Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, June 07, 1906, Image 7

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    P L A Y IN G S H Y L O C K .
Insurance Companies Knock O ff One
Third San Francisco Losses*
Oakland, Cal.,
June 4 .— The
insurance is all one hears in San Fran
v A ll £Y
SCHOOLS. cisco today and the language used re­
steady nerve. I f you ever get within
reach o f the grizzly’s paw you are a
>p u i .
dead oue. These stories o f men killing
them with knives In hand-to-hand
fights are about as reasonable as It
would be to talk of stopping a locomo­
It has been discovered that many of tive by getting In the way of the train.
the recent great bush fires In New If the big fellow gets a chance to de­
South Wales and Victoria, Australia, liver one blow It la all over. There
were caused by the phosphorus paste was a grizzly up our way that the cow­
laid down to kill rabbits. As soon as boys called ‘Big Ben' who killed about
the mixture dries It cstches fire under 150 steers before be was finally shot.
the heat of the sun's rays.
He wouhl break a steer's neck with one
O f the 58,324 square miles of En­ blow and then he would lift him up
gland and Wales. Miss Nora E. Mae- and carry him off to a secluded place.
Neill-Reynolds Report Intended Only Muun finds that 26,482 are under 250 Grizzlies look awkward, but they are
feet In elevation above the sea, 16,365 mighty light on their feet and they can
for Private Information, but
are between 250 and 500 feet, 10,476 beat any man in a foot race.”— Louis­
Will Be Made Public.
are between 500 and 1,000 feet, 4,698 ville Herald.
are between 1,060 and 2,000 feet, 300
are between 2,000 and 3,000 feet and
Washington, June 2. — President
four are more than 3,000 feet
Roosevelt decided today to make pub­
Tantallte, the metal recently employ­
lic the report of Profeesor Charlee P. ed tn Germany for making an Improved
N eill, commiseioner of
and filament tor electric lamps, has found
One can display no greater breach of
Siemens and
James B. Reynolds, of New Y o ik , con­ another use.
courtesy than lu deriding anything
cerning the condition of the meat pack­
which a people hold sacred, no matter
which are said to be at the same time
how absurd the object of veneration
ing eetablishments as they found them
harder than steel and more elastic than
may seem to the foreign mind. In an
on an inquiry instituted by the presi­ gold.
Tantallte Is very resistant to
Incident told tn “Temples and Ele­
dent, primarily for his own informal chemicals.
It Is the Intention to em­
phants,” by Carl Bt>ck, the Siamese
tion. The report will be accompanied ploy this metal for tho manufacture of
audience showed by their silence and
by a special message of
President various kinds of tools.
restraint a po.' teneae superior to tbs
le n c e
Roosevelt Will Send Message to
Congress on Meat Packers.
garding the dilatory tactics of the in
Give Promise o f Yielding an Circular Letter Is Sent Out by O re­
surance companies is far from compli­
Immense C ro p .
gon State Superintendent.
mentary. The people have not the
Crop prospects in the conn-
Salem— J. H. Ackerman, superin­
slightest faith in the statement given
* ' munding
«,,,cour- tendent of public instruction, has issu­
The reports oi aphis and Hes- ed a circular suggesting that the re­ out that most of the companies are
. re heard only from the Howell spective public schools of the state de­ anxious to settle promptly and dollar
“ /neighborhood and are not com- vise ways and means for the raising of for dollar. Their doubt appears to be
tlnm any other section. An exten- money to be turned into the San Fran-
well founded, for the insurance com­
# lr?®vel ae far south as Stayton. cieco reconstruction fund for the re­
to Scott’s M ills and nortn to building of schools destroyed by the panies, with a very few exceptions,
fw^rd reveals a splendid stand of Are. In all, 34 school buildings were have shown a tendency to elice off
■n »nd grass everwyhere, with a destroyed by the fire at San Francisco, about a third of their liabilities when
I1““ * of the greatest yield in many to replace which will cost $6,000,000. settled.
