let us begin.” ined the tracks of the animals, and found mnscles— so they used to tell me.” aerllied ns “ earthquake ureas." Snn y * The lieutenant master looked at the that they converged to one point— the S V Francisco Is situated within one of “ Well, what’a to be done now?" convict prisoner with astonishment, and track to the nearest water. With mnch “ Cover the bost. There, yon can set these areas, and has ex(>erlenced nu­ The burnt district of San Francisco Is shown on the map, the numtiered then gave way to the power of knowl­ labor he cut down buahes, so as to mask tbe fat to melt, and sew these hides to­ sections showing the devastating progress o f the lire on the first second, third edge, and did as he was ordered. Be­ the approach to the water hole on all gether, two and two, do yon see? and merous shocks in the past sixty or fore sundown that evening, the carcass aides, save where these tracks Immedi­ then sew the pair nf the necks. There seventy years. and fourth days o f the conflagration. The boundary ns given Is drawn front Italy has for ages been peculiarly o f poor Nanny, broken into various most ately conjoined. Close to the water, and la plenty of catgut yonder." a description by representatives o f the Associated Press, who mnde a tour unbutchery fragments, was hanging on at unequal distances along the various around the district nnd who estimate the circum ference at twenty-six mil«. "D on ’t talk to me as If I were a dog’" subject to the«e seismic disturbances. the nearest tree; and Frere, returning tracks, he scattered the salt he had ob­ says Frere, suddenly. "B e civil, can’ t Its recent experience In connection The boundary o f the district Is so irregular that It Is lmitosslble to give in with as many young saplings as he could tained by his rude distillation of sea yon?” with the eruption o f Vesuvius being accurate estimate of the area, but It is said to be something less than ire drag together, found Rufus Dawes en­ water. Between this scattered salt and But the other, busily trimming and one o f scores occurring In the last cen­ miles square. gaged In a curious occupation. He had the points «here he judged the animals cutting at the projecting pieces nf sap­ The Chicago fire, Oet. t>, 1871, burned over a district that wns about four killed the goat, and, having cut off its would be likely to approach, he set his ling. made no reply. It Is possible that tury. Japan, China, India nnd the miles In extreme length from south to north, the width being averaged it head close under the jaws, and Its legs traps, and retired to watch the effect he thought the fatigued lieutenant be­ western const of South America all have been the scenes of appalling ■ at the knee joint, had extracted the of his labors. nliout two-tlilrils o f n mile. There were some 2.100 ncres In the burnt territory, j neath his notice. About an hour before 3 carcass through a slit, which slit he had About two hours after he had gone, sundown the hides were readv. and earthquakes, hundreds o f thousands of or about three and one-third square miles. The tire started at 9 o’clock p. m'. now sewed together with strings. This the goats came to drink. There were Rufus Dawes, having In the meantime human lielttgs losing their lives. or near that hour, O ct 8, nnd reached Its boundnry on the extreme uon!t I proceeding gave him a rough bag. and five goats and two kids, and they trotted Interlaced the ribs of the skeleton with Compared with other countries, the about midnight o f tbe follow ing day. The number o f buildings burned li jl he was busily engaged in filling this bag calmly along the path to the water. The wattles, stretched the skins over it, with I ’ nlted States has suffered but little placed at 17,4."0, the deaths by the fire estimated at 200, and some 70,000 with such coarse grass as he could col- watcher soon saw that his precautions the hairy side Inward. Along the edges from earthquakes, the most notable people were made homeless. Estimates on the total loss o f property vary, but ■ ■ leet. Frere observed, also, that the fat had been In a manner wasted. The lead of this covering he bored holes at inter­ $190.000,000 may be taken ns n fairly accurate figure. The Insurance written I | of the animal was carefully preserved, tng goat marched grnvely into the vals. and passing through these holes disturbances of the earth’s surface oc- wns $100,22S,000 anil the amount paid $-r>0,178.925. and the intestines had been placed In a springe, which, catching him round the thongs of twisted skin, he drew the The Baltimore fire, Feb. 7. 