G A L E S C R EEK Woman Suffragist to Speak Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford of Denver, Mrs. Patton, of T h e News force, Hour will lecture at the Methodist spent Sunday at hom e. C o lo ., Church, W ednesday Evening, May 23, Mrs. Ben Hoskins of D illey, is visit­ ing with her parents this week. at 8 o ’ c lo ck p. m. Mrs. Bradford com es under the Frank Maitland has sold his ranch 3 auspices of the I I I I Forest Grove Equal and m oved into the Ed Ayers house. Suffrage Club, and will tell of the Mr. Taylor of Portland, and several results of W om an’ s Suffrage in Colorado. others, cam e out in their autom obile Mrs. Bradford is a forcible and brilliant and spent Sunday with relatives here. speaker, she is one of the foremost Mr. O. E. Q uick, wife and daughter Club W om en of the United States. of Tillam ook, passed through here She was at one time President and is Monday on their way to Forest Grove. at present Secretary of the Colorado Mr. Sam Parkin has been confined Federation of W om en’ s Clubs. It is hoped that all the j f j Forest Grove will club make women an effort of to his b ed for several days with the to la grippe but is im proving at this j ] hear Mrs. Bradford and give her greet- writing. I ! ing. — M . Smyth has bought the Chicago — Gloss starch at Johnson & John- Clothing C o.’ s stock. jij I , son’ s, 2 pkgs for 10c. Iceland ......'. FIR TOP T h e Womans Club of this city, have || secured It all goes at the lowest prices. Miss Jessie Mann is on the sick (jig ^ now this week. in Portland, to give a lecture on her Miss Anna Cornelius travels in Iceland. Lady Rydingsvard few days last week. i f is a most highly cultured woman, i eminent art critic and a student of folk , f, songs. During the Lewis and Clark I f I fair, Lady Anna appeared on and con- I 11 du cted several programs that were thoroughly appreciated by all classes Mr. was hom e a Charley Aydelott and family were in this vicinity Sunday. Mrs. Watson of Portland, visited Mrs. Mann’ s family last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Shearer intends going I of people. She has lectured and given to Hillsboro this week to visit with rjl folk songs of nations to Portland W o- her daughter, Mrs. Case. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shearer, daughter llm en’ s Club and a number of the clubs , in Oregon. An unusual opportunity Carrie, the Misses Eula Lafferty and f I s offered to hear of Iceland, a country Jennie Mann spent a few hours of last L ¡o far away, which so few visit, and of Sunday at the mineral springs near | * which we know so little. After the Gales Creek. § le c tu re some songs of Iceland will be D IL L E Y t j mug. even At the College if they get clear to — H ave you weakness of any kind- Miss Lelpha Hawley, visited Portland, stomach, back, or any organs 0f u I they have finished, since the outward body? D on ’ t d ope yourself with „ ¿ l Saturday. character of their promises and press nary m ed icine. Hollister’s I Mr. Albright saw Bernhardt in By eve accounts do not point very strenuously Mountain Tea is the supreme Camille, Saturday afternoon. to the fact that the United Railways 35 cents. Tea or Tib] I Emery C. Dye of Oregon City, power. have any extensive interests in heaven, * visited friends in Forest Grove, Dr. H in es’ Drug Store, “ N ow ” spelled backward means W e would suggest that if Hillsboro Sunday. wants a street railway they would do su ccess.— Ex. ^ Notice for Publication Mr. D. D Bump of the Senior Class, United States Land Olí.ce. Port and W e notice that the Index fails to better to build it themselves as we are was out of school a few days last week O'tiw, Forest Grove and save on account of illness. A» rtl» , 19ft have an account of Pacific University’ s doing in Notice is hereby given that in cotnpiu^, strength and newspaper space for more baseball efforts of last Saturday. Prof. Bach went to Portland, Satur- 0 , “ "f ac‘ 0' Con“’ ' « <* k *. T »' . , -*-> , • | entitled An act for the sale of timber i. a effective causes. These breaths of T h e rain of this week has put an ------------ 7' ' __ day and and saw saw Bernhardt in Camille in staIM of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud desert breezes> breezes, otherwise otherwise terme termed edge on the old Oregonians again. desert order {o hear some pure French. Territory,'' as extended to ail the Public LaadT”11** (From the Weekly Iniex) Shanghai -or some other place-—before SOLILOQUISMS j list T h ey are sharper and more alert than heated atmosphere— that the so ca e they were last week at this tim e. magnates are an ing out to us unsus ; Lady Ann Rydingsvard, an j care where, Jim Colter has gone to St Johns to Smyth’ s Clothing Ad work. page 8 of this issue. Mrs. Paul Ward visited relatives in — N otice M . Guaranteed H u gh "M c C re d ie ” Miss Inez Lu ce, who has been study- ar( at pacjfiCi ]eft Friday for Mist, | act of August 4. lo 9 i, Albert H. Leete, u T * ! I Branch, county o f Lapeer, State of Micirignn fc-** I j day Bled in this office his sworn statement 1 j for the purchase o f the NWVi of Section No ^ Sparks j has pCCting “ d . inD° Cent COun,rymen are I Ore., where she will teach school [ Township No. 2 North, Range No. 6 West u 1 wearing on the nerves, and about ex- offer proof to show that the land landsouvht i . __' '' I sought is released eight men and is looking for haust our generous supply of patience. The Seniors are the proud possessors for its timber or stone than for agricultural of class pins. The design is a cut-out and to establish his claim to said h nd eight more and Pacific University is P. U. with an ’ 06 between the letters. Register and Receiver o f this office at Portland to * looking for a new baseball manager. P ress C om m ent ; cn Monday, the 23rd day o f July, 1906. The pins are finished in dull gold. W hile you are thinking of the j ' He names as witnesses: Archie Grtenmin of a Multnomah secured 33 hits, and the The 3rd Years had a very pleasant' land. Oregon; r . C. W hltlen o f Portland, Cregon; a “ M ade in O regon” rem em ber there visiting team piled up 16 errors.— picnic at Roderick Falls, Saturday, in A. W heeler o f Portland, Oregon; U. s- Bryan * are som e other “ Maids in O regon” Portland, Oregon. Oregoniar. spite of the occasional showers. Mrs Any and all persons claiming adversely theaW I too. Very few however have to be Haan and Mr. Zimmerman accom ­ described lands are r e p e a le d :u file their clsiu, _ A detailed account here would be reminded of this self-evident truth. office on or before said 23rd day of July, 190 $ ** 1 panied the party. tiresome.— Journal. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, T o the average citizen what signifi­ The Art class will give the annua! (P in t Pub May 3.1 cance would the following notice con ­ exhibit earlier this year than usual, Where Genius Shines vey, "A n y on e caught twaddling will probably the first of June. The Art Notice for Publication be can ned.” Such is the means of A hall of Inventions where genius students under Miss Bain’ s instruction United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, expression used in our largest know- may shine and every imaginable inven- are working hard so that this exhibit March 19, ire promises to be one of the best we have ledge factories and this very motto tion may have an opportunity to dem­ Notice is hereby given that in compliance »¡Hu, I ever had at Pacific. was seen in a laboratory at Corvallis. onstrate its worth to its inventor and provisions o f the act o f Congress of June 3,1878, maid Miss Muzella Lewis of Portlnnd, vis- i 'A n act for th sra lc o f timber lands In the Sututl It is clearly im possible for the Argus the rest of mankind, has been pro- ited friends at Forest Grove Saturday Cali,omia' ° r' son' Nevada, and WashingtonTmlton» J I A S .vtanfiaa (n nil (L . n..L, 1 . _ to get out two issues without bringing jected and is likely to be one of the le and Sundav. Miss Lewis was gradu- ” j '° J h■! persons rllim in g adversely the aim. Mr. Freund has been spending a The Barlow Boad crosses the Cas- or Pacific University? They were not tion of the wording of inventions of Messrs. Ward, Witham, White, Allen, described i,nd.»e,eque«=d to me t h e i r d * . j every description, to be known as the Ferrin and Holmes. omce on or betofe said iuth day of June, \m. d e Mountains just south of Mt. few days at hom e with his family. all from H illsboio, neither were they Mr. W m . W ilkes, who was so very ood. There is no other road be­ “ Hall of Modern Inventions.” ^ s , turdar Miss p eterson invited ^ all from Fores.t Grove or Pacific Univer­ lt and the Colum bia River on sick last week, is a little better at this At all previous Expositions, mver.