The school authorities of the Bay
Cases such as this are common,
City have been led to receive dona­
"trait i« lookinf' welV
many places cloee to streams, tions, as the finances of the city are man who had $400 insurance on goods
¿.brush is plentiful, there is a Btrained to the utmost, and it would be worth $600 gets abont $300 when he is
Z L of caterpillars, which are both- a considerable time before the city, through with the adjusters. He has
S,the trees and form a source of unaided, could replace the schools. It really been compromised with.
mnblesouie annoyance.
is their purpose, whenever the contri­ insurance company hae driven a bar­
Hop* are tine; rank growth in all butions from a given state shall reach a gain.
-i. that are taken care of.
A prom- sufficient amount to erect a building,
It has been estimated that, of $170,-
2 grower says that O.egon will to name that building after the state 000,000 owing, the companies will pay
J ,r the heaviest crop of hops in its giving the money.
All the school about $ 120 , 000 , 000 , holding out $50,
officers and the public schools of Ore­ 000,000 which belongs to the insured
^ n n g work has been well done gon have been mailed circulars by Su­ It is difficnl to compile facts, as the
(kronabout this county and there has perintendent Ackerman.
insurance officials are not communica­ Rooeevelt, in_which he w ill take strong
I n m uch substantial improvement
tive, bnt it is estimated that the looses grounds in favor of immediate and
on the farms. There is a notice-
already settled have been on a third drastic legislation to correct the evils
W ages Raised at Oregon City.
JJ, ,„ne of prosperity everywhere.
Oregon City — The Willamette Pnlp knock-off basis. They call it stealing which are exposed in the report.
L d w e llin g s , new barns, new fences
& Paper company has announced an ad­ here.
The President had not expected to
• t the eye in all directions, while vance of 25 cents per day per man for
W hile the people are gradually be­
nint has added its beautifying indu­ every man employed at their mills in coming wrought up and may attempt make public the report of M r. N eill and
c e quite generally.
this city who is now receiving $ 1.75 to force action by the insurance com­ Mr. Reynolds. He felt that its publi­
A great deal of permanent road work and $2 per day. This advance affects panies, they know they are practically
cation might injure the meat packing
hit been done and along the highways the wages of about 500 men and means helpless and that legal action will only
marked change for the better h a s an increase in the mouthly payroll of cause further delay. They must rely industries in this country. Prim arily,
tan wrought by the tearing out of old about $3,750 per month, or about $45,- on the adjusters and take what they the information contained in the report
was to be obtained to be used as a basis
n il fences, the substitution of neat 000 per annum.
This increase in the get.
,ire fences and the clearing away of wage schedule at the Oregon City mills,
Everyone is awake to the situation for the legislation proposed in the
the unsightly, wasteful fence rows of it is alleged by a representative of the of the two home companies, which per­ amendment to the agricultural appro­
brush , weeds and wild ropes.
The en- Willamette Pulp & Paper company, has force can only settle slowly.
Their se­ priation bill by Senator Beveridge of
He did not imagine there
tire farming country breathes a spirit been contemplated by the management curities and tbs basis of their securities Indiana.
of progress and prosperity.
are destroyed and the people whom would be serious opporition to a prepo­
for the last three months.
they count on to cash them are unable sition to afford inspection of eucb meats
to do so. Tney must unload slowly or prepared for domestic consumption as
Oil .a Vicinity o f Lacom b.
Will Increase Business.
is afforded to meat products intended
not be able to settle at all.
A lban y— Representatives of Eastern
Medford — The Butte Falls Lumber
for shipment abroad. The meat pack­
capitalists have recently been investi- company announces that it now has its
ers, however, rose in arms against the
nting the discovery of oil in the vicin­ sawmill plant at Butte Falls in condi­ D E FE N D S HIS IN S P E C T IO N BILL
Beveridge amendment, being insistent
ity of hacomb, I-inn county, and it is tion to put out at least 140,000 feet of
in opposition to it, not only in princi­
generally believed here that develop­ lumber a day, just as soon as the Med­
Crumpacker Says It Is Against Inter­ ple, but on the question of paying for
ment of the property on a big scale will ford & Crater Lake railroad is extended
the proposed inspection.
ests o f B eef Trust.
be began soon.