1904, burned for thirty-six hours and pover.il pool of water to soak. neck, released the bent rod, and sprung whole to the toprall of the boat. One The eouvlct, however, declined to give him off his legs Into the air. He uttered last precaution remained. Dipping the an area o f 140 acres, extreme length 3,800 feet, breadth 2,000 feet. Seventy- Information as to what he Intended to a comical blent, anil then hung kicking. pannikin Into the melted three city blocks were destroyed, besides certain Isolated sections on the water tallow, he do. “ It's my own notion.” he said. “ Let The other goats bounded off at this sud­ plentifully anointed the seams of the ¡ front. Property wns Insured for $50,000,000 and $32,000,000 wns paid. me alone. I may make a failure of it.” den elevation of their lender, and three sewed skins. The host thus turned The Boston fire, Nov. 9, 1872, burned for seventeen hours over an ares Frere. on being preased by Sylvia, af­ more were entrapped at a little distance. topsy-turvy, looked like a huge walnut of sixty-five acres nnd destroyed 8<>0 buildings. The total property loss Is fected to know all about the scheme. He Rufus Dawes now thought it time to shell covered with red and reeking hide, estimated at *80,000,000 and the Insurance was $52,670,000. Fifteen lives were Wad galled to think tli.it a convict secure his prize, though three of the or the skull of some Titan who had been lost by tills fire. H | H should contain a mystery which he could springes were as yet unsprung. He ran scalped. “ There!” cried Rnfns Dawea, not share. down to the old goat, knife In hand, triumphant. “ Twelve hours In the snn On the next day, by Rufus Dawes' but before he could reach him the bare­ to tighten tbe hides, and she'll swim like In 18(58, on the western coast o f the The great conflagrations of history, | directions, Frere cut down some rushes ly dried catgut gave way, and the old a duck.” mountain region o f the Andes from recorded In the order o f their Import­ t, I that grew about a mile from the camp- fellow, shaking his head with grotesque The next day was spent In minor prep­ Chile to Ecuador, a distance o f over ance, begin with the destruction of,| HjlSr Ing ground, and brought them In on his dismay, made off at full speed The arations. The Jerked goat-meat wns ' L, hack. This took him nearly half a day others, however, were secured and killed. packed securely Into as small a compass 1,000 miles. London in 1212 and the loss of thou­ ■ f l to accomplish. Short rations were be- The loss of the springe was not a seri­ as possible. Water bags were Impro­ G r e a t A r e a Is L ifte d . sands o f lives. In id « ) London «gain ginning to tell upon his physical pnw- ous one, for three traps remained un­ vised ont of portions of the Intestines of In 1822 nn earthquake permanently was burned, nnd thousand* more of * l V ara. The convict, on the other hand. sprung, and before sundown Rufus the boats. Rnfns Dawes, having filled raised 100,000 square miles o f land lives were lo s t In 1779 a conflagra­ P I i trained by a woful experience in the Dawes had caught four more goats. Re­ these with water, ran a wooden skewer from two to seven feet The city of tion In Constantinople caused the iw T koats to endurance „f hardship, was moving with care the catgut that had through their mouths, and twisted it Conception was destroyed In 1835 for death o f 7,000 persons. These three 1 ■. |»j slowly recovering hi« original strength, done such good service, he dragged the tight, tourniquet fashion. He also strip­ the fourth time, and 300 shocks were great fires were without rivals la their i f * | ' "W hat are they for?" asked Frere. carcasses to the shore, and proceeded ped cylindrical pieces of hark, and hav­ Jl Y ! | as he flung the bundles down. felt within three weeks. In 1861 the extent until the Chicago fire of 1871,1« to pack them upon hla floats. He dis­ ing sewed each cylinder at the aide, fit I i | j "T o make a float. You nr» very dull. covered, however, that the weight was city of Mendoza, Argentine Republic, which 2,124 acres were devastated, 117,- ted to It a bottom of the same material, Jj I’ fldM r. Frere. 