fiedadvertising i0 i Trade Directory | » Por"’,'ul iN r" » - Rt‘KC' _______ _ JçFaVo r it e S —— ===5i5 r r d e v e i o p l n « » m l p r ln i- * * £ * n . r « . 4 CO. 5 j * KU " t . r u a e n d « ! * » ------ - ------ ^ » V . S 3 g f f i W o o d a rd , c u u k a S “ ¡j, - J7J r » r o u r t '4 Vl" ______________ re“ u,“ bl” » C “ ____ Sp eak G en tly. « .a v a l- w e g u a r a n t e e ttt lu Sp«>nk gently! it is better far To rule b y love than fear. Speak gently—let not harsh words mar The good we might do hers I in « * - ? P f f £ r f a rc l. Cla re « * Oo. „ 1, III .I -ll.t,.- a * W ooda r d , c u r b u — r T TO B . s - » > g u a r a n t e e t h e l ’ . * . :p*B. i ; h « t w r i t « l o r h e « c a la .u * . £ J&b£d «**__________ Speak gently—love doth whisper low The vows that true hearts bind; And gently Friendship’s accents flow, Affection's voice Is kind. C — u u ffiim 4 P e n d l e t o n , note I t T S I ^ 1* — a ( o.’r c o r r e c t c lo th e s . ,p j M o rr is o n a n d M ' i ï ï ï for»!.!.' n „ e e s s ^ ■ “ppoeite P"*'othce. - — (, 11 ,■ i ; i ) >’ u n d er ttie C a r e y Irrt- d reel from sta te . W r ite t o d « I**1 Iree, B. S. L ook « A C o., -51 *” p5?ll»"d. Oregon- ______________ « « P V t K K Un— A c m e M ille Speak gently to the little child 1 Its love be sure to gain; Teach it in accents soft and mild—* It may net long remain. Co., Speak gently to the young, for they VVH1 have enough to bear* Paa-H through this life as best they may, ’Tie full of anxious care. i imt«“. _____________ ____________ M ills t o.. P o r tla n d . iC T e c lo th e. m a d e ........« » s u r e c h e a p , R e n i e n t sy ste tn in su r es p e r ie c t BL ím Pimples and p r ic e s ,_________________ - , , s s _ o " l d e » l p lt a o h o u s e on Par . “ and P ianos on e a s y p a y m e n t" . i a * U t Its q uote you a p rice. A lle u 4 iimstrr t o , Portland, O regon.__________ Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the careworn heart ; The sands of life are nearly run, Let such In peace depart. t, I,... I o m p a d o u rs. M en’s o o r s - best q u a lity ; lo w e s t p r ic e s ; •“d —¡S li«i- m ail o rd ers a »D *rt»lty. 1 **8 tore, 3°* W ashinjiton sit. ïeS t 1888. , Gee W o m Speak gently to the erring—know Suffered Severely They may have toiled in vain; With headaches— Perchance unkindness made them so; Unable to Work Without an unkind word. home ITHEIT roidrifttl « ¡ l ctor »» c*lled •use be cur«* Miss L u c y V. McGivney, 452 3rd Speak gently! lie who gave His life To bend man’s stubborn will, Ave Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: rlthout open* are ilvta “P He cures wltn onderful Cui­ us, roots, buds, ,d veif«tabl.-s eulireiy uii- 0 medical set- ■— hiiconuiry. TbroiiKli th e use ol tnoa* remedies this fam ous d o c to r know « 1 of over 500 difleren t r e m e d ie s w a lc h •fully uses in d i f f e r e n i d is e a s e s . H a esioenre c a t a r r h , a s t h m a , lu n g , th r o a :. Ism n erv o u sn ess, s t o m a c h , liv e r ; k.d* ■•’has h u n d r e d s of te s t im o n ia ls , moderate. Call a n d s e e h i m . P a t ie n t s . Citjr >vrite for h l a n k r a n d <• rcu lars. CONSULTATION F U lfilu THEC. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO -I. first St., S. E. C or. M o rris o n n paper Speak gently, kindly, to the poor; “ PE-RU-NA WORKED Let no harsh tone be heard; have enough they must endure, SIMPLY MARVELOUS They Without an unkind word. PORTLAND. O R EG O N . Life of a Bag depends on how honestly it ie made “ For many months I suffered severely from headaches and pains in the side and back, sometimes being unable ta attend to my daily work. “ I am better now, thanks to Peruna, and am as active as ever and have no more headaches. “ The way Peruna worked in my case was simply marvelous." We have in our files many grateful letters from women who have suffered with the symptoms named above. Lack of space prevents our giving more than one testimonial here. It is impossible even to approximate the great amount of suffering which Peruna has relieved, or the number of women who have been restored to health and strength by its faithful use. GASOLENE ENGINES 3 to 4 horse­ power fully warranted, $125. All sizes and styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY MIS BAGS on honor, of the best mater- is why they outlive others, won't need to order bag. to often order specifies “ BEMIS." for P o rtlan d , O regon. BEST BY TEST -f