- a number d her friends to the Peterson |----------------------------—_____________ ___ | sity, but it does seem to be true that e north, and not 100 miles to the writing. tlons, however worthy or valuable they farm near town, the occasion being that aggregation came from Washing- Notice for Publication uth. If you want to cross the Cas- might be, were refused admittance I ^ ' ss Feirin s birthday. The guests Miss Lena H o lco m b closed her ( ton County. Let honor g o where United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon. under the rules, unless they were being were the Misses Ferrin, Brobst, Hoff-1 des you must travel over the Barlow school Friday and has returned home honor is due and vice versa May 7$, 1906. 1 J ” m an Rrr»/-.lr 1 ______ man, Brock, Thomas, Cl Silverman, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the oad— and pay toll. for the summer. manufactured or were on sale. It ! Frances Abernethv and Helen Chand- provisions of the set or Gongra« of June 3 , i 87 s, » After careful and reflective medita­ The Barlow Road is a strip of land believed that many valuable inventions, ler. The girls took com plete Dosses- " An f°r '•>« «ie °r iirahtf i.ind, imik S m Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cain came out tion occu p yin g som e weeks, the Argus |0 feet wide and nearly 70 miles long, from Portland Saturday to spend a :eoma t0 the conclusion that superior to those of like character n o n session of the place and say they had of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter- . ritory,” at extended to nil the Public Land States by act ‘ Forest he owners hold it under a grant made week with Mrs. Cain’ s father, Mr. in use, are in the hands of inventors or i °.n excdlcn t dinner as well as jolly of August 4, 1892, MacRae Vert of Portland, County* Grove has turned out more narrow­ Multnomah, State o f Oregon, has this day filed in this j years ago by the Supreme Court. others, who for various reasons, are un j l' me PrePar' nK ' l- Willis Vail. office his sworn statement No. 6916, for the purchase of minded newspaper men than any town U i ' The farmers in Clackamas and W asco The members of the Q . T. Society ' >*« n . w . h or < « u n n o . 34 . inTow n.nP » o i . i , ] Miss Josephine Freund was quite of its population this side cf Kalamazoo, j able to develop them successfully.! ^ i f fou nties, who live in the country ! And many useful inventions are lost to Rave a picnic to their class-mates, Rar,‘- ' No s w. and win oner proof to si«« ua!i< sick last week, which at first might be M ichigan.” It does not take anyone “ " ’butary to this road, have to pay toll the world on this account Saturday -J afternoon. After , a , pleasant ,Td T * * ' " mor' valu»bl' ,or "s , _ , ,h>n ,or aiitlcu ltural purposes, and 10 establish to | diphtheria. Dr. Via was called and many hours to determine that if Hills- me world on tnis account. hayrack ride, the party reached Roder- dam, » , , « u*. before R eitera* r , c *™ «*• every head of sheep or cattle they With a special building devoted to in­ pronounced it a very bad case of sore j boro had turned out one less the fall 1CK falls, where they spent a merry llnd. Oregon, on Friday, the 27th day of July, 190 «, j ve to Portland. T h ey have to pay ventions of this character, inventors or afternoon. Those who Composed the He names as witnesses: George Bigelow of Portland, throat resulting from a cold. She is thereof would have been far from 00 every time they cross the moun- their representatives can make a dem- party were: Misses Goldie Peterson 0r,-£0n: Edward ;a*per of Por’land’ s*1 [ much better and able to be up again, great. H e le n D rolr-o t t „ i _______ D - , „ ’ •,asP that they represent London cap:- building there may be a fine steel erected for that j n correction we purpose, , ° f 30 t 7 em 'ast wood has been planning to make some tab .First it was educational use of it. Chancellor J. wnich we had í rii Portland capital to where valuable inventions, freak inven- being erected a V ^ ^ ■ money to circulate the petitions. ijfl *• r sed to look for our stree tions and every other kind of fruit of ^ t - - - - ** ewPorl by Mr. Sears, it * ! o C. Lovell Walker, Ira Hampton, and R. Day encouraged his plans by grant - 1 ra>lway, then it was San Francisco, the mind of inventive genius, may be R. Peter Wirtz, is not a dance hall but I H j w to sell the road at the price agreed ing permission to transform part of the tben Hew Y o;k and now London P'aced on exhibition be'ore the mi'- will be called the Ocean Wave Danc­ . 