Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 14, 1906, Image 2

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    Washington County hews
FO R E ST G R O V E ........... OREGON
Condensed Form for
Busy Readers.
Resume o f the Lest Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
o f the Past Week.
The president and senate continue at
loggerheads on important measure.
A storm is brewing in the Ruesian
parliament about duplicity regarding
A ll shipping on Kan Francisco bay
continues tied up 6n account of a strike
of the freight handlers.
The house has voted to allow no
money to eoldiers’ homes for mainten­
ance which have canteens.
Chicago courts are trying to decide
who is the head of Zion City at the
present time. Dowie is the star wit­
Strong Insurance Company Withdraws
From Califoreia.
Kin Francisco, June IS.— The Ger­
mania Insurance company, of New
York, w ill write no more insurance in
this state, w ill close all its offices and
abandon California as an insurance
Telegraphic instructions have
been received from the home office to
that effect and w ill be followed.
Two reasons are given for this action.
One, general in its scope, is that of an
ultra-conservative company not caring
to risk any more of its capital in Cali­
fornia losses. The other is more spe­
cific, and says the decision of the com­
pany was influenced by the legislature
and Insurance Commissioner Wolf.
The action of the Germania company
is the talk of insurance circles.
it was reported that the Eagle and some
of the other smaller companies would
quit Californio, there was little com­
ment— it was expected— but when a
company like the Germania declared
itself in the same manner the entire
commercial community of the city was
The Germania is one of the strong
companies doing business in California,
having assets of 17,000,000, and is pay­
ing its losses as rapidly as they are ad­
Among insurance men the
Germania is noted for its conservatism.
It was thought probable that tire com­
pany had been frightened out of the
state by its recent losses. This wan not
fully admitted at the offices of the
company, though it was conceded that
the character of the loss and the man­
ner in which it was incurred may have
hid its effect on tire directorate.
There is every likelihood that a num
her of companies w ill follow the exam­
ple of the Germania. Smaller com
panies Bee in it a precedent under
which they may claim a reasonable ex­
cuse for quitting the state, and on the
other hand it may be the pioneer’move-
ment in what may develop into con­
certed action to secure the repeal of the
act at the next session.
WOULD ROB l i t i
Mining, Irrigation and Lumber Inter­
ests Will Feel Effect o f Economy.
Washington. June 12.-H o u s e repre- |
sentatives »tiuck a severe blow to the
entire West in catting down the »11-
T U R N S DOW N W O O L G RO W ERS. S A Y S C O N T R A C T O R S W ILL LOSE imjiortant appropriation for the geo­
logical survey carried by the sundry
civil bill, and unless the senate in­
Pinchot Says They Must Pay fo r All Did Not Know Nature o f Rock Along
creases these items, mining, irrigation
Route o f Celilo Canal.
Range in Reserves.
Senale Passes Bill Aliasing
Ora« on Colvilles.
Washington— Gifford Pinchot, chief
of the Forestry service, has overruled
the protest of the Umatilla County
Woolgrowers’ association in the matter
of charging a grazing fee for the Blue
mountain forest reserve range this sea­
son. The woolgrowers aljo protested
that they were not assigned individual
The department explained
that it was not customary to assign
particular tracts to individual stockmen
when reserves were first created, and it
is not yet determined what plan w ill be
followed in the Blue mountains.^
The association also called attention
to recent decisions by the California
and Washington conrta to the effect
that the secretary of agriculture is
without authority to impose a tax for
the use of forest reeerve range, and
without authority arbitrarily to regu­
late its use. The forest officials inter­
pret these decisions to hold that the
secretary of agriculture had not been
empowered to enforce any penal code,
but did have the right to keep the re­
serves clear of stock or lease them on
such reasonable conditions as he should
prescribe. No appeal has been prose­
cuted to a final hearing in either case
but the officials believe their right in
the sphere indicated is beyond all pos­
sible question, and sav that court deci­
sions w ill have no influence upon the
rules adopted for control of reserves.
Portland—The government canal at
Celilo will coat $10,000,000, instead of
$4,000,000, according to I. H. Taffe,
who has been operating fish wheel)
near there for 20 yeats.
“ The contractors, Smith & Jones,
who are digging the first half mile at
the Celilo end, w ill lose $100,000 on
the job,” he said,
“ They took it at
too low a figure, evidently not knowing
the nature of the rock they have to
blast out. Their bid was „ $294,000.
