Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, May 10, 1906, Image 5

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    p u re Blood
t a k e Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
, certain
i f j >’011
ertiun u
« “
is g r e a t Iu e d lc in e c u r e a th o s e eruptions,
l . s and boils that appear at all seasons;
imP Sscrofu
;cr la
sores, salt rheum or eczema;
Ir rig a tio n .
T u itse
“-American irrigation was old when
tS( lf e q u a lly well to, and also cures, d y s-
•S and
Route was In the glory of Its youth,”
an a ll s to m a c h troubles; c u r e s rh e u -
says 0 . J. Blanehartl in “T h e National
:psU ‘ an j c a t a r r h ; cures nervous troubles,
tism ftw« -------
tieorgraphlc Magazine.” “T h e ancleiit
-bUity and 1 that tired
aqueducts and subterranean canals of
is p ro v e d by thousands of test!
. . . . 0
uton, South America, extending for thou­
Helen . L. . Thompson
of Ii^w
m in t in tlm w« reports great benefit to her Util, sands of miles, once supplied great
eonials, 40,306 by actual „ count
in the gir, from Hood',
,.„.,ru __ a r e c o r d unprecedented thoroughly puritied her wood «tier »n cities and Irrigated Immense areas.
Lit tw o > t‘irs
Attack of that blood poisoning dls- Centuries before the venturous Norse­
• the history of medicine.
ease.scsrle fever. It gave her strength men landed upon the bleak and inhos­
pitable shores of New Euglund a large
Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla,
population dwelt in the hot valleys of
tdquid or tablets, 100 Doses One Dollar.
of scrofula, salt rheum, eczema, etc.
the far southwest. From the solid
rock, with primitive tools of stone, they
H a n <11 e a i* p e d .
t.hle silk , matt* of cotton and col-
cut ditches and hewed the blocks for
' * * 1 to be manufactured in Mexico
The Doctor—The medicine I le ft for many chambered palaces, which they
^ “i'g e s c a le . The cost is only one- you doesn't seem to have had the de­ erected in the desert or on the lime­
1 ‘ t„ ooe-fifteenth of real atlk.
sired effect. Have you taken It regu­ stone ledges of deep river canyons.
rc A K A N T E K D C U R B F O R P I L E S .
I hese voiceless ruins, older than the
U, ,
m eriting, P rotru d in g Piles.
T h e T atien t (a poet)— As regularly memory of many centuries, tell the
¡rtl"«' B' r ' l w ' d to refund m o n e y If P A Z O
ns I could, doctor. You said I should story of a thrifty, home loving and
J y l i f i S T fail» to cure In m o l * d ay s . 60c.
tako it a fte r each meal.
seml-cultured people, concerning whose
• 500 d aqi pajaAisno ./dJBq ooinf v
fate history brings us no word. In
,nop oq m il“« II W V Pln° t * I..
these palaces and In many miles of
issoJd Jap» 8 J° ■°!snaI. »11 »I'd
canals we may almost read the story
, m sisjjspnn no.f p[no« moh .-ssjjd
of another Egypt—a people tolling un­
,q ,
j o o isn u x o q i , j o q u a d s n o .f
For Infants and Children.
der the burning sun of the desert,
Iqa a;,, ‘PI88 ^ ••‘aa>1 8ao B| ®J ° H "
wearily and patiently executing the
«oui pnB 100(1 o 3 b || i .\ oqi iq poilimqns
commands of an American Pharaoh.”
B e a r s the
¿uosnusiB oqi JOAO poqooi JOi!Pa o qj,
In the lust quarter of u century a
.,a | u u ;> JO s M j n o H H
Signature of I
crop, producing area of 10,000,000 acres,
equal In size to the State of Massachu­
.. .» ...W i ll find Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing
th?bs't remedy louse fo r their children
In Sonora, Mexico, alone, about $40,- setts, has been wrested from the desert.
irinl the teething period.