The operations have to its timber belt. The large acreage
Reprtsentative Wadsworth, of New
Washington, June 4.— Judge Crum­
been conducted with secrecy, however, of timber sold during the last few
and lor that reason, very little definite weeks, and the fact that the larger packer, of Indiana, today met the in­ York, called on the president today.
He is chairman of the agricultural com­
Information can be obtained. For years tracts are under bond in that great sinuation that his bill to provide for
mittee of the house, to which the pro­
past indications of oil have been found timber section at the head of Rogue the inspection of meat offered for inter
posed amendment w ill be referred. He
it different points between Lacomb and river and the two Butte creeks, is sig­ state and foreign commerce is “ the
indicated to the president the intention
Lebanon, and though there were no nificant of an intention to rush this packers' b ill” by the statement that, if
of the committee to consider
rushers, it is believed the oil was there railroad through to completion shortly. the fees to be charged to the packers by
the Beveridge bill were eliminated, the amendment proposed bv M r. Beveridge
in paying quantities.
Beveridge measure would meet with and adopted practically without divis­
Eugene Accepts Carnegie Library.
approval from the packers. ion hy the senate, and to prepare a
Woolen Mills Are T o Resume.
Eugene— The Carnegie library build­
“ The Beveridge bill,” said Judge substitute for it that would “ be fair to
Pendleton — The Pendleton woolen ing, which has recently been completed
11 parties concerned.”
Crumpacker, “ would act so as to drive
mills, which have been idle for the in this city, has been accepted by the
The attitude of M r. Wadsworth was
out of business all of the small inde­
paat year, will be in operation inside board, and the contractor, W. O. Heck-
pendent packers and would put the beef not satisfactory to the president. In
ol two weeks.
The m ill has been art and Architect Y . D. Hensill ordered
trade entirely in the hands of the beef view of the facte reported to him by
leased for a year by Jacob Sheuerman, paid for their work.
The contract trust. The small sellers of beef and Mr. Neill and M r. Reynolds, the presi­
a well known wool buyer of San Fran- price was $9,645.95, the architect’s fee,
other meats throughout the country dent ¡ b of the opinoin that immediate
citco. Sheuerman is a free lance in the $300, and extras amounted to $57,
could not afford to pav the fees for in­ legislation of a drastic nature is neces­
wool business and w ill use the wool making a total cost of $10,002.95. The
spection and they would have to hand sary to cure the evils which have been
he has bought this season in the opera­ building will not be opened to t.be pub­
over their business to the trust.
As developed. He decided, therefore, to
tion of the mills. The resumption of lic until some time next fall, as no for the insinuation that my bill is make public the Neill-Reynolds report.
work on the mills w ill add a payroll of books are now on hand.
framed in the interests of the packers,
over (2,000 a month to Pendleton’s in­
I will say there is no packing interest
come. The mills will manufacture the
in my district; that I have seen no
Pendleton Indian robes again.
The Dalles — The Eastern Oregon packers about the measure, and that I
Brewing company of this city has just stand for it as calculated to meet the Court Holds Witnesses Can Return to
put into operation its ice plant and cold demands of the sitnation. I don’ t care
New Assistant M atron.
Portland in Time.
The Eastern Oregon what the packers want.
Chemawa — Miss M arie Johnson, of storage cellar.
I care for
Washington, Jane 1.— Judge Gould
San Jose, Cal., has been appointed Bewing company was incorporated a what the country ought to have.”
having overruled the motion to post­
assistant matron at the Chemawa In ­ year ago by Dalles people, and bought
pone the trial of Representative H er­
dian school.
Miss Johnson was in
mann in this city until the October
G R O U N D IN T O S A U S A G E S .