have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather.” (T he nam e and addrea* o f th e w rite r o f thie unsolicited le tte r may be had upon application) Highest Award World’s Fair, 1904. A . J. T O W E R CO. T1* Sign of the Fish Boston, U . S. A. GRAIN, F L O U R , ORE, W O O L , E T C T O W E R CA NA D IAN C O .. LIMITED Toronto. Canada ' - w’ MA1® Mahon o f Warranto* Wot Woathor Clothing D i d n ’t M ake G ood. Teas—Don’t you think Mr. Galley la awfully handsome? j es8—HUb ! “Handsome is as hand- ATTLE, W A S H IN G T O N some does.” He told me last evening th a t be was going to kiss me before he le ft Sam e E B e e t. Tess—The Idea ! Weren’t you Indig­ lie Feathertop (at the play) — nant? t the air seem heavy iu here?” Jess—I should say I was. When a Tartan—“I hadn't noticed it It that yon are unusually—er—light man promises to do a thing he ought to keep his word.—Philadelphia Press. this evening. is Bro. Bag Co. postal f o r of When elements were fierce with strife. Spoke to them: “Peace, be still I” Speak gently! 'Tis a little thing Dropped in the heart's deep well; The good, the joy, which it may bring Eternity shall tell. —David Bates. HONEY AS A FOOD. It la N narlehln g; a n d fo r the D ig e s tiv e Saves W ork O r jr u n e . SKIN DISEASES ACNE, TETTER, ECZEMA, There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn- P ^ O R I A S I ^ ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those 1 OW1 1 ^ ? who are afflicted with skin troubles find the symptoms appear- C A I T R H E U M ing and know that they will be tormented through the hot ^ * ** U l. summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, aud as they are forced to the surface the skin seems to be ou fire. The treatment of skiu diseases with exter­ nal applications i? all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is iu the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning aud cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disciise returns. - A ll food taken into the body contains, iu some form, the elements necessary to sustain the different parts. One portion is used for T H E ITC H IN G W A S ALMOST U N B E A R A B L E . the making of blood, another for muscle, D ear S irs—My body broke out w ith a ra sh or eru p tio n one for bone, still another for fat, and so ou. w hich in sp ite of all efforts to oure continued to g et w orse. After these different properties are ex­ T h e itohinjl, especially at night, w as sim ply terrib le, it ould alm ost d isa p p e a r at tim es, oqjy to re tu rn w o rse tracted from the food there still remains a w th an ever. I had tried m any highly reoomm ended p re p a ­ ra tio n s w ith o u t benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. d eterm ined portion that is useless, or waste matter, to give it a fair trial, and w as inexpressibly delighted which is intended to be disposed of through w hen a few b o ttles oured me entirely, rem oving every the natural channels of bodily waste, the blem ish an d pim ple from my body. I shall not fail to reo- S. S. S. w henever an o p p o rtu n ity ooours to do so. Liver, Kidueys and Bowels. At this season ommend Esoondido, Cal L. MARNO. of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition, and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne, Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description. ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be afflicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid iu the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition and giving it a leathery appearance. A CN E makes its appearance on the face in the form of pimples and black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear­ ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body. One of the worst forms of skin disease is S A L T RHEUM , It discharges a watery fluid, form­ ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected, and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp. These and all skin diseases are due to the same cause— burning acids and humors in the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en­ tirely from roots, herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter, builds up the blood aud cures all skin diseases promptly and permanently. S. S. S. does not leave the least par­ ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids the blood of the cause for all skin diseases. S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off