000,000 of American money ia now in­ Irrigation canals long enough to span
the earth twice and representing an
A new horse disease has come to Eng-
of $00,000,000 have been bu ilt
znJ from Inllia ^ way °f South Africa-
I, i., called epizootic lymphangitis, and T ak e L A X A T I V E BRO M O Q uInlneTablets. Drug­ Every year this urea returns a harvest
gists refund m oney If It fat s to cure.
E . W.
I, vrry contagious.
valued at nearly twice the cost of the
G p ;O V E ’b sig n atu re Isou each box. 25c.
irrigation cuuuls. The United States
IT# Permanently Cured. N o fits or nervousness
U n c le A lle n .
ITS after first duv’s use o f D r.K lln e ’s O r e a t S e r v o
Is to-day the largest owner of the great
L,„,,r send fur I r r r * 2 trial b o ttle a n d treatise.
“No,” said Uncle Allen Sparks, “f
American desert—no doubt as Mr.
!rK.H.Kline, L td ., 931 A rc h S t . P h ila d e lp h ia , P a. won’t say Doc Bliggins is u monumental
Blanchard explains, because It was not
Prisoners iu Morocco must pay the
considered worth stealing. For tuuny
oliceman for his work In taking them with he has the most vivid recollection of
years the sentiment has been growing
things that never happened.”
) jail.
that the government should make this
vast empire habitable and this senti­
ment crystallized Into the reclamation
law, signed by President Roosevelt on
Jun e 17, 1002.
The first of the great Irrigation
works to be undertaken by the govern­
ment Is In Nevada. In the bed of an­
cient Lake Lahontnn and embracing
what was long known as Forty Mile
desert, the most desolate and arid spot
on this continent except Death Valley,
the engineers completed the plans for
an extensive Irrigation work involv­
ing some rather novel engineering fea­
tures, the greatest and most Important
of which Is that of lifting the wuters
of the Truckee River Into the great
canal, which will carry them over into
is the wonderful raising powder of the
the Carson River reservoir, whence
Wave Circle. Thousands of women are
they are diverted Into laterals and car­
bringing greater health and better food
into their homes by using K C Baking
ried out upon the desert. When com­
Powder. Costs just one-third what you
pleted the Truckee-Cnrson works will
5r>'CAOO ( ,C
always pay. If you have never used it
cost more than $9,000,000 and render
you don’t know what you've missed.
productive more than 400,000 acres now
D on’t wait 1 A ll grocers.
absolutely worthless, but which, when
Irrigated, will sell readily for $30,000,-
25 o u n c e s f o r 25 cents
000, It Is estimated.
People Who E at Clay.
C h ica g o
The Kind You Have Always Bought
R cl b a k in g
.•="*1 P O W D E R
T h « a rtis tic “ Book of Presents'*
fre e upon request.
“The people of the K ast and Middle W est will fall over themselves to
come to the Pacific N orthw est when they find out how much better the
climate and advantages a r e .”
Such Is the w ritten sta tem en t of W. R. Pelvail, who has
been liv in g In th e P acific Northw est twelve years.
W e W a n t T h em “ to Find O u t”
And the best way to te ll them is to send them our publications:
“ Oregon. Washington. Idaho and Their Resources.” « handsomely Illustrated 88-page
wwk, telling a ll about th e th re e states, four cents in postage.
What Farmers h ave Done in Oregon. Washington and Idaho, as Told by Themselves,
two cents in stamps.
“ Restful Recreation Resorts,” descrip tive of the summering places of the Columbia
nver and Coast, two c e n ts In stamps.
“Th« Columbia River Through the Cascades to the Pacific Ocean,” largo panoramic
map oft e Columbia river, w ltn story on reverse side, four cents
Large and accurate wall map of Oregon, W ashington and Id a h o . 2 5 cents iu stamps.
Handy pocket map of Oregon, W ashington and Idaho, stiff cover, two cents.