1 am going to swim over to too great, and that the water, entering was destroyed, nnd 12,000 persons were 450 buildings reduced to ashes, 20 and calked the seams with gum and pine H S H th* P*'°* station and catch some of those through the loops of the stitching In the tree resin. Thus fonr tolerable buckets killed. lives lost and 98,000 people were made t* i jf i goats. I can get across cn the stuffed side, had so soaked the rush grass as were obtained. One goat skin yet re­ The Mississippi Valley earthquake o f homeless. i • Iflakln, but I must flout them buck on the to render the floats no longer buoyant. mained. and out of this It was determin­ 1811-12, known r s the New Madrid The Baltimore fire In 1904 «wept He was compelled, therefore, to spend ed to make a sail. “The current was ‘■Vt earthquake, was characterized by the away eighty blocks, covering 140 acre«, that his companion was two hours In restufflng the akin with strong,” said Rufus Dawes, "and we TERRITORY IX EARTIlqCAKE AREA. iv * great prolongation o f its phenomena. nnd destroyed property valued at more ■ U clean ln g the intestines of the goat. The such material ns he could find. Some shall not he able to row far with snch Outer membrane having been peeled off. light and flock-like seaweed, which the oars ns we have got. If we get a breeze currlng In 1811-1812 near the head of Severe shocks occurred at short Inter­ than *50,((OO,000. A fire In Snn Fnn- if * lliltu fu s Dawes was turning tliem inside action of the water had swayed after It may save nur lives." It was Impos­ the Mlsslslppl delta, In Inyo Valley, vals for several months, nnd the entire clseo In 1851 leveled 2,500 building« ‘J * ! (lo u t . This he did by turning up a short the fashion of hayhands along the shore, sible to “ step" a mast In the frail bas­ California, lu 1872, nnd at Charleston, series of shocks covered a period of chiefly smnll fram e structures, and ■ n ffH p le c e of it, as though it were a coat formed an excellent substitute for grass, ket structure, but this difficulty wns over­ ft • « s le e v e , and dipping the turned up cuff and having bound his bundle of rushes come by a simple contrivance. From S. C „ In 188(1. The earthquake at about two years. As the country wns scores o f persons were burned to death. city that practically wa! * * J ¿Sin to a pool of water. The weight " f the lengthwise, with the goatskin as a cen­ thwart to thwart two poles were bound, Charleston destroyed a large number sparsely settled little Is known o f the Another ^ ^^^m vater, pr — i:ig between the caff and terpiece, he succeeded in forming a sort and the mast, lashed between these poles o f buildings anil killed twenty-seven (llstanee to which the vibrations ex­ wiped out wns Troy, N. Y, which Hthe rest of it. bore down a further p»r- of mile ennoe, upon which the carcasses with thongs of rawhide, was secured by (tersons outright, others dying later tended, hut In the central tract the burned In 18(52, with considerable lots j, !{BHtion; hid I V. by repeated dippings, the floated securely. shrouds of twisted fishing line r u n n i n g from Injuries. Eight or ten villages lo­ phenomena were of a most Impressive o f life. Another dlsnstrous fire killed was turned inside out. The N n ljh v h 'ilo The tide wns now running In, and he fore and aft. Sheets of bark were placed cated In Inyo Valley were destroyed character. It Is related that alluvial 2,000 persons in 1863 at Santiago, flL lfilK i.T membrane Ills', having been scraped knew it wns Imperative that he should at the bottom of the craft, and made a land was traversed by visible waves, South America. I H l i M way, ___ there ___ remained .. a fine transparent regain the further shore while the cur­ safe flooring. It was late In the after­ and one-tenth of the population was killed. The New Madrid earthquake of which rocked the forest trees to nnd Considered from the standpoint of nbe, which was tightly