the natural waste aud refuse matter through the proper channels, instead of leaving it to be absorbed by the blood. Nothing equals S. S. S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the general health. Write for our treatise ou skin diseases and any medical advice you wish. We make no charge for either. THE S W IF T SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, QA. Honey, which Is described as “one of nature's best foods,” Is the subject of a report by the Ontario department of ngrlculture. In this It Is pointed out that It Is only within the past few centuries that sugar has become known nnd only within the last generation th a t refined sugars have become so low In price that they may be commonly used In the poorest fnmllles. Former­ ly honey was the principal sweet, and It was highly valued 3,000 years before the first sugar refinery was built “It would add greatly to the health of the present generation,” It Is declared, “If honey could be at least partially re­ stored to Its former place as a common article of d ie t” Excessive use of sugar brings In Its train a long list of Ills. When sugar Is taken Into the stomach It cannot be assimilated until first changed by di­ When a Japan»« audience wish to ex- I A policeman who had been on the force gestion Into grape sugar. Only too prese disapproval of a pia/, the/ turn of London aix years has been sent to prison for stealing milk from doorsteps. often the overtaxed stomach falls prop­ their backs to the stage. erly to perform this digestion, and then % come sour stomach and various phases of Indigestion and dyspepsia. In the THE WHOLE LOT laboratory of the hive the honey has a copy of our handsomely been fully prepared by the bees for If we don’t heed prevention, we will need a cure. The Old-Monk-Cure illustrated 88-page b o o k , prompt assimilation without taxing either stomach or the kidneys, so that "Oregon, Washington, Idaho In eating honey the digestive machinery and Their Resources,” which Is saved work and health Is main­ tells'all about this section of tained. Is ready always for all forms of muscular aches or p ain s, from the Union, where there are Moreover, the same report says that more openings in every line “In many cases It will be a real econ­ R H E U M A T IS M LUM BAGO of industry than anywhere omy to lessen the butter bill by letting to else in the United States. honey In part take Its place. One ST IF F NECK SP R A IN Four cents in postage. pound of honey will go as far ns a IT CURBS ALIKE THB WHOLE LOT. pound of butter, and If both articles be of the same quality, the honey will cost the less. Honey Is strongly rec­ ommended for children, while for per­ sons of all ages a pleasant and whole­ General Pateenger Agt. some drink Is called ‘German honey The Oregon Railroad dc tea.’ This is made by pouring a tea­ Navigation Company Indigestion Headache HAT thin, little, 10-cent Box of cupful of hot water on from one to PORTLAND, OREGON Dyspepsia Diarrhoea Cascareis. two teasiioonfuls of honey.” Torpid L iver Flatulence W rite for it today. H e H a le d T y p e w rite r« . A ppendicitis Hives The late Associate Justice Gray of Rheumatism Jaundice » When carried constantly In the Supreme Court was very eccentric. • Catarrh Nausea your Vest Pocket, or In ” my Colic Vertigo Among his prejudices was a deep and Lady's" Purse it will ward off ninety per Scrofula Pimplet lasting aversion for a typewriter. T hat cent of Life's ordinary Ills. IVomanly Troubles machine did not come Into general use Eat one of the six candy tablets con­ Worms Blotches until Justice Gray was an old man, tained in that ’ Vest Pocket Box" whenever * 3 = & * 3 = S H O E S ." Piles Eczema and he never became reconciled to it W . L . D o u g la s * 4 .0 0 C llt E d g e L in e you suspect you need one. Ulcers Dysentery It maye him furious If a lawyer filed c a n n o t be e q u a lle d a t a n y p ric e . It can't hurt you, and Is sure Insurance with him a motion or other court pa­ In such cases a little Cascaret In time Is against serious sickness. lter typewritten. He Invariably return­ worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment snots e • • [ ed It with a brusque request that the later on, to say nothing of the suffering, | ' I 9 A L L m atter be written In longhand. He had Want of Exercise, indoor Employment, discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and a stenographer at bis disposal, but weaken the Bowel