For any of th e above, address, enclosing stamps «s stated
A. L CRAIG, G. P. A., Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon)
Write today
Portland, Oregon
•D0tp inao Jdd iron P*l*l™>ot aq
esoqi jo »UH* ‘paip ja
¡Jad VZ ¿lno ‘«ÍPUI W H J * ™ 3 *!'1
| T T T T lliI1
Nothing knocks out
disables like
K od ak develop in g a nd print-
for prices. W ood ard . C la rk e A Co.
— __^
Lumbago and Sciatica
^ N t k KN8 — W e lste r Co., P o rtla n d .
Prices on L a n te rn s and Slides.
® 0 s * E R Y ; S u p p orters, B r a c e s ; K n it to
^ ^ • m e a s u r e m en t b la n k s ; W ood ard . C larke.
Nothing reaches the trouble
as quickly as
prcM *
**! k,nds for sale a t very reason ab le
^Inquire r s F r o n t St.
0n a PPr° v a l ; w e g u a ra n te e fit iu
V o o d a r d , C la rk e A Co.
- —
,0 c fhr p ck g. asstd F a i r Gold
18 a F r o n t stre e t.
J J -
■ m £ n t » D t ! ? ? : e y 'T j Shade and sh a p v ; aa-
*>■------ . » n t on app ro v a l; W ood ard , C la rk e Co
^ P v a - o r n » ^ T O R S —W e g u a ra n te e th e U . 8 .
w i*-i « >!* Fifth and " Oak.
ril* lor free c r.ta og.
— «»woodCo.,
R n ff,,m ** P e n d le to n , sole
KvAr y t h l n » ^ ra n A Co.’s c o rre c t clothes,
• ¿ k MreJr« ' i*?**0 * fu r"* shings.
M orrison and
OpPoa te post off) ca.
C »L^
I« J
in. ^ <i RE" o s n" ’t 'r th . C»r*y im -
fm m st a t* .
W r it* today.
"■ M- b'ook. * Co., lit
’’ Fortin,d, Orvimn.
¡l*Y,o rf¿ ’-
St. Jacobs Oil
Known the world over aa
P»rtl>-ular* abou t PU -
t E E D s —Ac mo
M ill, Co,.
’ ‘ 'u iiu tir.— :---------- ---------------------------
Ï»- ‘«tMt o .? .blr
M ill, Co.. Portland.
S S * » t (a i * L „ !'* r 0" 1' * m ad# to m r a v iir . r h .a p .
• y t r m iriaurra perfect fit.
----- ^ " ♦ •amplrs and priera.
U a J * * » llat
r -------- -
r.ou w* nt Tour ban , to lay
^ »".» 4 ,
l8 '’ ' 8’ P * » "« h o o a . on P e
[i_ “ '1 , l * no" o " * "> ' payments.
i “ " 1* Toti a prie*. A lien A
*-«•■ P o rtlan d , tm agon.
r o m pad on ra, M a n ',
. b* * t q n altty ■ n .w rat p riera:
s L r íT u
oM ' t * » .p e n a l ty ,
»lora, M Washington at.
Clay eaters are found In the West
Indies, Honduras and some of the re­
gions round the Orinoco. They are not
necessarily of any particular tribe, for
even whites have fallen victims to this
degrading and fatal habit. The habit
is contracted at as early an age as 12
years, and the craving once acquired
appears to tie Irresistible. Confirmed
clay eaters will He down and lick the
earth where the edible clay Is found.
They suffer from chronic dysixqisln
and em aciation; but. In spite of the
pain and weakness, they cannot do
without the clay any more than the con­
firmed drunkard can do without his al­
cohol. In some localities this clay Is
whitish gray, sometimes yellowlsh-
1 pink. There appears to be lime In It,
and also the remains of minute organ­
isms. It Is sometimes eaten baked and
sometimes raw.
