Washington County news. (Forest Grove, Washington County, Or.) 1903-1911, April 26, 1906, Image 8

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    Walter E. Best and wife and Bert
Best, former residents of Gaston, were
in San Francisco at the time of the
earthquake and are reported as safe.
— Raffia at The Book Store.
John Boeker, formerly of Greenville,
lost all in the big earthquake and the
Old newspapers for sale at this office. fire that followed, in the Bay City last
H e arrived home last night.
— Dance at the Rink Saturday night. week.
— Attractive pictures at The Book
— Try Goldenrod Flour.
Store to he put up after spring clean­
like it.
Mrs. St. Clair was in Forest Grove ing. Also bring in your favorites and
have them framed. Satisfaction guar­
over Sunday.
FOR R e n t —Good 8 room house.
Dr. Rentz sold his property consist­
Inquire at this office.
ing of 12i acres, to a Mr. Hartley.
— Money to loan on farm security.
The consideration was $2500. The
W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove.
sale was made through the agency of
Hugh W. Sparks is laid up this week Mrs. Nixon.
on account of a slight illness.
Harry Westcott of Gaston, has re­
— FOR S a l e — A good cow. In­ ceived word that his father, Judge
quire at 300, Sixth Avenue South.
Westcott, who was living at Santa Rosa,
Miss Nona Miller combined business was killed by the terrible California
with pleasure in Portland, Monday.
Miss G eo White of McMinnville, is
Mr. and Mrs. H . H . Davies from
visiting with the Shannons this week. near Green Mountain, leave the last of
Evening Telegram and The News, this week for Old Mexico. Mr. Davies
One Year, $5.00; Six Months, $2.50. has property about 140 miles from
FOR SALE —Two good wagons. Mexico City.
— Goldenrod Flour, buy it, try it.
Art Caples and J. J. Wirtz brought
— Top prices are paid for Mohair ( in a big catch of speckled beauties
and sheeps wool by John E. Bailey, at yesterday from Dairy Creek. The
number of them will reach near 150 or
the Big Store.
The News and Semi-weekly Journal 175, all of good size.
The long looked for motor car will
for $1.75. Sample copies may be had
this afternoon on its first trip to
at this office.
Grove. A body of the citizens
—The Faber Self-Filling Fountain
to meet No. 4. which is
Pen, the best pen made. At Dr.
Hines’ Drug Store.
L. M. Shipley of Seat­
— Investigate the line of fine em ­
and Mrs. M. H.
bossed Pacific University stationery
week, after ha\-
and other papeterie.
ing attended the marriage of Miss
Miss Emma Eisenhart has been vis­
Bailey and Mr. Clarke.
iting with Miss Lulu Reiling of Green­ •
Mrs. Lawrence Thurston, travelling
ville, during the past week.
of the Student Volunteers,
Miss Edna Hamilton has been en­
in the Congregational
gaged to assist Gladdys Spaulding dur­
evening on her exper­
ing the summer at A. B. Caples’.
iences as a missionary in Turkey and
Mrs. W. T. Buxton and son, Ed
Buxton, left yesterday for Walla Walla
Emerson Baker, who has been stud­
where they will reside for the future.
law at Stanford University, which
John Siewert is reported very low at
destroyed by the earth­
>(• f the St. Vincent hospital in Portland,
c with a severe attack of heart trouble. quake last week, sends word that
ü I.
"school is out” and that he will fce
— Round or Sirloin steak 7c per lb.;
home soon.
Uj C. prime Roast 6c; Boiling beef 4c, at
— This is the season of listlessness,
l'j !! Levy’s Market, Saturday.
and spring disorders. Hol­
y! lj J Corner.
lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure
i 1.
Frank Pierce has heard from a preventative. Makes you strong and
A daughter in San Francisco who went vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
ij through the experiences of the earth- — Dr. Hines Drug Store.
V quake safely.
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, of Scog­
Dr. E. H. Brown, Physician and gins Valley, who have been visiting
L, ' i ’l Surgeon. X-Ray and all electrical ap-
with Mr. and Mrs. Doane at Groveland
y * -d ’i**110** >n offic^ Calls answered Farm, during the past week, have
Í , f'f-' li*ht or d a y - l
left for Alberta, with the intention of
R. W. Kirkwood of Forest Grove making that their future home.
j Ijjfc I, u s received news of friends in San
WANTED — An elderly farmhand,
I 0 tl*1* Francisco,
Francisco, w
who experienced the holo-
who understands dairying; also, an
; V ? :aust of last week.
elderly woman as housekeeper; must
i h ,, *1 A young son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. understand poultry; German preferred.
■ I
Lamb of Oak Hill Farm, has been very Call on V. Collier, 5 miles south of
!*1 j tick with conjestion of the lungs, but Cornelius, or address Cornelius, R. F.