Muscles, Just as they loss of Social Sunshine It saves. never utilized his services, as he wrote weaken Arm and Leg Muscles. all his letters as well as his opinions. The Muscles lose tone, tension, strength, He notified the clerk of the Supreme to force the food onward. A coming Headache can be warded off Court not to send him any typewritten And the longer they stay In that state In short order, by a single Cascaret, and paper, no m atter how Important It the weaker they become, because the less the cause removed. might be. He never neglected an op­ Heartburn, Gas-belching, Acid-risings in exercise they get through the slow pass­ portunity to denounce typewriters. The the throat, and Colicky feeling are sure result of his hatred for these machines age of food. Cascareis contain the only combination signs of bowel trouble from food poisons, was th at he did three times as much and should be dealt with promptly. of drugs that acts on the Muscles of the work as the other Justices. One Cascaret will stop the coming trou­ Bowels and Intestines, Juat as Cold Water, N o L o t-o p . ble, and move on the Bowel load. If taken or Exercise, act on a Lazy man. Lovett—You don’t believe In divorce, at the first signs. They act like Exercise. then? Don’t (all to carry the Vest Pocket Box • • • Hnyter—No, sir; I’ve got too much of Cascarets with you constantly. W .L .q O U O L A M M A H EM 4 t f t LM M O ffC sportin' blood. When you have Heartburn. Colic.Coated Lovett—What has that to do with Tongue, Suspected Breath, Acid-rlslng-tn- It? throat, Gas-belching, or an incipient Cold, diepre.e thi« itatem«e$* All Druggists sell them—over ten million Hayter—I believe In a fight to the It I could take yo u Into m y three large factorise take a Cascaret. boxes a year. finish.—Philadelphia Ledger. at Rrnckton, tie««., and show you the Infinite Remember, all these are not merely w ith w h ic h e v e r / pair ef s h n » Is made, you Be very careful to get the genuine, care would realize w h y W . L . Douglee $Jt SO s h e » T he C lu b W o m a n ’* S p o u n e . Discomforts, but Indications of a serious made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­ cnet more ta m ake w h y th e . hold th e ir «hape, “Doee your wife Insist on knowing tit better, w ear longer, and are ol g reater Cause. exactly when you get h o m e r asked the ~ Nip them In the bud—eat a Candy pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet In trin sic value than any other »/.SO *hne. whJ- fiT iS V * • » fe* sta ped "CCC.” Intrualve friend. M e w . 9 2 . h O . 0 2 .0 0 . S o y a ’ < e * » f 4 Cascaret. Cascareis don’t purge, nor “My wife never knowe when I get c 9 B r 91 . T » V 9 1 . 0 O C A U T I O N , —Inelet u p o n h a v i n g W XTltong. home,” answered Mr. Meekton. "I’m punish the stomach like ” Bile-driving” **r.K ' * “ • ■’> • ’ibetltute. None genuine “ Physics.” without hie name and prlee «am ped on bottom. always home before she Is.”—W ashing­ fo o t Color [ nolo!I seed ; th e , »III not moor tru e « . They act like Exercise on the Bowel- * • r u t TO OUR N tltN D tl W rite for Illu stra te d Catalog. ton Star. W . U DOt H I.AS , Hr... hton, Maas. Muscles that propel Food, and that squeeze We wait (net. «»OLD P L A T E D SOI Women are such capable creatures the natural Digestive Juices of the body ad 1 » e e l » « It U 1 _ r. N. u. that they have been known to play Into Food. ■ utet zt z Na 17 04 if Cascarets. wblst and take care of a baby crawl­ Cascareis ward off, or cure, the follow­ wttk whtctnSVSJñty trtmket U tee»«. * * * bn n d v a r t la a r e pTa ing around on their lap at the same ing diseases: ini te-Uy. ■enUent»* Otta yaeer, A lires» I [ W j j _ » ‘ « s t l » e S h te p a p a r . time« Constipation B ad B rtalk Biliousness Diabetes Send Your Eastern Eriends St. Ja co b s Oil A Friend in Need— A. L. CRAIG T W. L. D ouglas Jaques Mft- C* Chicago IT’S PLAIN BUSINESS W h e n y o u » e t d e n ta l w o rk d one. Sys­ te m a n d p recluion a ll lb** w ay thro u g h In o u r office, h u t w e do te m p e r business w ith a little c o m p a s sio n fo r a nervous tie n t. W s tr y to m a k s It a painless si ness. Inr. fttu rd e v a n t, s p e c ia lis t on ch ild ­ re n 's te e th a n d re g u la tin g . K WISE BROS., Dentists F a llin g B o n d in g , T h ird a n d W ash in g to n » a. m . to • p. m . ; S u n d a y s » t o l l w orn . Main K29 dont o« w rrx iv and M ONTHLY PA YM EN TS PIT.F.WW« iSSSrVotiifgU KiVoK»™“ $ 10,000