They have about 100 men at work pre­
paring a foundation for the rock work
on the upper end of the canal.”
Mr. Taffe says there is nothing in the
fishwheel businees this season because
“ those fellows on the lower river won’ t
let a single salmon get past them.” He
gets a good price, 7 cents a pound, for
ail he traps, his market being in the
His cold storage works are,
however, devoid of salmon this season,
and he does not anticipate any great
improvement in the run.
president mat use veto m -
000 has been cut off the geological 1 ur-
vey appropriation.
The government was about to begin
the teeting of mineral fuels of the
West, including the coals and lignites
of the Pacific coast. Little work of this
character can be done, for the appro­
priation »as only $100,000, when twice
that amount lias been annually appro­
priated for similar work in the East.
Instead of $100,000 to carry on the
investigation of mineral resources, in­
cluding black sand experiments at Port­
land, the house grants but $50,000.
This will shut off the black sand work
entirely, when the present special fund
is expended.
The appropr ation for forest reserve
surveys is cut from $130,000 to $100,-
000 and a ent of $50,000 is made in
the appropriation for topographic sur­
veys, which form the basis of all the
geological survey work. Congress has
been appropriating $200,000 annually
to gauge streams preliminary to under­
taking actual irrigation work. This is
cut to $100,000 and means material in­
terference with irrigation surveys in lo­
calities where new projects are contem­
Another cut that will be felt is in
the appropriation for the annual report
on mineral resouices of the United
States. This will cut down the sub­
ject matter of the valuable government
document and will restrict the issue to
the inconvenience of the mining inter­
ests of the country.
Expired Contract Revived Which
| Allow Attorneys Fees of S l60.oCo‘
Without Earning |jt
Washington, June 12__ The
yesterday placed its seal of approvi^
the C olville graft, which was t "
into the Indian appropriation bill '1
fercnce report, whereby these i J "
w ill be robbed of 10 per cent of
$1,600,000 appropriated for them '
surrendering the north half 0f yJ
reservation, the said 10 percent toi
distributed among 10 attorney! ^
claim to have procured this apprr
tion. For bold, unalloyed graft th"
legislation baa no equal and »ij,,111
equally surprising, it received the vot
of both Washington senators.
This grart was so foul smelling |W
no attempt was made to pay part of tk1
Indian money to these lawyer! ,u
the b i l l was being regularly considen
by either the house or the senate bi
the provision was slipped in by n
cinference committee contrary t0 a
rules of parliamentary procedure. Tj,
offensive amendment does not direefi
authorize the payment of $1-50,000 i
these lawyers, but requires the coon*
claims to determine how much ;U
are respectively entitled to, nooneiuJ
yer to receive more than $15,000.
Vigorous attacks were made on th
amendment on two grounds.
The contract originally made with U
Colvilles under which the attorns
were to receive $150,000 il theywcarl
an appropriation of $1,500,000 expin
in 1904, and nothing had been accoi
plished in the meantime.
when the appropriation is mad<, then!
ia no contract in force, Secretary Hit
cock having refused to renew it bee*
he believed the scheme a graft. There]
fore it is contended that the lawy
had nothing on which to baas acli
for pay.
But, what was more important, ill
waa shown by Mr. Clay that these ¡»-I
yers had in fact rendered the Colrili
Indians no service; had done nothin
to earn the $150,000, and were not en­
titled on any theory to one cent oi tin!
Colvi le money, but, as soon ae (in­
gress authorized the payment ollh
C olville claim, the lawyers rushed ill
and attempted to collect a fee they kid{
not earned.
80 nauseous has become tbia evidec
graft that an attempt will be made
defeat this provision when the Indian!
bill comes up for final approval is tin
house, but if the bouse concurs il il
not improbable that tbe president till
veto tbe bill and send it back for is]
Calapooia Company is Sued.