California during the earthquake, and ler for $35,000. Since then the com­
term of the court, the case will come
was among those to have their homes pany has rebuilt the brewery at an ex­
up for hearing by or before June 10,
shaken and destroyed. Miss Alice B.
unless the trial of the pending post-
Prenss, of Lapwai, Idaho, has been
Packing Houses.
office case continues longer than now
Fire Warnings Sent Out.
appointed clerk at the Indian, training
Paris, June 4.— Chicago meat will anticipated.
Salem— For the protection of the for­
school. Miss Preuss has had several
It is believed the trial of Hermann
be barred oiit of France if the object of
years’ experience as teacher in Idaho ests of Oregon fire notice warnings are today’s meeting of the League of Pub­ will consume only three to five days,
and elsewhere in the Indian service be­
lic Hygiene, backed by several scores and, in the opinion of the court, the
to all fire rangers.
The notices are
forecoming to Chemawa.
of French packers, can be attained. witnesses who w ill be summoned to ap­
printed on clcth and contain the prin­
The league expects at least to get the pear against Hermann here can give
cipal provisions of an act passed by the
Edward D. Jasper W ins Prize.
government to inaugurate a new system their testimony and then reacli Port­
University of Oregon, Eugene — The legislature.
ef inspection which will prevent taint­ land in time to testify in the land-fraud
bennett prize, from the income of a
trials, which begin there June 21.
ed meat from entering the country.
If he can possibly arrange it, Francis
gilt of $400 made to the university by
A French emissary, it appears, visit­
Wheat— Club,
<z073c; hluestem, ed the stockyards in Chicago and ob­
Honey w ill come to Washington to
Philo Sherman Bennett, of New Haven,
Conn., for the best strident paper on 74075c; red, 70@71c; valley, 72c.
tained employment for a year as French prosecute Hermann, and immediately
Oats — No. 1 white feed, $31.50; correspondence clerk.
tli“ principles of free government, was
According to upon the conclusion of this trial w ill go
won by Edward D. Jasper, ’06. Jasper gray, $31.50 per ton.
his testimony, no meat coming from to Portland to take np the land cases
Barley— Feed, (24.50 per ton; brew­ Chicago can be eaten with safety. The before Judge Hunt. If Heney is nn-
|‘ a senior of the department of eco­
ble to come to Washington, the prose­
nomics. He registers from L a Grande, ing, nominal; rolled, $250 26.
most sensational evidence was that
H ay__Valley timothy, No. 1. $120 cases had occurred of workingmen fall­ cution of Hermann w ill rest in the
the subject of his paper was “ The
naeic Principles of Lawm aking.” Tnis 13 per ton; clover, (7.6008; cheat, ing accidentally into the sausage ma­ hands of District Attorney Baker. It
year is the first time the Bennett prize $6 07 ; grain hay, (7 0 8 ; alfalfa, (13. chines, their bones being ground up now appears that no farther postpone­
Fruits— Apples. $2 6003.50 per box; with other contents of the vat and issu­ ment of this case is possible.
has been offered.
apricots, (1.6001.75 crate; cherries, ing in the form of food for human con­
7 6 c0 ( 1 per box; strawberries, 7 0 sumption.
Improving Bad Road.
Deadly E f f e c t 'd W ood Alcohol.
Independence — Road Supervisor J. 9c per pound; gooseberries, 506c per
Rawlins, W yo., June a. — W illiam
Pens Shoshone Reserve.
* Jones is improving the strip of road
Wardlow and Jesse Keating, convicts,
Mat the Rickreall stream, between ^Vegetables — Beans, 305c; cabbage,
Washington, Jane 4.— The president died at the state penitentiary here yes­
*B an<f Independence, that has been $101.26 per 100: green corn, 40050c has issued a proclamation opening to terday from the effects of drinking wood
They were workers in the
!nc" an eyesore to travelers for several do».; onions, 8010c per doien; peas, settlement snd entry a portion of the
fewons past and has rendered travel- 6 c; radishes. lOcperdosen; rhubarb Shoshone Indian reservation in W y ­ broom factory, where shellac varnish is
'ug almost impossible during the rainy 3 c per pound; spinach, 90c per box; oming, the area being approximately ased in finishing the handles.