A confirmed cloy enter will take four,
five, or even six imunds a day. W ater Is
drunk with 1L At length the habit
seems to give on aversion not only to
other kinds of food, but also to aleo-
I hollc drinks. As soon ns this stage is
' reached the eating of clay Invariably
oj causes death.
isnittSn pditqnDoni snosjad £¿1*1 J ° *nO
Portland Trade D irectory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­
sentative Business Firms.
E t ,i¿
M aSterA^
fo h r e Pain
s •««* A c h « e ï *
1 lie ingredients that enter inttf S. S. S. and the method of com­
bining and preparing them so that they build tip and strengthen
every part of the body, make it the greatest of all tonics. S. S. S. is nature’s
remedy— PURELY VEGETABLE — and while it is restoring the lost appe­
tite, overcoming that tired, run-down feeling, and other ailments common to Spring, which
warn us that it is necessary to take a tonic, it is purifying the blood of all poisons and waste
matters so that it can supply to the system the strength and nourishment it ueeds to keep i t
iu perfect condition during the depressing summer months that are to follow.
Spring is the season when most every
one needs a tonic. It is nature’s time for
an e ffo r t to p u l l th ro ug h t h e d a y ,
1 have used 8 . S . S . q u ite exten sively and u n h esitatin g ly
renewing and changing; and as everything
.tend it a s the b e st blood purifier and to n ic m ade.
puts on new life, the sap rises in vegetation, reoom
I am a m ach in ist by tra d e and at one tim e my sy ste m w a s
dow n th a t by 10 o'olook ev ery day I would be com ­
the earth thaws out from its winter freezes,
p le te ly exh au sted , and It w a s w ith the g r e a te s t effort th a t
and all respond to Spring’s call to purge I oould pu ll throu gh the b alan ce o f the day. S in ce ta k in g
and purify themselves, there is a great 8 . 8 8 ., h ow ever, all th is h a s d isap p eared . I am a strong,
v ig orou s man, abu n d an tly able to do m y d a y 's w ork, m y
change also takes place in our bodies. The a p p e tite h a s been w h etted up so th a t I oan eat anything,
blood endeavors to throw off the poisons and my sleep Is sw e e t and refresh in g , and I know further th a t
it h a s purified m y blood and put It in good oondition. I
accumulations which have formed in the oannot sp eak too high ly o f your g re a t rem ed y. 8 . 8 . 8 .
817 W . B ro a d S t., C olum bus, O. A. B . M O N T G O M E R Y .
system, and been absorbed by it, from the
inactive winter life, and calls upon every
member to assist in tlie elimination. The
tw o oocasion s I have used 8 . 8 . 8 . in the sp rin g w ith
system is often unequal to the struggle, the
fine re su lts. I c a n h e a rtily recom m end it a s a tonlo and
appetite grows fickle, the energies give way, blood purifier. I w as tro u b led w ith head ach e, in d ig estio n
the spirits are depressed, and a general run­ and liv er tro u b les, w hloh all d isap p eared under the use of
8 . S . 8 . M y ap p etite, w hich w a s poor, w a s g re a tly
down condition is the result.
helped. I oan eat an y th in g I w ant now w ithou t fe a r o f In­
Then the body must have assistance— d ig estion, and my blood h a s been thorou ghly clean sed o f
a ll im p u rities and m ade rioh and stro n g again . A s a tonlo
it must be strengthened and aided by a tonic, and blood p u rifier it is all you olaim for it.
771 E M ain S t., Sp rin g field , O.
M R S. G . W IE G E L .
and S. S. S. is the ideal one. Being made
entirely from roots, herbs and barks, it does
not disagreeably affect tlie system in any way as do most of the so-called tonics on the market,
which contain Potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient to derange the stomach and
digestion, unfavorably affect the bowels, or otherwise damage the health. S. S- S. tones up
the stomach and digestion and assists in the assimilation of food; it rids the system of that
always-tired, worn-out feeling, and imparts vigor and tone to every part of the body. It re­
establishes tlie healthy circulation of the blood, stimulates the sluggish organs, and calms
the unstrung nerves which m ake one feel that he is on the verge of prostration. S. S. S.
gives an appetite and relish for food that nothing else does, and by its use we can find our­
selves with as hearty, hungry an appetite in Spring as at any other season.