twisted and set rent was In his favor. Ho touched, the a i * noon of the fourth day that these prep­ ltl ‘ Jko dry in the sun. chilled water and drew back. For an arations were completed, and it wns de­ 1811-1812 affected a dozen or more fro. uprooted some, nnd permanently lives lost, however, the Iroquois Thea­ v .j B H “ There is tlie catgut for the noose," instant he determined to wait until the cided that on the morrow they should counties lu southern Missouri ntul entangled the branches of others. An ter fire In Chicago, Doe. 30, 1903. ranks ^ ^ ^ H a l d Dawes. "I learned that trick at beams of the morning should illumine adventure the Journey. “ We will coast northern Alabama. area between sixty nnd eighty miles as the most destructive In the history ^ ^ H l h e settlement. Now, that beautiful but treacherous sea, and down to the bar.” said Rufus Dawes. 100,000 D i e I n Qnnkc. £•. j m Frere, following, saw Hint a tire had then tho thought of the helpless child, "and wait for the slack of the tide. I Most disastrous o f all enrthqunkes, ^^BmKteen made between two and tb it who wns, without doubt, waiting and can do no more now." so far as authentic records show, was *',JU ,‘er- his eyes on the glow that, hovering above ■ ■ f t j l ’ T a k e out those stones,” said Dawes the dnrk tree-line, marked her presence, sons. It originated In the center of * j j »Frere obeyed, and saw at the bottom of he pushed the raft before him Into the tlie province, and extending to the V H h t kettle a quantity of sparkling white sen. eastern coast o f Sicily destroyed the ^ B H pow der, and the sides of the vessel Paddling and pushing, he gradually city o f Messina, a tremendous tidal I t ! i j j p 'u s t a d w ill> **H’ s a m e m a te ria l. r ifj edged if toward the firelight; and at wave engulfing the greater portion of 1 | H “ What'a that?" he asked. last, just when his stiffened limbs re­ Am ong the traditions o f old-time the city. "Salt." fused to obey the Impulse of his will, courtship In New England the risks, -H ow .11.1 roll *et It?" Among the earthquakes o f early date and ho began to drift onward with the I *4I tilled th.* kottl.» with aon wator. nnd onward tide, he felt his feet strike firm rivalries, sehomlngs and elopements In Italy was that of A. D. (53. which to be expected o f youthful Impetuosi­ heating i!i»-<- r. d b..t in Ä W « ground. Dragging tha carcasses above wrecked the cities o f Pompeii and Her­ ^ ^ ■ g » , dropped tliem into it. We could high-water mark, he rounded the little ty are not absent; but surely no other ■ I lave caught the steam In n cloth and promontory and made for the fire. He region preserves so many anecdotes of culaneum, sixteen years tiefnre they — I I r r u n g out fr . w .1-1 bad We w 1 gained the tire before the solitary watch­ tranquil, unhurried aud unflurried lov­ were burled under the ashes and lava thrown out by Vesuvius. The most I d o B O ." er there heard his footsteps, and spread ers. Frere burst out in a sudden, fretful his hands to the bias« In silence. One recently related o f a trio o f na­ notable earthquake in Italy In the last adm iration: “ What a fellow you are. Frere, starting, cried, “ It Is you! tives o f old Norley a century ago is century, preceding the one which swept _ lim n ! What are you—d mean, what Have you succeeded?** iC . certainly nn Instance rather o f sense over the northern part o f the country 9 I iava you I w n f “ There are six carcasses down by the In 1805 and caused tremendous dam­ than o f sensibility. A triumphant light came Into the oth rocks. You can have meat for breakfast Ablel came courting to Amanda; age. took place in 1857 In the kingdom r'a face, and for the Instant he seemed to-morrow.” of Naples. tsiut to reply by some startling revela The child, at the sound of the voice, neither was young. Amanda listened The earthquake which visited Lisbon. Ion. Hut the light faded, and he cheek came runutug down from the hut. “ Oh. politely when Ablel proposed, looked V I E W OK MARKET STREET. SAN F R A N C IS C O . d himself with a gesture of pain. Mr. Daweal I aiu so glad! We were him up and down, considered, and an­ Portugal, Nov. 1, 175o, was one o f the most appalling and remarkable mani­ T “ I am