1 2 4 ,0 0 0 , but they will be com ­ lands about the Castle into a botanical c*P*tal. It is very evident that the bons who visit the Jamestown Expo- ing Pavilion and Opera House. illed to sell according to their agree- To SPOK AN E, ST . PAU L, MIN® garden. There is already a good col- c®P*tal has to co m e from somewhere sh o i on the historic shores of Hamp- D _ APO LIS, D U L U T H , CHICAGO. t if the law passes. If the state lection of trees and shrubs on the on earth— or in the earth— and we don ’ t ton Roads, next year, Feduced Rates ST. LO U IS. is not buy the road next June, it grounds which are to be labelled with * During the Summer Season of 1906 AND ALL PolN TS E a s t a n d SoCT8' 1 never have another chance to buy com m on and scientific names. A large road for twice that amount of reduced round trip excursion rates will ~n , ~ I n «ih number of flower beds are now being be in effect from the East to all North ^ M M f a l l l S Dailjf 2 ey, and it could not be built again laid out, each to be occu p ied by a J •in for 8100,000. Pacmc Coast Points, such as Portland, T h e Flyer: T h e Fast Mail separate family. The beds are to be i facoma. Seattle, Victoria. Vancouver, SPLENDID SERVICE. UP TO D a H T here is no way to get rid of this arranged in a systematic sequence, the ! etc.: also to Spokane and San Francisco EQUIPMENT, COURTEOUS 'i 1 road except to buy it. As the plan being to show the natural relation­ Los Angeles and San D iego. EMPLOYES. le grows, it will b e co m e an im- ship between the com m on natural nsely valuable piece of property groups of plants as well as to promote Da>'li«llt triP through* ti* | five years when this country is the beautifying of the grounds. »» « l b , *75 , „ d t a n M ” o0; . C a s c a d e a n d ^ o c l q ' M o u n t « » Sickly settled it will be worth Another important feature of Prof. ' Irtune to own the pass across the Chnzh P° ln tL- name,y: Council Bluffs, For tickets, rates, folders and $ Kirkwood's undertaking is the develop­ es and to have the right to tchison, St. Joseph, Kansas information, call on or address ment of an experimental garden, where ge toll on it. A nd the state will plants and flowers will be grown for • ’ als0 S,‘ Paul and Minneapolis H . DICKSON, rates wU be 860. Rates t0 Spokane City T ick et A gen t, 122 Third St... to buy it sooner or later experimental purposis, and where the e farmers cannot buy the road botanical science can be studied from <>« r ' , 5 J ” S ,han t0 ‘ be Coast or _ p° rtland’ L' roaelves There is no reason why f.70 fTOm Chicago and 855 from the plants in the living condition. S. G. Y E R K E S , A . G. P. A . Se*k- Missouri River and St. Paul. V should T h e road is a great Prof. Kirkwood is deeply interested W ash., Cor. 2nd A ve. and Columbia VU THE highway the same as the old in this new work of his department a n ifr 'r » 00* ^ th' Shasta R °Ute wagon road was. T h e legisU- and with the added facilities he will and California will be 8 1 3 .5 0 higher ■nan those above mentioned. appropriated several thousand doubtless be able to extend the work "THE COMFORTABLE W AT” to build the Dallas wagon road, to greater proportions. ^ e s e tickets will be on sale daily ¿toute of the fnmoua Oriental Limited Citizens of Route your shipments vH c o m m e n t June 1 « and continuing one would complain if the state Syracuse as well as the colleg e students Vo* derailed infoftttetten. ratee, etc., call on oe eddreee if. m . o / e / r s o . v , e. t * until September 15, with final return Great Northern. to begin to build a new highway pr0< 5 t ju ch opportunities as the I2 f2 f i m i * S t . , t ' ^ r t i m m d . u r * . bmit of October 3 1 « . ler the Cascades at a cost of at least out-growth of this enterprise will Full information from 1 0 0,00 0. | furnish. A. L . C r a i g . Wm. HARDER, j SEATTLE CHICAGO GREAT NORTHERN We Give Expedited Service ■■ Freight. RAILWAY General Passenger Agent. General A gen t; Portland Ore goo