It acts more promptly and gives better and n\pre lasting results than any other remedy,
and is absolutely safe because of its vegetable purity. Dyspeptic, irritable, nervous, debili­
tated people will find S. S. S. is just the medicine that is needed for the purification of
the blood, which, from its diseased or impure condition, is causing their trouble, as well as
for toning up and helping the entire system. W hen you take your tonic this Spring do uot
experiment, but get the best— the tonic with forty years of success behind it, and the one
endorsed by the best people all over the country— 5 . S. 5 . , THE GREA TEST OF ALL
TONIGS . It is necessary at this time, when the system is depleted and weakened at every
point, that the right remedy be used— one that is especially adapted to the condition, and
S. S. S. lias proved itself to be this remedy for many years. If it is taken at the first sign
of Spring the system will be so built up and strengthened that the disagreeable affections of
the season will not be felt as warmer weather comes on.
Arch Davenport, a Fort Scott Joker,
turned a large snake loose In his cellar
under his house. The gas meter was
also In the cellar, and for six months
his snnkeshlp forced the gas company
to give I)aveni>ort a flat rate on his gas
bill. The young man who reads the
meter never got nearer to It than the
door. Last week the snake was found
dead and the reading of the meter
showed that Davenport had paid for
only half the ga» he had used. He was
compelled to put up the balance d u e .-
Kansns City Journal.
F l .h S to rr.
Sunflsh— Seems that all food
buys Is adulterated these days.
pike— Sure. I never think of buying
any canned preserves or anything like
that— my wife makes all such stuff as
t h a t Why. last summer she put np
forty gallons of Jelly fish. Finest Jelly
I fish that ever went down the pike, too.
j — Kansas City Times._________
S ile n c e
F e ll.
Bookkeeper—G e e ! Those
1 rnphers are chattering so th at I can’t
do any work. I wish I knew how to
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye.
One 10c poikage colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and Is
guaranteed to give perfect results.
Ask dealer, or we will send post paid at 10c a package.
Write tor free booklet how to dye.
bleach and mil colors.
MONROE DRUG CO., Unionvllle, Missouri.
W ell D rilling Machinery,
D rilling & Fishing Tools,
I rrig a tio n I l.int , IKdruu-
lic R a m s , Spray Pumps.
Pulling Teeth
nothing ihiit n io'lern d e n tistry has ac c o m ­
plished Is g re a te r ttian e x tra c tin g teeth
w ithout pain. W e h av e 18 y e a rs ’ e x p e ri­
en ce In doing tli's. W e can hon estly e x t r a c t
a sore tooth w ithout h u rtin g you.
H iurdevunt, sp ecialist on ch ild ren ’s teeth
and regu latin g.
W rite U«
1H2-4-6 Morrison Bt.
P o r t la n d
F ail ng Building, Third and W ashington
8 A. M to 9 f\ M. S u n d ays » to 12 .
Main 'JCT.
Too L a t e ?
all the Nourishment out of Baby's
Natural Food.
Larger children cannot always
be watched, and will eat unreason­
ably. The Ready Remedy should
ever be at hand— Cascarets— to
take care of the trouble when it
No need to Force or Bribe chil­
dren to take Cascarets. They are
always more than ready to eat the
sweet little bit of Candy.
Repulsive medicine forced on the
little ones does more harm than good.
Don’t b« frightened
—but be warned I
Every Mother knows, or
should know, that the terrible
Mortality among little children Is caused
by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic,
Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer
Complaint. Measles, Rashes. Scarlet Fever
—even Mumps—have their first cause in
The Delicate Tissues of a Baby’s Bowels
will not stand rough treatment. Salts are
too violent, and Castor Oil will only grease
the passages, but will not make and keep
them Clean, Healthy and Strong.