• ,i
* getting alone nicely at present.
D. No. 2.
Call at A. Baldwin’s Real Estate Office.
4 r
Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain, will speak
in Verts Hall. Both are brilliant men
and interesting talkers.
—All smart up-to-date women of to-day,
Know how to bake, wash, sing and to
Without these talents a wife is N. G.
Unless she takes Rocky Mountain Tea.
— Dr. Hines’ Drug Store.
O. R. Downs, who since leaving
Forest Grove, has become a prominent
citizen of the prosperous little commu­
nity of St. Johns, was in the city this
week to see if we had grown any lately.
He was not disappointed.
Horace Thomas of the Oregonian was
in town again Wednesday— his Sunday.
H e reports an exciting time on the
big daily, the last few days, with the
earthquake and primary election both
coming in on them at once.
Mrs. D. L. Perkins and child, of
Portland, visited from Saturday to Mon­
day with her husband’s sister’s family,
Mrs. Berdan. Mr. Perkins left for the
devastated districts in California with
the corps of physicians and nurses the
latter part of last week.
Roy Luce, who has been working in
California for the last 18 months,
turned home Tuesday. H e formerly
went to school but has been out for
about three years. He missed the
earthquake, however and likes Oregon
better than California.
Miss Myrtle Butler returned home
last Thursday after a six weeks visit in
North Yakima. She is just convales
ing from an attack of malaria and will
remain in Hillsboro, where she now is,
until fully recovered before returning
to work, which will not be long.
WANTED —Gentleman or lady with
good refernce, to travel by rail or with
a rig, for a firm of $250,000.00 capital
Salary $1,072.00 per year and expens­
es; salary paid weekly and expenses
advanced. Address, with stamp, Jos.
A. Alexander, Forest Grove, Ore.
The Board of Trade has 200 copies
of the Pacific Monthly for April, which
contain a write-up of Washington Coun-
*7 “ d
vicinities of Forest Grov e
*nd Hillsboro. Any one having friends
or relatives in the east may get copies
free of charge to send to their eastern
friends by calling at Judge Hollis’
office, or they may be obtained at The
News office.
G. A. Cornish, brother-in-law of R.
M. Taylor, who used to be a foreman
of a candy factory in the ill-fortuned
city of San Francisco, arrived in Forest
Grove, Tuesday evening. He can add
details to the accumulating horrors of
the Bay City with a deftness that
bespeaks of some exceptional exper­
iences and is willing to do any old
thing in the way of work.
jî :
Begin by ordering a fine
for Decoration
D ay
D on’t wait too
Gov. Geo. E. Chamberlain and G
W. Galloway, democratic nominee for
Congressman 1st. District, will address
the citizens of Forest Grove ,and
vicinity on “ Past History and Future
Prospects of the State of Oregon” , also for mexico which will be their future
touching upon the political issues of home. They have property about 140
the coming campaign, at Verts Hall, miles from the old City of Mexico.
Saturday evening, April 28. Ladies
Mass Meetino
especally invited to attend.
There will be a public meeting held
A “ carpet rag bee” was held at in the Congregation Church, Friday of
Mrs. Sam Moulton’s yesterday after­ this week at 8 p. m., in the interest of
noon. One of those delicious lunches, the Local Option Law.
Rev. Mr.
for which Mrs. Moulton is famous wai Smith, lately from Nebraska, will speak.
served up to the visitors and a jolly
He is employed by the Oregon Anti-
good time was reported all around.
Saloon League; let every body come.
Those who were the favored ones at
The ladies are especially invited and
the “ bee” were Mrs. M. Peterson,
all who believe in government by the
Miss Maud Miller, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs.
people are urged to be present.
John Taylor, Mrs. Milo Kelsey and
Mrs. A. L. Sexton.
To Our Agents.
Prof. C. E. Bradley is preparing to
spend the summer perfecting his
chemistry training at Berkley. His
work in California will be along agri­
cultural lines as he will be connected
with the Agricultural Experiment Sta­
tion at the University. The advanta­
ges offered by the California institution
are very good and if conditions will
have been restored to somewhere near
quiet again. Mr. Bradley will leave
in June.
Agents O. R. & N. and Southern Pa­
cific (Oregon Lines)
E. Burke Tongue was elected
committeeman and J. A. Thomii,,
was chosen to represent this co O
the first congressional district. r
committee accomplished nothing
of importance, except to adopt Da
ures whereby each voter is to be e
pecially urged to register before J
June election. The registration bob[
are again open and will be tla
finally on May 15. The committal
men who attended from Forest
were B. H . Laughlin of the
precinct and Walter Hoge of i
— Dance at the Rink Saturday nigt
- Goldenrod Flour, guaranteed.