teason. It has long been known as the parsley, 25c; squash, $1 per crate; 1,160,000 acres. A registration of ap­ secured the varnish bottle, and allow ­
worst strip of road in Polk county. The turnipe, $101.25 per sack; carrots, 65 plicants will be held at Lander, Sho­ ing the shellac to settle, drank the
oprovements will make it one of the 075c per sack; beets, 85 c0(l per sack. shone, Thermopolis and at Worland, wood alcohol, which is used to cut the
O n ion s-N ew , l * 0 2 c Pe/ P ° n" d -
provided the Big Horn railroad is doing shellac. Both died in horrible con­
sections to be found anywhere in
Potatoes - - Fancy graded Burbanks, a passenger traffic to the latter place, vulsions, having first become totally
the county.
50060c per hundred; ordinary, nomi­ comencing July 16 and ending July 31. blind from the effects of the drug. At
nal; new California, 2c per P ° ° ° d-
The drawing will be held at I.ander, death the body was black.
Pool of Tim ber Claim s Sold.
Butter — Fancy creamery, 1 7 * 0 20c Wyo., commencing August 4, 1906, and
A P °°l of 123 timber claims
Will Make N o C hange*.
continued as may be necessary.
, i , ,rook * nd Klamath counties was
Chicago, June 2.— Mayor Dunne to­
»old in thi, city last week to the Dee- ^ Eggs'— Oregon ranch, 19020: per
City Will Investigate.
day declared that nothing would be
. ' i J * 11 tnber company for $196,800,
Chicago, June 4. — The city hae de­ done to change the sanitary condition
*1,800 a claim. About 100 of the ^ P o u ltry — Average old hens, 12013c
cided to appoint a commission to in­ of the stockyards beoynd routine in­
were owned by A lbany people per pound; mixed chickens, 11 '
broilers. 15016 c; roosters, 10 c. drese vestigate the conditions at the stock spection. He professed ignorance as to
t i m taken UP '«> the great rush for
ed chickens,
4 c, t u rk e y h v^ yards, with a view to determining how conditions there, and referred inquirers
. r land about four years ago. The
far the recent criticism of methods em­ as to his intentions to Health Commis­
, l waa »ffected by means of a pool of
22 c geese, live. 9010c; *eeee. dressed, ployed is justified. Mayor Danne to­ sioner Charles J. W halen. Dr. Whalen
j.... claiIpa and was bandied bv the
old,’ 10 c; young, 12 c; docks, old,
0 day, after a conference with Health was angered when told of the charges.
er* of the claims themselvea.
Commissioner Whalen, decided to ask He said that he did not want any
15c; yonng. 15016 c.
Hope— Oregon, 1905, 1 0 0 12 v •
the co-operation of the Federal govern­ 'longhaired radical* appointed to go
Lost Mountain o f Gold Found.
Wool— Eastern Oregon
ment, and the authorities will be asked into the itockyarda to foment trouble.”
messenger just in from
to Dime several members of the com­
crpek> in the Siskiyou moun­ 18011 % f , vaUey
fine, 24025 c; mohair, choice, 280JI* mission.
Postal Bill Sent to Conference.
tain .report* the discovery of a moun-
Washington, June 2 — The postoffice
jo, n re® milling ore six miles from
^ V ^ - D r e - e d , 3 * 0 6 c per pound
May Adjourn About July 4.
appropriation bill was sent to confer-
r and three miles from the Bine
B ^ , -Dressed balls. 3c per pound,
Washington, Jnne 4.— Members ol ence by the house today. Sims, ol Ten-
llftfi ™pper mine, assaying $30 to
al/iaStic; conntry steers, o08c.
W ^ t?n’ "k ich appears to be the C°\latton— Dressed fancy, 708c pound; congress who visited the White House nsense, inveigned against ths iniquity
gat* « - . ? . * mother lode of the A pple­ ordinary, 5 «6 c ; lambs, with pelt on, today predicted that final adjournment 0f sending a bill wilt 83 amendments
would not be bad until the Fourth ol to conlsrence without permitting the
t's tbs l0n'
®T' RndtJyt who is now
j a ly,
bouse to consider them.
marv.i*T° a,D<i’ PTonf>»inces it the most
*Cpork— Drswed, 709«
• • " • l o w ledg, he ever saw.