Albany — Claiming the Calapooia
Lumber company, of Crawfordsville,
hae cut and logged more than 750,000
feet of timber off land belonging to
him, Abner C. Withee has filed suit
A New York Federal grand jury has
for $4,500 damages in the State Circuit
asked that several officers of the tobacco
court for Linn county, through Attor­
trust be adjudged in contempt ami sent
ney W. Lair Thompson. The timber
to jail for failure to produce certain
alleged to have been cut by the defend­
books wanted by the jury in an inves­
ant company is valued at $1,500, and
tigation of the business methods of the
Bands Want T o Go T o Salem.
the Oregon statutes provide that where
Salem— Almost every organized band timber is cut unlawfully the owner
A m illion dollar fire at Baltimore
in the state has applied to the Salem may recover three times its value.
wiped out the big Savannah docks, to­
Fourth of July committee for an en Withee is an Eastern capitalist who hae
gether with all the freight Btored there;
gagement. When the committee began large timber holdings in Linn county,
totally destroyed the steamer Kssexand
making arrangements to celebrate the and is represented in the West by
a number of bcowb loaded with cotton
Fourth it was announced that a large Thompson & Hardy, of Eugene.
Secret Service Men Secure Startling
and resin. Two lives are believed to
number of bands, piobably 20, would
Testimony at Chicago.
have been lost.
be employed if possible for the occa­
Water Soon to Flow.
June 12.— Secret service
A new moderate party has been or­
Baker City— Water will How through
Loss at Havre Placed at $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 — fast. Several days ago the committee
men are reported to be on tbeir way
ganized in Russia.
had engaged all the bands that could the 12-mile ditch of the Baker Irriga here with sensational information in
Rain Accompanied Wind.
An entire regiment at Poltava, South
paid from the fund available.
If U od company within the next few days. their possession as to use of preserva­
11-tvre, Mont., June 13.— Havre and
This statement was made by J. A.
Russia, has mutinied.
tives by the beef trim . Tney were
Fort Assiniboine were struck by a hur­
Smith, head of the company.
sent to Chicago by order of the presi­
A committee from the bouse is work­ ricane this a'ternoon that did damage
water will be Bent down in a small vol­
ing on a meat inspection bill.
estimated at $200,000. Buildings were w illiug to work overtime engaging ume, at first being used for sluicing in dent as soon as he had been advised
hands. As it is the committee is satis­
verbally of the results of the investi­
The senate committee has reported toppled over without warning when the fied ;hat there w ill be more brass band the bankB of the hig reservoir which is
gation of Labor Commissioner Neill
that Smoot is not entitled to a Beat in cvclone struck and not a structure in music in Salem on the Fourth of July to; be Duilt this summer. The reservoir
and Jamet Reynolds. It is said that
the path of the terrific wind escaped
is to cover 240 acres and have a capa­
the senate.
they have concluded an exhaustive in­
damage. Several persona were injured, than was ever heard at one place in city of 6,000-acre feet
The ditch will
Republican leaders in both houses hut up to a late hour this evening no Oregon before.
quiry which w ill not only bring the
be used fo* carrying water for storage
have agreed to a compromise on the fatalities were reported
packers to their knees but w ill remove
in the reservoir for the first time next
statehood bill.
State Fair T o Be the Greatest.
the powerful influences that are being
The fierce wind carried rain with it,
exerted against congress and the great
Salem— Now that the election is over
General Toledo, leader of the Guate­ which fact precluded the possibility of
cattle interests with a view of forcing
malan revolutionists, claims to be win­ damage hy fire. Men and women were President Downing of the state fair
All Umatilla is Rejoicing.
the president to capitulate.
swept from their feet by the hurricane hoard, who is also chairman of the
ning bis fight.
Athens— Reports from all over Uma­
This pressure has become gigantic.
and for several minutes it was courting Democratic county committee, expects tilla county are to (he effect that the
A committee of Sen Francisco busi­ injury to venture outside. Later the to devote his entire time and attention
Every business, political and financial
ness men is at Washington to get Fed­ wind subsided somewhat and the work to perfecting arrangements for the state outlook for an enormous wheat crop ramification of the great trust is being
this season is bright. Before the heavy
eral aid for their city.
fair, which opens in September. Mr.
utilized directly and indirectly to have
of rescue commenced.
rains there was considerable anxiety
a halt called on the government ex­
A report tonight states that both of Downing says that the fair this year
United States secret service men have
over the outlook, as in those localities
discovered a scheme by which Chinese the reservoirs at Fort Assiniboine have w ill be the greatest ever held on the where the soil is light the prospects for posure, and, if possible, get an official
were being smuggled into this country hurst and that the quarters of the sold­ state fair grounds. The attractions will a good crop were Blim, and especially declaration that the portrayal of condi­
iers are being flooded. Four troops of be better and more numerous and the so where the wheat was spring sown tions in the packing houses has been
at Vancouver, B. C.