— Money to loan on farm
As a result of the recent Earthquake W. H. Hollis, Forest Grove.
and Fire in San Francisco, a large
Good Listener«.
number of men are without employ­
In conversing w ith one's frlendiia|
ment. Please ascertain and advise
lng Is so chilling us an apparent,
immediately if any of these men can of atte n tio n an d sympathy. It i
be given work in your vicinity, in any be added th a t nothing Is more nlpl
w ere not the listener's ladlff«
common to th e m ajority of our i
In making your report, give names cultured people. If when oue It l |
of industries and number that can be dressed she w ill rem ember to I
taken care of in each line. It is prob­ the body slightly forward an an
of ra p t atte n tio n will soon be w » |
able that many will be inexperienced sclously assum ed and, whether mlfl
in the lines desired, but a knowledge w orthy of It or not, new recruits gisj
of the class of work will enable us to ed for the a lw ay s popular, is m |
class know n a s “good listeners."
place the men to the best advantage
A T e i f h Problem
The follow ing letter received it t
Do not delay this report, as the peo­
office has been referred to the 1
ple are greatly in need, and any assist­ ter L iterary society: “I marriedni
ance to be effective must be given at ow er and w en t to live In the tw |
w here he h ad lived with his firsts
I And a n u m b er of her clothes Is i1
A. L. CRAIG. General Pass. Agt.
closet—to w it, one brown dress stz|
WM. McMURRAY, Asst. Gen. Pas. Agt. tw o petticoats, th ree pairs of sto
one pair of slippers and a blacks
Advise me here at depot.
William Armstrong, who has been
spending most of the winter in San
Francisco, returned home this week
and was fortunate enough to get the
The Dutch social given in the
first train out of Oakland for Poitland Congregational church last Tuesday
after the earthquake. However, he evening was the last and most success­
says he saw enough to satisfy him.
ful of the series for the season. The
The railroad, which seems to be plan has been to give a social regularly
reaching slowly but surely towards the which should have for its leading
mountains that separate us from Tilla­ character tne representation of some
mook, has been graded nearly to foreign nation or race. The last was
Banks now. Rails have been laid to a Dutch social as was stated above and
the new city of Hiltz and work seems the money derived from the various
to be pushing the project “ on to Till­ sources connected with the social were
turned over to the committee which
w aist. H ow shall I dispose of flies t
Mont Stewart, a brother of David has the work of collecting the Califor­
N. L. ATKINS, Agt.
a w ay th a t w ill be satisfactory to k
relatives and the neighborsT-Ati
Stewart who died recntly, has returned nia Relief Fund. The program was
son Globe.
Democrats Hold Convention
to Forest Grove for a short visit. He especially good and the Dutch supper,
intends going to Monmouth where he which was very generously partaken of,
The Union Party met in convent-on !
The Real.
The g re a t ac tre ss brings a dress
has a daughter. Mr. Stewart formerly was Dutch from wienerwursts to smeer Wednesday, in Hillsboro and nomi­
was a resident of Forest Grove but case.
nated a county ticket. The body was from P aris. It costs her $1,000.
has to h av e fo u r m aids to help herg
moved away some time ago with his
a representative one and as usual har-! Into It. W hen she comes out os 1
stag e th e public a t once exclaim I
mony prevailed throughout.
rap tu re:
Mrs. Susan Ireland died Wednesday
The nominations are as follows:'
Several, who formerly lived in or evening, April 25, 1906, at her home
"T his Is Indeed realism !”
For County Judge:
W hat Is she representing? Why. *|
ar Forest Grove, and who exper­ in Hillsboro. Deceased was 78 years
Sicilian p e a sa n t girl.—Puck.
Daniel Baker, Forest Grove.
• bn ] Mrs. J. W. Perkins, of Portland,
The big campaign will be opened in
of age and formerly lived at Green­ For Commissioner:
I a>n ‘Pent Sunday and Monday of this week Forest Grove next Saturday, when C. are letting their friends and relatives in ville where some of th t family still live.
R m r m k r r r l the Text.
B. K. Dennv, Beaverton.
A little Topeka girl came horns WI
; * 3e rith her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. L. V. Galloway, democratic nominee for the county know of their safety and She was the mother of Willis Ireland
For Representative:
church the other day and was ukf|
do, Berdan.
congressman in the First District, and will be arriving home again soon with of Hillsboro.
Mrs. Ireland was a
what the minister’s text was. "II
Hermann Bernard, Verboort.
their tale* of woeful happenings such pioneer of Washington county and a
It all rig h t” she asserted. “Wefi * |
iiM ==—
as few ever experience in a lifetime.
peat I t” her questioner den
highly esteemed woman.