There Is no other medicine as safe for a
child as Cascarets, the fragrant little Candy
Tablet, that has saved thousanda of families
from unhapplnsss.
The Nursing Mother even In food health
should always keep her own Bowels Loose,
and her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking
a Cascaret at ntght before going to bed.
No other medicine haa this remarkable
and valuable quality. Mama takes the
Cascaret, Baby gets the Benefit.
Cascarets act Ilka strengthening Exerd aa
on the weak little bowels of the g r o w in g
babe, and make them better able to get
T h '« won«l rfnl Chi­
nese Duel'
I n m il- <1
Kr«-nt hiM-HiiMH I ih ciiriia
P«M»pii- w ithout opera-
lion th at ar« Klven up
to dl**. lie rureji with
those w onderful Clii-
»ic 8'* hert>»p io o ;s , I mm I m ,
barks am i VPK*»''Hbl«*M
ibut an* pntirH y un­
known to muftlral ac -
••m e in ih r < iih ry. I liio m h ’. h e use of tim e »
hurm le a m i h d i n ibis tuiuoud do :ior known
the HCtiou «.rover ¿no <| Pe.— ni r e m e d ia l w hich
he siicreaslnll v ui«*a in diff« r< n dlseaaes. He
FU arantf e s to r iir a c a ’ aiph. list bum , lung, ibr<<*%
ihi oiiiAttflin, tu-rvoi Hm-MH, s to m a c h , liv e r ; k «F
iicye, «'to.; has hun dreds of t< attiunnlaln.
« liarues n m derat” « all and see him . I’atlcnta
out of tlie city w rite l«»r tdunkr and c rcul*M .
fcelid stam p. l O M 8 l 1.T A T 1U N F k JCK.
First Sl.t S. f . Cor. Morrison
Mention pnper.
W. L. D ouglas
•3 ’? & *3 5 ? S H O E S ■
W . L . D o u g la s * 4 .OO C llt Edge Llnw!
j c a n n o t be e q u a lle d at any price.
Home Is not complete without the ever
ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys
a small one at the Corner Drug Store.
Be veity careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab­
let stamped " CCC."
t T F R E E T O O U R F R IE N D S I
We want to (end to our friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD PLATED BONBON BOX.
hard-enameled In colors. It Is a beauty hr the
dressing table. Ten cents In stamps Is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets,
with which tKIs dainty trinket Is loaded.
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Addresi
Storting Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
W . L . D O U G L A S MS K f S A I4|
M f M S S 3 . n o S H O C S TH , ------
M A M U f A O T U R F R IM T N l H ___
$ 10,000 K®
Oregon .
Dr, C. Gee Wo
Snake on Ihe Ga* M eter.
1 shut 'em up.
Cashier—Ask which one o f them Is
oldest—Cleveland Lender.
L xttttttttttxttttttttttt S
conies to the man who can
________ ______ ______
Ns. 1 5 —06
adapt himself quickly to unexpected
Prtco. 2*c.
Conquest •!«* Great
American Desert
s r a A p
III could take you Into my three large facte
• ( Brockton Mara., and ehow you the In »,
care with which every patrol .hoeo 1 « mod.
. w ou ld realtz* w hy W . L. Douglas SJ M a!
m'’re « » « e k e , w hy they hold their n
lit better, wear longer, and are of g r
totrlnetc value th an a n y ether S.1.S0 .hoe.
JiS S f
, SSItfStT-.f J «
Ua sho^a Taka no tuhatitnU. N .* m > f*n
without his nama and price atampeel on botw
used , , fAey
- C
t U e / L ti
, „ ueou
in ry , */// *<>(
Write for
ror illustrate«!
Illustrated ( ataUi
We Ln. 1 M )LQLA8, B ro ck to a * 1