Cattle interests
the Second cavalry and four companies exbibite in every department w ill ex­
Three of the largest insurance com­
He says the In many places it was heileved the crop great West and Southwest, which for
of the Second infantry are stationed cel all other showings.
panies having losses in Han Francisco
people in every county are taking an
years have been clamoring in congress
thing is now entirely different.
have refused to make a cut of 26 per
interest this year, which is due, he
and outside of it for protection against
cent in their payments.
thinks, to the interest awakened by
the trust, have even been persuaded
Road Machinery Arrives.
the Lewis and Clark fair.
Reports from Hankow, China, show
that a continuation of government hos­ W H A T C L A IM A N T S HAVE TO SAT
Salem— Two carloads of machinery
that the great floods this spring in the
tility will rain them.
Hunan district caused a lose of life Graft on Colville Indians Passed by
The cry of panic has been raised. Claim Is Just, nnd They Have Sped
Fleeces in Prime Condition.
construction have arrived in this city.
the House.
amounting to tens of thousands. A
Baker City — Shearing of sheep in There is one more car on the road. Not only bankers handling trust funds,
Money fo r Indians.
famine w ill follow, (or the Hoods have
Washington, June 13.— Choosing an Baker county has begun by electric When it arrives the work will be start­ but their employes, friends and ac­
brought disaster to an immense area.
June 12.— F. C. Robertml
opportune moment yesterday, when machinery at the plant of Lee Bros, ed in earnest. The engineer in charge
is best known for his defense of tlx
The Longworths have arrived in nobody was looking, Chairman Sher­ near here, who w ill first shear their of the work, Mr. Loder, expects to be political world, have been enlisted to
man, of the house Indian committee, own sheep and then those of Ayre and employed in the construction of this use their iffortB in the gigantic struggle Couer d’ Alene dynamiters in 189$. JL|
that is cow in progress, to stem the J. Gordon is attorney for the Gre*t
called up and secured the approval of other large owners in the county. sample road at least two months.
Hearst has excluded Bryan's name
Northern in Spokane and R. W. Sow»
tide against the packers.
the conference report on the Indian Cheating was delayed by the long con­
from bis newspapers.
is a criminal attorney of consider»^
bill, which embodies the C olville In ­ tinued wet weather, hut it is said that
Successor to Dr. Lane.
local reputation. Mr. Nuzum said;
A strict gnard against cranks is be­ dian graft. It had been the intention on account of the moisture the quality
Ra’ em — Governor Chamberlain ap­
Caught With the Bombs.
“ The amendment that was pa«A|
of Representative Fitxxgsratd, of New of the Baker wool w ill this year far pointed Dr. W B. Morse, of Salem, a
ing kept at’ the W hite House.
New York, June 12.— An attempt putting the claim up to the courtol
exceed that of precious years, as it is member of the state board of health, in
Manila business men have petitioned York, to make a fight on ,*his feature
of the report, but he was not present at dean from dust and of fine texture. place of Dr. Harry Lane, resigned, and was made ton-ght to explode a bomb in claims for settlement, was my own nr
congress to establish an agricultural
It was such a large amount
It is expected the tonnage will be large H. G. Myer, of Salem, a member of the a manhole of the Interborough Rapid gestion.
the time.
Transit company in front of the pow.r that we all concluded that we woali
Reference to the text of the bill dis­ and that most of it will go into storage. barber commission.
house, at East Seventy-fourth street, rattier take our chances with tbe wait
Storms in Pennsylvania and Ohio closes the fact that it is specifically
which fnrnishees current to the sub­ of claims than in rongrees with end
have caused loss of life and destruction stated that $150,000 cash appropria
Many Seeking Tim ber Land.
One man, Joseph Bartky, 22 fellows as Tillm an againet os,»**
of property.
tion, the first payment of $1,500,000 to
Baker City — Many people are com­
years old, was arrested, the police say,
The Mexican hoard of trade lias the Colvilles for the north half of their ing into the Eastern Oregon timber belt _ Wheat— Club, 72 9 73c; bluestem, as he was about to light the fuse of had reason to believe that he would In
Th .- claim is a just one, has been before
Locators from 74975c; red, 70@71c; valley, 72c.
started an investigation of American reeervation, is made “ for the use and in search of timlier.
benefit of the Indians,” and yet Senator Chicago, Milwaukee, Western Wash­
Oats — No. 1 white feed, $31.50; the bomb as it lay on the manhole the authorities for 16 year* and«
canned meats.
cover. Two companions who were with have never received a dollar on it. *!