To ejiable people to send their voices
to their friends through the malls is
the ambltlou of three French inventors,
who have united their Ingenuity In the
production of a wax-like material
called “sonorlne," which may be spread
upon a post card.
Spoken messages
may be Impressed upon the prepared
cards by placing them In a phono­
graphic apparatus, Into
which tlie
sender speaks, and the receiver of such
a card has only to put It through a re­
ceiving phonograph In order to hear
the voice of his friend as In a tele­
One of the strangest cargoes a ves­
sel could possibly have was unleaded
at the London docks townrd the close
of Mareh.
It consisted of
sacks filled with dried files, consigned
to a large firm of grain merchants.
These files, exported from Brazil, have
been purchased for use In the manu­
facture of food for chickens, cage birds
and the like. They were caught on the
River Amazon by Brazilians, who trav­
el up the river in fint-bottonied boats
and who are provided with gauze nets
with which they capture those Insects
'n millions, as files hover In dense
clouds over many of
the swampy
reaches of the Amazon. The files thus
caught are killed and dried In the sun.
Neuman Tobias of Kingston, Ja­
maica, has Invented a remarkable look.
The combination consists of four sets
of twenty-four letters of the alphabet,
which cau be set to a sentence In most
modern languages. When one letter is
used In one alphabet and another In
the second set and so on It becomes
a very complicate«! matter indeed. F u r­
thermore, Instead of letters, the in­
ventor has employed four sets of nu­
merals. Assuming that the lock Is Bet
to a figure In tlie number of 3,080,303,-
080,308,030, it would take any one
who undertook the Job of unlocking
the safe 06,000,278 years 260 days 30
minutes and 30 seconds working at the
rate of sixty numbers a minute to a r­
rive at the proper combination. During
that time he would have no time for
eating, drinking or sleeping.
B E A R S.
H u n ter
S a fi
W ild
A n t m ain
A re
D nQ geroua O n ly W h e n A ttn e k e d .
“ In the mountains of Wyoming,
where I hnve hunted for years, you can
find any kind of savage animals that
you get In America except alligators.
Grizzlies, black bears and mountain
lions are commonly killed there,” says
Snlverly of Sheridan, Wyo.
“Some of the men that come out there
to hunt think that If they stir 100
yards awny from camp they must be
armed to the teeth for fear of being
nttnrked by a bear or a 'painter' and
killed. There’s a heap more danger of
getting killed on account of leaving
your gun at borne when you go down
Market street
Someone might shoot
you on the street In n big city, but It
Is dead sure thnt a bear or a moun­
tain lion will never attack you unless
you drive him to It
“ I ’ve hunted through tlie best dis­
tricts for big game In this country and
I ’ve seen a good many grizzlies, but
I've never seen one of them go nfter
a man unlesa he was cornered or
I f you run Into a grizzly
bear In a lonely place you’ll hear a
grant, something like that o f a mam­
moth hog, and then there will be a
mighty crashing of underbrush as he
makes off In the opposite direction ns
fast as he can go. All you can general­
ly see of a mountain lion Is a tawny
streak as he makes off st Incredible
speed. I f he hna any Intention of
going after you It must he his Inten­
tion to go around the world and catch
yon In the rear, for If you are standing
tn the east of him he Is sure to go due
“ Mountain Ilona 111 the winter time
will follow sleigh* at a distance, w all­
ing a* they go. bat there Is nothing In
that to Inspire terror, for I don’t think
they have ever been known to close in
on anybody. Their terror of human
beings Is ths thing which makes them
hard to shoot In all the time that I
have been In the mountains I have
never heard of snyons being attacked
by a wild animal that has been left
strictly aions. Bnt I ’vs known men to
be killed even by deer when the brute
was driven to desperation.