Jasper Reeves, Corrnelius.
“Don’t be afraid and I will getT'*1
• IF. N c H a m e r
E . Mal l
One of the best enterertainments of
For Sheriff:
bedqullt” was the astonishing •MT*J
the year occurred at Marsh Memorial
Investigation proved that tbs «
thought of the sermon had been, “
Report of the Watt’s Public School
Hall last evening. The Dixie Jubilee
For Recorder:
not and I will send you a con"
(P a cific A ven u e>
Singers appeared giving the last of the lor month ending April 20.—Number
—Kansas City Journal.
Robert Wirtz, Forest Grove.
Dealers in
series of the Chicago Lyceum Bureau of days taught. 20; no. day, «ten- For Coroner;'
contracted for by the students. They dance, 802; no. days absence, 48;
Colonist Rates
Chas. F. Miller, Forest Grove.
were the genuine article and gave uni­ no. pupils enrolled, 45; average daily
A full ticket was not put into the
Commencing February lSth
versal satisfaction which is rare indeed. attendance, 40; pupils neither absent
daily to and including
nor tardy;
Alice Wilson, Clarence
The "Made in Oregon” movement
filled later.
7th, 1906, and from Septemli®
Rice, Oliver Buxton, Andrew Yost,
which will culminate in the monster
until October 31st, 1906,
Prompt Delivery to all parts of the city.
Hughes Phone 591
Harley LaMont.
Freida Schmale!
street show May 19 to 26, is pro­
REP. CENTRAL COM MITTEE M EETS tickets will be sold from the I *
P u rest U rove,
O re g o n
Pearl Stevenson, John Wiberg, Ray
points on Oregon Lines via PortAS
gressing in spite of the appalling news
Maitland, Roy Hunter, Pearly Wiberg
from San Francisco. The plans have
Only a Few Come Together On Ac- ^
S° Uthern ^
Following are the rates from
Emma Busch. Esther Dilley, Claude
proceeded so far that a postponement
ew Law.
of the principal points:
Johnson, Robert Busch, Emma Wiberg,
is impossible and the display of Oregon
The Republican County Central Fr° m Chicago, 111.................... **3
products will eclipse anything previ­
Committee held its first meeting in
“ St.
Q‘ T~
Adams, Oscar Wiberg and Fred
Omaha, Neb....................
ously contemplated.
Hillsboro last Tuesday, organized and
Schmale. MARTHA TRAVER, teacher.
Kansas City, M o............
transacted some business relative to!
Special Attention to Commercial Travelers- ratronage.
Daniel Baker, who’s parents live
“ St. Paul & Minneapofis
further action. Only seven members
Good Service, Fair Treatment and Moderate Rates.
except via Lower Missouri
between this place and Cornelius, and
ays......................... ...
Fashion Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
A very pretty home wedding oc­
Sioux City, l a ................ ,,'* l
was a stenographer for a wholesale curred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. elected. There should have been
“ D enver,C olo.. . . .
J l
Wagonette to and from all trains. Special conveyances over
drug house in San Francisco at the H. H. Davies, near Green Mountain, twenty-one members but owing to
Corresponding rates will be
the Wilson River Route to Tillamook at any and all times
time of the earthquake. His family last Saturday. April 21 1906. when neglect on the part of some precincts from other points, and will apply ®
to comnl ’ u
vuici mutuisi ** au
Fonst Grow, Ortfoi.
received an envelope from him the Mrs.
Fanny J. Wright, daughter of whicn -- * •
new primary
P°int» on Oregon lines
other day. however, upon which was Mr. and Mrs. Davie* "and m 7 T v WnM" r* lnire* that central committee-
General Passenger Agent
scribbled “ O. K ." Dan Baker
Filbert were united in marriage. Mis* Z
* *
Palace Market
Fresh and Salt M eats
— Lard and Fish—
Dealer in
FLOUR arid R E E D
Forest drove. Ore.,
Pacific Ave.
A ^
. . . . . I???
» «he
Aiten acted «bridesm aidand th irte e n ............
A,ten' accompanied county
the groom as best man.
Tho* H r
The house w« very prettily decry chaum an^ I “ '***'
Has a correct line oí SPR IN G
rated and only some . of the ,___..
immediate ^ r a a n of the committee and Walter
M H JJN B R Y . At the right friends *nd relatives of the a/uple °fte secretary. They were instructed
were present Reverend J. Gamgns by the committee to fill the vacancies
performed the ceremony, The newly «used by the conditions cited above
precinct win be canvassed and
Main SL married couple will leave immediately
•ome one chosen by petition.
M rs. A. E. Dixon her brother’ Wl11
Latest Styles and Best
Goods for the money
Hats made to order