McCumber, in defending the lawyers’ ington and Idaho were included in two gray, $31.50 per ton.
War between striking miners and graft, stated in the senate that it was
Barley— Feed, $24.50 per ton; brew- him escaped. On Bartky was found have spent more than $8,000 in gettiig
parties which have passed through Ba
guards has been renewed at the Steu understood in committee that this first
three other bombs, all being of uni­ the matter before congrees *nd tine *
ker City on their way into the John ing, nominal; rolled, $25@26.
benville, Ohio coal mines.
appropriation would go to the lawyers, Day country. One of these parties,
Hay— Valley timothy, No. 1. $12(9 form size, the shape of a baseball, but as near as we have come to a
a little larger.
ment. The committee told ns a
The official trial trip of the new bat the Indians not to receive any pa't with H. J. Bundy, started for the 8u- 13 per ton; clover, $7.60@8; chest,
ago that on account of the large »UP1*
tleship Nebraska w ill take place on of it.
sanville district; the other party, 15 $«@ 7; grain hay, $798; alfalfa, $13.
Reinke Given Five Years.
It ¡a now up to the president to eith­ people in all, 14 women and one bov,
Fruits— Apples $2 5093.50 per box-
priations then they would like toba«
Puget eound about July 16.
er permit this graft to go through or
apricots, $1.75 9 2.00 crate; cherries,
Milwaukee, Wis., June 12.— Arthur us wait a year. We have done so
The California legislature has asked veto the entire Indian appropriation
75c@tl per box; strawberries, 69 George Reinke, formerly receiving tel­ now I believe the claim will finally »
W . Shaw, started for Burns.
the government to care for Han Fran bill.
8c per pound; gooseberries, 5@6c per ler of the Marshall A Usley bank, was settled.”
d eco’ s homeless and buy city bonds
sentenced to five years in the state re­
May Buy Road to Blue River Mines»
Vegetables — Beans, 395c; cabbage, formatory at Green Bay on charges of
Economy the Cry in China.
American meat packers are planning
Plot to Kill the Pope-
F.ngena — The Engene Commercial
to epeud thousands of dollars advertis
embezzlement of $14 000, by Judge
Pekin, June 13.— China is in finan­ club has met and adopted resolutions $1(31.25 per 100: green corn, 47
Rome, June 12.— Never before in lb*
ing in Europe to remove the stigma of cial straits. The expenses of the gov­ asking the connty court to investigate do* ; onion*, 8® 10c per dozen; p«*s, Brszee this morning. H e had entered history of the Vatican has a •*"’**
the recent exposures.
ernment are multiplying without in­ the matter of purchasing a highway in­ 6c; radishes, 10c per do*en; rhubarb’ a plea of guilty to the complaint, which hietoric 8t. Peter’ s been conducted
3c per pound; spinach, 90c per box; charged him with having converted to der so strict a guard as whb that of I f
creased revenues.
The pay of the new to the Blue river mines
At present
Taft has definitely announced that
army ia considerably in arrears, and a the rvivate road from Blue River City parsley, 25c; squash, $1 per crate- his own use $3,000 on May 22, 1905, terday, when the pope officiated*11
he w ill not be a candidate for the pres
great percentage of desertions is result­ to the mines, a distance of six miles, is turnips, $191.25 per sack; carrots 65 »n l $11,000 on November 22, 1905! beatification services for the
idency. He w ill, however, stump the
ing. The dowager empress has issued cloeed on account of some trouble be­ 976c per sack; beets. 85c9$l per sack The charge was brought under the law martyrs, with a gnard of 4M P°'
country on the Philippine tariff.
Onions— New, I * 9 2 c per pound.
a long edict, impressing on «11 officials tween the owners, the Lucky Boy Min­
of 1903, relating to embezzlement by officers in and about the edifice.
Potatoes - - Fancy graded Burbanks, bank officers and employee.
The edict ing company, and other mine owners in
A great naval review is planned by the necessity for economy.
ceipt of information from Farie 1
is addressed to the people, and attempts the district, and there is no means of 50980c per hundred; ordinary, nomi­
Great Britain.
plot against the life of the pontiff
to justify the course of the government. access to the minee from the outeide.