"Grizzlies are the best game in the
world. When yon once get their dander
up they are savage fighters and the
hunter’s life Vs In danger every minute
unless be la • good shot snd has •
fumunker tn the ring, although ths
circus men belong to a nation supposed
to be more civilised.
The sacred white elephants of Slam
are clearly albinos, but they are sel­
dom. If ever, white. Their usual color
Is a pale reddish brown, although there
may be a few real white hairs on ths
An English circus at one time visited If
Bangkok, where the performances were j
witnessed by the king and princes. One i|
day It was announced that a “real |
white elephant" would take part lu I
that evening’s show. The circus was |
After the usual program had been
carried out two clowns came Into tbs
"D id you ever see a white elephant?"
asked one.
“Oh, yes,” nnswered the other. "The
king’s got a whole stableful of them.”
“No, the king hasn’t
They’re all
I will show you the only
genuine white elephant In the world.”
A small Indian elephant was led into ll
the ring— as white as snow. The audi­
ence gave n gasp of admiration and
reverence. The animal went through
various tricks, tumbling about, grind­
ing organs, and so forth. As It per- i$%
formed the secret of Its color gradual-
ly leaked out Whatever the elephant
touched became white. Presently the
first clown told the second to "rub his (jt
red nose on the beast and 'twould leave ,1 '
Its mark on him.”
__ 4 1
The uudlence bud been growing very ’ J
They saw that
the so-called
white elephant liml been chalked a llg ,
over. When tlie clown made his speech
It was received by an ominous silence. L *
Their religious belief wns being rld l-!W
■ ,
With admirable restraint, they left J r
the circus without any sign of anuoy-
unce; but ouce outside, they expresse«!*
their confident belief that the proprie-i)
tor would
lie punished by Buddha.]]]
Curiously enough, not many days after.Jl
the trick elephant was killed, and not ,1
much later the circus proprietor dle«L |
When tlie Siamese heard of the calam-j
ltles, they declared that It was a Just,
manifestation of Buddha's wrath for
the disrespect shown to the sacred a n l ^ |
---------------------------------- *
..« 1
i\ a p o l«o n 'i T o m b .
Henry Vlgiiaud, secretary o f
American embassy at
Purls, e n j o y » '1’*
telling of an American who was belii|t/$|ii
shown the tomb of Napoleon. As the lo
quucious guide referred to the vurloui
points of Interest I 11 connection w it
the tomb, the American paid the greut-i
est attention to all that was said.
"This tinmens«* sarcophagus,” d el
claimed the guide, “ weighs forty ton&i
Inside of thnt, sir, is a steel receptacli
weighing twelve tons, and Inside o!
that Is a leaden casket, hermetically
scale«], weighing over two tons. Inside'
of that rests a mahogany coffin con
tululng the remains of the great man .1
For u moment the American
silent, ns If lu deep meditation. Theij
he s a id ;
"It seems to me that you’ve got hi
all right.
If he ever gets out, c a b -,
me at my expense."— Success.
N ot
D ow n.
A parish clerk who prided hlmael
upon being well read occupied his sea
below the old “ three-decker” p n l p t l f
and whenever ft quotation or e x t r a s "
from the classlra wns Introduced Inti
the sermon he. In sn undertone, mu
tered Its source— much to the annoys.
ftnee of the preacher and amusement ' l l
the congregation. Despite all protesi
In private, the thing continued unt
one day the vlcar’e patience being qnl
exhausted he leaned over the pulp
side and Impulsively exclaimed: “ D r
you. ahut u p !" Immediately, In t
clerk's usual sententious tone, came tb
reply: "H is own.”
A n c ie n t, b a t I t G o « « .
Feeble* ( About to be operated m
for appendicitis)— Doctor, before y
begin I wish you would send snd ha
our pastor, ths Itev. Mr. Blank, ennf
Dr. Aawem— Certainly, If you wl
It but— ah------
Feeble#- I ’d Ilk* to be opened wl
| prayer.
Experience may hs • great teach
bnt s man’s experience with a woe
doesn't teach him sense.
There Is usually but on* sod to |
woman’s line of talk— « a d that Is