a convict. Never mind what tieginnlng to despair— mamma and I.” nounced, with considerate regret: long and half as broad sunk from six o f tills country, nnd has no rival In It* hare been. A tailor, shipbuilder, prod Dawes snatched her from the ground, " I t ’ ll have to be no, Abie); It reelly festations In the history o f modern to ten feet below Its former level. >1, vagabond— what does it matter? and, bursting Into a Joyous laugh, swung horror elsewhere. In this awful tH***' times. Sixty thousand lives are be­ won't alter my fate, will It?” The earthquake which devastated ter (552 lives were snuffed out In a fc* her Into the air. "Tell me,” he cried, will. I’ m sorry, but I can’t make It lieved to have been Vw>t In six minutes. “ If we get safely hack." says Frere. holding tip the child with two dripping my duty to aay otherwise, and It cer­ Charleston, 8. c „ in September. 1886. minutes, with hut slight damage to tie It wns All Saints' day, and the *11 ask for a tree pardon for you. You arm« above him, “ what you will do for tainly ain’t my pleasure. I’ m satis­ was preceded by minor tremors, to me If I bring you and mamma safe fied with a single life. But If you’ ll churches were filled with worshipers, which little attention was paid by tlie theater. Next to this fire, reckoning |eserve it "I don’t want favor at your hands. home agnln?" take It In the spirit It’s offered. I’ ll when the rambling noise which Invari­ Inhabitants o f the city. The disturb­ Its attending loss o f life, was the bnrtff Ing o f Conway’s Theater in Rrooklyn. ■ f |.et * t us get to work. Bring up the rushes '‘Give you a free pardon," said Syl­ give ye a piece o f advice. Try Peter ably precedes nn earthquake wns ^ e a r re, e , and tie a fishing line." via; “ and papa shall make you his aer- Forney's Abigail. She’s better-looking heard. A few moments passed, and ance covered n tract o f country extend­ X. Y.. Dee. 5. 187«. when 250 pew»» H ti» them with » At this instant Sylvia Syl came up. "Good vsnt!” Frere burst out laughing at then came a great shook which threw ing from tbe Atlantic coast to the Mis­ perished In the flame*. H fternoon. M r I hi w res. Hard at work? this reply; and Dawes, with a choking than I be. She's got faculty, and I sissippi Valley, and from Alabama to town the greater portion o f the city '3 ,'li what's this In the th kettle?" sensation In his throat, put the child kind o’ think she ain’t averse to mai^ Lake Michigan. The principal shock H e r X eicllK en rf. Itefore the people had a chance to es'- rlage.” J The voice of the child acted like a upon the ground, and walked away. lasted about one minute, and other “ Yes, he actually had Ills wife »r' •npe from the buildings. The sea re- Ablel, gratefully accepting the ad­ [piarui upou Rufus Dawes, lie smiled In the morning, however, Rufus shocks followed at Intervals with grad­ rested.” Site cheerfully. Dawes was first at work, and made no vice. proceeded at once to Abigail, who tiret. leaving the bar dry. and then “ W hat did he charge her wltbT* "Salt, nils* I am going to catch the allusion to the erene of the previous justified Amanda’s guess at her atti­ rushed back In a wave fifty feet high, ually diminishing violeni'e. A large ■ ta with that." evening. By dint of hard work they got tude toward matrimony. She and he engulfing part o f the city permanently number of houses were thrown down “ Contributory negligence." - and nearly every building In the city “ Catch tha goats! H ow ? Fut It on the four goats skinned, and the entrails “ How wns that?” were aoon married, and In due time to a depth o f HUG feet. The shock was k«ir tails?" she cried merrily. cleaned ready for twisting, by breakfast ‘‘ W hy, It seems that he struck it felt In the Al(>s and on the coa«t of was <1 imaged, the loss being estimated Amanda came to call, and expressed “ Goats are fond of salt, and when I time; and havlug broiled aoiue of the at millions o f dollars. For four days fiercely, and she dodged, nnd he sms**' The waves o f the shook reach­ over to the pilot station. I shall set flesh, made a hearty meal. Mrs. Vick­ (luring her stay a warmer appreciation Sweden, -------- -------------- -------------, ™ P^P'Untlot» canti-ed out. afraid to e