Plans o f French Cabinet.
been discovered caused the Boro*» P"
A hurricane in Southern Ontario lias It says that no one appreciates so much
12 — The cabiret today lice to use the strictest of Pr*f*n,'eg
done mach damage.
as the throne the sufferings of the peo­
dehoitely drew up a statement of the and nearly every member of
Fruit Injured in Valley.
Eggs — Oregon ranch, 20921s per
ple from the taxation necessary.
government’ s plans for presentation to service was on duty.
Salem— The continued damp weath­ dosen.
Greece and Rnumania have severed
he chamber of deputies tomorrow. It
er which has prevailed for the pi st
diplom atic relation«.
Steamer Empire Cornered.
Yellow Jack Brought I"
three weeks in the Willamette valley per ponnd; mixed chickens, 12912t»c- indicates the necessity of the making
Washington, June 31. — The United iiaa been very injurions to the fruit
Ex-Governor W . F. W hyte has lieen
op of deficits in the budget, and for
Orleans, June 12.—T*1*
appointed United Statee senator from Statee cruiser Marblehead has the crop. Strawberries in some localities broiler«. 16916c; rooeters. 10c: dies«.’ hat purpose will ask for supplemen- that three cases of yellow fs***
Maryland to succeed the late Senator American steamer Empire cornered in have been « ’ most ruined.
: announces the presenta- bee.i under quarantine in tbe P**
the harbor of Corinto, Nicaragua, and too, have been injured for want of dry 16918c; turkeys dressed, choice, 209
ii 9 1 Gorina o.
m# U x bn|. effecting dave at Ship island, a govern»*®*4
the moment the little American veeeel
ln,com” irom capital and antine station in the Gulf of ■ ^
The people of the Philippine islands attempts to leave the Nicaraguan coast weather and sunshine. Growing grain old, 10c; young, 12c : ducks, old 119 the m
s intention of hastening a bill in the about midway between the m®'1 .
has had all the rain ne.-esenry for this 12c; young, 12t*913c.
gave $8,697 to the San Francisco relief it is believed the warship will seise it
• nate for workingmen’ s pensions.
the Mississippi river and Mobile, ^
and bring it to account for the part
was made public today by By- ' „
Ur* * ° n »ver.ge E*,t.
Another high official of the Tenney 1 played is assisting Guatemalan revolu­
La Grande O ffer* Free Site.
Benson To Be Senator.
Irion, preeident of tbe Louiei*®*
valley, coarse, 22t*923c;
Tania railroad haa been implicated in
Le Grande — The La Grande Com fine, 24925c; mohair, choice, 28 930c
Kan., June 12 — Judge Al- board of health. The caees
• today and ia be'ieved to have de­
n a n coal charges.
merrial club is attempting to raise $8,- per pound.
B<,"«°«>. of tbie citv who Colon and were taken off tbe
cided on punishing the American ship.
000 for the purchase of a site to be
The preeident is likely to win his
0 < W ,h e ‘ P P o in tm e n t W hitehall.
offered to the Palmea I.umber company
^iWwf Btate. senator to succeed
I meat inspection fight, though opposi-
Trem bler Cracks Buildings.
as an inducement for the location of it*
Seattle Canal Bill Sig"«1*-
R Ba,ton* «tmusd today that he
n tion Is strong.
Nogalee, Aria., June IS.— An earth­ new m ill her*. About $8,000 bn* been co"*- 4S 9 5 V ; country steers, 5 9 6 c *onld accept the poeition.
He will
Mntton— Dreeeed fancy. 798c pound!
Washington, Jane
The esar has summoned his minieteie quake occurred at Guavmas Mex yes­ •u been bed. A site of 78 acres on the
ffinalij notlfiy Governor Hocb tomor­ dent today signed the bill »0
ordinery, 5«6c; lamb., with pelt on
Several buildings. river northwest
w ,»„
I to a council, and a change in affaire terday almut noon.
of town ha* been *< cured
row of hi* acceptance
Judge Benson Jam*« a . Moore, of Be***1«. 10
| aaems probable.
•*l-eet* to start for Washington tomor- ship canal connecting Lake « • *
Pork— DreeMd, 799«
with Puget sound.
The Longworths are receiving splen­
did entertainment in London.
Longworth dined wiht the king a few
days ago.
J*.**,’ ^ane